Matching a term that contains nested HTML - c#

I have been having trouble finding a solution to this problem.
I am parsing the content of a number of ebooks, finding specific terms and characters, marking the locations and lengths of each term.
A normal case would be something like this (excerpts from A Game of Thrones):
"When he paused to look down, his head swam dizzily and he felt his fingers slipping. Bran cried out and clung for dear life."
If we are searching for the character "Bran", its location is 85 and length is 4. Easy enough.
My issue arises when there is a paragraph like this:
<span height="-0em"><font size="7">D</font></span>aenerys Targaryen wed Khal Drogo
We need to match "Daenerys Targaryn". It is easy enough to strip the HTML and match the string, but in this example the result needs to include the HTML. Thus the expected result would here be would be location = 0, length = 67.
Another situation, caused by random anchor tags scattered throughout:
Did anyone outside the Vale even suspect where Catelyn <a></a>Stark had taken him?
Again, searching for "Catelyn Stark" needs to include the HTML, so location = 47, length = 20.
I have been able to get around it temporarily by adding those specific cases (searching for "Catelyn <a></a>Stark specifically), but clearly I should have a more robust solution, which I cannot seem to get my head around. My attempts have been using RegEx but with limited success.
I have found various questions regarding HTML matching/stripping (and whether or not to use RegEx =)), but this case seems to be somewhat unique.
Stripping the tags isn't an option as the content must be preserved.
This is within a stand-alone C# application.
Any ideas, steps in the right direction, or similar examples should your search go better than mine would be greatly appreciated!

One possible approach would be to insert the following between each letter in your search string:
So when searching for the character "Bran" your regex would become the following:
This will allow your regex to match any number of HTML tags anywhere within the search string. Note that this will only work if your search strings are always something simple like a character's name, and not regular expressions (this method will fail if there is repetition like a* in your search string).

I would create a function that would take "Daenerys Targaryn" as a parameter and then strip the first letter. Then, it would only search for "aenerys Targaryn," and if found, it would search for ">D<" or the first variable letter. Does than make sense?
public static string searchFor(string str)
// strip first letter of search string (in this case "D")
// search for the rest of the string ("aenerys Targaryn")
// if found, search for ">D<"
// if found, search for HTML tags with "D" inside (using regex)
// if found, search for HTML tags with the previous HTML tag in them (using regex)
return result;

Well using Javascript or Php you can get the text of elements and the text of documents and search there and then do a regex to return the closest match (containing the html):
Another option:
would be to index the books first using something like Lucene Search Engine (which happens to let you index in different formats (html format being one of them).
You can then use the Lucene api to search your documents a little easier.
In php we have Zend_Search_Lucene which works perfectly for this kind of thing.
Lucene Search can be found at:
Have fun!


C# Regex filter problems

At this moment in time, i posted something earlier asking about the same type of question regarding Regex. It has given me headaches, i have looked up loads of documentation of how to use regex but i still could not put my finger on it. I wouldn't want to waste another 6 hours looking to filter simple (i think) expressions.
So basically what i want to do is filter all filetypes with the endings of HTML extensions (the '*' stars are from a Winforms Tabcontrol signifying that the file has been modified. I also need them in IgnoreCase:
.html, .htm, .shtml, .shtm, .xhtml
.html*, .htm*, .shtml*, .shtm*, .xhtml*
Also filtering some CSS files:
And some SQL Files:
.sql, .ddl, .dml
.sql*, .ddl*, .dml*
My previous question got an answer to filtering Python files:
.py, .py, .pyi, .pyx, .pyw
Expression would be: \.py[3ixw]?\*?$
But when i tried to learn from the expression above i would always end up with opening a .xhtml only, the rest are not valid.
For the HTML expression, i currently have this: \.html|.html|.shtml|.shtm|.xhtml\*?$ with RegexOptions.IgnoreCase. But the output will only allow .xhtml case sensitive or insensitive. .html files, .htm and the rest did not match. I would really appreciate an explanation to each of the expressions you provide (so i don't have to ask the same question ever again).
Thank you.
For such cases you may start with a simple regex that can be simplified step by step down to a good regex expression:
In C# this would basically, with IgnoreCase, be
Regex myRegex = new Regex("PATTERN", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
Now the pattern: The most easy one is simply concatenating all valid results with OR + escaping (if possible):
With .html* you mean .html + anything, which is written as .*(Any character, 0-infinite times) in regex.
Then, you may take all repeating patterns and group them together. All file endings start with a dot and may have an optional end and ending.* always contains ending:
Then, I see htm pretty often, so I try to extract that. Taking all possible characters before and after htm together (? means 0 or 1 appearance):
And, I always check if it's still working in regexstorm for .Net
That way, you may also get regular expressions for the other 2 ones and concat them all together in the end.

how to strip html code from a string in c#

Im coding an app for windows phone in c#.
the program creates a html file, in the course of the programs running i add a lot of html tags.
now i need to strip those from a string when needed.
now all my searches show me i can take a string turn it into an array then put it back together minus any words i dont want, now this is handy but wont work for my needs. i have no idea where to start or even if it is possible
here is an example of the strings i need to remove
testString = "AnotherTest<br>";
so this is a string of the parts i need to remove
List<string> partsToRemove ={"</a>","\">","<br>","<a","href=\"#"};
so how do i take "AnotherTest<br>" and remove all the parts included in partsToRemove?
To clarify:
i will only be removing html from small strings as needed not from a whole html file
to give a working concept:
my program is creating a back ground for a roleplay character, part of that process uses a "gang" generator, the gang generator provides the strings with html tags ready for placement (adding them on the fly is not possible with out radical alteration to my whole program) this is fine for the end result BUT i give users access to the generator itself so if they just want a gang they can use what i have created, this is then diplayed in a textbox (i could easierly change that to another web box) and if enabled the phone reads it out, so here i would take the string created for the gang and feed it through a method that strips the html code and returns a "clean" string
before posting i searched for a solution but all i came across was how to remove words, whole words.
You can try to use regex to do this:
Remove all html tags:
String result = Regex.Replace(htmlDocument, #"<[^>]*>", String.Empty);
for the case that you've shown, you can use this : /(<a|href=\\"#|">|</a>|<br>|\\)/gm regex
But since you might have many different types, the best is to keep a list of patterns, or try to figure out a pattern that matches all the different combinations that you have. It might be more suitable to split the document, and execute a regex multiple times, to keep the regex as simple as possible.
Hope I've answered you're question.

C# regex html table inside a table

I am using the follow regex:
to extract tables (and headings) from a html document.
I've found it to work quite well in the documents we are using (documents converted with word save as filtered html), however I have a problem that if the table contains a table inside it the regex will match the initial table start tag and the second table end tag rather than the initial table end tag.
Is there a way in regex to specify that if it finds another table tag within the match to keep to ignore the next match of and go for the next one and so on?
Don't do this.
HTML is not a regular grammar and so a regular expression is not a good tool with which to parse it. What you are asking in your last sentence is for a contextual parser, not a regular expression. Bare regular expression parsing it is too likely fail to parse HTML correctly to be responsible coding.
HtmlAgilityPack is a MsPL-licensed solution I've used in the past that has widely acceptable license terms and provides a well-formed DOM which can be probed with XPath or manipulated in other useful ways ("Extract all text, dropping out tags" being a popular one for importing HTML mail for search, for example, that is nigh trivial after letting a DOM parser rip through the HTML and only coding the part that adds value for your specific business case).
Is there a way in regex to specify
that if it finds another table tag
within the match to keep to ignore the
next match of and go for the next one
and so on?
Since nobody's actually answered this part, I will—No.
This is part of what makes regular languages "regular". A regular language is one that can be recognized by a certain regular grammar, often described in syntax that looks very much like basic regular expressions (10* to match 1 followed by any number of 0s), or a DFA. "Regular Expressions" are based strongly off of these regular languages, as their name implies, but add some functions such as lookaheads and lookbehinds. As a general rule, a regular language knows nothing about what's around it or what it's seen, only what it's looking at currently, and which of its finite states it's in.
TLDNR: Why does this matter to you? Since a regular language cannot "count" elements in that way, it is impossible to keep a tally of the number of <table> and </table> elements you have seen. An HTML Parser does just that - since it is not trying to emulate a regular language, it can count the number of opening and closing tags it sees.
This is the prime example of why it's best not to use regular expressions to parse HTML; even though you know how it may be formed, you cannot parse it since there may be nested elements. If you could guarantee there would be no nested tables, it may be feasible to do this, but even then, using a parser would be much simpler.
Plea to the theoretical computer scientists: I did my best to explain what I know from the CS Theory classes I've taken in a way that most people here should be able to understand. I know that regular languages can "count" finite numbers of things. Feel free to correct me, but please be kind!
Regular expressions are not really suited for this as what you're trying to do contains knowledge about the fact that this is a nested language. Without this knowledge it will be really hard (and also hard to read and maintain) to extract this information.
Maybe do something with an XPath navigator?

Using C# regex to select text based on custom tags

I have a string in c# containing some data i need to extract based on certain conditions.
The string contains many tenders in the following form :
<TENDER> some words, don't know how many, may contain numbers and things like slashes (/) or whatever <DESCRIPTION> some more words and possibly other things like numbers or whatever describing the tender here </DESCRIPTION> some more words and possibly numbers and weird things </TENDER>
This string doesn't contain any nested <TENDER> tags, its flat. The <DESCRIPTION> tags occur only once within the <TENDER> tags.
I'm using : <TENDER>(.+?)</TENDER> as the regex to split up the tenders and it works fine. If this is wrong or stupid and you know a better way to write this please let me know as I have discovered I suck at regex.
My problem that I now need to only select a tender if its description contains any word in a list of keywords (lets say for now i want to select a tender only if it contains either "concrete" or"brick" in the description).
So far the regex I have come up with looks like this, but I don't know what to put in the middle. Also I have a vague suspicion that this might return me some false positives.
<TENDER>(.+?)<DESCRIPTION>have no idea what to do here</DESCRIPTION>(.+?)</TENDER>
If any of you regex guru's could point me in the right direction I would be most appreciative.
I am using [^<>] instead of . to avoid leaving the tags.
Use IgnorePatternWhiteSpace because I have commented the pattern. It does not affect the data allows one to break out patterns and comment.
string pattern = #"
(?<=<TENDER>) # Look Behind for TENDER
(?<TenderBefore>.*?) # Put the data into the TenderBefore Named Match Capture Group
(?=.*brick|concrete) # Look ahead for the keywords
(?<Description>.*?) # Put the data into the Description NMCG
(?<TenderAfter>.*?) # Put text into NMCG TenderAfter
(?=<\/TENDER>) # Tender Look ahead.";
After processing the matches, extract the data out of each match such as
string Tender = string.Format("{0}<DESCRIPTION>{1}</DESCRIPTION>{2}",
Instead of regex, try using a proper DOM parsing library, such as the Html Agility Pack. It should work with any tags, even custom ones.

How to find a repeated string and the value between them using regexes?

How would you find the value of string that is repeated and the data between it using regexes? For example, take this piece of XML:
<tagName>Data between the tag</tagName>
What would be the correct regex to find these values? (Note that tagName could be anything).
I have found a way that works that involves finding all the tagNames that are inbetween a set of < > and then searching for the first instance of the tagName from the opening tag to the end of the string and then finding the closing </tagName> and working out the data from between them. However, this is extremely inefficient and complex. There must be an easier way!
EDIT: Please don't tell me to use XMLReader; I doubt I will ever use my custom class for reading XML, I am trying to learn the best way to do it (and the wrong ways) through attempting to make my own.
Thanks in advance.
You can use: <(\w+)>(.*?)<\/\1>
Group #1 is the tag, Group #2 is the content.
Using regular expressions to parse XML is a terrible error.
This is efficient (it doesn't parse the XML into a DOM) and simple enough:
string s = "<tagName>Data between the tag</tagName>";
using (XmlReader xr = XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(s)))
Since the actual goal here is to learn something by doing, and not to just get the job done, here's why using regular expressions doesn't work:
Consider this fairly trivial test case:
There are two elements with a tag name of "a" in that XML. The first has one text-node child with a value of "text1", and the second has one text-node child with a value of "text3". Also, there's a "b" element that contains a string of text that looks like an "a" element but isn't because it's enclosed in a CDATA section.
You can't parse that with simple pattern-matching. Finding <a> and looking ahead to find </a> doesn't begin to do what you need. You have to put start tags on a stack as you find them, and pop them off the stack as you reach the matching end tag. You have to stop putting anything on the stack when you encounter the start of a CDATA section, and not start again until you encounter the end.
And that's without introducing whitespace, empty elements, attributes, processing instructions, comments, or Unicode into the problem.
You can use a backreference like \1 to refer to an earlier match:
The \1 will match what was captured by the first parenthesized group.
with Perl:
my $tagName = 'some tag';
my $i; # some line of XML
$i =~ /\<$tagName\>(.+)\<\/$tagname\>/;
where $1 is now filled with the data you captured
Going forward, if you get stuck check out
It's the first place I go when i get stuck on regex
