Write an INNER JOIN in LINQ - c#

I have the following SQL query. I would like to know how to write the same query in LINQ and C#.
select ph.Id,p.Id as projInfoId, ph.Title, ph.AdditionalHours, ph.AdditionalCost,
ph.InsertDate, ph.InsertBy, ph.LastUpdateDate, ph.LastUpdateBy, ph.TeamId,
from tblTeamType t
join ProjInformation p on t.team_id = p.teamId
join projProject pj on p.projectId=pj.projectId
inner join ProjInfoAdditionalHrs ph on p.teamId = ph.teamId and p.Id = ph.proJinfoid

I think it is easier to translate SQL using query comprehension syntax instead of lambda syntax.
General rules:
Translate inner queries into separate query variables
Translate SQL phrases in LINQ phrase order
Use table aliases as range variables, or if none, create range
variables from table names abbreviations
Translate IN to Contains
Translate SQL functions such as DISTINCT or SUM into function calls
on the entire query.
Create anonymous objects for multi-column grouping or joining
Using these rules, you should get something like:
var ans = from t in tblTeamType
join p in ProjInformation on t.team_id equals p.teamId
join pj in projProject on p.projectId equals pj.projectId
join ph in ProjInfoAdditionalHrs on new { p.teamId, p.Id } equals new { ph.teamId, ph.proJinfold }
select new {
projInfoId = p.Id,


How to write this SQL query as a LINQ statement in .NET Core (C#)?

I'm trying to join three tables together, but I just can't get my LINQ statements to get the data I want to. My SQL query that I want to replicate is like this:
SELECT TOP 5 SUM(Grade) AS 'TotalGrade', COUNT(Restaurants.Name) AS 'NumberOfVisits', Restaurants.Name FROM Lunches
JOIN dbo.LunchRestaurant ON Lunches.LunchId = LunchRestaurant.LunchId
JOIN Restaurants ON Restaurants.RestaurantId = LunchRestaurant.RestaurantId
GROUP BY Restaurants.Name
The LINQ statement I currently have is:
var q = from l in lunchContext.Lunches
join lr in lunchContext.LunchRestaurant on l.LunchId equals lr.LunchId
join r in lunchContext.Restaurants on lr.RestaurantId equals r.RestaurantId
select new { l.Grade, r.RestaurantId};
But with this one, I can't get in my group by statement or the aggregate functions no matter how I try. Do you have any suggestions on what to do? There also doesn't seem to be a way to write raw SQL statements when dealing with several tables, at least not easily done in EF Core if I'm not mistaken. Otherwise that'd be an option too.
I think you're looking for linq grouping. From memory, it would be something like;
var q = from l in lunchContext.Lunches
join lr in lunchContext.LunchRestaurant on l.LunchId equals lr.LunchId
join r in lunchContext.Restaurants on lr.RestaurantId equals r.RestaurantId
group l by lr.RestaurantId into g
select new { Id = g.Key, Grade =g.Sum(x=>x.Grade)};
If you do need to go down the raw SQL route then you can levarage ADO.Net like this
using (var command = lunchContext.Database.GetDbConnection().CreateCommand())
command.CommandText = "{Your sql query here}";
using (var result = command.ExecuteReader())
// do something with result

LINQ - query on query results (some complex one)

Need some help in writing LINQ from the following SQL.
The main problem is double grouping.
I'm stacked in the second grouping
group by s.[e-year], s.[e-month]
Don't know how to implement.
Thanks a lot.
select s.[e-year], s.[e-month], count(s.projectid) 'projects entranced',
(select count(subquery.CustomerTypeID) from
(select count(ap.ProjectID) as 'count', c.CustomerTypeID FROM Logging_ProjectsEntrances] pe
inner join users u on pe.userid = u.userid
inner join Companies c on u.CompanyId = c.CompanyID
inner join AssignedProjects up on pe.ProjectID = up.ProjectID
inner join Projects p on up.ProjectID = p.ProjectID
where ap.ProductID = 1 and year(pe.EntranceDate) = s.[e-year] and MONTH(pe.entrancedate) = s.[e-month] and c.CustomerTypeID = 2
group by ap.ProjectID, c.CustomerTypeID) subquery
group by subquery.CustomerTypeID
select YEAR(pe.EntranceDate) as 'e-year', MONTH(pe.EntranceDate) as 'e-month', up.ProjectID as 'projectid'
FROM Logging_ProjectsEntrances pe
inner join AssignedProjects ap on pe.ProjectID = ap.ProjectID
inner join Projects p on ap.ProjectID = p.ProjectID
where ap.ProductID = 1
group by year(pe.EntranceDate), month(pe.EntranceDate), ap.ProjectID
) as s
group by s.[e-year], s.[e-month]
order by s.[e-year] desc , s.[e-month] desc
For translating SQL to LINQ query comprehension:
Translate FROM subselects as separately declared variables.
Translate each clause in LINQ clause order, translating monadic operators (DISTINCT, TOP, etc) into functions applied to the whole LINQ query.
Use table aliases as range variables. Use column aliases as anonymous type field names.
Use anonymous types (new { ... }) for multiple columns.
Left Join is simulated by using a into join_variable and doing another from from the join variable followed by .DefaultIfEmpty().
Replace COALESCE with the conditional operator and a null test.
Translate IN to .Contains() and NOT IN to !...Contains()
SELECT * must be replaced with select range_variable or for joins, an anonymous object containing all the range variables.
SELECT fields must be replaced with select new { ... } creating an anonymous object with all the desired fields or expressions.
Proper FULL OUTER JOIN must be handled with an extension method.
Note: Your SQL query is using a SQL trick (SELECT x ... GROUP BY x) to perform the equivalent of a DISTINCT, which should be used as it expresses the intent more clearly.
So, for your SQL query:
var subq = (from pe in projectsEntrances
join ap in assignedProjects on pe.ProjectID equals ap.ProjectID
join p in projects on ap.ProjectID equals p.ProjectID
where ap.ProductID == 1
select new { e_year = pe.EntranceDate.Year, e_month = pe.EntranceDate.Month, ap.ProjectID }).Distinct();
var ans = from s in subq
group s by new { s.e_year, s.e_month } into sg
orderby sg.Key.e_year descending, sg.Key.e_month descending
select new { sg.Key.e_year, sg.Key.e_month, ProjectsEntranced = sg.Count() };

Concatenating a LINQ (To SQL) Query

I am building a LINQ query, which will have comparisons attached to the 'where' section (the number of these comparisons depends on the user's selections).
In the code-behind, I want something like this:
var builtQuery =
from q in dc.Leads
join sr in dc.SalesReps on q.SalesRepID equals sr.SalesRepID
join co in dc.Companies on q.CompanyID equals co.CompanyID
join or in dc.Origins on q.OriginID equals or.OriginID
join pr in dc.Products on q.ProductID equals pr.ProductID
Here, in between the 'from' and 'select' parts, I will add a number of comparisons (depending on the user's selection of checkboxes).
And Finally:
select new { q.Ref, sr.Rep, q.Deposit, q.Sale, q.Title, q.Names, q.Surname, q.HomePhone, q.WorkPhone, q.Mobile, q.Address, q.Suburb, q.County, q.Postcode, co.CompanyName, or.OriginName, pr.ProductName, q.Telemarket, q.Entered };
In PHP (using MySQL) I could simply concatenate a number of strings, which make up the query. But, in c#/LINQ To SQL, the query is not a string and so I have no idea how to do this...There were a couple similar questions on SO, but they're not quite the same thing.
Any ideas??
I would do it in the following way
var intermediateQuery=
from q in dc.Leads
join sr in dc.SalesReps on q.SalesRepID equals sr.SalesRepID
join co in dc.Companies on q.CompanyID equals co.CompanyID
join or in dc.Origins on q.OriginID equals or.OriginID
join pr in dc.Products on q.ProductID equals pr.ProductID
select new { q.Ref, sr.Rep, q.Deposit, q.Sale, q.Title, q.Names, q.Surname, q.HomePhone, q.WorkPhone, q.Mobile, q.Address, q.Suburb, q.County, q.Postcode, co.CompanyName, or.OriginName, pr.ProductName, q.Telemarket, q.Entered };
and then add some filters considering user input
var result = intermediateQuery.Where(p=>p.ProductName = 'UserProductName');
Do not be afraid that this approach will retrieve all data and than filters it in memory. LINQ sends query to database only when you call ToList(), ToArray() or use result in foreach loop

LINQ Group by and having where clause

Below is the SQL Query I am trying to translate
SELECT dbo.Contracts.Supplier
FROM dbo.Contracts INNER JOIN dbo.Products ON dbo.Contracts.Product = dbo.Products.Product
where dbo.Products.ProductGroup='Crude'
GROUP BY dbo.Contracts.Supplier
Am I doing something wrong because I do not get same results with the following LINQ
var result = from c in context.Contracts
join p in context.Products on c.Product equals p.Product1
where p.Product1.Equals("Crude")
group c by c.Supplier into g
select new { supplier = g.Key };
It is generating a weird statement
1 AS [C1],
[Distinct1].[Supplier] AS [Supplier]
[Extent1].[Supplier] AS [Supplier]
FROM [dbo].[Contracts] AS [Extent1]
WHERE N'Crude' = [Extent1].[Product]
) AS [Distinct1]
Using distinct would work but to get same results, LINQ should be generating a statement like so (it's like it is ignoring the join):
SELECT distinct dbo.Contracts.Supplier
FROM dbo.Contracts INNER JOIN dbo.Products ON dbo.Contracts.Product = dbo.Products.Product
where dbo.Products.ProductGroup='Crude'
I'm assuming that you are using 'EntityFramework' or 'Linq To SQL'. If so, you should be able to use navigation properties to navigate to product and filter invalit results out. This way your query might look something like this:
var result = (from c in context.Contracts
where c.Products.Any(p => p.ProductGroup == "Crude")
select c.Supplier).Distinct();
It will automatically convert into correct query (in this case possibly without join even, just using Exists sql keyword) and return distinct suppliers. This is if I understand your objective correctly - you want to obtain all suppliers assigned to contracts that contain product from 'Crude' product group.
Basically you should try to avoid using joins from linq to sql or linq to entities as much as possible when you can use navigation properties. System will probably be better at converting them into specific sql.

Join 3 tables with a lambda expression?

I basically want the following sql query as a lambda expression:
SELECT studentname, coursename, grade
FROM student S, course C, grade G
WHERE S.id = G.studentid AND C.coursecode = G.coursecode AND G.grade<='B';
I am having trouble as I have to join 3 tables together.
Well, that looks something like this as a query expression:
var q = from grade in db.Grades
where grade.grade <= 'B'
join student in db.Students on grade.studentid equals student.studentid
join course in db.Courses on grade.coursecode equals course.coursecode
select new { student.studentname, course.coursename, grade.grade };
(I'd normally use a variable name of query instead of q - I've just used q for formatting purposes here.)
You could translate this into explicit Join calls with lambda expressions, but I'd strongly advise you to use query expressions for complex queries like this.
Note that I've changed the order of the query to allow the "where" clause to be expressed as simply and efficiently as possible. In all likelihood a SQL query planner would optimize it anyway, but for something like LINQ to Objects this would help.
