prime numbers c# - c#

I'm new to C#. And I would like to program something like, displaying the prime numbers in a listbox if user will input any integer in the textbox. (that means, if they write 10, it will display the prime numbers from 0-10, or 20 from 0-20, etc).
What should I consider first, before I do the programming?
I know there are many examples in the internet, but first I would like to know what will I need?
Thanks for the tip;-)
Thanks guys. So you're suggesting that it's better to do it first in the Console application?
I did an example of "For Loop" using Console Application a very simple one, but then when I tried to do it in the Windows Form Application, I'm not sure how to implement it.
I'm afraid that if I keep doing examples in the Console, then I'll have difficulty to do it in Windows Form Apps.
What do you think?
Hello again,
I need some feedback with my code:
Console.WriteLine("Please enter your integer: ");
long yourInteger;
yourInteger = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
//displaying the first prime number and comparing it to the given integer
for (long i = 2; i <= yourInteger; i = i + 1)
//Controls i if its prime number or not
if ((i % 2 != 0) || (i == 2))
Console.Write("{0} ", i);

Well, first of all I'd think about how to find prime numbers, and write that in a console app that reads a line, does the math, and writes the results (purely because that is the simplest thing you can do, and covers the same parsing etc logic you'll need later).
When you are happy with the prime number generation, then look at how to do winforms - how to put a listbox, textbox and button on a form; how to handle the click event (of the button), and how to read from the textbox and write values into the listbox. Your prime code should be fairly OK to take "as is"...
If you don't already have an IDE, then note that C# Express is free and will cover all of the above.

You'll need to know:
How to read user input from a Windows application
How to generate prime numbers within a range
How to write output in the way that you want
I strongly suggest that you separate these tasks. Once you've got each of them working separately, you can put them together. (Marc suggests writing a console app for the prime number section - that's a good suggestion if you don't want to get into unit testing yet. If you've used unit testing in other languages, it's reasonably easy to get up and running with NUnit. A console app will certainly be quicker to get started with though.)
In theory, for a potentially long-running task (e.g. the user inputs 1000000 as the first number) you should usually use a background thread to keep the UI responsive. However, I would ignore that to start with. Be aware that while you're computing the primes, your application will appear to be "hung", but get it working at all first. Once you're confident with the simple version, you can look at BackgroundWorker and the like if you're feeling adventurous.

I discussed creating prime numbers using the Sieve of Eratosthenes on my blog here:
The code looks like this...
public IEnumerable<long> GetPrimes(int max)
var nonprimes = new bool[max + 1];
for (long i = 2; i <= max; i++)
if (nonprimes[i] == false)
for (var j = i * i; j <= max; j += i)
nonprimes[j] = true;
yield return i;
With this code you can write statements like this...
var primes = SieveOfEratosthenes.GetPrimes(2000);
... to get an IEnumerable of primes up to 2000.
All the code can be found on CodePlex at
The code is "as is" and so you should look at it to determine whether it suits your needs, whether you need to add error checking etc, so treat it as a sample.

Here's a great "naive" prime number algorithm, that would be perfect for your needs:

Here is a response to the edit:
Thanks guys. So you're suggesting that it's better to do it first in the Console application? I did an example of "For Loop" using Console Application a very simple one, but then when I tried to do it in the Windows Form Application, I'm not sure how to implement it. I'm afraid that if I keep doing examples in the Console, then I'll have difficulty to do it in Windows Form Apps. What do you think?
If you want to present the prime numbers as a windows forms application then you need to design the user interface for it as well. That is a bit overkill for such a small problem to be solved. The easiest design you can do is to fill up a ListBox in your form (example).
If you're really keen on learning Windows Forms or WPF then there are several resources for this.

I was recently writing a routine to implement Sieve Of Eratosthenes and came across this thread. Just for the archives, here is my implementation:
static List<int> GetPrimeNumbers(int maxNumber)
// seed the master list with 2
var list = new List<int>() {2};
// start at 3 and build the complete list
var next = 3;
while (next <= maxNumber)
// since even numbers > 2 are never prime, ignore evens
if (next % 2 != 0)
// create copy of list to avoid reindexing
var primes = new List<int>(list);
// index starts at 1 since the 2's were never removed
for (int i = 1; i < list.Count; i++)
var multiplier = list[i];
// FindAll Lambda removes duplicate processing
list.FindAll(a => primes.Contains(a) && a > multiplier)
.ForEach(a => primes.Remove(a * multiplier));
return primes;
You could always seed it with "1, 2" if you needed 1 in your list of primes.

using System;
class demo
static void Main()
int number;
Console.WriteLine("Enter Number you Should be Checked Number is Prime or not Prime");
number = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
for(int i =2;i {
if(number % i == 0)
Console.WriteLine("Entered number is not Prime");
if(number % i !=0)
Console.WriteLine("Entered Number is Prime");

Your approach is entirely wrong. Prime numbers are absolute and will never change. Your best bet is to pre-generate a long list of prime numbers. Then come up with an algorithm to quickly look up that number to determine if it is on the list. Then in your case (since you want to list all in the given range just do so). This solution will be much faster than any prime number finding algorithm implemented during run-time. If the integer entered is greater than your list then you can always implement the algorithm starting at that point.


Random event with in unity?

FYI I'm quite new with prograaming and c#. Sorry if this seem idioticly simple question.
I have a bit of difficulty to explain what I want to do. So basically, there is array/list of numbers. The number would be picked by using Random.Range(). Each number would have their own action they would active. For example, number 1 would boot up scene1, number 2 would boot up scene2 and so on. How do you assign this randomly chosen number to a certain action?
I don't even know how to put this in code (use array/string?), but the basic idea would probably look something like this:
int randomNumber = Random.Range(1, 10);
randomNumber[1] = SceneManager.LoadScene(Level1);
randomNumber[2] = SceneManager.LoadScene(Level2);
Note that this answer is not exact ;)
The upper limit of Random.Range(int,int) is exclusive so
Random.Range(0, 10)
will never return 10 but values between 0 and 9.
Even simplier actually would be to store all the scenes in an array e.g.
public List<string> scenes = new List<string>();
and then use
var randomIndex = Random.Range(0, scene.Length);
there is no need for a long and undynamic if-else or switch-case. The array/list can be fully dynamically adjusted in the Inspector or even on runtime without having to add more cases.
The easiest way of going about this is:
int randomNumber = Random.Range(1, 10);
if(randomNumber == 1) {
// Load Scene 1
} else if (randomNumber == 2) {
// Load Scene 2
You don't assign the random number in this case. You check if the random number is a specific number. You can check if numbers are equal using ==.
The random number has a value between 1 and 9 and this number is random everytime you run the program.
If you want to do it more dynamically you can look at the answer from #derHugo. Depends on how you use it and how many if-else statements you have to write.

Multi-layer perceptron (neural network) - what am i missing?

I am trying to implement my own multi-layer perceptron, unfortunately i make some mistake i can't find. Link to full program is here (it is light, simple c# console application). I am learning from this book , the code I am trying rewrite from batch to sequential form is at this github.
Link to my my project is here (github).
The perceptron itself is here.
My test inputs are Xor function, and function, or function and some random function with a little noise.
My questions are:
Before I covered all my code with infinity checks (for double overflow) all my results (and weights) very quickly (100+ iterations) converged to some super high values and results became NaN. After adding checks i just got double.MaxValue. Interesting part is that if i run the same program about 5 times i will get correct results (depending on number of iterations). The only random variable there are weights that are initialized using random numbers (in range -1/sqrt(n) < x < 1/sqrt(n) where n is number of neurons in hidden layer). What might be the cause of this?
I am training and validating on the same data set (because it does not matter now) and because it is sequential algorithm I am shuffling training inputs and targets INSIDE my class.
public void Train(int iterations, double eta)
_lastHiddenUpdates = new double[_hiddenWeights.RowLength(), _hiddenWeights.ColumnLength() + 1];
_lastOutputUpdates = new double[_outputWeights.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
ShuffleRows(); // <---- ShuffleRows is a private method without any ref parameter!
this._currentIteration = i;
var result = ForwardPhase(_trainingInput);
BackwardsPhase(result.OutputResult, result.HiddenValues, eta);
This is inside the MultiLayerPerceptron class. The thing is that after training the original array double[] also is shuffled! array of doubles is struct and structs are passed by value, not by reference and original array is in program.cs. Why is it changed outside of scope? Am i missing something? Now i am just cloning target arrays.
This is super ugly
var infinity = deltasHs[i, j];
if (double.IsNegativeInfinity(infinity))
deltasHs[i, j] = double.MinValue;
else if (double.IsPositiveInfinity(infinity))
deltasHs[i, j] = double.MaxValue;
How can I simply this?
Note: During writing this program i was not paying attention to performance, sometimes i loop many times through one array just to keep readability at reasonable level.
I also know that you should not train and validate on the same data set but that is not my goal here, i will be perfectly happy if my perceptron will learn the noise as well. I just want this stupid goose to work (and understand).

System.OutOfMemoryException is thrown when adding integers to a list

I'm an extremely amateur C# developer who's trying to make this console program on macOS using Visual Studio. I do it in school, but I'm self-taught and have been working on this for less than two weeks, so it's entirely possible that I'm missing some simple solution.
I've made a program that reads off a text file filled with prime numbers and converts it into a list, then begins to generate prime numbers while adding them to the list and file, and simultaneously reporting out information every time it finds a new one.
Here's the code I have:
String fileLocation = "Prime Number List.txt"; //sets the file location to the root of where the program is stored
if (!File.Exists(fileLocation)) //tests if the file has already been created
using (FileStream fs = File.Create(fileLocation))
Byte[] info = new UTF8Encoding(true).GetBytes("2"); //if not, it creates the file and creates the initial prime number of 2
fs.Write(info, 0, info.Length);
List<string> fileContents = File.ReadAllLines(fileLocation).ToList(); //imports the list of prime numbers from the file
List<int> listOfPrimeNumbers = fileContents.ConvertAll(s => Int32.Parse(s)); //converts the list into the integer variable type
int currentNumber = listOfPrimeNumbers[listOfPrimeNumbers.Count() - 1]; //sets the current number to the most recent prime number
bool isPrime; //initializing the primality test variable
int numbersGeneratedThisSession = 0; //initializing the variable for the amount of primes found in this session
var loopStart = DateTime.Now; //initializes the program start time, ignoring the time taken to load the file list
while (true)
isPrime = true; //defaults the number to prime
currentNumber++; //repeats the cycle for the next number
double currentNumberRoot = Math.Sqrt(System.Convert.ToDouble(currentNumber));
for (int i = 0; i < listOfPrimeNumbers.Count; i++) //cyles through all of the primes in the list. no reason to divide by composites, as any number divisible by a
//composite would be divisible by the prime factors of that composite anyway, thus if we were to divide by
//every number it would slow down the program
if (listOfPrimeNumbers[i] < Math.Sqrt(System.Convert.ToDouble(currentNumber))) //filters out any prime numbers greater than the square root of the current number, as any potential
//factor pair would have one of the values less than or equal to the square root
if (currentNumber % listOfPrimeNumbers[i] == 0) //checks for the even division of the current number by the current prime
isPrime = false; //if an even division is found, it reports that the number isn't false and breaks the loop
break; //if no even divisons are found, then it reaches this point with the primality test variable still true, and breaks the loop
if (isPrime) //this section of the code activates when the primality test variable is true
listOfPrimeNumbers.Add(currentNumber); //adds the new prime to the list
File.AppendAllText(fileLocation, Environment.NewLine + currentNumber); //adds the new prime to the file on a new line
numbersGeneratedThisSession++; //raises the counter for the prime numbers generated in this session
var runtime = DateTime.Now - loopStart; //calculates the runtime of the program, excluding the time taken to load the file into the list
int runtimeInSecs = (runtime.Milliseconds / 1000) + runtime.Seconds + (runtime.Minutes * 60) + (runtime.Hours * 360) + (runtime.Days * 86400); //converts the datetime var into an int of seconds
int generationSpeed = runtimeInSecs == 0 ? 0 : numbersGeneratedThisSession / runtimeInSecs;
Console.WriteLine("\nI've generated {0} prime numbers, {1} of those being in the current session." +
"\nI've been running for {2}, which means I've been generating numbers at a speed of {3} primes per second. " +
"\nThe largest prime I've generated so far is {4}, which is {5} digits long.",
listOfPrimeNumbers.Count(), numbersGeneratedThisSession, runtime, generationSpeed, currentNumber, currentNumber.ToString().Length);
I keep getting the exception on the "listOfPrimeNumbers.Add(currentNumber);" part. I've read up on similar questions, and the most common solution to other people's problems was to set gcAllowVeryLargeObjects to true, to break the 2GB limit. That would be a temporary fix for me, however as the list will continually get larger over time, there will be a point when it hits the limits of my computer's capabilities rather than the limit of visual studio's cap.
I'm wondering if there's some sort of technique that more experienced developers use to circumvent this issue, like splitting the data into multiple lists, doing something different than I did to streamline the code, etc. I know that due to the nature of my program it's unavoidable that eventually the data will grow too large, but I'm trying to postpone that for as long as possible as the file right now is less than half a gig, which is an unreasonably small amount of memory to be crashing the program.
I'd also like to note that I ran this program for around an hour a day while I was working on the statistic feedback (meaning that the file reading, writing, and generation code itself were largely untouched during this time) for the past week. I had no problems booting it up any of those times, and the final time it ran went smoothly (didn't crash due to the out of memory exception). I only encountered this problem today when I tried starting it up again.
Individual arrays or lists in .NET are bound by all of:
the 2GiB object limit (unless gcAllowVeryLargeObjects is enabled)
the available process memory (especially relevant for 32-bit processes)
2,146,435,071 items per dimension (2,147,483,591 for single-byte values)
If you are getting anywhere near these problems, then yes: you need another approach. Moving to multiple individual lists that you treat as a composite block should serve as a stop-gap, but... I don't think this is ultimately a very scalable approach for computing prime numbers.
Since you're searching for primes with his program, you're going to run out of memory if you just attempt to store this in said memory.
Splitting your lists will help a little, as stated, but in the end you'll run into the same problem; 5 groups of 3 items is 15 items, grouped apart or not. You're going to fill up your memory quickly.
I think your problem may be here:
List<string> fileContents = File.ReadAllLines(fileLocation).ToList(); //imports the list of prime numbers from the file
List<int> listOfPrimeNumbers = fileContents.ConvertAll(s => Int32.Parse(s)); //converts the list into the integer variable type
Both of these Lists<T> are unnecessary. Your file has carriage returns in it (you're inserting Environment.NewLineon your entries), so presuming you want to just continue where you left off, you need exactly one value from that file:
//note that I used ReadLines, not ReadAllLines
int lastNumber;
if(!int.TryParse(File.ReadLines(fileLocation).ToList().Last(), out lastNumber))
//last value wasn't a valid integer. Start over.
lastNumber = 1;
Then, execute all of your logic using lastNumber, write to the file when it's prime, and don't store collections in memory at all. This will make your new limiting factor the storage space on the destination computer. If you run out of memory loading the file and getting its last string, you'll need to put together a bit of code that involves reading the file backward, but since this is a more academic project, I doubt you need to take it that far.

Basic Guessing Game Mechanics in C#

I've had quite a bit of experience with programming (three semesters teaching VBasic, C++, and Java), and now I'm in college and I'm taking a C# class, which is quite boring (the teacher knows less than I do).
Anyways, for one of our exercises, we're creating a number guessing/lottery game. It works kind of like this:
User inputs three integers from 1-4 and clicks submit (I have them storing into an array)
Program generates three numbers from 1-4 (also in an array)
Function that checks matching runs and checks the two arrays
If all three match in order (i.e. 1,2,3 = 1,2,3 and NOT 1,2,3 = 1,3,2), matching = 4
If all three match NOT in order, matching = 3
If only two match, matching = 2
I want to make sure that only one match counts as one (i.e. [1,1,2][1,2,3] only gives one match to the user.
If only one matches, matching = 1
If no matches, matching stays at 0 (it's instantiated at submit_click)
I've got all of the code and GUI working except for the matching logic. I know I could do it with a LARGE amount of if statements, and I know cases would probably work, but I'm not as experienced with cases.
I'm not expecting my 'homework' to be done here, but I just want to know what method would be most effective to get this to correctly work (if it's easier to exclude the one match per item, then that's fine), and to possibly see some working code.
I apologize if I come across as arrogant, I didn't mean to come across as a know-it-all (I definitely do not).
I have NOT taught classes, I've just taken classes from a teacher who's primarily a programming in and I'm at a community college and my professor isn't primarily a programming teacher.
I didn't take time to write a ton of if statements because I know that it would just get shot down as ineffective. I currently don't have the resources to test the answers, but as soon as I can I'll check them out and post back.
Again, I apologize for coming across as rude and arrogant, and I appreciate your answers more than you know.
Thanks again!
You can use a loop to achieve this functionality. I've used a list simply for ease of use, performing remove operations and the like. Something like this should work:
public static int getNumberOfMatches(List<int> userGuesses, List<int> machineGuesses) {
// Determine list equality.
bool matchedAll = true;
for (int i = 0; i < userGuesses.Count; i++) {
if (userGuesses[i] != machineGuesses[i]) {
matchedAll = false;
// The lists were equal; return numberOfGuesses + 1 [which equals 4 in this case].
if (matchedAll) {
return userGuesses.Count + 1;
// Remove all matches from machineGuesses.
foreach (int userGuess in userGuesses) {
if (machineGuesses.Contains(userGuess)) {
// Determine number of matches made.
return userGuesses.Count - machineGuesses.Count;
I think for the first case, for all matches in order you would scan the arrays together and maybe increment a counter. Since you mentioned you know c++, this would be
int userGuesses[3];
int randomGen[3];
int matches = 0;
for(int i=0; i < 3; i++) if(userGuesses[i] == randoGen[i]) matches++;
if(matches == 3) //set highest score here.
if(matches == 2) // next score for ordered matches etc.
For the not-in-order case, you will need to lookup the generated array for each user guess to see if it has that value.

Fastest way to calculate primes in C#?

I actually have an answer to my question but it is not parallelized so I am interested in ways to improve the algorithm. Anyway it might be useful as-is for some people.
int Until = 20000000;
BitArray PrimeBits = new BitArray(Until, true);
* Sieve of Eratosthenes
* PrimeBits is a simple BitArray where all bit is an integer
* and we mark composite numbers as false
PrimeBits.Set(0, false); // You don't actually need this, just
PrimeBits.Set(1, false); // remindig you that 2 is the smallest prime
for (int P = 2; P < (int)Math.Sqrt(Until) + 1; P++)
if (PrimeBits.Get(P))
// These are going to be the multiples of P if it is a prime
for (int PMultiply = P * 2; PMultiply < Until; PMultiply += P)
PrimeBits.Set(PMultiply, false);
// We use this to store the actual prime numbers
List<int> Primes = new List<int>();
for (int i = 2; i < Until; i++)
if (PrimeBits.Get(i))
Maybe I could use multiple BitArrays and BitArray.And() them together?
You might save some time by cross-referencing your bit array with a doubly-linked list, so you can more quickly advance to the next prime.
Also, in eliminating later composites once you hit a new prime p for the first time - the first composite multiple of p remaining will be p*p, since everything before that has already been eliminated. In fact, you only need to multiply p by all the remaining potential primes that are left after it in the list, stopping as soon as your product is out of range (larger than Until).
There are also some good probabilistic algorithms out there, such as the Miller-Rabin test. The wikipedia page is a good introduction.
Parallelisation aside, you don't want to be calculating sqrt(Until) on every iteration. You also can assume multiples of 2, 3 and 5 and only calculate for N%6 in {1,5} or N%30 in {1,7,11,13,17,19,23,29}.
You should be able to parallelize the factoring algorithm quite easily, since the Nth stage only depends on the sqrt(n)th result, so after a while there won't be any conflicts. But that's not a good algorithm, since it requires lots of division.
You should also be able to parallelize the sieve algorithms, if you have writer work packets which are guaranteed to complete before a read. Mostly the writers shouldn't conflict with the reader - at least once you've done a few entries, they should be working at least N above the reader, so you only need a synchronized read fairly occasionally (when N exceeds the last synchronized read value). You shouldn't need to synchronize the bool array across any number of writer threads, since write conflicts don't arise (at worst, more than one thread will write a true to the same place).
The main issue would be to ensure that any worker being waited on to write has completed. In C++ you'd use a compare-and-set to switch to the worker which is being waited for at any point. I'm not a C# wonk so don't know how to do it that language, but the Win32 InterlockedCompareExchange function should be available.
You also might try an actor based approach, since that way you can schedule the actors working with the lowest values, which may be easier to guarantee that you're reading valid parts of the the sieve without having to lock the bus on each increment of N.
Either way, you have to ensure that all workers have got above entry N before you read it, and the cost of doing that is where the trade-off between parallel and serial is made.
Without profiling we cannot tell which bit of the program needs optimizing.
If you were in a large system, then one would use a profiler to find that the prime number generator is the part that needs optimizing.
Profiling a loop with a dozen or so instructions in it is not usually worth while - the overhead of the profiler is significant compared to the loop body, and about the only ways to improve a loop that small is to change the algorithm to do fewer iterations. So IME, once you've eliminated any expensive functions and have a known target of a few lines of simple code, you're better off changing the algorithm and timing an end-to-end run than trying to improve the code by instruction level profiling.
#DrPizza Profiling only really helps improve an implementation, it doesn't reveal opportunities for parallel execution, or suggest better algorithms (unless you've experience to the otherwise, in which case I'd really like to see your profiler).
I've only single core machines at home, but ran a Java equivalent of your BitArray sieve, and a single threaded version of the inversion of the sieve - holding the marking primes in an array, and using a wheel to reduce the search space by a factor of five, then marking a bit array in increments of the wheel using each marking prime. It also reduces storage to O(sqrt(N)) instead of O(N), which helps both in terms of the largest N, paging, and bandwidth.
For medium values of N (1e8 to 1e12), the primes up to sqrt(N) can be found quite quickly, and after that you should be able to parallelise the subsequent search on the CPU quite easily. On my single core machine, the wheel approach finds primes up to 1e9 in 28s, whereas your sieve (after moving the sqrt out of the loop) takes 86s - the improvement is due to the wheel; the inversion means you can handle N larger than 2^32 but makes it slower. Code can be found here. You could parallelise the output of the results from the naive sieve after you go past sqrt(N) too, as the bit array is not modified after that point; but once you are dealing with N large enough for it to matter the array size is too big for ints.
You also should consider a possible change of algorithms.
Consider that it may be cheaper to simply add the elements to your list, as you find them.
Perhaps preallocating space for your list, will make it cheaper to build/populate.
Are you trying to find new primes? This may sound stupid, but you might be able to load up some sort of a data structure with known primes. I am sure someone out there has a list. It might be a much easier problem to find existing numbers that calculate new ones.
You might also look at Microsofts Parallel FX Library for making your existing code multi-threaded to take advantage of multi-core systems. With minimal code changes you can make you for loops multi-threaded.
There's a very good article about the Sieve of Eratosthenes: The Genuine Sieve of Eratosthenes
It's in a functional setting, but most of the opimization do also apply to a procedural implementation in C#.
The two most important optimizations are to start crossing out at P^2 instead of 2*P and to use a wheel for the next prime numbers.
For concurrency, you can process all numbers till P^2 in parallel to P without doing any unnecessary work.
void PrimeNumber(long number)
bool IsprimeNumber = true;
long value = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Sqrt(number));
if (number % 2 == 0)
IsprimeNumber = false;
MessageBox.Show("No It is not a Prime NUmber");
for (long i = 3; i <= value; i=i+2)
if (number % i == 0)
MessageBox.Show("It is divisible by" + i);
IsprimeNumber = false;
if (IsprimeNumber)
MessageBox.Show("Yes Prime NUmber");
MessageBox.Show("No It is not a Prime NUmber");
