i have a third component grid that i am using on my page.
It displays 20 records in one page.
Also i am using images to display certain columns.
Like comments , attachements have clickable images for every row.
the problem is.. everytime i load my page.. the logic right now is.. it goes in the database.. checks for every row in the table to see if the comments are added or is there attachment.. and accordingly disables or enable the image of that particular record(row)
Now this takes too many database hits and processing time increases.
Can u tell me any other way to do this.?
You could add a column "Number of comments" and "Number of attachments" to your rows.
You should enable some sort of VirtualMode in your grid ( every grid should have this function in some way ) in order to feed just the item the user actually see. This is a good practice always.
Irrespective of grid, you can build some sort of object which collectively holds the textual information that you need to show and some more flags which tell you about the image and attachment. You bind the collection of this custom object to your grid.
Use the flags in this object to put different images in your columns.
In my project I need a control that allows me to enter 2 columns.
First column is an Id Number
Second column is some Text.
row 1 Id = 1 Text = Day Shift
row 2 Id = 2 Text = Night Shift
But I only want to display the Text Values and then have the user select either Day Shift or Night Shift.
The program can then just lookup the corresponding value (1 or 2) for whatever text they chose.
- In Microsoft Access I would just have used a ComboBox and hidden the first column.
I cannot find anything in Visual Studio 2017 to put on my Windows Form that easily does this.
I want to set it all up at design time and the closest I have come so far is by using a LISTVIEW control using a display type of LIST (I don't want column headers either.
It seems to do what I want except that it always wants me to leave a blank space below my lines of text - presumably for a horizontal scrollbar even though I set it to False in the properties and it does not actually display a scroll bar.
If I resize the ListView control to just be big enough for my two rows of text it tries to display the 2nd row next to the 1st row and still leaves a blank space below the rows.
See the below images, assuming I uploaded them properly, I am totally new to asking questions here.
Is there a way I can achieve this - should I be using a different control?
The closest I came to what I need is the top image
[![enter image description here][1]][1]
Thanks and I hope it all makes sense.
In reply to Harry I added the below...
After adding the ListView control to my form I then clicked on the little arrow selector (in the top right of the ListView control).to bring up the collections list popup box.
It is there I set the view to be ‘List’ so I don’t have to have column header, then I clicked on EDIT ITEMS to get another pop-up screen…Click the [Add] button to add items in the rows.
Then I changed the Text to ‘Day Shift’ for the first member (and ‘Night Shift’ for the second member).
To add values in the rows for the 2nd column I then clicked the SUBITEMS (collection) box in properties to get the next popup…
I then clicked the Add button and created a new Text item (value 1)
and repeated this for the Night Shift member but gave it a value of 2.
These values are to be the actual ID values (in the 2nd column).
I did create column Headers but setting the View to List means I don’t get them displayed (and don’t want them displayed).
but I did notice that changing the View to List also removes the second column (Id) from the ListView display.
As I don’t need the Id values (1 & 2) displayed I am not going to worry about what happened to them disappearing in the display. All I did, though, was just changed the View from Details to List.
Sorry If I’m misunderstanding you but at this point there is no actual code I am creating, no doubt Visual Studio 2017 does that itself but I am not looking at that. Is that what you needed to see?
Hope this makes better sense though, I did try and include images but the system will not let me do that until my reputation points are higher, sorry.
I have built a program in WPF using Visual Basic that allows users to select from a series of items. The list of items may change as I add more items or remove older ones. Originally, I would just add and remove these items in the project code, and rebuild the executable.
Over time, however, the list of items grew and became tedious and impractical to maintain in the code. It occurred to me that it would be easier to store the items in a database table which the program can read, and the list can just be updated by adding and removing items from this database.
I have the database built, and I've added it as a Data Source. I have the data connection set up and everything is ready to go.
What I need to know is how to set the Content property of a label to a cell from a table in the database. I want to do this in the codebehind, not in markup (XAML).
My guess is that I will need to set up a sort of query with a for loop to find the cell I want.
The name of the database is ItemsDB. It contains a table called ItemsTable, and the fields in the table have a unique ID (key) with an AutoNumber data type. The column containing the data I want is named ItemLabel.
So, to sum it all up, I want a label to show the content from a single cell in the database, specified in the codebehind. Either C# or VB is fine.
I guess I should've mentioned that the labels themselves actually function as buttons, and I don't really want to display a ListView if I don't have to. I know it's not helpful to not have any code posted, but I don't even know where to start, so there's no code to post.
Took a while longer than I expected, hope this is still useful. So, what you want to do is iterate through a collection and create a new Label for each row.
You will need a container for the Labels, I used WrapPanel, but you can use any Panel you want. I'm replacing your Data Source with a simple DataTable, you'll get the point from this:
foreach (DataRow row in YourItemsTable.Rows)
Label newLabel = new Label();
newLabel.Content = row["ItemLabel"].ToString();
// If you need some events, attach the handlers here
This should be all you need.
Please take a look at the screenshot below.
I am trying to create the page with a gridview. The number of column are so many. There are two issues that I am facing here.
1 ) I am using Databale js to provide paging, searching and other facilities. As shown in the screenshot due to large number of columns the search box and paging box are not getting applied on proper place.
2 ) If the column is having a large string , Is there any way we can achieve excel like facility. Where default the overflowed text is hidden and when we click on column to re size it can show the whole value. I am using colresizable plugin for re sizable columns but it is not working as expected.
IdeaSparks ASP.NET CoolControls will work for your problem.
Given a data set containing multiple rows, from within a .NET console application I need to generate a report on a single page for each row, sending those pages directly to the printer.
I am attempting to use Microsoft Report for this by attaching it to a data set and placing TextBoxes where I wish. Generating the report and sending it to the printer are not a problem. Unfortunately, the data only seems to be available in aggregates -- First, Sum, Last, Max, etc. I cannot latch the text box to a bare field.
Some poking around here and other sites seems to address this, but only when the data is presented in a table. One post even said without elaboration, "My mistake was using Text Boxes"
Am I using the wrong tool for what I am attempting to accomplish?
I ran into the same problem and managed to solve it. The solution seems a little convoluted to me so don't quote me on the "right" way to do this, but here is what I did:
Make sure you have a Dataset defined for your report.
Add a "Table" control to the report. This seems to be needed in order to iterate the rows in your Dataset.
Delete the header row and two of the default columns from the table so that you are left with a single row with a single column.
Expand the table to the width of your layout and make it as tall as you will need for your "free form" layout.
By default, there is a TextBox inside the table cell. Right-click the empty table cell and choose "delete" to remove that TextBox.
Drag a "Rectangle" control into the empty table cell. It seems to automatically "dock" to the width/height of the table cell.
Now you should be able to drag the fields from your DataSet (TextBoxes, etc) into the Rectangle to produce the desired layout.
Note that I am in the early stages of using this approach so I'm not sure if I am going to hit any walls... but for a basic report that uses TextBoxes and a page break after each "row" it seems to be working ok.
Or you try to use a list.
In the list you can arange textboxes (and other controls) as you want and they will be filled for each record in the recordset.
This work for me. :-)
I have a grid with three columns, two of which contain drop-downs, all of them getting filled from a web service result set. Now I want to allow the functionality of adding a new record in the grid by clicking an Add button present outside the gridview.
Whenever the user clicks the Add button, a new record should be created in the grid with value list filled in the drop-downs with the available options.
What is the best possible way to achieve this considering extensibility in mind.
Thanks a lot!
P.S. The data source set for the grid is a list.
Add a blank item to the list, and rebind with this new list and dummy item. That's typically one way to do it, or store the insert form in the footer of the columns. I've used that approach.