Please take a look at the screenshot below.
I am trying to create the page with a gridview. The number of column are so many. There are two issues that I am facing here.
1 ) I am using Databale js to provide paging, searching and other facilities. As shown in the screenshot due to large number of columns the search box and paging box are not getting applied on proper place.
2 ) If the column is having a large string , Is there any way we can achieve excel like facility. Where default the overflowed text is hidden and when we click on column to re size it can show the whole value. I am using colresizable plugin for re sizable columns but it is not working as expected.
IdeaSparks ASP.NET CoolControls will work for your problem.
I have an RDLC Report Table which retrieves data from a SQL Server.
I've embedded this report into an ASP.NET Web for (.aspx file) using the ReportViewer Control.
When I run the application the Data is retrieved from the SQL Server.
However, I need to have a column where the user has the ability to place a tick mark in the cells of that column.
Obviously I'm able to add a column to the Report itself in the .RDLC file but I'm not able to figure out how to get the tick mark for the user working.
Any ideas how this could be achieved?
Not 100% sure what you mean by:
Obviously I'm able to add a column to the Report itself in the .RDLC file but I'm not able to figure out how to get the tick mark for the user working.
I mean, we don't have a check box control for RDL reports.
And RDL seems to struggle with boolean values.
However, for given columns?
Add a column to the data source/query - cast the boolean column to number - it will still spit out 0 (false) and 1 (true).
Then in the RDL report, you have two choices:
You can add/drop in a check box image, and display it based on the value of the colum above.
But if you want a check box, and un-checked?
You can drop in a indicator. There are a few built in ones. Pick the one with a check box and a "x" for un-checked. it has a seperator also built in - remove that.
So, you get this:
So, using that indicator - 0 to 0, it will display the X, and for 1 to 1, the check box.
You get this effect:
So, it not sure if you ONLY want a check box for true rows, or you want a check box, and a un-check box as per above. You not limited to using a "indicator" on the report, but it for sure the easy road if you need both check and X.
You also are free to input a image, and only show it as true for the column in question that has true values. However, you can't stuff two images into a single column, so indicator becomes the better choice.
Edit: this is only for display - user can't change these while viewing report.
So to be clear, this gets you display, but does not get or give you ability to check or uncheck the boxes in the report.
If you need that ability I'm afraid you are out of luck.
You might be able to present data in a grid view or better yet a listview, allow users to check/ uncheck and then have a view report button.
This also suggests that the data has an extra column for this purpose.
I don't believe that rdl reports have this interactive ability
I want to display data-set record in different pages . i am using rdlc reporting in c# win form.
in rdlc design i am using text-box which show only single data.
i want to display all data but in separate separate pages.
actually i am printing multiple cards in bulk , it should be in different pages so i am unable to do.
kindly help me.
I already try page-break in rdlc report but its not working
this.sp_bulkprintTableAdapter.Fill(this.db_ShopDataSet10.sp_bulkprint, date1, date2, Convert.ToInt32(catname));
See the image here to understand what i want. i want to print this type of cards in bulk from database using simple select query. what i am facing problem is textbox is not showing multiple records and each record on different page.
i have done with it by performing following steps
1) add table in rdlc report
2) remove header row and two default columns remaining single row and single column.
3)enlarge the table
4)remove the default textbox in table
5)add rectangle --- add page break here
6) add textboxes. (multiple).
Now each row of my data is printing on different page.
Make sure that your page size is correct.
I found that I could just drop a List (Toolbox: Report Items -> List) component on the page. Stretch it to fill the area you desire and drag fields into appropriate locations. Works great for making individual labels for each data row.
Net 6 mvc web project using Microsoft.Reporting.NETCore.
I am new to WPF. I am making an windows app which will scan a QR-code, divide its contents into multiple parts and display them under several columns as below.
e.g. (in the picture attached)
When a QR-code is scanned repeatedly, the Qty field is increased by 1 each time.
Can any one help me how to achieve this in my application.
(I have used datagridviews and dynamic labels in winforms, but in WPF the best recommended way?)
First of all, how does the data arrive from your scanner? Is it an array? Or a List?
If it's an array you can easily add a new column to the grid which receives an increment value (f.e. "x++") every repeat of a foreach loop. If you upload a few code snippets I will try to tinker something.
Given a data set containing multiple rows, from within a .NET console application I need to generate a report on a single page for each row, sending those pages directly to the printer.
I am attempting to use Microsoft Report for this by attaching it to a data set and placing TextBoxes where I wish. Generating the report and sending it to the printer are not a problem. Unfortunately, the data only seems to be available in aggregates -- First, Sum, Last, Max, etc. I cannot latch the text box to a bare field.
Some poking around here and other sites seems to address this, but only when the data is presented in a table. One post even said without elaboration, "My mistake was using Text Boxes"
Am I using the wrong tool for what I am attempting to accomplish?
I ran into the same problem and managed to solve it. The solution seems a little convoluted to me so don't quote me on the "right" way to do this, but here is what I did:
Make sure you have a Dataset defined for your report.
Add a "Table" control to the report. This seems to be needed in order to iterate the rows in your Dataset.
Delete the header row and two of the default columns from the table so that you are left with a single row with a single column.
Expand the table to the width of your layout and make it as tall as you will need for your "free form" layout.
By default, there is a TextBox inside the table cell. Right-click the empty table cell and choose "delete" to remove that TextBox.
Drag a "Rectangle" control into the empty table cell. It seems to automatically "dock" to the width/height of the table cell.
Now you should be able to drag the fields from your DataSet (TextBoxes, etc) into the Rectangle to produce the desired layout.
Note that I am in the early stages of using this approach so I'm not sure if I am going to hit any walls... but for a basic report that uses TextBoxes and a page break after each "row" it seems to be working ok.
Or you try to use a list.
In the list you can arange textboxes (and other controls) as you want and they will be filled for each record in the recordset.
This work for me. :-)
i have a third component grid that i am using on my page.
It displays 20 records in one page.
Also i am using images to display certain columns.
Like comments , attachements have clickable images for every row.
the problem is.. everytime i load my page.. the logic right now is.. it goes in the database.. checks for every row in the table to see if the comments are added or is there attachment.. and accordingly disables or enable the image of that particular record(row)
Now this takes too many database hits and processing time increases.
Can u tell me any other way to do this.?
You could add a column "Number of comments" and "Number of attachments" to your rows.
You should enable some sort of VirtualMode in your grid ( every grid should have this function in some way ) in order to feed just the item the user actually see. This is a good practice always.
Irrespective of grid, you can build some sort of object which collectively holds the textual information that you need to show and some more flags which tell you about the image and attachment. You bind the collection of this custom object to your grid.
Use the flags in this object to put different images in your columns.