I'm using ASP.NET to make a website for a hotel and at this point to show the hotel rooms I've created a javacript file to generate div's, now I want to get the value of the room number that by clicking "learn more "transfer the value of the number of the room to the other page
I already tried to use cookies but it does not work
here's the js file that generates the div:
$(document).ready(function () {
$.get('http://localhost/quartos.php', function (data) {
var results = JSON.parse(data);
for (i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
var div = "<div class='col-sm col-md-6' height='600px' width='400px'><div class='room'><a href='' class='img d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center' style='background-image: url(images/Quartos/" + results[i].imagem + ");'></a><div class='text p-3 text-center><h3 class=' mb-3'><a href=''>Quarto " + results[i].descricao + "</a></h3 > <p><span class='price mr-20'>" + results[i].Preco_quarto + "\u20AC</span><asp:Label ID='Label1' runat='server' Text='ç aop'></asp:Label><span class='per'> por noite</span></p> <ul class='list'><li><span>Max:</span>" + results[i].Lotacao_Maxima + " Pessoas</li><li><span>Vista:</span>" + results[i].Vista + "</li></ul><hr><p class='pt-1'><button class='btn btn-primary' runat='server' onserverclick='btn_quartos'>Ver Detalhes<span class='icon-long-arrow-right'></button></span></p></div></div></div>";
document.cookie = "CookieName=" + results[i].Num_Quarto + ";";
and the cs of the "next" page:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string num_quarto = Request.Cookies["CookieName"].Value.ToString();
You're overwriting the cookie to something new each time in the for loop, so the cookie is always going to hold the last result in results, despite what they select.
Although, using a cookie to pass info from one page to another isn't an ideal way to do what you want anyway.
A better way would be to make your "learn more" page able to accept a room number as a query string value.
Example: http://localhost/learnmore.php?cuarto=123
Then that looks up the room information and renders the information into the html.
In doing that, you can simplify the link in your div element to point to learmore.php?cuarto="+results[i].Num_Quarto and not have to repurpose the cookie functionality for a behavior it's not really meant for.
I hope I am not just chasing a red herring here. I have seen some websites that you are able to search for RSS feeds by typing in some sort of term like "Technology news" and it would return a number of different feeds that you can chose from.
Most look to be where they are just searching their own curated database which is all fine and dandy, however there is one that looks like it uses Google to search for them. http://ctrlq.org/rss/
Does anyone know how this could be done and point me in the right direction to learn how it is done as it is bugging the life out of me? I have done a lot of searching but most seem to point to the depreciated Google Feed API that no longer works or using Google Alerts to create an RSS Feed which I am not wanting to do.
Ideally I would like to do this in C# so that I can easily deal with the results and save the relevant selected option in a database.
It also doesn't need to be Google that it is done in, if there are other options that are available then great :)
I was kinda intrigue by your question and this is what I've find out. First of all I went to the site http://ctrlq.org/rss/ and checked what is done after click on Search button:
function findfeeds() {
var q = $.trim($('#feedQuery').val());
if(q == "") {
return false;
google.feeds.findFeeds(q, function(result) {
if (!result.error) {
var html = '';
for (var i = 0; i < result.entries.length; i++) {
var entry = result.entries[i];
feedList[i] = entry.url;
var count = i+1;
html += '<div id="feed-' + i + '">';
html += ' <h3><img src="//s2.googleusercontent.com/s2/favicons?domain=' + entry.link + '"/> <a target="_blank" href="' + entry.link + '">' + removeHTMLTags(entry.title) + '</a></h3>';
html += ' <p class="snippet">' + removeHTMLTags(entry.contentSnippet) + '</p>';
html += ' <p class="feedURL">';
html += 'RSS Feed ⋅ ';
html += ' <span class="showhide" rel="' + i + '">Preview Feed</span></p>';
html += ' <div id="feedcontent-' + i + '"></div>';
html += '</div>';
$("#results").fadeOut('slow', function() {
$('html, body').animate({scrollTop:0}, 'slow');
return false;
This is the function called after click. I noticed it uses something named 'google.feeds.findFeeds' so a bit of searching and voilà: https://developers.google.com/feed/v1/devguide#optional. There is a google api which provides functionality for searching and browsing public rss feeds :) The site provides examples of use so you can read more there. I hope this covers all of your doubts ;)
I'm trying to make a dynamic javascript from code behind that would be added to the page and would enable thus a little jwplayer to open up, my code so far:
void playAudioFile(string path)
string script =
#" var div = document.getElementById('playerDiv');
var audio = document.createElement('audio');
audio.setAttribute('id', 'audioPlayer');
file: 'http://ps.staging.be/webservice/MP3DownloadHandler.ashx?id='" + path +
#"'&date=' + '<%=Encrypt.EncryptString(String.Format(""{0:dd/MM/yyyy}"",
width: ""100%"",
height: ""30"",
type: 'mp3',
stretching: ""uniform"",
controlbar: 'bottom'
//Add the script to it's tags
HtmlGenericControl playScript = new HtmlGenericControl("script");
playScript.InnerHtml = script;
//Add it on his place
But this turns out to a "could not make contact with localhost:55323 does anyone know what mistake I make? + is there a better way? The purpose would be to display a player if a person clicked on an element on my website, and the players path would change on hand of the selected item. I'm kinda making a system like youtube if you want something to compare with.
Final Solution
string date = Encrypt.EncryptString(String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", DateTime.UtcNow));
string script =
#" var div = document.getElementById('ContentPlaceHolder1_playerDiv');
var audio = document.createElement('audio');
audio.setAttribute('id', 'audioPlayer');
file: 'http://ps.staging.be/webservice/MP3DownloadHandler.ashx?id=" + path + #"&date=" + date + #"',
width: '100%',
height: '30',
type: 'mp3',
stretching: 'uniform',
controlbar: 'bottom'
//Add the script to it's tags
HtmlGenericControl playScript = new HtmlGenericControl("script");
playScript.InnerHtml = script;
//Add it on his place
You should be using ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript to do this:
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "FooKey", script, true);
You have a code block inside the script, not sure why you don't build that string in code and then append it to the script:
string date = Encrypt.EncryptString(String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", DateTime.UtcNow));
string script =
#" var div = document.getElementById('playerDiv');
var audio = document.createElement('audio');
audio.setAttribute('id', 'audioPlayer');
file: 'http://ps.staging.be/webservice/MP3DownloadHandler.ashx?id='" + path + #"'&date=" + date + ", width: '100%', height: '30',type: 'mp3', stretching: 'uniform',controlbar: 'bottom'});";
You can not add scriptlet in the string and assign it to some controls InnerHtml.
I would write javascript directly to aspx (html) side as I belive that is simple and more straight forward.
+ '<%=Encrypt.EncryptString(String.Format(""{0:dd/MM/yyyy}"", DateTime.UtcNow))%>',
+ Encrypt.EncryptString(String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", DateTime.UtcNow))
I have troubles with adding blocks with a specific attributes on my asp.net mvc project using jquery.
I need to add block into the page depending on what i have in a dropdownlist(created via c#)
I had created a hidden block in my view(view the code below) wich makes "select" tag with options from my "List"
<div id="other" class="EqItem">
<p>Else: #Html.DropDownList("else", Model.ModEq("",""))</p>
<p>Serial №: #Html.TextBox("serialelse")</p>
After loading the page i use a function which removes this block from DOM and makes the copy of html code of this block into a variable(blockToAdd )
function BlockDelete()
blockToAdd = $("#other").html();
then i use this variable to dinamically add blocks into my page(the function below)
function ShowListEtc()
for (c = 0; c < 15; c++)
if (!$("#divotherlist" + c + "").length) {
id = "divotherlist" + c + "";
clas = "EqItem";
blockToAdd = blockToAdd.trim();
$(".rightside").append('<div id="' + id + '">' + blockToAdd
+ '<p><img id ="' + id + 'D"src="/Images/delete.png"
$("#" + id).attr('class', clas);
selectid = "othersel" + c;
$("#" + id).find("select").attr('id', selectid);
$('#' + selectid + ' option').each(function () {
this.setAttribute('id', TransL(this.text) + c);
this.setAttribute('onclick', 'MakeNameParent(id)')
The point is that i try to change attributes within created block(append(') but they are not applying!
When i made the code first time, it worked, but suddenly it had stopped to work, then i tried to use .prepend instead of .append, it began to work for a while but after reopening the project, it had stopped to work again!
Please tell me what i've done incorrect!
Thank you!
I'm doing something really bad with my code. I'm getting all data posted to the actual page and putting into html inputs:
private void GetPostedForm()
System.Text.StringBuilder displayValues = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection postedValues = Request.Form;
for (int i = 0; i < postedValues.AllKeys.Length; i++)
String nextKey = postedValues.AllKeys[i];
if (nextKey.Substring( 0, 2 ) != "__")
displayValues.Append( "<input type='hidden' name='" + nextKey + "' value='" + postedValues[i] + "'/>" );
hiddensPost.InnerHtml = displayValues.ToString();
But the html inputs in this page are useless to me. I'm putting a page between 2 older pages ("A" sent form to "B"). Now I need to send "A" to "X" and then send to "B".
The question is: How can I put the requested form into the actual form to send to the next page without doing all this mess in HTML?
You can put your steps(A,X,B) and it's visible inputs, into separate asp-panels(pnlA,pnlX,pnlB)
then simply toggle panels visibility in which state you want.the ViewState will do it for you (store controls states into one hidden field within the form to post again with inputs)
so you may post user entered data 3 times with one html form( the famous asp.net form)
another solution is here , the asp.net wizard control
If you can, just change the method to GET and pass the QueryString along from page to page.
I need that some html in the area in the asp.net page that i am coding, is changed according to a string variable.
I was thinking about creating a label, and then change the text on it.
But the string variable contains something like:
<h2><p>Notify:</p> alert</h2>
So, I don't feel that give this to a label text is a good idea
How i can do?
Using response.write?
If I use response.write, my added code will be at the beginning of the html source, how i can tell him to add it in a specific ?
Thank you
If you really don't want to use any server controls, you should put the Response.Write in the place you want the string to be written:
<% Response.Write(stringVariable); %>
A shorthand for this syntax is:
<%= stringVariable %>
why don't you give LiteralControl a try?
myLitCtrl.Text="<h2><p>Notify:</p> Alert</h2>";
If you want something lighter than a Label or other ASP.NET-specific server control you can just use a standard HTML DIV or SPAN and with runat="server", e.g.:
<span runat="server" id="FooSpan"></span>
FooSpan.Text = "Foo";
ASPX file:
<h2><p>Notify:</p> <asp:Literal runat="server" ID="ltNotify" /></h2>
ASPX.CS file:
ltNotify.Text = "Alert!";
Use a literal control and write your html like this:
literal1.text = "<h2><p>Notify:</p> alert</h2>";
You should really use the Literal ASP.NET control for that.
You can go with the literal control of ASP.net or you can use panels or the purpose.
You can also use pageMethods in asp.net. So that you can call javascript functions from asp.net functions. E.g.
public static string showTxtbox(string name)
return showResult(name);
public static string showResult(string name)
Database databaseObj = new Database();
DataTable dtObj = databaseObj.getMatches(name);
string result = "<table border='1' cellspacing='2' cellpadding='2' >" +
"<tr>" +
"<td><b>Name</b></td>" +
"<td><b>Company Name</b></td>" +
for (int i = 0; i < dtObj.Rows.Count; i++)
result += "<tr> <td><a href=\"javascript:link('" + dtObj.Rows[i][0].ToString().Trim() + "','" +
dtObj.Rows[i][1].ToString().Trim() +"','"+dtObj.Rows[i][2]+ "');\">" + Convert.ToString(dtObj.Rows[i]["name"]) + "</td>" +
"<td>" + Convert.ToString(dtObj.Rows[i]["customerCompany"]) + "</td>" +
result += "</table>";
return result;
Here above code is written in .aspx.cs page. Database is another class. In showResult() function I've called javascript's link() function.
Result is displayed in the form of table.