How take screenshot of scrolling window in C# - c#

What is the easiest way in C# to take a screenshot of a complete scrolling Window?
I have sceen examples on here using a web browser, but in this case the window is a Windows desktop application.

You can get windows to redirect a WM_PAINT to an offscreen buffer with WM_PRINT and WM_PRINTCLIENT. This is better than screenscraping because it makes sure that obscured parts of a window(behind other windows) is painted anyway. If your target window scrolls by scrolling a child window position, WM_PRINT should apply. Just maybe it also helps your scenario.

Just 3 lines of code is enough
Bitmap b = new Bitmap(pnlOuter.Width, pnlOuter.Height);
pnlOuter.DrawToBitmap(b, new Rectangle(0, 0, pnlOuter.Width, pnlOuter.Height));
pnlOuter is a panel that contains all the controls to be shown in image with extended height to contain all the inner controls. The containing form may have scroll bars enabled.

I solved this by using Win API and taking multiple screenshots, scrolling between each then joining them together.


uwp app reposition to bottom left of screen

I want to reposition a uwp app everytime it opens, to bottom left just above the taskbar, to mimic start menu like behavior.
I have tried using AppWindow class to create secondary views and resize and reposition them with the build in methods, but the problem is there is no appwindow instance for the main window.
AppWindow = await AppWindow.TryCreateAsync();
AppWindow.RequestMoveRelativeToDisplayRegion(displayRegion, new Point(xpos, ypos));
AppWindow.RequestSize(new Size(wWidth, wHeight));
In case of ApplicationView for the main window only resizing method is available.
var view = ApplicationView.GetForCurrentView();
view.TryResizeView(new Size(wWidth, wHeight));
So technically I need to do calculations based on display region (monitor) and then place the app on bottom left and also resize it to a specific size depending on monitor effective pixels, resizing isnt the problem as their is a method for it, but moving and repositioning the app window to a specific place on the screen is a problem as there is no method for it.
moving and repositioning the app window to a specific place on the screen is a problem as there is no method for it.
Yes, UWP doesn't have the API that could change its position in the system as mentioned here:UWP Window Placement and How to set UWP app position (x & y coordinates) . Although this is an old question, the answer doesn't change. The position of the UWP window can't be controlled from the app level.

Moving popup to back - C# UWP Universal Windows

Is there a way to move a popup to back, so it does not always display on the front of the application?
I have a canvas that displays many shapes, which are resizable. To get the resize box I am using a popup, because it was suggested that the best way would be to use adorners, but these are not used in UWP, so the alternative are popups. It works quite well, but when I have another element overlaying my canvas and resizing was enabled on a shape, the popup elements (resize thumbs/nodes) are displayed on top of the element that should be overlaying the canvas. Is there a way to tell the popup that it should not display on a "higher level" than my canvas?
A Popup control is intended to be displayed on top of all other content so it seems you're not using an appropriate control for what you are trying to achieve.
Without seeing more of your code and having a clearer idea of what you're doing (repro?) it's hard to suggest what you should do. However, I'd avoid resizing control that aren't on top of the viewable area or having multiple items in a resizable mode (or just with adorners displayed) at a time. Both of these should avoid what you're reporting.

Windows Forms: Auto Scale Application

I have a WinForms Application that was designed to support Full HD resolutions (so 1920x1080). Now this App is also supposed to run on a lower resolution: 1600x900.
Is there a way to let the application auto scale itself to fit the lower resolution? Like you would just downscale an image, basically resizing and relocating each control.
My current forms and panels have set their size to 1900x1080, so they just extend out of the screen on the lower resolution.
I have played around with AutoScaleModes and AutoSize, but the best I could get were Scrollbars so that you at least navigate through the forms. Is such a thing as downscaling an application even possible (retaining dimensions/ relative sizes and positions of the controls)?
Thanks in advance for any inputs on this!
If your main form starts in a maximized mode, it will adjust its size automagically.
But (and this is a huge "but" according to your question): the inner controls won't be scaled as you would see on a smartphone. WinForm is not "vector based" as WPF. If you have a fully loaded form in 1920x1080, when the main form is sized down, the controls won't fit and you will get scrollbars.
So the answer is: No.
The solution is available.
Form.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Dpi;
Make all control autosize = false.
make a suitable size of your wish.
The property you are looking for is called Dock, it's a property of the controls.
This basically tells the control how to fill the available space.
Creating a resolution independent application is not a simple logic. Everything in the window should be resize as per the selected resolution. Not only controls' size you have to change the font size also as per the changes. Here is the example how to create a resolution independent form using C# code. Another way is use DevExpress Tool. This tool provides Layout Countrol Container. You can place each control in separate layout item and assign the minimum and maximum size of control.

Get window handle underneath mouse pointer, while ignoring a semi-transparent window

I've created a semi-transparent form (60% opacity with black background color) that my app launches, maximized, over the entire screen. Basically, it casts a gray color on the entire desktop.
When the user mouses-over a window on the desktop, I want to get that window's handle (hWnd).
The easy way to do this, which is working for me, is:
Temporarily hide my form (OR, temporarily set my form's opacity to 0.0)
Call [GetCursorPos][1]
Call [WindowFromPoint][2]
Show my form again
The problem with this approach is that my form / the screen blinks, which I don't like.
I've tried to fix this in two ways:
I figure there should be a way to get the hWnd of the window directly underneath my form by calling ChildWindowFromPointEx (passing-in the hWnd of the desktop and CWP_SKIPTRANSPARENT), but it doesn't seem to work. I also played with [ChildWindowFromPoint][4] and [RealChildWindowFromPoint][5] with no success. (P.S. Raymond Chen discusses the differences between these calls, here and it seems to me that ChildWindowFromPointEx is designed to do exactly what I need)
I tried preventing the entire desktop from refreshing (kind of "freezing" the screen momentarily) by using (1) SendMessage(GetDesktopWindow(), WM_SETREDRAW, false, 0) before I hide my form and (2) SendMessage(GetDesktopWindow(), WM_SETREDRAW, true, 0) after I hide my form. This didn't work quite right: some areas of the screen would freeze, some weird black blocks would appear, etc. I do know, however, that (1) does work, because one time I called (1) and didn't call (2) and my desktop appeared completely frozen (had to reboot, even TaskMgr didn't render correctly). I also tried using SuspendLayout and ResumeLayout on my form, but I don't think they are meant to handle my case.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You can do the checking yourself since your need to customise beyond that what the standard functions offer.
Call EnumWindows() to get a list of top-level windows.
Remove your semi-transparent window from this list.
For each window in the list use PtInRegion() to determine whether or not the mouse is over the window. Remove any windows that don't fit the bill.
Use GetNextWindow(), starting from one of the remaining windows to walk the z-order and find out which of the candidates is at the top.

How to disable click through on transparent control?

We have a mapping form in our application that needs a Google Earth background image, and as you can't use the Google Earth plugin in a browser that is under a panel, we use a second form to show the background image. We have a transparent panel on the mapping form that the drawing is done on while Google Earth is drawn on a form held in sync below.
We achieve transparency by giving the form a transparency key of 255, 250, 250 and setting the panel background to this color before drawing on it. Although now after looking at the information available online it appears that the panel shouldn't ever get cursor events.
This works perfectly in most cases, but on one or two customers machines (one is definatly Windows 7) the cursor will not work correctly on the panel where it is transparent. If the cursor is placed over a drawn area of the map then it all work fine.
I think the issue is due to transparancy click through but as it works in most cases I'm not sure what is exactly going on. We've updated all of the graphics drivers to see if there is a custom setting on the customers machine but this hasn't helped.
Does someone have a definative description of what the transparency key does? Is there a way to absolutly set that the panel should recieve the mouse events?
Added detail about transparency key.
Try intercepting the WM_HITTEST message in the WndProc for the Form window and when you know it is over the client area return the appropriate HTCLIENT value. It could be that the default window processing is sometimes returning a different value.
Stevo - Have you ever figured out an answer to this? I had the same problem and figured out to change the transparency key of the main form to some odd color. May or may not help you. I had a custom control with transparency but the forms key color was also my drawing color, thus allowing it to click through (strangely). I changed it and it worked!
