How to reduce frequency of continuously fired event's event handling - c#

I am learning about tasks and async/await in c#. So please consider the stupidity of my question.
There is an event DummyEvent in a class. An event handler DummyEventHandler is subscribed to this event and it handles a large amount of CPU bound task, which is actually not needed to be used so frequently.
For that reason, if DummyEvent is fired continuously, I want DummyEventHandler to respond either at a reduced frequency, or respond at the end of that continuity.
So, my idea is to extract the large task into a separate Task and made it to delay 500 millisecond before it proceeds. After the delay ends, it will check whether the same Task has been scheduled again (continuous event fire) or not and avoid the large calculation if true.
Here is my naive implementation of that idea:
int ReducedCall = 0;
int TotalCallActual = 0;
protected void DummyEventHandler(object sender, bool arg)
LargeCPUBoundTask(); // there is a green underline here, but I think it's ok, or.. is it?
async Task LargeCPUBoundTask()
ReducedCall = TotalCallActual;
await Task.Delay(500);
// if this task is called again in this time, TotalCallActual will increase
if (ReducedCall == TotalCallActual)
// do all the large tasks
ReducedCall = 0;
TotalCallActual = 0;
But the problem is, I am not getting what I want. The line Task.Delay(500) doesn't actually await , or, if it does wait, there is something wrong because I experience staggering .
Any better idea, or any improvement / correction?
Ask for any additional information.

You can leverage Reactive Extensions to do this:
void Main()
var generator = new EventGenerator();
var observable = Observable.FromEventPattern<EventHandler<bool>, bool>(
h => generator.MyEvent += h,
h => generator.MyEvent -= h);
.Subscribe(s =>
Console.WriteLine("doing something");
// simulate rapid firing event
for(int i = 0; i <= 100; i++)
// when no longer interested, dispose the subscription
public class EventGenerator
public event EventHandler<bool> MyEvent;
public void RaiseEvent()
if (MyEvent != null)
MyEvent(this, false);
The Throttle operator as coded above will allow a value (event) getting true every second.
So in the above code example the text doing something will only be printed once (after a second) even while the event is fired many times.
By the way, the reason for the green line is that your Task is not awaited. To fix it alter the code to:
protected async void DummyEventHandler(object sender, bool arg)
await LargeCPUBoundTask(); // there is no more green underline here
Unfortunately this will still not solve your issue as an event cannot be awaited so if the event is raised again while LargeCPUBoundTask is still running another call to LargeCPUBoundTask will be made so the work is overlapping if you get what I mean. In other words, that is why your code does not work.

I would use the timer event handler instead of your DummyEventHandler
Just adjust the frequency in milisencond of the timer and that will be it. You can create a timer via code without adding it to a form as a control. I think it is in the common controls lib.
Hope this helps. Good luck.

I spent some more time thinking about this problem and the assumption I made with my first solution was that the event is continuously firing, when it could just be firing part of the time for a while and then stop in the real problem.
In cases like this, the CPU bound task would only occur on the first event firing and then if the events finish firing before that CPU bound task completes, the remaining events would not get handled. But you wouldn't want to handle all of them, just the "last" one (not necessarily the actual last one, just one more to take care of the "cleanup").
So I've updated my answer to include the use case where there are frequent yet intermittent (i.e. burst of events then quiet) the correct thing would occur and a final run of the CPU bound task would happen (but still no more than 1 CPU bound task running at a time).
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Sender s = new Sender();
using (Listener l = new Listener(s))
class Sender
const int ATTEMPTED_CALLS = 1000000;
internal EventHandler frequencyReducedHandler;
internal int actualCalls = 0;
internal int ignoredCalls = 0;
Task[] tasks = new Task[ATTEMPTED_CALLS];
internal void BeginDemonstration()
int attemptedCalls;
for (attemptedCalls = 0; attemptedCalls < ATTEMPTED_CALLS; attemptedCalls++)
tasks[attemptedCalls] = Task.Run(() => frequencyReducedHandler.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty));
//frequencyReducedHandler?.BeginInvoke(this, EventArgs.Empty, null, null);
if (tasks[0] != null)
Task.WaitAll(tasks, Timeout.Infinite);
Console.WriteLine($"Attempted: {attemptedCalls}\tActual: {actualCalls}\tIgnored: {ignoredCalls}");
class Listener : IDisposable
enum State
private readonly AutoResetEvent m_SingleEntry = new AutoResetEvent(true);
private readonly Sender m_Sender;
private int m_CurrentState = (int)State.Waiting;
internal Listener(Sender sender)
m_Sender = sender;
m_Sender.frequencyReducedHandler += Handler;
private async void Handler(object sender, EventArgs args)
int state = Interlocked.Increment(ref m_CurrentState);
if (state <= (int)State.Queued) // Previous state was WAITING or RUNNING
// Ensure only one run at a time
// Only one thread at a time here so
// no need for Interlocked.Increment
// Execute CPU intensive task
await Task.Delay(500);
// Allow a waiting thread to proceed
Interlocked.Increment(ref m_Sender.ignoredCalls);
Interlocked.Decrement(ref m_CurrentState);
public void Dispose()


Two Thread tasks in Winforms Continuously Checking Back

I am currently trying to keep a counter on C# on a local file folder for new files that are created.
I have two sub directories to CD and LP that I have to keep checking. With counters that makes sure that the count of folders made have not exceeded the count set by the user.
public static int LPmax { get; set; }
public static int CDmax { get; set; }
public static int LPcounter2 { get; set; }
public static int CDcounter2 { get; set; }
public static int LPCreated;
public static int CDCreated;
public static int oldLPCreated;
public static int oldCDCreated;
FileSystemWatcher CDdirWatcher = new FileSystemWatcher();
FileSystemWatcher LPdirWatcher = new FileSystemWatcher();
//watch method should run in the background as checker
public void watch()
CDdirWatcher.Path = #"C:\Data\LotData\CD";
CDdirWatcher.Filter = "EM*";
CDdirWatcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.DirectoryName | NotifyFilters.LastWrite;
CDdirWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
CDdirWatcher.Created += CDdirWatcher_Created;
LPdirWatcher.Path = #"C:\Data\LotData\LP";
LPdirWatcher.Filter = "EM*";
LPdirWatcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.DirectoryName;
LPdirWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
LPdirWatcher.Created += LPdirWatcher_Created;
private static void CDdirWatcher_Created(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e)
CDCreated += 1;
private static void LPdirWatcher_Created(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e)
LPCreated += 1;
The above method works fine, and the criteria is that it has to be less count then the one set
public void checker()
The problem is my main method where I have two threads which need to continuously check the two criteria to see if the counter has been exceeded.
public Form1()
//Implementing Threads asynchronously
Thread oThreadone = new Thread(() =>
//Do what u wanna……
Thread oThreadtwo = new Thread(() =>
//Do what u wanna……
//Calling thread workers
oThreadone.IsBackground = true;
oThreadtwo.IsBackground = true;
Mkdir fires the counters in debug mode, but thread two doesn't check for the counters after they fire.
The first major thing wrong with your code is that neither of threads you create are needed, nor do they do what you want. Specifically, the FileSystemWatcher object itself is already asynchronous, so you can create it in the main thread. In fact, you should, because there you could set FileSystemWatcher.SynchronizingObject to the current form instance so that it will raise its events in that object's synchronization context. I.e. your event handlers will be executed in the main thread, which is what you want.
So the first method, watch(), rather than being executed in a thread, just call it directly.
Which brings me to the second method, checker(). Your method for the thread doesn't loop, so it will execute the two tests, and then promptly exit. That's the end of that thread. It won't stay around long enough to monitor the counts as they are updated.
You could fix it by looping in the checker() method, so that it never exits. But then you run into problems of excessive CPU usage. Which you'll fix by adding sleep statements. Which then you're wasting a thread most of the time. Which you could fix by using async/await (e.g. await Task.Delay()). Except that would just unnecessarily complicate the code.
Instead, you should just perform each check after each count is updated. In theory, you could just display the message immediately. But that will block the event handler subscribed to FileSystemWatcher, possibly delaying additional reports. So you may instead prefer to use Control.BeginInvoke() to defer display of the message until after the event handler has returned.
So, taking all that into account, your code might instead look more like this:
public Form1()
private void CDdirWatcher_Created(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e)
CDCreated += 1;
if (CDCreated > CDmax)
private static void LPdirWatcher_Created(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e)
LPCreated += 1;
if (LPCreated > LPmax)
You can remove the checker() method altogether. The watch() method can remain as it is, though I would change the order of subscribing to the Created event and the assignment of EnableRaisingEvents. I.e. don't enable raising events until you've already subscribed to the event. The FileSystemWatcher is unreliable enough as it is, without you giving it a chance to raise an event before you're ready to observe it. :)
This is based on your current implementation. Note though that if files keep getting created, the message will be displayed over and over. If they are created fast enough, new messages will be displayed before the user can dismiss the previously-displayed one(s). You may prefer to modify your code to prevent this. E.g. unsubscribe from the event after you've already exceeded the max count, or at least temporarily inhibit the display of the message while one such message is already being displayed. Exactly what to do is up to you, and beyond the scope of your question and thus the scope of this answer.

How to manage thread blocking and unblocking with asynchronous events?

I am currently recreating functionality of something with a GUI that works in and, but through a terminal interface. So the error is not on the other end with the events triggering, because it works in original GUI form.
I run a task composed of subtasks on multiple machines.
I subscribe to events which trigger when progress is made and print out a descriptive message.
A message is to be printed out for each X subtasks for all Y machines.
Asynchronous multithreading operation then occurs.
I would like to print out a message for each subtask for each machine being resolved only once.
I track completion of the subtasks, and keep a 2D boolean array where rows is machines and columns subtasks.
When debugging I can see that the event handler methods below are being entered. The print statement in numOfSubtasksFoundEventHandler is run, but before I reach to set the AutoReset event multiple BigTask events are triggered, blocked at the .WaitOne.
However despite the fact that numOfSubtasksFound.Set() is run later, nothing else is printed nor does the program finish execution. Nothing gets past the numOfSubtasksFound.WaitOne s.
If I take out the numOfSubtasksFound.WaitOne in the BigTaskHandler method I receive similar behavior but a few messages stating the BigTask completes and then the program stalls somewhere else.
What is the best way to manage the blocking and unblocking here or is there a small fix?
What I need is a way to block the operation of the subtask event handler method until numOfSubtasksFoundEventHandler has run once. I only need numOfSubTasksFoundEventHandler to run once only.
Currently the subtask event handler is not being unblocked properly. The switch case code is never executed after numOfSubtasksFound.Set(); is run.
bool[] machinesDoneTasks = new bool[numOfMachines];
bool[][] machinesDoneSubtasks = new bool[numOfMachines][];
//thread/task blocking
numOfSubtasksFound = new AutoResetEvent(false);
AllSubTasksDone = new AutoResetEvent(false);
AllBigTasksDone = new AutoResetEvent(false);
//Subscribe to events to get number of subtasks and print useful information as tasks progress
numOfSubtasksFoundEvent += numOfSubtasksFoundEventHandler;
SubTaskProgEvent += SubTaskEventProgHandler; //prog stands for progress
BigTaskProgEvent += BigTaskProgEventHandler;
RunAllTasksOnAllMachines();//this will trigger the events above
//Don't exit program until those descriptive messages have been printed
//SubTaskProgEvent -= SubTaskProgEventHandler;
//BigTaskProgEvent -= BigTaskProgEventHandler;
catch (Exception e)
//print exceptions
Below is not necessarily the 1st event to be triggered.
internal void numOfSubtasksFoundEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e)
//get number of subtasks from args after checking for nulls, empty arrays
for (int i = 0; i < numOfSubtasks; i++)
machinesDoneSubtasks[i] = new bool[numOfSubtasks];
Console.WriteLine("number of subtasks found");
numOfSubtasksFoundEvent -= numOfSubtasksFoundEventHandler;//don't subscribe to event where we get this from anymore
if (numOfSubtasksFound != null)
numOfSubtasksFound.Set(); //stop blocking
Subtask events do not necessarily get processed before big task events.
internal void SubtaskEventProgHandler(object sender, EventArgs e)
//null, empty checks on args
//Wait until we know how many subtasks there are and the 2D boolean array is fully built
switch (e.WhatHappened)
Console.Write(e.Machine + " is done subtask " + e.subTask);
//logic to determine machine and subtask
machinesDoneSubtasks[machine][Subtask] = true;
if (AllSubTasksDone != null && machinesDoneSubtasks.OfType<bool>().All(x => x))
AllSubTasksDone.Set(); //stop blocking when 2D array is all true
//other cases, different prints, but same idea
BigTask progress events occur at the beginning middle and end of processing. I only print out the details of the Cases I want.
internal void BigTaskProgEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Wait until we know how many subtasks there are and the 2D boolean array is fully built before printing
//null, empty exception checks
switch (e.WhatHappened)
Console.Write(e.Machine + " is done task " + e.subTask);
//logic to determine machine
machinesDoneTasks[machine] = true;
if (AllBigTasksDone != null && machinesDoneTasks.All(x => x))
//other cases, different prints, but same idea
An example of async/await model.
A number of tasks run on each machine and compute a value.
When all tasks are done the values are displayed on the console.
static void Main(string[] args)
var service = new DispatchTasksOnMachinesService(8, 3);
class DispatchTasksOnMachinesService
int numOfMachines;
int tasksPerMachine;
private Random random = new Random();
public DispatchTasksOnMachinesService(int numOfMachines, int tasksPerMachine)
this.numOfMachines = numOfMachines;
this.tasksPerMachine = tasksPerMachine;
public async void DispatchTasks()
var tasks = new List<Task<Tuple<Guid, Machine, int>>>();
for (int i = 0; i < this.numOfMachines; i++)
var j = i;
for (int k = 0; k < this.tasksPerMachine; k++)
var task = Task.Run(() => Foo(Guid.NewGuid(), new Machine("machine" + j)));
var results = await Task.WhenAll<Tuple<Guid, Machine, int>>(tasks);
foreach (var result in results)
Console.WriteLine($"Task {result.Item1} on {result.Item2} yielded result {result.Item3}");
private Tuple<Guid, Machine, int> Foo(Guid taskId, Machine machine)
Console.WriteLine($"Task {taskId} has completed on {machine}");
return new Tuple<Guid, Machine, int>(taskId, machine, random.Next(500, 2000));
class Machine
public string Name { get; private set; }
public Machine(string name)
this.Name = name;
public override string ToString()
return this.Name;
My issue was that after the 1st event was triggered, other subtask event handler event would call .WaitOne which would block. This could happen after the number of subtasks is discovered. The issue then was the .Set would only be called once, and it would never be unblocked.
So using a boolean flag to be set when the number of subtasks is discovered, and locking the sub task event handler was the way to go.

Multiple events and multi threading

I have a service that raises multiple events, some of them can be raised at the same time. I need to process those events and run a potentially long running method based on the event arguments.
What I did is to create a BlockingCollection<T> that will store the events an a Task that will keep taking one event at a time until it will be signaled to stop using a CancellationTokenSource.
My concern is that I'm not handling the synchronization good enough.
This is the class that handles everything (it's used as a WPF ViewModel):
public class EventsTest
//private fields
private BlockingCollection<IoEventArgs> _queue;
private CancellationTokenSource _tokenSource;
private IoService _ioService;
private Task _workerTask;
private static EventWaitHandle _eventWaiter;
public EventsTest()
_queue = new BlockingCollection<IoEventArgs>();
_tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
_eventWaiter = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.AutoReset);
//this is the object that raises multiple events
_ioService = new IoService();
_ioService.IoEvent += _ioService_IoEvent;
//Start Listening
var t = Task.Factory.StartNew(StartListening, _tokenSource, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning);
//IO events listener
private void _ioService_IoEvent(string desc, int portNum)
//add events to a blocking collection
_queue.Add(new IoEventArgs() { Description = desc, PortNum = portNum });
private void StartListening(object dummy)
//process the events one at a time
while (!_tokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)
var eve = _queue.Take();
switch (eve.PortNum)
case 0:
case 1:
//invoke a long running method
//sample long running method
private void LongRunningMethod(string data)
How can I make this process more robust in terms of thread safety?
Will adding a lock around each method implementation improve the safety of the process?
Your .Take() won't be canceled so you might wait forever there.
You could pass the token on:
var eve = _queue.Take(_tokenSource);
but then you would have to handle the exception.
A better approach would be the TryTake(out eve, 1000, _tokenSource) and steer with the returned boolean.
Or forget about the CancellationToken and just use AddingComplete()
This sounds like a situation where Microsoft's Reactive Framework is a far better fit.
Your code would look like this:
public class EventsTest
private IDisposable _subscription;
public EventsTest()
IoService ioService = new IoService();
_subscription =
.FromEvent<IoEvent, IoEventArgs>(
a => ioService.IoEvent += a, a => ioService.IoEvent -= a)
.Subscribe(eve =>
switch (eve.PortNum)
case 0:
case 1:
//invoke a long running method
private void LongRunningMethod(string data)
This should automatically ensure multiple events are queued and will never overlap. If there's problem just drop a .Synchronize() call in before the .Subscribe(...) and then it'll work perfectly.
When you want to cancel the event just call _subscription.Dispose() and it will all be cleaned up for you.
NuGet "Rx-Main" to get the bits you need.

Tracking when x number of events have fired

Usually this is the stuff i would spend a few hours browsing google and stackoverflow for, however i ran into the problem of how the heck do i word this for a search engine.
I hoping there is a simple way of achieving this, as my current method feels far to "hackish"
What I need to do, if track when several sources of data have completed their loading, and only when all have completed do i load a new view (this is WPF mvvm). Now the data is loaded via a static class termed Repository each one creates a thread and ensure they only a single load operation can happen at once (to avoid multiple threads trying to load into the same collection), each of these classes fires an event called LoadingCompleted when they have finished loading.
I have a single location that loads a large portion of the data (for the first time, there are other locations where the data is reloaded however) what i planned was to hook into each repositories OnLoaded event, and keep track of which have already returned, and when one is returned, mark it as loaded and check to see if any remain. If none remain load the new view, else do nothing.
Something like this:
ShipmentRepository.LoadingComplete += ShipmentRepository_LoadingComplete;
ContainerRepository.LoadingComplete += ContainerRepository_LoadingComplete;
void ContainerRepository_LoadingComplete(object sender, EventArgs e)
_containerLoaded = true;
void ShipmentRepository_LoadingComplete(object sender, EventArgs e)
_shipmentsLoaded = true;
private void CheckLoaded()
if(_shipmentsLoaded && _containersLoaded && _packagesLoaded)
However as i mentioned this feels clumbsy and hackish, I was hoping there was a cleaner method of doing this.
You can achieve this with Reactive Extensions and using Observable.FromEventPattern in conjunction with the Observable.Zip method. You should be able to do something like:
var shipmentRepositoryLoadingComplete = Observable.FromEventPattern<EventHandler,EventArgs>(h => ShipmentRepository.LoadingComplete += h, h => ShipmentRepository.LoadingComplete -= h);
var containerRepositoryLoadingComplete = Observable.FromEventPattern<EventHandler, EventArgs>(h => ContainerRepository.LoadingComplete += h, h => ContainerRepository.LoadingComplete -= h);
Then you subscibe to the observalbes like this:
var subscription = Observable.Zip(shipmentRepositoryLoadingComplete, containerRepositoryLoadingComplete)
.Subscribe(l => LoadView()));
The subscirption needs to stay alive, so you can save this as a private variable. When both complete events are invoked, the LoadView method should be called. Here is a working console example I used to test this method.
using System;
using System.Reactive.Linq;
namespace RxEventCombine
class Program
public event EventHandler event1;
public event EventHandler event2;
public event EventHandler event3;
public Program()
event1 += Event1Completed;
event2 += Event2Completed;
event3 += Event3Completed;
public void Event1Completed(object sender, EventArgs args)
Console.WriteLine("Event 1 completed");
public void Event2Completed(object sender, EventArgs args)
Console.WriteLine("Event 2 completed");
public void Event3Completed(object sender, EventArgs args)
Console.WriteLine("Event 3 completed");
static void Main(string[] args)
var program = new Program();
var event1Observable = Observable.FromEventPattern<EventHandler,EventArgs>(h => program.event1 += h, h => program.event1 -= h);
var event2Observable = Observable.FromEventPattern<EventHandler, EventArgs>(h => program.event2 += h, h => program.event2 -= h);
var event3Observable = Observable.FromEventPattern<EventHandler, EventArgs>(h => program.event3 += h, h => program.event3 -= h);
using (var subscription = Observable.Zip(event1Observable, event2Observable, event3Observable)
.Subscribe(l => Console.WriteLine("All events completed")))
Console.WriteLine("Invoke event 1");
program.event1.Invoke(null, null);
Console.WriteLine("Invoke event 2");
program.event2.Invoke(null, null);
Console.WriteLine("Invoke event 3");
program.event3.Invoke(null, null);
Invoke event 1
Event 1 completed
Invoke event 2
Event 2 completed
Invoke event 3
Event 3 completed
All events completed
Another way to do this: Add a property LoadingCompleted. For every instance you start a thread return that object to a list. On every loadcompleted set the property to true and in the place you catch the load completed loop through the list (myList.Any(x=>LoadingCompleted == false)) to figure out if everything is completed.
Not the most correct way to do it. But reading your scenario this might do the job.
If you are loading the shipments, containers and packages as asynchronous task then you have several options. As others suggested you can use WhenAll or Join() to wait for all threads to finish before proceeding. However, if your threads have to stay alive and the threads don't stop when they have finished loading, you can use the System.Threading.CountdownEvent as following:
Added how I would set up the threads and handle the events. Also moved the example from the static Program to an instance, more closely resembeling your situation. Again, if you do not need to do anything in the threads after they have loaded the data, just skip the CountdownEvent altogether and wait for all threads to finish. Much simpler, does not need events and can be achieved using Join() or in this case Task.WaitAll().
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var myWpfObject = new MyWpfObject();
public class MyWpfObject
CountdownEvent countdownEvent;
public MyWpfObject()
ShipmentRepository ShipmentRepository = new ShipmentRepository();
ContainerRepository ContainerRepository = new ContainerRepository();
PackageRepository PackageRepository = new PackageRepository();
ShipmentRepository.LoadingComplete += Repository_LoadingComplete;
ContainerRepository.LoadingComplete += Repository_LoadingComplete;
PackageRepository.LoadingComplete += Repository_LoadingComplete;
Task[] loadingTasks = new Task[] {
new Task(ShipmentRepository.Load),
new Task(ContainerRepository.Load),
new Task(PackageRepository.Load)
countdownEvent = new CountdownEvent(loadingTasks.Length);
foreach (var task in loadingTasks)
// Wait till everything is loaded.
Console.WriteLine("Everything Loaded");
//Wait till aditional tasks are completed.
Console.WriteLine("Everything Completed");
public void Repository_LoadingComplete(object sender, EventArgs e)
And a mock Repository class:
public class ShipmentRepository
public ShipmentRepository()
public void Load()
//Simulate work
if (LoadingComplete != null)
LoadingComplete(this, new EventArgs());
Console.WriteLine("Finished loading shipments");
private void DoAditionalWork()
//Do aditional work after everything is loaded
Console.WriteLine("Finished aditional shipment work");
public event EventHandler LoadingComplete;

How to update UI from another thread running in another class

I am currently writing my first program on C# and I am extremely new to the language (used to only work with C so far). I have done a lot of research, but all answers were too general and I simply couldn't get it t work.
So here my (very common) problem:
I have a WPF application which takes inputs from a few textboxes filled by the user and then uses that to do a lot of calculations with them. They should take around 2-3 minutes, so I would like to update a progress bar and a textblock telling me what the current status is.
Also I need to store the UI inputs from the user and give them to the thread, so I have a third class, which I use to create an object and would like to pass this object to the background thread.
Obviously I would run the calculations in another thread, so the UI doesn't freeze, but I don't know how to update the UI, since all the calculation methods are part of another class.
After a lot of reasearch I think the best method to go with would be using dispatchers and TPL and not a backgroundworker, but honestly I am not sure how they work and after around 20 hours of trial and error with other answers, I decided to ask a question myself.
Here a very simple structure of my program:
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
Initialize Component();
private void startCalc(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
inputValues input = new inputValues();
calcClass calculations = new calcClass();
input.pota = Convert.ToDouble(aVar.Text);
input.potb = Convert.ToDouble(bVar.Text);
input.potc = Convert.ToDouble(cVar.Text);
input.potd = Convert.ToDouble(dVar.Text);
input.potf = Convert.ToDouble(fVar.Text);
input.potA = Convert.ToDouble(AVar.Text);
input.potB = Convert.ToDouble(BVar.Text);
input.initStart = Convert.ToDouble(initStart.Text);
input.initEnd = Convert.ToDouble(initEnd.Text);
input.inita = Convert.ToDouble(inita.Text);
input.initb = Convert.ToDouble(initb.Text);
input.initc = Convert.ToDouble(initb.Text);
MessageBox.Show("Some input values are not of the expected Type.", "Wrong Input", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
Thread calcthread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(calculations.testMethod);
public class inputValues
public double pota, potb, potc, potd, potf, potA, potB;
public double initStart, initEnd, inita, initb, initc;
public class calcClass
public void testmethod(inputValues input)
Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Lowest;
int i;
//the input object will be used somehow, but that doesn't matter for my problem
for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
I would be very grateful if someone had a simple explanation how to update the UI from inside the testmethod. Since I am new to C# and object oriented programming, too complicated answers I will very likely not understand, I'll do my best though.
Also if someone has a better idea in general (maybe using backgroundworker or anything else) I am open to see it.
First you need to use Dispatcher.Invoke to change the UI from another thread and to do that from another class, you can use events.
Then you can register to that event(s) in the main class and Dispatch the changes to the UI and in the calculation class you throw the event when you want to notify the UI:
class MainWindow : Window
private void startCalc()
//your code
CalcClass calc = new CalcClass();
calc.ProgressUpdate += (s, e) => {
Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)delegate() { /* update UI */ });
Thread calcthread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(calc.testMethod));
class CalcClass
public event EventHandler ProgressUpdate;
public void testMethod(object input)
//part 1
if(ProgressUpdate != null)
ProgressUpdate(this, new YourEventArgs(status));
//part 2
As it seems this is still an often visited question and answer I want to update this answer with how I would do it now (with .NET 4.5) - this is a little longer as I will show some different possibilities:
class MainWindow : Window
Task calcTask = null;
void buttonStartCalc_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { StartCalc(); } // #1
async void buttonDoCalc_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) // #2
await CalcAsync(); // #2
void StartCalc()
var calc = PrepareCalc();
calcTask = Task.Run(() => calc.TestMethod(input)); // #3
Task CalcAsync()
var calc = PrepareCalc();
return Task.Run(() => calc.TestMethod(input)); // #4
CalcClass PrepareCalc()
//your code
var calc = new CalcClass();
calc.ProgressUpdate += (s, e) => Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)delegate()
// update UI
return calc;
class CalcClass
public event EventHandler<EventArgs<YourStatus>> ProgressUpdate; // #5
public TestMethod(InputValues input)
//part 1
ProgressUpdate.Raise(this, status); // #6 - status is of type YourStatus
// alternative version to the extension for C# 6+:
ProgressUpdate?.Invoke(this, new EventArgs<YourStatus>(status));
//part 2
static class EventExtensions
public static void Raise<T>(this EventHandler<EventArgs<T>> theEvent,
object sender, T args)
if (theEvent != null)
theEvent(sender, new EventArgs<T>(args));
#1) How to start the "synchronous" calculations and run them in the background
#2) How to start it "asynchronous" and "await it": Here the calculation is executed and completed before the method returns, but because of the async/await the UI is not blocked (BTW: such event handlers are the only valid usages of async void as the event handler must return void - use async Task in all other cases)
#3) Instead of a new Thread we now use a Task. To later be able to check its (successfull) completion we save it in the global calcTask member. In the background this also starts a new thread and runs the action there, but it is much easier to handle and has some other benefits.
#4) Here we also start the action, but this time we return the task, so the "async event handler" can "await it". We could also create async Task CalcAsync() and then await Task.Run(() => calc.TestMethod(input)).ConfigureAwait(false); (FYI: the ConfigureAwait(false) is to avoid deadlocks, you should read up on this if you use async/await as it would be to much to explain here) which would result in the same workflow, but as the Task.Run is the only "awaitable operation" and is the last one we can simply return the task and save one context switch, which saves some execution time.
#5) Here I now use a "strongly typed generic event" so we can pass and receive our "status object" easily
#6) Here I use the extension defined below, which (aside from ease of use) solve the possible race condition in the old example. There it could have happened that the event got null after the if-check, but before the call if the event handler was removed in another thread at just that moment. This can't happen here, as the extensions gets a "copy" of the event delegate and in the same situation the handler is still registered inside the Raise method.
I am going to throw you a curve ball here. If I have said it once I have said it a hundred times. Marshaling operations like Invoke or BeginInvoke are not always the best methods for updating the UI with worker thread progress.
In this case it usually works better to have the worker thread publish its progress information to a shared data structure that the UI thread then polls at regular intervals. This has several advantages.
It breaks the tight coupling between the UI and worker thread that Invoke imposes.
The UI thread gets to dictate when the UI controls get updated...the way it should be anyway when you really think about it.
There is no risk of overrunning the UI message queue as would be the case if BeginInvoke were used from the worker thread.
The worker thread does not have to wait for a response from the UI thread as would be the case with Invoke.
You get more throughput on both the UI and worker threads.
Invoke and BeginInvoke are expensive operations.
So in your calcClass create a data structure that will hold the progress information.
public class calcClass
private double percentComplete = 0;
public double PercentComplete
// Do a thread-safe read here.
return Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref percentComplete, 0, 0);
public testMethod(object input)
int count = 1000;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
double newvalue = ((double)i + 1) / (double)count;
Interlocked.Exchange(ref percentComplete, newvalue);
Then in your MainWindow class use a DispatcherTimer to periodically poll the progress information. Configure the DispatcherTimer to raise the Tick event on whatever interval is most appropriate for your situation.
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public void YourDispatcherTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs args)
YourProgressBar.Value = calculation.PercentComplete;
You're right that you should use the Dispatcher to update controls on the UI thread, and also right that long-running processes should not run on the UI thread. Even if you run the long-running process asynchronously on the UI thread, it can still cause performance issues.
It should be noted that Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher will return the dispatcher for the current thread, not necessarily the UI thread. I think you can use Application.Current.Dispatcher to get a reference to the UI thread's dispatcher if that's available to you, but if not you'll have to pass the UI dispatcher in to your background thread.
Typically I use the Task Parallel Library for threading operations instead of a BackgroundWorker. I just find it easier to use.
For example,
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
void RunLongProcess(SomeViewModel someDataObject)
for (int i = 0; i <= 1000; i++)
// Update every 10 executions
if (i % 10 == 0)
// Send message to UI thread
(Action)(() => someDataObject.ProgressValue = (i / 1000)));
Everything that interacts with the UI must be called in the UI thread (unless it is a frozen object). To do that, you can use the dispatcher.
var disp = /* Get the UI dispatcher, each WPF object has a dispatcher which you can query*/
(Action)(() => /*Do your UI Stuff here*/));
I use BeginInvoke here, usually a backgroundworker doesn't need to wait that the UI updates. If you want to wait, you can use Invoke. But you should be careful not to call BeginInvoke to fast to often, this can get really nasty.
By the way, The BackgroundWorker class helps with this kind of taks. It allows Reporting changes, like a percentage and dispatches this automatically from the Background thread into the ui thread. For the most thread <> update ui tasks the BackgroundWorker is a great tool.
If this is a long calculation then I would go background worker. It has progress support. It also has support for cancel.
Here I have a TextBox bound to contents.
private void backgroundWorker_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
if (e.Cancelled)
contents = "Cancelled get contents.";
else if (e.Error != null)
contents = "An Error Occured in get contents";
contents = (string)e.Result;
if (contentTabSelectd) NotifyPropertyChanged("Contents");
You are going to have to come back to your main thread (also called UI thread) in order to update the UI.
Any other thread trying to update your UI will just cause exceptions to be thrown all over the place.
So because you are in WPF, you can use the Dispatcher and more specifically a beginInvoke on this dispatcher. This will allow you to execute what needs done (typically Update the UI) in the UI thread.
You migh also want to "register" the UI in your business, by maintaining a reference to a control/form, so you can use its dispatcher.
Thank God, Microsoft got that figured out in WPF :)
Every Control, like a progress bar, button, form, etc. has a Dispatcher on it. You can give the Dispatcher an Action that needs to be performed, and it will automatically call it on the correct thread (an Action is like a function delegate).
You can find an example here.
Of course, you'll have to have the control accessible from other classes, e.g. by making it public and handing a reference to the Window to your other class, or maybe by passing a reference only to the progress bar.
Felt the need to add this better answer, as nothing except BackgroundWorker seemed to help me, and the answer dealing with that thus far was woefully incomplete. This is how you would update a XAML page called MainWindow that has an Image tag like this:
<Image Name="imgNtwkInd" Source="Images/network_on.jpg" Width="50" />
with a BackgroundWorker process to show if you are connected to the network or not:
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
public partial class MainWindow : Window
private BackgroundWorker bw = new BackgroundWorker();
public MainWindow()
// Set up background worker to allow progress reporting and cancellation
bw.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
bw.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true;
// This is your main work process that records progress
bw.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(SomeClass.DoWork);
// This will update your page based on that progress
bw.ProgressChanged += new ProgressChangedEventHandler(bw_ProgressChanged);
// This starts your background worker and "DoWork()"
// When this page closes, this will run and cancel your background worker
this.Closing += new CancelEventHandler(Page_Unload);
private void bw_ProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
BitmapImage bImg = new BitmapImage();
bool connected = false;
string response = e.ProgressPercentage.ToString(); // will either be 1 or 0 for true/false -- this is the result recorded in DoWork()
if (response == "1")
connected = true;
// Do something with the result we got
if (!connected)
bImg.UriSource = new Uri("Images/network_off.jpg", UriKind.Relative);
imgNtwkInd.Source = bImg;
bImg.UriSource = new Uri("Images/network_on.jpg", UriKind.Relative);
imgNtwkInd.Source = bImg;
private void Page_Unload(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
bw.CancelAsync(); // stops the background worker when unloading the page
public class SomeClass
public static bool connected = false;
public void DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
BackgroundWorker bw = sender as BackgroundWorker;
int i = 0;
connected = CheckConn(); // do some task and get the result
if (bw.CancellationPending == true)
e.Cancel = true;
// Record your result here
if (connected)
while (i == 0);
private static bool CheckConn()
bool conn = false;
Ping png = new Ping();
string host = "SomeComputerNameHere";
PingReply pngReply = png.Send(host);
if (pngReply.Status == IPStatus.Success)
conn = true;
catch (PingException ex)
// write exception to log
return conn;
For more information:
