I'm having some problems with encapsulation in C#. There are two specific scenarios that are causing me problems and I believe the issue is related.
Scenario #1
I have a class definition that looks something like this
class MyClass
private int _someField;
private OtherClass _otherClass;
public int someField
get { return _someField; }
set { _someField = value; }
public OtherClass otherClass
get { return _otherClass; }
set { _otherClass = value; }
If I then try and do something like this in a new piece of code
MyClass theClass = new MyClass();
theClass.otherClass.XYZ += 1;
I get told Cannot Modify the return value of 'MyClass.otherClass' because it is not a variable.
Scenario 2#
public partial class trksegType
private wptType[] trkptField;
private extensionsType extensionsField;
/// <remarks/>
public wptType[] trkpt
return this.trkptField;
this.trkptField = value;
If I now try and foreach through the wptType array:
foreach (wptType way in trk.trkseg[i])
I get told - foreach statement cannot operate on variables of type 'trksegType' because 'trksegType' does not contain a public definition for 'GetEnumerator'
Even though an array should implicitly allow enumeration.
Can anyone explain what's going on and what I can do to get around this problem, whilst still maintaining best practices.
For scenario 1, I suspect that OtherClass has been defined as a struct. When a struct is accessed from a property accessor a new copy of the struct is created and returned (structs are value types). Changing a property on this new copy will have no effect on the original struct.
The C# compiler detects this and raises that slightly obscure error.
Scenario 1:
The reason is very likely because your OtherClass is a struct and not a class. Value sematics are a bit tricky and mutable value types are considered harmful. So you either want to make OtherClass a class and not a struct or you do something along those lines:
struct OtherClass
public int XYZ { get; }
public OtherClass(int xyz)
XYZ = xyz;
public OtherClass AddToXYZ(int count)
return new OtherClass(this.XYZ + count);
Then you can do
myClass.otherClass = myClass.otherClass.AddToXYZ(1);
Scenario 2:
You either need to implement IEnumerable on trksegType to enumerate over trkpt or actually access trkpt for the enumeration.
In General:
You have violated encapsulation in both scenarios by accessing objects through other objects. Have a look here: http://www.csharp-station.com/Tutorials/lesson19.aspx
You also should consider using better (more explicit) names for your objects. mttng vwls ds nt ncrs rdblty.
(You really shouldn’t post two questions in one.)
Scenario 1
Cannot Modify the return value of 'MyClass.otherClass' because it is not a variable.
This error happens because OtherClass is not a class, but a struct — also called a value type. This means that accessing MyClass.otherClass copies the value instead of returning a reference. You would be modifying this copy, which would be pointless. The compiler catches this because it is always a bug and never useful.
Scenario 2
foreach (wptType way in trk.trkseg[i])
You haven’t told us what trkseg[i] is, but if it is of the type trksegType, then the answer is: because trksegType doesn’t allow any enumeration. It does not implement IEnumerable, IEnumerable<T>, nor does it have a GetEnumerator method of its own.
Perhaps you meant to write:
foreach (wptType way in trk.trkseg[i].trkpt)
because trkpt is an array of wptType. (You might have found this error sooner if you used more meaningful variable names instead of weird combinations of letters that make no sense.)
I can't see anything wrong with your first example - so double check that the sample that errors really does and correct if not.
In the second instance, it looks like you're trying to iterate on an instance of trksegType, rather than the contained trkpt property. Try foreach (wptType way in trk.trkseg[i].trkpt) instead.
In C#, I have a struct like this:
public struct Slab
{ public float[] sizeM;
public string textureSrc;
//more members, not relevant here...
And another like this:
public struct Tombstone
{ public Slab mainSlab;
public Slab? basing;
Now, I want to modify members of basing:
uiState[0].stone.basing.Value.sizeM[2] = Int32.Parse(breadthField.Value) / 100.0f;
uiState[0].stone.basing.Value.textureSrc = fileName;
(uiState[0].stone is of type Tombstone)
First of these two calls works correctly, as I'm just changing a member of the array in basing, not the array itself. However, the second complains:
Cannot modify the return value of 'Slab?.Value' because it is not a variable
It works if I do the same to mainSlab which is not nullable. Is there a way to do this without copying the whole basing to a local variable for changes?
Is there a way to do this without copying the whole basing to a local variable for changes?
No, because Nullable<T> doesn't provide direct access to the underlying value field. You can't modify it "in place".
There are all kinds of little issues like this when you use mutable structs. I'd strongly advise you to use classes or immutable structs whenever possible, to avoid these corner cases.
Frankly, the main error here is almost certainly: having a mutable struct. Now, there are scenarios where mutable structs make sense, but those scenarios are narrow, and this almost certainly isn't one of them.
Frankly, your code will be much easier to rationalize if you stop doing that; with recent C#, you can even use readonly struct to help enforce this (and to get better behaviour with in):
public readonly struct Slab
{ public readonly float[] sizeM;
public readonly string textureSrc;
//more members, not relevant here...
(personally I'd also consider properties instead of public fields, but that is a separate issue)
Then it becomes obvious that you can only assign the entire object:
Slab? foo = ...
... some logic
foo = new Slab(size, textureSource); // perhaps taking new values from the old
The only other alternative is basically to do the same thing anyway:
Slab? foo = ...
// ...
var innerVal = foo.GetValueOrDefault(); // or .Value if you've already null-checked
// ...
innerVal.textureSrc = ...
foo = innerVal;
There may be many possible fixes for this "problem", depending on the rest of your design and requirements... For example:
public struct Tombstone
public Slab mainSlab;
public Slab basing;
public bool hasBasing => basing.sizeM != null;
To be honest I never user Nullables... Nullable value types, what's next, global rvalues?
I have a table/row/column data structure setup. There is a string-based indexer in the DtaTable class to return DtaRows, and another on the DtaRow class to return DtaColumns. So you can write things like...
return theTables["tablename"]["rowidentifier"]["columnname"];
In actuality, the objects inside the tables are not DtaRows, but one of about three dozen subclasses, like InflationRow and CurrencyRow. Each table contains only objects of those types, so for instance...
always returns an InflationRow.
Now to make this easier to access from C#, I have a bunch of methods at a higher level like...
public DtaTable Inflations { get {return pTables["Inflations"];} }
Now the problem I'd like to solve is that when someone calls one of these methods, they don't get an InflationRow, because DtaTable has DtaRows. So for instance...
MyInfRow = Inflations["General"];
returns a DtaRow. So I have to cast all the time...
MyInfRow = (InflationRow)Inflations["General"];
I want to get rid of all the casting.
The only solution I have found so far is to make 36 new subclasses of the table object, each overriding the indexer return type. This seems worse than the casting.
Is there some simpler way to do this?
It you know that callers are only primarily going to use another indexer, you can introduce a generic class providing that:
public class SpecializedTable<T>
private readonly DtaTable table;
// Just in case anyone really wants this
public DtaTable Table { get; }
public SpecializedTable(DtaTable table)
this.table = table;
public T this[string row] { get { return (T) (object) table[row]; } }
As an aside, these DtaTable etc names feel annoying unpronounceable / easily confusable with the .NET DataTable classes. If you're in a position to rename them, I'd suggest you do so.
Then your Inflations property can be:
public SpecializedTable<InflationRow> Inflations
return new SpecializedTable<InflationRow>(pTables["Inflations"]);
You may want to cache this to avoid creating a new object each time you call the property though.
At that point, this code: Inflations["General"] will perform the cast appropriately for you.
Use as instead of direct cast. If casting is valid it will return the instance, otherwise it will stay as NULL.
public MyInfRow Inflations { get {return pTables["Inflations"] as MyInfRow } }
I have the following sealed class. I'm trying to return the list as a ReadOnlyCollection. Tried a couple of things but I'm not getting the hang of this. So how do I return or cast the list to the readonly collection?
public sealed class UserValues
private readonly List<UserValue> _Values = new List<UserValue>();
public ReadOnlyCollection<UserValues> Values
return _Values;
You're getting the compile-time error because a List<UserValue> is not a ReadOnlyCollection<UserValue>, nor is it implicitly convertible to that. (I assume you meant ReadOnlyCollection<UserValue> instead of ReadOnlyCollection<UserValues> by the way?)
It's probably simplest to use List<T>.AsReadOnly - but you might as well only create it once:
public sealed class UserValues
private readonly List<UserValue> values = new List<UserValue>();
private readonly ReadOnlyCollection<UserValue> valuesView;
public UserValues()
valuesView = values.AsReadOnly();
public ReadOnlyCollection<UserValues> Values { get { return valuesView; } }
The ReadOnlyCollection<T> really is just a view - so changes to the underlying collection will be visible through the view.
return new ReadOnlyCollection<UserValue>(_Values);
Given what you've said to Jon, your code doesn't make sense. Your get is referencing a type of List<UserValue>, but you're wanting to convert it to a type of ReadOnlyCollection<UserValues>, which cant be done - that's 2 collections of 2 different types.
We'll need more information to help you answer this question. Are you wanting your UserValues class to return a collection of UserValues types, or a collection of UserValue types? Your code implies UserValue, but your follow on comments state UserValues. Are you sure your supervisor didn't make a typo?
If not, you'll need some internal collection like so:
private readonly List<UserValues> _MoreValues = new List<UserValues>();
And then return that, in the syntax that I (or others who have answered - all the answers given are valid for converting a List to a ReadOnlyCollection) have shown.
Note that my code compiles targeting .Net 3.5, presuming that the types are compatible (meaning ReadOnlyCollection<UserValue> wraps List<UserValue>, or both are UserValues).
_Values is a List<UserValue>, not a ReadOnlyCollection<UserValue> (they're not related, as far as the compiler knows), so you can't return _Values directly. You can either create a ReadOnlyCollection<T> from your list and return that, like:
private List<UserValue> _Values = [whatever];
private ReadOnlyCollection<UserValue> _ValuesWrapper;
public UserValues()
_ValuesWrapper = _Values.AsReadOnly();
public ReadOnlyCollection<UserValue> Values
get { return _ValuesWrapper; }
...or, if you're just looking for a read-only way of accessing your collection and don't need a ReadOnlyCollection<UserValue> object specifically, you could change your property to return a read-only interface that List<T> implements, and your application could use that instead. .NET 4.5 introduced some read-only collection interfaces that are great for this kind of thing:
public IReadOnlyList<UserValue> Values
get { return _Values; }
*Solved. Thanks for the explanations guys, I didn't fully understand the implications of using a value type in this situation.
I have a struct that I'm using from a static class. However, the behavior is showing unexpected behavior when I print it's internal state at runtime. Here's my struct:
public struct VersionedObject
public VersionedObject(object o)
m_SelectedVer = 0;
ObjectVersions = new List<object>();
private int m_SelectedVer;
public int SelectedVersion
return m_SelectedVer;
public List<object> ObjectVersions;//Clarifying: This is only used to retrieve values, nothing is .Added from outside this struct in my code.
public void AddObject(object m)
m_SelectedVer = ObjectVersions.Count - 1;
Test code
VersionedObject vo = new VersionedObject(1);
vo.AddObject(2);//This is the second call to AddObject()
//Expected value of vo.SelectedVerion: 1
//Actual value of vo.SelectedVersion: 1
Now, if you test this code in isolation, i.e., copy it into your project to give it a whirl, it will return the expected result.
The problem; What I'm observing in my production code is this debug output:
objectName, ObjectVersions.Count:2, SelectedVer:0,
Why? From my understanding, and testing, this should be completely impossible under any circumstances.
My random guess is that there is some sort of immutability going on, that for some reason a new struct is being instanced via default constructor, and the ObjectVersions data is being copied over, but the m_SelectedVersion is private and cannot be copied into the new struct?
Does my use of Static classes and methods to manipulate the struct have anything to do with it?
I'm so stumped I'm just inventing wild guesses at this point.
Struct is value type. So most likely you are creating multiple copies of your object in your actual code.
Consider simply changing struct to class as content of your struct is not really good fit for value type (as it is mutable and also contains mutable reference type).
More on "struct is value type":
First check FAQ which have many good answers already.
Value types are passed by value - so if you call function to update such object it will not update original. You can treat them similar to passing integer value to function: i.e. would you expect SomeFunction(42) to be able to change value of 42?
struct MyStruct { public int V;}
void UpdateStruct(MyStruct x)
x.V = 42; // updates copy of passed in object, changes will not be visible outside.
var local = new MyStruct{V = 13}
UpdateStruct(local); // Hope to get local.V == 42
if (local.V == 13) {
// Expected. copy inside UpdateStruct updated,
// but this "local" is untouched.
Why is this a struct and not a class? Even better, why are you tracking the size of the backing store (List<T>) rather than letting the List<T> track that for you. Since that underlying backing store is public, it can be manipulated without your struct's knowledge. I suspect something in your production code is adding to the backing store without going through your struct.
If it were me, I'd set it up something like this, though I'd make it a class...but that's almost certainly a breaking change:
public struct VersionedObject
public VersionedObject()
this.ObjectVersions = new List<object>() ;
return ;
public VersionedObject(object o) : this()
return ;
public VersionedObject( params object[] o ) : this()
ObjectVersions.AddRange( o ) ;
return ;
public int SelectedVersion
int value = this.ObjectVersions.Count - 1 ;
return value ;
public List<object> ObjectVersions ;
public void AddObject(object m)
return ;
You'll note that this has the same semantics as your struct, but the SelectedVersion property now reflects what's actually in the backing store.
I swear I have seen an example of this but have been googling for a bit and can not find it.
I have a class that has a reference to an object and need to have a GET; method for it. My problem is that I do not want anyone to be able to fiddle with it, i.e. I want them to get a read only version of it, (note I need to be able to alter it from within my class).
No, there's no way of doing this. For instance, if you return a List<string> (and it's not immutable) then callers will be able to add entries.
The normal way round this is to return an immutable wrapper, e.g. ReadOnlyCollection<T>.
For other mutable types, you may need to clone the value before returning it.
Note that just returning an immutable interface view (e.g. returning IEnumerable<T> instead of List<T>) won't stop a caller from casting back to the mutable type and mutating.
EDIT: Note that apart from anything else, this kind of concern is one of the reasons why immutable types make it easier to reason about code :)
Return a reference to a stripped-down interface:
interface IFoo
string Bar { get; }
class ClassWithGet
public IFoo GetFoo(...);
If the object isn't too complicated/extensive then write an wrapper around it.
for example:
class A {
public string strField = 'string';
public int intField = 10;
class AWrapper {
private A _aObj;
public AWrapper(A aobj) {
_aObj = A;
public string strField {
get {
return _aObj.strField;
public int intField {
get {
return _aObj.intField;
So now all you do is give your client code an instance of the AWrapper class so that they may only use what you allow them to see.
this may get a bit complicated and may not scale well if your base class is not set in stone, but for most simple situation it may just do the trick. I think this is called a facade pattern(but don't quote me on that =) )
This isn't possible. Get and set accessors to reference types get and set the reference to the object. You can prevent changes to the reference by using a private (or internal) setter, but you cannot prevent changes to the object itself if it's exposed by a getter.
Your question reads like you're looking for:
public PropertyName { get; private set; }
But then, given the answers so far I'm not sure I'm interpreting your question correctly. Besides, who am I to question Jon Skeet? :)
i agree with ReadOnlyCollection
See my simple code:
private List<Device> _devices;
public readonly System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection<Device> Devices
return (_devices.AsReadOnly());
ReadOnlyCollection dosen't has Add method so user cant add properties to it.BUT ther is no warranty that if user can modify objects by calling their methods....
I have faced this problem in a certain way.
I have a CategoryViewModel class, which have a property Category that I want private read-only :
public CategoryViewModel
private Category { get; }
In fact, I want it to be exported as read-only to other class. However I can't do such thing.
In my case (maybe it will help some other guys), I want to add it to a repository. The only way that I've found is to have a function with the repository as param 1, and an Action as param 2 :
public void ApplyAction(ICategoryRepository repo, Action<ICategoryRepository, Category> action)
action(repo, Category);
Like that, from elsewhere, I can do such thing :
categoryViewModel.ApplyAction(_repository, (r, c) => r.MarkForInsertOrUpdate(c));
This can help other to expose there property only for certains cases and can manage them.