Get element by key with Firebase in c# - c#

I am coming to a problem where I have a guid style schema in my firebase database, which I want to display a text that is DisplayText, but for some reason my code is not working. I am using a FirebaseDatabase.Net Wrapper. How can I map it in order to read from the database properly using a guid way schema? thanks for the help.
private async Task ShowQuestion()
var firebase = new
var dinos = await firebase
foreach (var dino in dinos)
I tried doing:
string page = ""DisplayText"&limitToFirst=1";
using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
using (HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync(page))
using (HttpContent content = response.Content)
// Reading the string.
string result = await content.ReadAsStringAsync();
// Getting a reference to the text component.
questionDisplayText = GetComponent<Text>();
questionDisplayText.text = result.ToString();
questionDisplayText.text = result.Trim(new char[] {'"'});

Firebase queries take a two-step approach:
You order the child nodes on their key, their value, or the value of a property.
You then filter on values of the thing you ordered on.
Since you order by key, the filtering operations like StartAt() compare the key to the value you passed. And since there is no key DisplayText, there are no results.
If you want to read the first question, you shouldn't use a startAt().
var dinos = await firebase
If you want to return the results ordered by the value of their DisplayText property, it'd be something like this:
var dinos = await firebase
Since you indicated that you want to use the REST API, here's an example of how to do that:"DisplayText"&startAt="How"
If you want to embed this string in your code, you have a few options. The main ones:
string page = "\"DisplayText\"&startAt=\"How\"&limitToFirst=1";
string page = #"""DisplayText""&startAt=""How""&limitToFirst=1";
And don't forget: in order to be able to filter on the server, you'll need to define an index in your security rules. In my case I did so with:
"59384124": { ".indexOn": "DisplayText" },
Also see:
The documentation for the Firebase REST API
This blog post on embedding quotes in C# strings


Retrieving contents from a branch using octokit

I have recently started to use the octokit library to retrieve data from a github repository.
I can form a search request like
var request = new SearchCodeRequest("ValueSets", "xyzconnect", "projectA")
// we can restrict search to the file, path or search both
In = new[] { CodeInQualifier.Path },
var result = await client.Search.SearchCode(request);
or retrieve directly using
var xsx1 = await client.Repository.Content.GetAllContents(repository.Id, "ValueSets");
This works fine when I am using the default branch (usually master) but how do I perform the same functions against other branches?
So to get content from branches you use the API as such
var xsx2 = await client.Repository.Content.GetAllContentsByRef(repository.Id, "ValueSets","develop");

How to call google.apis.dialogflow.v2 in C#

I am new to Google APIs. I want to know how to call Google Dialogflow API in C# to get intent form the input text. But I can't find any example to call Dialogflow using C#.
Please provide some example to call Dialogflow from C#.
If I understand your question correctly you want to call the DialogFlow API from within a C# application (rather than writing fulfillment endpoint(s) that are called from DialogFlow. If that's the case here's a sample for making that call:
using Google.Cloud.Dialogflow.V2;
var query = new QueryInput
Text = new TextInput
Text = "Something you want to ask a DF agent",
LanguageCode = "en-us"
var sessionId = "SomeUniqueId";
var agent = "MyAgentName";
var creds = GoogleCredential.FromJson("{ json google credentials file)");
var channel = new Grpc.Core.Channel(SessionsClient.DefaultEndpoint.Host,
var client = SessionsClient.Create(channel);
var dialogFlow = client.DetectIntent(
new SessionName(agent, sessionId),
In an earlier version of the DialogFlowAPI I was running into file locking issues when trying to re-deploy a web api project which the channel.ShutDownAsync() seemed to solve. I think this has been fixed in a recent release.
This is the simplest version of a DF request I've used. There is a more complicated version that passes in an input context in this post:
Making DialogFlow v2 DetectIntent Calls w/ C# (including input context)
(Nitpicking: I assume you know DialogFlow will call your code as specified/registered in the action at DialogFlow? So your code can only respond to DialogFlow, and not call it.)
Short answer/redirect:
Don't use Google.Apis.Dialogflow.v2 (with GoogleCloudDialogflowV2WebhookRequest and GoogleCloudDialogflowV2WebhookResponse) but use Google.Cloud.Dialogflow.v2 (with WebhookRequest and WebhookResponse) - see this eTag-error. I will also mention some other alternatives underneath.
Using Google.Cloud.Dialogflow.v2 NuGet (Edit: FWIW: this code was written for the beta-preview):
public dynamic PostWithCloudResponse([FromBody] WebhookRequest dialogflowRequest)
var intentName = dialogflowRequest.QueryResult.Intent.DisplayName;
var actualQuestion = dialogflowRequest.QueryResult.QueryText;
var testAnswer = $"Dialogflow Request for intent '{intentName}' and question '{actualQuestion}'";
var dialogflowResponse = new WebhookResponse
FulfillmentText = testAnswer,
FulfillmentMessages =
{ new Intent.Types.Message
{ SimpleResponses = new Intent.Types.Message.Types.SimpleResponses
{ SimpleResponses_ =
{ new Intent.Types.Message.Types.SimpleResponse
DisplayText = testAnswer,
TextToSpeech = testAnswer,
//Ssml = $"<speak>{testAnswer}</speak>"
var jsonResponse = dialogflowResponse.ToString();
return new ContentResult { Content = jsonResponse, ContentType = "application/json" }; ;
Edit: It turns out that the model binding may not bind all properties from the 'ProtoBuf-json' correctly (e.g. WebhookRequest.outputContexts[N].parameters),
so one should probably use the Google.Protobuf.JsonParser (e.g. see this documentation).
This parser may trip over unknown fields, so one probably also wants to ignore that. So now I use this code (I may one day make the generic method more generic and thus useful, by making HttpContext.Request.InputStream a parameter):
public ActionResult PostWithCloudResponse()
var dialogflowRequest = ParseProtobufRequest<WebhookRequest>();
var jsonResponse = dialogflowResponse.ToString();
return new ContentResult { Content = jsonResponse, ContentType = "application/json" }; ;
private T ParseProtobufRequest<T>() where T : Google.Protobuf.IMessage, new()
// parse ProtoBuf (not 'normal' json) with unknown fields, else it may not bind ProtoBuf correctly
// "ask the Protobuf code to parse the result"
string requestBody;
using (var reader = new StreamReader(HttpContext.Request.InputStream))
requestBody = reader.ReadToEnd();
var parser = new Google.Protobuf.JsonParser(JsonParser.Settings.Default.WithIgnoreUnknownFields(true));
var typedRequest = parser.Parse<T>(requestBody);
return typedRequest;
BTW: This 'ProtoBuf-json' is also the reason to use WebhookResponse.ToString() which in turn uses Google.Protobuf.JsonFormatter.ToDiagnosticString.
Microsoft's BotBuilder
Microsoft's BotBuilder packages and Visual Studio template.
I havent't used it yet, but expect approximately the same code?
Hand written proprietary code
A simple example of incoming request code (called an NLU-Response by Google) is provided by Madoka Chiyoda (Chomado) at Github. The incoming call is simply parsed to her DialogFlowResponseModel:
public static async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Run([...]HttpRequestMessage req, [...]CloudBlockBlob mp3Out, TraceWriter log)
var data = await req.Content.ReadAsAsync<Models.DialogFlowResponseModel>();
If you plan to work without DialogFlow later on, please note that the interface for Gactions differs significantly from the interface with DialogFlow.
The json-parameters and return-values have some overlap, but nothing gaining you any programming time (probably loosing some time by starting 'over').
However, starting with DialogFlow may gain you some quick dialog-experience (e.g. question & answer design/prototyping).
And the DialogFlow-API does have a NuGet package, where the Gactions-interface does not have a NuGet-package just yet.

Send xsl doc in body of email

Programming would be much easier without users...
What I really need to be able to do is:
Put the content of a web page (including styles) into the body of an email and also set the subject.
Send the current user an email containing the body of a web page.
I really don't care how this is implemented -- server or client side. I've not come up with any good way of client side besides trying to push the web page into the clipboard for the users to then paste into their email.
App Background
I wrote a web site using c#, ts, angular. The site manages xml documents.
The users can select a document and click the "Human Readable" button or the "XML" button. The "Human Readable" is xml with xsl to make it look pretty for the humans. The XML button is apparently for non-humans.
The "Human Readable" version opens in another browser tab.
The users want a new "email" button for emailing the human readable. The person clicking the email button has access to my web site but the recipient may not.
I've attempted educating my users to do Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C, open email, Ctrl+V but this is beyond most of their capabilities.
I have tried so many different ways to accomplish this and all have failed.
I currently do a mailto link which opens their email and the body contains a link to the Human Readable.
Here's what I've tried so far -- this may not be a conclusive list of my attempts as I've been at this for a few days now.
I've tried putting a button in the human readable (xsl with javascript) in an attempt to copy the resulting html into the clipboard for the users to paste.
A button on the web site to scrape an iFrame into the clipboard
Many iterations of javascript copy/paste techniques
a c# controller that does a ReadAsStringAsync().Result function (which I will post below because I like that solution the best so far...
Option #4 I'm partial to and I got almost working -- if it weren't for that pesky xsl not getting formatted it would probably work. My results are the data being presented without xml tags and no styles.
public void EmailHumanReadable(List<DocumentVM> documents)
foreach (var document in documents)
var docId = document.document.DocId;
var docTypeId = document.document.DocTypeId;
var co = string.Empty;
var order = string.Empty;
var name = string.Empty;
var po = string.Empty;
// get the data for the subject line
using (var efUoW = new EFUnitOfWork(EDIEnvironment.EDIEnvironment.Instance.ConnectionString))
var doc = efUoW.DocumentRepository.GetById(docId);
co = doc.CompanyId.ToString();
var orders = efUoW.DocumentOrderRepository.GetByDocumentID(docId).ToList();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(doc.Source_Order))
order = doc.Source_Order;
order = "n/a";
foreach (var o in orders)
order += string.Format("{0} ", o.OrderId);
//order = string.Join(",", doc.DocumentOrders.Select(q => q.OrderId).ToList());
name = doc.BillToName;
name = doc.PurchaseOrder;
var subject = string.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}", co, order, name, po);
// get the human readable
var hrResponse = GetFile(docId, docTypeId);
var hrText = hrResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
// format the url
var url = string.Format("<a href='/api/Documents/Getfile?DocId={0}&DocTypeId={1}'>click here to open the jEDI Human Readable</a><br><br>", docId, docTypeId);
// find the current user's email address
var users = new List<string>();
//var to = EmailUtility.GetEmailID(users);
// and finally send the email
EmailUtility.SendEmail(EmailUtility.GetEmailID(users), null, subject, url + hrText);
public HttpResponseMessage GetFile(int DocId, int DocTypeId)
if (DocTypeId == (int)DocumentTypeEnum.EDI850)
using (var efUoW = new Factory_UOW().EF_UOW())
var doc = efUoW.DocumentRepository.GetById(DocId);
var xdoc = XDocument.Parse(doc.Message);
var proc = new XProcessingInstruction("xml-stylesheet", "type='text/xsl' href='/EDI850.xsl'");
var response = new HttpResponseMessage();
response.Content = new System.Net.Http.StringContent(xdoc.ToString());
response.Content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("text/xml");
response.Content.Headers.Add("X-UA-Compatible", "IE=edge");
return response;
I would be very grateful for any assistance in getting this to work.
And, yes, I know I shouldn't do the Async().Result -- blocking and all that... Let's just get this working first, shall we?

run a primitive mycouch query

I'm new to couchdb and mycouch. I'm trying to implement a very simple query, I just want to get the results of a view and save it into my DTO class.
My couchdb query works, when I query it manually via HTTP:
However, when I try running it from my app using mycouch, I can't get to run it. My current query:
using MyCouch.Requests;
using MyCouch.Responses;
// (...)
using (var client = new Client("http://localhost:5984/samples")) {
var query = new QueryViewRequest("getAllTshirts");
ViewQueryResponse<TShirt[]> result = await client.Views.QueryAsync<TShirt[]>(query);
Console.WriteLine (result);
For some reason, it won't find the Client class. I found an example where Client is used on github, as you can see, I'm using all the MyCouch related namespaces as in the example.
I also tried using MyCouchStore instead:
using (var store = new MyCouchStore("http://localhost:5984/", "samples")) {
var query = new QueryViewRequest("getAllTshirts");
ViewQueryResponse<TShirt[]> result = await store.Views.QueryAsync<TShirt[]>(query);
Console.WriteLine (result);
However, the store doesn't contain any property named Views.
Any ideas how to query my view using MyCouch?
This is what I do, with the MyCouchStore
using (var store = new MyCouchStore("http://user:password#localhost:5984", "samples")) {
var query = new Query("tshirts", "getAllTshirts");
var rows = store.QueryAsync<TShirt>(query).Result;
Apparantely, the documentation was not up to date. The constructor requires now 2 arguments, the second being an optional bootstrapper. This worked for me:
var client = new Client("http://localhost:5984/samples", null)

How to get Coordinates when Address is Known?

I derived/adapted the following code from Adam Freeman's book "Metro Revealed: Building Windows 8 apps with XAML and C#" to get the Address when the Coordinates are known:
public static async Task<string> GetAddressForCoordinates(double latitude, double longitude)
HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient {BaseAddress = new Uri("")};
HttpResponseMessage httpResult = await httpClient.GetAsync(
String.Format("reverse?format=json&lat={0}&lon={1}", latitude, longitude));
JsonObject jsonObject = JsonObject.Parse(await httpResult.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());
return jsonObject.GetNamedObject("address").GetNamedString("road");
How can I get the opposite (the Coordinates if the Address is known)?
I'm adding a bounty to this; what I've got already (shown above) is the reverse geocoding (getting the address for the coordinates); what I need is geocoding (getting the coordinates for the address).
Based on my reverse geocoding code above, I'm guessing it might be something like this:
public static async Task<string> GetCoordinatesForAddress(string address)
HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient {BaseAddress = new Uri("")};
HttpResponseMessage httpResult = await httpClient.GetAsync(
String.Format("format=json&address={0}", address));
JsonObject jsonObject = JsonObject.Parse(await httpResult.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());
return jsonObject.GetNamedObject("address").GetNamedString("lat"); // <-- what about "lon"?
...but I don't know how to combine the two coordinate (longitude and latitude) values (assuming this is correct, or close to being correct). Can anybody verify this, clean it up, or provide a better example (either using nominatim or otherwise)?
To answer Peter Ritchie's question/comment below:
In the original (reverse geocoding code), I've got:
return jsonObject.GetNamedObject("address").GetNamedString("road");
It simply returns the road; so something like "157 Riverside Avenue" I assume.
But for geocoding (needing two values, a longitude and a latitude), I've got this pseudocode:
return jsonObject.GetNamedObject("address").GetNamedString("lat"); // <-- what about "lon"?
So I don't know if I need to change the return value from Task<string> to Task<List and call (verbose pseudocode) [Note: I'm having a hard time escaping the angle brackets for Task with a List of string]:
var latitude jsonObject.GetNamedObject("address").GetNamedString("lat");
var longitude jsonObject.GetNamedObject("address").GetNamedString("lat");
List<string> listCoordinates = new List<string>();
return listCoordinates;
...or like so:
string latitude jsonObject.GetNamedObject("address").GetNamedString("lat");
string longtude jsonObject.GetNamedObject("address").GetNamedString("long");
return string.Format("{0};{1}", latitude, longitude);
...or ???
In response to the proffered Json code for geocoding:
Based on the original reverse geocode code, shouldn't the call be more like this:
HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient { BaseAddress = new Uri("") };
var httpResult = await httpClient.GetAsync(
String.Format("search?format=json&addressdetails={0}", address);
...but at any rate:
The JArray type is not recognized, though JsonArray is.
The JValue type is not recognized, though JsonValue is.
The JsonConverter type is not recognized; perhaps part of Json.Net?
The closest I can come to getting the proferred code to compile is:
var result = await httpResult.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
var r = (JsonArray)JsonConverter.DeserializeObject(result);//<-- JsonConvert[er] not recognized; part of Json.NET?
var latString = ((JsonValue)r[0]["lat"]).ValueType as string;
var longString = ((JsonValue)r[0]["lon"]).ValueType as string;
...but even with this (close but no Bob Seger), JsonConvert as well as JsonConverter are not recognized.
After slogging more concertedly through the documentation at, I think my original (reverse geocode) method might be better as:
public static async Task`<string`> GetAddressForCoordinates(double latitude, double longitude)
HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient {BaseAddress = new Uri("")};
HttpResponseMessage httpResult = await httpClient.GetAsync(
String.Format("reverse?format=json&lat={0}&lon={1}", latitude, longitude));
JsonObject jsonObject = JsonObject.Parse(await httpResult.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());
string house = jsonObject.GetNamedObject("addressparts").GetNamedString("house");
string road = jsonObject.GetNamedObject("addressparts").GetNamedString("road");
string city = jsonObject.GetNamedObject("addressparts").GetNamedString("city");
string state = jsonObject.GetNamedObject("addressparts").GetNamedString("state");
string postcode = jsonObject.GetNamedObject("addressparts").GetNamedString("postcode");
string country = jsonObject.GetNamedObject("addressparts").GetNamedString("country");
return string.Format("{0} {1}, {2}, {3} {4} ({5})", house, road, city, state, postcode, country);
This would return, for the corresponding coordinate args passed in, something like: "157 Riverside Avenue, Champaign, IL 55555 (USA)"
What I find odd about the documentation is there is no "state" element among the address parts; if that is really true, and not just a documentation oversight, my code above would fail on the call to GetNamedString("state").
I'm still not sure what the right syntax, etc., should be for the opposite (geocode) method, getting coordinates back after passing in an address.
Okay, I downloaded Json.NET and got it compiling. I haven't tested yet, but I've marked Peter Ritchie's as THE (50-point) answer.
This is the code I'm using:
public static async Task<string> GetCoordinatesForAddress(string address)
HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient { BaseAddress = new Uri("") };
HttpResponseMessage httpResult = await httpClient.GetAsync(
String.Format("search?q={0}&format=json&addressdetails=1", Pluggify(address))); // In my Pluggify() method, I replace spaces with + and then lowercase it all
var result = await httpResult.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
var r = (JArray)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(result);
var latString = ((JValue)r[0]["lat"]).Value as string;
var longString = ((JValue)r[0]["lon"]).Value as string;
return string.Format("{0};{1}", latString, longString);
A funny thing happened on the way back to this forum: while installing Json.NET via NuGet, I also saw ".NET's fastest JSON Serializer by ServiceStack" which claims to be 3X faster than Json.NET. FIWW, it has been updated more recently than Json.NET. Thoughts/reaction?
I have this code to implement this (app id and code have been changed to protect the semi-innocent
// If address has not been explicitly entered, try to suss it out:
address = textBoxAddress1.Text.Trim();
lat = textBoxLatitude1.Text.Trim();
lng = textBoxLongitude1.Text.Trim();
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(address))
address = await SOs_Classes.SOs_Utils.GetAddressForCoordinates(lat, lng);
. . .
public async static Task<string> GetAddressForCoordinates(string latitude, string longitude)
string currentgeoLoc = string.Format("{0},{1}", latitude, longitude);
string queryString = string.Empty;
string nokiaAppID = "j;dsfj;fasdkdf";
object nokiaAppCode = "-14-14-1-7-47-178-78-4";
var hereNetUrl = string.Format(
currentgeoLoc, queryString, nokiaAppID, nokiaAppCode);
// get data from REST API
var httpClient = new HttpClient();
var hereNetResponse = await httpClient.GetStringAsync(hereNetUrl);
// deseralize JSON from
using (var tr = new StringReader(hereNetResponse))
using (var jr = new JsonTextReader(tr))
var rootObjectResponse = new JsonSerializer
var firstplace = rootObjectResponse.results.items.First();
return HtmlUtilities.ConvertToText(firstplace.vicinity);
// NOTE: There is also a title (such as "Donut Shop", "Fire stations", etc.?) and type (such as "residence" or "business", etc.?)
...but on this line in GetAddressForCoordinates():
var firstplace = rootObjectResponse.results.items.First();
...I get this err msg: "*System.InvalidOperationException was unhandled by user code
Message=Sequence contains no elements
at System.Linq.Enumerable.First[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
at SpaceOverlays.SOs_Classes.SOs_Utils.d__12.MoveNext() in c:...*"
The value of hereNetResponse is:
USA","text":"Hartford IL 62048
app_id=F6zpNc3TjnkiCLwl_Xmh&app_code=QoAM_5BaVDZvkE2jRvc0mw"}}} it would appear that there is valid info inside there, such as should return "Hartford, IL"
And at any rate, a blank return value shouldn't throw an exception, I would think...
What you're asking about is simply "geocoding". If you want to use Nominatim specifically, they call this "Search". This is, to a certain extent, address validation; but part of the "validation" is including coordinates (bounding box, lat/long, etc.; depending on what is searched for and what the type of result). There's lots of details about the results, too much to simply post here; but this detail can be found here: (including examles).
You'll have to parse the results (XML, JSON, or HTML) to get the fields you're interested it.
Update 1:
As to what to do with the actual values: it depends. If you want to view the coordinates in a form, you can simply put the lat and long strings into individual controls. If you want to put it in a single control, could use string.Format("{0}, {1}", latString, longString). If you want to use the coords with various methods/types for a Windows Store app, you might need to use the Microsoft.Maps.MapControl.Location class. For example:
Double latNumber;
Double longNumber;
if(false == Double.TryParse(latString, out latNumber)) throw new InvalidOperationException();
if(false == Double.TryParse(longString, out longNumber)) throw new InvalidOperationException();
var location = new Location(latNumber, longNumber);
The above assumes you've extracted the lat and long from the response and put them in latString, longString respectively.
Some interfaces may require lat/long as separate double values, in which case just use latNumber and longNumber above.
Over and above that, it really depends specifically on the interfaces you want to use. But, the above should give you enough to use most interfaces.
Update 2:
If the question isn't "how to get coordinates" but "how to parse json objects" then I'd recommend using JSon.Net to get at the lat/long strings in the json result. For example:
var httpClient = new HttpClient();
var httpResult = await httpClient.GetAsync(
var result = await httpResult.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
var r = (JArray) JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(result);
var latString = ((JValue) r[0]["lat"]).Value as string;
var longString = ((JValue)r[0]["lon"]).Value as string;
...see above w.r.t. what to do with latString and longString
If your looking for google maps geocoding, you can find it here:
and an example use is:,+Mountain+View,+CA&sensor=false
convert to Json, and take the Geometry object.
in regards to how to, basically, return two values from a function, in C# you have 4 options:
convert both objects into a single object of the same type (in case of strings, you just separate them by a delimiter, like you did) and then parse both out afterwards.
return a list - in this case a Task (or array).
create a new class/object that contains both (in this case you can call it Geometry for instance).
return one or both of the objects by requiring them to be passed as a reference to the function. In an async function, this is bound to be very tricky, but depending on who calls the function and who processes the result, it might be possible.
Microsoft Mappoint also contaisn an API you could make use of. It is able to return geocoordinates.
