Is there a function in c# that takes two 32 bit integers (int) and returns a single 64 bit one (long)?
Sounds like there should be a simple way to do this, but I couldn't find a solution.
Try the following
public long MakeLong(int left, int right) {
//implicit conversion of left to a long
long res = left;
//shift the bits creating an empty space on the right
// ex: 0x0000CFFF becomes 0xCFFF0000
res = (res << 32);
//combine the bits on the right with the previous value
// ex: 0xCFFF0000 | 0x0000ABCD becomes 0xCFFFABCD
res = res | (long)(uint)right; //uint first to prevent loss of signed bit
//return the combined result
return res;
Just for clarity... While the accepted answer does appear to work correctly. All of the one liners presented do not appear to produce accurate results.
Here is a one liner that does work:
long correct = (long)left << 32 | (long)(uint)right;
Here is some code so you can test it for yourself:
long original = 1979205471486323557L;
int left = (int)(original >> 32);
int right = (int)(original & 0xffffffffL);
long correct = (long)left << 32 | (long)(uint)right;
long incorrect1 = (long)(((long)left << 32) | (long)right);
long incorrect2 = ((Int64)left << 32 | right);
long incorrect3 = (long)(left * uint.MaxValue) + right;
long incorrect4 = (long)(left * 0x100000000) + right;
Console.WriteLine(original == correct);
Console.WriteLine(original == incorrect1);
Console.WriteLine(original == incorrect2);
Console.WriteLine(original == incorrect3);
Console.WriteLine(original == incorrect4);
(long)(((long)i1 << 32) | (long)i2)
this shifts the first int left by 32 bits (the length of an int), then ors in the second int, so you end up with the two ints concatentated together in a long.
Be careful with the sign bit. Here is a fast ulong solution, that is also not portable from little endian to big endian:
var a = 123;
var b = -123;
ulong result = *(uint*)&a;
result <<= 32;
result |= *(uint*)&b;
This should do the trick
((Int64) a << 32 | b)
Where a and b are Int32. Although you might want to check what happens with the highest bits. Or just put it inside an "unchecked {...}" block.
Gotta be careful with bit twiddling like this though cause you'll have issues on little endian/big endian machines (exp Mono platforms aren't always little endian). Plus you have to deal with sign extending. Mathematically the following is the same but deals with sign extension and is platform agnostic.
return (long)( high * uint.MaxValue ) + low;
When jitted at runtime it will result in performance similar to the bit twiddling. That's one of the nice things about interpreted languages.
There is a problem when i2 < 0 - high 32 bits will be set (0xFFFFFFFF,1xxx... binary) - thecoop was wrong
Better would be something like (Int64)(((UInt64)i1 << 32) | (UInt32)i2)
Or simply C++ way
public static unsafe UInt64 MakeLong(UInt32 low, UInt32 high)
UInt64 retVal;
UInt32* ptr = (UInt32*)&retVal;
*ptr++ = low;
*ptr = high;
return retVal;
UInt64 retVal;
UInt32* ptr = (UInt32*)&retVal;
*ptr++ = low;
*ptr = high;
But the best solution found then here ;-)
(even w/o unsafe)
Anyway FieldOffset works for each item, so you have to specify position of each half separate and remember negative #s are zero complements, so ex. low <0 and high >0 will not make sense - for example -1,0 will give Int64 as 4294967295 probably.
I am trying to find a way to remove a bit from an integer. The solution must not use string operations.
For example, I have the number 27, which is 11011 in binary.
I want to remove the third bit so it leaves me with 1011.
Or we have 182 (10110110), remove the 6th bit so the result is 1110110 (which is 118). I am trying to think of the algorithm how to do that, but so far no luck, and I can't find useful information on the internet.
I know how to use bitwise operators and how to extract or manipulate bits in integers (change values, exchange values etc), but I don't know how to 'remove' a certain bit.
I am not looking for code, just the logic of the operation. If anyone could help me, that would be awesome!
No problem, just decompose the number into the "upper part" and the "lower part", and put them together without the middle bit that now disappeared.
Not tested:
uint upper = x & 0xFFFFFFF0;
uint lower = x & 7;
return (upper >> 1) | lower;
More generally: (also not tested)
uint upper = x & (0xFFFFFFFE << n);
uint lower = x & ((1u << n) - 1);
return (upper >> 1) | lower;
In order to do this you need two bit masks and a shift.
The first bit mask gives you the portion of the number above bit n, exclusive of the n-th bit. The mask is constructed as follows:
var top = ~((1U<<(n+1))-1); // 1111 1111 1000 000, 0xFF80
The second bit mask gives you the portion of the number below bit n, exclusive of the n-th bit:
var bottom = (1U<<n)-1; // 0000 0000 0011 1111, 0x003F
Comments above show the values for your second example (i.e. n == 6)
With the two masks in hand, you can construct the result as follows:
var res = ((original & top)>>1) | (original & bottom);
You could use the following approach:
int value = 27;
string binary = Convert.ToString(value, 2);
binary = binary.Remove(binary.Length-3-1,1); //Remove the exact bit, 3rd in this case
int newValue = Convert.ToInt32(binary, 2);
Hope it helps!
int Place = 7;
int TheInt = 182;
string binary = Convert.ToString(TheInt, 2);
MessageBox.Show(binary.Remove(binary.Length - Place, 1));
Here is a version that needs slightly fewer operations than the solution by harold:
x ^ (((x >> 1) ^ x) & (0xffffffff << n));
The idea is that below n, bits are xored with zero, leaving them unchanged, while from n and above the two x xored cancel each other out, leaving x >> 1.
int a = 27;//int= 4byte equal to 32 bit
string binary = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
if ((a&1)==0)//if a's least significant bit is 0 ,add 0 to str
binary = "0" + binary;
else//if a's least significant bit is 1 ,add 1 to str
binary = "1" + binary;
a = a >> 1;//shift the bits left to right and delete lsb
//we are doing it for 32 times because integer have 32 bit.
Console.WriteLine("Integer to Binary= "+binary);
//Now you can operate the string(binary) however you want.
binary = binary.Remove(binary.Length-4,1);//remove 4st bit from str
I'm trying to debug some bit shifting operations and I need to visualize the bits as they exist before and after a Bit-Shifting operation.
I read from this answer that I may need to handle backfill from the shifting, but I'm not sure what that means.
I think that by asking this question (how do I print the bits in a int) I can figure out what the backfill is, and perhaps some other questions I have.
Here is my sample code so far.
static string GetBits(int num)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
uint bits = (uint)num;
while (bits!=0)
bits >>= 1;
isBitSet = // somehow do an | operation on the first bit.
// I'm unsure if it's possible to handle different data types here
// or if unsafe code and a PTR is needed
if (isBitSet)
Convert.ToString(56,2).PadLeft(8,'0') returns "00111000"
This is for a byte, works for int also, just increase the numbers
To test if the last bit is set you could use:
isBitSet = ((bits & 1) == 1);
But you should do so before shifting right (not after), otherwise you's missing the first bit:
isBitSet = ((bits & 1) == 1);
bits = bits >> 1;
But a better option would be to use the static methods of the BitConverter class to get the actual bytes used to represent the number in memory into a byte array. The advantage (or disadvantage depending on your needs) of this method is that this reflects the endianness of the machine running the code.
byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(num);
int bitPos = 0;
while(bitPos < 8 * bytes.Length)
int byteIndex = bitPos / 8;
int offset = bitPos % 8;
bool isSet = (bytes[byteIndex] & (1 << offset)) != 0;
// isSet = [True] if the bit at bitPos is set, false otherwise
Most of the files I read get the right time when using the following method to convert:
// works great most of the time
private static DateTime convertToDateTime(System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FILETIME time)
long highBits = time.dwHighDateTime;
highBits = highBits << 32;
return DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(highBits + time.dwLowDateTime);
Here I have an example in visual studio to show how this method sometimes does not work for example I will show the actual file in my computer and the debug. So the file that happens to be in my debug is:
"A:\Users\Tono\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\WpfApplication4\WpfApplication4\obj\x86\Debug\App.g.cs"
And here is the FILETIME that I am trying to convert to DateTime "I need the LastWriteTime by the way"
Here you can see that dwHighDateTime = 30136437 and also that dwLowDateTime = -2138979250 from that file.
And when I run my method plus other techniques I get the following dates:
So so far everything seems to be working great. But why is that that when I browse and look for that specific file in windows I get a different date !? Here is the date that I get when seeing the file's properties:
Why does the dates don't match? What am I doing wrong?
You need to combine the LS and MS values bitwise, not arithmetically.
ulong high = 30136437;
int low = -2138979250;
uint uLow = (uint)low;
high = high << 32;
Date dt = DateTime.FromFileTime((long) (high | (ulong)uLow));
Or any of the following should work too:
long highBits = time.dwHighDateTime;
highBits = highBits << 32;
return DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(highBits + (long) (uint) time.dwLowDateTime);
return DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(highBits | (long) (uint) time.dwLowDateTime);
return DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(highBits + ((long)low & 0xFFFFFFFF))
return DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(highBits | ((long)low & 0xFFFFFFFF))
You can get away with adding rather than a bitwise-or if you are sure the values are positive (and have no bits in common). But bitwise-or expresses the intent better.
I'm a bit late to the party, but this has worked reliably for me:
public static class FILETIMEExtensions
public static DateTime ToDateTime(this System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FILETIME time)
ulong high = (ulong)time.dwHighDateTime;
uint low = (uint)time.dwLowDateTime;
long fileTime = (long)((high << 32) + low);
return DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(fileTime);
return DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(0xFFFFFFFF);
Note: Don't trust Windows Explorer. Use File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc method, for example, to verify what the file system actually has against what this extension method returns. Explorer has some bugs in it that don't update file times in certain situations. Cheers! :)
Note: To test this, you need to use maximum values. So, assuming dwHighDateTime = dwLowDateTime = UInt32.MaxValue = 4294967295 = 0xFFFFFFFF, it follows that (long)(((ulong)UInt32.MaxValue << 32) + UInt32.MaxValue) = -1 = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. Unfortunately, the fallacy in the Windows API seems to be that eventually the time needs to be casted to a long value in order to work with it for any useful applications (since most Windows API methods take the file time as a long value), which means once the leading bit is high (1) on dwHighDateTime, the value becomes negative. Lets try with the maximum time not being high. Assuming dwHighDateTime = Int32.MaxValue = 2147483647 = 0x7FFFFFFF and dwLowDateTime = UInt32.MaxValue = 4294967295 = 0xFFFFFFFF, it follows that (long)(((ulong)Int32.MaxValue << 32) + UInt32.MaxValue) = 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
Note: 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF is already much larger than DateTime.MaxValue.ToFileTimeUtc() = 2650467743999999999 = 0x24C85A5ED1C04000, rendering numbers that large already useless for any practical applications in .NET.
This is another method that I have seen to convert a FileTime structure to a long (using a coded operator in the struct), which can then easily be converted to DateTime using the DateTime.FromFileTime functions:
public struct FileTime
public uint dwLowDateTime;
public uint dwHighDateTime;
public static implicit operator long(FileTime fileTime)
long returnedLong;
// Convert 4 high-order bytes to a byte array
byte[] highBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(fileTime.dwHighDateTime);
// Resize the array to 8 bytes (for a Long)
Array.Resize(ref highBytes, 8);
// Assign high-order bytes to first 4 bytes of Long
returnedLong = BitConverter.ToInt64(highBytes, 0);
// Shift high-order bytes into position
returnedLong = returnedLong << 32;
// Or with low-order bytes
returnedLong = returnedLong | fileTime.dwLowDateTime;
// Return long
return returnedLong;
I have tried the following and non of them get me the right time:
And I got the method from here
dwLowDateTime and dwHighDateTime should be uint and it looks like they are int. Changing this will most likely fix it though as #Joe pointed out you should still use | instead of +.
I have read through this SO question about 32-bits, but what about 64-bit numbers? Should I just mask the upper and lower 4 bytes, perform the count on the 32-bits and then add them together?
You can find 64 bit version here
It is something like this
static long NumberOfSetBits(long i)
i = i - ((i >> 1) & 0x5555555555555555);
i = (i & 0x3333333333333333) + ((i >> 2) & 0x3333333333333333);
return (((i + (i >> 4)) & 0xF0F0F0F0F0F0F0F) * 0x101010101010101) >> 56;
This is a 64 bit version of the code form here How to count the number of set bits in a 32-bit integer?
Using Joshua's suggestion I would transform it into this:
static int NumberOfSetBits(ulong i)
i = i - ((i >> 1) & 0x5555555555555555UL);
i = (i & 0x3333333333333333UL) + ((i >> 2) & 0x3333333333333333UL);
return (int)(unchecked(((i + (i >> 4)) & 0xF0F0F0F0F0F0F0FUL) * 0x101010101010101UL) >> 56);
EDIT: I found a bug while testing 32 bit version. I added missing parentheses. The sum should be done before bitwise &, in the last line
EDIT2 Added safer version for ulong
A fast (and more portable than using non-standard compiler extensions) way:
int bitcout(long long n)
int ret=0;
while (n!=0)
return ret;
Every time you do a n&=(n-1) you eliminate the last set bit in n. Thus this takes O(number of set bits) time.
This faster than the O(log n) you would need if you tested every bit - not every bit is set unless the number is 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF), thus usually you need far fewer iterations.
Standard answer in C#:
ulong val = //whatever
byte count = 0;
while (val != 0) {
if ((val & 0x1) == 0x1) count++;
val >>= 1;
This shifts val right one bit, and increments count if the rightmost bit is set. This is a general algorithm that can be used for any length integer.
I know that the following is true
int i = 17; //binary 10001
int j = i << 1; //decimal 34, binary 100010
But, if you shift too far, the bits fall off the end. Where this happens is a matter of the size of integer you are working with.
Is there a way to perform a shift so that the bits rotate around to the other side? I'm looking for a single operation, not a for loop.
If you know the size of type, you could do something like:
uint i = 17;
uint j = i << 1 | i >> 31;
... which would perform a circular shift of a 32 bit value.
As a generalization to circular shift left n bits, on a b bit variable:
/*some unsigned numeric type*/ input = 17;
var result = input << n | input >> (b - n);
#The comment, it appears that C# does treat the high bit of signed values differently. I found some info on this here. I also changed the example to use a uint.
One year ago I've to implement MD4 for my undergraduate thesis. Here it is my implementation of circular bit shift using a UInt32.
private UInt32 RotateLeft(UInt32 x, Byte n)
return UInt32((x << n) | (x >> (32 - n)));
Sincce .NET Core 3.0 and up there's BitOperations.RotateLeft() and BitOperations.RotateRight() so you can just use something like
BitOperations.RotateRight(12, 3);
BitOperations.RotateLeft(34L, 5);
In previous versions you can use BitRotator.RotateLeft() and BitRotator.RotateRight() in Microsoft.VisualStudio.Utilities
Just as reference on how to do it, these two functions work perfectly for rotating the bits of 1/2word:
static public uint ShiftRight(uint z_value, int z_shift)
return ((z_value >> z_shift) | (z_value << (16 - z_shift))) & 0x0000FFFF;
static public uint ShiftLeft(uint z_value, int z_shift)
return ((z_value << z_shift) | (z_value >> (16 - z_shift))) & 0x0000FFFF;
It would be easy to extend it for any given size.
The extension methods for rotating bits of a uint (32 bits):
public static uint ROR(this uint x, int nbitsShift)
=> (x >> nbitsShift) | (x << (32 - nbitsShift));
public static uint ROL(this uint x, int nbitsShift)
=> (x << nbitsShift) | (x >> (32 - nbitsShift));