Dynamically creating endpoints for Magento in C# - c#

I need to dynamically set the endpoint for my Magento implementation using C# but can't override C#'s default check of the endpoint path and credentials in the web.config.
Does anyone know how to do this?
My service currently looks like this:
using (Mage_Api_Model_Server_V2_HandlerPortTypeClient proxy = new Mage_Api_Model_Server_V2_HandlerPortTypeClient("NameOfEndpoint", ConnectionCurrent.WsdlPath))
string sessionKey = proxy.startSession();
string loginSession = proxy.login(ConnectionCurrent.UserName, ConnectionCurrent.Password);
At Login, it then says that I have two endpoints configured.
I've looked everywhere but can't find a solution.

This is using WCF but it is similarly done with the older web services implementation:
EndpointAddress endPoint = new EndpointAddress("http://some.endpoint.addr");
Binding binding = new WSHttpBinding(SecurityMode.None);
var service = new Mage_Api_Model_Server_V2_HandlerPortTypeClient(binding, endpoint);


Generated WCF SOAP client uses current user for windows authentication instead of given credentials

I'm kind of new to the whole WCF and SOAP topic so please be kind.
I'm using a generated SOAP Client with .net6. In another project we successfully worked with the same Web Service using the old .net Framework 2.0 Web References and the same credentials.
Strange enough everything seemed to work fine at first. Until I realized, that it does not use the given credentials to authenticate. Instead it authenticates with my own domain user.
I also tried to get it to work with explicitly setting the binding with a BasicHttpBinding but I only could get the same broken logic to work or I got various authentication/protocol/security errors.
So it seems the authentication is basically working. It just doesn't use the provided credentials. So my question is: How can I configure it to work with the provided identity?
I also found out that it might have anything to do with a cached Windows token. But how can I get rid of it. How to prevent caching in the first place?
Specified the variable types explicitly.
string url = "http://someServer/AdministrationService.asmx";
AdministrationServiceSoapClient client = new AdministrationServiceSoapClient(
WindowsClientCredential credential = client.ClientCredentials.Windows;
credential.ClientCredential.UserName = "username";
credential.ClientCredential.Password = "password";
credential.ClientCredential.Domain = "DOMAIN";
GetServerInfoRequest getServerInfoRequest = new GetServerInfoRequest
// some stuff set here
GetServerInfoRequest getServerInfoReply = await client.GetServerInfoAsync(getServerInfoRequest);
As far as I know, BasicHttpBinding has security disabled by default, but can be added setting the BasicHttpSecurityMode to a value other than None in the constructor. It can be configured according to the instructions in BasicHttpBinding and BasicHttpBinding Constructors.
By default, setting up client credentials involves two steps: determining the type of client credential required by the service and specifying an actual client credential, as described in this document.
After waiting a day it is working. It seems that the cached credentials became invalid somehow.
Strange enough the simple service creation from above is not working anymore. Instead I have to use the following.
var client = new AdministrationServiceSoapClient(
new BasicHttpBinding()
Security = new BasicHttpSecurity()
Mode = BasicHttpSecurityMode.TransportCredentialOnly,
Message = new BasicHttpMessageSecurity()
ClientCredentialType = BasicHttpMessageCredentialType.UserName,
Transport = new HttpTransportSecurity()
ClientCredentialType = HttpClientCredentialType.Windows,
ProxyCredentialType = HttpProxyCredentialType.Windows,
new EndpointAddress(url));

Programmatically implement WCF with Certificate

I am quite new to WCF and trying to get my head around the security. I am still reading and learning, but I came to a point where I got a working version of WCF with Certificate authentication. I know that the code has some weaknesses; however, my initial goal was to create communication using certificate authentication. Also, I wanted to create everything programmatically (no Web.config configurations for the services or clients). The reason for this is that the client should be able to link an Assembly (Class Library) and get access to the server. Also, I am loading the certificates from the file system (again, I know this is not secure). I would like to get a little bit feedback.
The following client snippet is creating an object that I can use to connect to the server. The anonymous type T is my service interface e.g. IService.
Here is my client implementation:
var url = "URL TO WS";
var binding = new WSHttpBinding
Security =
Mode = SecurityMode.Message,
Message = {ClientCredentialType = MessageCredentialType.Certificate}
var endpoint = new EndpointAddress(url);
var channelFactory = new ChannelFactory<T>(binding, endpoint);
if (channelFactory.Credentials != null)
channelFactory.Credentials.ClientCertificate.Certificate =
new X509Certificate2(#"PATH\TO\Client.pfx"); // Client Certificate PRIVATE & PUBLIC Key
channelFactory.Credentials.ServiceCertificate.Authentication.CertificateValidationMode = X509CertificateValidationMode.None; // I know this is not good, but I dont have a valid certificate from a trusted entity
wcfClient = channelFactory.CreateChannel();
return wcfClient;
The service is a bit more complex. I use .svc files with their code-behind. If I understand the use of .svc files correctly, then I believe this is the entry point where the .NET framework creates a ServiceHost and automatically opens it? In my implementation I do not open the ServiceHost, I only implemented a ServiceHostFactoryBase and referenced it in the .svc Markup language. Look at the Factory section - this is the part where I implement my custom Host Factory.
<%# ServiceHost Language="C#" Debug="true"
Service="Service.Services.LevelService" CodeBehind="LevelService.svc.cs"
Factory="Service.Security.ServiceHostFactory.HostFactory" %>
And my custom Host Factory looks like this:
public class HostFactory : ServiceHostFactoryBase
public override ServiceHostBase CreateServiceHost(string constructorString, Uri[] baseAddresses)
var serviceType = Type.GetType(constructorString);
if (serviceType.GetInterfaces().Count() != 1)
throw new NotImplementedException("The service can only have one implemented interface");
var interfaceType = serviceType.GetInterfaces()[0];
var myServiceHost = new ServiceHost(serviceType, baseAddresses);
var httpBinding = new WSHttpBinding();
httpBinding.Security.Message.ClientCredentialType = MessageCredentialType.Certificate;
httpBinding.Security.Mode = SecurityMode.Message;
myServiceHost.Credentials.ServiceCertificate.Certificate = new X509Certificate2(#"PATH\TO\Server.pfx");
myServiceHost.Credentials.ClientCertificate.Authentication.CertificateValidationMode = X509CertificateValidationMode.Custom;
myServiceHost.Credentials.ClientCertificate.Authentication.CustomCertificateValidator = new MyX509CertificateValidator();
myServiceHost.Credentials.ClientCertificate.Certificate = new X509Certificate2(#"PATH\TO\Client.cer");
myServiceHost.AddServiceEndpoint(interfaceType, httpBinding, String.Empty);
return myServiceHost;
The custom validator doess't do much yet, but here it is as well:
public class MyX509CertificateValidator : X509CertificateValidator
public override void Validate(X509Certificate2 certificate)
// Check that there is a certificate.
if (certificate == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("certificate");
// Check that the certificate issuer matches the configured issuer.
//throw new SecurityTokenValidationException("Certificate was not issued by a trusted issuer");
If I understand correctly, the Server has ONLY the PUBLIC key of the client registered since I only reference the .cer file.
My big question is now, if I would like to get anything like this on a production server - and lets assume nobody will actually get the executables (including the certificates), would this be a possible solution to keep unwanted people out of my webservice? Basically, I don't want anybody else consuming my webservice - only if you have the proper certificate. Also, how much of an issue is the part where I set on the client:
CertificateValidationMode = X509CertificateValidationMode.None
I know there are many questions - but overall, I would like to know if I made some fundamental mistakes in this implementation.
after going through a lot of tutorials and demo applications, I figured out that the best way to go ahead is actually using the Certificate Store on Windows. However, I still might consider a hybrid solution where the Server has the certificates in the Certificate store and the client has it embedded in a resource. If you are struggling with WCF and Certificates, have a look at those links:
IIS7 Permissions Overview - ApplicationPoolIdentity
I was able to create Transport as well as Message secured WCF web services. I would suggest to READ the linked articles because there is so much information that will make you understand certificates and their usage. Especially when dealing with self-singed certificates!
I ended up implementing wsHttpBinding using Message Security Mode + Client Certificate with ChainTrust.
Hope this will help someone else!

How to use proxy at LinqToTwitter

I want to use proxy when using LinqToTwitter. I downloaded source code but there is no proxy feature at HttpWebRequest object. I don't understand how is this happening.
Here what i mean
This is inside TwitterExecute.cs.
I want to modify it in a way that i can set different proxy for each thread.
So my question is how to modify to use proxy server when posting a status tweet etc?
The proxy you're looking at supports Silverlight. I recently added a Proxy property to ITwitterAuthorizer:
This is type WebProxy, which you can assign whenever you instantiate an authorizer:
Updated Sample Code:
var auth = new SingleUserAuthorizer
Credentials = new InMemoryCredentials
ConsumerKey = srtwitterConsumerKey,
ConsumerSecret = srtwitterConsumerSecret,
OAuthToken = srtwitterOAuthToken,
AccessToken = srtwitterAccessToken
auth.Proxy = new WebProxy("http://proxyserver:80/",true);
var twitterContext = new TwitterContext(auth);
I've also seen where people have used configuration files to specify their proxy since LINQ to Twitter v2.1.x uses HttpWebRequest:
LINQ to Twitter v3.0 supports IWebProxy on IAuthorizer:
I just found the folder called LinqToTwitterProxy inside the LinQToTwitter Package. It contains workaround to bypass the proxy.
I hope that will helpout to resolve your issue.

Onvif SOAP request with SOAP level authentication and HTTP authentication

This question has been discussed in several topics here but I could not find the answer for me.
What I'm trying to do is use an IP camera through the Onvif interface. I've generated the web services from the WSDL files available in the Onvif homepage, and added the custom SOAP authentication code as suggested here, and I am able to retrieve the device capabilities etc. etc.
But for some services, e.g, PTZ control, also HTTP authentication is needed. My code removes the ClientCredentials behaivor (so yeah, I guess setting them does not make any sense, but I still left those lines in hope that maybe the HTTP transport would try to use them):
HttpTransportBindingElement httpBindingElement = new HttpTransportBindingElement();
httpBindingElement.AuthenticationScheme = AuthenticationSchemes.Basic;
PTZClient ptzClient = new PTZClient(customBinding, endPointAddress);
UsernameClientCredentials onvifCredentials = new UsernameClientCredentials(new UsernameInfo(_username, _password));
ptzClient.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = _username;
ptzClient.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = _password;
Still when I look at wireshark, i see that the SOAP authentication is generated but no HTTP authentication header is set (well, I already expected that since i have a custom behaivor here). So the question is, if I am creating the binding this way, what are my best options to add HTTP authentication headers? Can I just add a message inspector, and if so, any examples? Must I create a different transport binding? I've seen people advising others to use BasicHttpBinding and then setting the Security property on that, but where do the credentials go in that case and how do I apply the BasicHttpBinding instance to my binding? Are there any callbacks in the WCF that get triggered by the HTTP 401 code that i can hook up to and then provide the header? This is actually my first experience with WCF and so far I've done everything from examples found in the internet, but as for this particular issue I haven't been able to find anything.
If anyone is interested this is how I got it working. I combined the BasicHttpBinding with the client credentials in a following way:
TransportSecurityBindingElement transportSecurity = new TransportSecurityBindingElement();
// UsernameCredentials is a class implementing WS-UsernameToken authentication
transportSecurity.EndpointSupportingTokenParameters.SignedEncrypted.Add(new UsernameTokenParameters());
transportSecurity.AllowInsecureTransport = true;
transportSecurity.IncludeTimestamp = false;
TextMessageEncodingBindingElement messageEncoding = new TextMessageEncodingBindingElement(MessageVersion.Soap12, Encoding.UTF8);
HttpClientCredentialType[] credentialTypes = new HttpClientCredentialType[3] { HttpClientCredentialType.None, HttpClientCredentialType.Basic, HttpClientCredentialType.Digest };
foreach (HttpClientCredentialType credentialType in credentialTypes)
BasicHttpBinding httpBinding = new BasicHttpBinding(BasicHttpSecurityMode.TransportCredentialOnly);
httpBinding.Security.Transport.ClientCredentialType = credentialType;
BindingElementCollection elements = new BindingElementCollection(new BindingElement[1]{messageEncoding});
foreach(BindingElement element in httpBinding.CreateBindingElements())
if (element is TextMessageEncodingBindingElement)
CustomBinding customBinding = new CustomBinding(elements);
DeviceClient deviceClient = new DeviceClient(customBinding, endPointAddress);
if (credentialType == HttpClientCredentialType.Basic)
// Set all credentials, not sure from which one WCF actually takes the value
deviceClient.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = pair[0];
deviceClient.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = pair[1];
else if (credentialType == HttpClientCredentialType.Digest)
deviceClient.ClientCredentials.HttpDigest.AllowedImpersonationLevel = System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel.Delegation;
deviceClient.ClientCredentials.HttpDigest.ClientCredential.UserName = pair[0];
deviceClient.ClientCredentials.HttpDigest.ClientCredential.Password = pair[1];
This works efficiently with a device for which we do not know the authentication mode and works on both (HTTP/SOAP) authentication level.
I detailed how HTTP digest works in another answer.
Remember that only functions of class PRE_AUTH, according to §5.12.1 of the Core spec, require authentication.
You should invoke a function of any class but PRE_AUTH without any form authentication. If you get a HTTP 401 then you have to use HTTP digset, otherwise you'll have to got with WS-UsernameToken.
You can't directly use HTTP digest because you'll need at least the device to send you the challange for HTTP digest.

Dynamically switch WCF Web Service Reference URL path through config file

How do you dynamically switch WCF Web Service Reference URL path through config file ?
Are you just wanting to override the URL that is in the config to a different url. Say you have a test service and a live service. You can just do this.
client.Endpoint.Address = new EndpointAddress(Server.IsLiveServer() ?
#"LiveUrl" : #"TestURl");
Where those url come from wherever you want
Just to expand on the answer from Erin: -
MyClient client = new MyService.MyClient();
client.Endpoint.Address = new EndpointAddress(new Uri("insert new url here"),
client.Endpoint.Address.Identity, client.Endpoint.Address.Headers);
There is no dynamic switching. Each time you want to use another URL you must create new instance of service proxy (client) and pass EndpointAddress or enpoint configuration name to the constructor.
I have been trying to do the same thing but most of the accepted answers in various posts just change the address. Currently under .net 4.7, simply changing the address itself does not work. If you have two different servers and wanting it to switch from one to the other, you have to do this:
var client = new MyService.Service1Client();
var newAdrEndpoint = new EndpointAddress(new Uri("second server address"));
client = new MyService.Service1Client(client.Endpoint.Binding, newAdrEndpoint);
Essentially you need to create a new service using the same binding from the first server and passing in the new address. This is the simplest method I have found.
sure you can do this, have a look here: How to config clients for a wcf service?
it is absolutely normal to point to localhost in development and to change the address (url) in production in the web.config
you can´t chance endpoint url after any calling.
in that case, you will get answer from NEWURL:
MyClient client = new MyService.MyClient();
client.Endpoint.Address = new EndpointAddress("NEWURL");
client.Hello(); //return is hello response from NEWURL
but if you will call any method before changing url, the url will be used from app.config, like next example:
MyClient client = new MyService.MyClient();
client.Endpoint.Address = new EndpointAddress("NEWURL");
client.Hello(); //return is hello response from BASEURL
