Want to show a message box using javascript - c#

Hi everyone I have a web form in which I am having a button on clicking which data back up is being taken, I used the following javascript :
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function showPleaseWait() {
document.getElementById('PleaseWait').style.display = 'block';
<asp:Button ID="btnTakebackup" runat="server" Text="Take Backup" Enabled="true"
onMouseDown="showPleaseWait()" CausesValidation="false" />
<div id="PleaseWait" style="display: none;">"Please Wait Backup in Progress.."</div>
Hi I am using a button to take a back up.
Now I want to show a message in btnTakebackup_Click() event, whether Back up was successful or not.
I used Response.Write("<script>alert('abcd');</script>"); in btnTakebackup_Click() event.
But the problem is that I want to show the page also, which is not showing instead white background is showing.
Thanks in advance...

To show a message box alert should be able to write out a new script to the response stream:
var script =
"<script type=\"javascript\">" +
"alert(\"Backup in progress, don't go!\");" +
However much this is distasteful, I suppose it is sometimes "necessary".

You can add client side event handlers to ASP controls:
How to: Add Client Script Events to ASP.NET Web Server Controls

Do you really want it to be an alert? (You should know that they lock up the whole browser not just the tab your page is on), do your users really need to acknowledge the backup success by clicking ok or just be informed of it?...
I suggest you have a div on the page that says "Backup successful". The visibility of which can be set by a boolean property BackUpSuccess which you can set to true in the code behind you mention.
<div id="backUpSuccess" <%=BackUpSuccess ? "" : "style='display:none;'"%>>
Backup was successfull
...you can style the div as you like in your .css file to get attention.
If you really do want an alert you could run some JavaScript on page load to check the content of a hidden input that you set server side in similar fashion...but running javascript on page load is tricky...unless your using jQuery and then you will know it's very easy.

From your question, I understood that after clicking on the button, the data back up is happening, but the alert is not displaying as soon as you clicked the button.This is because you are calling the JavaScript in the button click event which will be fired only after all the code in the button click is executed.I suggest you to add a JavaScript function in the .aspx source page it self and call the JavaScript function as shown below:
<script ...>
function xyz()
alert('Please Wait');
and in button declaration
<asp:button id='btn_submit' runat="server" OnClientClick="return xyz();" />


ASP.NET C#: OnCheckedChanged event processing inside of UpdatePanel

While creating my login-form, I need a checkbox option, allowing user to show <asp:TextBox TextMode="Password"> input, or hide it back again, but it seems my <asp:CheckBox ID="chkShowPass"> does not process chkShowPass_CheckedChange event. I found an article on this topic (ASP.NET Checkbox.Checked is not working), where chkShowPass.AutoPostBack property set to true settles the problem.
When I have plain ASP.NET example to put <asp:CheckBox ID="chkShowPass"> in, I'm able to do that with no problem, but the key thing, I have now added <asp:UpdatePanel> element to prevent my website pages from auto-scrolling on button-clicks, and to make my good-basket UI (which lies in
Site.Master) update properly from those clicks.
What shall I do, to make my <asp:CheckBox ID="chkShowPass"> react to chkShowPass_CheckedChange event, but, still, keeping my Site.Master's content in <asp:UpdatePanel>? I will also appreciate, if you know any way to prevent page from upscrolling on click, without <asp:UpdatePanel>.
You can do it using jQuery. give id to Password Textbox and a checkbox
<script type='text/javascript'>
$('#password_id').attr('type', 'text');
$('#password_id').attr('type', 'password');
Remember to add jquery script in a page.
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.0.min.js"></script>

ASP.NET WebForms Confirm

I'm new to web programming with .NET.
I am developing a web page with webforms, and I want at a certain moment to programmatically show a modal window, for the user to accept or cancel, according to a question. Exactly what does the "confirm" function of JavaScript.
I tried to get it calling a JavaScript function:
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript (this.GetType (), "CallMyFunction", "MyFunction()", true);
But I need to do it without reloading the page, and I also need to control if the user has accepted or canceled and I do not know how to do it.
I've also tried getting it using the ModExPopupExtender control from DevExpress.
Can someone tell me a simple way to get what I want?
I can not understand how something so usual in web programming, and that PHP + javascript would not pose any problem can be so complicated.
All start in a one-button event on the code behind:
protected void btn1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//I make a series of checks
//If certain conditions I want to show the confirm
//According to the user has chosen ok or cancel will perform a certain action
Onclientclick does not help me because before launching the "confirm" I have to do some checks on the server side.
Thank you very much.
You can use OnClientClick which is a property on most web controls.
I like to just bring up a simple confirm() dialog which executes the server code if the user clicks OK and does nothing if the user cancels the action:
<asp:Button runat="server" ID="btnSave" Click="btnSave_Click" Text="Save"
OnClientClick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to do this thing?');" />
You can do other things with it as well, but the key thing to remember is that anything you do in OnClientClick will happen before the page gets posted back to the server.
This is also perfectly valid:
<asp:Button runat="server" ID="btnSave"
OnClientClick="showModalConfirm('some message goes here');" ... />
function showModalConfirm(msg)
$(".modal .message").innerHtml(msg);
You can set the action that OnClientClick should perform in your codebehind in exactly the same way:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
btnSave.OnClientClick = "return confirm('Are you sure you want to do this thing?');";
You can use below code in c# to call javascript function. Below code will execute afterpostback() javascript function:
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), Javascript, "javascript:afterpostback();", true);
And you can write code in javascript function to display any div or popup:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function afterpostback() {
//Here you can write javascript to display div/modal
One way I've handled this previously was to have 2 buttons on the page. The first would be initially visible and labeled "Submit". The second would be initially hidden and labeled "Confirm". The "Submit" button would postback upon click and perform your server side checks/validation. If those checks failed, an appropriate error message would be displayed. If those checks passed, an appropriate "Please confirm your submission"-type message would be displayed, the "Submit" button would become hidden, and the second "Confirm" button would become visible. When that Confirm button was clicked, it would postback again and fully submit.
EDIT: I forgot to mention, there's a bit more to this that occurred to me after I initially posted. You'll have to protect the fields from being edited in the event the server-side verification is successful as you obviously don't want the user changing values and then clicking the Confirm button. That means disabling all the input controls - which could be a pain if you have a lot. You also have to give them a way to (intentionally) Edit in case the server side verification passes, you display the Confirmation, and they change their minds - so basically you'd need a third "Cancel/Edit"-type button that would put the form back in edit mode and show your initial Submit button.

ConfirmButtonExtender doesn't cancel

I inserted this confirm button extender into my webpage. I have 2 option that is ok and cancel. When i clicked okay, it updates my database. But when i clicked cancel and also updates my database.
<asp:ConfirmButtonExtender ID="btnClear_ConfirmButtonExtender" runat="server" TargetControlID="btnClear"
ConfirmText="Are you sure you would like to update the following police report? The page will automatically refreshes if the report has been updated successfully"
OnClientCancel="CancelClick" />
I didnt enter any codes in my back-end side. So i guess the problem lies with the source code.
Source Link : ConfirmButtonExtender
Try to remove the OnClientCancel="CancelClick" and add Enabled="true".
It should work.
I believe OnClientCancel specifies a javascript function to call not server side method. Instead of the code you have for CancelClick, use this as a test in your HTML markup to see it in action:
<script type="text/javascript">
function CancelClick()
alert('called by javascript');
Now check that cancel button is still Updating or will show you the called by javascript message on alert.
Hope it clear and works for you.

how to call a javascript function from codebehind in asp.net

protected void addSchoolButtonClick(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "MyKey1", "SchoolSearchPopUp();", true);
/*Some code*/
I am developing a website in asp.net.At a Hyperlink onclick event i want to call a javascript function"SchoolSearchPopUp()".this function is for creating a new popup window and it is working correctly.But my problem is ,a javascript function is calling or pop window opens only after executing the rest of the code in that function and that code need's some data that occurs as a result of popup.How can i create the popup before executing the rest of code in that function.
Change your postback trigger to something within the popup.
I don't think javascript can be called from code behind. C# is running from the server and java is all client side. There's a good explanation to a similar question here: http://forums.asp.net/t/1117189.aspx
If you need to execute a javascript function, you could try changing the hyperlink to a button and making use of the OnClientClick property. This executes script client side rather than calling a method on the server.
<asp:button id="Button1"
text="Click Here"
runat="server" />
You will need to write JavaScript on the page to handle the click of the button first and then call to the page method on the server.
Add an OnClientClick attribute to your button element and run your JavaScript method from there:
<asp:Button ID="TestButton" OnClientClick="SchoolSearchPopup()" Text="Click Me" OnClick="addSchoolButtonClick" runat="server"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
function SchoolSearchPopup()
If you want to execute some javascript before your postback you will need to register your hyperlink's click event to a js method, then submit your post to the server after performing whatever client side logic you are looking to run. (not the other way around, using RegisterStartupScript)
$("#myHyperLink").click(function() {
// do page logic, in your case show a modal window
// submit your post to the server... replace targetClientID with ID of server control you're posting to
__doPostBack('targetClientID', '');
// NOTE: If you want to perform an AJAX request instead simply use some jQuery here instead. it's up to you how to handle the request from this point :)
Hope this helps!

hyper link to set drop downlist to visible

Wondering if there is a way upon clicking on a hyper link to set drop downlist to visible in code behind or asp?
<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink2" runat="server">View More Workout Programs ยป</asp:HyperLink>
If you have to do it in code-behind, then use a LinkButton instead of a HyperLink. Then it will have a click event just like any button and in that click event you can set the other element to .Visible=true.
However, does this need to be done in code-behind? Keep in mind the difference in "visibility" between server-side and client-side code:
If set to .Visible=false on the server-side, the content is not delivered to the client at all.
If set to display:none on the client-side, the content is present and can be viewed in the page source, it's just not displayed by the browser.
In some cases, the former is needed for security purposes. But if it's just a matter of user experience then I would recommend showing/hiding the content entirely on the client-side so as to avoid post-backs that do nothing more than change element display properties.
For example (assuming jQuery):
<a id="toggler" href="#">Show the content</a>
<div id="hidden" style="display:none;">Content</div>
Use an asp:LinkButton instead of a hyperlink and handle the OnClick event. In the OnClick event, toggle myDropDownList.Visible depending on whether you want to show it or not.
You should implement that kind of feature in the client (javascript code) to improve user experience.
Anyway, you can use a Panel with Visibility=false and put Visibility=true in code behind when link is clicked. You would need to adjust the position of that panel with css to look like a dropdown.
You can try with JQuery : http://www.jquery.com
It will be something like
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#<% =HyperLink2.ClientID %>").click(function() {
$("#<% =DropDownList1.ClientID %>").toggle();
If you need to send form back to the server, use asp:LinkButton instead and handle OnClick event on the server side. If you need to show drop down list on the client side, use javascript function with onclick client event to show or hide any section you want.
