Preventing Memory issues when handling large amounts of text - c#

I have written a program which analyzes a project's source code and reports various issues and metrics based on the code.
To analyze the source code, I load the code files that exist in the project's directory structure and analyze the code from memory. The code goes through extensive processing before it is passed to other methods to be analyzed further.
The code is passed around to several classes when it is processed.
The other day I was running it on one of the larger project my group has, and my program crapped out on me because there was too much source code loaded into memory. This is a corner case at this point, but I want to be able to handle this issue in the future.
What would be the best way to avoid memory issues?
I'm thinking about loading the code, do the initial processing of the file, then serialize the results to disk, so that when I need to access them again, I do not have to go through the process of manipulating the raw code again. Does this make sense? Or is the serialization/deserialization more expensive then processing the code again?
I want to keep a reasonable level of performance while addressing this problem. Most of the time, the source code will fit into memory without issue, so is there a way to only "page" my information when I am low on memory? Is there a way to tell when my application is running low on memory?
The problem is not that a single file fills memory, its all of the files in memory at once fill memory. My current idea is to rotate off the disk drive when I process them

1.6GB is still manageable and by itself should not cause memory problems. Inefficient string operations might do it.
As you parse the source code your probably split it apart into certain substrings - tokens or whatver you call them. If your tokens combined account for entire source code, that doubles memory consumption right there. Depending on the complexity of the processing you do the mutiplier can be even bigger.
My first move here would be to have a closer look on how you use your strings and find a way to optimize it - i.e. discarding the origianl after the first pass, compress the whitespaces, or use indexes (pointers) to the original strings rather than actual substrings - there is a number of techniques which can be useful here.
If none of this would help than I would resort to swapping them to and fro the disk

If the problem is that a single copy of your code causing you to fill the memory available then there are atleast two options.
serialize to disk
compress files in memory. If you have a lot of CPU it can be faster to zip and unzip information in memory, instead of caching to disk.
You should also check if you are disposing of objects properly. Do you have memory problems due to old copies of objects being in memory?

Use WinDbg with SOS to see what is holding on the string references (or what ever is causing the extreme memory usage).

Serializing/deserializing sounds like a good strategy. I've done a fair amount of this and it is very fast. In fact I have an app that instantiates objects from a DB and then serializes them to the hard drives of my web nodes. It has been a while since I benchmarked it, but it was serializing several hundred a second and maybe over 1k back when I was load testing.
Of course it will depend on the size of your code files. My files were fairly small.


What's the most efficient way to manage large amounts of data (height data) and replace this huge array?

I need to be able to look up this data quickly and need access to all of this data. Unfortunately, I also need to conserve memory (several of this will cause OutofMemoryExceptions)
short[,,] data = new short[8000,8000,2];
I have attempted the following:
tried jagged array - same memory problems
tried breaking into smaller arrays - still get memory issues
only resolution is to map this data efficiently using a memory mapped file or is there some other way to do this?
How about a database? After all, they are made for this.
I'd suggest you take a look at some NoSQL database. Depending on your needs, there are also in-memory databases [which obviously could suffer from the same out-of-memory problem] and databases that can be copy deployed or linked to your application.
I wouldn't want to mess with the storage details manually, and memory-mapping files is what some databases (at least MongoDB) are doing internally. So essentially, you'd be rolling your own DB, and writing a database is not trivial -- even if you narrow down the use case.
Redis or Membase sound like suitable alternatives for your problem. As far as I can see, both are able to manage the RAM utilization for you, that is, read data from the disk as needed and cache data in RAM for fast access. Of course, your access patterns will play a role here.
Keep in mind that a lot of effort went into building these DBs. According to Wikipedia, Zynga is using Membase and Redis is sponsored by VMWare.
Are you sure you need access to all of it all of the time? ...or could you load a portion of it, do your processing then move onto the next?
Could you get away with using mip-mapping or LoD representations if it's just height data? Both of those could allow you to hold lower resolutions until you need to load up specific chunks of the higher resolution data.
How much free memory do you have on your machine? What operating system are you using? Is it 64 bit?
If you're doing memory / processing intensive operations, have you considered implementing those parts in C++ where you have greater control over such things?
It's difficult to help you much further without knowing some more specifics of your system and what your actually doing with your data... ?
I wouldn't recommend a traditional relational database if you're doing numeric calculations with this data. I suspect what you're running into here isn't the size of the data itself, but rather a known problem with .NET called Large Object Heap Fragmentation. If you're running into a problem after allocating these buffers frequently (even though they should be being garbage collected), this is likely your culprit. Your best solution is to keep as many buffers as you need pre-allocated and re-use them, to prevent the reallocation and subsequent fragmentation.
How are you interacting with this large multi dimensional array? Are you using Recursion? If so, make sure your recursive methods are passing parameters by reference, rather than by value.
On a side note, do you need 100% of this data accessible at the same time? The best way to deal with large volumes of data is usually via a stream, or some kind of reader object. Try to deal with the data in segments. I've got a few processes that deal with Gigs worth of data, and it can process it in a minor amount of memory due to how I'm streaming it in via a SqlDataReader.
TL;DR: look at how you pass data between your function calls O(ref) and maybe use streaming patterns to deal with the data in smaller chunks.
hope that helps!
.NET stores shorts as 32-bit values even though they only contain 16 bits. So you could save a factor two by using an array of ints and decoding the int to two shorts yourself using bit operations.
Then you pretty much have the most efficient way of storing such an array. What you can do then is:
Use a 64-bit machine. Then you can allocate a lot of memory and the OS will take care of paging the data to disk for you if you run out of RAM (make sure you have a large enough swap file). Then you can use 8 TERAbytes of data (if you have a large enough disk).
Read parts of this data from disk as you need them manually using file IO, or using memory mapping.

How does disk de-fragmenting work?

I'd like to have a go at writing something which shows the state of a hard drive in terms of how fragmented it is. Maybe even has a go at de-fragmenting it.
But I've realised that I don't fully understand how this works.
Can anyone explain this to me and perhaps offer some suggestions of where I might start?
I mainly use C# - would this be a suitable language to have a go at putting something together.
Thanks in advance
Please begin with the Wikipedia Article on Disk Fragmentation
Then after that, it depends on how low-level you want to go.
First for the official howto see Defragmenting Files on MSDN.
From the article....
Use the FSCTL_GET_VOLUME_BITMAP control code to find a place on the volume that is large enough to accept an entire file.
Note If necessary, move other files to make a place that is large enough. Ideally, there is enough unallocated clusters after the first extent of the file that you can move subsequent extents into the space after the first extent.
Use the FSCTL_GET_RETRIEVAL_POINTERS control code to get a map of the current layout of the file on the disk.
Use the FSCTL_MOVE_FILE control code to move each cluster as you walk the structure.
Note You may need to renew either the bitmap or the retrieval structure, or both at various times as other processes write to the disk.
For a C# wrapper of the above, check out this blog post.
Finally, depending on your situation, you can use the WMI Defrag method on the Win32_Volume class.
Hope this helps.
To show the fragmentation state of a filesystem, you would have to find out which blocks of the disk belong to which files. All files that do not solely consist of consecutive blocks are fragmented; they contain holes and/or the blocks are scattered over the disk.
To defragment a filesystem you would have to move around the blocks so that all files are consecutive and rewrite the metadata to have the filesystem in a consistent state in the end.
When files are saved the bytes they use is put into allocated blocks, if the file grows and the next consecutive block is not available, the OS starts writing to the next available block, splitting the file into 2 fragments.
Defragmentation collects files into consecutive blocks by moving blocks out of the way (into free space) so that the file being defragmented can have consecutive blocks. for non Solid State hard drives this affects performance (as there is no seek time reading consecutive blocks)
Some defragmenters move more commonly read files to the outside of the disk (since it spins faster the further away from the spindle it is).

C# Increase Heap Size - Is It Possible

I have an out of memory exception using C# when reading in a massive file
I need to change the code but for the time being can I increase the heap size (like I would in Java) as a shaort term fix?
.Net does that automatically.
Looks like you have reached the limit of the memory one .Net process can use for its objects (on 32 bit machine this is 2 standard or 3GB by using the /3GB boot switch. Credits to Leppie & Eric Lippert for the info).
Rethink your algorithm, or perhaps a change to a 64 bit machine might help.
No, this is not possible. This problem might occur because you're running on a 32-bit OS and memory is too fragmented. Try not to load the whole file into memory (for instance, by processing line by line) or, when you really need to load it completely, by loading it in multiple, smaller parts.
No you can't see my answer here: Is there any way to pre-allocate the heap in the .NET runtime, like -Xmx/-Xms in Java?
For reading large files it is usually preferable to stream them from disk, reading them in chunks and dealing with them a piece at a time instead of loading the whole thing up front.
As others have already pointed out, this is not possible. The .NET runtime handles heap allocations on behalf of the application.
In my experience .NET applications commonly suffer from OOM when there should be plenty of memory available (or at least, so it appears). The reason for this is usually the use of huge collections such as arrays, List (which uses an array to store its data) or similar.
The problem is these types will sometimes create peaks in memory use. If these peak requests cannot be honored an OOM exception is throw. E.g. when List needs to increase its capacity it does so by allocating a new array of double the current size and then it copies all the references/values from one array to the other. Similarly operations such as ToArray makes a new copy of the array. I've also seen similar problems on big LINQ operations.
Each array is stored as contiguous memory, so to avoid OOM the runtime must be able to obtain one big chunk of memory. As the address space of the process may be fragmented due to both DLL loading and general use for the heap, this is not always possible in which case an OOM exception is thrown.
What sort of file are you dealing with ?
You might be better off using a StreamReader and yield returning the ReadLine result, if it's textual.
Sure, you'll be keeping a file-pointer around, but the worst case scenario is massively reduced.
There are similar methods for Binary files, if you're uploading a file to SQL for example, you can read a byte[] and use the Sql Pointer mechanics to write the buffer to the end of a blob.

When to use memory-mapped files?

I have an application that receives chunks of data over the network, and writes these to disk.
Once all chunks have been received, they can be decoded/recombined into the single file they actually represent.
I'm wondering if it's useful to use memory-mapped files or not - first for writing the single chunks to disk, second for the single file into which all of them are decoded.
My own feeling is that it might be useful for the second case only, anyone got some ideas on this?
It's a C# app, and I'm only planning an x64 version.
(So running into the 'largest contigious free space' problem shouldn't be relevant)
Memory-mapped files are beneficial for scenarios where a relatively small portion (view) of a considerably larger file needs to be accessed repeatedly.
In this scenario, the operating system can help optimize the overall memory usage and paging behavior of the application by paging in and out only the most recently used portions of the mapped file.
In addition, memory-mapped files can expose interesting features such as copy-on-write or serve as the basis of shared-memory.
For your scenario, memory-mapped files can help you assemble the file if the chunks arrive out of order. However, you would still need to know the final file size in advance.
Also, you should be accessing the files only once, for writing a chunk. Thus, a performance advantage over explicitly implemented asynchronous I/O is unlikely, but it may be easier and quicker to implement your file writer correctly.
In .NET 4, Microsoft added support for memory-mapped files and there are some comprehensive articles with sample code, e.g.
Memory-mapped files are primarily used for Inter-Process Communication or I/O performance improvement.
In your case, are you trying to get better I/O performance?
Hate to point out the obivious, but Wikipedia gives a good rundown of the situation...
The memory mapped approach has its cost in minor page faults - when a block of data is loaded in page cache, but not yet mapped in to the process's virtual memory space. Depending on the circumstances, memory mapped file I/O can actually be substantially slower than standard file I/O.
It sounds like you're about to prematurely optimize for speed. Why not a regular file approach, and then refactor for MM files later if needed?
I'd say both cases are relevant. Simply write the single chunks to their proper place in the memory mapped file, out of order, as they come in. This of course is only useful if you know where each chunk should go, like in a bittorrent downloader. If you have to perform some extra analysis to know where the chunk should go, the benefit of a memory mapped file might not be as large.

What's the best way to read and parse a large text file over the network?

I have a problem which requires me to parse several log files from a remote machine.
There are a few complications:
1) The file may be in use
2) The files can be quite large (100mb+)
3) Each entry may be multi-line
To solve the in-use issue, I need to copy it first. I'm currently copying it directly from the remote machine to the local machine, and parsing it there. That leads to issue 2. Since the files are quite large copying it locally can take quite a while.
To enhance parsing time, I'd like to make the parser multi-threaded, but that makes dealing with multi-lined entries a bit trickier.
The two main issues are:
1) How do i speed up the file transfer (Compression?, Is transferring locally even neccessary?, Can I read an in use file some other way?)
2) How do i deal with multi-line entries when splitting up the lines among threads?
UPDATE: The reason I didnt do the obvious parse on the server reason is that I want to have as little cpu impact as possible. I don't want to affect the performance of the system im testing.
If you are reading a sequential file you want to read it in line by line over the network. You need a transfer method capable of streaming. You'll need to review your IO streaming technology to figure this out.
Large IO operations like this won't benefit much by multithreading since you can probably process the items as fast as you can read them over the network.
Your other great option is to put the log parser on the server, and download the results.
The better option, from the perspective of performance, is going to be to perform your parsing at the remote server. Apart from exceptional circumstances the speed of your network is always going to be the bottleneck, so limiting the amount of data that you send over your network is going to greatly improve performance.
This is one of the reasons that so many databases use stored procedures that are run at the server end.
Improvements in parsing speed (if any) through the use of multithreading are going to be swamped by the comparative speed of your network transfer.
If you're committed to transferring your files before parsing them, an option that you could consider is the use of on-the-fly compression while doing your file transfer.
There are, for example, sftp servers available that will perform compression on the fly.
At the local end you could use something like libcurl to do the client side of the transfer, which also supports on-the-fly decompression.
The easiest way considering you are already copying the file would be to compress it before copying, and decompress once copying is complete. You will get huge gains compressing text files because zip algorithms generally work very well on them. Also your existing parsing logic could be kept intact rather than having to hook it up to a remote network text reader.
The disadvantage of this method is that you won't be able to get line by line updates very efficiently, which are a good thing to have for a log parser.
I guess it depends on how "remote" it is. 100MB on a 100Mb LAN would be about 8 secs...up it to gigabit, and you'd have it in around 1 second. $50 * 2 for the cards, and $100 for a switch would be a very cheap upgrade you could do.
But, assuming it's further away than that, you should be able to open it with just read mode (as you're reading it when you're copying it). SMB/CIFS supports file block reading, so you should be streaming the file at that point (of course, you didn't actually say how you were accessing the file - I'm just assuming SMB).
Multithreading won't help, as you'll be disk or network bound anyway.
Use compression for transfer.
If your parsing is really slowing you down, and you have multiple processors, you can break the parsing job up, you just have to do it in a smart way -- have a deterministic algorithm for which workers are responsible for dealing with incomplete records. Assuming you can determine that a line is part of a middle of a record, for example, you could break the file into N/M segments, each responsible for M lines; when one of the jobs determines that its record is not finished, it just has to read on until it reaches the end of the record. When one of the jobs determines that it's reading a record for which it doesn't have a beginning, it should skip the record.
If you can copy the file, you can read it. So there's no need to copy it in the first place.
EDIT: use the FileStream class to have more control over the access and sharing modes.
new FileStream("logfile", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite)
should do the trick.
I've used SharpZipLib to compress large files before transferring them over the Internet. So that's one option.
Another idea for 1) would be to create an assembly that runs on the remote machine and does the parsing there. You could access the assembly from the local machine using .NET remoting. The remote assembly would need to be a Windows service or be hosted in IIS. That would allow you to keep your copies of the log files on the same machine, and in theory it would take less time to process them.
i think using compression (deflate/gzip) would help
The given answer do not satisfy me and maybe my answer will help others to not think it is super complicated or multithreading wouldn't benefit in such a scenario. Maybe it will not make the transfer faster but depending on the complexity of your parsing it may make the parsing/or analysis of the parsed data faster.
It really depends upon the details of your parsing. What kind of information do you need to get from the log files? Are these information like statistics or are they dependent on multiple log message?
You have several options:
parse multiple files at the same would be the easiest I guess, you have the file as context and can create one thread per file
another option as mentioned before is use compression for the network communication
you could also use a helper that splits the log file into lines that belong together as a first step and then with multiple threads process these blocks of lines; the parsing of this depend lines should be quite easy and fast.
Very important in such a scenario is to measure were your actual bottleneck is. If your bottleneck is the network you wont benefit of optimizing the parser too much. If your parser creates a lot of objects of the same kind you could use the ObjectPool pattern and create objects with multiple threads. Try to process the input without allocating too much new strings. Often parsers are written by using a lot of string.Split and so forth, that is not really as fast as it could be. You could navigate the Stream by checking the coming values without reading the complete string and splitting it again but directly fill the objects you will need after parsing is done.
Optimization is almost always possible, the question is how much you get out for how much input and how critical your scenario is.
