Calculate average in LINQ C# with string representation of property name - c#

I need to calculate a whole bunch of averages on an List of Surveys. The surveys have lots of properties that are int and double valued. I am creating a business object to handle all the calculations (there are like 100) and I'd rather not code 100 different methods for finding the average for a particular property.
I'd like to be able to have the UI pass a string (representing the property) and have the the business object return an average for that property.
So, like...
int AverageHeightInInches = MyObject.GetIntAverage("HeightInInches");
Then have linq code to calculate the result.

I have created this little example, it uses the System.Linq.Expression namespace to create a function that can calculate averages based on the property name. The function can be cached for later use, reflection is only used to create the function, not each time the function is executed.
EDIT: I removed the existing reflection example and updated the current example to show the ability to walk a list of properties.
static class Program
static void Main()
var people = new List<Person>();
for (var i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
var person = new Person { Age = i };
person.Details.Height = i;
person.Details.Name = i.ToString();
var averageAgeFunction = CreateIntegerAverageFunction<Person>("Age");
var averageHeightFunction = CreateIntegerAverageFunction<Person>("Details.Height");
var averageNameLengthFunction = CreateIntegerAverageFunction<Person>("Details.Name.Length");
public static Func<IEnumerable<T>, double> CreateIntegerAverageFunction<T>(string property)
var type = typeof(T);
var properties = property.Split('.'); // Split the properties
ParameterExpression parameterExpression = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T));
Expression expression = parameterExpression;
// Iterrate over the properties creating an expression that will get the property value
for (int i = 0; i < properties.Length; i++)
var propertyInfo = type.GetProperty(properties[i]);
expression = Expression.Property(expression, propertyInfo); // Use the result from the previous expression as the instance to get the next property from
type = propertyInfo.PropertyType;
// Ensure that the last property in the sequence is an integer
if (type.Equals(typeof(int)))
var func = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, int>>(expression, parameterExpression).Compile();
return c => c.Average(func);
throw new Exception();
public class Person
private readonly Detials _details = new Detials();
public int Age { get; set; }
public Detials Details { get { return _details; } }
public class Detials
public int Height { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }

Here is an example to do that.
class Survey
public int P1 { get; set; }
class MyObject
readonly List<Survey> _listofSurveys = new List<Survey> { new Survey { P1 = 10 }, new Survey { P1 = 20 } };
public int GetIntAverage(string propertyName)
var type = typeof(Survey);
var property = type.GetProperty(propertyName);
return (int)_listofSurveys.Select(x => (int) property.GetValue(x,null)).Average();
static void Main(string[] args)
var myObject = new MyObject();

if you are using linq2sql i would suggest DynamicLinq
you could then just do
the dynamic linq project provides the string overloads to IQueryable.

You can do this without reflection (both int and double are supported):
public static double Average(this IEnumerable<Survey> surveys, Func<Survey, int> selector)
return surveys.Average(selector);
public static double Average(this IEnumerable<Survey> surveys, Func<Survey, double> selector)
return surveys.Average(selector);
var average1 = surveys.Average(survey => survey.Property1);
var average2 = surveys.Average(survey => survey.Property2);


recursive function call in foreach throwing system.stackoverflowexception

I am getting a System.StackOverflowException: 'Exception of type 'System.StackOverflowException' was thrown.' message.
My code as follows, Here I want to assign value to a variable recursively based on the condition and return the list.
public class FancyTree
public string title { get; set; }
public string key { get; set; }
public List<FancyTree> children { get; set; }
For example the FancyTree Class produces the output like parent->child or parent->parent->child or parent->parent->parent->child just like the Treeview structure.
public JsonResult EmployeesTree()
var output = converttoFancyTree(db.Database.GetEmployees(true));
return Json(output, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
public List<FancyTree> converttoFancyTree(List<EmpTable> emps)
var output = new List<FancyTree>();
foreach (var emp in emps)
var fancyTreeItem = new FancyTree();
fancyTreeItem.key = emp.EMP_ID.ToString();
fancyTreeItem.title = emp.EMP_NAME;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(emp.TEAM))
//var empIDs = emp.TEAM?.Split(',')?.Select(Int32.Parse)?.ToList();
var tms = emp.TEAM.Split(',');
if (tms.Length > 0) {
var empIDs = new List<int>();
foreach (var t in tms)
var TeamMembers = emps.Where(x => empIDs.Contains(x.EMP_ID)).ToList();
if (TeamMembers.Count > 0)
var childrens = converttoFancyTree(TeamMembers);
fancyTreeItem.children = childrens;
return output;
I would assume your input is in the form of a plain list of objects, where each object contains the IDs of all the children, and you want to convert this to an object representation, i.e. something like:
public class Employee{
public int Id {get;}
public List<int> SubordinateIds {get;}
public class EmployeeTreeNode{
public IReadOnlyList<EmployeeTreeNode> Subordinates {get;} ;
public int Id {get;}
public EmployeeTreeNode(int id, IEnumerable<EmployeeTreeNode> subordinates){
Id = id;
Subordinates = subordinates;
To convert this to a tree representation we can start by finding the roots of the tree, i.e. employees that are not subordinate to anyone.
var allSubordinates = allEmployees.SelectMany(e => e.SubordinateIds).ToList();
var allRoots = allEmployees.Select(e => e.Id).Except(allSubordinates);
We then need an efficient way to find a specific employee by the Id, i.e. a dictionary:
var employeeById = allEmployees.ToDictionary(e => e.Id, e => e.SubordinateIds);
We can then finally do the actual recursion, and we can create a generic helper method to assist:
public static TResult MapChildren<T, TResult>(
T root,
Func<T, IEnumerable<T>> getChildren,
Func<T, IEnumerable<TResult>, TResult> map)
return RecurseBody(root);
TResult RecurseBody(T item) => map(item, getChildren(item).Select(RecurseBody));
var tree = allRoots.Select(r => MapChildren(
id => employeeById[id],
(id, subordinates) => new EmployeeTreeNode(id, subordinates)));
This will recurse down to any employee without any subordinates, create EmployeeTreeNode for these, and then eventually traverse up the tree, creating node objects as it goes.
This assumes that there are no loops/cycles. If that is the case you do not have a tree, since trees are by definition acyclic, and the code will crash. You will instead need to handle the more general case of a graph, and this is a harder problem, and you will need to decide how the cycles should be handled.

Building generic order-by-statement

I have a class with a bunch of properties:
class Foo {
public string Name {get; set; }
public int Age {get; set;
and a collection of instances of Foo.
Now I want to order those elements by a property given by the user. So the user selects a property from the type Foo. Now I want to order by elements based on this property.
One approach is a reflection-based one similar to this:
var p = typeof(Foo).GetProperty("Age");
var ordered = fooList.OrderBy(x => (int) p.GetValue(x, null));
This works so far. However I also tried a second one and there I am stuck. It deals by performing an expression-tree as follows:
var f = GetOrderStatement<Foo>("Age");
var ordered = fooList.OrderBy(f)
Func<T, int> GetOrderStatement<T>(string attrName)
var type = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), attrName);
var property = Expression.PropertyOrField(type, attrName);
return Expression.Lambda<Func<T, int>>(property).Compile();
My question is: As I should return a Func<T, int> where to get the int-part from or in other words where and how do I perform the actual comparison? I suppose I have to make a CallExpression to IComparable.CompareTo but I´m not sure how to do so. I think I need access to the both instances to compare.
EDIT: Complete code-example
static void Main()
var fooList = new[] { new Foo("Hans", 10), new Foo("Georg", 12), new Foo("Birgit", 40) };
var f = GetOrderStatement<Foo>("Age");
var ordered = fooList.OrderBy(f);
private static Func<T, int> GetOrderStatement<T>(string attrName)
var type = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), attrName);
var property = Expression.PropertyOrField(type, attrName);
return Expression.Lambda<Func<T, int>>(property).Compile();
Executing this code will throw an
ArgumentException: Incorrect number of parameters supplied for lambda
The problem is that you're trying to build a Func<T, int> but your call to Expression.Lambda doesn't specify the parameter expression, which means you can't expect it to create a delegate that has any parameters. Just specifying type as a second argument to Expression.Lambda works. Here's a complete example based on your question - note that I've changed the ages to prove that it's actually ordering, and I've updated your fields to read-only properties:
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
class Foo
public string Name { get; }
public int Age { get; }
public Foo(string name, int age)
this.Name = name;
this.Age = age;
class Test
static void Main()
var fooList = new[]
new Foo("Hans", 12),
new Foo("Georg", 10),
new Foo("Birgit", 40)
var f = GetOrderStatement<Foo>("Age");
var ordered = fooList.OrderBy(f);
foreach (var item in ordered)
Console.WriteLine($"{item.Name}: {item.Age}");
private static Func<T, int> GetOrderStatement<T>(string attrName)
var type = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), attrName);
var property = Expression.PropertyOrField(type, attrName);
return Expression.Lambda<Func<T, int>>(property, type).Compile();
Georg: 10
Hans: 12
Birgit: 40

Multiple expression in LINQ select

I want combine my expression built in runtime (CustomExpression) with ordinary select clausule. Is there any way in C# to do this without manually building whole expression?
var dto = iqueryable.Select(d => new DTO()
X = d.X,
Y = d.Y,
Z = CustomExpression
Where CustomExpression is something like this:
private Expression<Func<EntityTypeFromIQueryable, string>> CustomExpression() {
get {
// there is manually built expression like this:
return x => x.Blah
You have to insert some kind of compilable placeholder (like an Extension Method) into your expression first. Then, at runtime, you can modify the expression using an Expression Visitor to replace your "placeholder" with the actual lambda expression. Since your actual expression uses different Parameters (d vs. x) you have to replace them with those of the "original" expression.
In fact, i'm playing around with such scenarios within this project, where i've tried to abstract this kind of expression plumbing. Your "combine" would then look like that:
var dto = iqueryable.ToInjectable().Select(d => new DTO()
X = d.X,
Y = d.Y,
Z = d.CustomExpression()
public static class CustomExpressions
public static string CustomExpression(this EntityTypeFromIQueryable value)
// this function is just a placeholder
// you can implement it for non LINQ use too...
throw new NotImplementedException();
public static Expression<Func<EntityTypeFromIQueryable, string>> CustomExpression()
return x => x.Blah
The call ToInjectable() creates a lightweight proxy around the original Queryable to modify the expression before execution as described. The attribute InjectLambda marks the "placeholder" as "inject lambda here". By convention the actual expression returned by ToInjectable() gets inserted at the desired position.
You can do it in following way:
static void MultipleExpressionInSelectStatement()
List<person> p = new List<person>();
p.Add(new person() { name = "AB", age = 18 });
p.Add(new person() { name = "CD", age = 45 });
var dto = p.Select(d => new person()
public static class ListExtensions
public static Func<person, int> CustomExpression()
return x => x.age;
//Person Object
public class person
public string name { get; set; }
public int age { get; set; }

Compare Properties automatically

I want to get the names of all properties that changed for matching objects. I have these (simplified) classes:
public enum PersonType { Student, Professor, Employee }
class Person {
public string Name { get; set; }
public PersonType Type { get; set; }
class Student : Person {
public string MatriculationNumber { get; set; }
class Subject {
public string Name { get; set; }
public int WeeklyHours { get; set; }
class Professor : Person {
public List<Subject> Subjects { get; set; }
Now I want to get the objects where the Property values differ:
List<Person> oldPersonList = ...
List<Person> newPersonList = ...
List<Difference> = GetDifferences(oldPersonList, newPersonList);
public List<Difference> GetDifferences(List<Person> oldP, List<Person> newP) {
//how to check the properties without casting and checking
//for each type and individual property??
//can this be done with Reflection even in Lists??
In the end I would like to have a list of Differences like this:
class Difference {
public List<string> ChangedProperties { get; set; }
public Person NewPerson { get; set; }
public Person OldPerson { get; set; }
The ChangedProperties should contain the name of the changed properties.
I've spent quite a while trying to write a faster reflection-based solution using typed delegates. But eventually I gave up and switched to Marc Gravell's Fast-Member library to achieve higher performance than with normal reflection.
internal class PropertyComparer
public static IEnumerable<Difference<T>> GetDifferences<T>(PropertyComparer pc,
IEnumerable<T> oldPersons,
IEnumerable<T> newPersons)
where T : Person
Dictionary<string, T> newPersonMap = newPersons.ToDictionary(p => p.Name, p => p);
foreach (T op in oldPersons)
// match items from the two lists by the 'Name' property
if (newPersonMap.ContainsKey(op.Name))
T np = newPersonMap[op.Name];
Difference<T> diff = pc.SearchDifferences(op, np);
if (diff != null)
yield return diff;
private Difference<T> SearchDifferences<T>(T obj1, T obj2)
return SimpleSearch(obj1, obj2);
private Difference<T> SimpleSearch<T>(T obj1, T obj2)
Difference<T> diff = new Difference<T>
ChangedProperties = new List<string>(),
OldPerson = obj1,
NewPerson = obj2
ObjectAccessor obj1Getter = ObjectAccessor.Create(obj1);
ObjectAccessor obj2Getter = ObjectAccessor.Create(obj2);
var propertyList = _propertyCache[obj1.GetType()];
// find the common properties if types differ
if (obj1.GetType() != obj2.GetType())
propertyList = propertyList.Intersect(_propertyCache[obj2.GetType()]).ToList();
foreach (string propName in propertyList)
// fetch the property value via the ObjectAccessor
if (!obj1Getter[propName].Equals(obj2Getter[propName]))
return diff.ChangedProperties.Count > 0 ? diff : null;
// cache for the expensive reflections calls
private Dictionary<Type, List<string>> _propertyCache = new Dictionary<Type, List<string>>();
private void CacheObject<T>(T obj)
if (!_propertyCache.ContainsKey(obj.GetType()))
_propertyCache[obj.GetType()] = new List<string>();
_propertyCache[obj.GetType()].AddRange(obj.GetType().GetProperties().Select(pi => pi.Name));
PropertyComparer pc = new PropertyComparer();
var diffs = PropertyComparer.GetDifferences(pc, oldPersonList, newPersonList).ToList();
My very biased measurements showed that this approach is about 4-6 times faster than the Json-Conversion and about 9 times faster than ordinary reflections. But in fairness, you could probably speed up the other solutions quite a bit.
At the moment my solution doesn't recurse over nested lists, for example it doesn't compare individual Subject items - it only detects that the subjects lists are different, but not what or where. However, it shouldn't be too hard to add this feature when you need it. The most difficult part would probably be to decide how to represent these differences in the Difference class.
We start with 2 simple methods:
public bool AreEqual(object leftValue, object rightValue)
var left = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(leftValue);
var right = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(rightValue);
return left == right;
public Difference<T> GetDifference<T>(T newItem, T oldItem)
var properties = typeof(T).GetProperties();
var propertyValues = properties
.Select(p => new {
LeftValue = p.GetValue(newItem),
RightValue = p.GetValue(oldItem)
var differences = propertyValues
.Where(p => !AreEqual(p.LeftValue, p.RightValue))
.Select(p => p.Name)
return new Difference<T>
ChangedProperties = differences,
NewItem = newItem,
OldItem = oldItem
AreEqual just compares the serialized versions of two objects using Json.Net, this keeps it from treating reference types and value types differently.
GetDifference checks the properties on the passed in objects and compares them individually.
To get a list of differences:
var oldPersonList = new List<Person> {
new Person { Name = "Bill" },
new Person { Name = "Bob" }
var newPersonList = new List<Person> {
new Person { Name = "Bill" },
new Person { Name = "Bobby" }
var diffList = oldPersonList.Zip(newPersonList, GetDifference)
.Where(d => d.ChangedProperties.Any())
Everyone always tries to get fancy and write these overly generic ways of extracting data. There is a cost to that.
Why not be old school simple.
Have a GetDifferences member function Person.
virtual List<String> GetDifferences(Person otherPerson){
var diffs = new List<string>();
if(this.X != otherPerson.X) diffs.add("X");
In inherited classes. Override and add their specific properties. AddRange the base function.
KISS - Keep it simple. It would take you 10 minutes of monkey work to write it, and you know it will be efficient and work.
I am doing it by using this:
//This structure represents the comparison of one member of an object to the corresponding member of another object.
public struct MemberComparison
public static PropertyInfo NullProperty = null; //used for ROOT properties - i dont know their name only that they are changed
public readonly MemberInfo Member; //Which member this Comparison compares
public readonly object Value1, Value2;//The values of each object's respective member
public MemberComparison(PropertyInfo member, object value1, object value2)
Member = member;
Value1 = value1;
Value2 = value2;
public override string ToString()
return ": " + Value1.ToString() + (Value1.Equals(Value2) ? " == " : " != ") + Value2.ToString();
//This method can be used to get a list of MemberComparison values that represent the fields and/or properties that differ between the two objects.
public static List<MemberComparison> ReflectiveCompare<T>(T x, T y)
List<MemberComparison> list = new List<MemberComparison>();//The list to be returned
if (x.GetType().IsArray)
Array xArray = x as Array;
Array yArray = y as Array;
if (xArray.Length != yArray.Length)
list.Add(new MemberComparison(MemberComparison.NullProperty, "array", "array"));
for (int i = 0; i < xArray.Length; i++)
var compare = ReflectiveCompare(xArray.GetValue(i), yArray.GetValue(i));
if (compare.Count > 0)
foreach (PropertyInfo m in x.GetType().GetProperties())
//Only look at fields and properties.
//This could be changed to include methods, but you'd have to get values to pass to the methods you want to compare
if (!m.PropertyType.IsArray && (m.PropertyType == typeof(String) || m.PropertyType == typeof(double) || m.PropertyType == typeof(int) || m.PropertyType == typeof(uint) || m.PropertyType == typeof(float)))
var xValue = m.GetValue(x, null);
var yValue = m.GetValue(y, null);
if (!object.Equals(yValue, xValue))//Add a new comparison to the list if the value of the member defined on 'x' isn't equal to the value of the member defined on 'y'.
list.Add(new MemberComparison(m, yValue, xValue));
else if (m.PropertyType.IsArray)
Array xArray = m.GetValue(x, null) as Array;
Array yArray = m.GetValue(y, null) as Array;
if (xArray.Length != yArray.Length)
list.Add(new MemberComparison(m, "array", "array"));
for (int i = 0; i < xArray.Length; i++)
var compare = ReflectiveCompare(xArray.GetValue(i), yArray.GetValue(i));
if (compare.Count > 0)
else if (m.PropertyType.IsClass)
var xValue = m.GetValue(x, null);
var yValue = m.GetValue(y, null);
if ((xValue == null || yValue == null) && !(yValue == null && xValue == null))
list.Add(new MemberComparison(m, xValue, yValue));
else if (!(xValue == null || yValue == null))
var compare = ReflectiveCompare(m.GetValue(x, null), m.GetValue(y, null));
if (compare.Count > 0)
return list;
Here you have a code which does what you want with Reflection.
public List<Difference> GetDifferences(List<Person> oldP, List<Person> newP)
List<Difference> allDiffs = new List<Difference>();
foreach (Person oldPerson in oldP)
foreach (Person newPerson in newP)
Difference curDiff = GetDifferencesTwoPersons(oldPerson, newPerson);
return allDiffs;
private Difference GetDifferencesTwoPersons(Person OldPerson, Person NewPerson)
MemberInfo[] members = typeof(Person).GetMembers();
Difference returnDiff = new Difference();
returnDiff.NewPerson = NewPerson;
returnDiff.OldPerson = OldPerson;
returnDiff.ChangedProperties = new List<string>();
foreach (MemberInfo member in members)
if (member.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property)
if (typeof(Person).GetProperty(member.Name).GetValue(NewPerson, null).ToString() != typeof(Person).GetProperty(member.Name).GetValue(OldPerson, null).ToString())
return returnDiff;

Cache reflected properties names

I have a method similar to this one:
static string GetVariableName<T>(Expression<Func<T>> expression)
var body = expression.Body as MemberExpression;
return body.Member.Name;
That give me the variables names. Everyone who mentions Reflection say It's bad for performance, So I want to cache the result so the reflection can occur only one single time for each var. Example:
GetVariableName(() => Model.Field1) // Does Reflection.
GetVariableName(() => Model.Field2) // Does Reflection.
GetVariableName(() => Model.Field1) // Uses Cache.
GetVariableName(() => Model.Field2) // Uses Cache.
I'm using this Util to log parameters And I want start using it to produce JQuery selectors in Mvc3 application
$('#'+ #(GetVariableName(()=> Model.FieldName))).Val();
Any ideas?
Everyone who mentions Reflection say It's bad for performance
Sure, but in this case you already have the MemberInfo from the lambda expression. The compiler has already built the expression tree. You don't need to fetch it using reflection which is what is slow. What would have been expensive is the following:
static string GetVariableName(string expression)
// use reflection to find the property given the string and once you have the property
// get its name
That's how all the strongly typed helpers in ASP.NET MVC work. You don't need to cache anything if you use the strongly typed lambda expression version.
You should be able to do something like this...
class Foo {
public Foo() {
m_Field1Name = new Lazy<string>(() => GetVariableName(() => Field1));
m_Field2Name = new Lazy<string>(() => GetVariableName(() => Field2));
public int Field1 { get; set; }
public int Field2 { get; set; }
public string Field1Name {
get {
return m_Field1Name.Value;
readonly Lazy<string> m_Field1Name;
public string Field2Name {
get {
return m_Field2Name.Value;
readonly Lazy<string> m_Field2Name;
public static string GetVariableName<T>(Expression<Func<T>> expression) {
var body = expression.Body as MemberExpression;
return body.Member.Name;
Benchmarking the cached names versus non-cached shows significant difference...
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args) {
var foo = new Foo();
const int count = 1000000;
var sw = new Stopwatch();
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
string name1 = foo.Field1Name;
string name2 = foo.Field2Name;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
string name1 = Foo.GetVariableName(() => foo.Field1);
string name2 = Foo.GetVariableName(() => foo.Field2);
This prints:
Cached: 00:00:00.0176370
Non-cached: 00:00:12.9247333
Have you considered using attributes? You could reflect over the model once and cache those results instead.
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple= false)]
class JQueryFieldNameAttribute : Attribute {
public string Name { get; private set; }
public JQueryFieldNameAttribute(string name)
Name = name;
class Model {
public string Foo { get; set; }
void Main()
var type = typeof(Model);
var attributes = type.GetProperties()
.SelectMany (t => t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(JQueryFieldNameAttribute), true));
var cache = new Dictionary<int, IEnumerable<JQueryFieldNameAttribute>>();
// Cache results for this type only
cache.Add(type.GetHashCode(), attributes);
foreach (JQueryFieldNameAttribute a in attributes)
Console.WriteLine (a.Name);
