First of all, sorry if this has been asked before. I've done a pretty comprehensive search and found nothing quite like it, but I may have missed something.
And now to the question: I'm trying to invoke a constructor through reflection, with no luck. Basically, I have an object that I want to clone, so I look up the copy constructor for its type and then want to invoke it. Here's what I have:
public Object clone(Object toClone) {
MethodBase copyConstructor = type.GetConstructor(
new Type[] { toClone.GetType() });
return method.Invoke(toClone, new object[] { toClone }); //<-- doesn't work
I call the above method like so:
List<int> list = new List<int>(new int[] { 0, 1, 2 });
List<int> clone = (List<int>) clone(list);
Now, notice the invoke method I'm using is MethodBase's invoke. ConstructorInfo provides an invoke method that does work if invoked like this:
return ((ConstructorInfo) method).Invoke(new object[] { toClone });
However, I want to use MethodBase's method, because in reality instead of looking up the copy constructor every time I will store it in a dictionary, and the dictionary contains both methods and constructors, so it's a Dictionary<MethodBase>, not Dictionary<ConstructorInfo>.
I could of course cast to ConstructorInfo as I do above, but I'd rather avoid the casting and use the MethodBase method directly. I just can't figure out the right parameters.
Any help? Thanks so much.
Thanks so much for your suggestions. I was actually doing exactly what you suggest in your second edit, except (and that's a big "except") my dictionary was where
class ClonerMethod {
public MethodBase method;
public bool isConstructor;
public Object invoke(Object toClone) {
return isConstructor ?
((ConstructorInfo) method).Invoke(new object[] { toClone }) : //<-- I wanted to avoid this cast
method.Invoke(toClone, null);
And then I called ClonerMethod's invoke on what I found in the dictionary. I didn't add the code the deals with all that because the answer I was looking for was just how to call Invoke on a ConstructorInfo using MethodBase's Invoke method, so I didn't want to add unnecessary info and too much code for you guys to read through. However, I like your use of Func<,> much MUCH better, so I'm switching to that. Also making the Clone method generic is a nice addition, but in my case the caller doesn't know the type of the object, so I'll keep it non-generic instead.
I didn't know about Func<,>, and if I knew about the lambda operator I had forgotten (I hadn't really needed something like this before), so I've actually learnt a lot from your answer. I always love to learn new things, and this will come in very handy in the future, so thanks a lot! :)
If you know that the object is having a constructor like that, did you think about using this overload of Activator.CreateInstance instead?
Update: So you have a cascading search for MethodInfo/MethodBase already and store them -> You don't want/cannot use Activator.
In that case I don't see a way to do what you want without a cast. But - maybe you could change the architecture to store a Dictionary<Type, Func<object, object>> and add those Func<> instances instead. Makes the calling code nicer (I assume) and would allow you to do this cast once:
// Constructor
source => ((ConstructorInfo) method).Invoke(new object[] {source})
// Clone
source => method.Invoke(source, new object[]{})
In fact, since you only care about the difference between constructor and normal method at the very site where you grab them, you wouldn't need a cast at all, would you?
// Constructor 2
source => yourConstructorInfo.Invoke(new object[] {source})
Unless I'm missing something (quite possible, of course) this could resolve the problem by doing this once on the defining side of the fence and the caller wouldn't need to mind if this is constructor or not?
One last time, then I'm going to stop the edit spam. I was bored and came up with the following code. Is that what you are trying to accomplish?
public class Cloner {
private readonly IDictionary<Type, Func<object, object>> _cloneMap =
new Dictionary<Type, Func<object, object>>();
public T Clone<T>(T source) {
Type sourceType = source.GetType();
Func<object, object> cloneFunc;
if (_cloneMap.TryGetValue(sourceType, out cloneFunc)) {
return (T)cloneFunc(source);
if (TryGetCopyConstructorCloneFunc(sourceType, out cloneFunc)) {
_cloneMap.Add(sourceType, cloneFunc);
return (T)cloneFunc(source);
if (TryGetICloneableCloneFunc(sourceType, out cloneFunc)) {
_cloneMap.Add(sourceType, cloneFunc);
return (T)cloneFunc(source);
return default(T);
private bool TryGetCopyConstructorCloneFunc(Type type,
out Func<object, object> cloneFunc) {
var constructor = type.GetConstructor(new[] { type });
if (constructor == null) {
cloneFunc = source => null;
return false;
cloneFunc = source => constructor.Invoke(new[] { source });
return true;
private bool TryGetICloneableCloneFunc(Type type,
out Func<object, object> cloneFunc) {
bool isICloneable = typeof(ICloneable).IsAssignableFrom(type);
var cloneMethod = type.GetMethod("Clone", new Type[] { });
if (!isICloneable || (cloneMethod == null)) {
cloneFunc = source => null;
return false;
cloneFunc = source => cloneMethod.Invoke(source, new object[] {});
return true;
I'm generating a random number from 1-1000. I have 200 functions named function1, function4, function 10, function 11, etc. What I would like to do is execute a specific function depending on if the number generated requires a function, and ignore it if not.
My first thought was to create an int[] containing all of the values that would trigger a function, and if the int[] contains the random number to use if statements to figure out what the number is. I'm concerned that it must be a really crude solution to an easy problem though.
I know the "best way" to do something is subjective, but is there a better way to accomplish this?
UPDATE: As per comments, I should probably have started out by pointing out that doing this for 200 functions is probably a good sign that there is some serious issue in your design. This is probably an XY question where you are trying to solve a problem in some crazy way and asking about your intended solution instead of asking about the problem itself.
That said I'll leave the original answer because it's still good advice when mapping a reasonable amount of function calls that can/will change during the life cylce of your app or dynamically as the code runs.
I won't get into why you are doing this, but I'll try to at least point you in the right direction so this doesn't become a complete nightmare when you need to modify/expand behavior:
You can map numbers to function calls using delegates and a dictionary. Assuming your functions take no arguments and return void you'd do:
var functionsMap = new Dictionary<int, Action>();
//map functions
var r = getSomeRandomNumber();
if (functions.TryGetValue(r), out var a)
a(); //invoke function
Mapping functions is simply adding keys and values:
functionsMap.Add(1, () => function1());
functionsMap.Add(3, () => function3());
If your functions take arguments or return values, you'd use the adequate delegate: Action<T>, Func<T1, T2> etc.
You can use reflection to invoke appropriate method:
Type exampleType = exampleObject.GetType();
MethodInfo exampleMethod = exampleType.GetMethod(methodName);
exampleMethod.Invoke(this, null);
Where methodName can be created using your random number.
Without commenting on the wisdom of having 200 functions named the way yours are, you can use reflection to determine whether a given functionX() exists, like so:
public void ExecuteDynamicMethod(int number)
// Modify these two lines with your app's dll/exe and class type:
Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFile("...Assembly1.dll");
Type type = assembly.GetType("YourClassType");
if (type != null)
MethodInfo methodInfo = type.GetMethod("function" + number);
if (methodInfo != null)
object classInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(type, null);
methodInfo.Invoke(classInstance, null); // null = "no function arguments"
This can then be called for a given value like
See this SO answer for the inspiration behind this.
Reflection can be used for this purpose. I want to give and keep below example for not only the objective of the question but also for future reference. Also, of course that many function is not good but below code shows the approach that can work with many functions if they have similar name (like starting with "function" keyword).
Assume below is Methods.cs
using System;
using System.Reflection;
namespace YourMethodNamespace
public class YourMethodClass
public void function1()
public void function2()
public void function200()
public static void invokeMethodsDynamically(int randomNumber){
Type yourClassType = typeof(YourMethodClass);
ConstructorInfo yourClassConstructorInfo = yourClassType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes);
object yourClassObject = yourClassConstructorInfo.Invoke(new object[]{});
//If the constructor has parameters, then we can pass them by this way. Like below;
/*ConstructorInfo yourClassConstructorInfo = yourClassType.GetConstructor(new[]{typeof(int)});
object yourClassObject = yourClassConstructorInfo.Invoke(new object[]{3});
MethodInfo[] methodInfoArr = yourClassType.GetMethods();
foreach(MethodInfo methodInfo in methodInfoArr){
if(methodInfo.Name == "function" + randomNumber){
methodInfo.Invoke(yourClassObject, null);
Let's say below is Program.cs
using System;
using YourMethodNamespace;
namespace YourProgramNamespace
public class YourProgramClass
public static void Main()
Random random = new Random();
int randomNumber = random.Next(1, 201);
//If Methods.cs is in another Assembly
/*string pathToDllAssembly = #"Domain.dll";
Assembly dllAssembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(pathToDllAssembly);
Type methodsClassType = dllAssembly.GetType("YourMethodNamespace.YourMethodClass");
ConstructorInfo methodClassConstructorInfo = methodsClassType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes);
object methodsClassObject = methodClassConstructorInfo.Invoke(new object[]{});
MethodInfo methodInfo = methodsClassType.GetMethod("invokeMethodsDynamically");
methodInfo.Invoke(methodsClassObject, new object[]{randomNumber});
YourMethodClass.invokeMethodsDynamically(randomNumber, null);
Also for testing and observing, below link can be used.
I have three projects
MVC Web application
Service application which is kind of two layers business/repository
Entity framework (all EF configuration lives here)
MVC references > service
Service references > EF
I have these three methods currently that do some work.
public bool StoreUpload<T>(UploadInformation information)
where T : class, IUploadEntity { }
public bool RemoveUpload<T>(UploadInformation information)
where T : class, IUploadEntity { }
public bool CommitUpload<T>(UploadInformation information)
where T : class, IUploadEntity { }
I call these three methods from my controller using these interfaces which delegate to the work methods above:
Boolean StoreUpload(UploadInformation information);
Boolean RemoveUpload(UploadInformation information);
Boolean CommitStoredDocuments(UploadInformation information);
Based on a condition from UploadTypes enumeration in a switch I call the correct work method. I do this because I don't want my mvc project to have access to the EF database types otherwise I know someone is going to start querying data from all over the application. I use these switch statements for all interfaced methods:
public bool StoreUpload(UploadInformation information)
switch (information.Type)
case UploadTypes.AutoIncident:
return RemoveUpload<AutoIncident>(information);
case UploadTypes.Incident:
return RemoveUpload<IncidentInjury>(information);
case UploadTypes.Inspection:
return RemoveUpload<Inspection>(information);
case UploadTypes.OtherIncident:
return RemoveUpload<OtherIncident>(information);
return false;
public bool RemoveUpload(UploadInformation information) { ... }
public bool CommitStoredUpload(UploadInformation information) { ... }
This method might shed a little light on what the types parameters are being used for. I am updating tables in a generic way using EF.
private bool CommitStoredDocuments<T>(UploadInformation information) where T : class, IUploadEntity
var uploads = GetStoredUploads(information.UniqueId);
var entity = db.Set<T>().Include(e => e.Uploads)
.Single(e => e.UniqueId == information.UniqueId);
It would be nice to be able to pass the work method which requires a type parameter as a delegate to the switch work method calls.
public bool DoSomeWork(delegateMethod, information) {
switch(information.Type) {
case UploadTypes.AutoInciden:
return delegateMethod<AutoIncident>(information);
Can this be done?
Also, I had trouble constructing a good title for this question so please comment if these is a better way to describe the challenge.
It cannot be done directly due to several reasons.
First of all, as you probably noticed, delegateMethod<FooBar>(information) simply does not compile. This is because in your example the delegateMethod is a local variable (method parameter actually, but still a variable), and you cannot apply "type arguments" <FooBar> to a variable - you can apply them only on an identifier that indicates a (generic) type or a (generic) method.
Second reason is more interesting. When you pass a method as a delegate, the delegate actually catches the whole method signature, including all parameter types.
void Blah<T>(UploadInformation information){ ... }
var one = new Action<int>(Blah); // -> Blah<int>
var two = new Action<float>(Blah); // -> Blah<float>
var thr = new Action<andsoon>(Blah); // -> Blah<andsoon>
MagicDoSomeWork(one, ...); // these all
MagicDoSomeWork(two, ...); // delegates are already bound
MagicDoSomeWork(thr, ...); // and remember their concrete T
You need to actually specify the type for the Action so a proper version of generic method will be picked from a general description called Blah. These delegates are bound to concrete versions of the method and will accept only that types. These delegates are 'closed' in terms of their type arguments. Using normal ways, the MagicDoSomeWork will simply have no way of altering the T which these delegates already have remembered.
That two things are a kind of show stoppers, since by normal code only, you cannot write things like
var nope1 = new Action(Blah); // ctor for Action NEEDS type parameter
since Action constructor simply requires a type parameter. And once you pass any, it will lock the Blah type arguments
Also you cannot use open delegates:
var nope1 = new Action<>(Blah); // can't use empty <> in this context :(
since new operator requires a full type to create an object.
However, with a bit of reflection voodoo, it is possible to analyze and build a generic type or a generic method dynamically.
// first, build the delegate in a normal way
// and pick anything as the type parameters
// we will later replace them
var delegateWithNoType = new Action<object>(Blah);
// delegate has captured the methodinfo,
// but uses a stub type parameter - it's useless to call it
// but it REMEMBERS the method!
// .... pass the delegate around
// later, elsewhere, determine the type you want to use
Type myRealArgument;
default: throw new NotImplemented("Ooops");
case ...: myRealArgument = typeof(UploadTypes.AutoIncident); break;
// look at the delegate definition
var minfo = delegateWithNoType.Method;
var target = delegateWithNoType.Target; // probably NULL since you cross layers
var gdef = minfo.GetGenericDefinition();
var newinfo = gdef.MakeGenericMethod( myRealArgument );
// now you have a new MethodInfo object that is bound to Blah method
// using the 'real argument' type as first generic parameter
// By using the new methodinfo and original target, you could now build
// an updated delegate object and use it instead the original "untyped" one
// That would be a NEW delegate object. You can't modify the original one.
// ...but since you want to call the method, why don't use the methodinfo
UploadInformation upinfo = ... ;
newinfo.Invoke(target, new object[] { upinfo });
// -> will call Blah<UploadTypes.AutoInciden>(upinfo)
word of warning: this is a sketch to show you how the delegate.Method/Target and methodinfo and getgenericdefinition and makegenericmethod work. I wrote it from memory, never compiled, never ran. It can contain minor typos, overlooked things and invisible rainbow unicorns. I didn't noticed any. Probably because they were invisible.
You can do it like this
public bool Invoke(EntityType entityType, ActionType action, Object[] arguments)
var actionType = Enum.GetName(typeof(ActionType), action);
var type = GetType();
var method = type.GetMethods().Single(m => m.IsGenericMethod && m.Name == actionType);
switch (entityType)
case EntityType.IncidentInjury:
var genericMethod = method.MakeGenericMethod(typeof(IncidentInjury));
return (bool)genericMethod.Invoke(this, arguments);
return false;
The enum will just be a list of methods that I want to invoke this way and I create a base class for my services so I don't have to pass the instance to the Invoke method.
Instead of using delegates, consider using an interface (or abstract class). This way, your methods can retain their generic nature.
For example, if you create an interface like:
interface IUploadAction
bool Perform<T>(UploadInformation information)
where T : class, IUploadEntity;
Note that the T is not exposed in the type, it's only on the method. This is the key part.
Now you can implement this for your database methods:
class CommitStoredDocuments : IUploadAction
public bool Perform<T>(UploadInformation information)
where T : class, IUploadEntity
var uploads = GetStoredUploads(information.UniqueId);
var entity = db.Set<T>().Include(e => e.Uploads)
.Single(e => e.UniqueId == information.UniqueId);
Your switching/dispatching method can look like this:
public bool DoAction(IUploadAction action, UploadInformation information)
switch (information.Type)
case UploadTypes.AutoIncident:
return action.Perform<AutoIncident>(information);
case UploadTypes.Incident:
return action.Perform<IncidentInjury>(information);
case UploadTypes.Inspection:
return action.Perform<Inspection>(information);
case UploadTypes.OtherIncident:
return action.Perform<OtherIncident>(information);
return false;
And then you can write something like:
IUploadAction storeUpload;
public bool StoreUpload(UploadInformation information) => DoAction(storeUpload, information);
ok, so in javascript, we can declare an object like this,
var obj={name:"Irshu",age:22};
How do we do the same in c#? the reason i ask because my function need to return a string and a bool together. I dont want to create a class for it, and i dont want to use the dictionary. Are there any alternatives?
public void Message(){
var obj=GetObject(val);
public object GetObject(string val){
return new {ind=val,flag=true};
This is not valid, is it?
.Net supports ExpandoObject since .NET 4.
It lets you declare the object and add properties as your would in javascript.
Traditionally it is for JS interop and I can't recommend it for production work. Tuple<T> is more appropriate as you get strong typing for free. Ultimately you will write less code and see less runtime errors.
What you have in your code is an anonymous type. Anonymous types cannot exist outside the scope in which they are declared. Generally, we use these for transforming LINQ results to temporary objects.
You can't return anonymous types from a method. You can do however something like this:
public void Message(){
var obj = new { ind = "oaiwejf", flag = true };
Check this MSDN article
turns out, its posible, one genius on the internet posted this:
public void Message()
var obj=GetObject("Irshu");
var y= Cast(obj, new { ind= "", flag= true });
Messagebox.Show(y.ind); //alerts Irshu
public object GetObject(string val){
return new {ind=val,flag=true};
T Cast<T>(object obj, T type)
return (T)obj;
I'm writing a program in C# (3.5 at the moment, but likely to be adaptable to other versions as the need arises) that uses a simple plugin architecture to control input and output. Each plugin is a DLL that is loaded when the user chooses the plugins to use.
Since the actual plugin class isn't known until run time, I'm using reflection in a wrapper class to call methods and access properties of the plugins.
Up until now, I've been using the following to call methods on a plugin:
public object Method(string methodName, params object[] arguments) {
// Assumed variables/methods/exceptions:
// Dictionary<string, MethodInfo> Methods: a cache of MethodInfo's
// of previously called methods.
// NoSuchMethodException: thrown if an unknown/unreachable method is
// requested. The message member contains the invalid method name
// void LoadMethod(string methodName, params object[] arguments): responsible
// for retrieving the MethodInfo's, or throw a NoSuchMethodException
// object Plugin: an instance of the dynamically loaded class.
if (!Methods.ContainsKey(methodName)) {
LoadMethod(methodName, arguments);
if (arguments != null && arguments.Length == 0) {
arguments = null;
return Methods[methodName].Invoke(Plugin, arguments);
Which is used like:
string[] headers = (string[]) Plugin.Method("GetHeaders", dbName, tableName);
This works nicely, as long as the caller correctly casts the return value to the expected
type. Plugins must implement certain interfaces, so the caller should know this type.
After doing some further work with reflection however, the following alternate form occurred to me:
public T Method<T>(string methodName, params object[] arguments) {
if (!Methods.ContainsKey(methodName)) {
LoadMethod(methodName, arguments);
if (Methods[methodName].ReturnType != typeof(T)) {
// Could also move this into LoadMethod to keep all the throwing in one place
throw new NoSuchMethodException(methodName);
if (arguments != null && arguments.Length == 0) {
arguments = null;
return (T) Methods[methodName].Invoke(Plugin, arguments);
This one is used like:
string[] headers = Plugin.Method<string[]>("GetHeaders", dbName, tableName);
This version essentially moves the casting into the Method method. The caller obviously still needs to know the expected return type, but that was always going to be the case. It doesn't work for void methods, but I can include a version of Method for that:
public void Method(string methodName, params object[] arguments) {
// Good for void methods, or when you're going to throw away the return
// value anyway.
if (!Methods.ContainsKey(methodName)) {
LoadMethod(methodName, arguments);
if (arguments != null && arguments.Length == 0) {
arguments = null;
Methods[methodName].Invoke(Plugin, arguments);
My question is - is one of these intrinsically better than the other (for a given value of 'better')? For instance, is one notably faster? Easier to understand? More supported?
I personally like the look of the latter, although I am a bit worried that my return type testing (Methods[methodName].ReturnType != typeof(T)) might be too simplistic. Interestingly, it was originally !(Methods[methodName].ReturnType is T), but that always seemed to fail.
The closest existing question to this I could find was Generic method to type casting, and some of the answers suggested that the latter method is more expensive than the former, but there's not much in the way of detail there (the question there is more towards implementation of the method rather than which is better).
Clarification: This is a hand-rolled, very limited plugin system, not using IPlugin. I'm more interested in the question of whether generic methods are inherently better/worse than expecting the caller to cast in this situation.
As to your question I think you should provide both. Simply have the generic version invoke the non-generic version. You get the best of both worlds. Regarding performance, consider how small the time it takes to cast an object is in comparison to dynamically invoking a method and building up and object array. It really is not worth taking performance into consideration here. I for one prefer the generic approach from a stylistic perspective but also consider that you could apply type constraints should the need arise.
public T Method<T>(string methodName, params object[] arguments)
return (T)Method(methodName, arguments);
Side Bar
I'm thinking that your implementation should be casting to the expected interface if I understand your design. You really should not be using reflection if you know what methods the plugins should support.
var plugin = (IPlugin)Activator.CreateInstance(pluginType);
var headers = plugin.GetHeaders(dbName, tableName);
You could try something a bit different and require the plugin to implement an interface that allows them to register custom runtime behavior.
public interface IPlugin
void Load(IAppContext context);
void Unload();
Your loading method could look like this.
void LoadPlugins(Assembly a)
var plugins =
.Where(t => typeof(IPlugin).IsAssignableFrom(t))
.Select(t => (IPlugin)Activator.CreateInstance(t))
foreach (var p in plugins)
I'm struggling with this new to me Delegates + Handlers thing.
It seems the right solution for me, but I can't tie everything up.
Will try my best to explain what I want to achieve.
First of all, I'm using .NET 4.0 Framework + Photon Server (For multiplayer games)
(There's no need in Photon experience in order to answer me)
So actually, what happens right now, is that the client (a game) sends operation to my server, which I must recognize and call a certain function on my server according to the operation code that I receive.
Here's how it looks right now:
switch (operationRequest.OperationCode)
case 1:
if (operationRequest.Parameters.ContainsKey(1))
Log.Debug("Received: " + operationRequest.Parameters[1]);
OperationResponse response = new OperationResponse(operationRequest.OperationCode);
response.Parameters = new Dictionary<byte, object> {{1, "Response Received"}};
SendOperationResponse(response, sendParameters);
This actually works fine for me. But, I know for sure there will be like 200+ operation codes.
Not really nice to switch all of them, It's better to call a function (handler) that is assigned to that Operation Code.
According to my knowledge, here where delegate comes handy.
I want to have a Dictonary, that stores "byte,Handler"
where "byte" is operation code
where "Handler" is a delegate to the function
Something like that I assume:
byte operationCode = operationRequest.OperationCode;
if(dictionary.ContainsKey((operaionCode)) {
From this point, I'm totally confused.
How to create such Dictionary, how to create handlers, assuming that I want to store them in different classes, how to delegate them and store in a dictionary.
Here's what my friend suggested me (and then vanished for one week, so I can't ask him again):
Create a dictionary
Dictionary<byte, name> = new Dictionary<byte, name>();
Add handlers to that dictionary
dict.Add(operationCode, MoveUnit);
Initialize delegates (Where!?)
Define your handlers
private void MoveUnit(SendParameters sendParameter) {...}
If.. anyone, by any chance, got the idea, please assist me.
Thanks to everyone for time spent on reading this. :|
Assuming all the methods take a SendParameters, then you really want:
private static readonly Dictionary<int, Action<SendParameters>> Actions =
new Dictionary<int, Action<SendParameters>>
{ 1, MoveUnit },
{ 2, AttackUnit }
static void HandleRequest(Request request)
Action<SendParameters> action;
if (Actions.TryGetValue(request.OperationCode, out action))
static void MoveUnit(SendParameters parameters)
static void AttackUnit(SendParameters parameters)
It gets slightly trickier for instance methods - the static dictionary doesn't know about instances, so it may make sense to make the action take the instance. Assuming this in a class called Foo, you might want something like:
private static readonly Dictionary<int, Action<Foo, SendParameters>> Actions =
new Dictionary<int, Action<Foo, SendParameters>>
{ 1, (foo, parameters) => foo.MoveUnit(parameters) },
{ 2, (foo, parameters) => foo.AttackUnit(parameters) }
private void MoveUnit(SendParameters parameters)
It's a bit uglier, admittedly... you really want to be able to build delegates which implicitly take "this" as the first parameter. There are ways of doing that, but they're a bit more complicated.