Move a window on keypress + mouse (like linux ALT + mouse down) - c#

Simple, i want to move a windows pressing ALT+MOUSE, like linux os (ALT+drag).
It's possible to pass a win32 api (move api) to the windows interested clicking on it?
I have a windows services that hook key pressed (ALT button in specific).
When ALT key is pressed and a mouse down event is verified, i want to move window clicking anywhere, not only on the title bar!
Currently i move my form windows in this way:
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
[DllImport( "user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = false )]
static extern IntPtr SendMessage( IntPtr hWnd, uint Msg, int wParam, int lParam );
[DllImportAttribute( "user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = false )]
public static extern bool ReleaseCapture();
private void Form1_MouseDown( object sender, MouseEventArgs e )
SendMessage( this.Handle, 0xa1, 0x2, 0 );
How can I get windows handle of the specific windows by clicking and after call SendMessage() on it?
It's possible?

You can do this by trapping the WM_NCHITTEST message that Windows sends to see what area of the window got clicked. You can fool it by returning HTCAPTION and it will dutifully perform the mouse actions you'd normally get when clicking the caption of a window. Including moving the window. Paste this code into your form:
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) {
base.WndProc(ref m);
// Trap WM_NCHITTEST when the ALT key is down
if (m.Msg == 0x84 && (Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Alt)) {
if (m.Result == (IntPtr)1) m.Result = (IntPtr)2;

I worked this out my self, came up with something interesting of my own calculations, worked perfectly for me, for any window (any active foreground window). Kinda long, but really easy to understand if you follow along the comments, hope it helps :)
The way it works, is that you press a certain registered key-combo, like Ctrl+Alt+M
and the mouse will stick in the center of an active window, you move the mouse, the windows follows it, press the SAME combo again, to release, no need for mouse clicks or anything.
public void MoveWindow_AfterMouse()
// 1- get a handle to the foreground window (or any window that you want to move).
// 2- set the mouse pos to the window's center.
// 3- let the window move with the mouse in a loop, such that:
// win(x) = mouse(x) - win(width)/2
// win(y) = mouse(y) - win(height)/2
// This is because the origin (point of rendering) of the window, is at its top-left corner and NOT its center!
// 1-
IntPtr hWnd = WinAPIs.GetForegroundWindow();
// 2- Then:
// first we need to get the x, y to the center of the window.
// to do this, we have to know the width/height of the window.
// to do this, we could use GetWindowRect which will give us the coords of the bottom right and upper left corners of the window,
// with some math, we could deduce the width/height of the window.
// after we do that, we simply set the x, y coords of the mouse to that center.
RECT wndRect = new RECT();
WinAPIs.GetWindowRect(hWnd, out wndRect);
int wndWidth = wndRect.right - wndRect.left;
int wndHeight = wndRect.bottom -; // cuz the more you go down, the more y value increases.
Point wndCenter = new Point(wndWidth / 2, wndHeight / 2); // this is the center of the window relative to itself.
WinAPIs.ClientToScreen(hWnd, out wndCenter); // this will make its center relative to the screen coords.
WinAPIs.SetCursorPos(wndCenter.X, wndCenter.Y);
// 3- Moving :)))
while (true)
Point cursorPos = new Point();
WinAPIs.GetCursorPos(out cursorPos);
int xOffset = cursorPos.X - wndWidth / 2;
int yOffset = cursorPos.Y - wndHeight / 2;
WinAPIs.MoveWindow(hWnd, xOffset, yOffset, wndWidth, wndHeight, true);
And now:
int moveCommandToggle = 0;
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
if (m.Msg == 0x0312)
int keyID = m.WParam.ToInt32();
if(keyID == some_key_combo_you_registered_for_the_moving)
if (moveCommandToggle++ % 2 == 0)
mover = new Thread(() => MoveWindow_AfterMouse());
else mover.Abort();
If you're wondering about RECT:
public struct RECT
public int left; // xCoor of upper left corner.
public int top; // yCoor of upper left corner.
public int right; // xCoor of lower right corner.
public int bottom; // yCoor of lower right corner.
WinAPIs was just a static class that I did my DllImports in.


Altering the Window Bounds in a WM_MOVING handler without triggering Aero Shake

I am having the Problem, that if I alter the LParam of a WM_MOVING message to keep my Form at a certain position, which is legal according to this , the Windows Aero Shake feature gets triggered and all other Windows minimize. The behaviour can be reproduced by creating a Windows Forms Project in Visual Studio and pasting the following code into the Form:
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace FormsTest
public partial class ShakeTest : Form
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1, Size = 16)]
public struct RECT
public int left;
public int top;
public int right;
public int bottom;
public const int WM_MOVING = 0x0216;
public ShakeTest()
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
switch (m.Msg)
RECT rec;
rec.bottom = 500;
rec.left = 100; = 100;
rec.right = 500;
Marshal.StructureToPtr(rec, m.LParam, true);
m.Result = new IntPtr(1);
base.WndProc(ref m);
If you now grab the Window's title bar and move the mouse around a bit, the Shake gesture should get triggered, even though the Window isn't moving at all.
I tested this on Windows 10 only so far.
So my question is, can i disable the Shake feature for a certain Window or Process? If not, can i prevent Windows from thinking that im shaking the Window any other Way?
Frankly, I don't know if that is possible to disable Aero Shake for a particular window. But I can suggest a workaround that will prevent the Aero Shake from triggering.
There's a possibility to direct all the mouse input to only one window (and this will also hide the mouse events from the Aero Shake handler). Check the SetCapture description at MSDN. Also we will need a GetCapture and ReleaseCapture functions.
There's one remark: once you have set the mouse capture to a window - you are responsible for handling all the mouse input. So to achieve the goal you'll need to implement your own handler that will move the window. Fortunately, it's not that difficult.
Here's a code sample with a dialog that changes its size when it gets moving and restores the size when the moving is finished. Aero Shake is also never triggered.
public partial class ShakeTest : Form
static extern IntPtr SetCapture(IntPtr hWnd);
static extern IntPtr GetCapture();
static extern bool ReleaseCapture();
public const int WM_LBUTTONUP = 0x0202;
public const int WM_MOUSEMOVE = 0x0200;
public const int WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN = 0x00A1;
public const int HTCAPTION = 2;
private Point _lastCursorPos;
private Size _origianlSize;
public ShakeTest()
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
switch (m.Msg)
// We need to get the moment when the user clicked on a non-client area
// We are interested only in a click on a title bar
if ((int) m.WParam == HTCAPTION)
// Set the capture so all the mouse input will be handled by this window
// Keep the current cursor position to use it during the moving.
_lastCursorPos = Cursor.Position;
// Keep the original window size.
_origianlSize = Size;
// And change the dialog size to whatever you want
Size = new Size(300, 300);
// Once we got the capture, we need to handle mouse moving by ourself
// Check that our window has the capture
if (GetCapture() == Handle)
// Change the position of a window
Left += Cursor.Position.X - _lastCursorPos.X;
Top += Cursor.Position.Y - _lastCursorPos.Y;
_lastCursorPos = Cursor.Position;
// When the left mouse button is released - it's time to release the mouse capture
// Check that our window has the capture
if (GetCapture() == Handle)
// Release the mouse capture
// Restore the size
Size = _origianlSize;
base.WndProc(ref m);

How to get cursor position within another app

I'm using .Net c# winforms. I want to move my mouse over another application and see the cusor X,Y position as I move the mouse over it's interface. Displaying the X,Y on my forms title bar is ok. I want to see the X,Y location for a specific spot on this app's form.
The reason I want to do this is because there are controls on this app's interface that I can mouse click on to turn a knob, one mouse click per knob turn. I want to write an app that I can position the mouse cursor to that specific X,Y position on this app form and then do a software mouse click to turn that same knob one turn. But I want to do this from my app, kind of like remote control I guess you could say. The other app knobs responds to mouse clicks when you are over the correct X,Y location.
Thanks for any pointers in the right direction.
Add a Label to your Form and wire up its MouseMove() and QueryContinueDrag() events. Use the WindowFromPoint() and GetAncestor() APIs to get a handle to the main window containing the cursor position, then use the ScreenToClient() API to convert the screen coordinate to the client coordinate of that Form. Run the app and left drag the Label in your Form over to the knobs in your target application. The title bar should update with the client coords of the current mouse position relative to the app it is over:
private const uint GA_ROOT = 2;
public struct POINT
public int X;
public int Y;
private static extern IntPtr WindowFromPoint(int xPoint, int yPoint);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("user32.dll", ExactSpelling = true)]
private static extern IntPtr GetAncestor(IntPtr hwnd, uint gaFlags);
private static extern bool ScreenToClient(IntPtr hWnd, ref POINT lpPoint);
private void label1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
label1.DoDragDrop(label1, DragDropEffects.Copy);
private void label1_QueryContinueDrag(object sender, QueryContinueDragEventArgs e)
Point pt = Cursor.Position;
IntPtr wnd = WindowFromPoint(pt.X, pt.Y);
IntPtr mainWnd = GetAncestor(wnd, GA_ROOT);
PT.X = pt.X;
PT.Y = pt.Y;
ScreenToClient(mainWnd, ref PT);
this.Text = String.Format("({0}, {1})", PT.X.ToString(), PT.Y.ToString());

Get distance between screen edge and webpage

Ok, consider this image.
I develop an IE extension in c# and I would :
- the distance in red, between top of screen and top of `visible webpage`
- the distance in red between left of screen and left of `visible webpage`
- the width/heigth of the visible webpage
Of course considering that i have the whole screen size. If i have red and black I can calculate green.
What the point ?
I have thousand screen coordinates (X,Y), i have to calcul the coordinate relative to the webpage.
Example :
Screen size : 1200 * 800
Webpage size : 400*300
Red distance between left screen border and left webpage border : 200
Red distance between top screen border and top webpage border : 300
So my coordinates screen => relative webpage becomes :
( 100, 100 ) => OUTSIDE WEBPAGE( ignored )
( 1100, 650 ) => OUTSIDE WEBPAGE ( ignored )
( 200, 300 ) => ( 0,0 )
( 250, 400 ) => ( 50, 100 )
Actually i have this code, this is inherited from AddinExpress.IE.ADXIEModule, thetoolbarObj is the toolbar that I added to InternetExplorer. So i can use pointToScreen on it and i'm not far of what I need, but the left corner of the toolbar is not what I need, I need the leftcorner of the webpage.
public void getUtilsDimension()
Rectangle resolution = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds;
Int32 screenWidth = resolution.Width;
Int32 screenHeight = resolution.Height;
AddinExpress.IE.ADXIEToolBarItem toolbarItem = this.ToolBars[0];
AddinExpress.IE.ADXIEToolbar toolbarObj = toolbarItem.ToolBarObj;
Point leftCornerWebPage = toolbarObj.PointToScreen(new Point(0, 0));
Int32 toolbarHeight = toolbarObj.Height;
Int32 toolbarWidth = toolbarObj.Width;
Debug.WriteLine("Largeur écran : " + screenWidth);
Debug.WriteLine("Hauteur écran : " + screenHeight);
Debug.WriteLine("LeftCornerX : " + leftCornerWebPage.X);
Debug.WriteLine("LeftCornerY : " + leftCornerWebPage.Y);
Debug.WriteLine("toolbarHeight : " + toolbarHeight);
Debug.WriteLine("toolbarWidth : " + toolbarWidth);
This is what I get actually, the screen is 1600*900, pointToScreen return the coordinates of the red cross ( 484,158 ). But I need the coordinates of the blue cross, as the width and heigh of visible webpage. I know I can get that with $(window) in Jquery, but i don't know how with c#.
I can access at the HTLMDocument (typeof mshtml.HTMLDocument) with this.HTMLDocument, unfortunately pointToScreen is not available on HTMLDocument object.
Edit : It s chrome on the first screenshot but of course that should be IE
Update 08/12
OK I have the width and height of the visible webpage ( black line on my screen shot )
The only missing thing is the coordinates of blue cross on my screenshot 2
var heightVisibleWebPage = HTMLDocument.documentElement.offsetHeight;
var widthVisibleWebPage = HTMLDocument.documentElement.offsetWidth;
For the bounty, I need the exact coordinates of the blue cross. No matter how. It should work no matter the Internet explorer version, favorites/tool/command/state bar displayed or not.
Update 08/12 HTMLDocument
HTMLDocument is from AddinExpress, it's not a System.Windows.Forms.HtmlDocument
public mshtml.HTMLDocument HTMLDocument
return (this.HTMLDocumentObj as mshtml.HTMLDocument);
His parent HTMLDocument.parentWindows is a IHTMLWindow2 object
HTMLDocumentObj is a member of
public class ADXIEModule : Component, IRemoteModule2, IRemoteModule, IObjectWithSite, IWin32Window
// Résumé :
// Gets the automation object (a COM object) of the active document, if any.
// Notes :
// When the active document is an HTML page, this property provides access to
// the contents of the HTML Document Object Model (DOM). Specifically, it returns
// an HTMLDocument object reference. The HTMLDocument object is functionally
// equivalent to the HTML document object used in HTML page script. It supports
// all the properties and methods necessary to access the entire contents of
// the active HTML document.
// The HTMLDocument object can be used through the IHTMLDocument interface,
// the IHTMLDocument2 interface, and the IHTMLDocument3 interface.
// When other document types are active, such as a Microsoft Word document,
// this property returns the document automation object of that document. For
// Word documents, this is the Document object.
public object HTMLDocumentObj { get; }
Explain when -1 for the community please ;)
These are the steps:
Find Internet Explorer window handle with EnumWindows() api. Class name is IEFrame
Iterate through all child windows with EnumChildWindows() api. Class name is Internet Explorer_Server
Find x, y coordinate with GetWindowRect() api
public static extern int EnumWindows(EnumWindowsCallback lpEnumFunc, int lParam);
public static extern int EnumChildWindows(IntPtr hWndParent, EnumWindowsCallback lpEnumFunc, int lParam);
public delegate bool EnumWindowsCallback(IntPtr hwnd, int lParam);
public static extern void GetClassName(IntPtr hwnd, StringBuilder s, int nMaxCount);
public struct RECT
public int Left; // x position of upper-left corner
public int Top; // y position of upper-left corner
public int Right; // x position of lower-right corner
public int Bottom; // y position of lower-right corner
static extern bool GetWindowRect(IntPtr hwnd, out RECT lpRect);
private IntPtr ieHandle, ieChildHandle;
private void GetWindows()
EnumWindows(Callback, 0);
private bool Callback(IntPtr hwnd, int lParam)
StringBuilder className = new StringBuilder(256);
GetClassName(hwnd, className, className.Capacity);
if (className.ToString().Equals("IEFrame"))
ieHandle = hwnd;
return false;
return true; //continue enumeration
private void GetChildWindows()
if (ieHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
EnumChildWindows(ieHandle, CallbackChild, 0);
private bool CallbackChild(IntPtr hwnd, int lParam)
StringBuilder className = new StringBuilder(256);
GetClassName(hwnd, className, className.Capacity);
if (className.ToString().Equals("Internet Explorer_Server"))
ieChildHandle = hwnd;
return false;
return true; //continue enumeration
To get the coordinates:
if (ieChildHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
RECT rect;
if (GetWindowRect(ieChildHandle, out rect))
//rect.Left, rect.Top
ieChildHandle = IntPtr.Zero;
ieHandle = IntPtr.Zero;
Tested with IE 6, 9 and 11
Get a handle on the current tab:
foreach (InternetExplorer ie in new ShellWindows())
// Find
// Current
// Tab
//currentTab.left // left edge in pixels
You may need to drill down into parent objects using ".parent" to add all the the offsets needed until you get the total offset of the browser tab.

Windows forms MenuStrip DropDown inside a desktop application bar

This is a duplicate of a question I posted at Windows Dev Center. Still awaiting replies, so I thought I would try it here. My apologies if the formatting goes awry.
This is currently being written and debugged using Windows 7 Professional, SP1.
The application is located at the top of the desktop, and the working area is appropriately resized via a hook into the SystemParametersInfo function. The MenuStrip appears as it should, with the exception that any dropdown from the MenuStrip shows as detached from the MenuStrip itself (as if it is being drawn on the new working area, as opposed to the form containing the MenuStrip). For example:
Application TopLevel: true
Application Height: 150
Application Location: 0,0 on Desktop (prior to working area's resize)
MenuStrip Height: 25
MenuStrip Location: 0,0 inside Parent Form
MenuStrip DropDown Location: x,2 (where x is a valid and acceptable value) this is being drawn on the resized working area (i.e. beneath the form)
I have attempted correcting this with a custom Renderer to no present avail. I tried to override WndProc (as follows) so as to see what exactly was occurring, but that resulted in a stackoverflow halfway through drawing the application.
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
if (mainForm.Visible)
MessageBox.Show("ID: " + m.Msg.ToString() + "\n" + m.ToString());
base.WndProc(ref m);
I suspect I've run this into the ground by now, but if you require any further explanation, just let me know. Just hoping someone can point me in the appropriate direction as to where I should look.
Hopefully this will answer the question regarding why I used SystemParametersInfo:
public RECT normalWorkingRECT = new RECT();
public RECT newWorkingRECT = new RECT();
public struct RECT
public int left;
public int top;
public int right;
public int bottom;
[DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint="SystemParametersInfo")]
public static extern bool SystemParametersInfo(uint uiAction, uint uiParam, ref RECT pvParam, uint fWinIni);
//call after scale is set
private void setAppBar()
//make the parent = the desktop
if (!this.GetTopLevel())
this.Width = SystemInformation.PrimaryMonitorSize.Width;
//set old Working Area
SystemParametersInfo(0x0030, 0, ref normalWorkingRECT, 0);
//change work area based on size of main form
newWorkingRECT.left = normalWorkingRECT.left; = + this.DesktopBounds.Height + 4;
newWorkingRECT.right = normalWorkingRECT.right;
newWorkingRECT.bottom = normalWorkingRECT.bottom;
SystemParametersInfo(0x002F, 0, ref newWorkingRECT, 0x0002);
//called on close
private void unsetAppBar()
//get current work area to compare
RECT testRECT = new RECT();
SystemParametersInfo(0x0030, 0, ref testRECT, 0);
//if no change, resize to normal working rect
if ( == &&
newWorkingRECT.bottom == testRECT.bottom &&
newWorkingRECT.left == testRECT.left &&
newWorkingRECT.right == testRECT.right)
SystemParametersInfo(0x002F, 0, ref normalWorkingRECT, 0x0002);
//if there is a change, resize to current working rect - this.height
{ -= this.DesktopBounds.Height + 4;
SystemParametersInfo(0x002F, 0, ref testRECT, 0x0002);
EDIT: Added image as requested and code to show reason for SystemParametersInfo.

Obtain mouse click position relative to active window

Having worked out how to obtain the mouse click position anywhere along the monitor boundaries using low level hooks I receive an X Y coordinate that will contain a value typically between x: -1680 to +1920 and y: 0 to 1200 in my pcs case. Easy enough!
Now the problem is that I now want to calculate the mouse position relative to a given window that I have so I use GetForegroundWindow() and GetWindowRect(HandleRef hWnd, out RECT lpRect) to obtain my active window coordinates.
Where I am stuck is I require the current active desktop (By active I mean which monitor the click occurred on) to calculate the coordinates of my mouse click relative to a window.
Unfortunately I have not been able to find an API call like GetActiveMonitor() or similar so hopefully someone can point me in the right direction?
[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
static extern bool GetWindowRect(IntPtr hWnd, ref RECT lpRect);
private struct RECT
public int Left;
public int Top;
public int Right;
public int Bottom;
Call it as:
RECT rct = new RECT();
GetWindowRect(hWnd, ref rct);
after get your mouse position like this
int mouserelativepositionX = mousePosition.X - rct.Left;
int mouserelativepositionY = mousePosition.Y - rct.Top;
My guess is that you can know where your mouse is by using an if:
if(mousePosition.X > -1680 && mousePosition.X < 0)
//We are in monitor 1;
//Monitor 2;
