How do I use custom emojis? - c#

I've been trying to use custom emojis in my embed messages but it didn't work
I tried using Emoji and even Emote but neither of them worked
var questionMark = new Emoji("<:questionmark:640216780689637390>");
await ReplyAsync($"{questionMark}");
If I do this it only displays the ":questionmark:" but not the emoji and I want the emoji to show up

Copy pasted from the docs
public async Task SendAndReactAsync(ISocketMessageChannel channel)
var message = await channel.SendMessageAsync("I am a message.");
// Creates a Unicode-based emoji based on the Unicode string.
// This is effectively the same as new Emoji("💕").
var heartEmoji = new Emoji("\U0001f495");
// Reacts to the message with the Emoji.
await message.AddReactionAsync(heartEmoji);
// Parses a custom emote based on the provided Discord emote format.
// Please note that this does not guarantee the existence of
// the emote.
var emote = Emote.Parse("<:thonkang:282745590985523200>");
// Reacts to the message with the Emote.
await message.AddReactionAsync(emote);

In Emoji class, you don't need to put "<" and ">". So your code should look like this
var questionMark = new Emoji(":questionmark:640216780689637390");
await ReplyAsync($"{questionMark}");


Message becomes unreadable after setting string property (IBM MQ)

I am trying to send MQ message from .NET application using amqmdnet library.
I put to queue simple message with two string properties like that:
var message = new MQMessage();
message.SetStringProperty("MessageID", Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
message.SetStringProperty("DocType", docTypeVal);
foreach (var b in content)
var o = new MQPutMessageOptions();
var q = IBM_mqm.AccessQueue(ConnectionOptions.QueueNameOutput, MQC.MQOO_OUTPUT
q.Put(message, o);
It works perfect when property "DocType" contains only latin symbols, digits and other general symbols.
message.SetStringProperty("DocType", "SomeEngText");
But when the property contains cyrillic symbols the message becomes unreadable. It's format becomes MQRFH2 despite the fact that I never set it. And named properties are empty.
message.SetStringProperty("DocType", "Договор купли продажи ТС");
When I am trying to read this message from my client an error 6106 MQRC_ENCODING_ERROR comes.
Some cyrillic values works fine (for example, "Кредитный договор"), but most of them breaks the message.
I tried to specify CCSID of the message like that:
message.CharacterSet = MQC.CODESET_UTF;
And also to set format:
message.Format = MQC.MQFMT_NONE;
But it didn't help.
How can I fix it?

How can I get the content of a Windows 10 ?Notification in a UWP/C#?

I'm trying to get the text inside user notifications, and the action that occurs if you click the notification. I get the user's permission to read them (using UserNotificationListener.RequestAccessAsync()), and then I iterate over them, and add them to a ListView:
private async void getNotificationsAsync()
UserNotificationListener listener = UserNotificationListener.Current;
IReadOnlyList<UserNotification> notifs = await listener.GetNotificationsAsync(NotificationKinds.Toast);
foreach (UserNotification notif in notifs)
But all I can get from the UserNotification class is the initiating application's name (and the time the notification occured). I can't find any way to access the content of the notification in the UserNotification class.
Is what I'm trying possible? Am I using the right class?
Found it! (always happens after I ask the question 😀). For posterity's sake, here's the answer:
NotificationBinding toastBinding = notif.Notification.Visual.GetBinding(KnownNotificationBindings.ToastGeneric);
if (toastBinding != null)
// And then get the text elements from the toast binding
IReadOnlyList<AdaptiveNotificationText> textElements = toastBinding.GetTextElements();
// Treat the first text element as the title text
string titleText = textElements.FirstOrDefault()?.Text;
// We'll treat all subsequent text elements as body text,
// joining them together via newlines.
string bodyText = string.Join("\n", textElements.Skip(1).Select(t => t.Text));

Body or Message Contains method using MailKit

I'm using MailKit for received messages via Imap.
Now I need a search-logic for the software and I got a some troubles.
For ex, I using:
var query = SearchQuery.BodyContains("SomeTextfromEmail");
( or var query = SearchQuery.MessageContains("SomeTextfromEmail"); )
foreach (UniqueId uid in imapfolder.Search(query)){
//some logic
So, I can't get messages with text contains on it with Search filter.
I'm downloaded message ( message.WriteTo(string.Format(#"C:{0}.eml", uid)); )
and see the message content. Text of message in a base-64 format.
How do it correctly? I need decode message text from base64?
Problem are here:
var query = SearchQuery.BodyContains("Iphone").And(SearchQuery.All); //this construction find messages in folder
foreach (var uid in imapfolder.Search(query))
Console.WriteLine(message.From + " : " + uid.ToString());
var query = SearchQuery.BodyContains("Received from Iphone").And(SearchQuery.All); //this construction can't find message in folder
foreach (var uid in imapfolder.Search(query))
Console.WriteLine(message.From + " : " + uid.ToString());
Your question is a jumbled mess of confusion (your question starts out saying you are trying to figure out how to search and then you end with asking how to base64 decode the raw message that you saved to a file) so I have no idea exactly what you want to know.
If all you want is the decoded text body, you can do this:
var message = imapfolder.GetMessage (uid);
var text = message.TextBody;
This will be the decoded text string (either base64 decoded or quoted-printable decoded if it needs to be).
The MimeKit README and FAQ are both full of useful information on the basics of how to use them. I would highly recommend reading them as they may be helpful.
Based on the comment added to my answer, it sounds like what you want to do is this?
var matched = new UniqueIdSet ();
foreach (var uid in folder.Search (SearchQuery.BodyContains ("iPhone"))) {
var message = folder.GetMessage (uid);
var body = message.TextBody;
if (body != null && body.Contains ("Received from iPhone"))
matched.Add (uid);

Get element by key with Firebase in c#

I am coming to a problem where I have a guid style schema in my firebase database, which I want to display a text that is DisplayText, but for some reason my code is not working. I am using a FirebaseDatabase.Net Wrapper. How can I map it in order to read from the database properly using a guid way schema? thanks for the help.
private async Task ShowQuestion()
var firebase = new
var dinos = await firebase
foreach (var dino in dinos)
I tried doing:
string page = ""DisplayText"&limitToFirst=1";
using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
using (HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync(page))
using (HttpContent content = response.Content)
// Reading the string.
string result = await content.ReadAsStringAsync();
// Getting a reference to the text component.
questionDisplayText = GetComponent<Text>();
questionDisplayText.text = result.ToString();
questionDisplayText.text = result.Trim(new char[] {'"'});
Firebase queries take a two-step approach:
You order the child nodes on their key, their value, or the value of a property.
You then filter on values of the thing you ordered on.
Since you order by key, the filtering operations like StartAt() compare the key to the value you passed. And since there is no key DisplayText, there are no results.
If you want to read the first question, you shouldn't use a startAt().
var dinos = await firebase
If you want to return the results ordered by the value of their DisplayText property, it'd be something like this:
var dinos = await firebase
Since you indicated that you want to use the REST API, here's an example of how to do that:"DisplayText"&startAt="How"
If you want to embed this string in your code, you have a few options. The main ones:
string page = "\"DisplayText\"&startAt=\"How\"&limitToFirst=1";
string page = #"""DisplayText""&startAt=""How""&limitToFirst=1";
And don't forget: in order to be able to filter on the server, you'll need to define an index in your security rules. In my case I did so with:
"59384124": { ".indexOn": "DisplayText" },
Also see:
The documentation for the Firebase REST API
This blog post on embedding quotes in C# strings

How to call google.apis.dialogflow.v2 in C#

I am new to Google APIs. I want to know how to call Google Dialogflow API in C# to get intent form the input text. But I can't find any example to call Dialogflow using C#.
Please provide some example to call Dialogflow from C#.
If I understand your question correctly you want to call the DialogFlow API from within a C# application (rather than writing fulfillment endpoint(s) that are called from DialogFlow. If that's the case here's a sample for making that call:
using Google.Cloud.Dialogflow.V2;
var query = new QueryInput
Text = new TextInput
Text = "Something you want to ask a DF agent",
LanguageCode = "en-us"
var sessionId = "SomeUniqueId";
var agent = "MyAgentName";
var creds = GoogleCredential.FromJson("{ json google credentials file)");
var channel = new Grpc.Core.Channel(SessionsClient.DefaultEndpoint.Host,
var client = SessionsClient.Create(channel);
var dialogFlow = client.DetectIntent(
new SessionName(agent, sessionId),
In an earlier version of the DialogFlowAPI I was running into file locking issues when trying to re-deploy a web api project which the channel.ShutDownAsync() seemed to solve. I think this has been fixed in a recent release.
This is the simplest version of a DF request I've used. There is a more complicated version that passes in an input context in this post:
Making DialogFlow v2 DetectIntent Calls w/ C# (including input context)
(Nitpicking: I assume you know DialogFlow will call your code as specified/registered in the action at DialogFlow? So your code can only respond to DialogFlow, and not call it.)
Short answer/redirect:
Don't use Google.Apis.Dialogflow.v2 (with GoogleCloudDialogflowV2WebhookRequest and GoogleCloudDialogflowV2WebhookResponse) but use Google.Cloud.Dialogflow.v2 (with WebhookRequest and WebhookResponse) - see this eTag-error. I will also mention some other alternatives underneath.
Using Google.Cloud.Dialogflow.v2 NuGet (Edit: FWIW: this code was written for the beta-preview):
public dynamic PostWithCloudResponse([FromBody] WebhookRequest dialogflowRequest)
var intentName = dialogflowRequest.QueryResult.Intent.DisplayName;
var actualQuestion = dialogflowRequest.QueryResult.QueryText;
var testAnswer = $"Dialogflow Request for intent '{intentName}' and question '{actualQuestion}'";
var dialogflowResponse = new WebhookResponse
FulfillmentText = testAnswer,
FulfillmentMessages =
{ new Intent.Types.Message
{ SimpleResponses = new Intent.Types.Message.Types.SimpleResponses
{ SimpleResponses_ =
{ new Intent.Types.Message.Types.SimpleResponse
DisplayText = testAnswer,
TextToSpeech = testAnswer,
//Ssml = $"<speak>{testAnswer}</speak>"
var jsonResponse = dialogflowResponse.ToString();
return new ContentResult { Content = jsonResponse, ContentType = "application/json" }; ;
Edit: It turns out that the model binding may not bind all properties from the 'ProtoBuf-json' correctly (e.g. WebhookRequest.outputContexts[N].parameters),
so one should probably use the Google.Protobuf.JsonParser (e.g. see this documentation).
This parser may trip over unknown fields, so one probably also wants to ignore that. So now I use this code (I may one day make the generic method more generic and thus useful, by making HttpContext.Request.InputStream a parameter):
public ActionResult PostWithCloudResponse()
var dialogflowRequest = ParseProtobufRequest<WebhookRequest>();
var jsonResponse = dialogflowResponse.ToString();
return new ContentResult { Content = jsonResponse, ContentType = "application/json" }; ;
private T ParseProtobufRequest<T>() where T : Google.Protobuf.IMessage, new()
// parse ProtoBuf (not 'normal' json) with unknown fields, else it may not bind ProtoBuf correctly
// "ask the Protobuf code to parse the result"
string requestBody;
using (var reader = new StreamReader(HttpContext.Request.InputStream))
requestBody = reader.ReadToEnd();
var parser = new Google.Protobuf.JsonParser(JsonParser.Settings.Default.WithIgnoreUnknownFields(true));
var typedRequest = parser.Parse<T>(requestBody);
return typedRequest;
BTW: This 'ProtoBuf-json' is also the reason to use WebhookResponse.ToString() which in turn uses Google.Protobuf.JsonFormatter.ToDiagnosticString.
Microsoft's BotBuilder
Microsoft's BotBuilder packages and Visual Studio template.
I havent't used it yet, but expect approximately the same code?
Hand written proprietary code
A simple example of incoming request code (called an NLU-Response by Google) is provided by Madoka Chiyoda (Chomado) at Github. The incoming call is simply parsed to her DialogFlowResponseModel:
public static async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Run([...]HttpRequestMessage req, [...]CloudBlockBlob mp3Out, TraceWriter log)
var data = await req.Content.ReadAsAsync<Models.DialogFlowResponseModel>();
If you plan to work without DialogFlow later on, please note that the interface for Gactions differs significantly from the interface with DialogFlow.
The json-parameters and return-values have some overlap, but nothing gaining you any programming time (probably loosing some time by starting 'over').
However, starting with DialogFlow may gain you some quick dialog-experience (e.g. question & answer design/prototyping).
And the DialogFlow-API does have a NuGet package, where the Gactions-interface does not have a NuGet-package just yet.
