Building generic order-by-statement - c#

I have a class with a bunch of properties:
class Foo {
public string Name {get; set; }
public int Age {get; set;
and a collection of instances of Foo.
Now I want to order those elements by a property given by the user. So the user selects a property from the type Foo. Now I want to order by elements based on this property.
One approach is a reflection-based one similar to this:
var p = typeof(Foo).GetProperty("Age");
var ordered = fooList.OrderBy(x => (int) p.GetValue(x, null));
This works so far. However I also tried a second one and there I am stuck. It deals by performing an expression-tree as follows:
var f = GetOrderStatement<Foo>("Age");
var ordered = fooList.OrderBy(f)
Func<T, int> GetOrderStatement<T>(string attrName)
var type = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), attrName);
var property = Expression.PropertyOrField(type, attrName);
return Expression.Lambda<Func<T, int>>(property).Compile();
My question is: As I should return a Func<T, int> where to get the int-part from or in other words where and how do I perform the actual comparison? I suppose I have to make a CallExpression to IComparable.CompareTo but I´m not sure how to do so. I think I need access to the both instances to compare.
EDIT: Complete code-example
static void Main()
var fooList = new[] { new Foo("Hans", 10), new Foo("Georg", 12), new Foo("Birgit", 40) };
var f = GetOrderStatement<Foo>("Age");
var ordered = fooList.OrderBy(f);
private static Func<T, int> GetOrderStatement<T>(string attrName)
var type = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), attrName);
var property = Expression.PropertyOrField(type, attrName);
return Expression.Lambda<Func<T, int>>(property).Compile();
Executing this code will throw an
ArgumentException: Incorrect number of parameters supplied for lambda

The problem is that you're trying to build a Func<T, int> but your call to Expression.Lambda doesn't specify the parameter expression, which means you can't expect it to create a delegate that has any parameters. Just specifying type as a second argument to Expression.Lambda works. Here's a complete example based on your question - note that I've changed the ages to prove that it's actually ordering, and I've updated your fields to read-only properties:
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
class Foo
public string Name { get; }
public int Age { get; }
public Foo(string name, int age)
this.Name = name;
this.Age = age;
class Test
static void Main()
var fooList = new[]
new Foo("Hans", 12),
new Foo("Georg", 10),
new Foo("Birgit", 40)
var f = GetOrderStatement<Foo>("Age");
var ordered = fooList.OrderBy(f);
foreach (var item in ordered)
Console.WriteLine($"{item.Name}: {item.Age}");
private static Func<T, int> GetOrderStatement<T>(string attrName)
var type = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), attrName);
var property = Expression.PropertyOrField(type, attrName);
return Expression.Lambda<Func<T, int>>(property, type).Compile();
Georg: 10
Hans: 12
Birgit: 40


Dynamically copy certain properties between two class instances

I am attempting to write a piece of code that can take two instances of the same object, and copy some properties from the first one to the second one, dynamically. A little twist is that I only have access to the objects, through an interface they both inherit.
I have created a Copyable attribute that will be used to mark what properties can be copied.
I then managed to successfully do this using the PropertyInfo.GetMethod and PropertyInfo.SetMethod, however the resulting code is too slow. When comparing to statically assigning properties at compile time - this approach is ~20 times slower.
Here is my initial implementation using pure reflection.
using System;
using System.Linq;
namespace ConsoleApp58
interface IInterface
int Id { get; set; }
class CopyableAttribute : Attribute { }
class Child : IInterface
public int Id { get; set; }
public int CopyableProp { get; set; }
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var source = new Child() {Id = 1, CopyableProp = 42};
var target = new Child() {Id = 2, CopyableProp = 0};
CopyProps(source, target);
static void CopyProps(IInterface source, IInterface target)
var props = target.GetType()
.Where(p => p.IsDefined(typeof(CopyableAttribute), false))
foreach (var prop in props)
var value = prop.GetMethod.Invoke(source, new object[] { });
prop.SetMethod.Invoke(target, new [] {value});
This works, but its slow, so I decided to attempt and create an expression tree that will build a lambda that can call the getters and setters, however I can't seem to make it work.
I tried following this SO question, however, that implementation relies on the fact that I know what's the type of my object that I'm taking the properties from.
However, in my case the properties are defined as part of child classes, and I have no access to them in my IInterface.
Hence, I'm asking here. Is there a (fast) way for me to copy the value of specific properties, between instances of two objects, by referring to them only through their common interface.
You can generate Action<IInterface, IInterface> by Expression API. Try this code:
private static Expression<Action<IInterface, IInterface>> CreateCopyMethod(Type type)
var props = type
.Where(p => p.IsDefined(typeof(CopyableAttribute), false))
var s = Expression.Parameter(typeof(IInterface), "s");
var t = Expression.Parameter(typeof(IInterface), "t");
var source = Expression.Variable(type, "source");
var castToSource = Expression.Assign(source, Expression.Convert(s, type));
var target = Expression.Variable(type, "target");
var castToTarget = Expression.Assign(target, Expression.Convert(t, type));
var instructions = new List<Expression>
castToSource, castToTarget
foreach (var property in props)
var left = Expression.Property(target, property);
var right = Expression.Property(source, property);
var assign = Expression.Assign(left, right);
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Action<IInterface, IInterface>>(
new[] {source, target}, instructions),
s, t);
return lambda;
IInterface src = new Child
CopyableProp = 42
IInterface dst = new Child();
var copy = CreateCopyMethod(src.GetType()).Compile();
copy(src, dst);
Console.WriteLine(((Child)dst).CopyableProp); // 42
To improve performance consider usage Dictionary<Type, Action<IInterface, IInterface>> to cache implementation of already generated methods

How can I call a reflected Func<T, T> property using Expression Trees

I have a generic class with a lambda property defined as such:
public class Transformation<TProperty> : TransformationBase
public Func<TProperty, TProperty> Transform { get; private set; }
I'm trying to compile an Action that can call this Transform property (on a property of Foo). I don't know TProperty at compile-time. I've started with this:
private static Action<Foo> Compile(Transformation transformation)
var fooParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Foo));
var changePropertyValue = Expression.Constant(transformation);
var transformProperty = Expression.Property(changePropertyValue, "Transform");
var transfromCall = Expression.Call(transformProperty, ?
How can I call/execute the transformProperty?
EDIT: Foo (which is known a compile time) has an untyped property Value which needs to be transformed using the Transform property of the Transformation:
public class Foo {
public object Value { get; set; }
So, hand-written as an example where TProperty is string it would be:
Foo foo = ... // coming from an external source
Transformation<string> tranformation = ... // coming from an external source
foo.Value = transformation.Transform((string)foo.Value);
Except that I don't know the exact type of the Transformation as it is defined in an external assembly. So, instead of string it could be int or something else. That's why I want to use Expression Trees to compile an Action for a given transformation, such that I can call:
Foo foo = ... // coming from an external source
TransformationBase transformation = ... // coming from an external source
Action<Foo> transform = Compile(transformation);
transform(foo); // should transform foo.Value using the Transform property of 'transformation'
Note: I made Transformation inherit from TransformationBase to clarify this discussion.
Your problems relate more to the lack of typing around your problem. Foo.Value is loosely typed, but your transform functions are strongly typed. Expression Trees are also strongly typed. Using them doesn't allow you to magically call code in a loosely typed manner.
The solution is either a lot of reflection, or some easy dynamic:
EDIT: I added CompileUntyped which uses ExpressionTrees.I also added CompileReflection, which uses Reflection without ExpressionTrees. I would recommend the one that uses dynamic. It is by far the easiest to read, hence the easiest to maintain.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var testTransform = new Transformation<string>
Transform = s => s.ToUpper()
var a = Compile(testTransform);
var foo = new Foo
Value = "test"
//foo.Value is now TEST
public static Action<Foo> CompileReflection(TransformationBase transformation)
var f = transformation
.Invoke(transformation, null) as Delegate;
return foo => foo.Value = f.DynamicInvoke(foo.Value);
public static Action<Foo> Compile(TransformationBase transformation)
return new Action<Foo>(f =>
dynamic d = f.Value;
dynamic t = transformation;
f.Value = t.Transform(d);
public static Action<Foo> CompileUntyped(TransformationBase transformation)
var transformType = transformation.GetType();
var genericType = transformType.GetGenericArguments().First();
var fooParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Foo), "f");
var valueGetter = typeof(Foo).GetProperty("Value").GetGetMethod();
var valueSetter = typeof(Foo).GetProperty("Value").GetSetMethod();
var transformFuncMember = transformType.GetProperty("Transform").GetGetMethod();
//Equivalent to f => f.Value = transformation.Transform((T)f.Value)
//Where T is the generic type parameter of the Transformation, and f is of type Foo
var expression = Expression.Lambda<Action<Foo>>(
Expression.Constant(transformation, transformType),
Expression.Property(fooParam, valueGetter),
), fooParam
return expression.Compile();
public class TransformationBase { }
public class Transformation<TProperty> : TransformationBase
public Func<TProperty, TProperty> Transform { get; set; }
public class Foo
public object Value { get; set; }
Not sure what are you trying to do BUT if I understand your intentions - I do not see need for compiling Expressions:
private static Action<TProperty> Compile<TProperty>(Transformation<TProperty> transformation)
return new Action<TProperty>(p => transformation.Transform(p));
See an example, it should give you what you want.
void Main()
var dummyObject = new Dummy { Test = "Hello!" };
var propertyTransform = Create(dummyObject, "Test");
Console.WriteLine("Final transformation " + dummyObject.Test);
class Dummy {
public string Test { get; set; }
// Define other methods and classes here
public class Transformation<TProperty>
public Func<TProperty, TProperty> Transform { get; set; }
public static Action<TObj> Create<TObj>(TObj myObject, string property){
var prop = myObject
var val = prop.GetValue(myObject);
var transformation = Create((dynamic)val);
var transform = transformation.Transform;
return obj => {
var newValue = transform((dynamic)val);
prop.SetValue(myObject, newValue);
public static Transformation<TProperty> Create<TProperty>(TProperty property){
var transformation = new Transformation<TProperty>();
// just a dummy hijacking.
Func<string, string> test = input => "I am changed man!";
transformation.Transform = (dynamic)test;
return transformation;
Final transformation I am changed man!

How can I create a dynamic Select on an IEnumerable<T> at runtime?

Given that I have an IEnumerable<T>, where T is any object, how can I select a specific property from it, given that I know the name of the one of the property names at run time as a string?
For example:
var externalIEnumerable = DataPassedFromConsumingCode(); // `IEnumerable<T>`
string knownPropertyName = "Foo";
var fooSelect = externalIEnumerable.Select(...);
In essence, I'm obviously just doing externalIEnumerable.Select(x=> x.Foo);, but I need to perform this Select at runtime, when I don't have control over when it's initially created.
ANSWER: Based on AlanT's answer, here's what I actually did:
public Expression<Func<TItem, object>> SelectExpression<TItem>(string fieldName)
var param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TItem), "item");
var field = Expression.Property(param, fieldName);
return Expression.Lambda<Func<TItem, object>>(field,
new ParameterExpression[] { param });
I kept it as an Expression, because calling Compile caused the IQueryable to be Enumerated, which meant the database was hit unnecessarily. So, to use it, I just do the following:
string primaryKey = _map.GetPrimaryKeys(typeof(TOriginator)).Single();
var primaryKeyExpression = SelectExpression<TOriginator>(primaryKey);
var primaryKeyResults = query.Select(primaryKeyExpression).ToList();
It is possible to do this using an Expression
private class Foo {
public string Bar { get; set; }
private IEnumerable<Foo> SomeFoos = new List<Foo>() {
new Foo{Bar = "Jan"},
new Foo{Bar = "Feb"},
new Foo{Bar = "Mar"},
new Foo{Bar = "Apr"},
public void GetDynamicProperty() {
var expr = SelectExpression<Foo, string>("Bar");
var propValues = SomeFoos.Select(expr);
Assert.IsTrue(new[] { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr" }.SequenceEqual(propValues));
public static Func<TItem, TField> SelectExpression<TItem, TField>(string fieldName) {
var param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TItem), "item");
var field = Expression.Property(param, fieldName);
return Expression.Lambda<Func<TItem, TField>>(field, new ParameterExpression[] { param }).Compile();
The dynamic linq library allows you to specify predicates and projections on the fly and may fit your use case-
You can dynamically build an Expression<Func<T, U>>.

Dynamic recursive lambda expressions

I want to create dynamic lambda expressions so that I can filter a list using a set of filtering parameters. This is what I have so far:
The expression is built using the methods bellow, where T is the object type of the list
public static Expression<Func<T, bool>> GetExpression<T>(IList<DynamicFilter> filters)
if (filters.Count == 0)
return null;
ParameterExpression param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "t");
Expression exp = null;
if (filters.Count == 1)
exp = GetExpression<T>(param, filters[0]);
return Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(exp, param);
private static Expression GetExpression<T>(ParameterExpression param, DynamicFilter filter)
MemberExpression member = Expression.Property(param, filter.PropertyName);
ConstantExpression constant = Expression.Constant(filter.Value);
return Expression.Call(member, filterMethod, constant);
I then call
List<Example> list = ...;
var deleg = ExpressionBuilder.GetExpression<Example>(dynFiltersList).Compile();
list = list.Where(deleg).ToList();
This works just as expected with an object that contains only simple types, but if there are complex types inside, the code doesn't work anymore. For example, let's say I have a member of custom type Field inside the Example class and Field has a string property Value. If filter.PropertyName would be 'Field0' (of type Field), the code would work just fine, but if I have 'Field0.Value' I would get an obvious error stating that there is no property named 'Field0.Value' inside class Example.
I tried modifying the expression building method, like this:
MemberExpression member = null;
if (filter.PropertyName.Contains('.'))
string[] props = filter.PropertyName.Split('.');
ParameterExpression param1 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T).GetProperty(props[0]).PropertyType, "t1");
member = Expression.Property(param1, props[0]);
member = Expression.Property(param, filter.PropertyName);
but then I got a Lambda parameter not in scope error when compiling the expression. I sort of understand why I get this error, but I don't know how to make this work.
Bottom line is I need to make the expression building method work recursively when forming the MemberExpression. I ultimately need to obtain a list = list.Where(deleg).ToList(); that translates to something like this list = list.Where(obj => obj.Field0.Value == 'something').ToList();
I've just started working with expressions so I don't really know too much in this area, but any help would be appreciated.
I realize this is a fairly old post, but I had the exact same problem and found something close in an answer that Mark Gravell posted here. I just modified it slightly to meet my needs and below is the result:
private Expression GetDeepProperty(Expression parameter, string property)
var props = property.Split('.');
var type = parameter.Type;
var expr = parameter;
foreach (var prop in props)
var pi = type.GetProperty(prop);
expr = Expression.Property(expr, pi);
type = pi.PropertyType;
return expr;
var method = typeof (string).GetMethod("Contains", new Type[] {typeof (string)}, null);
var lambdaParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TEntity), "te");
var filterExpression = Expression.Lambda<Func<TEntity, bool>> (
filters.Select(filter => Expression.Call(GetDeepProperty(lambdaParameter, filter.Property),
Where(exp => exp != null).
Aggregate(Expression.Or), lambdaParameter);
I'm trying to address
so that I can filter a list using a set of filtering parameters
not by using ExpressionBuilder but instead by using a generic Filter class.
public class Filter<T> where T: class
private readonly Predicate<T> criteria;
public Filter(Predicate<T> criteria)
this.criteria = criteria;
public bool IsSatisfied(T obj)
return criteria(obj);
First we need to have some classes.
public class Player
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Level { get; set; }
public enum Sex { Male, Female, Other };
public Weapon Weapon { get; set; }
public class Weapon
public string Name { get; set; }
public int MaxDamage { get; set; }
public int Range { get; set; }
public WeaponClass Class { get; set; }
public enum WeaponClass { Sword, Club, Bow }
Then we need a list of objects.
var graywand = new Weapon { Name = "Graywand", MaxDamage = 42, Range = 1, Class = Weapon.WeaponClass.Sword };
var scalpel = new Weapon { Name = "Scalpel", MaxDamage = 33, Range = 1, Class = Weapon.WeaponClass.Sword };
var players = new List<Player> {
new Player { Name = "Fafhrd", Level = 19, Weapon = graywand },
new Player { Name = "Gray Mouser", Level = 19, Weapon = scalpel },
new Player { Name = "Freddy", Level = 9, Weapon = graywand },
new Player { Name = "Mouse", Level = 8, Weapon = scalpel}
Then let's create a couple of filters and add those to a list.
var powerfulSwords = new Filter<Player>(p => p.Weapon.MaxDamage>35);
var highLevels = new Filter<Player>(p => p.Level>15);
var filters = new List<Filter<Player>>();
Finally filter the list by those filters
var highLevelAndPowerfulSwords = players.Where(p => filters.All(filter => filter.IsSatisfied(p)));
var highLevelOrPowerfulSwords = players.Where(p => filters.Any(filter => filter.IsSatisfied(p)));
Only "Fafhrd" will be in highLevelAndPowerfulSwords and highLevelOrPowerfulSwords will contain all players but "Mouse".
Have a look at ExpressionVisitor as described here: Replacing the parameter name in the Body of an Expression
You could generate an expression for each element in filter and combine them into one single expression using the methods below:
public static Expression<Func<T, K>> CombineAnd<T, K>(Expression<Func<T, K>> a, Expression<Func<T, K>> b)
ParameterExpression firstParameter = a.Parameters.First();
Expression<Func<T, K>> b1 = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, K>>(Expression.Invoke(b, firstParameter), firstParameter);
return Expression.Lambda<Func<T, K>>(Expression.And(a.Body, b1.Body), firstParameter);
public static Expression<Func<T, K>> CombineOr<T, K>(Expression<Func<T, K>> a, Expression<Func<T, K>> b)
ParameterExpression firstParameter = a.Parameters.First();
Expression<Func<T, K>> b1 = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, K>>(Expression.Invoke(b, firstParameter), firstParameter);
return Expression.Lambda<Func<T, K>>(Expression.Or(a.Body, b1.Body), firstParameter);

Calculate average in LINQ C# with string representation of property name

I need to calculate a whole bunch of averages on an List of Surveys. The surveys have lots of properties that are int and double valued. I am creating a business object to handle all the calculations (there are like 100) and I'd rather not code 100 different methods for finding the average for a particular property.
I'd like to be able to have the UI pass a string (representing the property) and have the the business object return an average for that property.
So, like...
int AverageHeightInInches = MyObject.GetIntAverage("HeightInInches");
Then have linq code to calculate the result.
I have created this little example, it uses the System.Linq.Expression namespace to create a function that can calculate averages based on the property name. The function can be cached for later use, reflection is only used to create the function, not each time the function is executed.
EDIT: I removed the existing reflection example and updated the current example to show the ability to walk a list of properties.
static class Program
static void Main()
var people = new List<Person>();
for (var i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
var person = new Person { Age = i };
person.Details.Height = i;
person.Details.Name = i.ToString();
var averageAgeFunction = CreateIntegerAverageFunction<Person>("Age");
var averageHeightFunction = CreateIntegerAverageFunction<Person>("Details.Height");
var averageNameLengthFunction = CreateIntegerAverageFunction<Person>("Details.Name.Length");
public static Func<IEnumerable<T>, double> CreateIntegerAverageFunction<T>(string property)
var type = typeof(T);
var properties = property.Split('.'); // Split the properties
ParameterExpression parameterExpression = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T));
Expression expression = parameterExpression;
// Iterrate over the properties creating an expression that will get the property value
for (int i = 0; i < properties.Length; i++)
var propertyInfo = type.GetProperty(properties[i]);
expression = Expression.Property(expression, propertyInfo); // Use the result from the previous expression as the instance to get the next property from
type = propertyInfo.PropertyType;
// Ensure that the last property in the sequence is an integer
if (type.Equals(typeof(int)))
var func = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, int>>(expression, parameterExpression).Compile();
return c => c.Average(func);
throw new Exception();
public class Person
private readonly Detials _details = new Detials();
public int Age { get; set; }
public Detials Details { get { return _details; } }
public class Detials
public int Height { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
Here is an example to do that.
class Survey
public int P1 { get; set; }
class MyObject
readonly List<Survey> _listofSurveys = new List<Survey> { new Survey { P1 = 10 }, new Survey { P1 = 20 } };
public int GetIntAverage(string propertyName)
var type = typeof(Survey);
var property = type.GetProperty(propertyName);
return (int)_listofSurveys.Select(x => (int) property.GetValue(x,null)).Average();
static void Main(string[] args)
var myObject = new MyObject();
if you are using linq2sql i would suggest DynamicLinq
you could then just do
the dynamic linq project provides the string overloads to IQueryable.
You can do this without reflection (both int and double are supported):
public static double Average(this IEnumerable<Survey> surveys, Func<Survey, int> selector)
return surveys.Average(selector);
public static double Average(this IEnumerable<Survey> surveys, Func<Survey, double> selector)
return surveys.Average(selector);
var average1 = surveys.Average(survey => survey.Property1);
var average2 = surveys.Average(survey => survey.Property2);
