Problem with Bitwise Barrel Shift Rotate left and right in C# - c#

In C++ I have code like this.
static UInt32 rol(UInt32 value, UInt32 bits)
bits &= 31;
return ((value << bits) | (value >> (32 - bits)));
static UInt32 ror(UInt32 value, UInt32 bits)
bits &= 31;
return ((value >> bits) | (value << (32 - bits)));
how would it look in C#? I think the same exact way.. only problem
Error 2 Operator '>>' cannot be applied to operands of type 'uint' and 'uint'
Error 3 Operator '>>' cannot be applied to operands of type 'uint' and 'uint'
Error 1 Operator '<<' cannot be applied to operands of type 'uint' and 'uint'
Error 4 Operator '<<' cannot be applied to operands of type 'uint' and 'uint'

You should use int type for the right side variable in shift operators.

You will have to cast the right side of the bitshift operator to int. If you cast like (int)(32 - bits), it should not affect your intended purpose. The right side is just expecting an int, probably because it's simpler that way and highly unlikely you'll ever want to shift more than 2 billion bits.

The right operand must be always type int.
int x << int bits
uint x << int bits
long x << int bits
ulong x << int bits

Add some parentheses and it works:
byte[] bytes = { 1, 2, 4, 8 };
UInt32 crc32 = ((UInt32)msg.Data[3] << 24) +
((UInt32)msg.Data[2] << 16) +
((UInt32)msg.Data[1] << 8) +


Convert a variable size hex string to signed number (variable size bytes) in C#

C# provides the method Convert.ToUInt16("FFFF", 16)/Convert.ToInt16("FFFF", 16) to convert hex strings into unsigned and signed 16 bit integer. These methods works fine for 16/32 bit values but not so for 12 bit values.
I would like to convert 3 char long hex string to signed integer. How could I do it? I would prefer a solution that could take the number of character as parameter to decide signed values.
Convert(string hexString, int fromBase, int size)
Convert("FFF", 16, 12) return -1.
Convert("FFFF", 16, 16) return -1.
Convert("FFF", 16, 16) return 4095.
The easiest way I can think of converting 12 bit signed hex to a signed integer is as follows:
string value = "FFF";
int convertedValue = (Convert.ToInt32(value, 16) << 20) >> 20; // -1
The idea is to shift the result as far left as possible so that the negative bits line up, then shift right again to the original position. This works because a "signed shift right" operation keeps the negative bit in place.
You can generalize this into a method as follows:
int Convert(string value, int fromBase, int bits)
int bitsToShift = 32 - bits;
return (Convert.ToInt32(value, fromBase) << bitsToShift) >> bitsToShift;
You can cast the result to a short if you want a 16 bit value when working with 12 bit hex strings. Performance of this method will be the same as a 16 bit version because bit shift operators on short cast the values to int anyway and this gives you more flexibility to specify more than 16 bits if needed without writing another method.
Ah, you'd like to calculate the Two's Complement for a certain number of bits (12 in your case, but really it should work with anything).
Here's the code in C#, blatantly stolen from the Python example in the wiki article:
int Convert(string hexString, int fromBase, int num_bits)
var i = System.Convert.ToUInt16(hexString, fromBase);
var mask = 1 << (num_bits - 1);
return (-(i & mask) + (i & ~mask));
Convert("FFF", 16, 12) returns -1
Convert("4095", 10, 12) is also -1 as expected

How to store and retrieve 4 sbyte values in a signed int

Due to limitations in Unity serialization, I need to store 4 sbyte values in a single signed int. This is easy for me to do with unsigned integers, but when I try it with signed integers things get all wonky.
store in signed int => 0xFF (sbyte), 0xFF (sbyte), 0xFF (sbyte), 0xFF (sbyte)
(I get errors with the below code)
warning CS0675: The operator |' used on the sign-extended typeint'. Consider casting to a smaller unsigned type first
error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type long' toint'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)
int data = datas[index];
switch (offset)
case 0:
data = unchecked ((data & 0x00FFFFFF) | ((byte) value << 24));
case 1:
data = unchecked ((data & 0xFF00FFFF) | ((byte) value << 16));
case 2:
data = unchecked ((data & 0xFFFF00FF) | ((byte) value << 8));
case 3:
data = unchecked ((data & 0xFFFFFF00) | (byte) value);
throw new Exception("Invalid offset.");
I'm not sure what's the significance of the values being signed. I understand you want to basically "concatenate" the bytes to form an int.
int i = unchecked (
(byte)byte0 << 24 | (byte)byte1 << 16 | (byte)byte2 << 8 | (byte)byte3 << 0);
The cast to unsigned is necessary to avoid logical shifting behavior that treats the sign bit specially.

Equivalent of Java triple shift operator (>>>) in C#?

What is the equivalent (in C#) of Java's >>> operator?
(Just to clarify, I'm not referring to the >> and << operators.)
Edit: The Unsigned right-shift operator >>> is now also available in C# 11 and later.
For earlier C# versions, you can use unsigned integer types, and then the << and >> do what you expect. The MSDN documentation on shift operators gives you the details.
Since Java doesn't support unsigned integers (apart from char), this additional operator became necessary.
Java doesn't have an unsigned left shift (<<<), but either way, you can just cast to uint and shfit from there.
(int)((uint)foo >> 2); // temporarily cast to uint, shift, then cast back to int
Upon reading this, I hope my conclusion of use as follows is correct.
If not, insights appreciated.
i >>>= 1;
i = (int)((uint)i >> 1);
n >>> s in Java is equivalent to TripleShift(n,s) where:
private static long TripleShift(long n, int s)
if (n >= 0)
return n >> s;
return (n >> s) + (2 << ~s);
There is no >>> operator in C#. But you can convert your value like int,long,Int16,Int32,Int64 to unsigned uint, ulong, UInt16,UInt32,UInt64 etc.
Here is the example.
private long getUnsignedRightShift(long value,int s)
return (long)((ulong)value >> s);
C# 11 and later supports >>> Unsigned right shift operator
For my VB.Net folks
The suggested answers above will give you overflow exceptions with Option Strict ON
Try this for example -100 >>> 2 with above solutions:
The following code works always for >>>
Function RShift3(ByVal a As Long, ByVal n As Integer) As Long
If a >= 0 Then
Return a >> n
Return (a >> n) + (2 << (Not n))
End If
End Function

C# - Making one Int64 from two Int32s

Is there a function in c# that takes two 32 bit integers (int) and returns a single 64 bit one (long)?
Sounds like there should be a simple way to do this, but I couldn't find a solution.
Try the following
public long MakeLong(int left, int right) {
//implicit conversion of left to a long
long res = left;
//shift the bits creating an empty space on the right
// ex: 0x0000CFFF becomes 0xCFFF0000
res = (res << 32);
//combine the bits on the right with the previous value
// ex: 0xCFFF0000 | 0x0000ABCD becomes 0xCFFFABCD
res = res | (long)(uint)right; //uint first to prevent loss of signed bit
//return the combined result
return res;
Just for clarity... While the accepted answer does appear to work correctly. All of the one liners presented do not appear to produce accurate results.
Here is a one liner that does work:
long correct = (long)left << 32 | (long)(uint)right;
Here is some code so you can test it for yourself:
long original = 1979205471486323557L;
int left = (int)(original >> 32);
int right = (int)(original & 0xffffffffL);
long correct = (long)left << 32 | (long)(uint)right;
long incorrect1 = (long)(((long)left << 32) | (long)right);
long incorrect2 = ((Int64)left << 32 | right);
long incorrect3 = (long)(left * uint.MaxValue) + right;
long incorrect4 = (long)(left * 0x100000000) + right;
Console.WriteLine(original == correct);
Console.WriteLine(original == incorrect1);
Console.WriteLine(original == incorrect2);
Console.WriteLine(original == incorrect3);
Console.WriteLine(original == incorrect4);
(long)(((long)i1 << 32) | (long)i2)
this shifts the first int left by 32 bits (the length of an int), then ors in the second int, so you end up with the two ints concatentated together in a long.
Be careful with the sign bit. Here is a fast ulong solution, that is also not portable from little endian to big endian:
var a = 123;
var b = -123;
ulong result = *(uint*)&a;
result <<= 32;
result |= *(uint*)&b;
This should do the trick
((Int64) a << 32 | b)
Where a and b are Int32. Although you might want to check what happens with the highest bits. Or just put it inside an "unchecked {...}" block.
Gotta be careful with bit twiddling like this though cause you'll have issues on little endian/big endian machines (exp Mono platforms aren't always little endian). Plus you have to deal with sign extending. Mathematically the following is the same but deals with sign extension and is platform agnostic.
return (long)( high * uint.MaxValue ) + low;
When jitted at runtime it will result in performance similar to the bit twiddling. That's one of the nice things about interpreted languages.
There is a problem when i2 < 0 - high 32 bits will be set (0xFFFFFFFF,1xxx... binary) - thecoop was wrong
Better would be something like (Int64)(((UInt64)i1 << 32) | (UInt32)i2)
Or simply C++ way
public static unsafe UInt64 MakeLong(UInt32 low, UInt32 high)
UInt64 retVal;
UInt32* ptr = (UInt32*)&retVal;
*ptr++ = low;
*ptr = high;
return retVal;
UInt64 retVal;
UInt32* ptr = (UInt32*)&retVal;
*ptr++ = low;
*ptr = high;
But the best solution found then here ;-)
(even w/o unsafe)
Anyway FieldOffset works for each item, so you have to specify position of each half separate and remember negative #s are zero complements, so ex. low <0 and high >0 will not make sense - for example -1,0 will give Int64 as 4294967295 probably.

Is there a way to perform a circular bit shift in C#?

I know that the following is true
int i = 17; //binary 10001
int j = i << 1; //decimal 34, binary 100010
But, if you shift too far, the bits fall off the end. Where this happens is a matter of the size of integer you are working with.
Is there a way to perform a shift so that the bits rotate around to the other side? I'm looking for a single operation, not a for loop.
If you know the size of type, you could do something like:
uint i = 17;
uint j = i << 1 | i >> 31;
... which would perform a circular shift of a 32 bit value.
As a generalization to circular shift left n bits, on a b bit variable:
/*some unsigned numeric type*/ input = 17;
var result = input << n | input >> (b - n);
#The comment, it appears that C# does treat the high bit of signed values differently. I found some info on this here. I also changed the example to use a uint.
One year ago I've to implement MD4 for my undergraduate thesis. Here it is my implementation of circular bit shift using a UInt32.
private UInt32 RotateLeft(UInt32 x, Byte n)
return UInt32((x << n) | (x >> (32 - n)));
Sincce .NET Core 3.0 and up there's BitOperations.RotateLeft() and BitOperations.RotateRight() so you can just use something like
BitOperations.RotateRight(12, 3);
BitOperations.RotateLeft(34L, 5);
In previous versions you can use BitRotator.RotateLeft() and BitRotator.RotateRight() in Microsoft.VisualStudio.Utilities
Just as reference on how to do it, these two functions work perfectly for rotating the bits of 1/2word:
static public uint ShiftRight(uint z_value, int z_shift)
return ((z_value >> z_shift) | (z_value << (16 - z_shift))) & 0x0000FFFF;
static public uint ShiftLeft(uint z_value, int z_shift)
return ((z_value << z_shift) | (z_value >> (16 - z_shift))) & 0x0000FFFF;
It would be easy to extend it for any given size.
The extension methods for rotating bits of a uint (32 bits):
public static uint ROR(this uint x, int nbitsShift)
=> (x >> nbitsShift) | (x << (32 - nbitsShift));
public static uint ROL(this uint x, int nbitsShift)
=> (x << nbitsShift) | (x >> (32 - nbitsShift));
