There doesn't seem to be a way to change the padding (or row height) for all rows in a .NET ListView. Does anybody have an elegant hack-around?
I know this post is fairly old, however, if you never found the best option, I've got a blog post that may help, it involves utilizing LVM_SETICONSPACING.
According to my blog,
Initially, you'll need to add:
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
Next, you'll need to import the DLL, so that you can utilize SendMessage, to modify the ListView parameters.
public static extern int SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, int msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);
Once that is complete, create the following two functions:
public int MakeLong(short lowPart, short highPart)
return (int)(((ushort)lowPart) | (uint)(highPart << 16));
public void ListViewItem_SetSpacing(ListView listview, short leftPadding, short topPadding)
const int LVM_FIRST = 0x1000;
SendMessage(listview.Handle, LVM_SETICONSPACING, IntPtr.Zero, (IntPtr)MakeLong(leftPadding, topPadding));
Then to use the function, just pass in your ListView, and set the values. In the example, 64 pixels is the image width, and 32 pixels is my horizontal spacing/padding, 100 pixels is the image height, and 16 pixels is my vertical spacing/padding, and both parameters require a minimum of 4 pixels.
ListViewItem_SetSpacing(this.listView1, 64 + 32, 100 + 16);
A workaround is to use an ImageList that is as tall as you want the items to be. Just fill a blank image with the background color. You can even make the image 1 wide so as to not take much space horizontally.
I am a beginner at coding and I want to create an application that says the width, height, and position of the window.
The problem is that I don't know how to GET the position of the window.
I searched the internet but couldn't find the answer to my question.
Here is the code I have:
using System;
namespace WindowSizeChecker
class Program
const bool alwaysTrue = true;
static void Main(string[] args)
while (alwaysTrue == true)
Console.Write("Set your console window to your prefered size and position. Then press Enter");
Console.WriteLine("\n\nPress enter to repeat\n\n");
public static void screenSizeAndPosition()
int consoleWidth = Console.WindowWidth;
int consoleHeight = Console.WindowHeight;
string consoleWidthString = consoleWidth.ToString();
string consoleHeightString = consoleHeight.ToString();
Console.WriteLine("\nThe width of the window is: {0}\nAnd the height of the window is: {1}", consoleWidthString, consoleHeightString);
int largestWindowWidth = Console.LargestWindowWidth;
int largestWindowHeight = Console.LargestWindowHeight;
string largestWindowWidthString = largestWindowWidth.ToString();
string largestWindowHeightString = largestWindowHeight.ToString();
Console.WriteLine("\nThe largest width of the window is: {0}\nAnd the largest height of the window is: {1}", largestWindowWidthString, largestWindowHeightString);
Here is the program running:
enter image description here
I am a beginner at coding and I want to create an application that says the width, height, and position of the window. The problem is that I don't know how to GET the position of the window. I searched the internet but couldn't find the answer to my question.
The information is out there, but I admit, it's not necessarily presented in the easiest to understand manner, especially for a beginner.
IMHO, two of the most relevant Stack Overflow questions you probably should read are these:
Position a small console window to the bottom left of the screen?
DwmGetWindowAttribute returns 0 with PInvoke
They aren't really duplicates of your question, and for a beginner it's probably hard to see how they answer it. But they do in fact contain almost all of the information you would need.
There are a couple of things you need to understand, besides the "how":
The Console properties you're looking at now are not pixel dimensions, but rather are in terms of character columns and rows. That is, how many characters can fit across the window in a single row, and how many rows of those characters can fit vertically.
When it comes to pixels, there are actually (at least) two different ways to look at the window size: raw screen coordinates, and "DPI-adjusted". The latter is IMHO a misnomer, because it's not taking into account any actual screen resolution (i.e. "dots per inch"), but rather the scaling factor that is set for your desktop. It's considered "DPI-adjusted" because setting the scaling factor is the Windows mechanism for attempting to keep the visual presentation of a program consistent across displays of different resolution.
As you already have seen, you can get the character-oriented dimensions straight from the .NET Console class. But to get the pixel information, you need to use .NET's native interop support to call the Windows API directly. Here are some helper classes I put together, based on available documentation and Stack Overflow posts, to do that for your scenario:
struct Rect
public int Left;
public int Top;
public int Right;
public int Bottom;
public int Width => Right - Left;
public int Height => Bottom - Top;
class NativeConsole
public static extern IntPtr GetConsoleWindow();
class Winuser
[DllImport(#"user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
private static extern bool GetWindowRect(IntPtr hWnd, out Rect lpRect);
public static Rect GetWindowRect(IntPtr handle)
if (!GetWindowRect(handle, out Rect rect))
throw Marshal.GetExceptionForHR(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());
return rect;
class DwmApi
private const int DWMWA_EXTENDED_FRAME_BOUNDS = 9;
private static extern int DwmGetWindowAttribute(IntPtr hwnd, int dwAttribute, out Rect pvAttribute, int cbAttribute);
public static Rect GetExtendedFrameBounds(IntPtr hwnd)
int hresult = DwmGetWindowAttribute(hwnd, DWMWA_EXTENDED_FRAME_BOUNDS, out Rect rect, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Rect)));
if (hresult != 0)
throw Marshal.GetExceptionForHR(hresult);
return rect;
You could, of course, lump all of the above together in a single class, but I prefer to keep things organized. The above groups the various parts of the API into the same organization used in the native Win32 API itself.
With those pieces in hand, now we can put together a program similar to the one you have above, except that it will display the window position (which is what you want), along with the width and height as well (since those come for free from the native API anyway).
That looks like this:
using static System.Console;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string prompt = "Set your console window to your preferred size and position. Press X to exit";
while (true)
if (KeyAvailable && ReadKey(intercept: true).Key == ConsoleKey.X)
static void ScreenSizeAndPosition(string prompt)
string format = $"{{0, {-WindowWidth}}}";
SetCursorPosition(0, 0);
Write(format, prompt);
Write(format, $"Window is {WindowWidth} columns wide and {WindowHeight} rows high");
Write(format, $"The largest window that can fit on the screen is {LargestWindowWidth} columns wide and {LargestWindowHeight} rows high");
IntPtr consoleHwnd = NativeConsole.GetConsoleWindow();
Rect winuserRect = Winuser.GetWindowRect(consoleHwnd),
dwmRect = DwmApi.GetExtendedFrameBounds(consoleHwnd);
Write(format, $"DPI-adjusted screen values: location is {{{winuserRect.Left}, {winuserRect.Top}}}, window is {winuserRect.Width} pixels wide, {winuserRect.Height} pixels high");
Write(format, $"Desktop Window Manager values: location is {{{dwmRect.Left}, {dwmRect.Top}}}, window is {dwmRect.Width} pixels wide, {dwmRect.Height} pixels high");
for (int i = 0; i < WindowHeight - 5; i++)
Write(format, "");
I did change your basic logic in the program a bit, so that it just checks every quarter second rather than waiting for the user to press a key, displaying whatever the current values are as the user changes the window size and position.
For more details on the Windows functions used above, you should read the documentation:
There are some additional subtleties in the ways that GetWindowRect() and DwmGetWindowAttribute() work, so it's worth checking out the docs so that you understand better what they are returning in terms of the window dimensional values.
You should call a Win32 API DwmGetWindowAttribute via PInovke to the current window position. Refer to the document and see how to use it.
I have a ListView in a Winform User Control. The VirtualMode is true and the VirtualListSize is 200. When there are less items in the ListView than visible rows, I get weird characters below the (real) items. These "artifacts" appear when the software is run on Windows 8, 10 or Windows Server 2012, but not on Windows 7.
Does anyone know what could be causing these "artifacts"? I added a character "A" "B", etc. to the Title of all the places where ListViewItems are created. So I know that none of the code in this user control is creating them. I added a sample solution that shows the problem below.
Sometimes they appear as chinese characters, sometimes just a random letter and character combination. Usually they are not longer than 4 characters.
[Update] It does not occur on the latest Version of Windows 10.
[Update2] I was able to reproduce the problem on a small sample solution. Find the zip file here.
I ended up assigning the number of visible lines of the ListView to the VirtualListSize property, whenever the number of items in the ListView changed.
I used the following class to determine the number of visible lines in the ListView:
public static class ListViewSizer
const UInt32 LVM_FIRST = 0x1000;
const UInt32 LVM_GETHEADER = (LVM_FIRST + 31);
private static int GetHeaderHeight(ListView listView)
Rect rect = new Rect();
IntPtr hwnd = SendMessage((IntPtr)listView.Handle, LVM_GETHEADER, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
if (hwnd != null)
if (GetWindowRect(new System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef(null, hwnd), out rect))
return rect.Bottom - rect.Top;
return -1;
public static int GetLastVisibleLine(ListView listView)
int firstVisibleIndex = listView.TopItem.Index;
int heightOfFirstItem = listView.GetItemRect(firstVisibleIndex, ItemBoundsPortion.Entire).Height;
// assuming each item has the same height (I think this is true for list view and details view)
const int DefaultVisibleLines = 11;
int visibleLines = heightOfFirstItem != 0 ? (int)Math.Ceiling((decimal)((listView.Height - GetHeaderHeight(listView)) / heightOfFirstItem)) : DefaultVisibleLines;
int lastVisibleIndexInDetailsMode = firstVisibleIndex + visibleLines;
return lastVisibleIndexInDetailsMode;
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet.Auto)]
private static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, UInt32 Msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);
private static extern bool GetWindowRect(System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef hwnd, out Rect lpRect);
[Serializable, System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayout(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)]
public struct Rect
public int Left;
public int Top;
public int Right;
public int Bottom;
I know this is a bit of a hack. The artifacts would still be there, but you just can't see them anymore, because the ListView always has as many lines as can be displayed. This is the best I could come up with without changing the control.
I am making a code editor program for an old pocket PC I have, and I want to be able to change the size of the \t character in a multi-line textbox.
I have looked for a really long time and I found this EM_SETTABSTOPS which I am not entirely sure how to use that but I think it is what I need to use. Is this even possible to do?
In your form class code:
private const UInt32 EM_SETTABSTOPS = 0x00CB;
private const int unitsPerCharacter = 4;
static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, UInt32 Msg, IntPtr wParam, ref IntPtr lParam);
then add a function
public static void SetTextBoxTabStopLength(TextBox tb, int tabSizeInCharacters)
// 1 means all tab stops are the the same length
// This means lParam must point to a single integer that contains the desired tab length
const uint regularLength = 1;
// A dialog unit is 1/4 of the average character width
int length = tabSizeInCharacters * unitsPerCharacter;
// Pass the length pointer by reference, essentially passing a pointer to the desired length
IntPtr lengthPointer = new IntPtr(length);
SendMessage(tb.Handle, EM_SETTABSTOPS, (IntPtr)regularLength, ref lengthPointer);
Then, after InitializeComponents(), call the function with your multiline textbox.
I'm in need of some help.
Currently I am working on a Script Editor in C# and I have two rich text boxes: programTextBox, where the whole text is and linesTextBox which counts and shows the number of lines.
I want them to scroll at the same time. I have done some search and I actually found some code which works, but if has a few problems. Here is the code:
public enum ScrollBarType : uint
SbHorz = 0,
SbVert = 1,
SbCtl = 2,
SbBoth = 3
public enum Message : uint
WM_VSCROLL = 0x0115
public enum ScrollBarCommands : uint
public extern static int GetScrollPos(IntPtr hWnd, int nBar);
public extern static int SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, uint msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);
private void programTextBox_VScroll(object sender, EventArgs e)
int nPos = GetScrollPos(programTextBox.Handle, (int)ScrollBarType.SbVert);
nPos <<= 16;
uint wParam = (uint)ScrollBarCommands.SB_THUMBPOSITION | (uint)nPos;
SendMessage(linesTextBox.Handle, (int)Message.WM_VSCROLL, new IntPtr(wParam), new IntPtr(0));
It works. Kind of. And you may ask: "What's the problem?". Well:
1) My program crashes when the total number of lines becomes about 2500. I get an overflow error.
2) If I move up and down by using the scrollbar instead of the mouse wheel, then my second rich text box (linesTextBox) will not follow the first one unless I release the scrollbar.
If an application scrolls the content of the window, it must also reset the position of the scroll box by using the SetScrollPos function
Have a look at this :
Also WM_VSCROLL message carries only 16 bits of scroll box position data this could be the reason u should try GetScrollInfo because it has 32 bits of scroll box pos data. This might give solution to both of your problems . Hope this helps...
I have a WinForms application which uses four panels in one form to hold and show information, controls etc.. Those panels are hidden or shown depending on the button pressed on the form - I hope you get the idea :) The panels are transparent and the forms holds the background image.
Now to the problem - if the background of the form is an image the controls on a panel that changes it's state to shown need too much time too render - there is kind of a blink and you can see how the controls render one after another. Has anyone encountered this before?
the problem disappears when I fill the background with a solid color (not image!)
I already tried using different kinds of images (png, bmp, jpg, low res, small color palette etc. with no effect)
I really need the background image
I would really want to avoid converting to WPF - simply because I don't have too much time.
I will be grateful for any help.
add a panel on your form and Dock it to middle, Use your background image to this panel... and also try the following code
panel1.Visible= true;
panel2.Visible= false;
if your okay with win32 API,
solution 1)
public static extern bool LockWindowUpdate(IntPtr hWndLock);
on button click:
//code here
solution 2) Use SendMessage() with WM_SETREDRAW (better one)
private const int WM_SETREDRAW = 0x000B;
private const int WM_USER = 0x400;
private const int EM_GETEVENTMASK = (WM_USER + 59);
private const int EM_SETEVENTMASK = (WM_USER + 69);
[DllImport("user32", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
private extern static IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, int msg, int wParam, IntPtr lParam);
IntPtr eventMask = IntPtr.Zero;
on button click:
// Stop redrawing:
SendMessage(panel1.Handle, WM_SETREDRAW, 0, IntPtr.Zero);
// Stop sending of events:
eventMask = SendMessage(panel1.Handle, EM_GETEVENTMASK, 0, IntPtr.Zero);
// code here
// turn on events
SendMessage(panel1.Handle, EM_SETEVENTMASK, 0, eventMask);
// turn on redrawing
SendMessage(panel1.Handle, WM_SETREDRAW, 1, IntPtr.Zero);