how to remove unnecessary properties from user control? - c#

i want to remove unnecessary properties from user control. But I do not know what way?

You can remove inherited properties from the Properties window with the [Browsable] attribute:
public override bool AutoScroll {
get { return base.AutoScroll; }
set { base.AutoScroll = value; }
public new Size AutoScrollMargin {
get { return base.AutoScrollMargin; }
set { base.AutoScrollMargin = value; }
Note the difference between the two, you have to use the "new" keyword if the property isn't virtual. You can use the [EditorBrowsable(false)] attribute to also hide the property from IntelliSense.

You can't remove the properties your control inherits from UserControl.
You can, of course, remove properties you've created yourself. Just delete them from your source file.


how to show user class property at properties window in WPF

I'm trying to show user class property at properties window.
example, this is class code
public class GraphConstruct
private List<GC_VisualData> visualDataGroup = new List<GC_VisualData>();
[Browsable(true), Category("Option"), Description("graph option")]
public List<GC_VisualData> VisualDataGroup { get { return visualDataGroup; } set { visualDataGroup = value; } }
And UserControl contain this code
public GraphConstruct CONS = new GraphConstruct();
[Browsable(true), Category("graph option"), Description("graph option")]
public GraphConstruct GRAPH_CONSTRUCT { get { return CONS; } set { CONS = value; } }
And properties window showing to me like this.
I want to display my class property at properties window like string, enum, int.
Is it posible? If it possible where I start this work?
Please, give me keyword. I don't know how to search it.
have a nice day
I think you can only show the properties of the UserControl itself, which is shown in the properties window when the item is selected in the designer, not the properties of a property within the UserControl.
Edit: Dependency properties also show up in the properties window -

Get the property value set in the Designer from another property of a Custom Control

I made Custom Control and I added a new property that is meant to point to a Resource.
How can I get the value, which is set in the Form Designer, of this property from another property of the Custom Control?
When I try to read it, the value it return is null.
My code related to the of Custom Control and the mentioned property:
class ResourceLabel : Label
private string resourceKey;
[Description("Sets the resource key for localization")]
public string ResourceKey
get { return resourceKey; }
set {
if (resourceKey != value) {
resourceKey = value;
public override string Text
if (base.Text != value) {
Console.WriteLine($"Test: {ResourceKey}");
if (ResourceKey != null) {
var locale = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(Properties.Settings.Default.Language);
var textFromResource = Resources.ResourceManager.GetString(ResourceKey, locale);
base.Text = textFromResource;
else {
base.Text = value;
This string Console.WriteLine($"Test: {ResourceKey}"); returns null.
Given the description of the problem and the Description attribute applied to the ResourceKey property of your Custom Control, it appears that you're localizing your application, setting - as a consequence - the Localizable property of the parent Form to true.
This changes some details in the Form's initialization.
If you look inside the Form.Designer.cs file, you'll notice that some new parts have been added:
The usual:
System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager resources = new System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager(typeof(YourForm));
has now new companions. In the initialization section of each control, resources.ApplyResources(this.controlName, "controlName"); has been added.
Your custom Label should show, e.g.:
resources.ApplyResources(this.resourceLabel1, "resourceLabel1");
Many of the standard properties derived from Control are localizable (are decorated with a [Localizable(true)] attribute). The Text property is of course among these. The value of these properties is now stored in the resource files used for the different localizations. Hence, these properties are not set in the Designer.cs file anymore and also are initialized before other properties.
Your ResourceKey property is not defined as Localizable, so it's added in the Designer.cs file and initialized after the localizable properties.
▶ A simple fix is to define the ResourceKey property as Localizable, so it will be initialized before the non-localized properties, along with the Text property.
[Localizable(true), Browsable(true)]
[Category("Appearance"), Description("Sets the resource key for localization")]
public string ResourceKey {
get { return resourceKey; }
set {
if (resourceKey != value) {
resourceKey = value;
Note that this is somewhat a breaking change, you should:
1 - Add the Localizable attribute to the ResourceKey Property
2 - Remove the old ResourceLabel Control from the Form Designer
3 - Compile the Solution
4 - Add the custom ResourceLabel back where it was
5 - Set the required Control's properties in the Properties Panel
6 - Run the application or compile the Project
Check the Designer.cs file of your Form, see that the ResourceKey property has disappeared, its value is now set through resources.ApplyResource().
▶ If you don't want to make that property localizable, you'll have to read its value later, when the Control's initialization is complete; overriding OnHandleCreated, for example. Note that the Handle of a Control can be re-created at run-time in a few occasions (setting key properties that require the Control to recreate the Handle).
You should not rely on the initialization sequence of your properties, there's no real guarantee that a Property is initialized before another. Take this into consideration while designing a Control's behavior.

Auto-generate the code-behind name of designer collection items

I have a custom control with a public collection marked as DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content.
When I add items to the collection using the designer, it adds them to the designer file and assigns all desired values but it gives each element of the collection a generic name, such as MyClass1, MyClass2, etc. I want the "Name" property of each item to become the code name of the item so that I can then access the item by its name in code.
This is the functionality of how a ContextMenuStrip and ToolStrip works. In those cases, the Name property shows up as (Name) in the property grid.
Is there an attribute or something I can use to gain this functionality? Or do I have to write a whole custom designer dialog? If so, what's an example of the simplest way I could go about achieving this?
You can try inheriting from Component to get that feature.
In this example, I created a class called PanelItem, which will be the class used in my collection by my own Panel class. I added DesignTimeVisible(false) so that it doesn't populate the component tray in the designer.
Also, I added a Name property that is hidden from the designer but can be used in code. It seemed to work in my tests:
public class PanelItem : Component {
[DefaultValue(typeof(string), "")]
public string PanelText { get; set; }
private string name = string.Empty;
public string Name {
get {
if (base.Site != null) {
name = base.Site.Name;
return name;
set {
name = value;
Then my custom panel control:
public class MyPanel : Panel {
private List<PanelItem> panelItems = new List<PanelItem>();
public List<PanelItem> PanelItems {
get { return panelItems; }
Resulted in:
I believe your custom control itself is going to require a DesignerSerializer, and that merely decorating the collection with the the DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content will not be sufficient.
I used ILSpy to check: ToolStrip has its DesignerSerializer set to an internal ToolStripCodeDomSerializer, which I think is responsible for generating all the code properties involved.
I think implementing this will be a bit of specialized work. Here's the MSDN article to get you started: You're looking for an implementation of the CodeDomSerializer, I believe:

C# - Default value of class

class StyleProperty<T>
static readonly StyleProperty<Object> INHERIT ;
T value;
public T Value
get { return this.value; }
set { this.value = value; }
The above class sometimes should have the value INHERIT when value should not be used.. As
c# doesnt allow overloading Properties i cant set Value=StyleProperty.Inherit. i must be of type T.
Any idea what to do there?
After reading your comments, what about this:
class StyleProperty<T>
T _Value;
public StyleProperty(T inheritedValue)
_Value = inheritedValue;
public T Value
get { return this._Value; }
set { this._Value = value; }
Your first problem is how should the inherited value flow into the concrete instance? The only way i can think of would be the constructor. If the user doesn't like this value he can simply change it (to maybe the same value).
If you would use for inheritance some kind of global variable (but that wouldn't be inheritance, that would be a default value) you could also think about using a boolean flag which will be checked in the getter to find out if the backing store or the default should be used and it will set always to the opposite of its initial state within the setter.
class StyleProperty<T>
T _Value;
bool _UseBackingStore;
public T Value
get { return _UseBackingStore ? this._Value : INHERIT; }
set { this._Value = value; _UseBackingStore = true; }
To get a skin support into your application i think you need to take a different approach. All forms and gui controls you are using should implement some kind of interface (e.g. ISkin). Also your application should have some kind of SkinSelector. This one holds all informations about coloring, fonts, etc and it also gets a reference to the MainForm. Within the constructor it recursively runs through the Controls property of the form and checks if there are any controls implementing your interface (simply using as ISkin and check for null). If it is skinnable, simply set the colors, fonts, etc. of the control as defined within you SkinSelector. Sounds quite easy but the problem is, that you have to derive all gui controls and add your interface to them. So this is not such a complicated thing, but maybe a lot of work. Maybe you can test if Generics can help you out by using a SkinWrapper<T> where T : Control and an extension function like ISkin ToSkinnableControl(this Control control)). But this will only work if you need to change a few common properties, that are the same for all controls. If you need more skin control e.g. for the DataGridView or a ComboBox i think derivement is the only way to help you out.
Not exactly sure what you're asking for, but you can define a default value for a property like this:
public T Value
get { return this.value; }
set { this.value = value; }

How to access properties of a usercontrol in C#

I've made a C# usercontrol with one textbox and one richtextbox.
How can I access the properties of the richtextbox from outside the usercontrol.
For example.. if i put it in a form, how can i use the Text propertie of the richtextbox???
Cleanest way is to expose the desired properties as properties of your usercontrol, e.g:
class MyUserControl
// expose the Text of the richtext control (read-only)
public string TextOfRichTextBox
get { return richTextBox.Text; }
// expose the Checked Property of a checkbox (read/write)
public bool CheckBoxProperty
get { return checkBox.Checked; }
set { checkBox.Checked = value; }
In this way you can control which properties you want to expose and whether they should be read/write or read-only. (of course you should use better names for the properties, depending on their meaning).
Another advantage of this approach is that it hides the internal implementation of your user control. Should you ever want to exchange your richtext control with a different one, you won't break the callers/users of your control.
Change the access modifier ("Modifiers") of the RichTextBox in the property grid to Public.
Add a property to the usercontrol like this
public string TextBoxText
return textBox1.Text;
textBox1.Text = value;
I recently had some issues doing this with a custom class:
A user control had a public property which was of a custom class type. The designer by default tries to assign some value to it, so in the designer code, the line userControlThing.CustomClassProperty = null was being automatically added.
The intent was to be able to provide the user control with a custom class at any point while running the program (to change values visible to the user). Because the set {} portion did not check for null values, various errors were cropping up.
The solution was to change the property to a private one, and use two public methods to set and get the value. The designer will try to auto-assign properties, but leaves methods alone.
You need to make a public property for the richtextbox, or expose some other property that does the job of setting the richtextbox text like:
private RichTextBox rtb;
public string RichTextBoxText
return rtb.Text;
rtb.Text = value;
