I'm using MailKit for received messages via Imap.
Now I need a search-logic for the software and I got a some troubles.
For ex, I using:
var query = SearchQuery.BodyContains("SomeTextfromEmail");
( or var query = SearchQuery.MessageContains("SomeTextfromEmail"); )
foreach (UniqueId uid in imapfolder.Search(query)){
//some logic
So, I can't get messages with text contains on it with Search filter.
I'm downloaded message ( message.WriteTo(string.Format(#"C:{0}.eml", uid)); )
and see the message content. Text of message in a base-64 format.
How do it correctly? I need decode message text from base64?
Problem are here:
var query = SearchQuery.BodyContains("Iphone").And(SearchQuery.All); //this construction find messages in folder
foreach (var uid in imapfolder.Search(query))
Console.WriteLine(message.From + " : " + uid.ToString());
var query = SearchQuery.BodyContains("Received from Iphone").And(SearchQuery.All); //this construction can't find message in folder
foreach (var uid in imapfolder.Search(query))
Console.WriteLine(message.From + " : " + uid.ToString());
Your question is a jumbled mess of confusion (your question starts out saying you are trying to figure out how to search and then you end with asking how to base64 decode the raw message that you saved to a file) so I have no idea exactly what you want to know.
If all you want is the decoded text body, you can do this:
var message = imapfolder.GetMessage (uid);
var text = message.TextBody;
This will be the decoded text string (either base64 decoded or quoted-printable decoded if it needs to be).
The MimeKit README and FAQ are both full of useful information on the basics of how to use them. I would highly recommend reading them as they may be helpful.
Based on the comment added to my answer, it sounds like what you want to do is this?
var matched = new UniqueIdSet ();
foreach (var uid in folder.Search (SearchQuery.BodyContains ("iPhone"))) {
var message = folder.GetMessage (uid);
var body = message.TextBody;
if (body != null && body.Contains ("Received from iPhone"))
matched.Add (uid);
I hope someone can help me out with this since when I drop a JSON test file in my rcv-folder the only result is that in the BizTalk console (in 'Running instances'), the message only states 'Queued (Awaiting processing)'. I am not sure where my issue is in the code.
I am supposed to receive a JSON which will contain some info and possibly multiple attachments (in Base64 format) and then send the mail out (with attachments in correct format, i.e. PDF, txt, xls) to a certain email-address. One of the requirements is to not use an orchestration. But I am stuck and have no idea what I am doing anymore. What makes this question different from others is that I have no orchestration in my solution. Everything will be processed in a custom send pipeline component.
The sendpipeline (in encode stage) does contain my custom component and also the MIME/SMIME encoder. I am using the SMTP-adapter.
I have created the custom pipeline component with a wizard and my initial plan was in the form below:
Receive the file (in JSON-format. It will be transformed into XML for further processing). This will all be taken care of in my rcv-pipeline and this step already works for me.
Pick out all the necessary variables from XML needed to send in the e-mail. These variables are the ones I want to show in the E-mail text. Not sure how to explain it better.
Pick out all the attachments in base64, loop through them, convert to 'regular files' and then attach them to the mail (with correct filenames, extension etc.)
The XML looks like below:
- ArchiveobjectErrand
* UUID (Here are the variables I need to show in the E-mail. The plain text, so to say)
- ArchiveobjectListPaper
- Attachments
* Name
* Extension
* Size
* Base64String (Base64 string which will be needed to be fetched (in GetAttachments) and then processed in (ProcessAttachments))
The code I have is below:
public Microsoft.BizTalk.Message.Interop.IBaseMessage Execute(Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.Interop.IPipelineContext pContext, Microsoft.BizTalk.Message.Interop.IBaseMessage pInMsg)
// 1) Read file with XPathNavigator (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/data/xml/extract-xml-data-using-xpathnavigator)
XPathNavigator nav = ReadXmlFromMsgBox(pInMsg);
var outMsg = pContext.GetMessageFactory().CreateMessage();
outMsg.Context = PipelineUtil.CloneMessageContext(pInMsg.Context);
// 2) Pick out the necessary vars that the registrator requires
GetRegistratorProperties(nav, pContext, outMsg);
// 3) Read attachments
var attachments = GetAttachments(pInMsg, nav);
// 4) Processa attachments
ProcessAttachments(pContext, outMsg, attachments);
// 5) Send message along for further processing in the send pipeline
return outMsg;
private void GetRegistratorProperties(XPathNavigator _nav, IPipelineContext _pContext, IBaseMessage _msg)
var bodyPart = _pContext.GetMessageFactory().CreateMessagePart();
bodyPart.ContentType = "text/application";
bodyPart.PartProperties.Write("EmailBodyText", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/BizTalk/2003/smtp-properties", "EmailBodyText.");
bodyPart.PartProperties.Write("Subject", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/BizTalk/2003/smtp-properties", "Registratorsubject - Create errand");
_msg.AddPart("Body", bodyPart, true); // True for body but false for attachments
private void ProcessAttachments(IPipelineContext _pContext, IBaseMessage _msg, IList<Attachment> _attachments)
var msgPart = _pContext.GetMessageFactory().CreateMessagePart();
//outMsg.Context = PipelineUtil.CloneMessageContext(_msg.Context);
int i = 0;
foreach (var item in _attachments)
msgPart.PartProperties.Write("FileName", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/BizTalk/2003/mime-properties", item.filnamn+item.extension);
msgPart.PartProperties.Write("ContentDescription", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/BizTalk/2003/mime-properties", item.contentType);
msgPart.Data = new MemoryStream(BytesFromBase64String(item.base64));
//bodyPart.Charset = "utf-8";
msgPart.ContentType = item.contentType;
//_pInMsg.AddPart("Attachment part " + i.ToString(), bodyPart, false);
_msg.AddPart("Attachment part " + i.ToString(), msgPart, false);
private IList<Attachment> GetAttachments(IBaseMessage pInMsg, XPathNavigator _nav)
XPathNodeIterator iterator = _nav.Select("Path to attachments in xml");
IList<Attachment> myList = new List<Attachment>();
while (iterator.MoveNext())
XPathNavigator node = iterator.Current;
Attachment atttachments = new Attachment();
atttachments.filenamne = node.SelectSingleNode("Name").Value;
atttachments.extension = node.SelectSingleNode("Extension").Value;
atttachments.contentType = node.SelectSingleNode("Mimetype").Value;
atttachments.base64 = node.SelectSingleNode("Base64String").Value;
return myList;
private XPathNavigator ReadXmlFromMsgBox(IBaseMessage pInMsg)
// Using XPathNavigator to avoid creating a XMLDoc in memory
Stream originalMessage = pInMsg.BodyPart.GetOriginalDataStream();
XPathNavigator _navigator = new XPathDocument(originalMessage).CreateNavigator();
return _navigator;
private class FileStreamFactory : IStreamFactory
byte[] _data;
public FileStreamFactory(byte[] data)
_data = data;
public Stream CreateStream()
return new MemoryStream(_data);
private static byte[] BytesFromBase64String(string msg)
return Convert.FromBase64String(msg);
I can show some example file of the XML if deemed necessary. I avoided it due to brevity and also since it is quite large.
I would greatly appreciate if anyone could help out with how the code is supposed to look to achieve what is needed, a mail with some text and attachments named correctly regarding filename and extension.
Body text and Attachments are just different segments in a MIME encoded email, usually a plain text one is the first one.
If it has a status of 'Queued (Awaiting processing)', then it sounds like either
the host instance that is expecting to process it is not in a running state. Fix: Start the host instance.
the send port is not in a Started sate. Fix: set the send port to Started
or the send port has a service window set on it. Fix: disable the service window.
I am trying to send MQ message from .NET application using amqmdnet library.
I put to queue simple message with two string properties like that:
var message = new MQMessage();
message.SetStringProperty("MessageID", Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
message.SetStringProperty("DocType", docTypeVal);
foreach (var b in content)
var o = new MQPutMessageOptions();
var q = IBM_mqm.AccessQueue(ConnectionOptions.QueueNameOutput, MQC.MQOO_OUTPUT
q.Put(message, o);
It works perfect when property "DocType" contains only latin symbols, digits and other general symbols.
message.SetStringProperty("DocType", "SomeEngText");
But when the property contains cyrillic symbols the message becomes unreadable. It's format becomes MQRFH2 despite the fact that I never set it. And named properties are empty.
message.SetStringProperty("DocType", "Договор купли продажи ТС");
When I am trying to read this message from my client an error 6106 MQRC_ENCODING_ERROR comes.
Some cyrillic values works fine (for example, "Кредитный договор"), but most of them breaks the message.
I tried to specify CCSID of the message like that:
message.CharacterSet = MQC.CODESET_UTF;
And also to set format:
message.Format = MQC.MQFMT_NONE;
But it didn't help.
How can I fix it?
So i need to get informations such as :
Sender mail address (to later get his Domain profile informations)
Mail subject (which should be the "filepath" minus the "msg" extension anyway).
And then, replying to it just like i would push "ReplyAll" button in Outlook. So the reply needs to get the usual Headers such as "From : ....", "To : ...", "Cc : ..." and so on.
All i need is to change its subject, and delete the address depending on the "FromAddress" of the user that will push the button
I've read a bit here and there, and people are talking about a MailItem, but there's no informations about HOW to get this item or how to build it from a .msg file.
What i have to do comes after a specific user action.
The user is supposed to Drag&Drop the mail into a panel, from there i get its local path.
Thanks for your time !
I managed to find out to get informations and to set a .msg file to a MailItem :
Outlook.Application appOutlook = new Outlook.Application();
var email = (Outlook.MailItem)appOutlook.Session.OpenSharedItem(filepath);
string getCC = "";
string getFrom = ""; // From is never null
string getTo = "";
string getSubject = "";
bool lengthCC = email.CC.HasValue();
bool lengthTo = email.To.HasValue();
bool lengthSubject = email.Subject.HasValue();
if (lengthCC)
getCC = email.CC.ToString();
// and so on...
// Display it in MessageBox to confirm test succeeded :
MessageBox.Show("CC : " + getCC +
"\nFrom : " + getFrom +
"\nTo : " + getTo +
"\nSubject : " + getSubject);
Now i just need to build the ReplyAll Body and add headers manually myself i guess...
No need to rewrite Headers apparently, doing so :
Outlook._MailItem reply = email.ReplyAll();
reply.To = getFrom;
reply.CC = getCC;
reply.Body = "SomeReplyMessage" + reply.Body;
But it erased the separator above the original message, i'll find a way to re-add it !!!
And there it is, the so-called "separator" wasn't displaying, because i wasn't re-stating an HTML Body !
So, to keep it you can do this :
reply.BodyFormat = Outlook.OlBodyFormat.olFormatHTML;
string ReplyMessageBody = String.Format("AddSome<br>HTMLCode<br>ThereAndHere<br>ButFinishWith : BodyTag</body>");
reply.HTMLBody = ReplyMessageBody + reply.HTMLBody;
Or simpler if you don't need your reply to be an HTML one :
reply.BodyFormat = Outlook.OlBodyFormat.olFormatHTML;
reply.HTMLBody = "AddSomeReplyMessage" + reply.HTMLBody;
Outlook does not work directly wit MSG files - when you call CreateFromTemplate or even OpenSharedItem, Outlook creates a new item in its default store and imports the MSG or OFT file. It does not expose anything that would you let you figure out that the message came from a file; the item is indistinguishable from an item created directly using CreateItem or MAPIFolder.Items.Add.
See edits on original question for answer !
Programming would be much easier without users...
What I really need to be able to do is:
Put the content of a web page (including styles) into the body of an email and also set the subject.
Send the current user an email containing the body of a web page.
I really don't care how this is implemented -- server or client side. I've not come up with any good way of client side besides trying to push the web page into the clipboard for the users to then paste into their email.
App Background
I wrote a web site using c#, ts, angular. The site manages xml documents.
The users can select a document and click the "Human Readable" button or the "XML" button. The "Human Readable" is xml with xsl to make it look pretty for the humans. The XML button is apparently for non-humans.
The "Human Readable" version opens in another browser tab.
The users want a new "email" button for emailing the human readable. The person clicking the email button has access to my web site but the recipient may not.
I've attempted educating my users to do Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C, open email, Ctrl+V but this is beyond most of their capabilities.
I have tried so many different ways to accomplish this and all have failed.
I currently do a mailto link which opens their email and the body contains a link to the Human Readable.
Here's what I've tried so far -- this may not be a conclusive list of my attempts as I've been at this for a few days now.
I've tried putting a button in the human readable (xsl with javascript) in an attempt to copy the resulting html into the clipboard for the users to paste.
A button on the web site to scrape an iFrame into the clipboard
Many iterations of javascript copy/paste techniques
a c# controller that does a ReadAsStringAsync().Result function (which I will post below because I like that solution the best so far...
Option #4 I'm partial to and I got almost working -- if it weren't for that pesky xsl not getting formatted it would probably work. My results are the data being presented without xml tags and no styles.
public void EmailHumanReadable(List<DocumentVM> documents)
foreach (var document in documents)
var docId = document.document.DocId;
var docTypeId = document.document.DocTypeId;
var co = string.Empty;
var order = string.Empty;
var name = string.Empty;
var po = string.Empty;
// get the data for the subject line
using (var efUoW = new EFUnitOfWork(EDIEnvironment.EDIEnvironment.Instance.ConnectionString))
var doc = efUoW.DocumentRepository.GetById(docId);
co = doc.CompanyId.ToString();
var orders = efUoW.DocumentOrderRepository.GetByDocumentID(docId).ToList();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(doc.Source_Order))
order = doc.Source_Order;
order = "n/a";
foreach (var o in orders)
order += string.Format("{0} ", o.OrderId);
//order = string.Join(",", doc.DocumentOrders.Select(q => q.OrderId).ToList());
name = doc.BillToName;
name = doc.PurchaseOrder;
var subject = string.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}", co, order, name, po);
// get the human readable
var hrResponse = GetFile(docId, docTypeId);
var hrText = hrResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
// format the url
var url = string.Format("<a href='/api/Documents/Getfile?DocId={0}&DocTypeId={1}'>click here to open the jEDI Human Readable</a><br><br>", docId, docTypeId);
// find the current user's email address
var users = new List<string>();
//var to = EmailUtility.GetEmailID(users);
// and finally send the email
EmailUtility.SendEmail(EmailUtility.GetEmailID(users), null, subject, url + hrText);
public HttpResponseMessage GetFile(int DocId, int DocTypeId)
if (DocTypeId == (int)DocumentTypeEnum.EDI850)
using (var efUoW = new Factory_UOW().EF_UOW())
var doc = efUoW.DocumentRepository.GetById(DocId);
var xdoc = XDocument.Parse(doc.Message);
var proc = new XProcessingInstruction("xml-stylesheet", "type='text/xsl' href='/EDI850.xsl'");
var response = new HttpResponseMessage();
response.Content = new System.Net.Http.StringContent(xdoc.ToString());
response.Content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("text/xml");
response.Content.Headers.Add("X-UA-Compatible", "IE=edge");
return response;
I would be very grateful for any assistance in getting this to work.
And, yes, I know I shouldn't do the Async().Result -- blocking and all that... Let's just get this working first, shall we?
I have a tiny problem with my idea ;)
I want to read som emails from gmail (using Mailkit) and save them into multiple files.
Ok you may think "wtf is going on",... I want to extract the orders via mail and save them as single files for sort off log/protocoll. I think I can handle it better
Properties.Settings.Default.status = "Status: Online";
using (var client = new ImapClient())
client.Connect(Properties.Settings.Default.Server, Properties.Settings.Default.Port, true);
client.Authenticate(Properties.Settings.Default.Email, Properties.Settings.Default.Passwort);
for (int i = 0; i < client.Inbox.Count; i++)
var message = client.Inbox.GetMessage(i);
var html = message.HtmlBody;
var text = message.TextBody;
var header = message.Subject + " " + message.From + " " + message.Date + " " + message.MessageId;
File.AppendAllLines(Properties.Settings.Default.pathmail + #"\" + "MailMain.txt", new[] { message.HtmlBody });
string line = File.ReadLines(Properties.Settings.Default.pathmail + #"\" + "MailMain.txt").Skip(i).Take(1).First();
dataGridView1.Rows.Add(message.Subject, message.From, message.Date, message.MessageId);
The MailMain.txt contains every email in gmail line after line, so it can´t be difficult to filter them nicely.
Problem 1:
I need to get (e.g) the first line of the txt file, then create new txt with specific name (Properties.Settings.Default.pathmail). Line after line
For example: copy Line#1 from MailMain.txt to Thisisyourfirstline.txt
copy Line#2 from MailMain.txt to Thisisyoursecondline.txt.
Problem 2:
The body of the email contains a bit of HTML ( < /b>). I need to filter that all. Any suggestions ?
I would use the StreamReader and StreamWriter to get and write things line by line. And String.Replace to strip the html tags.