Showing button on jquery page load event is not working - c#

I am displaying button on jquery page load event but it is not working. After the page is rendered, it is not visible.
It works fine if i set the visibility in code behind Page Load event.
function pageLoad() {
$('#btnSwitchDistributor').css({ 'visibility': 'visible', 'display': 'inline-block' });
<asp:Button ID="btnSwitchDistributor" runat="server" Text="Switch Distributor" Visible="false" />

According to MSDN, when you set Visible="false" in your server-side code then the element is not rendered to the client at all. Which means your button isn't "invisble" on the resulting page, it doesn't exist on the resulting page. No JavaScript code can interact with an element that isn't present.
It sounds like instead you want to apply a style to the control:
<asp:Button ID="btnSwitchDistributor" runat="server" Text="Switch Distributor" style="display:none;" />
Aside from that, there are two two potential issues here which I can't necessarily confirm from the content of the question, but which you'll want to check...
The ID value you're looking for is the server-side object's ID. This may not necessarily be the client-side id of the resulting HTML element. Examine the page source to see the client-side id. If it's different then you may need to set it explicitly using the ClientID property.
Do you ever call pageLoad() in your JavaScript code? If not then, well, you'd need to do that. I assume in the document.ready event handler? For jQuery that may be as simple as: $(pageLoad)

Just remove the visible html attribute and the JQuery css.


ASP.NET C#: OnCheckedChanged event processing inside of UpdatePanel

While creating my login-form, I need a checkbox option, allowing user to show <asp:TextBox TextMode="Password"> input, or hide it back again, but it seems my <asp:CheckBox ID="chkShowPass"> does not process chkShowPass_CheckedChange event. I found an article on this topic (ASP.NET Checkbox.Checked is not working), where chkShowPass.AutoPostBack property set to true settles the problem.
When I have plain ASP.NET example to put <asp:CheckBox ID="chkShowPass"> in, I'm able to do that with no problem, but the key thing, I have now added <asp:UpdatePanel> element to prevent my website pages from auto-scrolling on button-clicks, and to make my good-basket UI (which lies in
Site.Master) update properly from those clicks.
What shall I do, to make my <asp:CheckBox ID="chkShowPass"> react to chkShowPass_CheckedChange event, but, still, keeping my Site.Master's content in <asp:UpdatePanel>? I will also appreciate, if you know any way to prevent page from upscrolling on click, without <asp:UpdatePanel>.
You can do it using jQuery. give id to Password Textbox and a checkbox
<script type='text/javascript'>
$('#password_id').attr('type', 'text');
$('#password_id').attr('type', 'password');
Remember to add jquery script in a page.
<script src=""></script>

Navigating from div tags within the same page using buttons?

I am developing a website using
I want to create a button that can save user data then move to a div tag at the same page.
I already did the saving part, but how do I make the same button to navigate to a different div tag within the same page?
some people use the response.redirect method to navigate to a different page. I want to navigate to a div tag within the same page. For example:
after I press that it will take me to:
<div class="panel" id="experience">
I want to do the same but with button that can do both that and saving to a DB. As I said, I already did the saving part.
I tried this:
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Save & Continue" OnClientClick="#experience" OnClick="Button1_Click" />
But it didn't work.
any ideas? I am trying to access that div tag from code behind
If this is WebForms and you don't want to use javascript, then, after you do the save, you can do a Response.Redirect to the same url, but with the anchor tag, e.g. Response.Redirect("myPage.aspx#experience").
This really depends on the rest of your code though. I suggest posting the relevant parts of your code behind so that we can better see what you have done. Also, don't try to avoid javascript - it is too useful to avoid.
ASP.NET has a Focus method that can be applied to the following ASP.NET server controls:
At the end of your Button1_Click event handler code-behind, add something along this lines of this:
Note - The TextBox control with ID of TextBoxExperience control would be inside of the experience DIV.

How to submit a form without postback in

I have a form in webpage which contains 2 drop down lists and a hyperlink + a button.
I want that if user changes an option is dropdowns to change navigate url.
I have done like so:
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlPackages" AutoPostBack ="true" runat="server"
and then I have the method defined.
The point is that I don't want to make a submit when I change the drop down. Can I do it using only aspx or I have to use javascript?
If I understand you correctly you want to change the href of the hyperlink based on the selected value of the dropdown. You can do this with javascript. Make sure you have AutoPostBack="false" and remove the OnSelectedIndexChanged attribute as well.
To do it using jQuery, use something like this:
<script type="text/javascript>
var $dropdown = $('#<%= ddlPackages.ClientId %>');
//Put logic to decide the link here based on the select value
var newPage = 'page' + $dropdown.val() + '.aspx';
$('#linkId').attr('href', newPage);
In case you absolutely must have the logic for getting the new url based on the drop down value on the server side, you can turn the method into a Page Method and call it using ajax from the jQuery script above. But you can probably get away with creating the javascript dynamically in the aspx page instead.
I see two options:
1) Wrap the controls in an Update Panel (.NET 3+). Put AutoPostBack=true on the dropdownlist, and define a SelectedIndexChange event for it that changes the hyperlink control's Navigate URL property. When the user changes the dropdown, you're method will fire without the APPEARANCE of a form submission. Downside: there's a slight delay between the dropdown changing and the link changing. If your server is really, really slow, this delay could potentially cause problems (but this is probably unlikely).
2) Use custom JavaScript and do away with your .NET controls completely. This is what I would probably do, assuming you don't need to do anything else with these controls programatically. Your JavaScript function would monitor the dropdown for a SelectedINdexChange and adjust the href attribute of the anchor tag accordingly. Look into jQuery to speed up development if you aren't too familiar with plain JavaScript.
If the control is an ASP:DropDownList, you can use the AutoPostBack="True|False" property to prevent a postback
If you don't want to use the AutoPostBack you have to post the form using jQuery or Javascript
You can add an event on your drop down list onchange and add the code you need to post the form usin jQuery:
If you to want navigate to another Url add the below code at your DropDownList control (make sure AutoPostBack=false)
it would be better put that Javascript on a separate file anyway

hyper link to set drop downlist to visible

Wondering if there is a way upon clicking on a hyper link to set drop downlist to visible in code behind or asp?
<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink2" runat="server">View More Workout Programs ยป</asp:HyperLink>
If you have to do it in code-behind, then use a LinkButton instead of a HyperLink. Then it will have a click event just like any button and in that click event you can set the other element to .Visible=true.
However, does this need to be done in code-behind? Keep in mind the difference in "visibility" between server-side and client-side code:
If set to .Visible=false on the server-side, the content is not delivered to the client at all.
If set to display:none on the client-side, the content is present and can be viewed in the page source, it's just not displayed by the browser.
In some cases, the former is needed for security purposes. But if it's just a matter of user experience then I would recommend showing/hiding the content entirely on the client-side so as to avoid post-backs that do nothing more than change element display properties.
For example (assuming jQuery):
<a id="toggler" href="#">Show the content</a>
<div id="hidden" style="display:none;">Content</div>
Use an asp:LinkButton instead of a hyperlink and handle the OnClick event. In the OnClick event, toggle myDropDownList.Visible depending on whether you want to show it or not.
You should implement that kind of feature in the client (javascript code) to improve user experience.
Anyway, you can use a Panel with Visibility=false and put Visibility=true in code behind when link is clicked. You would need to adjust the position of that panel with css to look like a dropdown.
You can try with JQuery :
It will be something like
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#<% =HyperLink2.ClientID %>").click(function() {
$("#<% =DropDownList1.ClientID %>").toggle();
If you need to send form back to the server, use asp:LinkButton instead and handle OnClick event on the server side. If you need to show drop down list on the client side, use javascript function with onclick client event to show or hide any section you want.

Passing parameters into a ASP.Net Button control when clicked

I have an asp button (the code is below). I have the event handler working, but I want to pass a string (which is the result of a javascript function) into the event handler function. Is there a way to do that?
<asp:Button runat="server" ID="Button1" OnClick="Button1_Click" Text="Run" />
Normally the way you would do this is to have you javascript modify an input control so that the value will be posted back with the Button click. If you want the user to visually not be able see the data that your javascript is modifying to post back then you can write it to a HiddenField.
You can use the OnClientClick to setup the javascript to run before the postback happens to ensure your modified value is put into the input control. Eg:
<asp:Button ID="yourButton" runat="server" Text="Click Me!"
OnClientClick="YourFunctionToAddStringToControl(); return true;"
OnClick="yourButton_Click" />
So you just need to swap the call to YourFunctionToAddStringToControl with your modified javascript function that is writing the value to a HiddenField or another input control. Then update your server side click handler to access the field.
Side Note: When using javascript to write to server side controls such as HiddenField, don't forget to use <%= yourHiddenField.ClientID %> to get the correct control name.
Not in the way you're asking.. However...
You CAN add an ASP:HiddenField, and use Javascript to modify the value of the HiddenField to be your string. Then you can access this in your Button Click event.
An example can be found here.
