LINQ - query on query results (some complex one) - c#

Need some help in writing LINQ from the following SQL.
The main problem is double grouping.
I'm stacked in the second grouping
group by s.[e-year], s.[e-month]
Don't know how to implement.
Thanks a lot.
select s.[e-year], s.[e-month], count(s.projectid) 'projects entranced',
(select count(subquery.CustomerTypeID) from
(select count(ap.ProjectID) as 'count', c.CustomerTypeID FROM Logging_ProjectsEntrances] pe
inner join users u on pe.userid = u.userid
inner join Companies c on u.CompanyId = c.CompanyID
inner join AssignedProjects up on pe.ProjectID = up.ProjectID
inner join Projects p on up.ProjectID = p.ProjectID
where ap.ProductID = 1 and year(pe.EntranceDate) = s.[e-year] and MONTH(pe.entrancedate) = s.[e-month] and c.CustomerTypeID = 2
group by ap.ProjectID, c.CustomerTypeID) subquery
group by subquery.CustomerTypeID
select YEAR(pe.EntranceDate) as 'e-year', MONTH(pe.EntranceDate) as 'e-month', up.ProjectID as 'projectid'
FROM Logging_ProjectsEntrances pe
inner join AssignedProjects ap on pe.ProjectID = ap.ProjectID
inner join Projects p on ap.ProjectID = p.ProjectID
where ap.ProductID = 1
group by year(pe.EntranceDate), month(pe.EntranceDate), ap.ProjectID
) as s
group by s.[e-year], s.[e-month]
order by s.[e-year] desc , s.[e-month] desc

For translating SQL to LINQ query comprehension:
Translate FROM subselects as separately declared variables.
Translate each clause in LINQ clause order, translating monadic operators (DISTINCT, TOP, etc) into functions applied to the whole LINQ query.
Use table aliases as range variables. Use column aliases as anonymous type field names.
Use anonymous types (new { ... }) for multiple columns.
Left Join is simulated by using a into join_variable and doing another from from the join variable followed by .DefaultIfEmpty().
Replace COALESCE with the conditional operator and a null test.
Translate IN to .Contains() and NOT IN to !...Contains()
SELECT * must be replaced with select range_variable or for joins, an anonymous object containing all the range variables.
SELECT fields must be replaced with select new { ... } creating an anonymous object with all the desired fields or expressions.
Proper FULL OUTER JOIN must be handled with an extension method.
Note: Your SQL query is using a SQL trick (SELECT x ... GROUP BY x) to perform the equivalent of a DISTINCT, which should be used as it expresses the intent more clearly.
So, for your SQL query:
var subq = (from pe in projectsEntrances
join ap in assignedProjects on pe.ProjectID equals ap.ProjectID
join p in projects on ap.ProjectID equals p.ProjectID
where ap.ProductID == 1
select new { e_year = pe.EntranceDate.Year, e_month = pe.EntranceDate.Month, ap.ProjectID }).Distinct();
var ans = from s in subq
group s by new { s.e_year, s.e_month } into sg
orderby sg.Key.e_year descending, sg.Key.e_month descending
select new { sg.Key.e_year, sg.Key.e_month, ProjectsEntranced = sg.Count() };


How to translate SQL to LINQ with individual field joins?

I have a SQL statement, that I want to implement in a .NET website project. I don't understand how to join in a particular field, as the fields aren't available when I just select from the table.
FROM [vResidence] c
JOIN [vJobs] j on c.UID = j.UID
This is the LINQ I have tried, but I am stuck at the 'ON' part:
results = (from j in vJobs
join cr in vResidence on ??? )
When I try 'j.', the only option I get is 'equals'.
You can follow as this.connect to tables as JOIN use equals keyword
var result = from r in vResidence
join j vJobs on r.UID equals j.UID
select new {[yourcolnum]};
You can try this
var result = (from j in vJobs
join cr in vResidence
on j.UID equals cr.UID
select new {
The Linq expression is the following:
from t1 in Table1
join t2 in Table2
on t1.ID equals t2.ID
The join clause on must be do in order: first the first table, then the second.
The keyword equals must be use.
Apart from the above Linq answers, we can do JOIN using Enumerable.Join extension with Lambda expressions. Try something like,
var result = vJobs.Join(vResidence, jb => new { jb.UID }, res => new { res.UID },
(jb, res) => new { jb, res })
.Select(x => x.jb) //Select the required properties (from both objects) with anonymous object or select left/right object
C# Fiddle with sample data.

Fluent LINQ query with multiple join conditions, one of which being a simple equals and another a less than comparison between ids

I have a SQL query which includes a left join and a group by- so far so good- my trouble arises from one of the join conditions not being a straight "equals to" and I'm lost where to go with LINQ.
I know multiple join conditions usually involves creating a couple of anonymous objects and comparing them, but when I add an "equal to" and "a greater" than into the mix, I've no idea how that applies.
Here's what I'd like the query to look like if I had invented LINQ, but I know the "and" in my join condition is invalid;
var query =
from csp in db.ChatSessionPersons
join cm in db.ChatMessages on
csp.ChatSessionId equals cm.ChatSessionId
and cm.Id > csp.LastReadChatMessageId
// (i know these should be the other way round,
// but for readability I present them like this!)
into j1
from j2 in j1.DefaultIfEmpty()
group j2 by csp.ChatSessionId into grouped
select new {
ChatSessionId = grouped.Key,
UnreadCount = grouped.Count(t => t.Id != null)};
Any ideas anyone?
You can convert the non-equality condition to a lambda Where on the group join result.
var query = from csp in db.ChatSessionPersons
join cm in db.ChatMessages on csp.ChatSessionId equals cm.ChatSessionId into cmj
select new {
ChatSessionId = csp.ChatSessionId,
UnreadCount = cmj.Where(cm => cm.Id > csp.LastReadChatMessageId).Count()
NOTE: I modified the query a bit to remove the group by which isn't needed if you are using a group join that has already grouped the matching results, and to remove the left join DefaultIfEmpty which also isn't needed when processing a group join with something like Count, unless you wanted to return an UnreadCount of 1 when there are no matches, in which case you should put DefaultIfEmpty() before Count().
Of course, you could use query comprehension in the sub-query:
var query = from csp in db.ChatSessionPersons
join cm in db.ChatMessages on csp.ChatSessionId equals cm.ChatSessionId into cmj
select new {
ChatSessionId = csp.ChatSessionId,
UnreadCount = (from cm in cmj where cm.Id > csp.LastReadChatMessageId select cm).Count()

Linq left join returns inner join

I am trying to perform an outer join in C# using Linq, the person mentoring me keeps saying I shouldn't try to do an outer join which isn't really an answer.
What I got from the other threads is that I need the .DefaultIfEmpty() where ever I may not have a record.
I tried it first on just the lines where there may be a missing information then added it to every line just to see if that was the problem.
Every time I run this I get only the inner join records. It works great other than it is not including the two records from my DB that only have information in the first two tables.
var sqlQuery =
from s in ctx.Suppliers
from sp in ctx.SupplierParts
.Where(sp => sp.SupplierID == s.SupplierID)
from sm in ctx.SupplierManufacturerRelations
.Where(sm => sm.SupplierPNID == sp.SupplierPNID)
from mp in ctx.ManufacturerParts
.Where(mp => mp.MfgPNID.Equals(sm.MfgPNID))
from m in ctx.Manufacturers
.Where(m => m.ManufacturerID.Equals(mp.ManufacturerID))
from im in ctx.ItemMasters
.Where(im => im.PreID == mp.PreID)
.Where(im => im.PartNumber == mp.PartNumber)
from c in ctx.ComponentClasses
.Where(c => c.CCID == im.CCID)
from um in ctx.UnitsOfMeasures
.Where(um => um.UOMID == sp.UOMID)
select new
{ my variables}
var querylist = sqlQuery.Where(n => n.SupplierID == thisSupplier).ToList();
I also tried
from s in ctx.Suppliers
join sp in ctx.SupplierParts on s.SupplierID equals sp.SupplierID
join sm in ctx.SupplierManufacturerRelations on sp.SupplierPNID equals sm.SupplierPNID into spartgroup
from sm in spartgroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
join mp in ctx.ManufacturerParts on sm.MfgPNID equals mp.MfgPNID into mpartgroup
from mp in mpartgroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
join m in ctx.Manufacturers on mp.ManufacturerID equals m.ManufacturerID into mgroup
from m in mgroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
join im in ctx.ItemMasters
on new { key1 = (int)mp.PreID, key2 = (int)mp.PartNumber }
equals new { key1 = im.PreID, key2 = im.PartNumber }
into tpartgroup
from im in tpartgroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
join c in ctx.ComponentClasses on im.CCID equals c.CCID into fullgroup
from c in fullgroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
join um in ctx.UnitsOfMeasures on sp.UOMID equals um.UOMID
This SQL query works and doesn't omit the rows
SELECT Supplier.SupplierID
, SupplierPart.SupplierPNID
, SupplierPart.SupplierPN
, SupplierPart.Description
, SupplierManufacturerRelation.MfgPNID
, ManufacturerPart.PreID
, ManufacturerPart.PartNumber
, ItemMaster.CCID
, ItemMaster.Description AS Expr1
FROM Supplier
Inner JOIN SupplierPart
ON Supplier.SupplierID = SupplierPart.SupplierID
Left JOIN SupplierManufacturerRelation
ON SupplierPart.SupplierPNID = SupplierManufacturerRelation.SupplierPNID
Left JOIN ManufacturerPart
ON SupplierManufacturerRelation.MfgPNID = ManufacturerPart.MfgPNID
Left JOIN ItemMaster
ON ManufacturerPart.PreID = ItemMaster.PreID
AND ManufacturerPart.PartNumber = ItemMaster.PartNumber
WHERE Supplier.SupplierID = 9
For translating SQL to LINQ query comprehension:
Translate FROM subselects as separately declared variables.
Translate each clause in LINQ clause order, translating monadic operators (DISTINCT, TOP, etc) into functions applied to the whole LINQ query.
Use table aliases as range variables. Use column aliases as anonymous type field names.
Use anonymous types (new { ... }) for multiple columns.
Left Join is simulated by using a into join_variable and doing another from from the join variable followed by .DefaultIfEmpty().
Replace COALESCE with the conditional operator and a null test.
Translate IN to .Contains() and NOT IN to !...Contains()
SELECT * must be replaced with select range_variable or for joins, an anonymous object containing all the range variables.
SELECT fields must be replaced with select new { ... } creating an anonymous object with all the desired fields or expressions.
Proper FULL OUTER JOIN must be handled with an extension method.
So from your SQL, your query should look like:
var ans = from s in ctx.Suppliers
join sp in ctx.SupplierParts on s.SupplierID equals sp.SupplierID
join sm in ctx.SupplierManufacturerRelations on sp.SupplierPNID equals sm.SupplierPNID into smj
from sm in smj.DefaultIfEmpty()
join mp in ctx.ManufacturerParts on sm?.MfgPNID equals mp.MfgPNID into mpj
from mp in mpj.DefaultIfEmpty()
join im in ctx.ItemMasters on new { key1 = (int)mp.PreID, key2 = (int)mp.PartNumber } equals new { key1 = im.PreID, key2 = im.PartNumber } into imj
from im in imj.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new {
s.SupplierID, sp.SupplierPNID, sp.SupplierPN, sp.Description, sm.MfgPNID, mp.PreID, mp.PartNumber, im.CCID, Expr1 = im.Description


I have the following SQL query. I would like to know how to write the same query in LINQ and C#.
select ph.Id,p.Id as projInfoId, ph.Title, ph.AdditionalHours, ph.AdditionalCost,
ph.InsertDate, ph.InsertBy, ph.LastUpdateDate, ph.LastUpdateBy, ph.TeamId,
from tblTeamType t
join ProjInformation p on t.team_id = p.teamId
join projProject pj on p.projectId=pj.projectId
inner join ProjInfoAdditionalHrs ph on p.teamId = ph.teamId and p.Id = ph.proJinfoid
I think it is easier to translate SQL using query comprehension syntax instead of lambda syntax.
General rules:
Translate inner queries into separate query variables
Translate SQL phrases in LINQ phrase order
Use table aliases as range variables, or if none, create range
variables from table names abbreviations
Translate IN to Contains
Translate SQL functions such as DISTINCT or SUM into function calls
on the entire query.
Create anonymous objects for multi-column grouping or joining
Using these rules, you should get something like:
var ans = from t in tblTeamType
join p in ProjInformation on t.team_id equals p.teamId
join pj in projProject on p.projectId equals pj.projectId
join ph in ProjInfoAdditionalHrs on new { p.teamId, p.Id } equals new { ph.teamId, ph.proJinfold }
select new {
projInfoId = p.Id,

LINQ Left Join with multiple ON OR conditions

I'm sorry for telling that I've a little bit weak on LINQ, I always do write SQL query before I start working on the complicated LINQ.
I want to ask that how to convert this SQL Query into LINQ with LEFT JOIN with multiple ON conditons with the OR operator.,
m.MerchandiseId will be use for twice in ON condition
Inbox AS i
INNER JOIN [User] AS u ON i.FromUserId = u.UserId
u.MerchandiseId = m.MerchandiseId
i.ToMerchantId = m.MerchandiseId
i.ToCompanyId = 10
i.FromCompanyId = 10
var message = (from i in db.Inbox
join u in db.User on i.FromUserId equals u.UserId
join m in db.Merchandise on u.MerchandiseId equals m.MerchandiseId //here I want to ON i.MerchantId = m.MerchandiseId, but it doesn't allow
where i.ToCompanyId == user.CompanyId || i.FromCompanyId == user.CompanyId
orderby i.CreatedAt descending
group m.MerchandiseId by new { m.MerchandiseId, m.MerchandiseName } into grp
select new
MerchandiseId = grp.Key.MerchandiseId,
MerchandiseName = grp.Key.MerchandiseName,
InboxMessage = (from e in db.Inbox
join us in db.User on e.FromUserId equals us.UserId
join mer in db.Merchandise on us.MerchandiseId equals mer.MerchandiseId
where mer.MerchandiseId == grp.Key.MerchandiseId
orderby e.CreatedAt descending
select e.InboxMessage).FirstOrDefault(),
CreatedAt = (from e in db.Inbox
join us in db.User on e.FromUserId equals us.UserId
join mer in db.Merchandise on us.MerchandiseId equals mer.MerchandiseId
where mer.MerchandiseId == grp.Key.MerchandiseId
orderby e.CreatedAt descending
select e.CreatedAt).FirstOrDefault(),
The bottom LINQ Query I've write for it. However, I just can work on the left join with multiple ON clause in LINQ. Appreciate if someone would help me on this. Thanks!
I don't believe Linq supports the use of the OR operator with multiple columns, but that said, I wouldn't use OR even in SQL as it makes the join's intention unclear and it also obscures where the data originated from - it also isn't immediately clear what happens if there are multiple matches for each column. Instead I would JOIN twice on the different columns and let the projection-clause handle it:
INNER JOIN [User] AS u ON i.FromUserId = u.UserId
LEFT OUTER JOIN Merchandise AS userMerchant ON u.MerchandiseId = userMerchant.MerchandiseId
LEFT OUTER JOIN Merchandise AS inboxMerchant ON Inbox.ToMerchantId = inboxMerchant .MerchandizeId
Inbox.ToCompanyId = 10
Inbox.FromCompanyId = 10
This can then be translated into Linq using the LEFT OUTER JOIN approach ( How to implement left join in JOIN Extension method )
Note that if you're using Entity Framework then you don't need to worry about doing any of this at all! Just use Include:
var query = db.Inbox
.Include( i => i.User )
.Include( i => i.User.Merchandise )
.Include i => i.Merchandise )
.Where( i => i.ToCompanyId = 10 || i.FromCompanyId == 10 );
