Assigning value to member of nullable struct in C# - c#

In C#, I have a struct like this:
public struct Slab
{ public float[] sizeM;
public string textureSrc;
//more members, not relevant here...
And another like this:
public struct Tombstone
{ public Slab mainSlab;
public Slab? basing;
Now, I want to modify members of basing:
uiState[0].stone.basing.Value.sizeM[2] = Int32.Parse(breadthField.Value) / 100.0f;
uiState[0].stone.basing.Value.textureSrc = fileName;
(uiState[0].stone is of type Tombstone)
First of these two calls works correctly, as I'm just changing a member of the array in basing, not the array itself. However, the second complains:
Cannot modify the return value of 'Slab?.Value' because it is not a variable
It works if I do the same to mainSlab which is not nullable. Is there a way to do this without copying the whole basing to a local variable for changes?

Is there a way to do this without copying the whole basing to a local variable for changes?
No, because Nullable<T> doesn't provide direct access to the underlying value field. You can't modify it "in place".
There are all kinds of little issues like this when you use mutable structs. I'd strongly advise you to use classes or immutable structs whenever possible, to avoid these corner cases.

Frankly, the main error here is almost certainly: having a mutable struct. Now, there are scenarios where mutable structs make sense, but those scenarios are narrow, and this almost certainly isn't one of them.
Frankly, your code will be much easier to rationalize if you stop doing that; with recent C#, you can even use readonly struct to help enforce this (and to get better behaviour with in):
public readonly struct Slab
{ public readonly float[] sizeM;
public readonly string textureSrc;
//more members, not relevant here...
(personally I'd also consider properties instead of public fields, but that is a separate issue)
Then it becomes obvious that you can only assign the entire object:
Slab? foo = ...
... some logic
foo = new Slab(size, textureSource); // perhaps taking new values from the old
The only other alternative is basically to do the same thing anyway:
Slab? foo = ...
// ...
var innerVal = foo.GetValueOrDefault(); // or .Value if you've already null-checked
// ...
innerVal.textureSrc = ...
foo = innerVal;

There may be many possible fixes for this "problem", depending on the rest of your design and requirements... For example:
public struct Tombstone
public Slab mainSlab;
public Slab basing;
public bool hasBasing => basing.sizeM != null;
To be honest I never user Nullables... Nullable value types, what's next, global rvalues?


How to make struct immutable inside a class definition

I have a question about creating an immutable struct inside a class definition. I want to define the struct outside the class but use that same struct type in the class definition while maintaining immutability. Will the code below achieve this?
namespace space
class Class1
public Struct {get; set;}
public Struct
public Struct(string strVar)
StructVar = strVar;
public string StructVar {get;}
Also, if I have a struct within a struct like:
class Class1
public Struct2 {get; set;}
public struct Struct2
public Struct2(string str, InStruct inStrct)
StrVar = str;
InStruct = inStrct;
public string StrVar {get;}
public InStruct InStruct {get;}
public struct InStruct
public InStruct(Array ary)
StrArray = ary
public Array StrArray {get;}
Does this also maintain immutability?
Lastly, if the size of the array in the InStruct is likely to be quite long, should I not use a struct at all and just put the array itself into the class definition instead? Am I just going struct crazy?
My concern is that because I'm doing a {set;} in the class definition that I'm breaking a rule somewhere. I would put the struct in the class definition itself but I didn't like to have to continuously call class constructors over and over to create each struct, that kind of seemed to defeat the purpose of using a struct in the first place.
It's a little difficult to give a complete answer without understanding exactly what you are trying to accomplish, but I'll start with a few important distinctions.
First, in C#, the struct/class distinction isn't about mutability per se. You can have a immutable class, like this one
public class CannotBeMutated
private string someVal;
public CannotBeMutated(string someVal)
_someVal = someVal
public string SomeVal => _someVal;
and a mutable struct, like this one
// This is not at all idiomatic C#, please don't use this as an example
public struct MutableStruct
private string _someVal;
public MutableStruct(string someVal)
_someVal = someVal;
public void GetVal()
return _someVal
public void Mutate(string newVal)
_someVal = newVal;
Using the above struct I can do this
var foo = new MutableStruct("Hello");
var bar = foo.GetVal(); // bar == "GoodBye"!
The difference between structs and classes is in variable passing semantics. When an object of a value type (e.g. a struct) is assigned to a variable, passed as a parameter to or returned from a method (including a property getter or setter) a copy of the object is made before it is passed to the new function context. When a object of a reference type is passed as a parameter to or returned from a method, no copy is made, because we only pass a reference to the object's location in memory, rather than a copy of the object.
An additional point on struct 'copying'. Imagine you have a struct with a field that is a reference type, like this
public struct StructWithAReferenceType
public List<string> IAmAReferenceType {get; set;}
When you pass an instance of this struct into a method, a copy of the reference to the List will be copied, but the underlying data will not. So if you do
public void MessWithYourSruct(StructWithAReferenceType t)
var s = new StructWithAReferenceType { IAmAReferenceType = new List()};
s.IAmAReferenceType.Count; // 1!
// or even more unsettling
var s = new StructWithAReferenceType { IAmAReferenceType = new List()};
var t = s; // makes a COPY of s
t.IAmAReferenceType.Count; // 1!
Even when a struct is copied, its reference type fields still refer to the same objects in memory.
The immutable/mutable and struct/class differences are somewhat similar, insofar as they are both about where and whether you can change the contents of an object in your program, but they are still very distinct.
Now on to your question. In your second example, Class1 is not immutable, as you can mutate the value of Struct2 like this
var foo = new Class1();
foo.Struct2 = new Struct2("a", 1);
foo.Struct2 // returns a copy of Struct2("a", 1);
foo.Struct2 = new Struct2("b", 2);
foo.Struct2 // returns a copy of Struct2("b", 2);
Struct2 is immutable, as there is no way for calling code to change the values of StrVar or InVar once. InStruct is similarly immutable. However, Array is not immutable. So InStruct is an immutable container for a mutable value. Similar to if you had a ImmutableList<List<string>>. While you can guarantee calling code does not change the value of InStruct.StrArray to a different array, you can do nothing about calling code changing the value of the objects in the Array.
Finally, some generic advice related to your example.
First, mutable structs, or structs with mutable fields, are bad. The examples above should point to why structs with mutable fields are bad. And Eric Lippert himself has a great example of how terrible mutable structs can be on his blog here
Second, for most developers working in C# there's almost never a reason to create a user defined value type (i.e. a struct). Objects of value types are stored on the stack, which makes memory access to them very fast. Objects of reference types are stored on the heap, and so are slower to access. But in the huge majority of C# programs, that distinction is going to be dwarfed by the time cost of disk I/O, network I/O, reflection in serialization code, or even initialization and manipulation of collections. For ordinary developers who aren't writing performance-critical standard libraries, there's almost no reason to think about the performance implications of the difference. Heck, developers in Java, Python, Ruby, Javascript and many other languages get by in languages totally without user-defined value types. Generally, the added cognitive overhead they introduce for developers is almost never worth any benefit you might see. Also, remember that large structs must be copied whenever they are passed or assigned to a variable, and can actually be a performance problem.
TL;DR you probably shouldn't use structs in your code, and they don't really have anything to do with immutability.

How to avoid boxing and if or Switch statements

Suppose I have following object:
object[] objs = new object[3]{ "this is sample string", 42L, 1};
and I want to do something to the individual objects in the array like
foreach (object o in objs)
/// logic here
Now mylogic() will only take object parameters so there is boxing going on, but we require to be able to do something based on the type of the object, so we would do something like :
public void dosomething(object obj)
// one way
if(obj.GetType() == typeof(string))
// string specific something
// another way
if(obj is long)
// long specific something
Well it's ugly and non performance, is there a better way possible using generics or any other way?
Your values are already boxed, because they are stored in an object[]. So no additional boxing takes place when you pass them to a method taking an object argument.
The object[] is where I would aim my focus - is it really necessary to represent your data like that? Do you really not know their structure? It would be preferable to define a class (or a structure) to hold your data, and also to contain the methods that act on the data - then you know a type of each field or property at design and compile time, and you can use this information in further code. In your case that might look like:
class Container
public string StringProperty { get; set; }
public long LongProperty { get; set; }
public int IntProperty { get; set; }
public void DoSomething()
// string specific something with StringProperty
// long specific something with LongProperty
// int specific something with IntProperty
That way you begin to encapsulate your data and make sure it is located close to the logic that uses them. Even better might be to make the properties into private readonly fields, so they are not even visible to the outside.
You could try looking into using the dynamic keyword in C# 4.0 and later and see if that helps you. It would be better to define your own class and make properties of the different types and just use those instead.
The memory overhead would be minimal and you'd avoid all the boxing penalties.
IMO, in such cases one should ask the question: is there anything wrong with the code design? What is the idea of the array containing different types of objects? What do they represent? May be you need a separate class that holds these different objects...

Encapsulation questions in C#

I'm having some problems with encapsulation in C#. There are two specific scenarios that are causing me problems and I believe the issue is related.
Scenario #1
I have a class definition that looks something like this
class MyClass
private int _someField;
private OtherClass _otherClass;
public int someField
get { return _someField; }
set { _someField = value; }
public OtherClass otherClass
get { return _otherClass; }
set { _otherClass = value; }
If I then try and do something like this in a new piece of code
MyClass theClass = new MyClass();
theClass.otherClass.XYZ += 1;
I get told Cannot Modify the return value of 'MyClass.otherClass' because it is not a variable.
Scenario 2#
public partial class trksegType
private wptType[] trkptField;
private extensionsType extensionsField;
/// <remarks/>
public wptType[] trkpt
return this.trkptField;
this.trkptField = value;
If I now try and foreach through the wptType array:
foreach (wptType way in trk.trkseg[i])
I get told - foreach statement cannot operate on variables of type 'trksegType' because 'trksegType' does not contain a public definition for 'GetEnumerator'
Even though an array should implicitly allow enumeration.
Can anyone explain what's going on and what I can do to get around this problem, whilst still maintaining best practices.
For scenario 1, I suspect that OtherClass has been defined as a struct. When a struct is accessed from a property accessor a new copy of the struct is created and returned (structs are value types). Changing a property on this new copy will have no effect on the original struct.
The C# compiler detects this and raises that slightly obscure error.
Scenario 1:
The reason is very likely because your OtherClass is a struct and not a class. Value sematics are a bit tricky and mutable value types are considered harmful. So you either want to make OtherClass a class and not a struct or you do something along those lines:
struct OtherClass
public int XYZ { get; }
public OtherClass(int xyz)
XYZ = xyz;
public OtherClass AddToXYZ(int count)
return new OtherClass(this.XYZ + count);
Then you can do
myClass.otherClass = myClass.otherClass.AddToXYZ(1);
Scenario 2:
You either need to implement IEnumerable on trksegType to enumerate over trkpt or actually access trkpt for the enumeration.
In General:
You have violated encapsulation in both scenarios by accessing objects through other objects. Have a look here:
You also should consider using better (more explicit) names for your objects. mttng vwls ds nt ncrs rdblty.
(You really shouldn’t post two questions in one.)
Scenario 1
Cannot Modify the return value of 'MyClass.otherClass' because it is not a variable.
This error happens because OtherClass is not a class, but a struct — also called a value type. This means that accessing MyClass.otherClass copies the value instead of returning a reference. You would be modifying this copy, which would be pointless. The compiler catches this because it is always a bug and never useful.
Scenario 2
foreach (wptType way in trk.trkseg[i])
You haven’t told us what trkseg[i] is, but if it is of the type trksegType, then the answer is: because trksegType doesn’t allow any enumeration. It does not implement IEnumerable, IEnumerable<T>, nor does it have a GetEnumerator method of its own.
Perhaps you meant to write:
foreach (wptType way in trk.trkseg[i].trkpt)
because trkpt is an array of wptType. (You might have found this error sooner if you used more meaningful variable names instead of weird combinations of letters that make no sense.)
I can't see anything wrong with your first example - so double check that the sample that errors really does and correct if not.
In the second instance, it looks like you're trying to iterate on an instance of trksegType, rather than the contained trkpt property. Try foreach (wptType way in trk.trkseg[i].trkpt) instead.

Why can a class not have a static or constant property and an instance property of the same name?

I've never really questioned this before until now. I've got an input model with a number of fields, I wanted to present the string names of the properties through the input model so that my Grid can use them:
public class SomeGridRow
public string Code { get;set; }
public string Description { get;set; }
public const string Code = "Code";
Obviously, this gives the error:
The type 'SomeGridRow' already
contains a definition for 'Code'
Why can the CLR not cope with two properties of the same name which are, in my eyes, separate?
string code = gridRow.Code; // Actual member from instantiated class
string codeField = SomeGridRow.Code; // Static/Const
I'm now just using a child class called Fields within my inputs now, so I can use SomeGridRow.Fields.Code. It's a bit messy, but it works.
Because you can also access static (or, non-instance in this case) properties in the same way (inside the same class), and it would be a bit confusing, for example:
public class SomeGridRow
public string Code { get;set; }
public const string Code = "Code";
public void MyMethod() {
var thing = Code; //what would this reference?
Because both this:
public class SomeGridRow
public string Code { get;set; }
public void MyMethod() {
var thing = Code; //what would this reference?
And this:
public class SomeGridRow
public const string Code = "Code";
public void MyMethod() {
var thing = Code; //what would this reference?
are valid ways to access properties, static or not. It doesn't answer the "why can't I?" question, but more of the why it's not would be far too ambiguous IMO.
It probably could, but the designers of C# wanted to avoid ambiguities that can come from such use (abuse?) of language features.
Such code would end up being confusing and ambiguous to users (did I want the instance or the static method call?, Which one is right?).
In addition to the points already made about ambiguity, i would say that the naming needs to be relooked in such a case.
If two variables / fields having the exact same name in the same context i.e class but different values to me sounds more like a naming issue.
If they are exactly same, you dont need 2 fields.
If they are slightly different, you should have more accurate names.
In some other languages with a similar syntax, one can access a static member through an instance. So you could access both string.Empty and "abc".Empty.
C# doesn't allow this (though it does sort of from inside the class or a derived class, in that you can omit the class name for a static member and can omit this for an instance member), primarily to avoid confusion (I find it more handy than confusion tbh, but that's just me, I like switch fall-through too so what do I know).
Having introduced a stricter rule to allow for less ambiguity, it would be counterproductive to allow a new looser rule on the back of it that allowed for more. Think how many "why must I use this with property X but not property Y?" questions SO would have if it was allowed (we'd have to force this with property X to be clear we meant the instance member).

C# design for an object where some properties are expensive: excuse to make it mutable?

Yes, I know, yet another question about mutable objects. See this for general background and this for the closest analogue to my question. (though it has some C++ specific overtones that don't apply here)
Let's assume that the following pseudo code represents the best interface design. That is, it's the clearest expression of the business semantics (as they stand today) into OO type. Naturally, the UglyData and the things we're tasked to do with it are subject to incremental change.
public class FriendlyWrapper
public FriendlyWrapper(UglyDatum u)
Foo = u.asdf[0].f[0].o.o;
Bar = u.barbarbar.ToDooDad();
Baz = u.uglyNameForBaz;
// etc
public Widget Foo { get; private set; }
public DooDad Bar { get; private set; }
public DooDad Baz { get; private set; }
// etc
public WhizBang Expensive1 { get; private set; }
public WhizBang Expensive2 { get; private set; }
public void Calculate()
Expensive1 = Calc(Foo, Bar);
Expensive2 = Calc(Foo, Baz);
private WhizBang Calc(Widget a, DooDad b) { /* stuff */ }
public override void ToString()
return string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}", Foo, Bar, Baz, Expensive1 ?? "", Expensive2 ?? "");
// Consumer 1 is happy to work with just the basic wrapped properties
public string Summarize()
var myStuff = from u in data
where IsWhatIWant(u)
select new FriendlyWrapper(u);
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var s in myStuff)
return sb.ToString();
// Consumer 2's job is to take the performance hit up front. His callers might do things
// with expensive properties (eg bind one to a UI element) that should not take noticeable time.
public IEnumerable<FriendlyWrapper> FetchAllData(Predicate<UglyDatum> pred)
var myStuff = from u in data
where pred(u)
select new FriendlyWrapper(u);
foreach (var s in myStuff)
s.Calculate(); // as written, this doesn't do what you intend...
return myStuff;
What's the best route here? Options I can see:
Mutable object with an explicit Calculate() method, as above
Mutable object where expensive calculations are done in the getters (and probably cached)
Split into two objects where one inherits (or perhaps composes?) from the other
Some sort of static + locking mechanism, as in the C++ question linked above
I'm leaning toward #2 myself. But every route has potential pitfalls.
If you choose #1 or #2, then how would you implement Consumer2's loop over mutables in a clear, correct manner?
If you choose #1 or #3, how would you handle future situations where you only want to calculate some properties but not others? Willing to create N helper methods / derived classes?
If you choose #4, I think you're crazy, but feel free to explain
In your case, since you're using LINQ, you're only going to constructing these objects in cases where you want the calculation.
If that is your standard usage pattern, I would just put the expensive calculation directly in the constructor. Using lazy initialization is always slower unless you plan to have some cases where you do not calculate. Doing the calculation in the getters will not save anything (at least in this specific case).
As for mutability - mutable objects with reference syntax and identity (ie: classes in C#) are really okay - it's more a problem when you're dealing with mutable value types (ie: structs). There are many, many mutable classes in the .NET BCL - and they don't cause issues. The problem is typically more of one when you start dealing with value types. Mutable value types lead to very unexpected behavior.
In general, I'd turn this question upside down - How and where are you going to use this object? How can you make this object the most performant (if it's been determined to be problematic) without affecting usability? Your 1), 3) and 4) options would all make usability suffer, so I'd avoid them. In this case, doing 2) won't help. I'd just put it in the constructor, so your object's always in a valid state (which is very good for usability and maintainability).
