I need help to solve a problem, my problem is as follows, I have the following object
public class Teste
public string Descricao { get; set; }
public Time Time { get; set; }
public class Time
public string Nome { get; set; }
public Time (string nome)
Nome = nome;
I would like to be able to obtain the complete path of a certain property.
var teste = new Teste();
teste.Descricao = "bar";
teste.Time = new Time("foo");
var b = GetProperties(teste, "Nome");
//expected return: "Time.Nome"
I was testing something I arrived at the following method
public static IEnumerable<Tuple<string, string>> GetProperties(object obj, string propertyPath)
var objType = obj.GetType();
if (objType.IsValueType || objType.Equals(typeof(string)))
return Enumerable.Repeat(Tuple.Create(propertyPath, obj.ToString()), 1);
if (obj == null)
return Enumerable.Repeat(Tuple.Create(propertyPath, string.Empty), 1);
return from prop in objType.GetProperties()
where prop.CanRead && !prop.GetIndexParameters().Any()
let propValue = prop.GetValue(obj, null)
let propType = prop.PropertyType
from nameValPair in GetProperties(propValue, string.Format("{0}.{1}", propertyPath, prop.Name))
select nameValPair;
but it returns everything to me and I would like it to return a specific property.
I think there are some issues with searching properties that come from system modules. You have to decide which properties are worth recursively descending and which ones are not. Also, you'll have to maintain a list of objects that you have already visited to ensure that you do not follow cycles. I think a breadth-first search would be best, but for this example, I'll code a depth-first search. Also, I just return the first match, not all matches, you can adjust as needed. Furthermore, it returns a (mostly useless) string version of the path rather than a list of reflected properties that would be needed to actually access it (You'd have to do reflection again to locate the properties by name to retrieve the value from this "path" string.)
I'll start you off with a basic implementation. Likely someone else can improve upon it.
static string GetPropertyPath(object obj, string name, List<object> visited = null)
// does the object have the property?
Type t = obj.GetType();
var properties = t.GetProperties();
foreach (var property in properties) {
if (property.Name == name) {
// that's it!
return name;
// if we get here, it's because we didn't find the property.
if (visited == null) {
visited = new List<object>();
// Get all the properties of the first object and keep searching,
// keeping track of objects we've visited already.
foreach (var property in properties) {
// Limit which kinds of properties we search
if (object.ReferenceEquals(typeof(Program).Module, property.Module)) {
// get the value of the property
object obj2 = property.GetValue(obj);
// Do not search any previously visited objects
if (!visited.Any(o => object.ReferenceEquals(o, obj2))) {
string path = GetPropertyPath(obj2, name, visited);
if (path != null) {
// found it!
return property.Name + "." + path;
return null;
static void Main(string[] args)
var teste = new Teste();
teste.Descricao = "bar";
teste.Time = new Time("foo");
var b = GetPropertyPath(teste, "Nome"); // "Time.Nome"
C# 8.0 introduces nullable reference types. Here's a simple class with a nullable property:
public class Foo
public String? Bar { get; set; }
Is there a way to check a class property uses a nullable reference type via reflection?
In .NET 6, the NullabilityInfoContext APIs were added to handle this. See this answer.
Prior to this, you need to read the attributes yourself. This appears to work, at least on the types I've tested it with.
public static bool IsNullable(PropertyInfo property) =>
IsNullableHelper(property.PropertyType, property.DeclaringType, property.CustomAttributes);
public static bool IsNullable(FieldInfo field) =>
IsNullableHelper(field.FieldType, field.DeclaringType, field.CustomAttributes);
public static bool IsNullable(ParameterInfo parameter) =>
IsNullableHelper(parameter.ParameterType, parameter.Member, parameter.CustomAttributes);
private static bool IsNullableHelper(Type memberType, MemberInfo? declaringType, IEnumerable<CustomAttributeData> customAttributes)
if (memberType.IsValueType)
return Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(memberType) != null;
var nullable = customAttributes
.FirstOrDefault(x => x.AttributeType.FullName == "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.NullableAttribute");
if (nullable != null && nullable.ConstructorArguments.Count == 1)
var attributeArgument = nullable.ConstructorArguments[0];
if (attributeArgument.ArgumentType == typeof(byte[]))
var args = (ReadOnlyCollection<CustomAttributeTypedArgument>)attributeArgument.Value!;
if (args.Count > 0 && args[0].ArgumentType == typeof(byte))
return (byte)args[0].Value! == 2;
else if (attributeArgument.ArgumentType == typeof(byte))
return (byte)attributeArgument.Value! == 2;
for (var type = declaringType; type != null; type = type.DeclaringType)
var context = type.CustomAttributes
.FirstOrDefault(x => x.AttributeType.FullName == "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.NullableContextAttribute");
if (context != null &&
context.ConstructorArguments.Count == 1 &&
context.ConstructorArguments[0].ArgumentType == typeof(byte))
return (byte)context.ConstructorArguments[0].Value! == 2;
// Couldn't find a suitable attribute
return false;
See this document for details.
The general gist is that either the property itself can have a [Nullable] attribute on it, or if it doesn't the enclosing type might have [NullableContext] attribute. We first look for [Nullable], then if we don't find it we look for [NullableContext] on the enclosing type.
The compiler might embed the attributes into the assembly, and since we might be looking at a type from a different assembly, we need to do a reflection-only load.
[Nullable] might be instantiated with an array, if the property is generic. In this case, the first element represents the actual property (and further elements represent generic arguments). [NullableContext] is always instantiated with a single byte.
A value of 2 means "nullable". 1 means "not nullable", and 0 means "oblivious".
.NET 6 Preview 7 adds reflection APIs to get nullability info.
Libraries: Reflection APIs for nullability information
Obviously, this only helps folks targeting .NET 6+.
Getting top-level nullability information
Imagine you’re implementing a serializer. Using these new APIs the serializer can check whether a given property can be set to null:
private NullabilityInfoContext _nullabilityContext = new NullabilityInfoContext();
private void DeserializePropertyValue(PropertyInfo p, object instance, object? value)
if (value is null)
var nullabilityInfo = _nullabilityContext.Create(p);
if (nullabilityInfo.WriteState is not NullabilityState.Nullable)
throw new MySerializerException($"Property '{p.GetType().Name}.{p.Name}'' cannot be set to null.");
p.SetValue(instance, value);
I wrote a library to do reflection of NRT types - internally it looks at the generated attributes and gives you a simple API:
Late answer.
This is what I ended up using thanks to Bill Menees:
static bool IsMarkedAsNullable(PropertyInfo p)
return new NullabilityInfoContext().Create(p).WriteState is NullabilityState.Nullable;
// Tests:
class Foo
public int Int1 { get; set; }
public int? Int2 { get; set; } = null;
public string Str1 { get; set; } = "";
public string? Str2 { get; set; } = null;
public List<Foo> Lst1 { get; set; } = new();
public List<Foo>? Lst2 { get; set; } = null;
public Dictionary<int, object> Dic1 { get; set; } = new();
public Dictionary<int, object>? Dic2 { get; set; } = null;
var props = typeof(Foo).GetProperties();
foreach(var prop in props)
Console.WriteLine($"Prop:{prop.Name} IsNullable:{IsMarkedAsNullable(prop)}");
// outputs:
Prop:Int1 IsNullable:False
Prop:Int2 IsNullable:True
Prop:Str1 IsNullable:False
Prop:Str2 IsNullable:True
Prop:Lst1 IsNullable:False
Prop:Lst2 IsNullable:True
Prop:Dic1 IsNullable:False
Prop:Dic2 IsNullable:True
A great answer there by #rico-suter !
The following is for those who just want a quick cut-and-paste solution until the real McCoy is available (see the proposal https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/29723 ).
I put this together based on #canton7's post above plus a short look at the ideas in #rico-suter's code. The change from the #canton7's code is just abstracting the list of attribute sources and including a few new ones.
private static bool IsAttributedAsNonNullable(this PropertyInfo propertyInfo)
return IsAttributedAsNonNullable(
new dynamic?[] { propertyInfo },
new dynamic?[] { propertyInfo.DeclaringType, propertyInfo.DeclaringType?.DeclaringType, propertyInfo.DeclaringType?.GetTypeInfo() }
private static bool IsAttributedAsNonNullable(this ParameterInfo parameterInfo)
return IsAttributedAsNonNullable(
new dynamic?[] { parameterInfo },
new dynamic?[] { parameterInfo.Member, parameterInfo.Member.DeclaringType, parameterInfo.Member.DeclaringType?.DeclaringType, parameterInfo.Member.DeclaringType?.GetTypeInfo()
private static bool IsAttributedAsNonNullable( dynamic?[] nullableAttributeSources, dynamic?[] nullableContextAttributeSources)
foreach (dynamic? nullableAttributeSource in nullableAttributeSources) {
if (nullableAttributeSource == null) { continue; }
CustomAttributeData? nullableAttribute = ((IEnumerable<CustomAttributeData>)nullableAttributeSource.CustomAttributes).FirstOrDefault(x => x.AttributeType.FullName == "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.NullableAttribute");
if (nullableAttribute != null && nullableAttribute.ConstructorArguments.Count == 1) {
CustomAttributeTypedArgument attributeArgument = nullableAttribute.ConstructorArguments[0];
if (attributeArgument.ArgumentType == typeof(byte[])) {
var args = (ReadOnlyCollection<CustomAttributeTypedArgument>)(attributeArgument.Value ?? throw new NullReferenceException("Logic error!"));
if (args.Count > 0 && args[0].ArgumentType == typeof(byte)) {
byte value = (byte)(args[0].Value ?? throw new NullabilityLogicException());
return value == 1; // 0 = oblivious, 1 = nonnullable, 2 = nullable
} else if (attributeArgument.ArgumentType == typeof(byte)) {
byte value = (byte)(attributeArgument.Value ?? throw new NullReferenceException("Logic error!"));
return value == 1; // 0 = oblivious, 1 = nonnullable, 2 = nullable
} else {
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unrecognized argument type for NullableAttribute.");
foreach (dynamic? nullableContextAttributeSource in nullableContextAttributeSources) {
if (nullableContextAttributeSource == null) { continue; }
CustomAttributeData? nullableContextAttribute = ((IEnumerable<CustomAttributeData>)nullableContextAttributeSource.CustomAttributes).FirstOrDefault(x => x.AttributeType.FullName == "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.NullableContextAttribute");
if (nullableContextAttribute != null && nullableContextAttribute.ConstructorArguments.Count == 1) {
CustomAttributeTypedArgument attributeArgument = nullableContextAttribute.ConstructorArguments[0];
if (attributeArgument.ArgumentType == typeof(byte)) {
byte value = (byte)(nullableContextAttribute.ConstructorArguments[0].Value ?? throw new NullabilityLogicException());
return value == 1;
} else {
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unrecognized argument type for NullableContextAttribute.");
return false;
It's only the string? which gets a bit tricky. The rest of the nullable types are pretty straightforward to find out. For strings I used the following method, which you need to pass in a PropertyInfo object taken via reflection.
private bool IsNullable(PropertyInfo prop)
return prop.CustomAttributes.Any(x => x.AttributeType.Name == "NullableAttribute");
I have two classes A and B which have some properties that are the same. I am looking for a way to compare only the same properties and was hoping if there was some nuget package that did this for any type of class.
I don't know how to go about looking for such a nuget package, I already tried using if statements to compare the same properties, but I have a lot of cases like this so it would be easier to use a nuget package to do it.
Also, it is not possible to include inheritance here, as the two classes are not logically linked.
class A {
string title;
DateTime publishDate;
string Author;
int numberOfSales;
class B {
DateTime publishDate;
int numberOfSales;
I have already did something like this to compare the two same properties
if (A.publishDate.Equals(B.publishDate)) {
// Do something
if (A.numberOfSales == B.numberOfSales) {
// Do something
I would really be grateful if someone could let me know if there is some nuget package that would just compare the same properties of the two classes.
Why you don't use native interface in c# ?
you can use Icomprable interface like this :
public class A:IComparable<B>
public string title;
public DateTime publishDate;
public string Author;
public int numberOfSales;
public int CompareTo(B other)
if (this.numberOfSales == other.numberOfSales && this.publishDate.Equals(other.publishDate))
return 0;
if (this.numberOfSales != other.numberOfSales && this.publishDate.Equals(other.publishDate))
return 1;
if (this.numberOfSales == other.numberOfSales && !this.publishDate.Equals(other.publishDate))
return 2;
return -1;
public class B
public DateTime publishDate;
public int numberOfSales;
then you can use it like this :
switch (aClass.CompareTo(bClass))
case 0:Console.WriteLine("both properties are equal");break;
case 1:Console.WriteLine("PublishDate only equal"); break;
case 2: Console.WriteLine("NumberOfSales only equal"); break;
case -1: Console.WriteLine("None are equal"); break;
I hope it will be useful
Just use Reflection.
For example, this class will all fields (because your sample class listings have no Properties, they only have Fields) and return a list of them:
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
public static class Comparer {
public static List<String> Compare<T1, T2>(T1 a, T2 b) {
var result = new List<String>(); // you can choose to return FieldInfo or values or whatever...
// you can also use .GetProperties() if you actually want Properties with getters.
var aFields = typeof(T1).GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
var bFields = typeof(T2).GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
var aCommonFields = new List<FieldInfo>();
var bCommonFields = new List<FieldInfo>();
Func<IEnumerable<FieldInfo>, FieldInfo, bool> predicate = (other, x) => other.FirstOrDefault(z => z.Name == x.Name && z.FieldType == x.FieldType) != null;
aCommonFields.AddRange(aFields.Where(x => predicate(bFields, x)));
bCommonFields.AddRange(bFields.Where(x => predicate(aCommonFields, x)));
foreach(var aCommonField in aCommonFields) {
var bCommonField = bCommonFields.First(bField => predicate(new[]{ aCommonField }, bField));
var aValue = aCommonField.GetValue(a);
var bValue = bCommonField.GetValue(b);
if (aValue.Equals(bValue)) {
return result;
Sample usage:
var a1 = new A { numberOfSales = 42 };
var b2 = new B { numberOfSales = 42 };
var commons = Comparer.Compare(a1, b2);
foreach(var common in commons) {
if (common == nameof(A.numberOfSales)) {
Console.WriteLine("Number of sales match!");
I like a more controlled way better where you just type the compaire properties as you did in your sample, perhaps use an icomparable interface.
he reflection option that is offered and will be offered is slow, could give null pointer exceptions etc but write once work always, it's not a nuget package but here you go.
public static List<PropertyInfo> GetDifferences(object test1, object test2)
if (test1 is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(test1));
if (test2 is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(test2));
List<PropertyInfo> differences = new List<PropertyInfo>();
foreach (PropertyInfo property in test1.GetType().GetProperties())
if (test2.GetType().GetProperties().Any(a => a.Name.Equals(property.Name, StringComparison.Ordinal)))
object value1 = property.GetValue(test1, null);
object value2 = property.GetValue(test2, null);
if ((value1 == null) || !value1.Equals(value2))
return differences;
It will return the properties that both have and are not the same.
I want to get the names of all properties that changed for matching objects. I have these (simplified) classes:
public enum PersonType { Student, Professor, Employee }
class Person {
public string Name { get; set; }
public PersonType Type { get; set; }
class Student : Person {
public string MatriculationNumber { get; set; }
class Subject {
public string Name { get; set; }
public int WeeklyHours { get; set; }
class Professor : Person {
public List<Subject> Subjects { get; set; }
Now I want to get the objects where the Property values differ:
List<Person> oldPersonList = ...
List<Person> newPersonList = ...
List<Difference> = GetDifferences(oldPersonList, newPersonList);
public List<Difference> GetDifferences(List<Person> oldP, List<Person> newP) {
//how to check the properties without casting and checking
//for each type and individual property??
//can this be done with Reflection even in Lists??
In the end I would like to have a list of Differences like this:
class Difference {
public List<string> ChangedProperties { get; set; }
public Person NewPerson { get; set; }
public Person OldPerson { get; set; }
The ChangedProperties should contain the name of the changed properties.
I've spent quite a while trying to write a faster reflection-based solution using typed delegates. But eventually I gave up and switched to Marc Gravell's Fast-Member library to achieve higher performance than with normal reflection.
internal class PropertyComparer
public static IEnumerable<Difference<T>> GetDifferences<T>(PropertyComparer pc,
IEnumerable<T> oldPersons,
IEnumerable<T> newPersons)
where T : Person
Dictionary<string, T> newPersonMap = newPersons.ToDictionary(p => p.Name, p => p);
foreach (T op in oldPersons)
// match items from the two lists by the 'Name' property
if (newPersonMap.ContainsKey(op.Name))
T np = newPersonMap[op.Name];
Difference<T> diff = pc.SearchDifferences(op, np);
if (diff != null)
yield return diff;
private Difference<T> SearchDifferences<T>(T obj1, T obj2)
return SimpleSearch(obj1, obj2);
private Difference<T> SimpleSearch<T>(T obj1, T obj2)
Difference<T> diff = new Difference<T>
ChangedProperties = new List<string>(),
OldPerson = obj1,
NewPerson = obj2
ObjectAccessor obj1Getter = ObjectAccessor.Create(obj1);
ObjectAccessor obj2Getter = ObjectAccessor.Create(obj2);
var propertyList = _propertyCache[obj1.GetType()];
// find the common properties if types differ
if (obj1.GetType() != obj2.GetType())
propertyList = propertyList.Intersect(_propertyCache[obj2.GetType()]).ToList();
foreach (string propName in propertyList)
// fetch the property value via the ObjectAccessor
if (!obj1Getter[propName].Equals(obj2Getter[propName]))
return diff.ChangedProperties.Count > 0 ? diff : null;
// cache for the expensive reflections calls
private Dictionary<Type, List<string>> _propertyCache = new Dictionary<Type, List<string>>();
private void CacheObject<T>(T obj)
if (!_propertyCache.ContainsKey(obj.GetType()))
_propertyCache[obj.GetType()] = new List<string>();
_propertyCache[obj.GetType()].AddRange(obj.GetType().GetProperties().Select(pi => pi.Name));
PropertyComparer pc = new PropertyComparer();
var diffs = PropertyComparer.GetDifferences(pc, oldPersonList, newPersonList).ToList();
My very biased measurements showed that this approach is about 4-6 times faster than the Json-Conversion and about 9 times faster than ordinary reflections. But in fairness, you could probably speed up the other solutions quite a bit.
At the moment my solution doesn't recurse over nested lists, for example it doesn't compare individual Subject items - it only detects that the subjects lists are different, but not what or where. However, it shouldn't be too hard to add this feature when you need it. The most difficult part would probably be to decide how to represent these differences in the Difference class.
We start with 2 simple methods:
public bool AreEqual(object leftValue, object rightValue)
var left = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(leftValue);
var right = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(rightValue);
return left == right;
public Difference<T> GetDifference<T>(T newItem, T oldItem)
var properties = typeof(T).GetProperties();
var propertyValues = properties
.Select(p => new {
LeftValue = p.GetValue(newItem),
RightValue = p.GetValue(oldItem)
var differences = propertyValues
.Where(p => !AreEqual(p.LeftValue, p.RightValue))
.Select(p => p.Name)
return new Difference<T>
ChangedProperties = differences,
NewItem = newItem,
OldItem = oldItem
AreEqual just compares the serialized versions of two objects using Json.Net, this keeps it from treating reference types and value types differently.
GetDifference checks the properties on the passed in objects and compares them individually.
To get a list of differences:
var oldPersonList = new List<Person> {
new Person { Name = "Bill" },
new Person { Name = "Bob" }
var newPersonList = new List<Person> {
new Person { Name = "Bill" },
new Person { Name = "Bobby" }
var diffList = oldPersonList.Zip(newPersonList, GetDifference)
.Where(d => d.ChangedProperties.Any())
Everyone always tries to get fancy and write these overly generic ways of extracting data. There is a cost to that.
Why not be old school simple.
Have a GetDifferences member function Person.
virtual List<String> GetDifferences(Person otherPerson){
var diffs = new List<string>();
if(this.X != otherPerson.X) diffs.add("X");
In inherited classes. Override and add their specific properties. AddRange the base function.
KISS - Keep it simple. It would take you 10 minutes of monkey work to write it, and you know it will be efficient and work.
I am doing it by using this:
//This structure represents the comparison of one member of an object to the corresponding member of another object.
public struct MemberComparison
public static PropertyInfo NullProperty = null; //used for ROOT properties - i dont know their name only that they are changed
public readonly MemberInfo Member; //Which member this Comparison compares
public readonly object Value1, Value2;//The values of each object's respective member
public MemberComparison(PropertyInfo member, object value1, object value2)
Member = member;
Value1 = value1;
Value2 = value2;
public override string ToString()
return Member.name+ ": " + Value1.ToString() + (Value1.Equals(Value2) ? " == " : " != ") + Value2.ToString();
//This method can be used to get a list of MemberComparison values that represent the fields and/or properties that differ between the two objects.
public static List<MemberComparison> ReflectiveCompare<T>(T x, T y)
List<MemberComparison> list = new List<MemberComparison>();//The list to be returned
if (x.GetType().IsArray)
Array xArray = x as Array;
Array yArray = y as Array;
if (xArray.Length != yArray.Length)
list.Add(new MemberComparison(MemberComparison.NullProperty, "array", "array"));
for (int i = 0; i < xArray.Length; i++)
var compare = ReflectiveCompare(xArray.GetValue(i), yArray.GetValue(i));
if (compare.Count > 0)
foreach (PropertyInfo m in x.GetType().GetProperties())
//Only look at fields and properties.
//This could be changed to include methods, but you'd have to get values to pass to the methods you want to compare
if (!m.PropertyType.IsArray && (m.PropertyType == typeof(String) || m.PropertyType == typeof(double) || m.PropertyType == typeof(int) || m.PropertyType == typeof(uint) || m.PropertyType == typeof(float)))
var xValue = m.GetValue(x, null);
var yValue = m.GetValue(y, null);
if (!object.Equals(yValue, xValue))//Add a new comparison to the list if the value of the member defined on 'x' isn't equal to the value of the member defined on 'y'.
list.Add(new MemberComparison(m, yValue, xValue));
else if (m.PropertyType.IsArray)
Array xArray = m.GetValue(x, null) as Array;
Array yArray = m.GetValue(y, null) as Array;
if (xArray.Length != yArray.Length)
list.Add(new MemberComparison(m, "array", "array"));
for (int i = 0; i < xArray.Length; i++)
var compare = ReflectiveCompare(xArray.GetValue(i), yArray.GetValue(i));
if (compare.Count > 0)
else if (m.PropertyType.IsClass)
var xValue = m.GetValue(x, null);
var yValue = m.GetValue(y, null);
if ((xValue == null || yValue == null) && !(yValue == null && xValue == null))
list.Add(new MemberComparison(m, xValue, yValue));
else if (!(xValue == null || yValue == null))
var compare = ReflectiveCompare(m.GetValue(x, null), m.GetValue(y, null));
if (compare.Count > 0)
return list;
Here you have a code which does what you want with Reflection.
public List<Difference> GetDifferences(List<Person> oldP, List<Person> newP)
List<Difference> allDiffs = new List<Difference>();
foreach (Person oldPerson in oldP)
foreach (Person newPerson in newP)
Difference curDiff = GetDifferencesTwoPersons(oldPerson, newPerson);
return allDiffs;
private Difference GetDifferencesTwoPersons(Person OldPerson, Person NewPerson)
MemberInfo[] members = typeof(Person).GetMembers();
Difference returnDiff = new Difference();
returnDiff.NewPerson = NewPerson;
returnDiff.OldPerson = OldPerson;
returnDiff.ChangedProperties = new List<string>();
foreach (MemberInfo member in members)
if (member.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property)
if (typeof(Person).GetProperty(member.Name).GetValue(NewPerson, null).ToString() != typeof(Person).GetProperty(member.Name).GetValue(OldPerson, null).ToString())
return returnDiff;
Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
Closed 4 years ago.
Locked. This question and its answers are locked because the question is off-topic but has historical significance. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions.
This is what I've come up with as a method on a class inherited by many of my other classes. The idea is that it allows the simple comparison between properties of Objects of the same Type.
Now, this does work - but in the interest of improving the quality of my code I thought I'd throw it out for scrutiny. How can it be better/more efficient/etc.?
/// <summary>
/// Compare property values (as strings)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="obj"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool PropertiesEqual(object comparisonObject)
Type sourceType = this.GetType();
Type destinationType = comparisonObject.GetType();
if (sourceType == destinationType)
PropertyInfo[] sourceProperties = sourceType.GetProperties();
foreach (PropertyInfo pi in sourceProperties)
if ((sourceType.GetProperty(pi.Name).GetValue(this, null) == null && destinationType.GetProperty(pi.Name).GetValue(comparisonObject, null) == null))
// if both are null, don't try to compare (throws exception)
else if (!(sourceType.GetProperty(pi.Name).GetValue(this, null).ToString() == destinationType.GetProperty(pi.Name).GetValue(comparisonObject, null).ToString()))
// only need one property to be different to fail Equals.
return false;
throw new ArgumentException("Comparison object must be of the same type.","comparisonObject");
return true;
I was looking for a snippet of code that would do something similar to help with writing unit test. Here is what I ended up using.
public static bool PublicInstancePropertiesEqual<T>(T self, T to, params string[] ignore) where T : class
if (self != null && to != null)
Type type = typeof(T);
List<string> ignoreList = new List<string>(ignore);
foreach (System.Reflection.PropertyInfo pi in type.GetProperties(System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance))
if (!ignoreList.Contains(pi.Name))
object selfValue = type.GetProperty(pi.Name).GetValue(self, null);
object toValue = type.GetProperty(pi.Name).GetValue(to, null);
if (selfValue != toValue && (selfValue == null || !selfValue.Equals(toValue)))
return false;
return true;
return self == to;
Same code as above but uses LINQ and Extension methods :
public static bool PublicInstancePropertiesEqual<T>(this T self, T to, params string[] ignore) where T : class
if (self != null && to != null)
var type = typeof(T);
var ignoreList = new List<string>(ignore);
var unequalProperties =
from pi in type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)
where !ignoreList.Contains(pi.Name) && pi.GetUnderlyingType().IsSimpleType() && pi.GetIndexParameters().Length == 0
let selfValue = type.GetProperty(pi.Name).GetValue(self, null)
let toValue = type.GetProperty(pi.Name).GetValue(to, null)
where selfValue != toValue && (selfValue == null || !selfValue.Equals(toValue))
select selfValue;
return !unequalProperties.Any();
return self == to;
public static class TypeExtensions
/// <summary>
/// Determine whether a type is simple (String, Decimal, DateTime, etc)
/// or complex (i.e. custom class with public properties and methods).
/// </summary>
/// <see cref="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2442534/how-to-test-if-type-is-primitive"/>
public static bool IsSimpleType(
this Type type)
type.IsValueType ||
type.IsPrimitive ||
}.Contains(type) ||
(Convert.GetTypeCode(type) != TypeCode.Object);
public static Type GetUnderlyingType(this MemberInfo member)
switch (member.MemberType)
case MemberTypes.Event:
return ((EventInfo)member).EventHandlerType;
case MemberTypes.Field:
return ((FieldInfo)member).FieldType;
case MemberTypes.Method:
return ((MethodInfo)member).ReturnType;
case MemberTypes.Property:
return ((PropertyInfo)member).PropertyType;
throw new ArgumentException
"Input MemberInfo must be if type EventInfo, FieldInfo, MethodInfo, or PropertyInfo"
UPDATE: The latest version of Compare-Net-Objects is located on GitHub , has NuGet package and Tutorial. It can be called like
//This is the comparison class
CompareLogic compareLogic = new CompareLogic();
ComparisonResult result = compareLogic.Compare(person1, person2);
//These will be different, write out the differences
if (!result.AreEqual)
Or if you need to change some configuration, use
CompareLogic basicComparison = new CompareLogic()
{ Config = new ComparisonConfig()
{ MaxDifferences = propertyCount
//add other configurations
Full list of configurable parameters is in ComparisonConfig.cs
Original answer:
The limitations I see in your code:
The biggest one is that it doesn't do a deep object comparison.
It doesn't do an element by element comparison in case properties are lists or contain lists as elements (this can go n-levels).
It doesn't take into account that some type of properties should not be compared (e.g. a Func property used for filtering purposes, like the one in the PagedCollectionView class).
It doesn't keep track of what properties actually were different (so you can show in your assertions).
I was looking today for some solution for unit-testing purposes to do property by property deep comparison and I ended up using: http://comparenetobjects.codeplex.com.
It is a free library with just one class which you can simply use like this:
var compareObjects = new CompareObjects()
CompareChildren = true, //this turns deep compare one, otherwise it's shallow
CompareFields = false,
CompareReadOnly = true,
ComparePrivateFields = false,
ComparePrivateProperties = false,
CompareProperties = true,
MaxDifferences = 1,
ElementsToIgnore = new List<string>() { "Filter" }
compareObjects.Compare(objectA, objectB),
Also, it can be easily re-compiled for Silverlight. Just copy the one class into a Silverlight project and remove one or two lines of code for comparisons that are not available in Silverlight, like private members comparison.
I think it would be best to follow the pattern for Override Object#Equals()
For a better description: Read Bill Wagner's Effective C# - Item 9 I think
public override Equals(object obOther)
if (null == obOther)
return false;
if (object.ReferenceEquals(this, obOther)
return true;
if (this.GetType() != obOther.GetType())
return false;
# private method to compare members.
return CompareMembers(this, obOther as ThisClass);
Also in methods that check for equality, you should return either true or false. either they are equal or they are not.. instead of throwing an exception, return false.
I'd consider overriding Object#Equals.
Even though you must have considered this, using Reflection to compare properties is supposedly slow (I dont have numbers to back this up). This is the default behavior for valueType#Equals in C# and it is recommended that you override Equals for value types and do a member wise compare for performance. (Earlier I speed-read this as you have a collection of custom Property objects... my bad.)
Update-Dec 2011:
Of course, if the type already has a production Equals() then you need another approach.
If you're using this to compare immutable data structures exclusively for test purposes, you shouldn't add an Equals to production classes (Someone might hose the tests by chainging the Equals implementation or you may prevent creation of a production-required Equals implementation).
If performance doesn't matter, you could serialize them and compare the results:
var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(TheObjectType));
StringWriter serialized1 = new StringWriter(), serialized2 = new StringWriter();
serializer.Serialize(serialized1, obj1);
serializer.Serialize(serialized2, obj2);
bool areEqual = serialized1.ToString() == serialized2.ToString();
I think the answer of Big T was quite good but the deep comparison was missing, so I tweaked it a little bit:
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
/// <summary>Comparison class.</summary>
public static class Compare
/// <summary>Compare the public instance properties. Uses deep comparison.</summary>
/// <param name="self">The reference object.</param>
/// <param name="to">The object to compare.</param>
/// <param name="ignore">Ignore property with name.</param>
/// <typeparam name="T">Type of objects.</typeparam>
/// <returns><see cref="bool">True</see> if both objects are equal, else <see cref="bool">false</see>.</returns>
public static bool PublicInstancePropertiesEqual<T>(T self, T to, params string[] ignore) where T : class
if (self != null && to != null)
var type = self.GetType();
var ignoreList = new List<string>(ignore);
foreach (var pi in type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance))
if (ignoreList.Contains(pi.Name))
var selfValue = type.GetProperty(pi.Name).GetValue(self, null);
var toValue = type.GetProperty(pi.Name).GetValue(to, null);
if (pi.PropertyType.IsClass && !pi.PropertyType.Module.ScopeName.Equals("CommonLanguageRuntimeLibrary"))
// Check of "CommonLanguageRuntimeLibrary" is needed because string is also a class
if (PublicInstancePropertiesEqual(selfValue, toValue, ignore))
return false;
if (selfValue != toValue && (selfValue == null || !selfValue.Equals(toValue)))
return false;
return true;
return self == to;
I would add the following line to the PublicInstancePropertiesEqual method to avoid copy & paste errors:
Assert.AreNotSame(self, to);
Do you override .ToString() on all of your objects that are in the properties? Otherwise, that second comparison could come back with null.
Also, in that second comparison, I'm on the fence about the construct of !( A == B) compared to (A != B), in terms of readability six months/two years from now. The line itself is pretty wide, which is ok if you've got a wide monitor, but might not print out very well. (nitpick)
Are all of your objects always using properties such that this code will work? Could there be some internal, non-propertied data that could be different from one object to another, but all exposed data is the same? I'm thinking of some data which could change over time, like two random number generators that happen to hit the same number at one point, but are going to produce two different sequences of information, or just any data that doesn't get exposed through the property interface.
If you are only comparing objects of the same type or further down the inheritance chain, why not specify the parameter as your base type, rather than object ?
Also do null checks on the parameter as well.
Furthermore I'd make use of 'var' just to make the code more readable (if its c#3 code)
Also, if the object has reference types as properties then you are just calling ToString() on them which doesn't really compare values. If ToString isn't overwridden then its just going to return the type name as a string which could return false-positives.
The first thing I would suggest would be to split up the actual comparison so that it's a bit more readable (I've also taken out the ToString() - is that needed?):
else {
object originalProperty = sourceType.GetProperty(pi.Name).GetValue(this, null);
object comparisonProperty = destinationType.GetProperty(pi.Name).GetValue(comparisonObject, null);
if (originalProperty != comparisonProperty)
return false;
The next suggestion would be to minimise the use of reflection as much as possible - it's really slow. I mean, really slow. If you are going to do this, I would suggest caching the property references. I'm not intimately familiar with the Reflection API, so if this is a bit off, just adjust to make it compile:
// elsewhere
Dictionary<object, Property[]> lookupDictionary = new Dictionary<object, Property[]>;
Property[] objectProperties = null;
if (lookupDictionary.ContainsKey(sourceType)) {
objectProperties = lookupProperties[sourceType];
} else {
// build array of Property references
PropertyInfo[] sourcePropertyInfos = sourceType.GetProperties();
Property[] sourceProperties = new Property[sourcePropertyInfos.length];
for (int i=0; i < sourcePropertyInfos.length; i++) {
sourceProperties[i] = sourceType.GetProperty(pi.Name);
// add to cache
objectProperties = sourceProperties;
lookupDictionary[object] = sourceProperties;
// loop through and compare against the instances
However, I have to say that I agree with the other posters. This smells lazy and inefficient. You should be implementing IComparable instead :-).
here is revised one to treat null = null as equal
private bool PublicInstancePropertiesEqual<T>(T self, T to, params string[] ignore) where T : class
if (self != null && to != null)
Type type = typeof(T);
List<string> ignoreList = new List<string>(ignore);
foreach (PropertyInfo pi in type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance))
if (!ignoreList.Contains(pi.Name))
object selfValue = type.GetProperty(pi.Name).GetValue(self, null);
object toValue = type.GetProperty(pi.Name).GetValue(to, null);
if (selfValue != null)
if (!selfValue.Equals(toValue))
return false;
else if (toValue != null)
return false;
return true;
return self == to;
I ended up doing this:
public static string ToStringNullSafe(this object obj)
return obj != null ? obj.ToString() : String.Empty;
public static bool Compare<T>(T a, T b)
int count = a.GetType().GetProperties().Count();
string aa, bb;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
aa = a.GetType().GetProperties()[i].GetValue(a, null).ToStringNullSafe();
bb = b.GetType().GetProperties()[i].GetValue(b, null).ToStringNullSafe();
if (aa != bb)
return false;
return true;
if (Compare<ObjectType>(a, b))
If you want to ignore some properties by name:
public static string ToStringNullSafe(this object obj)
return obj != null ? obj.ToString() : String.Empty;
public static bool Compare<T>(T a, T b, params string[] ignore)
int count = a.GetType().GetProperties().Count();
string aa, bb;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
aa = a.GetType().GetProperties()[i].GetValue(a, null).ToStringNullSafe();
bb = b.GetType().GetProperties()[i].GetValue(b, null).ToStringNullSafe();
if (aa != bb && ignore.Where(x => x == a.GetType().GetProperties()[i].Name).Count() == 0)
return false;
return true;
if (MyFunction.Compare<ObjType>(a, b, "Id","AnotherProp"))
You can optimize your code by calling GetProperties only once per type:
public static string ToStringNullSafe(this object obj)
return obj != null ? obj.ToString() : String.Empty;
public static bool Compare<T>(T a, T b, params string[] ignore)
var aProps = a.GetType().GetProperties();
var bProps = b.GetType().GetProperties();
int count = aProps.Count();
string aa, bb;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
aa = aProps[i].GetValue(a, null).ToStringNullSafe();
bb = bProps[i].GetValue(b, null).ToStringNullSafe();
if (aa != bb && ignore.Where(x => x == aProps[i].Name).Count() == 0)
return false;
return true;
For completeness I want to add reference to
It has more complete logic than most of others answers on this page.
However I prefer Compare-Net-Objects library
https://github.com/GregFinzer/Compare-Net-Objects (referred by Liviu Trifoi's answer)
The library has NuGet package http://www.nuget.org/packages/CompareNETObjects and multiple options to configure.
Make sure objects aren't null.
Having obj1 and obj2:
if(obj1 == null )
return false;
return obj1.Equals( obj2 );
This works even if the objects are different. you could customize the methods in the utilities class maybe you want to compare private properties as well...
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
class ObjectA
public string PropertyA { get; set; }
public string PropertyB { get; set; }
public string PropertyC { get; set; }
public DateTime PropertyD { get; set; }
public string FieldA;
public DateTime FieldB;
class ObjectB
public string PropertyA { get; set; }
public string PropertyB { get; set; }
public string PropertyC { get; set; }
public DateTime PropertyD { get; set; }
public string FieldA;
public DateTime FieldB;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// create two objects with same properties
ObjectA a = new ObjectA() { PropertyA = "test", PropertyB = "test2", PropertyC = "test3" };
ObjectB b = new ObjectB() { PropertyA = "test", PropertyB = "test2", PropertyC = "test3" };
// add fields to those objects
a.FieldA = "hello";
b.FieldA = "Something differnt";
if (a.ComparePropertiesTo(b))
Console.WriteLine("objects have the same properties");
Console.WriteLine("objects have diferent properties!");
if (a.CompareFieldsTo(b))
Console.WriteLine("objects have the same Fields");
Console.WriteLine("objects have diferent Fields!");
public static class Utilities
public static bool ComparePropertiesTo(this Object a, Object b)
System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] properties = a.GetType().GetProperties(); // get all the properties of object a
foreach (var property in properties)
var propertyName = property.Name;
var aValue = a.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName).GetValue(a, null);
object bValue;
try // try to get the same property from object b. maybe that property does
// not exist!
bValue = b.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName).GetValue(b, null);
return false;
if (aValue == null && bValue == null)
if (aValue == null && bValue != null)
return false;
if (aValue != null && bValue == null)
return false;
// if properties do not match return false
if (aValue.GetHashCode() != bValue.GetHashCode())
return false;
return true;
public static bool CompareFieldsTo(this Object a, Object b)
System.Reflection.FieldInfo[] fields = a.GetType().GetFields(); // get all the properties of object a
foreach (var field in fields)
var fieldName = field.Name;
var aValue = a.GetType().GetField(fieldName).GetValue(a);
object bValue;
try // try to get the same property from object b. maybe that property does
// not exist!
bValue = b.GetType().GetField(fieldName).GetValue(b);
return false;
if (aValue == null && bValue == null)
if (aValue == null && bValue != null)
return false;
if (aValue != null && bValue == null)
return false;
// if properties do not match return false
if (aValue.GetHashCode() != bValue.GetHashCode())
return false;
return true;
Update on Liviu's answer above - CompareObjects.DifferencesString has been deprecated.
This works well in a unit test:
CompareLogic compareLogic = new CompareLogic();
ComparisonResult result = compareLogic.Compare(object1, object2);
This method will get properties of the class and compare the values for each property. If any of the values are different, it will return false, else it will return true.
public static bool Compare<T>(T Object1, T object2)
//Get the type of the object
Type type = typeof(T);
//return false if any of the object is false
if (Object1 == null || object2 == null)
return false;
//Loop through each properties inside class and get values for the property from both the objects and compare
foreach (System.Reflection.PropertyInfo property in type.GetProperties())
if (property.Name != "ExtensionData")
string Object1Value = string.Empty;
string Object2Value = string.Empty;
if (type.GetProperty(property.Name).GetValue(Object1, null) != null)
Object1Value = type.GetProperty(property.Name).GetValue(Object1, null).ToString();
if (type.GetProperty(property.Name).GetValue(object2, null) != null)
Object2Value = type.GetProperty(property.Name).GetValue(object2, null).ToString();
if (Object1Value.Trim() != Object2Value.Trim())
return false;
return true;
bool isEqual = Compare<Employee>(Object1, Object2)
To expand on #nawfal:s answer, I use this to test objects of different types in my unit tests to compare equal property names. In my case database entity and DTO.
Used like this in my test;
public static bool PublicInstancePropertiesEqual<T, Z>(this T self, Z to, params string[] ignore) where T : class
if (self != null && to != null)
var type = typeof(T);
var type2 = typeof(Z);
var ignoreList = new List<string>(ignore);
var unequalProperties =
from pi in type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)
where !ignoreList.Contains(pi.Name)
let selfValue = type.GetProperty(pi.Name).GetValue(self, null)
let toValue = type2.GetProperty(pi.Name).GetValue(to, null)
where selfValue != toValue && (selfValue == null || !selfValue.Equals(toValue))
select selfValue;
return !unequalProperties.Any();
return self == null && to == null;
sometimes you don't want to compare all public properties and want to compare only the subset of them, so in this case you can just move logic to compare the desired list of properties to abstract class
public abstract class ValueObject<T> where T : ValueObject<T>
protected abstract IEnumerable<object> GetAttributesToIncludeInEqualityCheck();
public override bool Equals(object other)
return Equals(other as T);
public bool Equals(T other)
if (other == null)
return false;
return GetAttributesToIncludeInEqualityCheck()
public static bool operator ==(ValueObject<T> left, ValueObject<T> right)
return Equals(left, right);
public static bool operator !=(ValueObject<T> left, ValueObject<T> right)
return !(left == right);
public override int GetHashCode()
int hash = 17;
foreach (var obj in this.GetAttributesToIncludeInEqualityCheck())
hash = hash * 31 + (obj == null ? 0 : obj.GetHashCode());
return hash;
and use this abstract class later to compare the objects
public class Meters : ValueObject<Meters>
protected decimal DistanceInMeters { get; private set; }
protected override IEnumerable<object> GetAttributesToIncludeInEqualityCheck()
return new List<Object> { DistanceInMeters };
my solution inspired from Aras Alenin answer above where I added one level of object comparison and a custom object for comparison results. I am also interested to get property name with object name:
public static IEnumerable<ObjectPropertyChanged> GetPublicSimplePropertiesChanged<T>(this T previous, T proposedChange,
string[] namesOfPropertiesToBeIgnored) where T : class
return GetPublicGenericPropertiesChanged(previous, proposedChange, namesOfPropertiesToBeIgnored, true, null, null);
public static IReadOnlyList<ObjectPropertyChanged> GetPublicGenericPropertiesChanged<T>(this T previous, T proposedChange,
string[] namesOfPropertiesToBeIgnored) where T : class
return GetPublicGenericPropertiesChanged(previous, proposedChange, namesOfPropertiesToBeIgnored, false, null, null);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the names of the public properties which values differs between first and second objects.
/// Considers 'simple' properties AND for complex properties without index, get the simple properties of the children objects.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
/// <param name="previous">The previous object.</param>
/// <param name="proposedChange">The second object which should be the new one.</param>
/// <param name="namesOfPropertiesToBeIgnored">The names of the properties to be ignored.</param>
/// <param name="simpleTypeOnly">if set to <c>true</c> consider simple types only.</param>
/// <param name="parentTypeString">The parent type string. Meant only for recursive call with simpleTypeOnly set to <c>true</c>.</param>
/// <param name="secondType">when calling recursively, the current type of T must be clearly defined here, as T will be more generic (using base class).</param>
/// <returns>
/// the names of the properties
/// </returns>
private static IReadOnlyList<ObjectPropertyChanged> GetPublicGenericPropertiesChanged<T>(this T previous, T proposedChange,
string[] namesOfPropertiesToBeIgnored, bool simpleTypeOnly, string parentTypeString, Type secondType) where T : class
List<ObjectPropertyChanged> propertiesChanged = new List<ObjectPropertyChanged>();
if (previous != null && proposedChange != null)
var type = secondType == null ? typeof(T) : secondType;
string typeStr = parentTypeString + type.Name + ".";
var ignoreList = namesOfPropertiesToBeIgnored.CreateList();
IEnumerable<IEnumerable<ObjectPropertyChanged>> genericPropertiesChanged =
from pi in type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)
where !ignoreList.Contains(pi.Name) && pi.GetIndexParameters().Length == 0
&& (!simpleTypeOnly || simpleTypeOnly && pi.PropertyType.IsSimpleType())
let firstValue = type.GetProperty(pi.Name).GetValue(previous, null)
let secondValue = type.GetProperty(pi.Name).GetValue(proposedChange, null)
where firstValue != secondValue && (firstValue == null || !firstValue.Equals(secondValue))
let subPropertiesChanged = simpleTypeOnly || pi.PropertyType.IsSimpleType()
? null
: GetPublicGenericPropertiesChanged(firstValue, secondValue, namesOfPropertiesToBeIgnored, true, typeStr, pi.PropertyType)
let objectPropertiesChanged = subPropertiesChanged != null && subPropertiesChanged.Count() > 0
? subPropertiesChanged
: (new ObjectPropertyChanged(proposedChange.ToString(), typeStr + pi.Name, firstValue.ToStringOrNull(), secondValue.ToStringOrNull())).CreateList()
select objectPropertiesChanged;
if (genericPropertiesChanged != null)
{ // get items from sub lists
genericPropertiesChanged.ForEach(a => propertiesChanged.AddRange(a));
return propertiesChanged;
Using the following class to store comparison results
public class ObjectPropertyChanged
public ObjectPropertyChanged(string objectId, string propertyName, string previousValue, string changedValue)
ObjectId = objectId;
PropertyName = propertyName;
PreviousValue = previousValue;
ProposedChangedValue = changedValue;
public string ObjectId { get; set; }
public string PropertyName { get; set; }
public string PreviousValue { get; set; }
public string ProposedChangedValue { get; set; }
And a sample unit test:
public void GetPublicGenericPropertiesChangedTest1()
// Define objects to test
Function func1 = new Function { Id = 1, Description = "func1" };
Function func2 = new Function { Id = 2, Description = "func2" };
FunctionAssignment funcAss1 = new FunctionAssignment
Function = func1,
Level = 1
FunctionAssignment funcAss2 = new FunctionAssignment
Function = func2,
Level = 2
// Main test: read properties changed
var propertiesChanged = Utils.GetPublicGenericPropertiesChanged(funcAss1, funcAss2, null);
Assert.IsTrue(propertiesChanged.Count == 3);
Assert.IsTrue(propertiesChanged[0].PropertyName == "FunctionAssignment.Function.Description");
Assert.IsTrue(propertiesChanged[1].PropertyName == "FunctionAssignment.Function.Id");
Assert.IsTrue(propertiesChanged[2].PropertyName == "FunctionAssignment.Level");