Moq Test error Null on Service Layer - c#

How can the following test be corrected to work?
public void GetEmployeeProductivityTest()
var mockHR = new Mock<IRepository<Employee>>();
var mockCMS = new Mock<ICMS_Repository>();
mockCMS.Setup(repos => repos.FindEmployeeByUsername(It.IsAny<string>())).Verifiable();
Employee newEmp = new Employee();
newEmp.User_Name = "testName";
var service = new EmployeeService(mockHR.Object,mockCMS.Object);
var createResult = service.GetEmployeeByUserName(newEmp);
Assert.AreEqual(newEmp, createResult);
I get the following:
Assert.AreEqual failed. Expected:<Employee>. Actual:<(null)>.
As Requested this is the GetEmployeeByUserName() function being called:
public Employee GetEmployeeByUserName(Employee employee)
return _employeeRespository.Find().ByUserName(employee); <------(Using Strict: Gives me the following: All invocations on the mock must have a corresponding setup.)

Since you edited your question to show the behaviour of the GetEmployeeByUserName, it's now easy to explain why your test was failing.
mockCMS.Setup(repos => repos.FindEmployeeByUsername(It.IsAny<string>()))
Here you set up an expectation that the FindEmployeeByUsername(string) overload would be called, but then you go on to use the FindEmployeeByUsername(Employee) overload. Moq setups are for specific overloads so when the method is called the mocked service finds no matching setup. If there is no matching setup, the mock either returns the default value for the Employee type (null), or throws an exception, depending on which MockBehavior you chose.
In your updated test, you fixed this by setting up the overload that you actually use.
mockCMS.Setup(repos => repos.FindEmployeeByUsername(It.IsAny<Employee>()))
With simple methods like your GetEmployeeByUserName, mocking the dependencies and unit testing it can seem like a lot of overhead. What your test says is basically,
"when someone calls the GetEmployeeByUserName method on the EmployeeService,
the service should call the correct method on its repository"
Is this an important thing to assert? That's up to you to decide. As the complexity of your service methods increases, however, being able to isolate the dependencies and test their interactions will become more and more valuable.

You need to seed the FindEmployeeByUsername() Method of your mock:
mockCMS.Setup(repos => repos.FindEmployeeByUsername(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns(newEmp);
otherwise it wont return the expected object, while called within the EmployeeService.

Instead of using multiple repositories which I think was confusing. I simplified it and it works now! Except I'm still not sure how this helps me code better. What did I accomplish with this? (I'm new to Testing/Moq/Integration Tests...etc..) I would really like an this..
public void GetEmployeeUsername_Using_EmployeeClass()
var mockCMS = new Mock<ICMS_Repository>(MockBehavior.Strict);
Employee newEmp = new Employee();
newEmp.User_Name = "testName";
mockCMS.Setup(repos => repos.FindEmployeeByUsername(It.IsAny<Employee>())).Returns(newEmp);
var service = new EmployeeService(mockCMS.Object);
var createResult = service.GetEmployeeByUserName(newEmp);
Assert.AreEqual(newEmp, createResult);


How to mock a method inside the same class being tested?

I am creating some unit tests for a method ValidateObject in a service ObjectService. The ValidateObject method calls another method ValidateObjectPropertyB. I want to mock the calls to the last method.
The ObjectService and relevant method look like this:
public class ObjectService : IObjectService
public bool ValidateObject(object objectToValidate)
!String.IsNullOrEmpty(objectToValidate.PropertyA) &&
ValidateObjectPropertyB(objectToValidate.PropertyB, currentUserId);
public bool ValidateObjectPropertyB(long propertyB, long userId)
return validationResult;
Right now my Test class ObjectServiceTest contains the following code:
public class ObjectServiceTest
var objectToValidate = new Object(validPropertyA, validPropertyB);
using(var mock = new AutoMock.GetStrict())
var mockObjectService = new Mock<IObjectService>();
mockObjectService.callBase = true;
mockObjectService.Setup(s => s.ValidateObjectPropertyB(objectToValidate.PropertyB, _user.Id)).Returns(true);
var service = mock.Create<ObjectService>();
var result = service.ValidateObject(objectTovalidate);
The above test fails because result is false, the for PropertyA succeeds
What am I doing wrong?
ValidateObject works in part by calling ValidateObjectPropertyB. I am presuming you are wanting to mock this second method so that you can demonstrate that ValidateObject does indeed call ValidateObjectPropertyB (provided !String.IsNullOrEmpty(objectToValidate.PropertyA) evaluates to true)
If this is the case then you are testing implementation detail, which generally you shouldn't do. Consider a function that took two integer values and returned their sum, you would want to verify that when this function was passed 3 and 5 it returned 8, you should not test that it arrived at this answer by using a particular method/class under the hood because this is not relevant to the desired outcome and should in future you decide you wished to refactor your code the test would likely start failing even if the code still returned the desired result.
Looking at your code, it seems that return value of ValidateObject is not directly dependent on the method call to ValidateObjectPropertyB but rather the value of validationResult. It is this value that you must set to properly test ValidateObject.
One way to achieve what you are asking would be to make ValidateObjectPropertyB virtual, then create a derived class that overrides this method to return what ever you want. However I do not recommend doing this purely for the sake of unit testing.

How to mock method with FilterExpression input parameter?

I’m trying to mock method using Moq that takes FilterExpression as an input parameter and I have no luck so far. When I run it is always returns null. If I pass NULL instead of FilterExpression it works.
Here is my code:
public interface ITestRepository
string Test(int id, FilterExpression fe);
public class TestRepository : ITestRepository
public stringTest(int id, FilterExpression fe)
throw new NotImplementedException();
Unit Test
var testMock = new Mock<ITestRepository>();
var fe = new FilterExpression();
var result = “Hello World”;
var id = 1;
testMock.Setup(r => r.Test(id, filterExpression)).Returns(result);
testMock.Setup(r => r.Test(id, null)).Returns(result);
public void test()
var fe = new FilterExpression();
var id = 1;
_testRepository.Test(id, fe);
_testRepository.Test(id, null);
Arguments don't match. You use different FilterExpressions. Have you tried to put any FilterExpression?
testMock.Setup(r => r.Test(id, It.IsAny<FilterExpression>())).Returns(result);
Your setup should contain the original object; in your code sample it does not:
testMock.Setup(r => r.Test(id, filterExpression)).Returns(result);
testMock.Setup(r => r.Test(id, fe)).Returns(result);
According to your test above. Also, where is your setup of the test objects defined? these should also be defined within the test itself.
If you are trying to unit test Dynamics CRM code, then did you try FakeXrmEasy?
It's an open source project I have been working on since 2014 which automatically mocks IOrganizationService calls for you, including your FilterExpressions, but also any QueryExpression (with joins, filters, nested linked entities, order by), QueryByAttribute, FetchXml, the main basic CRUD and also other messages like Associate, Disassociate, ExecuteMultiple, WhoAmIRequests, and so on and so on...
It's really robust, it has more 800+ unit tests to test the testing framework itself (yeah, how meta is that? ) and the feedback, like this one, is excellent! :)
It definetely helps me on a daily basis and though of open sourcing it to help other CRM developers, and also so that other developers from the community could also contribute with their own improvements and new features (please do so).
It is available as a NuGet package too which makes it really easy to get started with. Please have a look at the documentation page here.
I actually started working on another repository to do the same thing for Web API calls from Javascript.
Stay tunned & happy testing!

Moq Unit Testing - expected result?

I'm using Moq for my Unit Tests and have got the following method:
public void GetTestRunById_ValidId_TestRunReturned()
var mockTestRunRepo = new Mock<IRepository<TestRun>>();
var testDb = new Mock<IUnitOfWork>();
testDb.SetupGet(m => m.TestRunsRepo).Returns(mockTestRunRepo.Object);
TestRun returnedRun = EntityHelper.getTestRunByID(testDb.Object, 1);
The method in question which is being tested is getTestRunByID(). I have confirmed that this method is called when debugging this unit test, but as expected getTestRunByID() doesn't return anything since the mock has no data inside it.
Would all that matter is the method gets hit and returns null? If not, how can I add data to my mockTestRunRepo when it's only present as a returned value from testDb?
For reference the method being tested is:
public static TestRun getTestRunByID(IUnitOfWork database, int testRun)
TestRun _testRun = database.TestRunsRepo.getByID(testRun);
return _testRun;
The purpose of the unit test is to ONLY test the small method getTestRunByID. For that, test if it was called exactly once with that integer parameters, 1.
mockTestRunRepo.Verify(m => m.getByID(1), Times.Once());
You must also set up the method getByID for mockTestRunRepo, to make it return a specific value, and test if the result value of the test run is equal to what you expected.
//instantiate something to be a TestRun object.
//Not sure if abstract base class or you can just use new TestRun()
mockTestRunRepo.Setup(m => m.getByID(1)).Returns(something);
Test if you get the same value
TestRun returnedRun = EntityHelper.getTestRunByID(testDb.Object, 1);
Assert.AreEqual(returnedRun, something);
This code might be prone to errors, as I do not have an environment to test it right now. But this is the general idea behind a unit test.
This way, you test if the method getById runs as expected, and returns the expected result.
You have your repository return data the same way that you setup everything else.
var mockTestRunRepo = new Mock<IRepository<TestRun>>();
// This step can be moved into the individual tests if you initialize
// mockTestRunRepo as a Class-level variable before each test to save code.
mockTestRunRepo.Setup(m => m.getById(1)).Returns(new TestRun());
Per #Sign's recommendation, if you know that you're calling it with 1, then use that instead of It.IsAny<int>() to keep things cleaner.

Setting up moq and verifying that a method was called

Using Microsoft Test Framework and Moq I'm trying to verify if a log4net method was called.
public void Log_Info_When_Stuff_Is_Done()
SampleClass sampleObject = new SampleClass();
Mock<log4net.ILog> logMockObject = new Mock<log4net.ILog>();
sampleObject.Log = logMockObject.Object;
logMockObject.Verify(moqLog => moqLog.Info("do stuff got called"), Times.AtLeastOnce());
I get an exception on Verify call saying that
Expected invocation on the mock at least once, but was never
performed: moqLog => moqLog.Info("do stuff got called") No setups
configured. No invocations performed.
What am I doing wrong?
update the problem was with a getter for SampleClas.Log property. I was always returning LogManager.GetLogger(...); even when the property was already set to a ILogProxy. I was under impression that the property's get accessor won't be called because I've set up a proxy like so sampleObject.Log = logMockObject.Object;
Right now Moq is verifying that DoStuffAndLogInfo calls Info with the exact string "do stuff got called". If it's actually calling Info with a different argument, and you don't care what the actual argument is, use the following instead:
logMockObject.Verify(moqLog => moqLog.Info(It.IsAny<string>()), Times.AtLeastOnce());
The test is correctly set up.
Check your sut to see if Log.Info actually gets called inside the DoStuffAndLogInfo method.
This doesn't look to be the original poster's problem, but in my case I had a very similar error message. It was due to my .Verify() call before the actual execution. For example, this is wrong:
SampleClass sampleObject = new SampleClass();
Mock<log4net.ILog> logMockObject = new Mock<log4net.ILog>();
logMockObject.Verify(moqLog => moqLog.Info(It.IsAny<string>()), Times.AtLeastOnce());
sampleObject.Log = logMockObject.Object;
....but this is right:
SampleClass sampleObject = new SampleClass();
Mock<log4net.ILog> logMockObject = new Mock<log4net.ILog>();
sampleObject.Log = logMockObject.Object;
logMockObject.Verify(moqLog => moqLog.Info(It.IsAny<string>()), Times.AtLeastOnce());

how to interpret this (rhino) mock unit test failure msg

I am trying to test that a method to load a UI matrix is being loaded properly. The test fails unless I tell the mock framework to ignore the argument passed, giving me the following message:
Rhino.Mocks.Exceptions.ExpectationViolationException :
+d__1); Expected #1, Actual #0.
What is interesting is that the message is somehow picking up a call made to another object that assembles DTOs from the domain model - I don't get it!
Here is the interface / method Sut is:
public interface ITimeSheetMatrixWidget : IMatrixWidget {
void Load(IEnumerable<DynamicDisplayDto>activities);
And here is the test:
public void SettingTheWidget_TriggersLoad_NonProjectActivities() {
var f = _getFacade();
// create test activities
Assert.That(f.NonProjectDtos.Count(), Is.GreaterThan(0));
// create the presenter
var filterService = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IProjectFilterService>();
var view = MockRepository.GenerateStub<ITimeSheetView>();
var timeSheetPresenter = new TimeSheetPresenter(f, filterService, view);
// inject the mocked widget & trigger the Load
var widget = MockRepository.GenerateMock<ITimeSheetMatrixWidget>();
timeSheetPresenter.ActivityMatrix = widget;
widget.AssertWasCalled(x => x.Load(f.NonProjectDtos),
mo =>mo.IgnoreArguments()); <-- ok, but not useful
//widget.AssertWasCalled(x => x.Load(f.NonProjectDtos)); <-- generates the Exception
Can someone explain the failure message?
As an aside, I did post this on the Rhino Mocks forum this morning but traffic there looks like it is very low.
Thank you for your help!
Rhino was stating the fact that the way the test was laid out, I wasn't getting the call I'd told it to expect. The test below is an effective way to test an IEnumerable argument:
public void ProjectMatrix_Injection_IsLoaded()
_projectMatrix = MockRepository.GenerateMock<ITimeSheetMatrixWidget>();
var dtos = _facade.ProjectDtos;
_projectMatrix.Expect(x => x.Load(Arg<IEnumerable<DynamicDisplayDto>>.List.Equal(dtos))).Return(dtos.Count());
new MatrixEntryService(_facade, _projectMatrix, _nonProjectMatrix, _totalMatrix);
The first trick is using the Rhino argument constraints:
The second trick is to use the List extension, instead of Is:
I think it expected one call but got none.
