WinRT how expensive is reading from local file cache - c#

I am building a winrt metro app and always seem to run into this (non?) issue.
I find myself maintaining a lot of files of cached data that I can serialize back and forth. Data retrieved from services, user selected items and so on.
The question that I always seem to have when I write the calls is: is it the accessing of the actual file (and releasing etc) that takes time/is expensive or the amount of data that needs to be serialized from it?
How much should I worry about, for example, trying to combine a couple of files that may have the same object types stored into one and then identifying the ones I need once I have the objects 'out'.

Did you ever get insufficient Memory or memory out of bounds exception.
Winrt lets you use the ram and the cached file upto around 70-80% of its memory . Any thing beyond that will crash the app. Once you navigate away fro your page your resorces are garbage collected so thats not an issue. But if you are using using for the memory stream then also it will be fine but saving large data and continiously fetching files from the data base effects system memory. And since surface tablets have limited memory set so should take a bit care about large number of files :) i faced this while rendering bitmaps as loading around 100 bitmaps simultaneously into the memory threw insufficient memory exception.


Balancing Memory Mapped Files for data larger than the RAM

We are having very large data files, for example assume a 3D volume with 2048x2048 matrix size with a slice depth of 20000.
Originally, I had my own central memory management where each data is backed with a "page-file" on the disk. During processing I track the process memory and if the memory is low I check which slices haven't been touched for a while and page them in my own hand-made paging-file. This results of course in some form a zig-zag when you look at the process memory, but this methods works even if the total size of my files is much larger than the available RAM. Of course putting more RAM inside improves the situation but the system is able to adapt to these situation. So if you pay more you get more speed ;-)
But, the method is of course hand-made, I need a separate thread that watches over the allocated files and data, I need special methods that handle the paging etc.
So I decided to have a look at memory mapped files...
When I now create a memory mapped file (Read&Write) and run through the data slice by slice and get access to the data with a ReadOnlySpan<> in a for loop the whole memory is consumed and you see the process memory lineary growing until the whole memory is consumed. Afterwards the system goes into swapping without coming out ever again. Its even so that the system freezes and only a restart helps to recover.
So obviously the MM-Files are not balancing themselves and when it comes to the point where we a reaching the RAM maximum, the system is exhausted and is obviously helpless.
The question is can I control when the system does a swapping and advise which regions can be swapped? Or do you have suggestions for better approaches?
I have created a example that does following
It creates a Volume as input
It creates one or many processor that simply add 10 to each slice in each processor.
Since everything is created only on access, a Parallel.For iterates over the slices and requests the result slice. Depending on the amount N of processors in the chain each slice of the result should have a value of (N+1)*10.
See here: Example Code
Update [26.09.2021]: My latest investigations have shown that there are two independent process running. One process (my process) is writing or reading data into the memory mapped file(s). Anothter system process is trying to manage the memory. While the memory is growing the system is obviously very lazy flushing data really to the backing memory mapped file or the paging file.
This leads to a bad condition. When the maximum RAM is reached, the memory manager starts to empty the working set and flush the data to disk. While the system flushes, I'm still producing data which fill the memory again. So in the end I'm coming to a point where I'm always using the maximum RAM and never come out.
I tried a few things:
VirtualUnlock enables me mark regions as pageable for the memory manager.
You can call a Flush on the ViewAccessor.
Since the workingset is still showing high memory usage, I call EmptyWorkingSet to empty the working set, which immediately returns.
What I need in the end is something to see if the memory manager is currently unmapping so that I can slow down the process.
I have to search more...

out of memory exception while loading a huge DBpedia dump

I am trying to load a large dump of dbpedia data into my C# application, I get out of memory exepction everytime I try to load it.
The files are very large text files, holding millions of records and their size is more than 250MB each (one of them is actually 7GB!!), When I try to load the 250MB file to my application, it waits for about 10 seconds during which my RAM (6GB, initially # 2GB used) increases to be about 5GB used then the program throws an out of memory exception.
I understood that the out of memory exception is all about the empty adjacent chunk of memory, I want to know how to manage to load such a file to my program?
Here's the code I use to load the files, I'm using the dotNetRDF library.
TripleStore temp = new TripleStore();
//adding Uris to the store
dotNetRDF is simply not designed to handle this amount of data in it's in-memory store. All its data parsing is streaming but you have to build in-memory structures to store the data which is what takes up all the memory and leads to the OOM exception.
By default triples are fully indexed so they can be efficiently queries with SPARQL and with the current release of the library that will require approximately 1.7kb per Triple so at most the library will let you work on a 2-3 million triples in memory depending on your available RAM. As a related point the SPARQL algorithm in the current release is terrible at that scale so even if you can load your data into memory you won't be able to query it effectively.
While the next release of the library does reduce memory usage and vastly improve SPARQL performance it was still never designed for that volume of data.
However dotNetRDF does support a wide variety of native triple stores out of the box (see the IQueryableGenericIOManager interface and it's implementations) so you should load the DBPedia dump into an appropriate store using that stores native loading mechanism (which will be faster than loading via dotNetRDF) and then use dotNetRDF simply as a client through which to make your queries

.net memory measuring and profiling

I understand there are many questions related to this, so I'll be very specific.
I create Console application with two instructions. Create a List with some large capacity and fill it with sample data, and then clear that List or make it equal to null.
What I want to know is if there is a way for me to know/measure/profile while debugging or not, if the actual memory used by the application after the list was cleared and null-ed is about the same as before the list was created and populated. I know for sure that the application has disposed of the information and the GC has finished collecting, but can I know for sure how much memory my application would consume after this?
I understand that during the process of filling the list, a lot of memory is allocated and after it's been cleared that memory may become available to other process if it needs it, but is it possible to measure the real memory consumed by the application at the end?
Edit: OK, here is my real scenario and objective. I work on a WPF application that works with large amounts of data read through USB device. At some point, the application allocates about 700+ MB of memory to store all the List data, which it parses, analyzes and then writes to the filesystem. When I write the data to the filesystem, I clear all the Lists and dispose all collections that previously held the large data, so I can do another data processing. I want to know that I won't run into performance issues or eventually use up all memory. I'm fine with my program using a lot of memory, but I'm not fine with it using it all after few USB processings.
How can I go around controlling this? Are memory or process profilers used in case like this? Simply using Task Manager, I see my application taking up 800 MB of memory, but after I clear the collections, the memory stays the same. I understand this won't go down unless windows needs it, so I was wondering if I can know for sure that the memory is cleared and free to be used (by my application or windows)
It is very hard to measure "real memory" usage on Windows if you mean physical memory. Most likley you want something else like:
Amount of memory allocated for the process (see Zooba's answer)
Amount of Managed memory allocated - CLR Profiler, or any other profiler listed in this one - Best .NET memory and performance profiler?
What Task Manager reports for your application
Note that it is not necessary that after garbage collection is finished amount of memory allocated for your process (1) changes - GC may keep allocated memory for future managed allocations (this behavior is not specific to CLR for memory allcation - most memory allocators keep free blocks for later usage unless forced to release it by some means). The blog is excelent source for details on GC/memory.
Process Explorer will give you all the information you need. Specifically, you will probably be most interested in the "private bytes history" graph for your process.
Alternatively, it is possible to use Window's Performance Monitor to track your specific application. This should give identical information to Process Explorer, though it will let you write the actual numbers out to a separate file.
(A picture because I can...)
I personaly use SciTech Memory Profiler
It has a real time option that you can use to see your memory usage. It has help me find a number of problems with leaking memory.
Try ANTS Profiler. Its not free but you can try the trial version.

Memory Management - How and when to write large objects to disk

I am working on an application which has potential for a large memory load (>5gb) but has a requirement to run on 32bit and .NET 2 based desktops due to the customer deployment environment. My solution so far has been to use an app-wide data store for these large volume objects, when an object is assigned to the store, the store checks for the total memory usage by the app and if it is getting close to the limit it will start serialising some of the older objects in the store to the user's temp folder, retrieving them back into memory as and when they are needed. This is proving to be decidedly unreliable, as if other objects within the app start using memory, the store has no prompt to clear up and make space. I did look at using weak pointers to hold the in-memory data objects, with them being serialised to disk when they were released, however the objects seemed to be getting released almost immediately, especially in debug, causing a massive performance hit as the app was serialising everything.
Are there any useful patterns/paradigms I should be using to handle this? I have googled extensively but as yet haven't found anything useful.
I thought virtual memory was supposed to have you covered in this situation?
Anyways, it seems suspect that you really need all 5gb of data in memory at any given moment - you can't possibly be processing all that data at any given time - at least not on what sounds like a consumer PC. You didn't go into detail about your data, but something to me smells like the object itself is poorly designed in the sense that you need the entire set to be in memory to work with it. Have you thought about trying to fragment out your data into more sensible units - and then do some preemptive loading of the data from disk, just before it needs to be processed? You'd essentially be paying a more constant performance trade-off this way, but you'd reduce your current thrashing issue.
Maybe you go with Managing Memory-Mapped Files and look here. In .NET 2.0 you have to use PInvoke to that functions. Since .NET 4.0 you have efficient built-in functionality with MemoryMappedFile.
Also take a look at:
You can't store 5GB data in-memory efficiently. You have 2 GB limit per process in 32-bit OS and 4 GB limit per 32-bit process in 64-bit Windows-on-Windows
So you have choice:
Go in Google's Chrome way (and FireFox 4) and maintain potions of data between processes. It may be applicable if your application started under 64-bit OS and you have some reasons to keep your app 32-bit. But this is not so easy way. If you don't have 64-bit OS I wonder where you get >5GB RAM?
If you have 32-bit OS when any solution will be file-based. When you try to keep data in memory (thru I wonder how you address them in memory under 32-bit and 2 GB per process limit) OS just continuously swap portions of data (memory pages) to disk and restores them again and again when you access it. You incur great performance penalty and you already noticed it (I guessed from description of your problem). The main problem OS can't predict when you need one data and when you want another. So it just trying to do best by reading and writing memory pages on/from disk.
So you already use disk storage indirecltly in inefficient way, MMFs just give you same solution in efficient and controlled manner.
You can rearchitecture your application to use MMFs and OS will help you in efficient caching. Do the quick test by yourself MMF maybe good enough for your needs.
Anyway I don't see any other solution to work with dataset greater than available RAM other than file-based. And usually better to have direct control on data manipulation especially when such amount of data came and needs to be processed.
When you have to store huge loads of data and mantain accessibility, sometimes the most useful solution is to use data store and management system like database. Database (MySQL for example) can store a lots of typical data types and of course binary data too. Maybe you can store your object to database (directly or by programming business object model) and get it when you need to. This solution sometimes can solve many problems with data managing (moving, backup, searching, updating...), and storage (data layer) - and it's location independent - mayby this point of view can help you.

Preventing Memory issues when handling large amounts of text

I have written a program which analyzes a project's source code and reports various issues and metrics based on the code.
To analyze the source code, I load the code files that exist in the project's directory structure and analyze the code from memory. The code goes through extensive processing before it is passed to other methods to be analyzed further.
The code is passed around to several classes when it is processed.
The other day I was running it on one of the larger project my group has, and my program crapped out on me because there was too much source code loaded into memory. This is a corner case at this point, but I want to be able to handle this issue in the future.
What would be the best way to avoid memory issues?
I'm thinking about loading the code, do the initial processing of the file, then serialize the results to disk, so that when I need to access them again, I do not have to go through the process of manipulating the raw code again. Does this make sense? Or is the serialization/deserialization more expensive then processing the code again?
I want to keep a reasonable level of performance while addressing this problem. Most of the time, the source code will fit into memory without issue, so is there a way to only "page" my information when I am low on memory? Is there a way to tell when my application is running low on memory?
The problem is not that a single file fills memory, its all of the files in memory at once fill memory. My current idea is to rotate off the disk drive when I process them
1.6GB is still manageable and by itself should not cause memory problems. Inefficient string operations might do it.
As you parse the source code your probably split it apart into certain substrings - tokens or whatver you call them. If your tokens combined account for entire source code, that doubles memory consumption right there. Depending on the complexity of the processing you do the mutiplier can be even bigger.
My first move here would be to have a closer look on how you use your strings and find a way to optimize it - i.e. discarding the origianl after the first pass, compress the whitespaces, or use indexes (pointers) to the original strings rather than actual substrings - there is a number of techniques which can be useful here.
If none of this would help than I would resort to swapping them to and fro the disk
If the problem is that a single copy of your code causing you to fill the memory available then there are atleast two options.
serialize to disk
compress files in memory. If you have a lot of CPU it can be faster to zip and unzip information in memory, instead of caching to disk.
You should also check if you are disposing of objects properly. Do you have memory problems due to old copies of objects being in memory?
Use WinDbg with SOS to see what is holding on the string references (or what ever is causing the extreme memory usage).
Serializing/deserializing sounds like a good strategy. I've done a fair amount of this and it is very fast. In fact I have an app that instantiates objects from a DB and then serializes them to the hard drives of my web nodes. It has been a while since I benchmarked it, but it was serializing several hundred a second and maybe over 1k back when I was load testing.
Of course it will depend on the size of your code files. My files were fairly small.
