Setting up moq and verifying that a method was called - c#

Using Microsoft Test Framework and Moq I'm trying to verify if a log4net method was called.
public void Log_Info_When_Stuff_Is_Done()
SampleClass sampleObject = new SampleClass();
Mock<log4net.ILog> logMockObject = new Mock<log4net.ILog>();
sampleObject.Log = logMockObject.Object;
logMockObject.Verify(moqLog => moqLog.Info("do stuff got called"), Times.AtLeastOnce());
I get an exception on Verify call saying that
Expected invocation on the mock at least once, but was never
performed: moqLog => moqLog.Info("do stuff got called") No setups
configured. No invocations performed.
What am I doing wrong?
update the problem was with a getter for SampleClas.Log property. I was always returning LogManager.GetLogger(...); even when the property was already set to a ILogProxy. I was under impression that the property's get accessor won't be called because I've set up a proxy like so sampleObject.Log = logMockObject.Object;

Right now Moq is verifying that DoStuffAndLogInfo calls Info with the exact string "do stuff got called". If it's actually calling Info with a different argument, and you don't care what the actual argument is, use the following instead:
logMockObject.Verify(moqLog => moqLog.Info(It.IsAny<string>()), Times.AtLeastOnce());

The test is correctly set up.
Check your sut to see if Log.Info actually gets called inside the DoStuffAndLogInfo method.

This doesn't look to be the original poster's problem, but in my case I had a very similar error message. It was due to my .Verify() call before the actual execution. For example, this is wrong:
SampleClass sampleObject = new SampleClass();
Mock<log4net.ILog> logMockObject = new Mock<log4net.ILog>();
logMockObject.Verify(moqLog => moqLog.Info(It.IsAny<string>()), Times.AtLeastOnce());
sampleObject.Log = logMockObject.Object;
....but this is right:
SampleClass sampleObject = new SampleClass();
Mock<log4net.ILog> logMockObject = new Mock<log4net.ILog>();
sampleObject.Log = logMockObject.Object;
logMockObject.Verify(moqLog => moqLog.Info(It.IsAny<string>()), Times.AtLeastOnce());


C# FakeItEasy and Method Chaining: Only First Call Is Recognized

I have a call to a factory interface that creates an IMachine in a command handler. This returned IMachine from the factory has methods that can be chained together to create itself inside of a builder class. The problem I am running into with FakeItEasy right now is that it only recognized the first call (which is WithSpeeds) unless I configure every method call to return a fake IMachine. Is there a way not to configure every single call or have FakeItEasy recognize every method call on the chain? I know I must be doing something incorrect because if i use OrderAssertions, and fail the order on purpose without setting up my fake machine, it shows calls were made to all the methods. Thanks for the help.
Part of the Command Handler's Method
public void Handle(FooCommand commandParm)
var entity = new Entity.Builder
Machine = _factory.CreateMachine(commandParm.MachineName)
.WithSpeeds(commandParm.ProcessingSpeed, commandParm.StartupSpeed, commandParm.ShutDownSpeed)
.WithOils(commandParm.Lubrication, commandParm.FinishingOil)
public void HandleSetMachineSettings_should_build_machine()
// Arrange
var settings = CommandUtilities.ReturnFooCommand();
var _factory = A.Fake<IMachineFactory>();
var machine = A.Fake<IMachine>();
A.CallTo(() => _factory.CreateMachine(settings.MachineName)).Returns(machine);
// Act
// Assert
A.CallTo(machine).Where(x => x.Method.Name.Equals("set_MachineNumber")).WhenArgumentsMatch(arg => arg.Get<int>(0) == settings.MachineNumber).MustHaveHappened(Repeated.Exactly.Once);
A.CallTo(() => machine.WithSpeeds(commandParm.ProcessingSpeed, commandParm.StartupSpeed, commandParm.ShutDownSpeed)).MustHaveHappened(Repeated.Exactly.Once);
A.CallTo(() => machine.WithOils(commandParm.Lubrication, commandParm.FinishingOil)).MustHaveHappened(Repeated.Exactly.Once);
I take it that WithSpeeds and WithOils both return an IMachine, yes?
The problem is:
_factory.CreateMachine returns one IMachine, machine from your setup
machine.WithSpeeds returns a fake IMachine that FakeItEasy makes up. This is not machine, but is a different fake, call it "machine2"
machine2.WithOils returns yet another fake machine
Your Assert block suggests that you expected the same machine to be returned at each step of the builder chain. Try inserting
after A.CallTo(() => _factory.CreateMachine()).Returns(machine);
That way machine will keep returning itself, and the appropriate properties will be set on it and whatnot.

Moq Test error Null on Service Layer

How can the following test be corrected to work?
public void GetEmployeeProductivityTest()
var mockHR = new Mock<IRepository<Employee>>();
var mockCMS = new Mock<ICMS_Repository>();
mockCMS.Setup(repos => repos.FindEmployeeByUsername(It.IsAny<string>())).Verifiable();
Employee newEmp = new Employee();
newEmp.User_Name = "testName";
var service = new EmployeeService(mockHR.Object,mockCMS.Object);
var createResult = service.GetEmployeeByUserName(newEmp);
Assert.AreEqual(newEmp, createResult);
I get the following:
Assert.AreEqual failed. Expected:<Employee>. Actual:<(null)>.
As Requested this is the GetEmployeeByUserName() function being called:
public Employee GetEmployeeByUserName(Employee employee)
return _employeeRespository.Find().ByUserName(employee); <------(Using Strict: Gives me the following: All invocations on the mock must have a corresponding setup.)
Since you edited your question to show the behaviour of the GetEmployeeByUserName, it's now easy to explain why your test was failing.
mockCMS.Setup(repos => repos.FindEmployeeByUsername(It.IsAny<string>()))
Here you set up an expectation that the FindEmployeeByUsername(string) overload would be called, but then you go on to use the FindEmployeeByUsername(Employee) overload. Moq setups are for specific overloads so when the method is called the mocked service finds no matching setup. If there is no matching setup, the mock either returns the default value for the Employee type (null), or throws an exception, depending on which MockBehavior you chose.
In your updated test, you fixed this by setting up the overload that you actually use.
mockCMS.Setup(repos => repos.FindEmployeeByUsername(It.IsAny<Employee>()))
With simple methods like your GetEmployeeByUserName, mocking the dependencies and unit testing it can seem like a lot of overhead. What your test says is basically,
"when someone calls the GetEmployeeByUserName method on the EmployeeService,
the service should call the correct method on its repository"
Is this an important thing to assert? That's up to you to decide. As the complexity of your service methods increases, however, being able to isolate the dependencies and test their interactions will become more and more valuable.
You need to seed the FindEmployeeByUsername() Method of your mock:
mockCMS.Setup(repos => repos.FindEmployeeByUsername(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns(newEmp);
otherwise it wont return the expected object, while called within the EmployeeService.
Instead of using multiple repositories which I think was confusing. I simplified it and it works now! Except I'm still not sure how this helps me code better. What did I accomplish with this? (I'm new to Testing/Moq/Integration Tests...etc..) I would really like an this..
public void GetEmployeeUsername_Using_EmployeeClass()
var mockCMS = new Mock<ICMS_Repository>(MockBehavior.Strict);
Employee newEmp = new Employee();
newEmp.User_Name = "testName";
mockCMS.Setup(repos => repos.FindEmployeeByUsername(It.IsAny<Employee>())).Returns(newEmp);
var service = new EmployeeService(mockCMS.Object);
var createResult = service.GetEmployeeByUserName(newEmp);
Assert.AreEqual(newEmp, createResult);

Rhino Mocks, how can I perform an action after setting a Stub property

I have a simple requirement, but I seem to be struggling.
I have created a stub that mocks an interface that includes a Property :
public interface IMockIRuleRuningViewModel : IRuleRunningViewModel
int Id { get; set; }
And the mock is :
var mock = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IMockIRuleRuningViewModel>();
Now I want to mock an action that I would have put in a setter for this Property, and here is my attempt :
mock.Stub(x => x.Id).WhenCalled(
o =>
var engine = new RulesEngine(mock);
But I keep getting this Exception :
You are trying to set an expectation on a property that was defined to use PropertyBehavior.
Instead of writing code such as this: mockObject.Stub(x => x.SomeProperty).Return(42);
You can use the property directly to achieve the same result: mockObject.SomeProperty = 42;
The following works for me:
HttpResponseBase response = MockRepository.GenerateMock<HttpResponseBase>();
// stub the getter
response.Stub(r => r.StatusCode).Return((int)HttpStatusCode.OK);
// Stub the setter
response.Stub(r => r.StatusCode = Arg<int>.Is.Anything).WhenCalled( o =>
Since what I'm actually trying to do is model the case where you can get but not set the status code (because headers have already been sent), I don't do WhenCalled(), I do this:
response.Stub(r => r.StatusCode = Arg<int>.Is.Anything)
.Throw(new HttpException("Server cannot set status after HTTP headers have been sent"));
You have to use MockRepository.GenerateMock not MockRepository.GenerateStub. I don't know why.
If you want to verify the behavior of the SUT (system under test), you should use a mock with the appropriate expectation, and verify that. If you want just to pass a value that may need to act in a certain way, but isn't the focus of this test, you will use a stub (stub will not cause a test to fail).
I assume that you are testing RulesEngine in this test (because it is only real object I see). Here is a sample test, which verifies behavior of engine, when "Id" rule was executed:
// Arrange
var model = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IMockIRuleRuningViewModel>();
model.Expect(m => m.ProcessEngineResults(42));
RulesEngine engine = new RulesEngine(model);
// Act
// Assert

What is the correct way to test this code using MOQ?

I have the following method:
public void MoveChannelUp(string channelName)
var liveChannels = _repository.GetChannels<LiveChannel>();
var channels = GetModifiedChannelsList(channelName, liveChannels);
I want to set up an expectation on the SaveChannels() call so that the correct channels parameter is passed in.
I tried :
channelsRepository.Setup(x => x.SaveChannels(reorderedChannels));
where reorderedChannels is what I expect the GetModifiedChannelsList() call will return and but I got Mock verification exception (probably due to reorderedChannels is not the same object as channels???)
So it is GetModifiedChanneslsList() which I really want to test (I know I can use reflection to test this)
So how do I test the correct channels list is passed to SaveChannels()?
You can do something like this (I assume there is a type called Channel and the parameter for SaveChannels is List<Channel>; substitute with the actual):
var expectedChannels = new List<Channel> { new Channel() }; // set up expected channels here
var channelsRepo = new Mock<IChannelsRepository>();
// perform your unit test using channelsRepo here, for example:
channelsRepo.Object.SaveChannels(new List<Channel> { new Channel() });
channelsRepo.Verify(x => x.SaveChannels(It.Is<List<Channel>>(l => l.SequenceEqual(expectedChannels)))); // will throw an exception if call to SaveChannels wasn't made, or the List of Channels params did not match the expected.
What this code does is verify that the SaveChannels method is called at least once with the right list of channels. If that does not happen, Verify will throw an exception and your unit test will fail as expected.

Moling DataContext with MS Moles?

How can I mole the DataContext that I'm using in a class to write messages to a table. I'd like to assert that the table LINQ is writing to has the expected count of messages. Here's what i have so far.
var context = new MJustTestingDataContext();
MyMessagewriter writer = new MyMessageWriter(context);
var messageList = new List<MIncmoingMessage>();
MTable<MIncomingMessage> messageTable = new MTable<MIncomingMessage>();
If I use this code with xUnit in my class under test I'll get this exception
Microsoft.Moles.Framework.Moles.MoleNotImplementedException: DataContext.Dispose() was not moled.
What am I missing here and how to implement DataContext.Dispose() on the mole? I'm using moles standalone without Pex.
When you create a new Mole the default behavior for its methods and properties is to throw a MoleNotImplementedException whenever they are called.
To implement the mole you can do context.Dispose = () => {}; which means that nothing happens when the Dispose method gets called on the moled instance.
I reread the question and you probably are having a problem since Dispose is defined in a base class. To mole base method you need to do the following:
var context = new MJustTestingDataContext();
var baseContext = new MDataContext(context);
baseContext.Dispose = () => {};
You'll need to implement every property/method that gets called by the code under test or you can set the default behavior for the mole instance globally using the method BehaveAsDefaultValue. This way every method in the mole will do nothing and return the default value for it's return type if one exists instead of throwing a MoleNotImplementedException. However if you require this behavior it's better to use a stub than a mole.
I'm having trouble understanding what your test is doing. I had to do something similar yesterday, so I'll share my experience. First, it's important to understand that you don't need to use all the MoleTypes to test your code -- you just need to use Moles to redirect certain parts of your code to lambda expressions. Given a method that does this:
get a list of users to modify from the database
modify every user in the set
send the new set back to the database
I'd like to redirect 1 and 3 to not use the database. For instance, I can redirect the call to SubmitChanges (3) via this code:
bool hitSubmitChanges = false;
int changeCount = 0;
IList<object> updates = null;
// more code here...
// redirect DataContext.SubmitChanges() to a lambda to catch updates
MDataContext.AllInstances.SubmitChanges = (c) =>
changeCount = c.GetChangeSet().Updates.Count;
updates = c.GetChangeSet().Updates;
hitSubmitChanges = true;
That (and the call to get the users) would be the only Moletypes I'd use in the test. The rest of it would be normal. Then I can use assertions to check the values of changeCount, updates and hitSubmitChanges.
