How to use proxy at LinqToTwitter - c#

I want to use proxy when using LinqToTwitter. I downloaded source code but there is no proxy feature at HttpWebRequest object. I don't understand how is this happening.
Here what i mean
This is inside TwitterExecute.cs.
I want to modify it in a way that i can set different proxy for each thread.
So my question is how to modify to use proxy server when posting a status tweet etc?

The proxy you're looking at supports Silverlight. I recently added a Proxy property to ITwitterAuthorizer:
This is type WebProxy, which you can assign whenever you instantiate an authorizer:
Updated Sample Code:
var auth = new SingleUserAuthorizer
Credentials = new InMemoryCredentials
ConsumerKey = srtwitterConsumerKey,
ConsumerSecret = srtwitterConsumerSecret,
OAuthToken = srtwitterOAuthToken,
AccessToken = srtwitterAccessToken
auth.Proxy = new WebProxy("http://proxyserver:80/",true);
var twitterContext = new TwitterContext(auth);
I've also seen where people have used configuration files to specify their proxy since LINQ to Twitter v2.1.x uses HttpWebRequest:
LINQ to Twitter v3.0 supports IWebProxy on IAuthorizer:

I just found the folder called LinqToTwitterProxy inside the LinQToTwitter Package. It contains workaround to bypass the proxy.
I hope that will helpout to resolve your issue.


Generated WCF SOAP client uses current user for windows authentication instead of given credentials

I'm kind of new to the whole WCF and SOAP topic so please be kind.
I'm using a generated SOAP Client with .net6. In another project we successfully worked with the same Web Service using the old .net Framework 2.0 Web References and the same credentials.
Strange enough everything seemed to work fine at first. Until I realized, that it does not use the given credentials to authenticate. Instead it authenticates with my own domain user.
I also tried to get it to work with explicitly setting the binding with a BasicHttpBinding but I only could get the same broken logic to work or I got various authentication/protocol/security errors.
So it seems the authentication is basically working. It just doesn't use the provided credentials. So my question is: How can I configure it to work with the provided identity?
I also found out that it might have anything to do with a cached Windows token. But how can I get rid of it. How to prevent caching in the first place?
Specified the variable types explicitly.
string url = "http://someServer/AdministrationService.asmx";
AdministrationServiceSoapClient client = new AdministrationServiceSoapClient(
WindowsClientCredential credential = client.ClientCredentials.Windows;
credential.ClientCredential.UserName = "username";
credential.ClientCredential.Password = "password";
credential.ClientCredential.Domain = "DOMAIN";
GetServerInfoRequest getServerInfoRequest = new GetServerInfoRequest
// some stuff set here
GetServerInfoRequest getServerInfoReply = await client.GetServerInfoAsync(getServerInfoRequest);
As far as I know, BasicHttpBinding has security disabled by default, but can be added setting the BasicHttpSecurityMode to a value other than None in the constructor. It can be configured according to the instructions in BasicHttpBinding and BasicHttpBinding Constructors.
By default, setting up client credentials involves two steps: determining the type of client credential required by the service and specifying an actual client credential, as described in this document.
After waiting a day it is working. It seems that the cached credentials became invalid somehow.
Strange enough the simple service creation from above is not working anymore. Instead I have to use the following.
var client = new AdministrationServiceSoapClient(
new BasicHttpBinding()
Security = new BasicHttpSecurity()
Mode = BasicHttpSecurityMode.TransportCredentialOnly,
Message = new BasicHttpMessageSecurity()
ClientCredentialType = BasicHttpMessageCredentialType.UserName,
Transport = new HttpTransportSecurity()
ClientCredentialType = HttpClientCredentialType.Windows,
ProxyCredentialType = HttpProxyCredentialType.Windows,
new EndpointAddress(url));

Convert a Kerberos based WindowsIdentity into a Base64 string

If I have the following code:
var token = System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent();
I get a WindowsIdentity that is Kerberos based. I need to make a call with a header like this:
Authorize: Negotiate <Kerberos Token Here>
Is there a way to convert that token object into a Base64 string?
As the maintainer of the Kerberos.NET as mentioned in the other answer, you can always go that route. However, if you want SSO using the currently signed in Windows identity you have to go through Windows' SSPI stack.
Many .NET clients already support this natively using Windows Integrated auth, its just a matter of finding the correct knobs. It's unclear what client you're using so I can't offer any suggestions beyond that.
However if this is a custom client you have to call into SSPI directly. There's a handful of really good answers for explaining how to do that such as: Client-server authentication - using SSPI?.
The aforementioned Kerberos.NET library does have a small wrapper around SSPI:
It's pretty trivial:
using (var context = new SspiContext($"host/", "Negotiate"))
var tokenBytes = context.RequestToken();
var header = "Negotiate " + Convert.ToBase64String(tokenBytes);
I could not get this to work, but I was able to get a token using the excellent Kerberos.NET NuGet package. With that I was able to get it like this:
var client = new KerberosClient();
var kerbCred = new KerberosPasswordCredential("UserName", "p#ssword", "domain");
await client.Authenticate(kerbCred);
var ticket = await client.GetServiceTicket("http/");
return Convert.ToBase64String(ticket.EncodeGssApi().ToArray());
As an aside, I needed help figuring out what the SPN value was for the GetServiceTicket and the project maintainer was fantastically helpful (and fast!).

How to fix issue calling Amazon SP-API, which always returns Unauthorized, even with valid Token and Signature

I went through the guide of for getting setup to call the new SP-API (, and during the process checked off all of the api areas to grant access to (i.e. Orders, Inventory, etc). I am using the C# library provided by Amazon ( I successfully get an access token and successfully sign the request, but always get the following error:
Access to requested resource is denied. / Unauthorized, with no details.
I am trying to perform a simple get to the /orders/v0/orders endpoint. What am I doing wrong?
Below is my code:
private const string MARKETPLACE_ID = "ATVPDKIKX0DER";
var resource = $"/orders/v0/orders";
var client = new RestClient("");
IRestRequest restRequest = new RestRequest(resource, Method.GET);
restRequest.AddParameter("MarketPlaceIds", MARKETPLACE_ID, ParameterType.QueryString);
restRequest.AddParameter("CreatedAfter", DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-5), ParameterType.QueryString);
var lwaAuthorizationCredentials = new LWAAuthorizationCredentials
Endpoint = new Uri("")
restRequest = new LWAAuthorizationSigner(lwaAuthorizationCredentials).Sign(restRequest);
var awsAuthenticationCredentials = new AWSAuthenticationCredentials
Region = "us-east-1"
restRequest = new AWSSigV4Signer(awsAuthenticationCredentials).Sign(restRequest, client.BaseUrl.Host);
var response = client.Execute(restRequest);
If you followed the SP-API guide, then you created a Role (which is the IAM ARN your app is registered with) and a User which has permissions to assume that role to make API calls.
However, one thing the guide is not clear about is that you can't make API calls using that user's credentials directly. You must first call the STS API's AssumeRole method with your User's credentials (AMAZON_ACCESS_KEY_ID/AMAZON_ACCESS_SECRET), and it will return temporary credentials authorized against the Role. You use those temporary credentials when signing requests.
AssumeRole will also return a session token which you must include with your API calls in a header called X-Amz-Security-Token. For a brief description of X-Amz-Security-Token see
You also get this error if your sp app is under review, drove me nuts!
If you using c# take look to
AmazonConnection amazonConnection = new AmazonConnection(new AmazonCredential()
RoleArn = "arn:aws:iam::XXXXXXXXXXXXX:role/XXXXXXXXXXXX",
ClientId = "amzn1.application-XXX-client.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
var orders= amazonConnection.Orders.ListOrders();
In our situation, we had to explicitly add an IAM policy to the user we defined as making the API call. Please see the link below and confirm that the user you have calling the API has the policy assigned to them:
Somehow we went through the step-by-step setup twice, and adding this explicit policy was missed. Initially I believe it was added 'inline' as instructed, but that does not seem to work.
I dont think is a duplicated question, buy the solution may apply:

AutoRest is requiring ServiceClientCredentials in the constructor, but I can't obtain that data without instantiating the client object

I generated an API client with AutoRest and am using the --add-credentials parameter so that I can pass in a bearer token. In order to get the token, I need to be able to instantiate the object and call my login method like this:
var client = new IOIWebAPI(new Uri("https://localhost:44325", UriKind.Absolute));
var loginResult = client.Login(authModel);
The problem is that every constructor requires ServiceClientCredentials. From what I understand, I need to create an instance of TokenCredentials, which includes the token string. But I can't do that because I can't get the token string without calling Login. And I can't call Login without having the token string.
I'm sure I'm just misunderstanding how to consume the API client. But any ideas on what I'm doing wrong here?
My best guess is that --add-credentials does not support unauthenticated endpoints. When you add creds, AutoRest assumes everything needs auth. I submitted an issue for this, but I suspect it won't be addressed any time soon.
My workaround was to create a TokenHelper class. I copy and pasted the code that AutoRest generated from my login endpoint into that class. So the code stays consistent, but it's not ideal because I may forget to update the endpoint if it ever changes.
var tokenHelper = new TokenHelper(baseUri);
var tokenResult = tokenHelper.GetTokenAsync(authModel).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
var token = new TokenCredentials(tokenResult.AccessToken, "Bearer");
var client = new IOIWebAPI(baseUri, token);

How to remove a users manager in AzureAD using Microsoft.Azure.ActiveDirectory.GraphClient

I'm using the Microsoft.Azure.ActiveDirectory.GraphClient (Version 2.1.0) to write an app for Azure AD user management. I'm able to set the Manager of a user but have no idea how to clear the field.
Unfortunately the sample project provided on GitHub do not contain this function either.
I managed to clear the "manager" field using the code below. It is not using the Microsoft.Azure.ActiveDirectory.GraphClient library but gets the job done.
var token = <get your adal token here>
var httpClient = new HttpClient();
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization =
new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", token);
var url = "<tenant domain>/users/<userid>/$links/manager?api-version=1.6"
var resp = httpClient.DeleteAsync(url).Result;
if (!resp.IsSuccessStatusCode)
// log / throw exception etc.
You need to perform a DELETE HTTP request to<user_email>/manager/$ref (make sure to replace the <user_email> in the URL.
A successful call will receive 204 response code and empty string as the response body.
This method is currently missing from the Microsoft Graph API docs but should be added in the future. (see here)
Also you should start using Microsoft Graph ( instead of Azure AD Graph ( as the latter is becoming obsolete. (See here)
//Assign and remove user's manager
// User.Manager = newUser as DirectoryObject;
User.Manager = null;
