MVC Redirect to another page - c#

I have a controller which processes an uploaded file.
In that controller, I return the user to a SharePoint list depending on the successful parsing of that file. I am able to enter a direct URL, but I am opening this page in a form so I need to change the instead of just window.location. I tried doing this a few ways such as returning a JavaScript result, but I received some browser warning messages I'd like to avoid.
I ended up making a partial razor view which grabs a parameter from the query string in order to determine which list it should go to. The function works fine, but the page is seemingly inactive when I return it using:
return Redirect("~/Parsing/ParsingRedirector?List=MasterDealer");
My page exists in the folder, but I get an error stating "The resource cannot be found. "
Any reason why that's happening? I admittedly don't have a full understanding of MVC or even close to it at this point.

Try this:
return RedirectToAction("ParsingRedirector", "Parsing", new { List = "MasterDealer"});

This may be of help:
Keep in mind that, per that article, in the case of Redirect "you have to specify the full URL to redirect."


Updating the displayed URL in the browser using .NET Core

So, I have a certain webpage (view) that I have created. I have a requirement where I need to update the displayed URL in the browser's to show a different path to this page and update the querystring.
Update: I don't want to actually redirect the page, this is merely a cosmetic update. To make the URL appear differently that what it was. It's a requirement our customer support team wanted. :p
I need to update the path in the URL depending on the type of error, like so:
My error page handles various situations you see.
I know this is easily done in JS, but I want to be able to do this from my error page Controller.
Could someone lend a hand? I'd super appreciate it!
I think "update the path" means you simply have to redirect the browser to that url. If you are using ASP.NET MVC, you can use the Redirect controller method like this:
return Redirect("");
So, I went the way of JS afterall. I call it from window.onload in the View.
var fromController = '#ViewData["NewURL"]';
histoy.pushState(null, '', fromController);
In the Controller, in the Index() action
ViewData["NewURL"] = #"/myURL/myview?user=2342434";
return View();

Internet Explorer redirect on all .Net Core project pages

I'm a .Net Core beginner and look for a solution to protect the application from IE.
I got the following code working in Controller:
string userAgent = Request.Headers["User-Agent"].ToString();
var flagsIE = new [] {"MSIE", "Trident"};
return RedirectToAction("BadBrowser");
Now if someone is trying to visit the page using IE, they get redirected to an info-page asking them to use a modern browser. Instead of adding this code to every single Controller.cs I would like to add it on project level, so that it get's executed independent from the location within of the project.
And, I know that this can be achieved with _Layout.cshtml, my question is:
Where and how would I implement a function to get it executed for all requested views withing the project without adding it every single request within Controller.
Thank you in advance.
As Icepickle suggested, in the comments of my question, I used middleware in Startup.cs and got the desired result:
app.Use(async (context,next) =>
string userAgent = context.Request.Headers["User-Agent"].ToString();
var IEkeywords = new [] {"MSIE", "Trident"};
if (IEkeywords.Any(userAgent.Contains)){
await next();
You can try to add js in _Layout.cshtml to detect the browser is IE:
var isIE = false || !!document.documentMode;
if (isIE) {
window.location.href = "/Home/ForbidInfo";
Then create a view named ForbidInfo under Home controller which to show the message to user that he cannot use the IE to show views.
(Notes: this view's Layout must be null ,or it will enter an endless loop)
ViewData["Title"] = "ForbidInfo";
Layout = null;
<h1>Please use a modern browser!</h1>
After these settings, when you running a view in IE, it will be redirected to the FordidInfo page.
If your page does not use _layout, then you need to add the js on the corresponding view separately to ensure that it will not be displayed in IE.
Never do that. Excluding browsers with redirects, is what lead to massive user agent spoofing. Effectively making that AgentId useless. And the way you wrote it, you may get a lot of false-positives.
It is also a bad idea from the early days of the internet, we are hoping to get rid off:

Query String Parameter Being Lost on Request

i'm developing an MVC 4 web application.
I'm trying to make an url that changes in an authorized/unauthorized context.
I'm generating the following url for unauthorized user:
The first time I've tested, it worked just fine.
But.. the second time I've tried, the query string got lost.. and the url turned into:
When i test it against chrome on anonymous tab, it works FINE.
When i change the value of the last parameter, it works FINE.
There's some sort of cache related to this ?
What i'm doing wrong ?
Soo, my question is:
How do i keep my full url in any scenario ??
There's really not enough information here, but what you're likely talking about is that the first time a user needs to be authorized, they are automatically redirected to the first URL, which includes the ReturnUrl bit. That's built into the framework to allow the user to be redirected back to that URL after logging in. However, if you need to persist this past that initial first redirect to the login page, that's on you. Any links must manually add the query string param:
#Url.Action("SomeAction", new { ReturnUrl = Request["ReturnUrl"] })
And any forms must include it as a hidden input:
#Html.Hidden("ReturnUrl", Request["ReturnUrl"])
Otherwise, yes, it will be lost, because the literal URL you're now requesting doesn't include it. It's not just magically appended.
My problem was cache...
I've used this annotation to avoid using cache by application.
[OutputCache(NoStore = true, Duration = 0)]

How do I redirect to my parent action in MVC site?

I have been looking at several pages on here already such as:
How do I redirect to the previous action in ASP.NET MVC?
How can I redirect my action to the root of the web site?
Along with several hours of searching google.
No where seems to have an answer to my problem and I am sure it should be possible within MVC somehow hence the reason I am now here to ask the question.
So the problem I am facing is that I want to allow the user to change the language of the page by choosing a new language from a drop down menu which is in its own partial view hence the problem, I need to redirect to the parent action and not the child. This all works fine as long as i send the user back to the root of the site. Using the following code:
public ActionResult RegionSelect(RegionSelectionModel model)
var currentUser = Session.GetCurrentUser();
var currentDbUser = Session.GetUserEntity(_dataAccessLayer);
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
model.AvailableRegions = CacheHelpers.GetAvailableRegions<RegionView>(_dataAccessLayer, _cache).ToList();
return PartialView("_RegionSelect", model);
var selectedRegion = UsersControllerHelpers.SetSelectedRegion(model, _dataAccessLayer, _cache, _website.Client);
var uri = model.OriginalUrl;
var routeInfo = new RouteHelpers(uri, HttpContext.Request.ApplicationPath);
// Route Data
var routeData = routeInfo.RouteData;
var defaultClientLanguageCode = _website.Client.LanguagesSupported.FirstOrDefault().Code;
if (currentDbUser.Language.CountryCode != selectedRegion.PrimaryLanguage.CountryCode)
//TODO: Decide where to redirect or whether to refresh the whole page...
if ((defaultClientLanguageCode == selectedRegion.PrimaryLanguage.CountryCode) || (model.SelectedRegionId == 0))
UsersControllerHelpers.UpdateUsersRegions(currentUser, selectedRegion, _website.Client, _cache, _dataAccessLayer,
return RedirectToRoute(routeData.Values);
return RedirectToRoute(routeData.Values);
return RedirectToRoute(routeData.Values);
Two of my return statements return to the root page and one returns to the root but with a language so it would be "http://mysite/en-En/" but what if the user is on a page other than the root site? I want to somehow redirect them back to this same action but with the correct language string at the start.
How can i do this?
I have thought of several "hacky" ways of doing this, such as splitting the URL and swapping the language codes over. But ideally I am looking to do this as clean as possible.
Can anyone give me any idea's? Or is it just not possible?
It seems like it should be really simple but apparently not.
Thanks in advance for any help that you can provide.
Added new code that is using code from suggested answer below.
I am now having two new problems.
I am getting this error message, if there are any things in the URL such as ?page=1:
A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (?)
If i try and remove the language completely using .Remove(). It removes it fine but when i try and redirect to the page in the default language it adds language?=language to the end of the URI.
Any ideas how i can resolve these two issues?
This option is definitely my answer. Leave me a comment if you need me to drop some code, and I can do that, but the examples on the linked website should get you started.
Use this method to change Request.UrlReferrer into Route data, then merge your language into that, then do a RedirectToRoute with the modified Route data.
Just use RouteData.Values.Add, RouteData.Values.Remove, and RouteData.values["whatever"], then pass that modified RouteData.Values object to RedirectToRoute()

How to retrieve site root url?

I need to get the url of the site so that I render a user control on only the main page. I need to check for,, and I am a bit stumped as to how check for all 3. I tried the following which does not work.
string domainName = Request.Url.Host.ToString();
if (domainName == "" | Request.Url.Host.Contains("default.aspx"))
{ //code to push user control to page
Also tried
var url = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/";
Any thoughts?
You need to check if the Request.Path property is equal to / or /Default.aspx or whatever your "main page" is. The domain name is completely irrelevant. What if I accessed your site via, and similarly, what if your server switched IP addresses? Your domain check would fail.
If you utilize the QueryString to display different content, you'll also need to check Request.QueryString.
Documentation for Request.Path:
Documentation for Request.QueryString:
If you need the user control to only appear on the main page (I'm assuming you mean home page), then add the code to call the user control to the code behind of that file.
If this code is stored in the master page, then you can reference it like:
If you are only using the one web form (ie. just Default.aspx), then you can check that no relevant query strings are included in the URL, and display only if this is the case:
if (Request.QueryString["q"] == null){
//user control code
However if you are using this technique then I would recommend using multiple web forms using master pages in the future to structure your application better.
The ASP.NET website has some good tutorials on how to do this:
