C# Dynamic Instantiation - c#

I am in need of some help here about doing a dynamic instantiation in C#. What I want to accomplish is to be able to use a string variable that is used as the name in the instantiation. I think you can use reflection or something, but I am lost on this one. Here is my test code snippet and hopefully someone has an answer.
Averages is tied to a class that handles everything. So lets say I wanted to make test the variable and everything that is tied to the string of test could be passed as the instantiation. How could I create an object that can handle the variable test coming in, compile and be used in runtime? I know this may sound out of the ordinary, but instead of me using many IF's with multiple declarations of doubles. I could use a dynamic instantiation. Anyone that can help out I would be most appreciative.
Averages test = new Averages();
double[] testresult;
testresult = test.sma();
womp,,,I want to dynamically declare arrays of doubles. I already know how to declare a static array. What I am trying to accomplish is eliminating declaring 30 arrays that bascially do the same thing over and over again with a different naming.
So instead of doing this:
if (UITAName == "SMA")
Averages sma = new Averages();
double[] smaresult;
smaresult = sma.sma(UITAName, YVal, UITPeriod, UITShift);
chart1.Series[UITA].Points.DataBindXY(test2, test1);
if (UITAName == "TMA")
Averages tma = new Averages();
double[] tmaresult;
tmaresult = tma.tma(UITAName, YVal, UITPeriod);
chart1.Series[UITA].Points.DataBindXY(XVal, tmaresult);
if (UITAName == "EMA")
Averages ema = new Averages();
double[] emaresult;
emaresult = ema.ema(UITAName, YVal, UITPeriod);
chart1.Series[UITA].Points.DataBindXY(XVal, emaresult);
I want to do this only once for everything instead of doing IF statements. The problem is that you cannot compile with a declaration of a string. There has to be a way I just do not know how.
Averages UITAName = new Averages();
double[] UITANameresult;
UITANameresult = UITAName.UITAName(UITAName, YVal, UITPeriod);
chart1.Series[UITA].Points.DataBindXY(XVal, UITANameresult);

You can instantiate a class dynamically using Reflection, with Activator.CreateInstance.
Activator.CreateInstance("MyAssembly", "MyType");
However I'm not entirely clear on what you're trying to do. If you already have a class called Averages, what do you need dynamically instantiated? And I'm a bit worried by what you mean that it's "tied to a class that handles everything"...

Sounds like you might need to check out Func<> ??? Just my initial assessment without seeing a little more code to give me a clearer context.
To clarify, if you are wanting to pass the values as an argument, like you would on your command line, then you would need to instance the assembly. Otherwise, with Func<T, TResult> you can pass parameters dynamically to a method and get the return value.
Okay...if I get what you are saying...you want something that would resemble:
class Average
public double[] sma()
// do something
return dArray;
public double[] ema()
// do something
return dArray;
that is...the function 'name' would be the value of the string returned from a database query of some sort?
...and if that is the case then I don't know why you wouldn't just do a dictionary like:
Dictionary<string, double[]> testResults = new Dictionary<string, double[]>();
void GetDoubles(string name, params double[] args)
testResult[s] = GetAverages(args);

I think this could help you.
If i understand you correctly, you have method initinialization values in db as SMA,EMA,etc and you need to invoke the method at runtime,
string invokeMethod = GetValueFromDB() //ur logic to get the SMA or EMA or TMA from db
Type urType=typeof("yourclassname");
object unKnownObj = Activator.CreateInstance(urType);
//Fill your paramters to ur method(SMA,EMA) here
//ie, sma.sma(UITAName, YVal, UITPeriod, UITShift);
object[] paramValue = new object[4];
paramValue[0] = UITAName;
paramValue[1] = YVal;
paramValue[2] = UITPeriod;
paramValue[3] = UITShift;
object result=null;
result = urType.InvokeMember(invokeMethod, System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, unKnownObj, paramValue);
catch (Exception ex)
//Ex handler
So this way you can avoid the multiple if loops and will invoke the method directly by the given name..

I think reflection might not be the best solution for your situation. Maybe decomposing your code a little bit might help, something along the following lines...
public interface ICalculation
double [] Calculate(double y, double period, double shift);
double XVal {get;}
public class SMA : ICalculation
public override double[] Calculate( double y, double period, double shift )
// do calculation, setting xval along the way
// more code
public class EMA : ICalculation
public override double[] Calculate( double y, double period, double shift )
// do calculation, setting xval along the way
// more code
public class Averages
public void HandleCalculation( ICalculation calc, double y, double p, double s )
double[] result = calc.Calculate( y, p, s );
chart.Series[UITA].Points.DataBindXY( calc.XVal, result );


How do I best capture possible side-effects of Func<..> in C#? Is there a best practice for this?

I have code from a maths library i am using, and cannot change. The function in question from the maths library I am using uses an approximation function iteratively, like this.
public double Calculate(double startInput, Func<double, double> approximationFunc)
var result = 0d;
var max = 10;
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++)
result = approximationFunc(startInput);
//do some checks ...
startInput =DoSomething();
return result;
However, in the approximationFunc I am using 'in reality', I have to compute other things than the double result, and I need to re-use these results. The only thing I have come up with is:
public void BusinessLogic(double startInput)
MyOtherResult myOtherResult = null;
double myFunction(double input)
var result = ComputeMyResult(input);
myOtherResult = ComputeMyOtherResult(result, someOtherStuff);
return result;
var approximationResult = Calculate(startInput, myFunction);
var myOtherApproximationResult = myOtherResult;
// Do other stuff...
However, I'm not sure if this the best way of getting the 'other result', and if there is a side-effects-free way of doing this. The solution I have come up with only works because I know that the library I use applies this function iteratively, and that's not ideal. How would you go about solving this in C#? I've been racking my brain for two days and it's not clicking.
A delegate can (and usually does) have a target object. So: you can intentionally craft your target object as the state wrapper that you need for your logic. For example:
class MyState {
public double MyFunc(double x) {
// do whatever here, reading and writing to instance fields
// on MyState
var state = new MyState(/* additional values if needed */);
var result = ctx.Calculate(42, state.MyFunc);

Generic Sqrt Implementation

I'm using the MiscUtils library (thanks Marc G. and Jon S.) and am trying to add a generic Sqrt function to it. The problem can be easily reproduced with this:
class N<T>
public N(T value)
Value = value;
public readonly T Value;
public static implicit operator T(N<T> n)
return n.Value;
public static implicit operator N<T>(T value)
return new N<T>(value);
public static T operator /(N<T> lhs, T rhs)
// Operator.Divide is essentially a wrapper around
// System.Linq.Expressions.Expression.Divide
return Operator.Divide(lhs.Value, rhs);
// fails with: No coercion operator is defined
// between types 'System.Double' and 'N`1[System.Single]'.
var n = new Numeric<float>(1f);
var x = Operator.DivideAlternative(n, 1.0);
// this works as the N<T> is first converted to a
// float via the implicit conversion operator
var result = n / 1.0;
Now, I realize why this is happening, but I have not yet been able to think of a way around it. For reference, here is the current Sqrt implementation. I have little experience building expression trees.
public static double Sqrt<T>(T value)
double oldGuess = -1;
double guess = 1;
while(Abs(guess - oldGuess) > 1)
oldGuess = guess;
// the first evaluated call to DivideAlternative throws
guess = Operator.Divide(
Operator.DivideAlternative(value, guess)),
return guess;
EDIT: Ok, so I solved this on my own, but in an attempt to keep the question as simple as possible I apparently went too far and spent far too much time answering questions from confused people trying to help.
So, this is the problem in its entirety.
I two classes; one that performs transformations and another which performs statistical analysis of image data (pixels). Let's focus on the latter as the problem is the same:
abstract class ImageStatistics
private readonly object _pixels;
public ImageStatistics(object pixelArray)
Pixels = pixelArray;
// calculate the standard deviation of pixel values
public double CalcStdDev();
The array of pixels can be any numeric type. In practice, it will be either float, int, ushort, or byte. Now, because generics cannot do things like this:
public T Add<T>(T lhs, T rhs)
return lhs + rhs; // oops, no operator + for T
I cannot perform any sort of statistical analyses on the pixel values themselves without casting to the proper array type. So, I need to have N sub-classes of ImageProcessor to support N pixel types.
Well, that sucks. I would love to just have a generic ImageProcessor<T> class which has a T[] of pixel data. So, I looked into the MiscUtils library which would allow just this.
Math.Sqrt needs a double, so why not just provide it with one?
public static double Sqrt<T>(T value)
return Math.Sqrt(Convert.ToDouble(value));
You might also consider casting to dynamic.
public static double Sqrt<T>(T value)
return Math.Sqrt((dynamic) value);
This technique can also be used for operators like addition:
public static T Add<T>(T a, T b)
return (dynamic) a + (dynamic) b;
Console application creating array of objects (unknown types) and calculating square route (double)
using System;
namespace GenericSqrt
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var array = new object[] { "2", null, 4.1f, 4.444D, "11.3", 0, "Text", new DateTime(1, 1, 1) };
foreach (var value in array)
catch (Exception ex)
private static double Sqrt(object value)
double converterValue = Convert.ToDouble(value);
return Math.Sqrt(converterValue);
Output looks like this:
Input string was not in a correct format.
Invalid cast from 'DateTime' to 'Double'.
If type is indeed any of number types, as you stated, there is no problem to solve.
Let me preface this by saying it probably isn't worth the effort, considering how this code would need to be maintained. I wrote this in about 10 minutes, so don't expect anything too spectacular.
// You'll need this
public interface ISquareRootHelper
double Sqrt<T>(T value)
where T : struct;
class Program
private static ISquareRootHelper helper;
// Build the helper
public static void BuildSqrtHelper()
// Let's use a guid for the assembly name, because guid!
var assemblyName = new AssemblyName(Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
// Blah, blah, boiler-plate dynamicXXX stuff
var dynamicAssembly = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(assemblyName, AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run);
var dynamicModule = dynamicAssembly.DefineDynamicModule(assemblyName.Name);
var dynamicType = dynamicModule.DefineType("SquareRootHelper");
// Let's create our generic square root method in our dynamic type
var sqrtMethod = dynamicType.DefineMethod("Sqrt", MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Final | MethodAttributes.Virtual);
// Well, I guess here is where we actually make the method generic
var genericParam = sqrtMethod.DefineGenericParameters(new[] {"T"});
// Add a generic parameter, and set it to override our interface method
dynamicType.DefineMethodOverride(sqrtMethod, typeof(ISquareRootHelper).GetMethod("Sqrt"));
// Magic sauce!
var ilGenerator = sqrtMethod.GetILGenerator();
// Math.Sqrt((double)value);
ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_1); // arg_0 is this*
var mathSqrtMethodInfo = typeof(Math).GetMethod("Sqrt");
ilGenerator.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, mathSqrtMethodInfo, null);
// Since we're overriding the interface method, we need to have the type
// implement the interface
// Create an instance of the class
var sqrtHelperType = dynamicType.CreateType();
helper = (ISquareRootHelper)Activator.CreateInstance(sqrtHelperType);
public static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine(helper.Sqrt((short)64)); // Works!
Console.WriteLine(helper.Sqrt((ushort)64)); // Works!
Console.WriteLine(helper.Sqrt((int)64)); // Works!
Console.WriteLine(helper.Sqrt((uint)64)); // Works*!
Console.WriteLine(helper.Sqrt((byte)64)); // Works!
Console.WriteLine(helper.Sqrt((sbyte)64)); // Works!
Console.WriteLine(helper.Sqrt((float)64)); // Works!
Console.WriteLine(helper.Sqrt((double)64)); // Works!
Console.WriteLine(helper.Sqrt((long)64)); // Works!
Console.WriteLine(helper.Sqrt((ulong)64)); // Works*!
// Let's try non-primitives!
Console.WriteLine(helper.Sqrt(DateTime.Now)); // Doesn't fail, but doesn't actually work
Console.WriteLine(helper.Sqrt(Guid.NewGuid())); // InvalidProgramException!
Anyway, I guess this proves it can be done. Just make sure when you use it, you only pass in primitive types, otherwise all fail will break loose. Actually, it will only throw an exception when you pass in a struct that is a greater size that 8 bytes, since that will unbalance the stack. You can't do a check like sizeof(T) in the method though, because it would fail during the JITing process.
Also, there are some *s next to some of the types up there. There is some extra logic done by the compiler and/or Math.Sqrt when you pass in unsigned numbers vs signed numbers, and how this related to negative numbers. For example:
Console.WriteLine(Math.Sqrt(unchecked((uint)-2))); // 65535.9999847412
Console.WriteLine(helper.Sqrt(unchecked((uint)-2))); // NaN :(
You could improve it and checks above to catch that, though. Also, I don't recommend this solution, especially if you're not comfortable with IL. Plus, this is probably more verbose and complicated than just writing a bunch of different methods to handle the operations you want.
This works, but it's a bit ugly:
public static implicit operator Numeric<T>(double value)
return new Numeric<T>((T)Convert.ChangeType(value, typeof(T)));
public static implicit operator double(Numeric<T> n)
return Convert.ToDouble(n.Value);
It will have to be repeated for each supported type, which makes this a lot less generic. I slapped an IConvertible constraint on there for good measure. If anyone has a better solution I'm all ears.

Passing an IEnumerable of Numeric Values as a parameter to method

I'm playing around with a very simple program to take an array of doubles and return the standard deviation. This part worked but I wanted to make the code more reusable. I would like to make it so the method can accept a parameter of any type that could be considered numeric and return the standard deviation instead of hardcoding a double type (like I initially did in this program). How does one go about this and what is the proper term for it?
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace ConsoleApplication5
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
double[] avg = { 3.4, 55.6, 10.0, 4.5, 2, 2 };
double x = avg.Average();
//first round of testing
Console.WriteLine("The average of the first array is below ");
Console.WriteLine("below should be the standard deviation!");
int[] intAvg = { 4, 3, 5, 6, 2 };
double secondAvg = intAvg.Average();
Console.WriteLine("The average of the second array is below ");
//this is where the error is happening
//this is where I tried to make the query more reusable
public static double CalculateStandardDeviation(IEnumerable<double> values)
double avg = values.Average();
double sum = 0;
foreach (double d in values)
sum += Math.Pow((d - avg), 2);
return Math.Pow(sum / (values.Count() - 1),.5);
You could use something like this:
public static decimal CalculateStandardDeviation<T>(IEnumerable<T> values)
IEnumerable<decimal> decimalValues = values.Select(v => Convert.ToDecimal(v));
decimal result = 0;
// calculate standard deviation on decimalValues
return result;
It will throw an exception if values contains values that can't be converted to a decimal, but will work if the values are of an appropriate type, and I think that makes perfect sense.
Unfortunately, there is no base class for all numbers. You can do this with a generic run-time checking method, or a compile-time safe set of overloads.
Generic Method:
public static T CalculateStandardDeviation(IEnumerable<T> values)
var valueArray = values.Select(Convert.ToDecimal).ToArray();
return (T)standardDeviation;
The problem with using a single generic method is that you can't put a type constraint on the type parameter that would restrict it to only numeric types. You would have to resort to failing at run-time. There would be nothing to stop you from calling the method with an array of strings, or objects, or Colors, or HttpWebRequests, etc. and unless you do in fact know how to calculate the standard deviation of a color, you should probably stick to individual overrides for a particular numeric type:
I would recommend using the decimal type as your main implementation, and then casting everything to it.
Type-Specific Overloads:
public static decimal CalculateStandardDeviation(IEnumerable<decimal> values)
public static double CalculateStandardDeviation(IEnumerable<double> values)
return (double)CalculateStandardDeviation(values.Select(Convert.ToDecimal));
public static int CalculateStandardDeviation(IEnumerable<int> values)
return (int)CalculateStandardDeviation(values.Select(Convert.ToDecimal));
// etc...
Use C# Generics.
Your function signature will be:
public static T CalculateStandardDeviation(IEnumerable<T> values)
And you can use it like:
int stdDev = CalculateStandardDeviation([int-array]);
double stdDev = CalculateStandardDeviation([double-array]);
Please follow this link:
To resolve the Average issue on the generic types, please take a look in this library:
How to Implement Generic Method to do Math calculations on different value types
Obs: Suggestion from Brian.
You should use JLRishe's answer, it's much more elegant than this.
You should probably start by adding generics to your method and use the type converter to transform your unknown input into doubles like so :
public static double CalculateStandardDeviation<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource> inputs)
var converter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof (double));
if (!converter.CanConvertFrom(typeof(TSource)))
return 0;
var values = new List<double>();
foreach (var value in inputs)
values.Add((double) converter.ConvertFrom(value));
// Your logic here ...
return ...;
I did not tested this snippet but you get the idea.
this answer builds on
How to verify whether a type overloads/supports a certain operator?
The second link shows how to compile and evaluate linq expressions.
In short you could forego static type safety and check for the ability of a type to support specific operations at runtime (first link), in case it does not you could throw an exception as the following sample demonstrates:
void Main()
// Define other methods and classes here
static void DoAdd<T>(T in1, T in2){
if(!HasAdd<T>()){throw new Exception("Unsupported Type!");}
var c1 = Expression.Constant(in1, typeof(T));
var c2 = Expression.Constant(in2, typeof(T));
var expression=Expression.Add(c1, c2);
Expression<Func<T>> lExpression = Expression.Lambda<Func<T>>(expression);
Func<T> fExpression = lExpression.Compile();
static bool HasAdd<T>() {
var c = Expression.Constant(default(T), typeof(T));
try {
Expression.Add(c, c); // Throws an exception if + is not defined
return true;
} catch {
return false;
Passing an IEnumerable of Numeric Values as a parameter to method will be supported in C# 6.0

how to reference a value in a C# array

i have the following array :
int[] myArray = {21,21,364,658,87};
and a reference to the second element like so:
int rr = myArray[1];
i want something like :
rr = 500
Console.writeLine(myArray[1]);// ---> should print 500 !
i hope you guys got my idea , i can do this easily in python like the example above.
how to do this in C#
my solution would probably be create property with arr[1] as its backing property
something like:
public int rr
set{ arr[1] = value;}
get{ return arr[1];}
and than rr=500; will be the same as arr[1]=500;
You could use something like this:
public static class ArrayExtensions
public static Action<int> CreateSetter(this int[] array, int index)
return (value) => array[index] = value;
public class ArrayTest
public void Test()
int[] myArray = {21,21,364,658,87};
Action<int> rr = myArray.CreateSetter(1);
Assert.AreEqual(500, myArray[1]);
When you do this:
int[] myArray = {21,21,364,658,87};
int rr = myArray[1];
rr = 500;
You will only overwrite the value in rr, there is no way for you to get the actual memory address of an arrays inner elements, and thereby updating it.
My answer must therefore be:
myArray[1] = 500;
I'm trying to understand what you're trying to do, if you want to encapsulate your change in a function you could pass the reference on this way, but it's all about what you want to do with it:
public void Proc()
var ints = new [] { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
FunctionChangingByReference(ref ints[1]);
public void FunctionChangingByReference(ref int x)
x = 500;
In C# there are no pointers, only references.
(I'm lying a bit, you could use pointers if you create a unsafe context, but we don't do that in C#, and neither should you. When we code C++ we do, but that's C++, and we do it at a cost, we make the code a bit more fragile and error prone. When I code C# I try to optimize the code on a higher level than memory address shuffling. If you really need to optimize on that level you should write the code in C++ and import that code as a dll, then you have a good separation of concern, and don't forget to test drive the development!)
Simply myArray[1] = 500! You could use a property as Nahum Litvin has suggested if you specifically want a reference to a specific integer within the array.
#des answer has awaken my interest. So I tried his solution and it works as expected:
int[] numbers = new[] { 1, 2, 3 };
fixed (int* number = &numbers[0])
*number = 10;
Console.WriteLine(String.Join(", ", numbers)); // Outputs "10, 2, 3"
You have to compile it with the /unsafe option.
I hope you see that this may bring some problems.
Therefore I don't recommend this solution.
What you want is a basically pointer to a variable.
It's hard to explain the difference between "value type" (like int or struct), a reference and a pointer. I can only recommend learning C.
Here's solution that works, although it may need a lot of changes to your code.
//a class that will hold an int inside
public class myIntWrapper
//this is the value wrapper holds
public int theValue;
//constructor taking the value
public myIntWrapper(int argument)
theValue = argument;
//operator to convert an int into brand-new myIntWrapper class
public static implicit operator myIntWrapper(int argument)
return new myIntWrapper(argument);
//operator to convert a myIntWrapper class into an int
public static implicit operator int(myIntWrapper wrapper)
return wrapper.theValue;
now you can write:
//create an array -
//setting values to every item in array works
//thanks to operator myIntWrapper(int argument)
myIntWrapper[] myArray = new myIntWrapper[5]{1,2,3,4,5};
//now take a "reference"
myIntWrapper rr = myArray[1];
//change the value
rr.theValue = 500;
//from now on myArray[1].theValue is 500;
//thanks to operator int(myIntWrapper wrapper)
//you can write:
int ss = rr;//it works!
please remember to never do:
rr = 600;
because this will actually create brand new myIntWrapper, that's not "connected" anywhere.
So remember:
rr.theValue = 500;//this changes the value somewhere
rr = myArray[3];//this changes where rr is "pointing" to
Yes, it's quite complicated but I doubt it can be done any simpler without unsafe code. I'm sorry for not explaining it more. I'll answer to all questions in comments.

Does C# support multiple return values?

This is a very basic question, and if what I am thinking of doing is complicated/involved, then I don't expect you to go into detail... I've read that this may involve structs or hash or some other scary procedure I've not gotten to yet. If so, I'm sure it'll get me soon.
Working on learning classes, methods, and return values.
I'd like to have my class/method return Current Hour and Minute. Simple enough, really.
Is this constructed correctly, or properly?
class MyClass
public int GetHour (int hr, int min)
DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
int hour = dt.Hour;
int minute = dt.Minute;
return hour;
return minute;
And, calling it from Main(): Getting some errors (No overload for method and Unreachable code detected)
static void Main ( string[] args )
MyClass mc = new MyClass ();
Console.WriteLine ("Hour: {0} \n Minute: {1}", mc.GetHour());
Console.ReadLine ();
Question is: Am I Close?
As mentioned by #ChaosPandion, in that specific case you would return a DateTime struct.
In general, however, you would have the following options:
Using out parameters
This is a simple way that will usually always work. However, it is a bit clunky, as the result is returned where you usually would expect the function arguments to be passed and the method signature might get lengthy and hard to refactor.
public void GetTime(out int hr, out int min)
DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
hr = dt.Hour;
min = dt.Minute;
static void Main(string[] args)
// declare variables for out parameters first
int hour, minute;
GetTime(out hour, out minute);
Using an array
This is a simple method that works well if the values to be returned have the same type.
public int[] GetTime()
DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
return new[] { dt.Hour, dt.Minute};
Using a property bag (A property bag is a simple class which only has properties)
This is very convenient and allows easy modification of the type and number of returned values later on without changing the method signature.
class A
int Prop1 { get; set; }
int Prop2 { get; set; }
public A SomeMethod()
return new A() { Prop1 = 1, Prop2 = 2 }
Using a Tuple
In C# 4.0 (requires VS 2010) you can use the Tuple<T1, T2, ...> class:
public Tuple<int, int> GetTime()
DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
return Tuple.Create(dt.Hour, dt.Minute);
C# 7.0 Tuples
C# 7.0 adds support for multiple return values. You can write code like this to return an implicitly created tuple:
(string, string, string) LookupName(long id) // tuple return type
... // retrieve first, middle and last from data storage
return (first, middle, last); // tuple literal
The tuple elements are names Item1, Item2, etc by default, but you can also specify names, e.g.
(string first, string middle, string last) LookupName(long id) // tuple return type
... // retrieve first, middle and last from data storage
return (first, middle, last); // tuple literal
and then access the tuple elements via those names:
var names = LookupName(id);
WriteLine($"found {names.first} {names.last}.");
C# does not support multiple return values so in this case you should return a DateTime struct which is the idiomatic approach. The client code can simply ignore the properties that they don't care about. You could create your own simple struct but it really isn't worth the effort.
C# doesn't support the idea of directly returning multiple values from a method in that fashion. However there are a couple of ways to create methods which return multiple values. The first is to use ref / out parameters.
public void GetHourMinute(out int hour, out int minute) {
var now = DateTime.Now;
hour = now.Hour;
minute = now.Minute;
The second is to create a wrapper type which encapsulates the two values. Starting in 4.0 this can be made a bit easier by using the Tuple type.
public Tuple<int,int> GetHourMinute() {
var now = DateTime.Now;
return Tuple.Create(now.Hour, now.Minute);
I suggest you return the DateTime object. Then in your main method you call Hour and Minute properties.
1: You can't have two returns. Once the compiler reaches the return statement, the operation of the method is finished.
2: Why would you want your method to receive parameters if you don't use them? DateTime.Now gives you the current time, if you'll think of yourself as that method - what do you need in order to complete your task? Nothing.
So, practical tips:
1. Actually, the DateTime does what you need better than your method.
Console.WriteLine ("Hour: {0} \n Minute: {1}", DateTime.Now.Hour,DateTime.Now.Minute);
Would have been better,
but let's ignore that and consider it an exercise in classes.
2 Returning two values is against the concept of a method - a method returns one thing (there are exceptions as out ref, but we'll ignore them).
You can actually see that in your own code - your method name is GetHour not GetHourAndMinutes. I don't think I've ever seen a method's name with the word "and" - a method does only one thing.
Yeah, you can only return one 'thing' from method in C#.
The other problem you have is you are calling a method without any parameters. The things in the brackets:
public int GetHour (int hr, int min) // here
Are parameters. And you need to specify them when calling the method, like so:
mc.GetHour(1, 2);
But of course, in your case, it doesn't make sense to do this.
To answer the general question of: "How do I return more than one thing?" You encapsulate it in a class, set the properties, and return that class. It so happens, in the example you've given, the DateTime class does just that.
Hope this is helpful.
You cant return multiple value. TimeSpan is exactly what you are looking for. Create an object of that with hour, minute and even second that you want to capture and return it.
Come to think about it, for what you need above, you dont even have to write the method above. Just use DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay directly in your code
Sorry, you can't do that. You'd be better served returning an array or an object. You could return the DateTime object and use it.
Also as stated, your function signature wasn't being called properly.
class MyClass
public int[] GetHour ()
DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
int hour = dt.Hour;
int minute = dt.Minute;
return new int[]{hour, minute};
static void Main ( string[] args )
MyClass mc = new MyClass ();
int[] temp = mc.GetHour();
Console.WriteLine ("Hour: {0} \n Minute: {1}", temp[0], temp[1]);
Console.ReadLine ();
In C# a method can return multiple times, if you use yield return format.
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace YieldReturn
class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
MyClass mc = new MyClass();
IEnumerator<int> enu = mc.GetHour().GetEnumerator();
int hour = enu.Current;
int min = enu.Current;
Console.WriteLine("Hour {0} min {1}", hour, min);
class MyClass
DateTime dt;
public MyClass()
dt = DateTime.Now;
public IEnumerable<int> GetHour()
int hour = dt.Hour;
int minute = dt.Minute;
yield return hour;
yield return minute;
Gives "Hour 8 min 50"
You can't return twice, only once.
Several return values at once require lambda expressions, and AFAIK, only Python is capable of that.
Syntax there goes like this:
return x, y
So maybe you should try IronPython, and then decompile to C#.
In C#, there are exactly two ways to return more than one value:
1. Use arguments as call by reference, that way you can assign 3 variables and then return.
2. Use some kind of struct/class/array/tuple/vector and place your multiple values into it.
Call by reference is something like this:
public static void xxx(ref var1, ref
var2, ref var3) {
var1 = 123;
var2 = 456;
var3 = 789;
return; }
then you do:
int a =1;
int b=2;
int c=3;
xxx(ref a, ref b, ref c);
The question I would like to ask you is why do you want to return multiple values? Returning multiple values for me means having multiple responsibilities in the function and that should be a big don't since it is violating SRP. But, if those return values are related maybe they make an object that you're missing and should be created instead? Or a list with one type of object.
So for short. Why? Encapsulate your return values in ONE object? Don't do multiple things in one function.
EDIT: In your case I wouldn't even wrap your functionality in a function just write:
static void Main ( string[] args )
MyClass mc = new MyClass ();
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
int hour = now.Hour;
int min = now.Minute;
Console.WriteLine ("Hour: {0} \n Minute: {1}", hour, min);
Console.ReadLine ();
And your function name GetHour doesn't do what the function says... if it says GetHour it should return the hour and not the hour plus the minute.
