c#.net postback of form not keeping 1 value - c#

Having a strange problem regarding the postback of a form I've created. The answer will probably be really simple, but I can't seem to see it.
I have a form that a user can fill in if the page a video is on, isn't working. It pre-populates fields based on the current video selected, and allows the user to fill in other fields, and send the email to me for support.
The problem
The fields are pre-populated correctly, but one of the fields 'Page', although pre-populated correctly, doesn't pass the value to the button submit method.
the clientside code
(includes some mootools javascript, this works)
<asp:Panel ID="pnlVideoProblem" runat="server" Visible="false">
<h2>Report a video/learning tool issue</h2>
<div class="keyline"></div>
<fieldset class="emailform">
<li><label>Name <span class="error">*</span></label><asp:TextBox ID="txtVideoName" runat="server" MaxLength="60"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator33" runat="server" CssClass="error" ControlToValidate="txtVideoName" ErrorMessage="Required"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator></li>
<li><label>Email <span class="error">*</span></label><asp:TextBox ID="txtVideoEmail" runat="server" MaxLength="100"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator35" runat="server" CssClass="error" ControlToValidate="txtVideoEmail" ErrorMessage="Required"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
<asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="RegularExpressionValidator7" runat="server" ControlToValidate="txtVideoEmail" Text="Invalid email" ErrorMessage="Email address is not in the correct format" ValidationExpression="\w+([-+.']\w+)*#\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*"></asp:RegularExpressionValidator></li>
<li><label>OTHER FIELD</label><asp:TextBox ID="txtOtherField" runat="server" MaxLength="10"></asp:TextBox></li>
<li><label>Video ID</label><asp:TextBox ID="txtVideoID" runat="server" ReadOnly="true"></asp:TextBox></li>
<li><label>Browser/Version </label><asp:TextBox ID="txtVideoBrowser" runat="server" MaxLength="100"></asp:TextBox></li>
<li><label>Flash Version </label><asp:TextBox ID="txtFlashVersion" runat="server"></asp:TextBox></li>
<li><label>Page </label><asp:TextBox ID="txtVideoPage" runat="server"></asp:TextBox></li>
<li><label>Visible error messages </label><asp:TextBox ID="txtVisError" runat="server" TextMode="MultiLine" Rows="6" MaxLength="4000"></asp:TextBox></li>
<asp:Button ID="btnSubmitVideoIssue" runat="server" CssClass="subbutton" Text="Submit report" OnClick="btnSubmitVideoIssue_Click" />
<script type="text/javascript">
window.addEvent('domready', function () {
document.id('<%= txtVideoBrowser.ClientID %>').set('value', Browser.Platform.name + ", " + Browser.name + " " + Browser.version);
document.id('<%= txtFlashVersion.ClientID %>').set('value', Browser.Plugins.Flash.version + "." + Browser.Plugins.Flash.build);
the page-behind code for the button
(there is no reseting of the values on postback)
protected void btnSubmitVideoIssue_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (CheckEmptyCaptcha() == false)
//this field is hidden in css and empty. if it has been filled in, then an automated way of entering has been used.
//ignore and send no email.
StringBuilder sbMessage = new StringBuilder();
emailForm = new MailMessage();
sbMessage.Append("Name : " + txtVideoName.Text.Trim() + "<br>");
sbMessage.Append("Email : " + txtVideoEmail.Text.Trim() + "<br>");
sbMessage.Append("Other Field : " + txtOtherField.Text.Trim() + "<br>");
sbMessage.Append("Video ID : " + txtVideoID.Text.Trim() + "<br>");
sbMessage.Append("Browser : " + txtVideoBrowser.Text.Trim() + "<br>");
sbMessage.Append("Flash Version : " + txtFlashVersion.Text.Trim() + "<br>");
sbMessage.Append("Visible error messages : " + txtVisError.Text.Trim() + "<br>");
sbMessage.Append("Url referrer : " + txtVideoPage.Text.Trim()+"<br>");
sbMessage.Append("Browser : " + Request.UserAgent + "<br>");
if (txtVideoBrowser.Text.Contains("ie 6"))
sbMessage.Append("<strong>Browser note</strong> : The PC that made this request looks like it was using Internet Explorer 6, although videos work in IE6, the browser isn't stable software, and therefore Javascript errors may occur preventing the viewing of the page/video/learning tool how it was intended. Recommend that the user upgrades their browsers to the latest version of IE.<br>");
Double flashver = 0.0;
if(Double.TryParse(txtFlashVersion.Text, out flashver))
if(flashver < 9.0)
sbMessage.Append("<strong>Flash version note</strong> : The PC that made this request is currently using flash version "+flashver+". Flash version 9 or greater is required to view videos. Recommend user upgrades their flash version by visiting http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer<br>");
sbMessage.Append("<strong>Flash version note</strong> : It doesn't look like flash is installed on the PC that made this request. Flash is required to view videos . Recommend user installs flash by visiting http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer<br>");
emailForm.To.Add(new MailAddress("admin#test.com"));
emailForm.From = new MailAddress(txtVideoEmail.Text.Trim(), txtVideoName.Text.Trim());
emailForm.Subject = "[ERROR] - [VIDEO ISSUE] from " + txtVideoName.Text.Trim();
emailForm.Body = sbMessage.ToString();
emailForm.IsBodyHtml = true;
bool sendSuccess = false;
SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient();
sendSuccess = true;
pnlVideoProblem.Visible = false;
pnlFailure.Visible = true;
ltlFailure.Text = "There was a problem sending your feedback, please go back and try again.";
if (sendSuccess)
pnlVideoProblem.Visible = false;
pnlSuccess.Visible = true;
ltlSuccess.Text = "Thank you, your feedback has been sent. Click close to return to the website.";
pnlVideoProblem.Visible = false;
pnlFailure.Visible = true;
ltlFailure.Text = "There was a problem sending your feedback, please go back and try again.";
the form values
Name : User
Email : User#test.com
Other Field : aab123
Video Learning ID : 5546
Browser version : win, firefox 9
Flash version : 11.102
Page : https://www.awebsite.com/library/video/5546
Visible error messages : ewrwerwe
the resulting email
Name : User
Email : user#test.com
Other Field : aab123
Video ID : 5546
Browser : win, firefox 9
Flash Version : 11.102
Url referrer :
Visible error messages : ewrwerwe
Video ID and Page/Url Referrer are populated on (!IsPostBack)
pnlVideoProblem.Visible = true;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["vid"]))
txtVideoID.Text = Request.QueryString["vid"];
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["other"]))
txtOtherField.Text = Request.QueryString["other"];
txtOtherField.ReadOnly = true;
txtVideoPage.Text = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["ref"]);
txtVideoPage.ReadOnly = true;
any ideas? I have a brick wall i can hit my head against based on how simple the answer is.

If TextBox's ReadOnly property is "true", postback data won't be
loaded e.g it essentially means TextBox being readonly from
server-side standpoint (client-side changes will be ignored).
If you want TB to be readonly in the "old manner" use:
as that won't affect server-side functionality.
From: http://aspadvice.com/blogs/joteke/archive/2006/04/12/16409.aspx
See also: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.web.ui.webcontrols.textbox.readonly.aspx

Solved :)
After a tiny ray of sunshine i remembered I had this
RewriteRule ^/pop/(.*[^/])/report-issue/([a-fA-F0-9]{32})-([0-9]+)$ /pop.aspx?tp=$1&pg=report-issue&vid=$2&other=$3&ref=%{HTTP_REFERER} [L]
as a rewrite rule, which then led me to take a closer look at whether the form fieldswere actually was wrapped in a postback. Lo-and-behold, they werent.
I've wrapped a !postback around the querystring variable reading section and it works!
brick wall needs to be very thick.
thanks to those that tried to help!


How to get a value from a javascript file to c#?

I'm using ASP.NET to make a website for a hotel and at this point to show the hotel rooms I've created a javacript file to generate div's, now I want to get the value of the room number that by clicking "learn more "transfer the value of the number of the room to the other page
I already tried to use cookies but it does not work
here's the js file that generates the div:
$(document).ready(function () {
$.get('http://localhost/quartos.php', function (data) {
var results = JSON.parse(data);
for (i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
var div = "<div class='col-sm col-md-6' height='600px' width='400px'><div class='room'><a href='' class='img d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center' style='background-image: url(images/Quartos/" + results[i].imagem + ");'></a><div class='text p-3 text-center><h3 class=' mb-3'><a href=''>Quarto " + results[i].descricao + "</a></h3 > <p><span class='price mr-20'>" + results[i].Preco_quarto + "\u20AC</span><asp:Label ID='Label1' runat='server' Text='รง aop'></asp:Label><span class='per'> por noite</span></p> <ul class='list'><li><span>Max:</span>" + results[i].Lotacao_Maxima + " Pessoas</li><li><span>Vista:</span>" + results[i].Vista + "</li></ul><hr><p class='pt-1'><button class='btn btn-primary' runat='server' onserverclick='btn_quartos'>Ver Detalhes<span class='icon-long-arrow-right'></button></span></p></div></div></div>";
document.cookie = "CookieName=" + results[i].Num_Quarto + ";";
and the cs of the "next" page:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string num_quarto = Request.Cookies["CookieName"].Value.ToString();
You're overwriting the cookie to something new each time in the for loop, so the cookie is always going to hold the last result in results, despite what they select.
Although, using a cookie to pass info from one page to another isn't an ideal way to do what you want anyway.
A better way would be to make your "learn more" page able to accept a room number as a query string value.
Example: http://localhost/learnmore.php?cuarto=123
Then that looks up the room information and renders the information into the html.
In doing that, you can simplify the link in your div element to point to learmore.php?cuarto="+results[i].Num_Quarto and not have to repurpose the cookie functionality for a behavior it's not really meant for.

Why is this alertbox not appearing?

I've got almost got a web project finished for an assignment, but I've hit a stumbling block in the form of an alertbox that refuses to pop up when called. The assignment is to create a web form for users to submit personal information to a website. Once they fill in all the textboxes and click a button to register, that will call the function registerMe in the code behind as seen below. Once they do that, the idea is that the function will first check to make sure that the user hasn't already registered on the website, then it will stuff all the values from the Textboxes into a Session object (which is using Candidate.curCandidate as a wrapper). This Session object will then be added to the Application state data to save it.
Now, here's the weird thing. In the if statement below, if the statement is true, all the values will be saved to the session and then the Application state data as desired, but the Alertbox won't appear. However, if the if statement is false, an Alertbox WILL appear. So, I'm guessing that somehow reading and writing all these values is interfering with the activation of an Alertbox, but I have no idea why.
protected void registerMe(object sender, EventArgs e)
String successText;
if (Candidate.curCandidate.appProperty == false)
Candidate.curCandidate.ssNumberProperty = socSec.Text;
Candidate.curCandidate.emailAddressProperty = email.Text;
Candidate.curCandidate.userIDProperty = userName0.Text;
Candidate.curCandidate.passwordProperty = password0.Text;
Candidate.curCandidate.dateOfBirthProperty = dateBirth.Text;
Candidate.curCandidate.firstNameProperty = fName0.Text;
Candidate.curCandidate.lastNameProperty = lName0.Text;
Candidate.curCandidate.streetAddressProperty = strAdd0.Text;
Candidate.curCandidate.cityProperty = city0.Text;
Candidate.curCandidate.stateProperty = state0.Text;
Candidate.curCandidate.positionProperty = jobs0.SelectedIndex;
Candidate.curCandidate.applicationStatusProperty = appStatus0.Text;
Candidate.curCandidate.appProperty = true;
successText = "Thank you. Candidate Information Added Successfully.\n" +
"E-Mail Address You Entered will be used to notify you of any\n" +
"updates for the position you applied for.";
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "myalert",
"alert('" + successText + "');", true);
successText = "Registration unsuccessful.";
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "myalert",
"alert('" + successText + "');", true);
Try to remove \n from successText and see if it works.
If you really need it, try to double escape it like below:
successText = "... Successfully.\\n"

Conditional writing of HTML

I am currently trying to create a statement where if it returns false then a label will display on the page with an error message. I have tried using Response.Write with no results.
if (bannedDomainText.Text.Contains("."))
File.AppendAllText(MapPath(FILE_PATH), "\r\n" + bannedDomainText.Text);
Response.Write("<label>This isn't working!</label>");
<asp:Label ID="ErrorMessage" Visible="false"></asp:Label>
if (bannedDomainText.Text.Contains("."))
File.AppendAllText(MapPath(FILE_PATH), "\r\n" + bannedDomainText.Text);
Message.Text = "This is working";
Message.Visible = true;
Define a server side label and assign the message to its text property. You can hide this label or set its text to empty string when you do not want to show the message.
In Html
<asp:Label id="lblMessage" runat="server" />
In Code Behind
if (bannedDomainText.Text.Contains("."))
File.AppendAllText(MapPath(FILE_PATH), "\r\n" + bannedDomainText.Text);
lblMessage.Text = "This is working";

How do I dynamically set source of an IFrame?

I have an IFrame embedding a youtube video. I want to create a textbox where user (admins) can paste a new src (URL) of video and the IFrame take the new source. Here is what I have so far:
protected void Edited_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// HtmlControl frame1 = (HtmlControl)this.FindControl("frame1");
string url = TextBox1.Text;
frame1.Attributes["src"] = url;
And in the html code is the Iframe:
<div id="video">
<iframe title="YouTube video player" runat="server" width="420"
frameborder="1" style="height: 265px; float: left;
text-align: center;" id="frame1"
name="frame1" align="middle"></iframe>
<br />
I don't set any src in the beginning but when I paste a URL in the textbox and hit the button, the Iframe doesn't displays anything.
Other responses don't answer the question, they provide an alternative. The question is how to set iFrame src from C#. I'll answer that here.
I'm all for "right tools for the job" and use that mantra a lot myself - but only when the other tools are "wrong". That hasn't been established here. Can someone provide a good technical reason why this should not be done in code-behind?
I think the issue #Pepys is experiencing might be due to something in the URL, which he hasn't provided yet. For example, maybe his URL includes ampersands or other characters which need to be escaped.
The following code works fine for me:
excelframe.Attributes["src"] =
+ #"su=-0000000000"
+ #"&Fi=zzzzzzzzzzzz!111"
+ #"&ak=x%3d9%26x%3d9%26x%3d!zzzzzzzzzz"
+ #"&kip=1"
+ #"&AllowTyping=True"
+ #"&ActiveCell='sheet1'!C3"
+ #"&wdHideGridlines=True"
+ #"&wdHideHeaders=True"
+ #"&wdDownloadButton=True";
You need to do this on the client browser, not server-side. I would suggest something like:
// (Add inside script element in head of page html)
window.onload = function() {
document.getElementById('<id of input>').onchange = function() {
function changeFrameUrl() {
var inputVal = document.getElementById('<id of input>').value;
document.getElementById('<id of iframe>').src = inputVal;
Hope this helps - it's off the top of my head though, so don't diss me if it doesn't work first time!

how to know which browser my .net application is running on?

I want to apply different css on different browsers.
I want to run one css when it is safari and second for all others.
How can I detect that and apply css according to that?
You can use CSS browser selectors for this. There are different solutions available for this on the net.
For example:
CSS Browser Selector
The CSS Browser Selector is a small JavaScript library which allows you to include different cascading style sheets (CSS) for each browser.
An example:
<style type="text/css">
.ie .example {
background-color: yellow
.ie7 .example {
background-color: orange
.opera .example {
background-color: green
.webkit .example {
background-color: black
If you Google for "different css per browser" you'll find other solutions as well, but most of them boil down to similar solutions.
Another way would be to detect the browser type and capabilities in ASP.NET so that you can render the appropriate HTML / CSS / ...etc. You can find more information on that topic here:
For example:
private void Button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
System.Web.HttpBrowserCapabilities browser = Request.Browser;
string s = "Browser Capabilities\n"
+ "Type = " + browser.Type + "\n"
+ "Name = " + browser.Browser + "\n"
+ "Version = " + browser.Version + "\n"
+ "Major Version = " + browser.MajorVersion + "\n"
+ "Minor Version = " + browser.MinorVersion + "\n"
+ "Platform = " + browser.Platform;
TextBox1.Text = s;
The Browser property of the Request returns a HttpBrowserCapabilities object. It contains information on the capabilities of the browser that is running on the client.
You can examine the UserAgent property of the Request object.
Inside the page head tag
<%# Request.UserAgent.ToLower().Contains("safari") ?
"<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='safari.css' />" :
"<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='other.css' />" %>
Use below things....in your control...and you can set different style...to asp.net textbox control for different browser.
<asp:TextBox ID="TestTextBox" runat="server" ie:Text="You are in Internet explorer." mozilla:Text="You are in Firefox." Text="You are in other browser." ie:CssClass="IEStyle" mozilla:CssClass="FFStyle" CssClass="DefaultStyle" />
using Using the Request.Browser you can determine the browser user is using your
You can check it from javascript like:
if (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') {
var fileref = document.createElement("link")
fileref.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet")
fileref.setAttribute("type", "text/css")
fileref.setAttribute("href", filename)
