Wondering if there is a way upon clicking on a hyper link to set drop downlist to visible in code behind or asp?
<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink2" runat="server">View More Workout Programs ยป</asp:HyperLink>
If you have to do it in code-behind, then use a LinkButton instead of a HyperLink. Then it will have a click event just like any button and in that click event you can set the other element to .Visible=true.
However, does this need to be done in code-behind? Keep in mind the difference in "visibility" between server-side and client-side code:
If set to .Visible=false on the server-side, the content is not delivered to the client at all.
If set to display:none on the client-side, the content is present and can be viewed in the page source, it's just not displayed by the browser.
In some cases, the former is needed for security purposes. But if it's just a matter of user experience then I would recommend showing/hiding the content entirely on the client-side so as to avoid post-backs that do nothing more than change element display properties.
For example (assuming jQuery):
<a id="toggler" href="#">Show the content</a>
<div id="hidden" style="display:none;">Content</div>
Use an asp:LinkButton instead of a hyperlink and handle the OnClick event. In the OnClick event, toggle myDropDownList.Visible depending on whether you want to show it or not.
You should implement that kind of feature in the client (javascript code) to improve user experience.
Anyway, you can use a Panel with Visibility=false and put Visibility=true in code behind when link is clicked. You would need to adjust the position of that panel with css to look like a dropdown.
You can try with JQuery : http://www.jquery.com
It will be something like
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#<% =HyperLink2.ClientID %>").click(function() {
$("#<% =DropDownList1.ClientID %>").toggle();
If you need to send form back to the server, use asp:LinkButton instead and handle OnClick event on the server side. If you need to show drop down list on the client side, use javascript function with onclick client event to show or hide any section you want.
I am displaying button on jquery page load event but it is not working. After the page is rendered, it is not visible.
It works fine if i set the visibility in code behind Page Load event.
function pageLoad() {
$('#btnSwitchDistributor').css({ 'visibility': 'visible', 'display': 'inline-block' });
<asp:Button ID="btnSwitchDistributor" runat="server" Text="Switch Distributor" Visible="false" />
According to MSDN, when you set Visible="false" in your server-side code then the element is not rendered to the client at all. Which means your button isn't "invisble" on the resulting page, it doesn't exist on the resulting page. No JavaScript code can interact with an element that isn't present.
It sounds like instead you want to apply a style to the control:
<asp:Button ID="btnSwitchDistributor" runat="server" Text="Switch Distributor" style="display:none;" />
Aside from that, there are two two potential issues here which I can't necessarily confirm from the content of the question, but which you'll want to check...
The ID value you're looking for is the server-side object's ID. This may not necessarily be the client-side id of the resulting HTML element. Examine the page source to see the client-side id. If it's different then you may need to set it explicitly using the ClientID property.
Do you ever call pageLoad() in your JavaScript code? If not then, well, you'd need to do that. I assume in the document.ready event handler? For jQuery that may be as simple as: $(pageLoad)
Just remove the visible html attribute and the JQuery css.
I have the following problem.
I have a div (id = "outline") on my page.
Now I would like it to be set visible="false when clicked on a button.
The catch is it is way outside the container-div.
I've thought about using a Panel and then the Panel.FindControl
but then what happens with the </div>?
Server Side
You dont mention if you want to do this on the server side or via jquery / javascript (client side).
If on the server side set your div to runat="server" and in the code behind set the visibility to false.
So your HTML becomes <div id="outline" runat="server"> and your button click event has a single line:
Client Side
If you want to do this via jquery (which you should) just give the div an id and use a selector:
Or via javascript if you aren't using jquery:
document.getElementById('outline').style.visibility = 'hidden';
Add a onclick to the button with a javascript like this:
document.getElementById('outline').style.visibility = "hidden"
You can also use "display: none" instead:
document.getElementById('outline').style.display = "none"
you havent mentioned that do you want to show the container div while disabling the "outline" div?? If so separate them and then try it..is the simple answer.... if you can not separate - group the part you want to hide in to separate div ( which does not incldued "container" div ) and then hide that part only.
I have a form in asp.net webpage which contains 2 drop down lists and a hyperlink + a button.
I want that if user changes an option is dropdowns to change navigate url.
I have done like so:
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlPackages" AutoPostBack ="true" runat="server"
and then I have the method defined.
The point is that I don't want to make a submit when I change the drop down. Can I do it using only aspx or I have to use javascript?
If I understand you correctly you want to change the href of the hyperlink based on the selected value of the dropdown. You can do this with javascript. Make sure you have AutoPostBack="false" and remove the OnSelectedIndexChanged attribute as well.
To do it using jQuery, use something like this:
<script type="text/javascript>
var $dropdown = $('#<%= ddlPackages.ClientId %>');
//Put logic to decide the link here based on the select value
var newPage = 'page' + $dropdown.val() + '.aspx';
$('#linkId').attr('href', newPage);
In case you absolutely must have the logic for getting the new url based on the drop down value on the server side, you can turn the method into a Page Method and call it using ajax from the jQuery script above. But you can probably get away with creating the javascript dynamically in the aspx page instead.
I see two options:
1) Wrap the controls in an Update Panel (.NET 3+). Put AutoPostBack=true on the dropdownlist, and define a SelectedIndexChange event for it that changes the hyperlink control's Navigate URL property. When the user changes the dropdown, you're method will fire without the APPEARANCE of a form submission. Downside: there's a slight delay between the dropdown changing and the link changing. If your server is really, really slow, this delay could potentially cause problems (but this is probably unlikely).
2) Use custom JavaScript and do away with your .NET controls completely. This is what I would probably do, assuming you don't need to do anything else with these controls programatically. Your JavaScript function would monitor the dropdown for a SelectedINdexChange and adjust the href attribute of the anchor tag accordingly. Look into jQuery to speed up development if you aren't too familiar with plain JavaScript.
If the control is an ASP:DropDownList, you can use the AutoPostBack="True|False" property to prevent a postback
If you don't want to use the AutoPostBack you have to post the form using jQuery or Javascript
You can add an event on your drop down list onchange and add the code you need to post the form usin jQuery:
If you to want navigate to another Url add the below code at your DropDownList control (make sure AutoPostBack=false)
it would be better put that Javascript on a separate file anyway
Hi everyone I have a web form in which I am having a button on clicking which data back up is being taken, I used the following javascript :
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function showPleaseWait() {
document.getElementById('PleaseWait').style.display = 'block';
<asp:Button ID="btnTakebackup" runat="server" Text="Take Backup" Enabled="true"
onMouseDown="showPleaseWait()" CausesValidation="false" />
<div id="PleaseWait" style="display: none;">"Please Wait Backup in Progress.."</div>
Hi I am using a button to take a back up.
Now I want to show a message in btnTakebackup_Click() event, whether Back up was successful or not.
I used Response.Write("<script>alert('abcd');</script>"); in btnTakebackup_Click() event.
But the problem is that I want to show the page also, which is not showing instead white background is showing.
Thanks in advance...
To show a message box alert should be able to write out a new script to the response stream:
var script =
"<script type=\"javascript\">" +
"alert(\"Backup in progress, don't go!\");" +
However much this is distasteful, I suppose it is sometimes "necessary".
You can add client side event handlers to ASP controls:
How to: Add Client Script Events to ASP.NET Web Server Controls
Do you really want it to be an alert? (You should know that they lock up the whole browser not just the tab your page is on), do your users really need to acknowledge the backup success by clicking ok or just be informed of it?...
I suggest you have a div on the page that says "Backup successful". The visibility of which can be set by a boolean property BackUpSuccess which you can set to true in the code behind you mention.
<div id="backUpSuccess" <%=BackUpSuccess ? "" : "style='display:none;'"%>>
Backup was successfull
...you can style the div as you like in your .css file to get attention.
If you really do want an alert you could run some JavaScript on page load to check the content of a hidden input that you set server side in similar fashion...but running javascript on page load is tricky...unless your using jQuery and then you will know it's very easy.
From your question, I understood that after clicking on the button, the data back up is happening, but the alert is not displaying as soon as you clicked the button.This is because you are calling the JavaScript in the button click event which will be fired only after all the code in the button click is executed.I suggest you to add a JavaScript function in the .aspx source page it self and call the JavaScript function as shown below:
<script ...>
function xyz()
alert('Please Wait');
and in button declaration
<asp:button id='btn_submit' runat="server" OnClientClick="return xyz();" />
I have one GridView which has one CheckBox and three TextBoxes in its template column.
The logic is, when I check the CheckBox, the corresponding TextBoxes should get enabled. If I uncheck the CheckBox, then the corresponding TextBoxes should get disabled. I have written JavaScript for this functionality.
Everything is working fine, but in that page I have one DropDownList too. When I change the DropDownList value, the page gets PostBack and at that time I lost the JavaScript functionality, i.e. the enabled TextBoxes in the GridView gets disabled. How to solve this problem?
After every post back in the update panel you need to reinitialize your javascript, because as you understand the struct of the html has change and javascript runs on the previous one that not exist after the update panel updates. Microsoft gives a functionality to do that as follow.
This is javascript lines.
<script type="text/javascript">
var prm = Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance();
function InitializeRequest(sender, args) {
function EndRequest(sender, args) {
// here initialize again your javascript
Use the RowCreated event for the ASP Grid to add the client function on the check box, this way the client function will stay on each postback
You must register your javascript at each postback for it to run, by using the ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript method: here's an example (edited for article in english, sorry :p).
Use auto post back with check box to enable disable text box from server side code. This will update the view state and so it will be maintained on select change. Use these inside UpdatePanel for ajax. Alternatively, you can add drop down into updatepanel as well, so that select change does not affect other page elements.
JavaScript is working on DOM. When page gets PostBack values from ViewState are written to DOM and overwrites your JavaScript changes. You should store state of checkboxes in persistent way ie. jQuery data() or hiddenfield and after PostBack write changes back to DOM.