Is there a method in Linq that does the same as ElementAt except it returns an IEnumerable<T> with a single element, rather than the actual element? Isn't there some SelectRange(startIndex, endIndex) method I could use and just pass the same index twice?
The simplest way would be to use
or more generally
source.Skip(startIndex).Take(endIndex - startIndex)
(assuming an inclusive startIndex but exclusive endIndex).
Ah.. it's called GetRange(index, count). My bad. Just found it :)
Jon Skeet's technique is a great way to do it. I would however suggest a possible optimization that is based on an implementation detail in Enumerable.Skip: it does not currently appear to take advantage of indexers on IList or IList<T>. Fortunately, Enumerable.ElementAt does.
So an alternate solution would be:
var itemAsSequence = new[] { source.ElementAt(index) };
Do note that this will execute eagerly. If you want deferred execution semantics similar to Jon's answer, you could do something like:
public static IEnumerable<T> ElementAtAsSequence<T>
(this IEnumerable<T> source, int index)
// if you need argument validation, you need another level of indirection
yield return source.ElementAt(index);
var itemAsSequence = source.ElementAtAsSequence(index);
I should point out that since this relies on an implementation detail, future improvements in LINQ to Objects could make this optimization redundant.
write an extension method
public static IEnumerable<T> ToMyEnumerable<T>(this T input)
var enumerbale = new[] { input };
return enumerbale;
source.First( p => p.ID == value).ToMyEnumerable<T>()
which is O(n)
Is it possible to create an extension method to return a single property or field in a list of objects?
Currently I have a lot of functions like the following.
public static List<int> GetSpeeds(this List<ObjectMotion> motions) {
List<int> speeds = new List<int>();
foreach (ObjectMotion motion in motions) {
return speeds;
This is "hard coded" and only serves a single property in a single object type. Its tedious and I'm sure there's a way using LINQ / Reflection to create an extension method that can do this in a generic and reusable way. Something like this:
public static List<TProp> GetProperties<T, TProp>(this List<T> objects, Property prop){
List<TProp> props = new List<TProp>();
foreach (ObjectMotion obj in objects) {
return props;
Apart from the easiest method using LINQ, I'm also looking for the fastest method. Is it possible to use code generation (and Lambda expression trees) to create such a method at runtime? I'm sure that would be faster than using Reflection.
You could do:
public static List<TProp> GetProperties<T, TProp>(this IEnumerable<T> seq, Func<T, TProp> selector)
return seq.Select(selector).ToList();
and use it like:
List<int> speeds = motions.GetProperties(m => m.Speed);
it's questionable whether this method is better than just using Select and ToList directly though.
It is, no reflection needed:
List<int> values = motions.Select(m=>m.Speed).ToList();
A for loop would be the fastest I think, followed closely by linq (minimal overhead if you don't do use closures). I can't image any other mechanism would be any better than that.
You could replace the List<int> with a int[] or initialize the list with a certain capacity. That would probably do more to speed up your code than anything else (though still not much).
I have a List<Person> and instead want to convert them for simple processing to a List<string>, doing the following:
List<Person> persons = GetPersonsBySeatOrder();
List<string> seatNames = persons.Select(x => x.Name).ToList();
Console.WriteLine("First in line: {0}", seatNames[0]);
Is the .Select() statement on a LINQ to Objects object guaranteed to not change the order of the list members? Assuming no explicit distinct/grouping/ordering is added
Also, if an arbitrary .Where() clause is used first, is it still guaranteed to keep the relative order, or does it sometimes use non-iterative filtering?
As Fermin commented above, this is essentially a duplicate question. I failed on selecting the correct keywords to search stackoverflow
Preserving order with LINQ
It depends on the underlying collection type more than anything. You could get inconsistent ordering from a HashSet, but a List is safe. Even if the ordering you want is provided implicitly, it's better to define an explicit ordering if you need it though. It looks like you're doing that judging by the method names.
In current .Net implementation it use such code. But there are no guarantee that this implementation will be in future.
private static IEnumerable<TResult> SelectIterator<TSource, TResult>(IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, int, TResult> selector)
int index = -1;
foreach (TSource source1 in source)
checked { ++index; }
yield return selector(source1, index);
Yes, Linq Select is guaranteed to return all its results in the order of the enumeration it is passed. Like most Linq functions, it is fully specified what it does. Barring handling of errors, this might as well be the code for Select:
IEnumerable<Y> Select<X, Y>(this IEnumerable<X> input, Func<X, Y> transform)
foreach (var x in input)
yield return transform(x);
But as Samantha Branham pointed out, the underlying collection might not have an intrinsic order. I've seen hashtables that rearrange themselves on read.
I have this method, it selects data in a particular range (pageIndex and pageSize)
public PagedList(IQueryable<T> source, int pageIndex, int pageSize)
this.AddRange(source.Skip(pageIndex * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList());
I want to create an overloading method which selects all data, so, here's my code
public PagedList(IQueryable<T> source)
//this.AddRange(source.Select(x => new T()).ToList()); (1)
this.AddRange(source.AsQueryable().ToList()); (2)
Firstly, I tried (1), but it didn't accept T. Then I tried (2), and it's recommended that I should make parameter type INumerable instead of IQueryable. What is the solution to select all data in this case?
You can do it simply like this:
public PagedList(IEnumerable<T> source)
IEnumerable<T> as parameter type instead of IQueryable<T>, because you don't use any features specific to IQueryable<T>.
No AsQueryable because you simply want all data
No ToList as List<T>.AddRange internally already performs a copy. With ToList there would be two copy operations going on.
What would be wrong with:
public PagedList(IQueryable<T> source)
Making something Queryable just to then make it a list seems weird. Especially given that source is already Queryable.
Both IEnumerable and IQueryable are fine, it depends only on what you actualy need.
For a better case sudy you can read this.
What is the difference between IQueryable<T> and IEnumerable<T>?
Sorry if the title is misleading, wasn't sure how to describe this one.
My end goal is to have an extension method of IQueryable<T> and some form (see below for example) of expression that will allow me to have to return an IQueryable<EntityIndex<T>> (or similar) which contains the original T in the Entity field, and an array/ienumerable containing the elements as describe by the some form of expression.
I know that doesn't really make sense, hopefully it will after an example...
This is what I have so far:
class EntityIndex<T, TKey>
T Entity { get; set; }
// Doesn't have to be IEnumerable, whatever is easier
IEnuermable<TKey> Index { get; set; }
static class Elsewhere
public IQueryable<EntityIndex<T, TKey>> IndexBy<T, TKey>(this IQueryable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, TKey[]>> indexSelector)
return source.Select(n => new EntityIndex<T, TKey> {
Entity = n,
Index = new T[] { n }.Select(indexSelector)
Note: The above does not compile, it's simply there to try and show what I'm trying to achieve.
I've used the standard selector, but sub-optimally, had to arbitrarily create an array of T on the assignment to the 'Index' property to be able to apply the selector. I'm hoping a better choice of parameter may resolve this, but possibly not. The main issue is this doesn't compile so if there is a minor tweak that will allow it to work that's fine by me, if you can understand my gibberish and understand what I'm trying to do, and happen to know a better way to go about it I'd be greatly appreciative.
Ideally, I need the solution to be understood by the L2S engine, which I'm not convinced the above is thanks to the introduction of the EntityIndex class, but I'm holding out hope that it'll treat it as an anonymous class.
Good point Damien, the bigger picture is probably much easier to describe...
I want an extension method that accepts an expression, the expression should describe which fields on the entity to index, which will be used after this particular expression to allow a criterion (where clause) to be applied to the selected fields.
Long story short, in a number of places in code we have a wildcard string search. If I have an EntityA with Property1, Property2, Property3, etc, it is not uncommon to see code such as:
Handwritten, please excuse minor typos
public string[] WildcardSearch(string prefixText, int count)
string searchTerm = prefixText.Replace(wildcard, string.Empty);
if (prefixText.StartsWith(wildcard) && prefixText.EndsWith(wildcard)) {
return entitySet.Where(n => n.Property1.Contains(searchTerm) || n.Property2.Contains(searchTerm)).Select(n => n.Property3).ToArray();
} else if (prefixText.StartsWith(wildcard)) {
return entitySet.Where(n => n.Property1.EndsWith(searchTerm) || n.Property2.EndsWith(searchTerm)).Select(n => n.Property3).ToArray();
// you get the picture, same with EndsWith, no wildcards defaults to contains...
Further clarification - using the above WildcardEarch as an example, what I was hoping for was to be able to have a selector as follows or similar:
Func<EntityA, IEnumerable<string>> indexSelector = n => new string[] {
// Alternatively, a ParamArray of keySelector might work?
Func<EntityA, string>[] keySelectors = new Func<EntityA, string>[] {
n => n.Property1,
n => n.Property2
Given an adequate expression describing which fields on the entity to search, returning the IQueryable<EntitySearch<T>> as shown above, I hoped to be able to apply a single criterion, similar to:
Func<EntitySearch<T>, bool> criterion = n => false;
if (wildcardIsContains) {
criterion = n => n.Values.Any(x => x.Contains(searchTerm));
} else if (wildCardIsStartsWith) {
criterion = n => n.Values.Any(x => x.Contains(searchTerm));
Given the extension at the very top that I can't get to work, and this criterion logic, I should be able to take an IQueryable<T>, select some fields, and apply an appropriate wildcard search on the fields, finally returning IQueryable<T> again having added the filtering.
Please comment if you need more information/clarification...
Fair one #subkamren and thanks for the interest. Some non-generic examples may be of use. I'll draft something up and add them shortly. For the time being, some clarification based on your comment...
Given an IQueryable<Animal> I want an extension allowing me to select fields on Animal which I intend to search/index by. For example, Animal.Description, Animal.Species.Name etc. This extension should return something like an IIndexedQueryable<Animal>. That is the issue I'm trying to deal with in the question above. The wider picture mentioned, which I'd be exceptionally pleased if you're willing to help with, is as follows:
The IIndexedQueryable<T> interface in turn I would like an extension for which could take a string search term. The extension should resolve the wildcards within the search term, extend the original IQueryable with the necessary criterion to perform a search on the indexed fields, and return an IQueryable<T> again.
I appreciate this could be done in a single step, but I hoped to do it this way so that later on I can look into adding a third extension method applicable to IIndexedQueryable<T> allowing me to perform a freetext search with SQL Server... ^^ Make any sense?
That's the bigger picture at least, this question deals primarily with being able to specify the fields I aim to index in such a way I can use them thereafter as mentioned here.
So something like:
public static IEnumerable<EntityIndex<T, Y>> IndexBy<T, Y>(this IEnumerable<T> entities, Func<T, Y> indexSelector) {
return entities.Select(e => new EntityIndex<T, Y> { Entity = e, IndexValue = indexSelector(e) });
Noting that generically defining EntityIndex with the TIndexType (called Y here) is important because you don't know ahead of time what the index is. The use of a generic allows Y to be an enumeration, thus the following would work as an index selector:
// Assuming Animal has attributes "Kingdom", "Phylum", "Family", "Genus", "Species"
// this returns an enumeration of EntityIndex<Animal, String[]>
var animalsClassified = someAnimals.IndexBy(a => new String[] { a.Kingdom, a.Phylum, a.Family, a.Genus, a.Species });
EDIT (Adding further detail):
Using the above, you can group the results by unique index value:
var animalClassifications = animalsClassified
.SelectMany(ac => ac.IndexValue.Select(iv => new { IndexValue = iv, Entity = ac.Entity }))
.GroupBy(kvp => kvp.IndexValue)
What I've described here, by the way, is (a very simplified form of) the MapReduce algorithm as popularized by Google. A distributed form of the same is commonly used for keyword identification in text search, where you want to build an index of (search term)->(list of containing documents).
If I have two sequences and I want to process them both together, I can union them and away we go.
Now lets say I have a single item I want to process between the two sequencs. I can get it in by creating an array with a single item, but is there a neater way? i.e.
var top = new string[] { "Crusty bread", "Mayonnaise" };
string filling = "BTL";
var bottom = new string[] { "Mayonnaise", "Crusty bread" };
// Will not compile, filling is a string, therefore is not Enumerable
//var sandwich = top.Union(filling).Union(bottom);
// Compiles and works, but feels grungy (looks like it might be smelly)
var sandwich = top.Union(new string[]{filling}).Union(bottom);
foreach (var item in sandwich)
Is there an approved way of doing this, or is this the approved way?
One option is to overload it yourself:
public static IEnumerable<T> Union<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, T item)
return source.Union(Enumerable.Repeat(item, 1));
That's what we did with Concat in MoreLINQ.
The new way of doing this, supported in .NET Core and .NET Framework from version 4.7.1, is using the Append extension method.
This will make your code as easy and elegant as
var sandwich = top.Append(filling).Union(bottom);
Consider using even more flexible approach:
public static IEnumerable<T> Union<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, params T[] items)
return source.Union((IEnumerable<T>)items);
Works for single as well as multiple items.
You may also accept null source values:
public static IEnumerable<T> Union<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, params T[] items)
return source != null ? source.Union((IEnumerable<T>)items) : items;
I tend to have the following somewhere in my code:
public static IEnumerable<T> EmitFromEnum<T>(this T item)
yield return item;
While it's not as neat to call col.Union(obj.EmitFromEnum()); as col.Union(obj) it does mean that this single extension method covers all other cases I might want such a single-item enumeration.
Update: With .NET Core you can now use .Append() or .Prepend() to add a single element to an enumerable. The implementation is optimised to avoid generating too many IEnumerator implementations behind the scenes.