Proximity Search example Lucene.Net - c#

I want to make a Proximity Search with Lucene.Net. I saw this question where it looks like that was the answer for him, but no code was suplied. The Java documentation says to use the ~ character with the number of words in between, but I don't see where this character would go in the code. Anyone can give me an example of a Proximity Search using Lucene.Net?
What I have so far:
IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(this.Directory, true);
string[] fieldList = new string[] { "Name", "Description" };
List<BooleanClause.Occur> occurs = new List<BooleanClause.Occur>();
foreach (string field in fieldList)
Query searchQuery = MultiFieldQueryParser.Parse(this.LuceneVersion, query, fieldList, occurs.ToArray(), this.Analyzer);
If I try to add the "~" with any number on the MultiFieldQueryParser it errors out saying that for a FuzzySearch the values should be between 0.0 and 1.0, but I want a Proximity Search 3 words of separation Ex. "my search"~3

The tilde means either a fuzzy search if you apply it on a single term, or a proximity search if you apply it on a phrase. The error you're receiving sounds like you're applying it on a single term (term~10) instead of using a phrase ("term term"~10).
To do a proximity search use the tilde, "~", symbol at the end of a Phrase.

The only differences between Lucene.NET and classic java lucene of the same version should be internal, not external -- operational goal is to have a very compatible project, especially on the input (queries) and output (index files) side. So it should work however it works for java lucene. If it don't, it is a bug.


Combining fuzzy search with synonym expansion in Azure search

I'm using the Microsoft.Azure.Search SDK to run an Azure Cognitive Services search that includes synonym expansion. My SynonymMap is as follows:
private async Task UploadSynonyms()
var synonymMap = new SynonymMap()
Name = "desc-synonymmap",
Synonyms = "\"dog\", \"cat\", \"rabbit\"\n "
await m_SearchServiceClient.SynonymMaps.CreateOrUpdateAsync(synonymMap);
This is mapped to Animal.Name as follows:
index.Fields.First(f => f.Name == nameof(Animal.Name)).SynonymMaps = new[] { "desc-synonymmap" };
I am trying to use both fuzzy matching and synonym matching, so that, for example:
If I search for 'dog' it returns any Animal with a Name of 'dog', 'cat' or 'rabbit'
If I search for 'dob' it fuzzy matches to 'dog' and returns any Animal with a Name of 'dog', 'cat' or 'rabbit', as they are all synonyms for 'dog'
My search method is as follows:
private async Task RunSearch()
var parameters = new SearchParameters
SearchFields = new[] { nameof(Animal.Name) },
QueryType = QueryType.Full
var results = await m_IndexClientForQueries.Documents.SearchAsync<Animal>("dog OR dog~", parameters);
When I search for 'dog' it correctly returns any result with dog/cat/rabbit as it's Name. But when I search for 'dob' it only returns any matches for 'dog', and not any synonyms.
This answer from January 2019 states that "Synonym expansions do not apply to wildcard search terms; prefix, fuzzy, and regex terms aren't expanded." but this answer was posted over a year ago and things may have changed since then.
Is it possible to both fuzzy match and then match on synonyms in Azure Cognitive Search, or is there any workaround to achieve this?
Synonym expansions do not apply to wildcard search terms; prefix, fuzzy, and regex terms aren't expanded
Unfortunately, this still holds true. Reference :
The reason being the words/graphs that were obtained are directly passed to the index (as per this doc).
Having said that, I m thinking of two possible options that I may meet your requirement :
Option 1
Have a local Fuzzy matcher. Where you can get the possible matching words for a typed word.
Sharing a reference that I found: Link 1. I did come across a lot of packages which did the similar tasks.
Now from your obtained words you can build OR query binding all the matching words and issue it to the Azure cognitive Search.
So for an instance : When dob~ is fired - assuming "dot,dog" would be the words generated by the Fuzzy logic code.
We take these two words and subsequently issue "dog or dot" query to the Azure. Synonyms will be in turn effective because of the search term "dog "and the results will be retrieved accordingly based on the synonymmap.
Option 2
You could consider to handle using a synonym map. For example, mapping "dog" to "dob, dgo, dot" along with other synonyms.

OnBase & C# script

I recently worked on a project to import Outlook Emails into OnBase Document Management System. Now I am in the process of enhancing this project.
When we receive an email, in the subject line, it contains numbers. I want to grab those numbers. So lets say if subject line contains:
"My name is Hiren and my Driver license# 123456".
I want to pull that sub-string 123456 to populate a "Driver License" keyword box, in OnBase. The length of the numbers is 6.
How can I do that?
This really has nothing to do with OnBase or any other integration. You simply need to know how to extract a number from a string. Where you store it is irrelevant. A simple way to do it would be using a regular expression:
var s = "My name is Hiren and my Driver license# 123456";
Regex r = new Regex(#"\d+");
foreach (var match in r.Matches(s))
You can do it in two ways: Either using RegEx or Looking at the last 6 characters of the subject line if you can guarantee the structure.
Here is an example:
If you are using mailBox importer, then is very easy, there is a keyword named "mail subject" that store the subjet of the email. Then with VBScript you can get the numbers.
This could help you:
Create an action to create an expression, then type this VBScript:
right(%K00122;len(%K00122) - InStr(%K00122;"#"))
Replace the "%K00122" wiht the number that represents the key word tha have the subject.

RegEx for a Glossary Function

I'm working on a web-based help system that will auto-insert links into the explanatory text, taking users to other topics in help. I have hundreds of terms that should be linked, i.e.
"Manuals and labels" (describes these concepts in general)
"Delete Manuals and Labels" (describes this specific action)
"Learn more about adding manuals and labels" (again, more specific action)
I have a RegEx to find / replace whole words (good ol' \b), which works great, except for linked terms found inside other linked terms. Instead of:
Learn more about manuals and labels
I end up with
Learn more about <a href="#">manuals and labels</a>
Which makes everyone cry a little. Changing the order in which the terms are replaced (going shortest to longest) means that I''d get:
Learn more about manuals and labels
Without the outer link I really need.
The further complication is that the capitalization of the search terms can vary, and I need to retain the original capitalization. If I could do something like this, I'd be all set:
Regex _regex = new Regex("\\b" + termToFind + "(|s)" + "\\b", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
string resultingText = _regex.Replace(textThatNeedsLinksInserted, "<a>" + "$&".Replace(" ", "_") + "</a>));
And then after all the terms are done, remove the "_", that would be perfect. "Learn_more_about_manuals_and_labels" wouldn't match "manuals and labels," and all is well.
It would be hard to have the help authors delimit the terms that need to be replaced when writing the text -- they're not used to coding. Also, this would limit the flexibility to add new terms later, since we'd have to go back and add delimiters to all the previously written text.
Is there a RegEx that would let me replace whitespace with "_" in the original match? Or is there a different solution that's eluding me?
From your examples with nested links it sounds like you're making individual passes over the terms and performing multiple Regex.Replace calls. Since you're using a regex you should let it do the heavy lifting and put a nice pattern together that makes use of alternation.
In other words, you likely want a pattern like this: \b(term1|term2|termN)\b
var input = "Having trouble with your manuals and labels? Learn more about adding manuals and labels. Need to get rid of them? Try to delete manuals and labels.";
var terms = new[]
"Learn more about adding manuals and labels",
"Delete Manuals and Labels",
"manuals and labels"
var pattern = #"\b(" + String.Join("|", terms) + #")\b";
var replacement = #"$1";
var result = Regex.Replace(input, pattern, replacement, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
Now, to address the issue of a corresponding href value for each term, you can use a dictionary and change the regex to use a MatchEvaluator that will return the custom format and look up the value from the dictionary. The dictionary also ignores case by passing in StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase. I tweaked the pattern slightly by adding ?: at the start of the group to make it a non-capturing group since I am no longer referring to the captured item as I did in the first example.
var terms = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
{ "Learn more about adding manuals and labels", "2.html" },
{ "Delete Manuals and Labels", "3.html" },
{ "manuals and labels", "1.html" }
var pattern = #"\b(?:" + String.Join("|", terms.Select(t => t.Key)) + #")\b";
var result = Regex.Replace(input, pattern,
m => String.Format(#"{1}", terms[m.Value], m.Value),
I would use an ordered dictionary like this, making sure the smallest term is last:
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
public class Test
public static void Main()
OrderedDictionary Links = new OrderedDictionary();
Links.Add("Learn more about adding manuals and labels", "2");
Links.Add("Delete Manuals and Labels", "3");
Links.Add("manuals and labels", "1");
string text = "Having trouble with your manuals and labels? Learn more about adding manuals and labels. Need to get rid of them? Try to delete manuals and labels.";
foreach (string termToFind in Links.Keys)
Regex _regex = new Regex(#"\b" + termToFind + #"s?\b(?![^<>]*</)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
text = _regex.Replace(text, #"$&");
ideone demo
The negative lookahead ((?![^<>]*</)) I added prevents the replace of a part you already replaced before which is between anchor tags.
First, you can prevent your Regex for manuals and labels from finding Learn more about manuals and labels by using a lookbehind. Modified your regex looks like this:
(?<!Learn more about )(manuals and labels)
But for your specific request i would suggest a different solution. You should define a rule or priority list for your regexs or both. A possible rule could be "always search for the regex first that matches the most characters". This however requires that your regexs are always fixed length. And it does not prevent one regex from consuming and replacing characters that would have been matched by a different regex (maybe even of the same size).
Of course you will need to add an additional lookbehind and lookahead to each of your regexs to prevent replacing strings that are inside of your replacing elements

Matching a term that contains nested HTML

I have been having trouble finding a solution to this problem.
I am parsing the content of a number of ebooks, finding specific terms and characters, marking the locations and lengths of each term.
A normal case would be something like this (excerpts from A Game of Thrones):
"When he paused to look down, his head swam dizzily and he felt his fingers slipping. Bran cried out and clung for dear life."
If we are searching for the character "Bran", its location is 85 and length is 4. Easy enough.
My issue arises when there is a paragraph like this:
<span height="-0em"><font size="7">D</font></span>aenerys Targaryen wed Khal Drogo
We need to match "Daenerys Targaryn". It is easy enough to strip the HTML and match the string, but in this example the result needs to include the HTML. Thus the expected result would here be would be location = 0, length = 67.
Another situation, caused by random anchor tags scattered throughout:
Did anyone outside the Vale even suspect where Catelyn <a></a>Stark had taken him?
Again, searching for "Catelyn Stark" needs to include the HTML, so location = 47, length = 20.
I have been able to get around it temporarily by adding those specific cases (searching for "Catelyn <a></a>Stark specifically), but clearly I should have a more robust solution, which I cannot seem to get my head around. My attempts have been using RegEx but with limited success.
I have found various questions regarding HTML matching/stripping (and whether or not to use RegEx =)), but this case seems to be somewhat unique.
Stripping the tags isn't an option as the content must be preserved.
This is within a stand-alone C# application.
Any ideas, steps in the right direction, or similar examples should your search go better than mine would be greatly appreciated!
One possible approach would be to insert the following between each letter in your search string:
So when searching for the character "Bran" your regex would become the following:
This will allow your regex to match any number of HTML tags anywhere within the search string. Note that this will only work if your search strings are always something simple like a character's name, and not regular expressions (this method will fail if there is repetition like a* in your search string).
I would create a function that would take "Daenerys Targaryn" as a parameter and then strip the first letter. Then, it would only search for "aenerys Targaryn," and if found, it would search for ">D<" or the first variable letter. Does than make sense?
public static string searchFor(string str)
// strip first letter of search string (in this case "D")
// search for the rest of the string ("aenerys Targaryn")
// if found, search for ">D<"
// if found, search for HTML tags with "D" inside (using regex)
// if found, search for HTML tags with the previous HTML tag in them (using regex)
return result;
Well using Javascript or Php you can get the text of elements and the text of documents and search there and then do a regex to return the closest match (containing the html):
Another option:
would be to index the books first using something like Lucene Search Engine (which happens to let you index in different formats (html format being one of them).
You can then use the Lucene api to search your documents a little easier.
In php we have Zend_Search_Lucene which works perfectly for this kind of thing.
Lucene Search can be found at:
Have fun!

How to do partial word searches in Lucene.NET?

I have a relatively small index containing around 4,000 locations. Among other things, I'm using it to populate an autocomplete field on a search form.
My index contains documents with a Location field containing values like
Dayton, Ohio
Dublin, Ohio
Columbus, Ohio
I want to be able to type in "ohi" and have all of these results appear and right now nothing shows up until I type the full word "ohio".
I'm using Lucene.NET v2.3.2.1 and the relevant portion of my code is as follows for setting up my query....
BooleanQuery keywords = new BooleanQuery();
QueryParser parser = new QueryParser("location", new StandardAnalyzer());
keywords.Add(parser.Parse("\"*" + location + "*\""), BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);
luceneQuery.Add(keywords, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);
In short, I'd like to get this working like a LIKE clause similar to
SELECT * from Location where Name LIKE '%ohi%'
Can I do this with Lucene?
Try this query:
parser.Parse(query.Keywords.ToLower() + "*")
Yes, this can be done. But, leading wildcard can result in slow queries. Check the documentation. Also, if you are indexing the entire string (eg. "Dayton, Ohio") as single token, most of the queries will degenerate to leading prefix queries. Using a tokenizer like StandardAnalyzer (which I suppose, you are already doing) will lessen the requirement for leading wildcard.
If you don't want leading prefixes for performance reasons, you can try out indexing ngrams. That way, there will not be any leading wildcard queries. The ngram (assuming only of length 4) tokenizer will create tokens for "Dayton Ohio" as "dayt", "ayto", "yton" and so on.
it's more a matter of populating your index with partial words in the first place. your analyzer needs to put in the partial keywords into the index as it analyzes (and hopefully weight them lower then full keywords as it does).
lucene index lookup trees work from left to right. if you want to search in the middle of a keyword, you have break it up as you analyze. the problem is that partial keywords will explode your index sizes usually.
people usually use really creative analyzers that break up words in root words (that take off prefixes and suffixes).
get down in to deep into understand lucene. it's good stuff. :-)
