private void newThumbNail(int docType, string fileName)
thmbNail[thmbNailCnt] = new GroupBox();
thmbNail[thmbNailCnt].Parent = panel1;
thmbNail[thmbNailCnt].Visible = true;
thmbNail[thmbNailCnt].Location = new Point(2, 5);
thmbNail[thmbNailCnt].Size = new Size(222, 50);
picBox[thmbNailCnt] = new PictureBox();
picBox[thmbNailCnt].Parent = thmbNail[thmbNailCnt];
picBox[thmbNailCnt].Visible = true;
picBox[thmbNailCnt].Location = new Point(6, 13);
picBox[thmbNailCnt].Size = new Size(31, 31);
//picBox[thmbNailCnt].Image = new Bitmap("images/excel.png");
texBox[thmbNailCnt] = new TextBox();
texBox[thmbNailCnt].Parent = thmbNail[thmbNailCnt];
texBox[thmbNailCnt].Visible = true;
texBox[thmbNailCnt].Location = new Point(53, 24);
texBox[thmbNailCnt].Size = new Size(163, 20);
texBox[thmbNailCnt].Text = fileName;
texBox[thmbNailCnt].Enabled = false;
this is a function that dynamically adds a groupBox with some controls int it inside a panel. Unfortunately it does not appears inside the panel. The panel was created before hand using the c# design tools. It is placed directly on top of the windows form at 15,52 having a size of 279,489. Help please.
It seems that you are adding these controls to the form controls collection.
Instead you should use the panel controls collection like:
Try Panel.Controls.Add(thmbNail[thmbNailCnt])
Also a tip to make your code faster and easier to read:
// Not modified to use Panel.Controls.Add()
GroupBox box = new GroouBox();
thmbNail[thmbNailCnt] = box;
box.Parent = panel1;
box.Visible = true;
box.Location = new Point(2, 5);
box.Size = new Size(222, 50);
I'm using a FlowLayoutPanel to dynamically display an array of PictureBoxes and Labels. They're going in the order: PictureBox-Label-PictureBox-Label and so on. I need those labels to appear above each picture so they'll match, basically layring them ontop of picturebox margins. I tried using Controls.SetChildIndex(temp, 2); but it seem to just swap the postion of the picturebox. I also tried using temp.BringToFront(); but then all the pictureboxes being displayed at the top of the panel and all the labels are below (I need each label to match each picturebox above them). Here's the code:
public void RunMeta()
Label mostPickedLabel = new Label();
mostPickedLabel.Text = "Most picked heroes";
mostPickedLabel.Margin = new Padding(15, 0, 1000, 0);
mostPickedLabel.Font = new Font("Lucida Sans Unicode", 15);
mostPickedLabel.ForeColor = Color.DarkCyan;
mostPickedLabel.Size = new Size(200, 30);
foreach (var mostPickedHero in FetchDataFromDota2Site.MostUsedHeroesAndImages)
PictureBox temp = new PictureBox();
temp.ImageLocation = mostPickedHero.ImageSource;
temp.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage;
temp.Left = temp.Width * flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Count;
temp.Margin = new Padding(15, 30, 15, 30);
flowLayoutPanel1.AutoScroll = true;
Label heroName = new Label();
heroName.Text = mostPickedHero.MostPickedHeroName;
heroName.Font = new Font("Lucida Sans Unicode", 8);
heroName.ForeColor = Color.White;
I have this custom control which is basically a panel:
class ResultPanel : Panel {
Label scoreValueLabel = new Label();
public ResultPanel() : base(){
scoreValueLabel.AutoSize = true;
scoreValueLabel.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 15F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0)));
scoreValueLabel.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(265, 99);
scoreValueLabel.Name = "scoreValueLabel";
scoreValueLabel.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(49, 25);
scoreValueLabel.TabIndex = 10;
scoreValueLabel.Text = "+10";
And I'm trying to add it to a panel in an event handler:
private void ResultsReceivedHandler(object sender, List<QuestionResult> results) {
ResultPanel resultPanel = new ResultPanel();
allResultsPanel.Controls.Add(new ResultPanel());
resultPanel.Anchor = ((AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left) | AnchorStyles.Right);
resultPanel.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
resultPanel.Location = new Point(0, 155);
resultPanel.Name = "questionResultPanel";
resultPanel.Size = new Size(325, 148);
resultPanel.TabIndex = 0;
I know that an instance of ResultPanel can be displayed in allResultsPanel because I have added(using designer view) a ResultPanel to allResultsPanel that has the same size as this one at the top of allResultsPanel and that displays.
allResultsPanel is just a normal Panel btw, and its big enough to fit the control because its height is 800.
So why can i see the control added through the design view but not one added dynamically?
While setting up resultPanel:
ResultPanel resultPanel = new ResultPanel();
resultPanel.Anchor = ((AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left) | AnchorStyles.Right);
resultPanel.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
resultPanel.Location = new Point(0, 155);
resultPanel.Name = "questionResultPanel";
resultPanel.Size = new Size(325, 148);
resultPanel.TabIndex = 0;
You are adding another new panel to the allResultsPanel
allResultsPanel.Controls.Add(new ResultPanel());
Im trying to create event with different index for dynamically created GroupBox. With my actual code event for every groupbox is that same. How can i make event with different index for every groupbox? My Code:
public void LoadGry()
// GroupBox groupbox = new GroupBox();
Label nazwagry = new Label();
for(int i = 0; i < myCollection.Count; i++)
GroupBox groupbox = new GroupBox();
groupbox.Text = myCollection[i];
groupbox.Size = new Size(290, 131);
groupbox.Location = new Point(6, 150 * (myCollection.Count - i - 1));
groupbox.ForeColor = Color.White;
Label label1 = new Label();
label1.Text = groupbox.Text;
label1.AutoSize = true;
label1.Location = new Point(groupbox.Location.X + 80, groupbox.Location.Y + 20);
PictureBox picturebox = new PictureBox();
picturebox.Location = new Point(groupbox.Location.X + 5, groupbox.Location.Y + 20);
picturebox.Size = new Size(75, 75);
picturebox.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage;
groupbox.Click += new EventHandler(delegate {groupboxclick(groupbox, picturebox, i);});
Label label2 = new Label();
label2.Text = "Status: " + "Aktualny";
label2.ForeColor = Color.Green;
label2.AutoSize = true;
label2.Location = new Point(label1.Location.X, label1.Location.Y + 20);
Label zapiszopis = new Label();
zapiszopis.Text = myCollection4[i];
zapiszopis.Visible = false;
//MessageBox.Show("pokaz mi wysokosc");
private void groupboxclick(GroupBox groupbox, PictureBox picturebox, int itest)
groupbox.ForeColor = Color.Aqua;
this.pictureBox1.BackgroundImage = picturebox.BackgroundImage;
opishacka.Text = myCollection4[itest];
The problem is that the event setup is using the variable K value. For use the number instead you probably needs to create an expression manually to use the current value in each case.
You can easily do what you want using the following properties to attach values to controls.
1-) Tag in WinForms & WPF:
// Setup
pictureBox.Tag = i;
// Event
int i = (int) pictureBox.Tag;
2-) ViewState in WebForms
// Setup
ViewState[pictureBox.UniqueID] = i;
// Event
int i = (int) ViewState[pictureBox.UniqueID];
You can use many other techniques. I only post one for each popular framework. I guest that you are in a WinFors project.
Hope this help!
I have a program which is some kind of tests. In this test, I have function AddQuestion that adds one panel with question. To place these panels one by one, I have a variable loc that saves location of next panel. First two Panel's with questions adds correct, but next ones are located wrong(far away at the bottom). What can it be?
public void AddQuestion(int number, Question quest)
Panel p = new Panel();
p.Name = "panel" + (number);
p.Size = new Size(550, 400);
p.Location = new Point(40, loc);
p.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Bisque;
p.AutoScroll = true;
Panel pict_block = new Panel();
pict_block.Size = new Size(480, 200);
pict_block.Location = new Point(10, 10);
PictureBox pict = new PictureBox();
pict.Image = quest.image;
pict.Size = new Size(240, 180);
pict.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage;
pict.Location = new Point(130, 1);
Label number_text = new Label(); //номер питання
number_text.Text = "Питання № " + number ;
number_text.Font = new Font("Aria", 8, FontStyle.Bold);
number_text.AutoSize = false;
number_text.Location = new Point(400, 210);
Label q_text = new Label(); // текст питання
q_text.Text = quest.question_text;
q_text.Font = new Font("Aria", 9, FontStyle.Bold);
q_text.AutoSize = false;
q_text.Size = new Size(400, 50);
q_text.Location = new Point(5, 220);
int iter = q_text.Location.Y + 60;
if (CheckIfMuliple(number))
foreach (string key in quest.answers.Keys)
CheckBox rb = new CheckBox();
rb.Text = key;
rb.AutoSize = true;
rb.Size = new Size(300, 25);
rb.Location = new Point(q_text.Location.X + 15, iter);
iter += 30;
foreach (string key in quest.answers.Keys)
RadioButton rb = new RadioButton();
rb.Text = key;
rb.Size = new Size(300, 25);
rb.AutoSize = true;
rb.Location = new Point(q_text.Location.X + 10, iter);
iter += 30;
loc += 450;
Good location:
Bad Location:
Also I noticed that when I add some panels, then scrool at the middle of the form and add new question, it's not located at the bottom, but somewhere at the center. From next screenshot, 6 question and then 15 question:
p.Location = new Point(40, loc);
This will not work correctly when the outer panel is scrolled. You have to offset it by the that panel's scroll position. Fix:
p.Location = new Point(40 + questions_panel.AutoScrollPosition.X,
loc + questions_panel.AutoScrollPosition.Y);
loc += 450;
This will not work correctly when your program runs on a machine with a video adapter that runs with a different dots-per-inch setting. Pretty common these days, modern versions of Windows make it very easy to change. The panel will automatically be rescaled to match the DPI setting. Fix:
loc += p.Height + 50;
Getting this right manually is very difficult.
I suggest that you change questions_panel to a TableLayoutPanel. It takes care of positioning new controls automatically for you.
Represents a panel that dynamically lays out its contents in a grid
composed of rows and columns.
I was able to duplicate your problem, and was able to fix it by always offsetting the top of the new Panel based on the location of the last panel. I changed your code:
loc += 450;
if (questions_panel.Controls.Count > 0)
//Location of Top of last panel added then offset vertically by 450
p.Location = new Point(p.Location.X, questions_panel.Controls[questions_panel.Controls.Count-1].Location.Y +450);
I wish to add a button for every line in a file to a panel.
My code so far is:
StreamReader menu = new StreamReader("menu.prefs");
int repetition = 0;
Button dynamicbutton = new Button();
dynamicbutton.Click += new System.EventHandler(menuItem_Click);
dynamicbutton.Text = menu.ReadLine();
dynamicbutton.Visible = true;
dynamicbutton.Location = new Point(4+repetition*307, 4);
dynamicbutton.Height = 44;
dynamicbutton.Width = 203;
dynamicbutton.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(40,40,40);
dynamicbutton.ForeColor = Color.White;
dynamicbutton.Font = new Font("Lucida Console", 16);
The problem is that only the first control gets created.
The code looks fine but there could be a following situations.
1.You might have only one entry in the file, so you are experiencing only One Button added to the panel.
2.Your panel width is smaller than the sum of all the dynamic buttons width.
I suspect no 2 is the main reason that is causing problem.
So, I recommend that you use FlowLayoutPanel. To add a dynamic content as it automatically layout all the child controls.
Each time it is generating the same name for dynamic controls. That's the reason why it is showing only the last one. It simply overwrites the previous control each time.
int x = 4;
int y = 4;
foreach(PhysicianData pd in listPhysicians)
x = 4;
y = panPhysicians.Controls.Count * 30;
RadioButton rb = new RadioButton();
rb.CheckedChanged += new System.EventHandler(rbPhysician_CheckedChanged);
rb.Text =;
rb.Visible = true;
rb.Location = new Point(x, y);
rb.Height = 40;
rb.Width = 200;
rb.BackColor = SystemColors.Control;
rb.ForeColor = Color.Black;
rb.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 10);
rb.Name = "rb" + panPhysicians.Controls.Count;
Try this code
StreamReader menu = new StreamReader("menu.prefs");
var str = menu.ReadToEnd();
var items = str.Split(new string[] {"\r\n" } , StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
foreach (var item in items)
Button dynamicbutton = new Button();
dynamicbutton.Click += new System.EventHandler(menuItem_Click);
dynamicbutton.Text = item;
dynamicbutton.Visible = true;
dynamicbutton.Location = new Point(4+repetition*307, 4);
dynamicbutton.Height = 44;
dynamicbutton.Width = 203;
dynamicbutton.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(40,40,40);
dynamicbutton.ForeColor = Color.White;
dynamicbutton.Font = new Font("Lucida Console", 16);
The problem with Panel and similar controls other than the FlowLayoutPanel is when you create a control and a second one, the second is created at the same position if you are not changing it's location dynamically or setting it according to the other already added controls. Your control is there, it's in the back of the first control.
A flowLayoutPanel is better as it will add the controls next to each other as you add them while compromising more finer control at their positioning.
I also have similar problems with panels. For what you are doing it could be useful to just add strings to a listbox rather than using labels and a panel. That should be simpler.