Windows Forms: Auto Scale Application - c#

I have a WinForms Application that was designed to support Full HD resolutions (so 1920x1080). Now this App is also supposed to run on a lower resolution: 1600x900.
Is there a way to let the application auto scale itself to fit the lower resolution? Like you would just downscale an image, basically resizing and relocating each control.
My current forms and panels have set their size to 1900x1080, so they just extend out of the screen on the lower resolution.
I have played around with AutoScaleModes and AutoSize, but the best I could get were Scrollbars so that you at least navigate through the forms. Is such a thing as downscaling an application even possible (retaining dimensions/ relative sizes and positions of the controls)?
Thanks in advance for any inputs on this!

If your main form starts in a maximized mode, it will adjust its size automagically.
But (and this is a huge "but" according to your question): the inner controls won't be scaled as you would see on a smartphone. WinForm is not "vector based" as WPF. If you have a fully loaded form in 1920x1080, when the main form is sized down, the controls won't fit and you will get scrollbars.
So the answer is: No.

The solution is available.
Form.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Dpi;
Make all control autosize = false.
make a suitable size of your wish.

The property you are looking for is called Dock, it's a property of the controls.
This basically tells the control how to fill the available space.

Creating a resolution independent application is not a simple logic. Everything in the window should be resize as per the selected resolution. Not only controls' size you have to change the font size also as per the changes. Here is the example how to create a resolution independent form using C# code. Another way is use DevExpress Tool. This tool provides Layout Countrol Container. You can place each control in separate layout item and assign the minimum and maximum size of control.


How to set fixed size form to different resolutions

I have a problem and I couldn't find the answer anywhere on the internet. I am working on a project which its forms should be fixedsingle borderstyle. I don't want anyone to maximize or minimize the forms. So the real question is that I have two monitors and I'm working on the bigger one. When I start the program and slide the form to the smaller monitor, it looks exactly the same heigth and width. But I want the form to look smaller as the screen gets small or to look bigger if the screen gets bigger. Can you please help me?
You need to specify the Form.MinimumSize and Form.MaximumSize properties according to your needs. If you want to adjust the form dynamically at run time, you can hook the Form.Move event and set those properties relative to the screen's resolution minus the space used by the taskbar using Screen.WorkingArea. For a better user experience if the form is smaller than the screen size, I recommend disabling the maximize form button by setting Form.MaximizeBox to false.

C# form adjusting screen resolution without sizable

I have created a c# windows forms program with a Form which includes a Diagram, an image and Buttons. When I open the program the Form to big for the computer screen this is because the screen resolution is to big or to small.
How can I make the Form exactly right for each screen resolution type whiteout using sizable?
The problem is because you define (Pixel) sizes for your controls and therefore also your Form.
You can put your space consuming controls (diagrams, images) into Panels and then set the Dock property appropriately (on the controls and/or the panels) so that they scale out to their maximum size. This way you can reduce the size of the Form and because you define ratios rather than pixel numbers the controls/labels will expand as needed.
Depending on how you want it to look like you will have to play with different configurations (one or two controls in one label and then setting dock either to fill or left/right/top/bottom). There's also the SplitContainer control to help you achieve certain design goals.
Additionally, if you always want the perfectly scaled window, open the form in Maximised mode:
this.WindowState = System.Windows.Forms.FormWindowState.Maximized;

Keep form and controls proportion deployng a c# application for any screen size

I know this is an "already heard" problem: I have searched a lot but I did not find anything that cleared my mind.
I am developing a c# application with a GUI containing some controls like buttons (made with images) and text.
I developed it setting the main form size to 800x600 but now I need the application to work also on a 1920x1080 screen.
Two problems:
If I position a button near the top-right corner of the main form and set AnchorStyles to Top-Right, when I switch to the big screen, the button is (in proportion) much more close to top-left corner than in the little screen (because the anchor keeps the distance from the border). Is there a way to set a proportional distance from the border?
How can I scale the dimensions of the controls proportionally to the screen size? Shall I use AutoScaleMode like suggested here?
There is a way to add a capability to a form at design time - the ToolTip control does it, that makes properties available to every control on a form. These are called "Extender Providers"
You would want to look at the controls, and cache their sizes and fonts at design time, and the size of the form.
The provider would hang off the form.SizeChanged event at run time. When the size changes, you use the new and original (design time) sizes of the form to calculate and X and Y ratio. You then go through each control and use it's design time size and the ratios to determine its new size and font size. This can get flaky if you allow the user to select sizes that are not the same aspect ratio as your original.
Anyway, that is how it was done in Delphi, and everyone knows if you can do it in Delphi, you can do it in C# :)

Make controls and their font bigger

I have a form which have so many controls in an old winForms App
the client said he's using low screen resolution to easily manage this form
and now he want the controls and there font size to be big regardless of the screen resolution
if it's not an easy process is there any thing i can start with ?
Put this in the form's OnLoad override or Load event handler:
this.Font = new Font(this.Font.FontFamily, 1.25f * this.Font.Size);
Which takes advantage of the built-in autoscaling as configured by the AutoScaleMode property. Whether that will keep the layout intact is a unguessable, you'll have to try.
Your customer can do this too by increasing the video adapter's DPI setting. On Vista and up, going past 125% (120 dpi) triggers compatible DPI scaling. Which makes the OS lie about the DPI setting and produces a larger window through bitmap scaling. Makes it fuzzy but big enough to be usable.
You can change the style for each of the controls or you can create a style class and change your controls to consume it as shown in the following link:
Most winforms controls that display text have a FontHeight property which you can modify in order to set the permanent font height for that particular element. This is the most flexible solution where you can control which elements get the larger font treatment.

Winforms and contents to run on any resolution

I have a problem with getting my content in a WinForm application to properly resize to fit any screen resolution, How can I solve this?
I used
this.Location = new Point(0, 0);
this.Size = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Size;
The size of the form was successfully changed according to the computer's resolution but the contents were not.
The controls inside of a WinForms form do not change based on the size of the form. Textboxes, radio buttons, etc are based on a specific pixel size and do not vary by resolution.
You have to develop your form to work with different resolutions. You will want to use lots of panels with the DockStyle set appropriately. You can hide panels that won't fit (though you might need to provide an alternate way to get to them).
If you need it to change based on resolution, you might want to look into WPF.
For winforms Dock and Anchor properties can help you on this. But they are not powerful as new WPF features (Eg: viewBox). Containers like SplitContainer and Panels can be resized properly with the Dock property. But there is no easy+nice ways to resize child controls like buttons, labels. Those child controls are also support for Dock/Anchor properties though.
Below are some useful articles for your reference.
Article 1
Article 2
