I'm looking to take an in-memory object (or JSON serialization of an object) and emit C# code to produce an equivalent object.
This would be useful for pulling known-good examples from a repository to use as starting points in unit tests. We have considered deserializing JSON, but C# code would have an edge when it comes to refactoring.
There is an interesting Visual Studio extension that addresses this; the Object Exporter. It allows serialization of an in-memory object into C# Object initialization code, JSON and XML. I haven't tried it yet but looks intriguing; will update after trying it out.
If your model is simple, you could use reflection and a string builder to output C# directly. I've done this to populate unit test data exactly as you discussed.
The code sample below was written in a few minutes and generated an object initializer that needed some hand tweaking. A more robust / less buggy function could be written if you plan on doing this a lot.
The second function is recursive, iterating over any Lists within the object, and generating code for those as well.
Disclaimer: This worked for my simple model with basic data types. It generated code that needed cleanup but allowed me to move on quickly. It is only here to serve as an example of how this could be done. Hopefully, it inspires someone to write their own.
In my case, I had an instance of this large dataset (results) that was loaded from the database. In order to remove the database dependency from my unit test, I handed the object to this function which spits out the code that allowed me to mock the object in my test class.
private void WriteInstanciationCodeFromObject(IList results)
//declare the object that will eventually house C# initialization code for this class
var testMockObject = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
//start building code for this object
ConstructAndFillProperties(testMockObject, results);
var codeOutput = testMockObject.ToString();
private void ConstructAndFillProperties(StringBuilder testMockObject, IList results)
testMockObject.AppendLine("var testMock = new " + results.GetType().ToString() + "();");
foreach (object obj in results)
//if this object is a list, write code for its contents
if (obj.GetType().GetInterfaces().Contains(typeof(IList)))
ConstructAndFillProperties(testMockObject, (IList)obj);
testMockObject.AppendLine("testMock.Add(new " + obj.GetType().Name + "() {");
foreach (var property in obj.GetType().GetProperties())
//if this property is a list, write code for its contents
if (property.PropertyType.GetInterfaces().Contains(typeof(IList)))
ConstructAndFillProperties(testMockObject, (IList)property.GetValue(obj, null));
testMockObject.AppendLine(property.Name + " = (" + property.PropertyType + ")\"" + property.GetValue(obj, null) + "\",");
It's possible the object will have a TypeConverter that supports conversion to InstanceDescriptor, which is what the WinForms designer uses when emitting C# code to generate an object. If it can't convert to an InstanceDescriptor, it will attempt to use a parameterless constructor and simply set public properties. The InstanceDescriptor mechanism is handy, since it allows you to specify various construction options such as constructors with parameters or even static factory method calls.
I have some utility code I've written that emits loading of an in-memory object using IL, which basically follows the above pattern (use InstanceDescriptor if possible and, if not, simply write public properties.) Note that this will only produce an equivalent object if the InstanceDescriptor is properly implemented or setting public properties is sufficient to restore object state. If you're emitting IL, you can also cheat and read/write field values directly (this is what the DataContractSerializer supports), but there are a lot of nasty corner cases to consider.
I'm a novice at this as well, but I also needed to take a C# object that defined a hierarchy and extract it to an object initializer to ease setting up a unit test. I borrowed heavily from the above and wound up with this. I'd like to improve the way it handles recognizing user classes.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace ObjectInitializer
public class Program
public enum Color { Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Fidget } ;
public class Foo
public int FooId { get; set; }
public string FooName { get; set; }
public class Thing
public int ThingId { get; set; }
public string ThingName { get; set; }
public List<Foo> Foos { get; set; }
public class Widget
public long Sort { get; set; }
public char FirstLetter { get; set; }
public class TestMe
public Color Color { get; set; }
public long Key { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public DateTime Created { get; set; }
public DateTime? NCreated { get; set; }
public bool Deleted { get; set; }
public bool? NDeleted { get; set; }
public double Amount { get; set; }
public Thing MyThing { get; set; }
public List<Thing> Things { get; set; }
public List<Widget> Widgets { get; set; }
static void Main(string[] args)
var testMe = new TestMe
Color = Program.Color.Blue,
Key = 3,
Name = "SAK",
Created = new DateTime(2013,10,20,8,0,0),
NCreated = (DateTime?)null,
Deleted = false,
NDeleted = null,
Amount = 13.1313,
MyThing = new Thing(){ThingId=1,ThingName="Thing 1"},
Things = new List<Thing>
new Thing
ThingName="Thing 4",
Foos = new List<Foo>
new Foo{FooId=1, FooName="Foo 1"},
new Foo{FooId=2,FooName="Foo2"}
new Thing
ThingName="Thing 5",
Foos = new List<Foo>()
Widgets = new List<Widget>()
var objectInitializer = ToObjectInitializer(testMe);
// This is the returned C# Object Initializer
var x = new TestMe { Color = Program.Color.Blue, Key = 3, Name = "SAK", Created = new DateTime(2013, 10, 20, 8, 0, 0), NCreated = null, Deleted = false, NDeleted = null, Amount = 13.1313, MyThing = new Thing { ThingId = 1, ThingName = "Thing 1", Foos = new List<Foo>() }, Things = new List<Thing> { new Thing { ThingId = 4, ThingName = "Thing 4", Foos = new List<Foo> { new Foo { FooId = 1, FooName = "Foo 1" }, new Foo { FooId = 2, FooName = "Foo2" } } }, new Thing { ThingId = 5, ThingName = "Thing 5", Foos = new List<Foo>() } }, Widgets = new List<Widget>() };
public static string ToObjectInitializer(Object obj)
var sb = new StringBuilder(1024);
sb.Append("var x = ");
sb = WalkObject(obj, sb);
return sb.ToString();
private static StringBuilder WalkObject(Object obj, StringBuilder sb)
var properties = obj.GetType().GetProperties();
var type = obj.GetType();
var typeName = type.Name;
sb.Append("new " + type.Name + " {");
bool appendComma = false;
DateTime workDt;
foreach (var property in properties)
if (appendComma) sb.Append(", ");
appendComma = true;
var pt = property.PropertyType;
var name = pt.Name;
var isList = property.PropertyType.GetInterfaces().Contains(typeof(IList));
var isClass = property.PropertyType.IsClass;
if (isList)
IList list = (IList)property.GetValue(obj, null);
var listTypeName = property.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments()[0].Name;
if (list != null && list.Count > 0)
sb.Append(property.Name + " = new List<" + listTypeName + ">{");
sb = WalkList( list, sb );
sb.Append(property.Name + " = new List<" + listTypeName + ">()");
else if (property.PropertyType.IsEnum)
sb.AppendFormat("{0} = {1}", property.Name, property.GetValue(obj));
var value = property.GetValue(obj);
var isNullable = pt.IsGenericType && pt.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>);
if (isNullable)
name = pt.GetGenericArguments()[0].Name;
if (property.GetValue(obj) == null)
sb.AppendFormat("{0} = null", property.Name);
switch (name)
case "Int64":
case "Int32":
case "Int16":
case "Double":
case "Float":
sb.AppendFormat("{0} = {1}", property.Name, value);
case "Boolean":
sb.AppendFormat("{0} = {1}", property.Name, Convert.ToBoolean(value) == true ? "true" : "false");
case "DateTime":
workDt = Convert.ToDateTime(value);
sb.AppendFormat("{0} = new DateTime({1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6})", property.Name, workDt.Year, workDt.Month, workDt.Day, workDt.Hour, workDt.Minute, workDt.Second);
case "String":
sb.AppendFormat("{0} = \"{1}\"", property.Name, value);
// Handles all user classes, should likely have a better way
// to detect user class
sb.AppendFormat("{0} = ", property.Name);
WalkObject(property.GetValue(obj), sb);
return sb;
private static StringBuilder WalkList(IList list, StringBuilder sb)
bool appendComma = false;
foreach (object obj in list)
if (appendComma) sb.Append(", ");
appendComma = true;
WalkObject(obj, sb);
return sb;
I stumbled across this while looking for the same kind of method Matthew described, and was inspired by Evan's answer to write my own extension method. It generates compilable C# code as a string that can be copy/pasted into Visual Studio. I didn't bother with any particular formatting and just output the code on one line and use ReSharper to format it nicely. I've used it with some big DTOs that we were passing around and so far it works like a charm.
Here's the extension method and a couple helper methods:
public static string ToCreationMethod(this object o)
return String.Format("var newObject = {0};", o.CreateObject());
private static StringBuilder CreateObject(this object o)
var builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.AppendFormat("new {0} {{ ", o.GetClassName());
foreach (var property in o.GetType().GetProperties())
var value = property.GetValue(o);
if (value != null)
builder.AppendFormat("{0} = {1}, ", property.Name, value.GetCSharpString());
return builder;
private static string GetClassName(this object o)
var type = o.GetType();
if (type.IsGenericType)
var arg = type.GetGenericArguments().First().Name;
return type.Name.Replace("`1", string.Format("<{0}>", arg));
return type.Name;
The method GetCSharpString contains the logic, and it's open to extension for any particular type. It was enough for me that it handled strings, ints, decimals, dates anything that implements IEnumerable:
private static string GetCSharpString(this object o)
if (o is String)
return string.Format("\"{0}\"", o);
if (o is Int32)
return string.Format("{0}", o);
if (o is Decimal)
return string.Format("{0}m", o);
if (o is DateTime)
return string.Format("DateTime.Parse(\"{0}\")", o);
if (o is IEnumerable)
return String.Format("new {0} {{ {1}}}", o.GetClassName(), ((IEnumerable)o).GetItems());
return string.Format("{0}", o.CreateObject());
private static string GetItems(this IEnumerable items)
return items.Cast<object>().Aggregate(string.Empty, (current, item) => current + String.Format("{0}, ", item.GetCSharpString()));
I hope someone finds this useful!
It may comes a bit late, but here is my 5cents on that problem.
The mentioned Visual Studio Extension (OmarElabd/ObjectExporter) was a good idea, but I needed to generate C# code from in-memory objects at runtime, during unit test execution. This is what evolved from the original problem: https://www.nuget.org/packages/ObjectDumper.NET/
ObjectDumper.Dump(obj, DumpStyle.CSharp); returns C# initializer code from a variable. Please let me know if you find issues, you might want to report them on github.
There's a solution similar to what Evan proposed, but a bit better suited for my particular task.
After playing a bit with CodeDOM and Reflection it turned out that it would be too complicated in my case.
The object was serialized as XML, so the natural solution was to use XSLT to simply transform it to the object creation expression.
Sure, it covers only certain types of the cases, but maybe will work for someone else.
Here is an update to #revlucio's solution that adds support for booleans and enums.
public static class ObjectInitializationSerializer
private static string GetCSharpString(object o)
if (o is bool)
return $"{o.ToString().ToLower()}";
if (o is string)
return $"\"{o}\"";
if (o is int)
return $"{o}";
if (o is decimal)
return $"{o}m";
if (o is DateTime)
return $"DateTime.Parse(\"{o}\")";
if (o is Enum)
return $"{o.GetType().FullName}.{o}";
if (o is IEnumerable)
return $"new {GetClassName(o)} \r\n{{\r\n{GetItems((IEnumerable)o)}}}";
return CreateObject(o).ToString();
private static string GetItems(IEnumerable items)
return items.Cast<object>().Aggregate(string.Empty, (current, item) => current + $"{GetCSharpString(item)},\r\n");
private static StringBuilder CreateObject(object o)
var builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.Append($"new {GetClassName(o)} \r\n{{\r\n");
foreach (var property in o.GetType().GetProperties())
var value = property.GetValue(o);
if (value != null)
builder.Append($"{property.Name} = {GetCSharpString(value)},\r\n");
return builder;
private static string GetClassName(object o)
var type = o.GetType();
if (type.IsGenericType)
var arg = type.GetGenericArguments().First().Name;
return type.Name.Replace("`1", $"<{arg}>");
return type.Name;
public static string Serialize(object o)
return $"var newObject = {CreateObject(o)};";
As part of a test I am trying to compare similar objects using reflection.
The objects may or may not have multiple levels of nested params.
For example:
public class Connection{
public string Ip{get; set}
public string Id{get; set}
public string Key{get; set}
public string Transport{get; set}
public Parameters ParametersObj = new Parameters();
public class Parameters
public string AssignedName { get; set; }
public string CategoryType { get; set; }
public string Status { get; set; }
This is just an example of a class, I need this method to deal with any type of object without knowing the number of depth level.
I am doing something like this after I have made sure the two objects are of the same type.
bool result = true;
foreach (var objParam in firstObj.GetType().GetProperties())
var value1 = objParam.GetValue(firstObj);
var value2 = objParam.GetValue(secondObj);
if (value1 == null || value2 == null || !value1.Equals(value2))
logger.Error("Property: " + objParam.Name);
logger.Error("Values: " + value1?.ToString() + " and " + value2?.ToString());
result = false;
return result;
It works perfectly for the first level of params but it ignores completely any nested objects. In this example I would like it to compare the values inside the parameters object and if they are different the log to print error "Property: Parameters.Status".
I would recommend to look into some tool which already does that (do not know one which does exactly that but FluentAssertions for example can handle object graph comparisons). But in the nutshell you can check if type is primitive or overrides Equals and call your method recursively. Something like the following:
bool Compare(object firstObj, object secondObj)
if (object.ReferenceEquals(firstObj, secondObj))
return true;
var type = firstObj.GetType();
var propertyInfos = firstObj.GetType().GetProperties();
foreach (var objParam in propertyInfos)
var methodInfo = objParam.PropertyType.GetMethod(nameof(object.Equals), BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly, new []{typeof(object)});
var overridesEquals = methodInfo?.GetBaseDefinition().DeclaringType == typeof(object);
var value1 = objParam.GetValue(firstObj);
var value2 = objParam.GetValue(secondObj);
if (value1 == null || value2 == null)
// Log
return false;
if (object.ReferenceEquals(value1, value2))
if (type.IsPrimitive || overridesEquals)
if (value1.Equals(value2))
// Log?
return false;
if (!Compare(value1, value2))
// log ?
return false;
return true;
Note that Connection.ParametersObj is not a property it is field so it will be ignored by both yours and mine implementations
Consider using source generators instead of reflection.
This does not handle collections.
The problem is that you only do one loop, without looking at the objects within each object. Here's a quick recursive function I threw together. (untested!)
// You can make it non-generic, this just ensures that both arguments are the same type.
static void Go<T>(T left, T right, Action<object, object, PropertyInfo> onFound, int depth = 2)
if (left is null)
foreach (var p in left.GetType().GetProperties())
var l = p.GetValue(left);
var r = p.GetValue(right);
if (l is null || r is null || !l.Equals(r))
onFound(l, r, p);
if (depth is not 0)
Go(l, r, onFound, depth - 1);
var arg1 = new Connection()
ParametersObj = new() { AssignedName = "foo" }
var arg2 = new Connection()
ParametersObj = new() { AssignedName = "bar" }
Go(arg1, arg2, Log); // goes 2 layers deep is you don't specify the last parameter
void Log(object l, object r, PropertyInfo p)
logger.Error($"Property: {p.Name}");
logger.Error($"Values: {l} and {r}");
I need help to solve a problem, my problem is as follows, I have the following object
public class Teste
public string Descricao { get; set; }
public Time Time { get; set; }
public class Time
public string Nome { get; set; }
public Time (string nome)
Nome = nome;
I would like to be able to obtain the complete path of a certain property.
var teste = new Teste();
teste.Descricao = "bar";
teste.Time = new Time("foo");
var b = GetProperties(teste, "Nome");
//expected return: "Time.Nome"
I was testing something I arrived at the following method
public static IEnumerable<Tuple<string, string>> GetProperties(object obj, string propertyPath)
var objType = obj.GetType();
if (objType.IsValueType || objType.Equals(typeof(string)))
return Enumerable.Repeat(Tuple.Create(propertyPath, obj.ToString()), 1);
if (obj == null)
return Enumerable.Repeat(Tuple.Create(propertyPath, string.Empty), 1);
return from prop in objType.GetProperties()
where prop.CanRead && !prop.GetIndexParameters().Any()
let propValue = prop.GetValue(obj, null)
let propType = prop.PropertyType
from nameValPair in GetProperties(propValue, string.Format("{0}.{1}", propertyPath, prop.Name))
select nameValPair;
but it returns everything to me and I would like it to return a specific property.
I think there are some issues with searching properties that come from system modules. You have to decide which properties are worth recursively descending and which ones are not. Also, you'll have to maintain a list of objects that you have already visited to ensure that you do not follow cycles. I think a breadth-first search would be best, but for this example, I'll code a depth-first search. Also, I just return the first match, not all matches, you can adjust as needed. Furthermore, it returns a (mostly useless) string version of the path rather than a list of reflected properties that would be needed to actually access it (You'd have to do reflection again to locate the properties by name to retrieve the value from this "path" string.)
I'll start you off with a basic implementation. Likely someone else can improve upon it.
static string GetPropertyPath(object obj, string name, List<object> visited = null)
// does the object have the property?
Type t = obj.GetType();
var properties = t.GetProperties();
foreach (var property in properties) {
if (property.Name == name) {
// that's it!
return name;
// if we get here, it's because we didn't find the property.
if (visited == null) {
visited = new List<object>();
// Get all the properties of the first object and keep searching,
// keeping track of objects we've visited already.
foreach (var property in properties) {
// Limit which kinds of properties we search
if (object.ReferenceEquals(typeof(Program).Module, property.Module)) {
// get the value of the property
object obj2 = property.GetValue(obj);
// Do not search any previously visited objects
if (!visited.Any(o => object.ReferenceEquals(o, obj2))) {
string path = GetPropertyPath(obj2, name, visited);
if (path != null) {
// found it!
return property.Name + "." + path;
return null;
static void Main(string[] args)
var teste = new Teste();
teste.Descricao = "bar";
teste.Time = new Time("foo");
var b = GetPropertyPath(teste, "Nome"); // "Time.Nome"
I generally override the ToString() method to output the property names and the values associated to them. I got a bit tired of writing these by hand so I'm looking for a dynamic solution.
TestingClass tc = new TestingClass()
Prop1 = "blah1",
Prop2 = "blah2"
public class TestingClass
public string Prop1 { get; set; }//properties
public string Prop2 { get; set; }
public void Method1(string a) { }//method
public TestingClass() { }//const
public override string ToString()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (Type type in System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes())
foreach (System.Reflection.PropertyInfo property in type.GetProperties())
sb.Append(": ");
return sb.ToString();
This currently outputs:
Prop1: System.String Prop1
Prop2: System.String Prop2
Desired Output:
Prop1: blah1
Prop2: blah2
I'm open for other solutions, it doesn't have to use reflection, it just has to produce the desired output.
This works for me:
public class TestingClass
public string Prop1 { get; set; }//properties
public string Prop2 { get; set; }
public void Method1(string a) { }//method
public TestingClass() { }//const
public override string ToString()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (System.Reflection.PropertyInfo property in this.GetType().GetProperties())
sb.Append(": ");
if (property.GetIndexParameters().Length > 0)
sb.Append("Indexed Property cannot be used");
sb.Append(property.GetValue(this, null));
return sb.ToString();
To make it available everywhere you can create an Extension.
It's not possible to override methods in an Extension, but still it should simplify your life.
public static class MyExtensions
public static string ToStringExtension(this object obj)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (System.Reflection.PropertyInfo property in obj.GetType().GetProperties())
sb.Append(": ");
if (property.GetIndexParameters().Length > 0)
sb.Append("Indexed Property cannot be used");
sb.Append(property.GetValue(obj, null));
return sb.ToString();
You can then call ToStringExtension() on every object.
Downside is, it doesn't work perfectly for lists etc., example:
var list = new List<string>();
// (filling list ommitted)
// output:
// Capacity: 16
// Count: 11
// Item: Indexed Property cannot be used
Here is an extension which will report the standard types such as string, int and Datetime but will also report string lists (shown below in AccessPoints which the above answer could not handle). Note that the output is aligned such as:
Name : Omegaman
ID : 1
Role : Admin
AccessPoints : Alpha, Beta, Gamma
WeekDays : Mon, Tue
StartDate : 3/18/2014 12:16:07 PM
Below is the extension which takes in any type as long as its a class. It then reflects off of the public and private properties and if they are not null reports them.
public static string ReportAllProperties<T>(this T instance) where T : class
if (instance == null)
return string.Empty;
var strListType = typeof(List<string>);
var strArrType = typeof(string[]);
var arrayTypes = new[] { strListType, strArrType };
var handledTypes = new[] { typeof(Int32), typeof(String), typeof(bool), typeof(DateTime), typeof(double), typeof(decimal), strListType, strArrType };
var validProperties = instance.GetType()
.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
.Where(prop => handledTypes.Contains(prop.PropertyType))
.Where(prop => prop.GetValue(instance, null) != null)
var format = string.Format("{{0,-{0}}} : {{1}}", validProperties.Max(prp => prp.Name.Length));
return string.Join(
validProperties.Select(prop => string.Format(format,
(arrayTypes.Contains(prop.PropertyType) ? string.Join(", ", (IEnumerable<string>)prop.GetValue(instance, null))
: prop.GetValue(instance, null)))));
Note that this is based off my blog article C#: ToString To Report all Properties Even Private Ones Via Reflection which provides a more robust explanation of what is going on.
I would use JSON, Serializer will do all the hard work for you:
public static class ObjectExtensions
public static string ToStringEx(this object obj)
return JsonSerializer.Serialize(obj, new JsonSerializerOptions { WriteIndented = true });
This is what I found, that works with most compicated-types (including List):
public static string ToXml(object Obj, System.Type ObjType)
XmlSerializer ser;
XmlSerializerNamespaces SerializeObject = new mlSerializerNamespaces();
ser = new XmlSerializer((ObjType));
MemoryStream memStream;
memStream = new MemoryStream();
XmlTextWriter xmlWriter;
xmlWriter = new XmlTextWriter(memStream, Encoding.UTF8);
xmlWriter.Namespaces = true;
XmlQualifiedName[] qualiArrayXML = SerializeObject.ToArray();
ser.Serialize(xmlWriter, Obj);
string xml;
xml = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(memStream.GetBuffer());
xml = xml.Substring(xml.IndexOf(Convert.ToChar(60)));
xml = xml.Substring(0, (xml.LastIndexOf(Convert.ToChar(62)) + 1));
return xml;
catch (Exception ex)
{ return string.Empty; }
string classAasString = ClassToXml.ToXml(a, typeof(ClassA)); //whare ClassA is an object
I ran into this myself where I am looking for an option to serialize into something readable. If there are no read only properties xml serialization can give a readable string. However if there are read only properties / fields then xml serialization is not an option.
public static string ToString(object serializeable)
var type = serializeable.GetType();
var sw = new StringWriter();
new XmlSerializer(type).Serialize(sw, serializeable);
return sw.ToString();
return type.FullName;
So I wrote an extension method that calls a library that has already figured out all the voodoo.
"override string ToString()" vs (my) "ToStringDump"....
Before I show the code, the reason I like the extension method (ToStringDump in this case).. better, is that I don't have to riddle my POCO/DTO objects with ObjectDump references. I believe POCOs and DTOs should be "very very clean", and even isolated in their own assembly. This way, these poco/dto objects are easily shared.
public static class ObjectDumpAdapter
public static string ToStringDump(this object obj)
string returnValue = ObjectDumper.Dump(obj);
return returnValue;
My dotnet core csproj
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<PackageReference Include="ObjectDumper.NET" Version="2.5.20033.1" />
Nuget link:
ObjectDumper is a utility which aims to serialize C# objects to string
for debugging and logging purposes.
(from https://nugetmusthaves.com/Package/ObjectDumper.NET )
GitHub link:
If BaseFruit has a constructor that accepts an int weight, can I instantiate a piece of fruit in a generic method like this?
public void AddFruit<T>()where T: BaseFruit{
BaseFruit fruit = new T(weight); /*new Apple(150);*/
An example is added behind comments. It seems I can only do this if I give BaseFruit a parameterless constructor and then fill in everything through member variables. In my real code (not about fruit) this is rather impractical.
So it seems it can't be solved by constraints in any way then. From the answers there are three candidate solutions:
Factory Pattern
I tend to think reflection is the least clean one, but I can't decide between the other two.
Additionally a simpler example:
return (T)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), new object[] { weight });
Note that using the new() constraint on T is only to make the compiler check for a public parameterless constructor at compile time, the actual code used to create the type is the Activator class.
You will need to ensure yourself regarding the specific constructor existing, and this kind of requirement may be a code smell (or rather something you should just try to avoid in the current version on c#).
You can't use any parameterised constructor. You can use a parameterless constructor if you have a "where T : new()" constraint.
It's a pain, but such is life :(
This is one of the things I'd like to address with "static interfaces". You'd then be able to constrain T to include static methods, operators and constructors, and then call them.
Yes; change your where to be:
where T:BaseFruit, new()
However, this only works with parameterless constructors. You'll have to have some other means of setting your property (setting the property itself or something similar).
Most simple solution
As Jon pointed out this is life for constraining a non-parameterless constructor. However a different solution is to use a factory pattern. This is easily constrainable
interface IFruitFactory<T> where T : BaseFruit {
T Create(int weight);
public void AddFruit<T>( IFruitFactory<T> factory ) where T: BaseFruit {
BaseFruit fruit = factory.Create(weight); /*new Apple(150);*/
Yet another option is to use a functional approach. Pass in a factory method.
public void AddFruit<T>(Func<int,T> factoryDel) where T : BaseFruit {
BaseFruit fruit = factoryDel(weight); /* new Apple(150); */
You can do by using reflection:
public void AddFruit<T>()where T: BaseFruit
ConstructorInfo constructor = typeof(T).GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(int) });
if (constructor == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Type " + typeof(T).Name + " does not contain an appropriate constructor");
BaseFruit fruit = constructor.Invoke(new object[] { (int)150 }) as BaseFruit;
EDIT: Added constructor == null check.
EDIT: A faster variant using a cache:
public void AddFruit<T>()where T: BaseFruit
var constructor = FruitCompany<T>.constructor;
if (constructor == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Type " + typeof(T).Name + " does not contain an appropriate constructor");
var fruit = constructor.Invoke(new object[] { (int)150 }) as BaseFruit;
private static class FruitCompany<T>
public static readonly ConstructorInfo constructor = typeof(T).GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(int) });
As an addition to user1471935's suggestion:
To instantiate a generic class by using a constructor with one or more parameters, you can now use the Activator class.
T instance = Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), new object[] {...})
The list of objects are the parameters you want to supply. According to Microsoft:
CreateInstance [...] creates an instance of the specified type using the constructor that best matches the specified parameters.
There's also a generic version of CreateInstance (CreateInstance<T>()) but that one also does not allow you to supply constructor parameters.
I created this method:
public static V ConvertParentObjToChildObj<T,V> (T obj) where V : new()
Type typeT = typeof(T);
PropertyInfo[] propertiesT = typeT.GetProperties();
V newV = new V();
foreach (var propT in propertiesT)
var nomePropT = propT.Name;
var valuePropT = propT.GetValue(obj, null);
Type typeV = typeof(V);
PropertyInfo[] propertiesV = typeV.GetProperties();
foreach (var propV in propertiesV)
var nomePropV = propV.Name;
if(nomePropT == nomePropV)
propV.SetValue(newV, valuePropT);
return newV;
I use that in this way:
public class A
public int PROP1 {get; set;}
public class B : A
public int PROP2 {get; set;}
A instanceA = new A();
instanceA.PROP1 = 1;
B instanceB = new B();
instanceB = ConvertParentObjToChildObj<A,B>(instanceA);
You can use the following command:
T instance = (T)typeof(T).GetConstructor(new Type[0]).Invoke(new object[0]);
Be sure to see the following
Recently I came across a very similar problem. Just wanted to share our solution with you all. I wanted to I created an instance of a Car<CarA> from a json object using which had an enum:
Dictionary<MyEnum, Type> mapper = new Dictionary<MyEnum, Type>();
mapper.Add(1, typeof(CarA));
mapper.Add(2, typeof(BarB));
public class Car<T> where T : class
public T Detail { get; set; }
public Car(T data)
Detail = data;
public class CarA
public int PropA { get; set; }
public CarA(){}
public class CarB
public int PropB { get; set; }
public CarB(){}
var jsonObj = {"Type":"1","PropA":"10"}
MyEnum t = GetTypeOfCar(jsonObj);
Type objectT = mapper[t]
Type genericType = typeof(Car<>);
Type carTypeWithGenerics = genericType.MakeGenericType(objectT);
Activator.CreateInstance(carTypeWithGenerics , new Object[] { JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonObj, objectT) });
If you are willing to use a c# precompiler, you could resolve this so that it does have compile time constraints:
// Used attribute
class ResolvedAsAttribute : Attribute
public string Expression;
public ResolvedAsAttribute(string expression)
this.Expression = expression;
// Fruit manager source:
class FruitManager {
public void AddFruit<TFruit>([ResolvedAs("(int p) => new TFruit(p)")] Func<int,TFruit> ctor = null)where TFruit: BaseFruit{
BaseFruit fruit = ctor(weight); /*new Apple(150);*/
// Fruit user source:
#ResolveInclude ../Managers/FruitManager.cs
Your precompiler would then turn the Fruit user source into:
fruitManager.AddFruit<Apple>((int p) => new Apple(p));
Using Roslyn, your precompiler could look something like this (here is room for improvement):
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Symbols;
using System.Threading;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
public class CsResolveIncludeAnalyser : CSharpSyntaxWalker
private List<(string key, MethodDeclarationSyntax node)> methodsToResolve = new List<(string key, MethodDeclarationSyntax node)>();
public List<(string key, MethodDeclarationSyntax node)> Analyse(string source)
var tree = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(source);
var syntaxRoot = tree.GetRoot();
return methodsToResolve;
public override void VisitMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclarationSyntax methodDeclaration)
if (methodDeclaration.ParameterList.Parameters.Count > 0)
foreach (var parm in methodDeclaration.ParameterList.Parameters)
var parmHasResolvedAs = parm.AttributeLists.Where((el) => el.Attributes.Where((attr) => attr.Name is IdentifierNameSyntax && ((IdentifierNameSyntax)attr.Name).Identifier.Text.Contains("ResolvedAs")).Any()).Any();
if (parmHasResolvedAs)
var name = methodDeclaration.Identifier.ValueText;
methodsToResolve.Add((name, methodDeclaration));
public class CsSwiftRewriter : CSharpSyntaxRewriter
private string currentFileName;
private bool withWin32ErrorHandling;
private Dictionary<string,MethodDeclarationSyntax> methodsToResolve = new Dictionary<string, MethodDeclarationSyntax>();
private Dictionary<string, MethodDeclarationSyntax> getMethodsToResolve(string source, string fileName)
Dictionary<string, MethodDeclarationSyntax> methodsToResolve = new Dictionary<string, MethodDeclarationSyntax>();
var path = Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName);
var lines = source.Split(new[] { '\r', '\n' });
var resolveIncludes = (from el in lines where el.StartsWith("#ResolveInclude") select el.Substring("#ResolveInclude".Length).Trim()).ToList();
var analyser = new CsResolveIncludeAnalyser();
foreach (var resolveInclude in resolveIncludes)
var src = File.ReadAllText(path + "/" + resolveInclude);
var list = analyser.Analyse(src);
foreach (var el in list)
methodsToResolve.Add(el.key, el.node);
return methodsToResolve;
public static string Convert(string source, string fileName)
return Convert(source, fileName, false);
public static string Convert(string source, string fileName, bool isWithWin32ErrorHandling)
var rewriter = new CsSwiftRewriter() { currentFileName = fileName, withWin32ErrorHandling = isWithWin32ErrorHandling };
rewriter.methodsToResolve = rewriter.getMethodsToResolve(source, fileName);
var resolveIncludeRegex = new Regex(#"(\#ResolveInclude)\b");
source = resolveIncludeRegex.Replace(source, "//$1");
var tree = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(source);
var syntaxRoot = tree.GetRoot();
var result = rewriter.Visit(tree.GetRoot());
return "#line 1 \"" + Path.GetFileName(fileName) + "\"\r\n" + result.ToFullString();
internal List<string> transformGenericArguments(List<string> arguments, GenericNameSyntax gName, TypeParameterListSyntax typeParameterList)
var res = new List<string>();
var typeParameters = typeParameterList.ChildNodes().ToList();
foreach (var argument in arguments)
var arg = argument;
for (int i = 0; i < gName.TypeArgumentList.Arguments.Count; i++)
var key = typeParameters[i];
var replacement = gName.TypeArgumentList.Arguments[i].ToString();
var regex = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex($#"\b{key}\b");
arg = regex.Replace(arg, replacement);
return res;
const string prefix = "";
internal List<string> extractExtraArguments(MethodDeclarationSyntax methodDeclaration)
var res = new List<String>();
foreach (var parm in methodDeclaration.ParameterList.Parameters)
foreach (var attrList in parm.AttributeLists)
foreach (var attr in attrList.Attributes)
if (attr.Name is IdentifierNameSyntax && string.Compare(((IdentifierNameSyntax)attr.Name).Identifier.Text, "ResolvedAs") == 0)
var programmCode = attr.ArgumentList.Arguments.First().ToString().Trim();
var trimmedProgrammCode = (programmCode.Length >= 2 && programmCode[0] == '"' && programmCode[programmCode.Length - 1] == '"') ? programmCode.Substring(1, programmCode.Length - 2) : programmCode;
res.Add(prefix + parm.Identifier.Text + ":" + trimmedProgrammCode);
return res;
internal List<string> extractExtraArguments(MethodDeclarationSyntax methodDeclaration, SimpleNameSyntax name)
var arguments = extractExtraArguments(methodDeclaration);
if (name != null && name is GenericNameSyntax)
var gName = name as GenericNameSyntax;
return transformGenericArguments(arguments, gName, methodDeclaration.TypeParameterList);
return arguments;
public override SyntaxNode VisitInvocationExpression(InvocationExpressionSyntax c_expressionStatement)
InvocationExpressionSyntax expressionStatement = (InvocationExpressionSyntax) base.VisitInvocationExpression(c_expressionStatement);
List<string> addedArguments = null;
switch (expressionStatement.Expression)
case MemberAccessExpressionSyntax exp:
if (methodsToResolve.ContainsKey(exp.Name?.Identifier.ValueText))
addedArguments = extractExtraArguments(methodsToResolve[exp.Name.Identifier.ValueText], exp.Name);
case GenericNameSyntax gName:
if (methodsToResolve.ContainsKey(gName.Identifier.ValueText))
addedArguments = extractExtraArguments(methodsToResolve[gName.Identifier.ValueText], gName);
var name = (from el in expressionStatement.ChildNodes()
where el is GenericNameSyntax
select (el as GenericNameSyntax)).FirstOrDefault();
if (name != default(GenericNameSyntax))
if (methodsToResolve.ContainsKey(name.Identifier.ValueText))
addedArguments = extractExtraArguments(methodsToResolve[name.Identifier.ValueText], name);
if (addedArguments?.Count > 0)
var addedArgumentsString = string.Join(",", addedArguments);
var args = expressionStatement.ArgumentList.ToFullString();
var paras = $"({(expressionStatement.ArgumentList.Arguments.Count > 0 ? string.Join(",", args.Substring(1,args.Length - 2), addedArgumentsString) : addedArgumentsString)})" ;
var argList = SyntaxFactory.ParseArgumentList(paras);
return expressionStatement.WithArgumentList(argList);
return expressionStatement;
The Precompiler could be called using a T4 script, optionally regenerating the source at compile time.
It is still possible, with high performance, by doing the following:
public List<R> GetAllItems<R>() where R : IBaseRO, new() {
var list = new List<R>();
using ( var wl = new ReaderLock<T>( this ) ) {
foreach ( var bo in this.items ) {
T t = bo.Value.Data as T;
R r = new R();
r.Initialize( t );
list.Add( r );
return list;
///<summary>Base class for read-only objects</summary>
public partial interface IBaseRO {
void Initialize( IDTO dto );
void Initialize( object value );
The relevant classes then have to derive from this interface and initialize accordingly.
Please note, that in my case, this code is part of a surrounding class, which already has <T> as generic parameter.
R, in my case, also is a read-only class. IMO, the public availability of Initialize() functions has no negative effect on the immutability. The user of this class could put another object in, but this would not modify the underlying collection.
I'm looking for a class that can output an object and all its leaf values in a format similar to this:
- Name: Gordon
- Age : 60
- WorkAddress
- Street: 10 Downing Street
- Town: London
- Country: UK
- HomeAddresses[0]
- HomeAddresses[1]
(Or a clearer format). This would be equivalent to:
public class User
public string Name { get;set; }
public int Age { get;set; }
public Address WorkAddress { get;set; }
public List<Address> HomeAddresses { get;set; }
public class Address
public string Street { get;set; }
public string Town { get;set; }
public string Country { get;set; }
A kind of string representation of the PropertyGrid control, minus having to implement a large set of designers for each type.
PHP has something that does this called var_dump. I don't want to use a watch, as this is for printing out.
Could anyone point me to something like this if it exists? Or, write one for a bounty.
The object dumper posted in sgmoore's link:
//Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
// See the ReadMe.html for additional information
public class ObjectDumper {
public static void Write(object element)
Write(element, 0);
public static void Write(object element, int depth)
Write(element, depth, Console.Out);
public static void Write(object element, int depth, TextWriter log)
ObjectDumper dumper = new ObjectDumper(depth);
dumper.writer = log;
dumper.WriteObject(null, element);
TextWriter writer;
int pos;
int level;
int depth;
private ObjectDumper(int depth)
this.depth = depth;
private void Write(string s)
if (s != null) {
pos += s.Length;
private void WriteIndent()
for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) writer.Write(" ");
private void WriteLine()
pos = 0;
private void WriteTab()
Write(" ");
while (pos % 8 != 0) Write(" ");
private void WriteObject(string prefix, object element)
if (element == null || element is ValueType || element is string) {
else {
IEnumerable enumerableElement = element as IEnumerable;
if (enumerableElement != null) {
foreach (object item in enumerableElement) {
if (item is IEnumerable && !(item is string)) {
if (level < depth) {
WriteObject(prefix, item);
else {
WriteObject(prefix, item);
else {
MemberInfo[] members = element.GetType().GetMembers(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
bool propWritten = false;
foreach (MemberInfo m in members) {
FieldInfo f = m as FieldInfo;
PropertyInfo p = m as PropertyInfo;
if (f != null || p != null) {
if (propWritten) {
else {
propWritten = true;
Type t = f != null ? f.FieldType : p.PropertyType;
if (t.IsValueType || t == typeof(string)) {
WriteValue(f != null ? f.GetValue(element) : p.GetValue(element, null));
else {
if (typeof(IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(t)) {
else {
Write("{ }");
if (propWritten) WriteLine();
if (level < depth) {
foreach (MemberInfo m in members) {
FieldInfo f = m as FieldInfo;
PropertyInfo p = m as PropertyInfo;
if (f != null || p != null) {
Type t = f != null ? f.FieldType : p.PropertyType;
if (!(t.IsValueType || t == typeof(string))) {
object value = f != null ? f.GetValue(element) : p.GetValue(element, null);
if (value != null) {
WriteObject(m.Name + ": ", value);
private void WriteValue(object o)
if (o == null) {
else if (o is DateTime) {
else if (o is ValueType || o is string) {
else if (o is IEnumerable) {
else {
Write("{ }");
2015 Update
YAML also serves this purpose quite well, this is how it can be done with YamlDotNet
install-package YamlDotNet
private static void DumpAsYaml(object o)
var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
var serializer = new Serializer();
serializer.Serialize(new IndentedTextWriter(new StringWriter(stringBuilder)), o);
You could use the JSON serialiser, which should be easy to read for anyone use to working with JSON
User theUser = new User();
theUser.Name = "Joe";
System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer serializer = new System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer(myPerson.GetType());
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
serializer.WriteObject(ms, theUser );
string json = Encoding.Default.GetString(ms.ToArray());
Updated 2019
You can find the ObjectDumper project on GitHub. You can also add it via Visual Studio via NuGet package manager.
If you're working with markup, System.Web.ObjectInfo.Print (ASP.NET Web Pages 2) will accomplish this, nicely formatted for HTML.
For example:
#ObjectInfo.Print(new {
Foo = "Hello",
Bar = "World",
Qux = new {
Number = 42,
In a webpage, produces:
Here's a visual studio extension I wrote to do this:
in action:
I know this is an old question, but thought I'd throw out an alternative that worked for me, took me about two minutes to do.
Install Newtonsoft Json.NET:
(or nuget version) http://www.nuget.org/packages/newtonsoft.json/
Reference Assembly:
using Newtonsoft.Json;
Dump JSON string to log:
txtResult.Text = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(testObj);
You could write that very easily with a little bit of reflection. Something kind of like:
public void Print(object value, int depth)
foreach(var property in value.GetType().GetProperties())
var subValue = property.GetValue(value);
if(subValue is IEnumerable)
PrintArray(property, (IEnumerable)subValue);
PrintProperty(property, subValue);
You can write up the PrintArray and PrintProperty methods.
I have a handy T.Dump() Extension method that should be pretty close to the results you're looking for. As its an extension method, its non-invasive and should work on all POCO objects.
Example Usage
var model = new TestModel();
Example Output
Int: 1,
String: One,
DateTime: 2010-04-11,
Guid: c050437f6fcd46be9b2d0806a0860b3e,
EmptyIntList: [],
a: 1,
b: 2,
c: 3
If you don't feel like copying and pasting Chris S's code, the Visual Studio 2008 samples come with an ObjectDumper.
Drive:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Samples\1033\LinqSamples\ObjectDumper
Here is an alternative:
using System.Reflection;
public void Print(object value)
PropertyInfo[] myPropertyInfo;
string temp="Properties of "+value+" are:\n";
myPropertyInfo = value.GetType().GetProperties();
for (int i = 0; i < myPropertyInfo.Length; i++)
temp+=myPropertyInfo[i].ToString().PadRight(50)+" = "+myPropertyInfo[i].GetValue(value, null)+"\n";
(just touching level 1, no depth, but says a lot)
For most classes, you could use the DataContractSerializer
I just came across a similar requirement in a Blazor project, and came up with the following very simple component to output an object's (and it's child objects') data to the screen:
#using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components
#using Newtonsoft.Json
<button onclick="#DumpVMToConsole">#ButtonText</button>
<pre id="json">#_objectAsJson</pre>
#functions {
// This component allows the easy visualisation of the values currently held in
// an object and its child objects. Add this component to a page and pass in a
// param for the object to monitor, then press the button to see the object's data
// as nicely formatted JSON
// Use like this: <ObjectDumper ObjectToDump="#_billOfLadingVM" />
private object ObjectToDump { get; set; }
private string ButtonText { get; set; } = "Show object's data";
string _buttonText;
string _objectAsJson = "";
public void DumpVMToConsole()
_objectAsJson = GetObjectAsFormattedJson(ObjectToDump);
public string GetObjectAsFormattedJson(object obj)
return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(
value: obj,
formatting: Formatting.Indented,
settings: new JsonSerializerSettings
PreserveReferencesHandling = PreserveReferencesHandling.Objects
You then stick that somewhere on a Blazor page as follows:
<ObjectDumper ObjectToDump="#YourObjectToVisualise" />
Which then renders a button you can press to see the current values of the bound object:
I've stuck that in a GitHub repo: tomRedox/BlazorObjectDumper