This is a WinForm written in C#.
Lets say I'm generating a random named text file in my selected directory. When the button is clicked teh first time, i write the data contained in the textboxes into that text file. If the user wants to do the same thing with different data in the textboxes then the click on the button should write the new data into the text file without losing the old data. It's like keeping logs, is this possible?
My code is like:
private readonly Random setere = new Random();
private const string chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
private string RandomString()
char[] buffer = new char[5];
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
buffer[i] = chars[setere.Next(chars.Length)];
return new string(buffer);
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DialogResult dia = MessageBox.Show("Wanna continue?", "Question", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question);
if (dia == DialogResult.Yes)
StreamWriter wFile = new StreamWriter("C:\\Users\\Ece\\Documents\\Testings\\" + RandomString() + ".txt");
wFile.WriteLine("Name Surname:" + text1.Text + text2.Text);
wFile.WriteLine("Other:" + text3.Text + text4.Text);
wFile.WriteLine("Money:" + textBox1.Text + " TL.");
You can append to the text in the file.
using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(pathofFile))
sw.WriteLine("is Extra");
where pathofFile is the path to the file to append to.
Have a look at using something like this:
StreamWriter fw = new StreamWriter(#"C:\Logs\MyFile.txt",true);
fw.WriteLine("Some Message" + Environment.Newline);
Hope that helps. See MSDN StreamWriter for more information
Updated: Removed old example
Also if you are trying to create a unique file you can use Path.GetRandomFileName()
Again from the MSDN Books:
The GetRandomFileName method returns a
cryptographically strong, random
string that can be used as either a
folder name or a file name.
UPDATED: Added a Logger class example below
Add a new class to your project and add the following lines (this is 3.0 type syntax so you may have to adjust if creating a 2.0 version)
using System;
using System.IO;
namespace LogProvider
// Example Logger Class
public class Logging
public static string LogDir { get; set; }
public static string LogFile { get; set; }
private static readonly Random setere = new Random();
private const string chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
public Logging() {
LogDir = null;
LogFile = null;
public static string RandomFileName()
char[] buffer = new char[5];
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
buffer[i] = chars[setere.Next(chars.Length)];
return new string(buffer);
public static void AddLog(String msg)
String tstamp = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.Day) + "/" +
Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.Month) + "/" +
Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.Year) + " " +
Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.Hour) + ":" +
Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.Minute) + ":" +
if(LogDir == null || LogFile == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Null arguments supplied");
String logFile = LogDir + "\\" + LogFile;
String rmsg = tstamp + "," + msg;
StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(logFile, true);
Add this to your forms onload event
LogProvider.Logging.LogDir = "C:\\Users\\Ece\\Documents\\Testings";
LogProvider.Logging.LogFile = LogProvider.Logging.RandomFileName();
Now adjust your button click event to be like the following:
DialogResult dia = MessageBox.Show("Wanna continue?", "Question", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question);
if (dia == DialogResult.Yes)
StringBuilder logMsg = new StringBuilder();
logMsg.Append("Name Surname:" + text1.Text + text2.Text + Environment.NewLine);
logMsg.Append("Other:" + text3.Text + text4.Text + Environment.NewLine);
logMsg.Append("Money:" + textBox1.Text + " TL." + Environment.NewLine);
logMsg.Append("*************************************" + Environment.NewLine);
} else
Now you should only create one file for the entire time that application is running and will log to that one file every time you click your button.
You might want to take a look at log4net and the RollingFileAppender
Sure. Just open the file for appending with something like System.IO.File.AppendText
I'm writing a program to find a md5 hash that has a hexadecimal representation with the digits of pi. I got a problem on saving the computations. It looks like the program won't save the string correctly. It makes a long string rather than replacing the old one. How can I fix that problem?
public static string get_last_string()
string text;
string text2="";
int i= 0;
string path = "C:\\Users\\uname\\Desktop";
var fileStream = new FileStream(#path + "\\last.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(fileStream, Encoding.UTF8))
text = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
while (i < text.Length && text[i] != ' ')
text2 += text[i];
return text2;
public static void Main(string[] args)
string path = #"C:\Users\Uname\Desktop\test.txt";
string a = get_last_string();
Console.WriteLine("Let us continue from the string " + a);
Console.WriteLine("Ctrl+C stops the computing and saves the results to the file last.txt");
while (!Console.KeyAvailable)
// Console.WriteLine("md5("+a+")="+CalculateMD5Hash(a));
if (CommonPrefix(CalculateMD5Hash(a), "314159265353") >= 11)
Console.WriteLine(a + " " + CalculateMD5Hash(a));
File.WriteAllText(path, a + " " + CalculateMD5Hash(a));
a = Next(a);
} while (Console.ReadKey(true).Key != ConsoleKey.Escape);
File.AppendAllText(#path + "\\last.txt", a);
You have a File.WriteAllText(... and later on you have File.AppendAllText(...
I'm pretty shure you're writing twice to the file.
So, I am trying to create a file at a specific path but the code I have doesn't allows me to create folders.
This is the code I have:
public void LogFiles()
string data = string.Format("LogCarga-{0:yyyy-MM-dd_hh-mm-ss}.txt", DateTime.Now);
for (int linhas = 0; linhas < dataGridView1.Rows.Count; linhas++)
if (dataGridView1.Rows[linhas].Cells[8].Value.ToString().Trim() != "M")
var pathWithEnv = #"%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Cargas - Amostras\_logs\";
var filePath = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(pathWithEnv);
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
using (StreamWriter writer = File.AppendText(filePath + data))
string carga = dataGridView1.Rows[linhas].Cells[0].Value.ToString();
string referencia = dataGridView1.Rows[linhas].Cells[1].Value.ToString();
string quantidade = dataGridView1.Rows[linhas].Cells[2].Value.ToString();
string dataemissao = dataGridView1.Rows[linhas].Cells[3].Value.ToString();
string linha = dataGridView1.Rows[linhas].Cells[4].Value.ToString();
string marca = dataGridView1.Rows[linhas].Cells[5].Value.ToString().Trim();
string descricaoweb = dataGridView1.Rows[linhas].Cells[6].Value.ToString().Trim();
string codprod = dataGridView1.Rows[linhas].Cells[7].Value.ToString().Trim();
string tipoemb = dataGridView1.Rows[linhas].Cells[8].Value.ToString().Trim();
string nomepc = System.Environment.MachineName;
writer.WriteLine(carga + ", " + referencia + ", " + quantidade + ", " + dataemissao + ", " + linha + ", " + marca + ", " + descricaoweb + ", " + codprod + ", "
+ tipoemb + ", " + nomepc);
This %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\ in the universal path and I want to automatically create the \Cargas - Amostras\_logs\.
Do you have any idea how to do it?
The simpelest solution is replace
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
That will create the directory if it does not exist or do nothing if it does.
You need to create two checks, for your first folder and then second directory.
var pathWithEnv = #"%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Cargas - Amostras\";
if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(pathWithEnv))
pathWithEnv = System.IO.Path.Combine(pathWithEnv, #"_logs\");
if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(pathWithEnv))
//Do what you want to do, both directories are found.
//Do what you want to do, both directories are available.
pathWithEnv = System.IO.Path.Combine(pathWithEnv, #"_logs\");
if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(pathWithEnv))
//Do what you want to do, both directories are available now.
//Do what you want to do, both directories are created.
I've looked at Parallel.ForEach - System Out of Memory Exception regarding this issue but not much of a solution was given. I'm very new to using Parallel.ForEach, so I'm trying to figure out what's going on.
Diagnostic tools caps out at 1023 repeating (I understand this is an x86 to x64 arch restriction, but I wanted to offer the program in both formats.) I also don't feel like any program should ever meet that threshold. When I compile the program in x64, I sit around 1.1-1.4GB with MaxDegree . For sake of testing, I am running GC.Collection() at the end of each Parallel.ForEach iteration (I understand this isn't good practice, I'm just trying to troubleshoot at this point.)
Here's what I'm seeing:
Now if I try to use a Partitioner method, such as:
var checkforfinished = Parallel.ForEach<ListViewItem>(Partitioner.Create(0,lstBackupUsers.Items.Count), lstBackupUsers.Items.Cast<ListViewItem>(), opts, name =>
The I get an error of:
"No overload for method 'ForEach' takes 4 arguments"
That's fine, I modify my Parallel.ForEach statement so it looks like this:
var checkforfinished = Parallel.ForEach(Partitioner.Create(0,lstBackupUsers.Items.Count), lstBackupUsers.Items, opts, name => (I removed my casts)
and then my ForEach method won't accept the statement because it wants me to explicitly tell it that it's addressing a listviewbox.items method.
I am so confused on what to do.
Do I create a Partitioner, and if I do, how do I make my Parallel.ForEach method understand how to address a listviewbox?
update 1
I want to try to give as many details as possible because this is just rough. I'm sure it's easy, I'm just overcomplicationg it by an nth degree.
I have my Parallel.ForEach(//) running in a background worker function. My DoWork process is over 300 lines (I'm not an expert in C#, I'm just putting things together for a program at work.)
Here are bullet points of its basic structure
User clicks a "Start backup" button as seen in the screenshot
Button begins a separate function that checks to see which method the user selected to grab a list of usernames from (LDAP or flat text file)
That function then sends off a bgw_dowork() request
Inside the DoWork request, it looks like a summary of:
Check preliminary statements (bgw.cancellationpending for example)
Move on to grabbing some settings from the configurationmanager.appsettings
Begin the "complex" Parallel.ForEach command which Reads the listbox record rows and foreach row performs a very long list of commands to complete an operation for one user
The entire program, especially bgw_dowork heavily uses Google's v3 Drive API to login as a user, grab a file as recorded by other functions that prepare the user directory to be backed up (separate functions which login as a user, record their files (and fileIds) and their directories/subdirectories) and the bgw_dowork performs a chunk of the actual download functionality, which then calls off to the other functions to finish moving the files after they have been downloaded.
The actual "code" I use is (and I promise it's not pretty...)
private void bgW_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
txtFile.ReadOnly = true;
btnStart.Text = "Cancel Backup";
var appSettings = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings;
string checkreplace = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["checkreplace"];
string userfile = txtFile.Text;
int counter = 0;
int arraycount = 0;
if (bgW.CancellationPending)
e.Cancel = true;
stripLabel.Text = "Operation was canceled!";
for (int z = 0; z >= counter; z++)
if (bgW.CancellationPending)
e.Cancel = true;
stripLabel.Text = "Operation was canceled!";
double totalresource = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["multithread"]);
totalresource = (totalresource / 100);
//var opts = new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling((Environment.ProcessorCount * totalresource) * 1.0)) };
var opts = new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 2 };
var part = Partitioner.Create(1, 100);
//foreach (ListViewItem name in lstBackupUsers.Items)
var checkforfinished = Parallel.ForEach(lstBackupUsers.Items.Cast<ListViewItem>(), name =>
string names = name.SubItems[0].Text;
lstBackupUsers.Items[arraycount].Selected = true;
lstBackupUsers.Items[arraycount].BackColor = Color.CornflowerBlue;
stripLabel.Text = "";
Console.WriteLine("Selecting user: " + names.ToString());
txtLog.Text += "Selecting user: " + names.ToString() + Environment.NewLine;
txtCurrentUser.Text = names.ToString();
// Define parameters of request.
string user = names.ToString();
// Check if directory exists, create if not.
string savelocation = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["savelocation"] + user + "\\";
if (File.Exists(savelocation + ".deltalog.tok"))
File.Delete(savelocation + ".deltalog.tok");
FileInfo testdir = new FileInfo(savelocation);
string savedStartPageToken = "";
var start = CreateService.BuildService(user).Changes.GetStartPageToken().Execute();
// This token is set by Google, it defines changes made and
// increments the token value automatically.
// The following reads the current token file (if it exists)
if (File.Exists(savelocation + ".currenttoken.tok"))
StreamReader curtokenfile = new StreamReader(savelocation + ".currenttoken.tok");
savedStartPageToken = curtokenfile.ReadLine().ToString();
// Token record didn't exist. Create a generic file, start at "1st" token
// In reality, I have no idea what token to start at, but 1 seems to be safe.
Console.Write("Creating new token file.\n");
//txtLog.Text += ("Creating new token file.\n" + Environment.NewLine);
StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(savelocation + ".currenttoken.tok");
savedStartPageToken = "1";
string pageToken = savedStartPageToken;
int gtoken = int.Parse(start.StartPageTokenValue);
int mytoken = int.Parse(savedStartPageToken);
txtPrevToken.Text = pageToken.ToString();
txtCurrentToken.Text = gtoken.ToString();
if (gtoken <= 10)
Console.WriteLine("Nothing to save!\n");
//txtLog.Text += ("User has nothing to save!" + Environment.NewLine);
if (pageToken == start.StartPageTokenValue)
Console.WriteLine("No file changes found for " + user + "\n");
//txtLog.Text += ("No file changes found! Please wait while I tidy up." + Environment.NewLine);
// .deltalog.tok is where we will place our records for changed files
Console.WriteLine("Changes detected. Making notes while we go through these.");
lblProgresslbl.Text = "Scanning Drive directory.";
// Damnit Google, why did you change how the change fields work?
if (savedStartPageToken == "1")
statusStripLabel1.Text = "Recording folder list ...";
txtLog.Text = "Recording folder list ..." + Environment.NewLine;
exfunctions.RecordFolderList(savedStartPageToken, pageToken, user, savelocation);
statusStripLabel1.Text = "Recording new/changed files ... This may take a bit!";
txtLog.Text += Environment.NewLine + "Recording new/changed list for: " + user;
exfunctions.ChangesFileList(savedStartPageToken, pageToken, user, savelocation);
//proUserclass = proUser;
statusStripLabel1.Text = "Recording new/changed files ... This may take a bit!";
txtLog.Text += Environment.NewLine + "Recording new/changed list for: " + user + Environment.NewLine;
exfunctions.ChangesFileList(savedStartPageToken, pageToken, user, savelocation);
// Get all our files for the user. Max page size is 1k
// after that, we have to use Google's next page token
// to let us get more files.
StreamWriter logFile = new StreamWriter(savelocation + ".recent.log");
string[] deltafiles = File.ReadAllLines(savelocation + ".deltalog.tok");
int totalfiles = deltafiles.Count();
int cnttototal = 0;
Console.WriteLine("\nFiles to backup:\n");
if (deltafiles == null)
double damn = ((gtoken - double.Parse(txtPrevToken.Text)));
damn = Math.Round((damn / totalfiles));
if (damn <= 0)
damn = 1;
foreach (var file in deltafiles)
if (bgW.CancellationPending)
stripLabel.Text = "Backup canceled!";
e.Cancel = true;
DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
string[] foldervalues = File.ReadAllLines(savelocation + "folderlog.txt");
proUser.Maximum = int.Parse(txtCurrentToken.Text);
stripLabel.Text = "File " + cnttototal + " of " + totalfiles;
double? mathisfun;
mathisfun = ((100 * cnttototal) / totalfiles);
if (mathisfun <= 0)
mathisfun = 1;
double mathToken = double.Parse(txtPrevToken.Text);
mathToken = Math.Round((damn + mathToken));
// Bring our token up to date for next run
txtPrevToken.Text = mathToken.ToString();
File.WriteAllText(savelocation + ".currenttoken.tok", mathToken.ToString());
int proval = int.Parse(txtPrevToken.Text);
int nowval = int.Parse(txtCurrentToken.Text);
if (proval >= nowval)
proval = nowval;
proUser.Value = (proval);
lblProgresslbl.Text = ("Current progress: " + mathisfun.ToString() + "% completed.");
// Our file is a CSV. Column 1 = file ID, Column 2 = File name
var values = file.Split(',');
string fileId = values[0];
string fileName = values[1];
string mimetype = values[2];
mimetype = mimetype.Replace(",", "_");
string folder = values[3];
string ext = null;
int folderfilelen = foldervalues.Count();
fileName = GetSafeFilename(fileName);
Console.WriteLine("Filename: " + values[1]);
logFile.WriteLine("ID: " + values[0] + " - Filename: " + values[1]);
// Things get sloppy here. The reason we're checking MimeTypes
// is because we have to export the files from Google's format
// to a format that is readable by a desktop computer program
// So for example, the google-apps.spreadsheet will become an MS Excel file.
switch (mimetype)
(switch statement here removed due to body length issues for this post.)
if (ext.Contains(".doc") || ext.Contains(".xls"))
string whatami = null;
if (ext.Contains(".xls"))
whatami = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet";
else if (ext.Contains(".doc"))
whatami = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document";
else if (ext.Contains(".ppt"))
whatami = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation";
if (fileName.Contains(".mov") || ext == ".ggl" || fileName.Contains(".mp4"))
txtLog.Text += Environment.NewLine + "Skipping file.";
var requestfileid = CreateService.BuildService(user).Files.Export(fileId, whatami);
statusStripLabel1.Text = (savelocation + fileName + ext);
txtCurrentUser.Text = user;
string dest1 = Path.Combine(savelocation, fileName + ext);
var stream1 = new System.IO.FileStream(dest1, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
requestfileid.MediaDownloader.ProgressChanged +=
(IDownloadProgress progress) =>
switch (progress.Status)
case DownloadStatus.Downloading:
logFile.WriteLine("Downloading: " + progress.BytesDownloaded);
txtLog.Text += ("Downloading ... " + progress.BytesDownloaded + Environment.NewLine);
case DownloadStatus.Completed:
Console.WriteLine("Download complete.");
logFile.WriteLine("[" + user + "] Download complete for: " + requestfileid.ToString());
txtLog.Text += ("[" + user + "] Download complete for: " + fileName + Environment.NewLine);
case DownloadStatus.Failed:
Console.WriteLine("Download failed.");
logFile.WriteLine("Download failed.");
var requestfileid = CreateService.BuildService(user).Files.Get(fileId);
//Generate the name of the file, and create it as such on the local filesystem.
statusStripLabel1.Text = (savelocation + fileName + ext);
string dest1 = Path.Combine(savelocation, fileName + ext);
var stream1 = new System.IO.FileStream(dest1, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
requestfileid.MediaDownloader.ProgressChanged +=
(IDownloadProgress progress) =>
switch (progress.Status)
case DownloadStatus.Downloading:
logFile.WriteLine("Downloading: " + progress.BytesDownloaded);
txtLog.Text += ("Downloading ... " + progress.BytesDownloaded + Environment.NewLine);
case DownloadStatus.Completed:
Console.WriteLine("Download complete.");
logFile.WriteLine("Download complete for: " + requestfileid.ToString());
txtLog.Text += (Environment.NewLine + "[" + user + "] Download complete for: " + fileName + Environment.NewLine);
case DownloadStatus.Failed:
Console.WriteLine("Download failed.");
logFile.WriteLine("Download failed.");
catch (Google.GoogleApiException ex)
Console.Write("\nInfo: ---> " + ex.Message.ToString() + "\n");
Console.WriteLine("\n\n\tBackup completed for selected user!");
txtLog.Text += ("\n\nBackup completed for selected user.\n\n");
statusStripLabel1.Text = "";
catch (Google.GoogleApiException ex)
Console.WriteLine("Info: " + ex.Message.ToString());
if (checkforfinished.IsCompleted == true)
MessageBox.Show("Parallel.ForEach() Finished!");
Console.WriteLine("Parallel.ForEach() Finished!");
MessageBox.Show("Parallel.ForEach() not completed!");
Console.WriteLine("Parallel.ForEach() not completed!");
catch (Google.GoogleApiException ex)
Console.WriteLine("Info: " + ex.Message.ToString());
You can see where I initiate the Parallel.ForEach(...) and then see what it is in charge of doing. It's a lot, and I understand it's not pretty, so I appreciate constructive criticism.
I have a file that is being created based on the items in a Repeater control if the radioButton for each item is "Yes". My issue that if the file is empty, it is still being created. I have tried FileName.Length > 0 and other possible solutions but I get errors that the file can not be found. I am sure the issue is within my logic but I cant see where. Any ideas?
protected void btnContinue_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string JobName;
string FileName;
StreamWriter sw;
string Name, Company, Date;
JobName = TYest + "_" + System.DateTime.Now;
JobName = JobName.Replace(":", "").Replace("/", "").Replace(" ", "");
FileName = JobName + ".txt";
sw = new StreamWriter(C: +"/" + FileName, false, Encoding.GetEncoding(1250));
foreach ( RepeaterItem rpItems in rpGetData.Items )
RadioButtonList rbYesNo = (RadioButtonList)rpItems.FindControl("rbBadge");
if ( rbYesNo.SelectedItem.Text == "Yes" )
Label rName = (Label)rpItems.FindControl("lblName");
Label rCompany = (Label)rpItems.FindControl("lblCompany");
Label rFacilityName = (Label)rpItems.FindControl("lblFacility_Hidden");
Name = rName.Text;
Company = rCompany.Text;
Date = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
sw.WriteLine("Name," + Name);
sw.WriteLine("Company," + Company);
sw.WriteLine("Date," + Date);
if ( File.Exists("C:/" + FileName) )
File.Copy(+"C:/" + FileName, LoftwareDropPath + FileName, true);
catch ( Exception ex )
string msgE = "Error";
msgE += ex.Message;
throw new Exception(msgE);
//Do something if temp file not created properly
lblMessage.Text = "An error has occurred. Plese see your host to get a printed name badge.";
MessageBox messageBox = new MessageBox();
messageBox.MessageTitle = "Printed?";
messageBox.MessageText = "If not, please see host.";
Literal1.Text = messageBox.Show(this);
sounds like you want to detect if a file is empty. Use:
long length = new System.IO.FileInfo(path).Length;
if(length == 0)....
FileName.Length just tells you how long the file name is - not usefule
Why not check if the file exists first? That should solve your exception problems! If you want to know if the file is empty I would recommend checking what you're writing to the file and making sure it's not all empty and THEN write to the file if you actually have content?
if(new FileInfo(File).Length > 0)
//Do Stuff.
How about this:
StreamWriter sw = null;
string Name, Company, Date;
JobName = TYest + "_" + System.DateTime.Now;
JobName = JobName.Replace(":", "").Replace("/", "").Replace(" ", "");
FileName = #"C:\" + JobName + ".txt";
foreach (RepeaterItem rpItems in rpGetData.Items)
RadioButtonList rbYesNo = (RadioButtonList)rpItems.FindControl("rbBadge");
if (rbYesNo.SelectedItem.Text == "Yes")
if (null == sw)
sw = new StreamWriter(FileName, false, Encoding.GetEncoding(1250));
Label rName = (Label)rpItems.FindControl("lblName");
Label rCompany = (Label)rpItems.FindControl("lblCompany");
Label rFacilityName = (Label)rpItems.FindControl("lblFacility_Hidden");
Name = rName.Text;
Company = rCompany.Text;
Date = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
sw.WriteLine("Name," + Name);
sw.WriteLine("Company," + Company);
sw.WriteLine("Date," + Date);
if (null != sw)
Build your FileName completely once so that you know it is always the same. Then only create your StreamWriter if something is going to be written. Also, use a try..finally to make sure your code to free your resources is always hit.
You should change it to only write and create the file when you have some data to write.
A simple way of doing this is to store everything memory with something like a StringBuilder, then afterwards write the contents of the string builder to the file if there is something to write:
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (RepeaterItem rpItems in rpGetData.Items)
RadioButtonList rbYesNo = (RadioButtonList)rpItems.FindControl("rbBadge");
if (rbYesNo.SelectedItem.Text == "Yes")
// ..omitted..
sb.AppendLine("Name," + Name);
sb.AppendLine("Company," + Company);
sb.AppendLine("Date," + Date);
if (sb.Length > 0)
File.WriteAllText(FileName, sb.ToString(), Encoding.GetEncoding(1250));
You can check whether any items are eligible for saving before opening the stream writer like this:
var itemsToBeSaved = rpGetData.Items
Where(ri => ((RadioButtonList)ri.FindControl("rbBadge")).SelectedItem.Text == "Yes");
if (itemsToBeSaved.Any()) {
string path = #"C:\" + FileName;
using (var sw = new StreamWriter(path, false, Encoding.GetEncoding(1250))) {
foreach (RepeaterItem rpItems in itemsToBeSaved) {
Label rName = (Label)rpItems.FindControl("lblName");
Label rCompany = (Label)rpItems.FindControl("lblCompany");
Label rFacilityName = (Label)rpItems.FindControl("lblFacility_Hidden");
Name = rName.Text;
Company = rCompany.Text;
Date = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
sw.WriteLine("Name," + Name);
sw.WriteLine("Company," + Company);
sw.WriteLine("Date," + Date);
} // Flushes, Closes und Disposes the stream automatically.
The first statement prepares a filtered enumeration of repeater items containing only the ones to be saved. itemsToBeSaved.Any() tests if this enumeration contains at least one item. This enumeration is then reused in the foreach statement. Therefore it is not necessary to check the conditions again.
The using statement takes care of closing the stream in all situations, even if an exception should occur while writing to the file. I also declared the stream writer in the using statement. Therefore you can delete your declaration StreamWriter sw = null;.
Also note the expression #"C:\" + FileName. The # makes the string constant a verbatim string. This means that the usual escape character '\' loses its meaning and is used as is. Path.Combine(...) does not work here, since it does not add the path separator after a drive letter.
Currently I am building an agenda with extra options.
for testing purposes I store the data in a simple .txt file
(after that it will be connected to the agenda of a virtual assistant.)
To change or delete text from this .txt file I have a problem.
Although the part of the content that needs to be replaced and the search string are exactly the same it doesn't replace the text in content.
Change method
public override void Change(List<object> oldData, List<object> newData)
int index = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < agenda.Count; i++)
if(agenda[i].GetType() == "Task")
Task t = (Task)agenda[i];
if(t.remarks == oldData[0].ToString() && t.datetime == (DateTime)oldData[1] && t.reminders == oldData[2])
index = i;
string search = "Task\r\nTo do: " + oldData[0].ToString() + "\r\nDateTime: " + (DateTime)oldData[1] + "\r\n";
reminders = (Dictionary<DateTime, bool>) oldData[2];
if(reminders.Count != 0)
search += "Reminders\r\n";
foreach (KeyValuePair<DateTime, bool> rem in reminders)
if (rem.Value)
search += "speak " + rem.Key + "\r\n";
search += rem.Key + "\r\n";
// get new data
string newRemarks = (string)newData[0];
DateTime newDateTime = (DateTime)newData[1];
Dictionary<DateTime, bool> newReminders = (Dictionary<DateTime, bool>)newData[2];
string replace = "Task\r\nTo do: " + newRemarks + "\r\nDateTime: " + newDateTime + "\r\n";
if(newReminders.Count != 0)
replace += "Reminders\r\n";
foreach (KeyValuePair<DateTime, bool> rem in newReminders)
if (rem.Value)
replace += "speak " + rem.Key + "\r\n";
replace += rem.Key + "\r\n";
Replace(search, replace);
if (index != -1)
remarks = newRemarks;
datetime = newDateTime;
reminders = newReminders;
agenda[index] = this;
replace method
private void Replace(string search, string replace)
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(path);
string content = reader.ReadToEnd();
content = Regex.Replace(content, search, replace);
StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(path);
When running in debug I get the correct info:
content "-- agenda --\r\n\r\nTask\r\nTo do: test\r\nDateTime: 16-4-2012 15:00:00\r\nReminders:\r\nspeak 16-4-2012 13:00:00\r\n16-4-2012 13:30:00\r\n\r\nTask\r\nTo do: testing\r\nDateTime: 16-4-2012 9:00:00\r\nReminders:\r\nspeak 16-4-2012 8:00:00\r\n\r\nTask\r\nTo do: aaargh\r\nDateTime: 18-4-2012 12:00:00\r\nReminders:\r\n18-4-2012 11:00:00\r\n" string
search "Task\r\nTo do: aaargh\r\nDateTime: 18-4-2012 12:00:00\r\nReminders\r\n18-4-2012 11:00:00\r\n" string
replace "Task\r\nTo do: aaargh\r\nDateTime: 18-4-2012 13:00:00\r\nReminders\r\n18-4-2012 11:00:00\r\n" string
But it doesn't change the text. How do I make sure that the Regex.Replace finds the right piece of content?
PS. I did check several topics on this, but none of the solutions mentioned there work for me.
You missed a : right after Reminders. Just check it again :)
You could try using a StringBuilder to build up you want to write out to the file.
Just knocked up a quick example in a console app but this appears to work for me and I think it might be what you are looking for.
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append("\tTask 1 details");
StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("Tasks.txt");