I'm dynamically building up a query starting with this:
var items = db.Items;
case "4":
items = items.OrderBy(x => x.Ratings.Average(t => t.score)).ThenBy(x => x.title);
The problem is that some items don't have any data in the ratings table yet, so I believe it's trying to average over data that doesn't exist. Using DefaultOrEmpty() at the end doesn't seem to have any effect. Any suggestions on how I would fix this?
If you are using this form:
var effectiveFloor =
.Where(p => p.PricingStrategy == PricingStrategy.EstablishFloor)
.Max(p => p.Amount);
Then the solution is:
var effectiveFloor =
.Where(p => p.PricingStrategy == PricingStrategy.EstablishFloor)
.Max(p => p==null ? 0 : p.Amount);
Found here
items = items.Where(x=>x.Ratings.Any()).
OrderBy(x => x.Ratings.Average(t => t.score)).
ThenBy(x => x.title);
Try that.
var entity = await _abcRepository.get(Id);
var X = entity.GroupBy(c => c.number).Where(grp => grp.Count() == 1).Take(10).ToList();
in images you see [0] and inside of it one more [0].
How can I get that model value.
X[0][0] is not working.
X.Value is not working.
I need to convert that dictionary to model.
Use .Select to normalize aggregation as per your wish.
var X = entity.GroupBy(c => c.number).Where(grp => grp.Count() == 1)
.Select(group => new { GroupKey = group.Key, Items = group.ToList() })
You could try something like this:
var entity = await _abcRepository.get(Id);
var results = entity.GroupBy(c => c.number)
.Where(grp => grp.Count() == 1)
.ToDictionary(grp => grp.Key, grp => grp.First());
Essentially, the lambda you pass in Where method certifies that the groups are created contains only one item. That being said, you can use the First on each group to fetch that one element.
This LINQ-to-SQL query works (testing in LINQpad):
var q5 = LOGs.Where(r => r.APP_NAME == "Toaster")
.GroupBy(pol => pol.CASE_NO)
.Select(grp => grp.First())
.OrderByDescending(l => l.WHEN);
However, that returns all columns for each row.
How can I refine the Select() part to specify certain columns?
I can do it in two steps by adding .ToList() to the query, then querying q5:
var q5a = q5.Select(r => new {CASE=r.CASE_NO, WHEN = r.WHEN});
Can I accomplish that in one statement instead of two?
Thanks --
why don't you filter after where?
var q5 = LOGs.Where(r => r.APP_NAME == "Toaster")
.Select(r=> new{r.CASE_NO, r.WHEN})
.GroupBy(pol => pol.CASE_NO)
.Select(grp => grp.First())
.OrderByDescending(l => l.WHEN);
remembar that new {CASE=r.CASE_NO, WHEN = r.WHEN} creates a new anonymous type because of differents property names, new {r.CASE_NO, r.WHEN} doesn't !
In an effort to access child objects only through their aggregate roots, I am struggling to think of efficient ways to select the correct data. Could I rewrite the following to be more efficient/concise?
var jobReport = db.Jobs
.Where(j => j.JobReports.Any(jr => jr.ReportId == reportId))
.Select(j => j.JobReports.Single(jr => jr.ReportId == reportId))
What you wrote would be equivalent to:
var jobReport = db.Jobs.SelectMany(j => j.JobReports)
.Single(jr => jr.ReportId == reportId);
I cannot seem to combine 2 GroupBy statements in 1 linq expression..
For now i'm doing something like this:
double maxInvestment = 0;
foreach (var playerAction in TotalUserActions.GroupBy(p => p.Player))
var MaxInvestmentPerPlayer = playerAction.GroupBy(p => p.RoundId)
.Select(p => p.LastOrDefault())
.Sum(p=> p.BetSize);
if(MaxInvestmentPerPlayer > maxInvestment)
maxInvestment = MaxInvestmentPerPlayer;
What I would like to do is something like this...
double maxInvestment = TotalUserActions.GroupBy(p => p.Player)
.GroupBy(p => p.RoundId)
.Select(p => p.LastOrDefault())
.Sum(p=> p.BetSize);
But that wont work.. Can someone help me on this?
Looks like this is what you want, the key takeaway being the inner query is wrapped in an outer call to Select():
var maxInvestment = TotalUserActions.GroupBy(p => p.Player)
.Select(g => g.GroupBy(x => x.RoundId)
.Select(x => x.LastOrDefault())
.Sum(x => x.BetSize))
I do question your use of LastOrDefault() though as, since you have not specified any ordering, you may as well use FirstOrDefault() and save the hassle of skipping to the last element.
I have a seemingly simple task that I am having far more trouble than I care to admit doing. I have a hierarchical table that I need to query and display the results grouped by the parent with associated children.
My current LINQ query:
var quests = Questions.Include(q => q.Question2)
.Include(q => q.Sections)
.Include(q => q.QuestionType)
.Include(q => q.AnswerOptions)
.Where(sq => sq.Sections.Any(s => s.SectionId == sectionId))
.OrderBy(q=> q.QuestionId).ThenBy(q => q.ParentQuestionId);
This produces a result set of:
What I want to produce is:
My Question is simply, how can I get the desired results using Lambda syntax.
Update based on Servys' comment.
First line is to make sure all related questions are grouped together.
Second line is to make sure parent question is first.
Third line is to order properly
.OrderBy(q => q.ParentQuestionId == null ? q.QuestionId : q.ParentQuestionId)
.ThenBy(q => q.ParentQuestionId == null ? 0 : 1)
.ThenBy(q => q.DisplayOrder);
So it seems what you're really trying to create here is a tree based structure in which, at the top level, you have all questions with no parent, and then as "child" nodes all questions that have that as a parent.
var questions = GetAllQuestions();//here is where you can put your includes, etc.
var query = questions.Where(q => q.ParentQuestionId != null)
.GroupBy(q => q.ParentQuestionId)
.Select(group => new
Parent = questions.First(q => q.QuestionId == group.Key),
Children = group.OrderBy(q => q.DisplayOrder),
.OrderBy(group => group.Parent.DisplayOrder);
.OrderBy(x => (x.ParentQuestionId==null?x.QuestionId:x.ParentQuestionId.Value));