Two Thread tasks in Winforms Continuously Checking Back - c#

I am currently trying to keep a counter on C# on a local file folder for new files that are created.
I have two sub directories to CD and LP that I have to keep checking. With counters that makes sure that the count of folders made have not exceeded the count set by the user.
public static int LPmax { get; set; }
public static int CDmax { get; set; }
public static int LPcounter2 { get; set; }
public static int CDcounter2 { get; set; }
public static int LPCreated;
public static int CDCreated;
public static int oldLPCreated;
public static int oldCDCreated;
FileSystemWatcher CDdirWatcher = new FileSystemWatcher();
FileSystemWatcher LPdirWatcher = new FileSystemWatcher();
//watch method should run in the background as checker
public void watch()
CDdirWatcher.Path = #"C:\Data\LotData\CD";
CDdirWatcher.Filter = "EM*";
CDdirWatcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.DirectoryName | NotifyFilters.LastWrite;
CDdirWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
CDdirWatcher.Created += CDdirWatcher_Created;
LPdirWatcher.Path = #"C:\Data\LotData\LP";
LPdirWatcher.Filter = "EM*";
LPdirWatcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.DirectoryName;
LPdirWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
LPdirWatcher.Created += LPdirWatcher_Created;
private static void CDdirWatcher_Created(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e)
CDCreated += 1;
private static void LPdirWatcher_Created(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e)
LPCreated += 1;
The above method works fine, and the criteria is that it has to be less count then the one set
public void checker()
The problem is my main method where I have two threads which need to continuously check the two criteria to see if the counter has been exceeded.
public Form1()
//Implementing Threads asynchronously
Thread oThreadone = new Thread(() =>
//Do what u wanna……
Thread oThreadtwo = new Thread(() =>
//Do what u wanna……
//Calling thread workers
oThreadone.IsBackground = true;
oThreadtwo.IsBackground = true;
Mkdir fires the counters in debug mode, but thread two doesn't check for the counters after they fire.

The first major thing wrong with your code is that neither of threads you create are needed, nor do they do what you want. Specifically, the FileSystemWatcher object itself is already asynchronous, so you can create it in the main thread. In fact, you should, because there you could set FileSystemWatcher.SynchronizingObject to the current form instance so that it will raise its events in that object's synchronization context. I.e. your event handlers will be executed in the main thread, which is what you want.
So the first method, watch(), rather than being executed in a thread, just call it directly.
Which brings me to the second method, checker(). Your method for the thread doesn't loop, so it will execute the two tests, and then promptly exit. That's the end of that thread. It won't stay around long enough to monitor the counts as they are updated.
You could fix it by looping in the checker() method, so that it never exits. But then you run into problems of excessive CPU usage. Which you'll fix by adding sleep statements. Which then you're wasting a thread most of the time. Which you could fix by using async/await (e.g. await Task.Delay()). Except that would just unnecessarily complicate the code.
Instead, you should just perform each check after each count is updated. In theory, you could just display the message immediately. But that will block the event handler subscribed to FileSystemWatcher, possibly delaying additional reports. So you may instead prefer to use Control.BeginInvoke() to defer display of the message until after the event handler has returned.
So, taking all that into account, your code might instead look more like this:
public Form1()
private void CDdirWatcher_Created(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e)
CDCreated += 1;
if (CDCreated > CDmax)
private static void LPdirWatcher_Created(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e)
LPCreated += 1;
if (LPCreated > LPmax)
You can remove the checker() method altogether. The watch() method can remain as it is, though I would change the order of subscribing to the Created event and the assignment of EnableRaisingEvents. I.e. don't enable raising events until you've already subscribed to the event. The FileSystemWatcher is unreliable enough as it is, without you giving it a chance to raise an event before you're ready to observe it. :)
This is based on your current implementation. Note though that if files keep getting created, the message will be displayed over and over. If they are created fast enough, new messages will be displayed before the user can dismiss the previously-displayed one(s). You may prefer to modify your code to prevent this. E.g. unsubscribe from the event after you've already exceeded the max count, or at least temporarily inhibit the display of the message while one such message is already being displayed. Exactly what to do is up to you, and beyond the scope of your question and thus the scope of this answer.


UI Freeze caused by WindowsFormsSynchronizationContext and System.Events.UserPreferenceChanged

I have spent a few days now finding a bug that freezes my companies application. The dreaded UserPreferenceChanged UI freeze. It's not a complicated bug, but hard to find in a rather big application. There are quite a few articles about how this bug unfolds but not on how to put ones finger on the faulty code. I have put together a solution, in form of a logging mechanism from multiple older tickets and (i hope) improved a bit upon them. May it save some time for the next programmer with this problem.
How to recognize the bug?
The application freezes completely. Nothing more to be done than create a memory dump and then close it via TaskManager. If you open the dmp file in VisualStudio or WinDbg you might see a stack trace like this one
The important two lines here are "OnUserPreferenceChanged" and "WindowsFormsSynchronizationContext.Send"
What's the cause?
SynchronizationContext was introduced with .NET2 to generalize thread synchronization. It gives us methods like "BeginInvoke" and such.
The UserPreferenceChanged event is rather self explanatory. It will be triggered by the user changing his background, logging in or out, changing the Windows accent colors and lots of other actions.
If one creates a GUI control on a background thread a WindowsFormsSynchronizationContext is installed on said thread. Some GUI controls subscribe to the UserPreferenceChanged event when created or when using certain methods. If this event is triggered by the user the main thread sends a message to all subscribers and waits. In the described scenarion: a worker thread without a message loop! The application is frozen.
To find the cause of the freeze can be especially hard because the cause of the bug (creation of GUI element on a background thread) and the error state (application frozen) can be minutes apart. See this really good article for more details and a slightly different scenario.
How can one provoke this error for testing purposes?
Example 1
private void button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
new Thread(DoStuff).Start();
private void DoStuff()
using (var r = new RichTextBox())
IntPtr p = r.Handle; //do something with the control
Thread.Sleep(5000); //simulate some work
Not bad but not good either. If the UserPreferenceChanged event gets triggered in the few milliseconds you use the RichTextBox your application will freeze. Could happen, not very likely though.
Example 2
private void button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
new Thread(DoStuff).Start();
private void DoStuff()
var r = new RichTextBox();
IntPtr p = r.Handle; //do something with the control
Thread.Sleep(5000); //simulate some work
This is bad. The WindowsFormsSynchronizationContext gets not cleaned up because the RichTextBox does not get disposed. If the UserPreferenceChangedEvent occures while the thread lives your application will freeze.
Example 3
private void button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Task.Run(() => DoStuff());
private void DoStuff()
var r = new RichTextBox();
IntPtr p = r.Handle; //do something with the control
This is a nightmare. Task.Run(..) will execute the work on a background thread on the threadpool. The WindowsFormsSynchronizationContext gets not cleaned up because the RichTextBox is not disposed. Threadpool threads are not cleaned up. This background thread now lurks in your threadpool just waiting for the UserPreferenceChanged event to freeze your application even long after your task has returned!
Conclusion: Risk is manageable when you know what you do. But whenever possible: avoid GUI Elements in a background thread!
How to deal with this bug?
I put together a solution from older tickets. Thanks very much to those guys!
WinForms application hang due to SystemEvents.OnUserPreferenceChanged event
This solution starts a new thread that continuously tries to detect any threads which are subscribed to the OnUserPreferenceChanged Event and then provide a call stack that should tell you why that is.
public MainForm()
new Thread(Observe).Start();
private void Observe()
new PreferenceChangedObserver().Run();
internal sealed class PreferenceChangedObserver
private readonly string _logFilePath = $"filePath\\FreezeLog.txt"; //put a better file path here
private BindingFlags _flagsStatic = BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static;
private BindingFlags _flagsInstance = BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance;
public void Run() => CheckSystemEventsHandlersForFreeze();
private void CheckSystemEventsHandlersForFreeze()
while (true)
foreach (var info in GetPossiblyBlockingEventHandlers())
var msg = $"SystemEvents handler '{info.EventHandlerDelegate.Method.DeclaringType}.{info.EventHandlerDelegate.Method.Name}' could freeze app due to wrong thread. ThreadId: {info.Thread.ManagedThreadId}, IsThreadPoolThread:{info.Thread.IsThreadPoolThread}, IsAlive:{info.Thread.IsAlive}, ThreadName:{info.Thread.Name}{Environment.NewLine}{info.StackTrace}{Environment.NewLine}";
File.AppendAllText(_logFilePath, DateTime.Now.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss") + $": {msg}{Environment.NewLine}");
catch { }
private IEnumerable<EventHandlerInfo> GetPossiblyBlockingEventHandlers()
var handlers = typeof(SystemEvents).GetField("_handlers", _flagsStatic).GetValue(null);
if (!(handlers?.GetType().GetProperty("Values").GetValue(handlers) is IEnumerable handlersValues))
yield break;
foreach(var systemInvokeInfo in handlersValues.Cast<IEnumerable>().SelectMany(x => x.OfType<object>()).ToList())
var syncContext = systemInvokeInfo.GetType().GetField("_syncContext", _flagsInstance).GetValue(systemInvokeInfo);
//Make sure its the problematic type
if (!(syncContext is WindowsFormsSynchronizationContext wfsc))
//Get the thread
var threadRef = (WeakReference)syncContext.GetType().GetField("destinationThreadRef", _flagsInstance).GetValue(syncContext);
if (!threadRef.IsAlive)
var thread = (Thread)threadRef.Target;
if (thread.ManagedThreadId == 1) //UI thread
if (thread.ManagedThreadId == Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId)
//Get the event delegate
var eventHandlerDelegate = (Delegate)systemInvokeInfo.GetType().GetField("_delegate", _flagsInstance).GetValue(systemInvokeInfo);
//Get the threads call stack
string callStack = string.Empty;
if (thread.IsAlive)
callStack = GetStackTrace(thread)?.ToString().Trim();
catch { }
yield return new EventHandlerInfo
Thread = thread,
EventHandlerDelegate = eventHandlerDelegate,
StackTrace = callStack,
private static StackTrace GetStackTrace(Thread targetThread)
using (ManualResetEvent fallbackThreadReady = new ManualResetEvent(false), exitedSafely = new ManualResetEvent(false))
Thread fallbackThread = new Thread(delegate () {
while (!exitedSafely.WaitOne(200))
catch (Exception) {/*Whatever happens, do never stop to resume the target-thread regularly until the main-thread has exited safely.*/}
fallbackThread.Name = "GetStackFallbackThread";
//From here, you have about 200ms to get the stack-trace.
StackTrace trace = null;
trace = new StackTrace(targetThread, true);
catch (ThreadStateException) { }
catch (ThreadStateException) {/*Thread is running again already*/}
return trace;
//Just signal the backup-thread to stop.
//Join the thread to avoid disposing "exited safely" too early. And also make sure that no leftover threads are cluttering iis by accident.
private class EventHandlerInfo
public Delegate EventHandlerDelegate { get; set; }
public Thread Thread { get; set; }
public string StackTrace { get; set; }
1)This is a very ugly hack. It deals with threads in a very invasive way. It should never see a live customer system. I was already nervous deploying it to the customers test system.
2)If you get a logfile it might be very big. Any thread might cause hundreds of entries. Start at the oldest entries, fix it and repeat.(Because of the "tainted thread" scenario from Example 3 it might also contain false positives)
3)I am not sure about the performance impact of this hack. I assumed it would be very big. to my surprise it was almost not noteable. Might be different on other systems though

How to reduce frequency of continuously fired event's event handling

I am learning about tasks and async/await in c#. So please consider the stupidity of my question.
There is an event DummyEvent in a class. An event handler DummyEventHandler is subscribed to this event and it handles a large amount of CPU bound task, which is actually not needed to be used so frequently.
For that reason, if DummyEvent is fired continuously, I want DummyEventHandler to respond either at a reduced frequency, or respond at the end of that continuity.
So, my idea is to extract the large task into a separate Task and made it to delay 500 millisecond before it proceeds. After the delay ends, it will check whether the same Task has been scheduled again (continuous event fire) or not and avoid the large calculation if true.
Here is my naive implementation of that idea:
int ReducedCall = 0;
int TotalCallActual = 0;
protected void DummyEventHandler(object sender, bool arg)
LargeCPUBoundTask(); // there is a green underline here, but I think it's ok, or.. is it?
async Task LargeCPUBoundTask()
ReducedCall = TotalCallActual;
await Task.Delay(500);
// if this task is called again in this time, TotalCallActual will increase
if (ReducedCall == TotalCallActual)
// do all the large tasks
ReducedCall = 0;
TotalCallActual = 0;
But the problem is, I am not getting what I want. The line Task.Delay(500) doesn't actually await , or, if it does wait, there is something wrong because I experience staggering .
Any better idea, or any improvement / correction?
Ask for any additional information.
You can leverage Reactive Extensions to do this:
void Main()
var generator = new EventGenerator();
var observable = Observable.FromEventPattern<EventHandler<bool>, bool>(
h => generator.MyEvent += h,
h => generator.MyEvent -= h);
.Subscribe(s =>
Console.WriteLine("doing something");
// simulate rapid firing event
for(int i = 0; i <= 100; i++)
// when no longer interested, dispose the subscription
public class EventGenerator
public event EventHandler<bool> MyEvent;
public void RaiseEvent()
if (MyEvent != null)
MyEvent(this, false);
The Throttle operator as coded above will allow a value (event) getting true every second.
So in the above code example the text doing something will only be printed once (after a second) even while the event is fired many times.
By the way, the reason for the green line is that your Task is not awaited. To fix it alter the code to:
protected async void DummyEventHandler(object sender, bool arg)
await LargeCPUBoundTask(); // there is no more green underline here
Unfortunately this will still not solve your issue as an event cannot be awaited so if the event is raised again while LargeCPUBoundTask is still running another call to LargeCPUBoundTask will be made so the work is overlapping if you get what I mean. In other words, that is why your code does not work.
I would use the timer event handler instead of your DummyEventHandler
Just adjust the frequency in milisencond of the timer and that will be it. You can create a timer via code without adding it to a form as a control. I think it is in the common controls lib.
Hope this helps. Good luck.
I spent some more time thinking about this problem and the assumption I made with my first solution was that the event is continuously firing, when it could just be firing part of the time for a while and then stop in the real problem.
In cases like this, the CPU bound task would only occur on the first event firing and then if the events finish firing before that CPU bound task completes, the remaining events would not get handled. But you wouldn't want to handle all of them, just the "last" one (not necessarily the actual last one, just one more to take care of the "cleanup").
So I've updated my answer to include the use case where there are frequent yet intermittent (i.e. burst of events then quiet) the correct thing would occur and a final run of the CPU bound task would happen (but still no more than 1 CPU bound task running at a time).
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Sender s = new Sender();
using (Listener l = new Listener(s))
class Sender
const int ATTEMPTED_CALLS = 1000000;
internal EventHandler frequencyReducedHandler;
internal int actualCalls = 0;
internal int ignoredCalls = 0;
Task[] tasks = new Task[ATTEMPTED_CALLS];
internal void BeginDemonstration()
int attemptedCalls;
for (attemptedCalls = 0; attemptedCalls < ATTEMPTED_CALLS; attemptedCalls++)
tasks[attemptedCalls] = Task.Run(() => frequencyReducedHandler.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty));
//frequencyReducedHandler?.BeginInvoke(this, EventArgs.Empty, null, null);
if (tasks[0] != null)
Task.WaitAll(tasks, Timeout.Infinite);
Console.WriteLine($"Attempted: {attemptedCalls}\tActual: {actualCalls}\tIgnored: {ignoredCalls}");
class Listener : IDisposable
enum State
private readonly AutoResetEvent m_SingleEntry = new AutoResetEvent(true);
private readonly Sender m_Sender;
private int m_CurrentState = (int)State.Waiting;
internal Listener(Sender sender)
m_Sender = sender;
m_Sender.frequencyReducedHandler += Handler;
private async void Handler(object sender, EventArgs args)
int state = Interlocked.Increment(ref m_CurrentState);
if (state <= (int)State.Queued) // Previous state was WAITING or RUNNING
// Ensure only one run at a time
// Only one thread at a time here so
// no need for Interlocked.Increment
// Execute CPU intensive task
await Task.Delay(500);
// Allow a waiting thread to proceed
Interlocked.Increment(ref m_Sender.ignoredCalls);
Interlocked.Decrement(ref m_CurrentState);
public void Dispose()

ManualResetEvent wait doesn't release after being set

I'm downloading two JSON files from the webs, after which I want to allow loading two pages, but not before. However, the ManualResetEvent that is required to be set in order to load the page never "fires". Even though I know that it gets set, WaitOne never returns.
Method that launches the downloads:
private void Application_Launching(object sender, LaunchingEventArgs e)
PhoneApplicationService.Current.State["doneList"] = new List<int>();
PhoneApplicationService.Current.State["manualResetEvent"] = new ManualResetEvent(false);
Helpers.DownloadAndStoreJsonObject<ArticleList>("", "articleList");
Helpers.DownloadAndStoreJsonObject<CompanyList>("", "catalog");
The downloading method, that sets the ManualResetEvent
public static void DownloadAndStoreJsonObject<T>(string url, string objName)
var webClient = new WebClient();
webClient.DownloadStringCompleted += (sender, e) =>
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Result))
var obj = ProcessJson<T>(e.Result);
PhoneApplicationService.Current.State[objName] = obj;
var doneList = PhoneApplicationService.Current.State["doneList"] as List<int>;
if (doneList.Count == 2) // Two items loaded
(PhoneApplicationService.Current.State["manualResetEvent"] as ManualResetEvent).Set(); // Signal that it's done
webClient.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri(url));
The waiting method (constructor in this case)
public SenastePage()
if ((PhoneApplicationService.Current.State["doneList"] as List<int>).Count < 2)
(PhoneApplicationService.Current.State["manualResetEvent"] as ManualResetEvent).WaitOne();
SenasteArticleList.ItemsSource = (PhoneApplicationService.Current.State["articleList"] as ArticleList).posts;
If I wait before trying to access that constructor, it easily passes the if-statement and doesn't get caught in the WaitOne, but if I call it immediately, I get stuck, and it never returns...
Any ideas?
Blocking the UI thread must be prevented at all costs. Especially when downloading data: don't forget that your application is executing on a phone, which has a very instable network. If the data takes two minutes to load, then the UI will be freezed for two minutes. It would be an awful user experience.
There's many ways to prevent that. For instance, you can keep the same logic but waiting in a background thread instead of the UI thread:
public SenastePage()
// Write the XAML of your page to display the loading animation per default
private void LoadData()
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
SenasteArticleList.ItemsSource = ((ArticleList)PhoneApplicationService.Current.State["articleList"]).posts;
// Hide the loading animation
That's just a quick and dirty way to reach the result you want. You could also rewrite your code using tasks, and using Task.WhenAll to trigger an action when they're all finished.
Perhaps there is a logic problem. In the SenastePage() constructor you are waiting for the set event only if the doneList count is less than two. However, you don't fire the set event until the doneList count is equal to two. You are listening for the set event before it can ever fire.

c# - Pass information to BackgroundWorker From UI during execution

I have a c# application that uses a background worker thread, and quite successfully updates the UI from the running thread. The application involves shortest path routing on a network, and I display the network and the shortest path, on the UI, as the background worker proceeds. I would like to allow the user to slow down the display through use of a slider, while the application is running.
I found this as a suggestion, but it is in, I am not clear on how to get it to work in c#.
How can the BackgroundWorker get values from the UI thread while it is running?
I can pass the value of the slider to the backgroundworker as follows:
// Start the asynchronous operation.
delay = this.trackBar1.Value;
and use it within the backgroundworker thread, but it only uses the initially-sent value. I am not clear on how to pick up the value from inside the backgroundworker when I move the slider on the UI.
I have previously used multiple threads and delegates, but if it is possible to utilize the background worker, I would prefer it for its simplicity.
Thanks to all for your responses. I am still having problems, most likely because of how I have structured things. The heavy duty calculations for network routing are done in the TransportationDelayModel class. BackgroundWorker_DoWork creates an instance of this class, and then kicks it off. The delay is handled in TransportationDelayModel.
The skeleton of code is as follows:
In UI:
private void runToolStripMenuItem1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (sqliteFileName.Equals("Not Set"))
MessageBox.Show("Database Name Not Set");
this.chooseDatabaseToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender, e);
if (backgroundWorker1.IsBusy != true)
// Start the asynchronous operation.
delay = this.trackBar1.Value;
// pass the initial value of delay
// preclude multiple runs
runToolStripMenuItem1.Enabled = false;
toolStripButton2.Enabled = false;
private void backgroundWorker1_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker;
if (!backgroundWorkerLaunched)
// instantiate the object that does all the heavy work
TransportationDelayModel TDM = new TransportationDelayModel(worker, e);
// kick it off
TDM.Run(sqliteFileName, worker, e);
backgroundWorkerLaunched = true;
The TransportationDelayModel constructor is:
public TransportationDelayModel(BackgroundWorker worker, DoWorkEventArgs e)
listCentroids = new List<RoadNode>();
listCentroidIDs = new List<int>();
listNodes = new List<RoadNode>();
listNodeIDs = new List<int>();
listRoadLink = new List<RoadLink>();
roadGraph = new AdjacencyGraph<int, RoadLink>(true); // note parallel edges allowed
tdmWorker = worker;
tdmEvent = e;
networkForm = new NetworkForm();
so I have the tdmWorker, which allows me to pass information back to the UI.
In the internal calculations in TransportationDelayModel, I sleep for the delay period
if (delay2 > 0)
tdmWorker.ReportProgress(-12, zzz);
so the problem seems to be how to pass an updated slider value from the UI back to the object that is executing in the background worker. I have tried a number of combinations, sort of thrashing around, to no avail, either nothing happens or I get a message about not being allowed to access what is happening on the other thread. I realize that if I were doing all the work in the DoWork event handler, then I should be able to do things as you suggest, but there is too much complexity for that to happen.
Again, thank you for your suggestions and help.
I have resolved this problem by two methods, but I have some questions. Per my comment to R. Harvey, I have built a simple application. It consists of a form with a run button, a slider, and a rich text box. The run button launches a background worker thread that instantiates an object of class "Model" that does all the work (a simplified surrogate for my TransportationModel). The Model class simply writes 100 lines to the text box, incrementing the number of dots in each line by 1, with a delay between each line based on the setting of the slider, and the slider value at the end of the line, something like this:
The objective of this exercise is to be able to move the slider on the form while the "Model" is running, and get the delay to change (as in above).
My first solution involves the creation of a Globals class, to hold the value of the slider:
class Globals
public static int globalDelay;
then, in the form, I update this value whenever the trackbar is scrolled:
private void trackBar1_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e)
Globals.globalDelay = this.trackBar1.Value;
and in the Model, I just pick up the value of the global:
public void Run(BackgroundWorker worker, DoWorkEventArgs e)
for (int i = 1; i < 100; i++)
delay = Globals.globalDelay; // revise delay based on static global set on UI
string reportString = ".";
for (int k = 0; k < i; k++)
reportString += ".";
reportString += delay.ToString();
worker.ReportProgress(-1, reportString);
This works just fine.
My question: are there any drawbacks to this approach, which seems very simple to implement and quite general.
The second approach, based on suggestions by R. Harvey, makes use of delegates and invoke.
I create a class for delegates:
public class MyDelegates
public delegate int DelegateCheckTrackBarValue(); // create the delegate here
in the form, I create:
public int CheckTrackBarValue()
return this.trackBar1.Value;
and the Model class now has a member m_CheckTrackBarValue
public class Model
#region Members
Form1 passedForm;
public static MyDelegates.DelegateCheckTrackBarValue m_CheckTrackBarValue=null;
#endregion Members
#region Constructor
public Model(BackgroundWorker worker, DoWorkEventArgs e, Form1 form)
passedForm = form;
When the background thread is launched by the run button, the calling form is passed
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (backgroundWorker1.IsBusy != true)
private void backgroundWorker1_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker;
if (!backgroundWorkerLaunched)
// instantiate the object that does all the heavy work
Model myModel= new Model(worker, e, this);
Model.m_CheckTrackBarValue = new MyDelegates.DelegateCheckTrackBarValue(this.CheckTrackBarValue);
// kick it off
myModel.Run(worker, e);
backgroundWorkerLaunched = true;
Finally, in the Model, the Invoke method is called on the passed form to get the value of the trackbar.
public void Run(BackgroundWorker worker, DoWorkEventArgs e)
for (int i = 1; i < 100; i++)
int delay = (int)passedForm.Invoke(m_CheckTrackBarValue,null); // invoke the method, note need the cast here
string reportString = ".";
for (int k = 0; k < i; k++)
reportString += ".";
reportString += delay.ToString();
worker.ReportProgress(-1, reportString);
This works as well. I kept getting an error until I made the member variable static, e.g.
public static MyDelegates.DelegateCheckTrackBarValue m_CheckTrackBarValue=null;
My questions on this solution: Are there advantages to this solution as regards to the previous version? Am I making things too complicated in the way I have implemented this? Why does m_CheckTrackBarValue need to be static.
I apologize for the length of this edit, but I thought that the problem and solutions might be of interest to others.
You have to pass the TrackBar object to the BackgroundWorker, not delay. delay doesn't change once you set it.
To simplify the needed Invoke(), you can use a helper method, such as this one:
Async.UI(delegate { textBox1.Text = "This is way easier!"; }, textBox1, true);
I will assume that you are already familiarized with cross-thread invocation to update the UI. So, the solution is very simple: in your worker thread, after each iteration, invoke the UI to get the slider thumb position.
To use a backgroundworker, you add a method to the DoWork property, like this:
this.backgroundWorker1.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true;
this.backgroundWorker1.DoWork += new System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventHandler(this.backgroundWorker1_DoWork);
this.backgroundWorker1.RunWorkerCompleted += new System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(this.backgroundWorker1_RunWorkerCompleted);
In the DoWork method, you need to check the variable where the updated delay is set.
This could be an integer field that is available on the containing Form or UI control, or it could be the TrackBar itself.

Updating an ObservableCollection<T> asynchronously results in hangs, and no GUI update

I'm implementing a visual version of Tracert (as a learning exercise) in WPF where results go to a listbox. The issues are (1) the listbox bound to tracertDataView is not updating, but (2) my entire application hangs.
I'm sure #2 is a threading issue but I'm not sure how to correct it (in the right way). In addition I'm not sure my technique of updating / binding the results of "DoTrace" are correct.
Here is my datasource in App.xaml
Source="{Binding Source={x:Static Application.Current}, Path=TracertResultNodes}"
x:Key="tracertDataView" />
public partial class App : Application
private ObservableCollection<TracertNode> tracertResultNodes = new ObservableCollection<TracertNode>();
public void AppStartup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e)
// NOTE: Load sample data does work correctly.. and displays on the screen.
// subsequent updates do not display
private void LoadSampleData()
TracertResultNodes = new ObservableCollection<TracertNode>();
TracertNode t = new TracertNode();
t.Address = new System.Net.IPAddress(0x2414188f);
t.RoundTripTime = 30;
t.Status = System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPStatus.BadRoute;
public ObservableCollection<TracertNode> TracertResultNodes
get { return this.tracertResultNodes; }
set { this.tracertResultNodes = value; }
Here is the MainWindow code
public partial class MainWindow : Window
CollectionViewSource tracertDataView;
TraceWrapper _tracertWrapper = null;
public MainWindow()
_tracertWrapper = new TraceWrapper();
tracertDataView = (CollectionViewSource)(this.Resources["tracertDataView"]);
private void DoTrace_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
((App)Application.Current).TracertResultNodes = _tracertWrapper.Results;
_tracertWrapper.DoTrace("", 30, 50);
FYI Internal implementation Detail of instance object "traceWrapper.DoTrace"
/// <summary>
/// Trace a host. Note that this object internally calls the Async implementation of .NET's PING.
// It works perfectly fine in a CMD host, but not in WPF
/// </summary>
public ObservableCollection<TracertNode> DoTrace(string HostOrIP, int maxHops, int TimeOut)
tracert = new Tracert();
// The following is triggered for every host that is found, or upon timeout
// (up to 30 times by default)
AutoResetEvent wait = new AutoResetEvent(false);
tracert.waiter = wait;
tracert.HostNameOrAddress = HostOrIP;
this.Results = tracert.NodeList;
while (tracert.IsDone == false)
IsDone = tracert.IsDone;
return tracert.NodeList;
I don't understand how u used AutoResetEvent, i guess it is not supposed to be used in this way :)
But since Trace run already in another thread, are you sure there is not an event "OnTracertComplete" or something like that in your Tracert class?
If there is not, why you just don't put a DispatchTimer into your application?
That timer would periodically poll until tracert.IsDone becomes true.
If you block the execution of the application thread until an operation completes, you block the execution of the window event loop so window will never be updated.
Another important thing: you cannot update ObservableCollections from another thread.
Be careful and be sure that everything that is updated in the WPF window is executed from the same thread of the window. Don't know what your Trace class do exactly, but your problem here seems to be of course the wait loop, that don't makes sense in a GUI application.
Use notification events or a timer to poll the result. A timer with 1 second resolution seems good to me for this particular implementation and the performance inpact is absolutely minimal.
This is a possible implementation if you are able to modify the Tracert class.
public delegate void TracertCallbacHandler(Tracert sender, TracertNode newNode);
public class Tracert
public event TracertCallbacHandler NewNodeFound;
public event EventHandler TracertCompleted;
public void Trace()
// This function gets called in tracert thread\async method.
private void FunctionCalledInThreadWhenPingCompletes(TracertNode newNode)
var handler = this.NewNodeFound;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, newNode);
// This function gets called in tracert thread\async methods when everything ends.
private void FunctionCalledWhenEverythingDone()
var handler = this.TracertCompleted;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, EventArgs.Empty);
And here is the code to run the tracert,
This is TracertWrapper.
// Keep the observable collection as a field.
private ObservableCollection<TracertNode> pTracertNodes;
// Keep the instance of the running tracert as a field, we need it.
private Tracert pTracert;
public bool IsTracertRunning
get { return this.pTracert != null; }
public ObservableCollection<TracertNode> DoTrace(string hostOrIP, int maxHops, int timeOut)
// If we are not already running a tracert...
if (this.pTracert == null)
// Clear or creates the list of tracert nodes.
if (this.pTracertNodes == null)
this.pTracertNodes = new ObservableCollection<TracertNode>();
var tracert = new Tracert();
tracert.HostNameOrAddress = hostOrIP;
tracert.MaxHops = maxHops;
tracert.TimeOut = timeOut;
tracert.NewNodeFound += delegate(Tracert sender, TracertNode newNode)
// This method is called inside Tracert thread.
// We need to use synchronization context to execute this method in our main window thread.
SynchronizationContext.Current.Post(delegate(object state)
// This method is called inside window thread.
this.OnTracertNodeFound(this.pTracertNodes, newNode);
}, null);
tracert.TracertCompleted += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e)
// This method is called inside Tracert thread.
// We need to use synchronization context to execute this method in our main window thread.
SynchronizationContext.Current.Post(delegate(object state)
// This method is called inside window thread.
}, null);
this.pTracert = tracert;
return this.pTracertNodes;
protected virtual void OnTracertCompleted()
// Remove tracert object,
// we need this to let the garbage collector being able to release that objects.
// We need also to allow another traceroute since the previous one completed.
this.pTracert = null;
System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("TraceRoute completed!");
protected virtual void OnTracertNodeFound(ObservableCollection<TracertNode> collection, TracertNode newNode)
// Add our tracert node.
The issue is that not only is the listbox not updating, but my entire application hangs.
This is probably due to the AutoResetEvent blocking in DoTrace. You explicitly call Wait.WaitOne(); on the event handle, but as far as I can tell, never Set() it. This will cause the application to hang forever as soon as you call Wait.WaitOne().
It sounds like tracert.Trace() is an asynchronous method. Does it include some form of callback/event to notify you upon completion? If so, you should use that, not poll in a loop, to determine when it's complete.
(1) the listbox bound to tracertDataView is not updating
You won't see the updates to your listbox, as you're assigning a new collection to the TracertResultNodes property, the binding in this case simply does not work, because a new collection was assigned.
In addition to ensuring that the collection is updated in the same thread as outlined by Salvatore below, you should only add or remove items from the existing collection, and NOT assign the new one generated by your DoTrace function.
private void DoTrace_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
foreach(var traceNode in _tracertWrapper.Results)
_tracertWrapper.DoTrace("", 30, 50);
If you do assign a new one, then you'd need to implement INotifyPropertyChanged on your App class, am not sure how (or whether) that would work though (I have not tried this before).
