Override ~ behaviour in controls - c#

Quick backstory: I'm making a "framed" version of my site that has a different master page than normal (one suitable for iframing). It's accessed by mysite.com/Framed/whatever, instead of mysite.com/whatever. This is rewritten in IIS to mysite.com/whatever?framed=true. That works fine.
The issue I'm having is that all the links are relative using a ~ like ~/Server.aspx which works fine in the normal site. I need to override that so instead of producing ../Server.aspx (as it "should") it produces ../Framed/Server.aspx or Server.aspx.
Currently this means that the page goes back to it's normal view (mystite.com/whatever2) as soon as you click on a link, I want it to continue to stay in mysite.com/Framed/...

Don't you really want "../Server.aspx?framed=true" ? That might be easier to pull off

~ resolves to the root of the application, so you could create a virtual directory beneath your main site for your framed version called "Framed", so "~/" resolves to "/Framed/". Then instead of using a query string switch to select your master page, you can check for the presence of "/Framed/" in the raw request URI.


Updating the displayed URL in the browser using .NET Core

So, I have a certain webpage (view) that I have created. I have a requirement where I need to update the displayed URL in the browser's to show a different path to this page and update the querystring.
Update: I don't want to actually redirect the page, this is merely a cosmetic update. To make the URL appear differently that what it was. It's a requirement our customer support team wanted. :p
I need to update the path in the URL depending on the type of error, like so:
My error page handles various situations you see.
I know this is easily done in JS, but I want to be able to do this from my error page Controller.
Could someone lend a hand? I'd super appreciate it!
I think "update the path" means you simply have to redirect the browser to that url. If you are using ASP.NET MVC, you can use the Redirect controller method like this:
return Redirect("https://www.myserver.com/#/order-completed?var=someguid");
So, I went the way of JS afterall. I call it from window.onload in the View.
var fromController = '#ViewData["NewURL"]';
histoy.pushState(null, '', fromController);
In the Controller, in the Index() action
ViewData["NewURL"] = #"/myURL/myview?user=2342434";
return View();

How to manipulate a url to access a parent directory

I have an asp.net web application that is being hosted on an internal network. In my testing environment of course it gets hosted out on localhost:01010/Views/page.aspx. now whenever I take it live the Url changes to server_name/folder 1/folder 2/views/page.aspx. what I am trying to do is get a new page to open up as server_name/folder 1/folder 2/Uploaded_Images/randomimage.png. Now I Can get the url, but as soon as I do a single ".Remove(url.lastindexof("/")+1)" it returns "server_name/folder 1/folder 2/Views". The I perform my second ".Remove(url.lastindexof("/")+1)"
and the it only returns "server_name/". I am ripping my hair out at this one and am hoping somewhere in the world a .net developer already has this built in. Appreciate all the help.
Also just to specify this is webforms and not mvc. also there is no ajax or page manipulation going on except for a response.write to open the new page.
You don't need the +1, this works:
var url = "server_name/folder 1/folder 2/views/page.aspx";
url = url.Remove(url.LastIndexOf("/"));
url = url.Remove(url.LastIndexOf("/"));
Or you could do it like this:
var parts = url.Split('/');
var newPath = string.Join("/", parts.Take(3));
I assume you are talking about URL's used as links to parts of your site and not physical paths on the file system.
In most cases, you should be able to use methods that construct paths on the fly. For example, in any of your .aspx files (or .aspx.cs files), you can use the ResolveUrl method, like this:
Some link
If there are any places where you need the full URL including the domain (like for email notifications or something like that) then what I have done is keep a static variable accessible to my whole application that gets set the first time Application_BeginRequest runs:
void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if (SiteRoot == null) {
SiteRoot = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) +
(VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~") == "/" ? "" : VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~"));
That will pull the full URL from the Request details (the URL that the user used to access your site), without any trailing slash.

MVC Redirect to another page

I have a controller which processes an uploaded file.
In that controller, I return the user to a SharePoint list depending on the successful parsing of that file. I am able to enter a direct URL, but I am opening this page in a form so I need to change the window.top.location instead of just window.location. I tried doing this a few ways such as returning a JavaScript result, but I received some browser warning messages I'd like to avoid.
I ended up making a partial razor view which grabs a parameter from the query string in order to determine which list it should go to. The function works fine, but the page is seemingly inactive when I return it using:
return Redirect("~/Parsing/ParsingRedirector?List=MasterDealer");
My page exists in the folder, but I get an error stating "The resource cannot be found. "
Any reason why that's happening? I admittedly don't have a full understanding of MVC or even close to it at this point.
Try this:
return RedirectToAction("ParsingRedirector", "Parsing", new { List = "MasterDealer"});
This may be of help:
Keep in mind that, per that article, in the case of Redirect "you have to specify the full URL to redirect."

Retrieving webpage data after some delay (web scraping)

The Aim is to retrieve data from a website after it has finished its Ajax calls.
Currently the data is being retrieved when the page first loads. But the required data is found inside a div which is loaded after an ajax call.
To summarize , the Scenario is as follows:
A webpage is called with some parameters passed inside C# code (currently using CsQuery for c#). when the request is sent, the page opens and a "Loading" picture shows and after few seconds the Required data is retrieved. The cSQuery code however retrieves the first Page contents with the "Loading" picture ..
the code is as follows
UrlBuilder ub = new UrlBuilder("<url>")
.AddQuery("departure", "KHI")
.AddQuery("arrival", "DXB")
.AddQuery("queryDate", "2013-03-28")
.AddQuery("queryType", "D");
CQ dom = CQ.CreateFromUrl(ub.ToString());
CQ availableFlights = dom.Select("div#availFlightsDiv");
string RenderedDiv = availableFlights["#availFlightsDiv"].RenderSelection();
When you "scrape" a site you are making a call to the web server and you get what it serves up. If the DOM of the target site is modified by javascript (ajax or otherwise) you are never going to get that content unless you load it into some kind of browser engine on the machine that is doing the scraping, that is capable of executing the javascript calls.
Almost a year old question, you might have got your answer already. But would like mention this awesome project here - SimpleBrowser.
It keeps your DOM updated.

How to retrieve site root url?

I need to get the url of the site so that I render a user control on only the main page. I need to check for http://foo.com, http://www.foo.com, and foo.com. I am a bit stumped as to how check for all 3. I tried the following which does not work.
string domainName = Request.Url.Host.ToString();
if (domainName == "http://nomorecocktails.com" | Request.Url.Host.Contains("default.aspx"))
{ //code to push user control to page
Also tried
var url = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/";
Any thoughts?
You need to check if the Request.Path property is equal to / or /Default.aspx or whatever your "main page" is. The domain name is completely irrelevant. What if I accessed your site via, and similarly, what if your server switched IP addresses? Your domain check would fail.
If you utilize the QueryString to display different content, you'll also need to check Request.QueryString.
Documentation for Request.Path:
Documentation for Request.QueryString:
If you need the user control to only appear on the main page (I'm assuming you mean home page), then add the code to call the user control to the code behind of that file.
If this code is stored in the master page, then you can reference it like:
If you are only using the one web form (ie. just Default.aspx), then you can check that no relevant query strings are included in the URL, and display only if this is the case:
if (Request.QueryString["q"] == null){
//user control code
However if you are using this technique then I would recommend using multiple web forms using master pages in the future to structure your application better.
The ASP.NET website has some good tutorials on how to do this:
