Sharing data thru several controllers. ASP.NET MVC - c#

If I have two controllers:
public class PrimaryController : Controller
private IRepository<Primaries> repository;
public PrimaryController(IRepository<Primaries> repository)
this.repository = repository;
// CRUD operations
public class AuxiliaryController : Controller
private IRepository<Primaries> repository;
public AuxiliaryController(IRepository<Primaries> repository)
this.repository = repository;
// CRUD operations
public ActionResult CreateSomethingAuxiliary(Guid id, AuxiliaryThing auxiliary)
var a = repository.Get(id);
return RedirectToAction("Details", "Primary", new { id = id });
and DI is implemented like (code is from a Ninject module)
.ToMethod(c => new Configuration().Configure().BuildSessionFactory())
.ToMethod(ctx => ctx.Kernel.TryGet<ISessionFactory>().OpenSession())
will this work properly? I mean will controllers use the same repository instance?

Simple answer - yes! Code will use same implementation for all controllers unless you explicitly configure otherwise, using When... methods.
If you want to reuse not implementation, but same instance of object, you could configure that using methods like InScope, InRequestScope, InSingletonScope as you already do for ISession and ISessionFactory.
From documentation:
// Summary:
// Indicates that instances activated via the binding should be re-used within
// the same HTTP request.
IBindingNamedWithOrOnSyntax<T> InRequestScope();
// Summary:
// Indicates that only a single instance of the binding should be created, and
// then should be re-used for all subsequent requests.
IBindingNamedWithOrOnSyntax<T> InSingletonScope();
Using Repository in singleton is not a good Idea. I use InRequestScope to make one instance serve just one request. If using entity framework, you could check out this answer for details

It depends on how the default scope in ninject works (I'm not a ninject user).
It will however work if you specify InRequestScope on the repository mapping.
Singleton scope will work as long as the connection to the database is not closed. Your application will stop work when it does since all requests would still try to use the same repository object.
That's why Request scope is better. If the repos fail, it will only fail for one request (unless it's a problem with the db).
I've written a set of best practices:


NET 5 and EF: how to use AddPooledDbContextFactory in liu of DbContext in services

I recently came across AddPooledDbContextFactory concept as part of my NET 5 self-education piece and am keen to implement it properly. However, I am not sure how to use it with generics that I generally use.
Example of my current setup:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
(s, o) => o.UseNpgsql(Configuration.GetConnectionString("DatabaseConnection"))
// other code //
my repository generic:
public class Repository<T> : IRepository<T> where T
private readonly TestDbContext _dbContext;
public Repository(TestDbContext dbContext)
_dbContext = dbContext;
public async Task Create(T entity)
await _dbContext.Set<T>().AddAsync(entity);
await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();
// other methods //
this is invoked in following manner as example:
public class WeatherForecastController : ControllerBase
private readonly IRepository<Test> testRepo;
public WeatherForecastController(IRepository<Test> testRepo)
this.testRepo= testRepo;
public async Task<IEnumerable<WeatherForecast>> GetAsync()
await testRepo.Create(new Test { Name = "Superman" });
// other code
I would like to convert this to use the new AddPooledDbContextFactory concept but cannot find enough documentation to figure out how to do this.
Atm only thing that comes to mind is using statements at each method but that doesn't make sense.
Any advice on this?
Documentation is not yet complete and is in progress, you track this issue
You can also a look at the tests for AddPooledDbContextFactory to see how to register DbContext with
for example to register DbContext:
services.AddPooledDbContextFactory<TContext>(ob =>
ob.UseSqlServer("ConnectionString").EnableServiceProviderCaching(false), poolSize: 32)
Then in your class, inject an IDbContextFactory<TContext> and use it like this:
using(var context = _factory.CreateDbContext())
var orders = await context.Orders.Where(o => o.Id > 3).ToListAsync();
According to this post:
Note that the DbContext instances created in this way are not managed
by the application's service provider and therefore must be disposed
by the application
You can also check out this post to see how to use IDbContextFactory:
#Aeseir your code looks good to me. You are following best practices and you don't need to change it.
You are using the Repository Pattern, so your Repository class has all of your query logic which helps create loosely coupled and maintainable code.
In your ConfigureServices, calling: services.AddDbContext<TestDbContext>() registers TestDbContext with Scoped service lifetime. This is the way that DbContext is designed to work, and it will also work well with ASP.NET controllers, since they have a Scoped lifetime as well.
You did not show your code for registering IRepository, but that service lifetime should be Scoped as well. Btw, you can tell BuildServiceProvider() to validate scope registrations:
builder.Services.BuildServiceProvider(validateScopes: true);
Since DbContext is designed to have a Scoped service lifetime, and since your IRepository and Controller services are Scoped as well, every request gets brand new:
Those services are used for the request and then Diposed. This is how ASP.NET is intended to work.
Apparently at some point, DbContext pooling has been introduced to improve performance. In this case, EF Core manages a pool of context instances for you and resets them after each request. This can improve performance, although in some situations, the benefit might be small. See MSDN documentation for more details.
I think for use with ASP.NET controllers (i.e. the code you posted above) all you need to do to take advantage of EF Core context pooling is call AddDbContextPool():
builder.Services.AddDbContextPool<ApplicationDbContext>(/* ... */);
However, if you needed to use DbContext in services registered with Singleton lifetime, then the pattern above would not work well. Because when a Scoped service gets used in a Singleton service, the Scoped service is essentially a Singleton. Each request would not get a new DbContext, nor a reset one from the pool. (See QUESTION below.)
In that case, you might want to use the DbContext factory pattern instead:
builder.Services.AddDbContextFactory<ApplicationDbContext>(/* ... */);
Or, if you want to use context pooling with a factory pattern:
builder.Services.AddPooledDbContextFactory<ApplicationDbContext>(/* ... */);
The DbContextFactory can then be used in other services through constructor injection. For example:
private readonly IDbContextFactory<ApplicationDbContext> _contextFactory;
public MyController(IDbContextFactory<ApplicationDbContext> contextFactory)
_contextFactory = contextFactory;
The injected factory can then be used to construct DbContext instances in the controller code. For example:
public void DoSomething()
using (var context = _contextFactory.CreateDbContext())
// ...
Keep in mind that when you call CreateDbContext(), context instances are not managed by the service provider and therefore must be disposed by the application. Hence you need to Dispose of them yourself, such as in the example above which does so with the using statement.
I am doing my best to understand this stuff and explain it, but I might be wrong, so please call out an inaccuracies in my post.
When using AddDbContextPool(), does the DbContext get registered as a Singleton or Scoped?
I found in MSDN documentation that it's effectively registered as a Singleton:
Context pooling works by reusing the same context instance across requests; this means that it's effectively registered as a Singleton, and the same instance is reused across multiple requests (or DI scopes). This means that special care must be taken when the context involves any state that may change between requests.
However, I have found that if AddDbContextPool() is used along with true for validatedScopes:
builder.Services.BuildServiceProvider(validateScopes: true)
When DbContext is consumed from another service which is registered as a Singleton, the following exception is thrown:
System.InvalidOperationException: 'Cannot consume scoped service 'ApplicationDbContext' from singleton 'IRepository'.'
Hence why I stated above that DbContext still gets Scoped service lifetime.

When do dispose of a _db connection in Web API

I've been doing a lot of reading around garbage collecting and and using IDisposable to handle connections via entity framework. I understand that I should be disposing of resources as soon as I'm done with them but I haven't seen a lot of good examples around when exactly that call should be made and where from and want to ensure I'm handling this correctly.
Let's say I'm returning a basic inventory list from a web API call. My assumption is I should call my dispose method immediately after I get the list. Is this correct? For example's sake let's look at the below method that lives in the service layer:
public class ServiceLayer
private InventoryContext _db = new InventoryContext();
public List<Inventory> GetFullInventoryList()
var inventoryList = _db.Inventory.ToList();
return inventoryList;
public Inventory GetInventoryRecordById(int id)
var inventoryRecord = _db.Inventory
.Where(y => y.Id == id)
return inventoryRecord;
Is this the correct way to dispose of resources? If not, when should it be called? If it is correct, but not the appropriate way, what is the appropriate way?
There are several options available, but all of them follow a common rule: the owner of the context (the one who creates it) should also dispose it.
You can:
Create your context in a service method and dispose it in the same method:
public List<Inventory> GetFullInventoryList()
using (var _db = new InventoryContext())
return _db.Inventory.ToList();
Create your context in your service class but then you would need to make the class IDisposable and implement the dispose pattern . This is more complicated, so only use it if you need to call multiple service methods that each work with the database.
Use dependency injection to supply context to the controller. In such a case, the lifetime of the context is configured while registering it in the container, and the container will call dispose on your context (for example Autofac or Windsor do this, assuming you call dispose on the container or its life scope). You can use PerWebRequest lifestyle for this.

How to dynamically create and inject services in ASP.NET 5?

I'm in a situation where the classic functionality of vnext's DI container is not enough to provide me with the correct functionality. Let's say I have a DataService that gets data from a database like this:
public class DataService : IDataService, IDisposable {
public List<MyObject> GetMyObjects()
// do something to fetch the data...
return myObjects;
I can then register this service in the DI container during the configuration phase in Startup.cs:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddScoped(typeof(IDataService), typeof(DataService));
This ensures the correct lifecylce of the service (one per request scope), however, I need the service to access a different database when a different request is made. For simplicity reasons, let's say the following scenario applies:
when a request to my Web API is made, the DataService will access the currently logged in user, which contains a claim called Database which contains the information which database to use.
the DataService is then instantiated with the correct database connection.
In order to get the second step to work, I have created a constructor for the DataService like this:
public DataService(IHttpContextAccessor accessor)
// get the information from HttpContext
var currentUser = accessor.HttpContext.User;
var databaseClaim = currentUser.Claims.SingleOrDefault(c => c.Type.Equals("Database"));
if (databaseClaim != null)
var databaseId = databaseClaim.Value;
// and use this information to create the correct database connection
this.database = new Database(databaseId);
By using the currently logged in user and his claims, I can ensure that my own authentication middleware takes care of providing the necessary information to prevent attackers from trying to access the wrong database.
Of course adding the IDisposable implementation is required to cleanup any database connections (and gets called correctly using the scope lifecycle).
I can then inject the DataService into a controller like this
public MyController : Controller
private IDataService dataService;
public MyController(IDataService dataService)
this.dataService = dataService;
This all works fine so far.
My questions now are:
Is there another way to create the instance other than using the constructor of the DataService? Maybe accessing the object the IServiceCollection provides in a different place other than during the configration phase which runs only once? Maybe using my own OWIN middleware?
Is this method really safe? Could two requests made at the same time accidentally end up with the DataServiceintended for the other request and therefore end up giving out the wrong data?
What you have is fine.
Is there another way to create the instance other than using the constructor of the DataService? Maybe accessing the object the IServiceCollection provides in a different place other than during the configration phase which runs only once? Maybe using my own OWIN middleware?
Not really. You can use delegate registration but it's the same problem.
Is this method really safe?
Could two requests made at the same time accidentally end up with the DataServiceintended for the other request and therefore end up giving out the wrong data?
Nope. The IHttpContextAcessor uses AsyncLocal ( to provide access to the "current" http context.

Structuremap mvc 5 injecting applicationdbcontext

Adding Structuremap MVC 5 to an ASP.NET MVC project. I would like to have a singleton of my database connection per request - my controllers would share the same database connection. I am implementing the repository pattern here and need each controller to have a copy of its respective repository. I know this is possible but I think I'm missing or mis-interpretting something wrong.
I have a controller, "Bag," that needs a "IBagRepo"
public class BagController : Controller
private readonly IBagRepo repo;
public BagController(IBagRepo repo)
this.repo = repo;
// actions
My first attempt was hooking the singleton database connection in the ControllerConvention, as I assume its called once
public class ControllerConvention : IRegistrationConvention {
public void Process(Type type, Registry registry) {
if (type.CanBeCastTo<Controller>() && !type.IsAbstract) {
// Tried something like
registry.For(type).Singleton().Is(new ApplicationDbContext()); // this
registry.For(type).LifecycleIs(new UniquePerRequestLifecycle());
But it came clear that this isn't the right file to make this change. I went into the registry class that was automatically generated upon installing the nuget package and tried fiddling around with this.
public class DefaultRegistry : Registry {
#region Constructors and Destructors
public DefaultRegistry() {
scan => {
scan.With(new ControllerConvention());
// httpContext is null if I use the line below
// For<IBagRepo>().Use<BagRepo>().Ctor<ApplicationDbContext>().Is(new ApplicationDbContext());
I haven't seen a problem like this out here yet. Am I passing in the right types within my DefaultRegistry class?
What you're wanting is effectively the default behavior if you had been using the StructureMap.MVC5 nuget: As long as your DbContext is registered with the default lifecycle, that package is using a nested container per http request which effectively scopes a DbContext to an HTTP request for unit of work scoping.
Different tooling than MVC & EF, but I described similar mechanics for FubuMVC + RavenDb w/ StructureMap in this blog post:
I ended overriding the default controller factory and not using structuremap

ASP.NET C# Services using IRepository and each other

I have my IRepository interface which is bound using Ninject and InRequestScope.
The Repository Binding is:
kernel.Bind<IRepository>().To<DefaultRepository>().InRequestScope().WithConstructorArgument("dbContext", dbContext => kernel.Get<DefaultContext>());
If I have a service IAccountService which is bound in the same way.
The concrete implementation:
public class AccountService : IAccountService
IRepository _repository;
public AccountService(IRepository repository) { _repository = repository; }
If I now create another service IBlogService which is bound in the same way.
The concrete implementation:
public class BlogService : IBlogService
IRepository _repository;
IAccountService _accountService;
public AccountService(IRepository repository, IAccountService accountService)
_repository = repository;
_accountService = accountService;
Both these services are asking for IRepository are they getting the same instance or are they requesting two completely different isolated DbContexts?
It does "work" but is there an obvious downfall to this method?
Because you use .InRequestScope() all services are getting the same instance of DefaultRepository during your request. So when a new request comes in, an new instance of your DefaultRepository is created.
Also if your IRepository interface implements IDisposable, Ninject will dispose it when needed.
I don't think there is any downfall, since in web applications, the lifecycle of your DbContext should be per request (unless you have very good reasons not to follow this approach).
You can also implement a transaction per request pattern, so you can avoid inconsistency if saving in one repository succeeds, but saving in another repository fails. This way you can rollback all the changes if anything goes wrong during your request.
Not saying you should implement this, just wanted to let you know it's possible. This is a very basic example, you should do some extra checks on when you want to create a transaction (for example only on http POSTS), and maybe you want to delegate this to a seperate class so your Global.asax will not be cluttered with all this resposiblilites. Another thing to mention is that this will only work if you have your DbContext injected with .InRequestScope(), so the same context is used through your request.
It works like this:
In your Global.asax Application_BeginRequest() method, you should initialize your transaction like this:
var transaction = _context.Database.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted);
_httpContext.Items["_Transaction"] = transaction;
In your Global.asax Application_Error() method, you can set an error flag like this
_httpContext.Items["_Error"] = true;
Finally in your Global.asax Application_EndRequest() you can commit everything if there are no errors, or else rollback:
var transaction = (DbContextTransaction)_httpContext.Items["_Transaction"];
if (_httpContext.Items["_Error"] != null)
