ASP.NET C# Services using IRepository and each other - c#

I have my IRepository interface which is bound using Ninject and InRequestScope.
The Repository Binding is:
kernel.Bind<IRepository>().To<DefaultRepository>().InRequestScope().WithConstructorArgument("dbContext", dbContext => kernel.Get<DefaultContext>());
If I have a service IAccountService which is bound in the same way.
The concrete implementation:
public class AccountService : IAccountService
IRepository _repository;
public AccountService(IRepository repository) { _repository = repository; }
If I now create another service IBlogService which is bound in the same way.
The concrete implementation:
public class BlogService : IBlogService
IRepository _repository;
IAccountService _accountService;
public AccountService(IRepository repository, IAccountService accountService)
_repository = repository;
_accountService = accountService;
Both these services are asking for IRepository are they getting the same instance or are they requesting two completely different isolated DbContexts?
It does "work" but is there an obvious downfall to this method?

Because you use .InRequestScope() all services are getting the same instance of DefaultRepository during your request. So when a new request comes in, an new instance of your DefaultRepository is created.
Also if your IRepository interface implements IDisposable, Ninject will dispose it when needed.
I don't think there is any downfall, since in web applications, the lifecycle of your DbContext should be per request (unless you have very good reasons not to follow this approach).
You can also implement a transaction per request pattern, so you can avoid inconsistency if saving in one repository succeeds, but saving in another repository fails. This way you can rollback all the changes if anything goes wrong during your request.
Not saying you should implement this, just wanted to let you know it's possible. This is a very basic example, you should do some extra checks on when you want to create a transaction (for example only on http POSTS), and maybe you want to delegate this to a seperate class so your Global.asax will not be cluttered with all this resposiblilites. Another thing to mention is that this will only work if you have your DbContext injected with .InRequestScope(), so the same context is used through your request.
It works like this:
In your Global.asax Application_BeginRequest() method, you should initialize your transaction like this:
var transaction = _context.Database.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted);
_httpContext.Items["_Transaction"] = transaction;
In your Global.asax Application_Error() method, you can set an error flag like this
_httpContext.Items["_Error"] = true;
Finally in your Global.asax Application_EndRequest() you can commit everything if there are no errors, or else rollback:
var transaction = (DbContextTransaction)_httpContext.Items["_Transaction"];
if (_httpContext.Items["_Error"] != null)


NET 5 and EF: how to use AddPooledDbContextFactory in liu of DbContext in services

I recently came across AddPooledDbContextFactory concept as part of my NET 5 self-education piece and am keen to implement it properly. However, I am not sure how to use it with generics that I generally use.
Example of my current setup:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
(s, o) => o.UseNpgsql(Configuration.GetConnectionString("DatabaseConnection"))
// other code //
my repository generic:
public class Repository<T> : IRepository<T> where T
private readonly TestDbContext _dbContext;
public Repository(TestDbContext dbContext)
_dbContext = dbContext;
public async Task Create(T entity)
await _dbContext.Set<T>().AddAsync(entity);
await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();
// other methods //
this is invoked in following manner as example:
public class WeatherForecastController : ControllerBase
private readonly IRepository<Test> testRepo;
public WeatherForecastController(IRepository<Test> testRepo)
this.testRepo= testRepo;
public async Task<IEnumerable<WeatherForecast>> GetAsync()
await testRepo.Create(new Test { Name = "Superman" });
// other code
I would like to convert this to use the new AddPooledDbContextFactory concept but cannot find enough documentation to figure out how to do this.
Atm only thing that comes to mind is using statements at each method but that doesn't make sense.
Any advice on this?
Documentation is not yet complete and is in progress, you track this issue
You can also a look at the tests for AddPooledDbContextFactory to see how to register DbContext with
for example to register DbContext:
services.AddPooledDbContextFactory<TContext>(ob =>
ob.UseSqlServer("ConnectionString").EnableServiceProviderCaching(false), poolSize: 32)
Then in your class, inject an IDbContextFactory<TContext> and use it like this:
using(var context = _factory.CreateDbContext())
var orders = await context.Orders.Where(o => o.Id > 3).ToListAsync();
According to this post:
Note that the DbContext instances created in this way are not managed
by the application's service provider and therefore must be disposed
by the application
You can also check out this post to see how to use IDbContextFactory:
#Aeseir your code looks good to me. You are following best practices and you don't need to change it.
You are using the Repository Pattern, so your Repository class has all of your query logic which helps create loosely coupled and maintainable code.
In your ConfigureServices, calling: services.AddDbContext<TestDbContext>() registers TestDbContext with Scoped service lifetime. This is the way that DbContext is designed to work, and it will also work well with ASP.NET controllers, since they have a Scoped lifetime as well.
You did not show your code for registering IRepository, but that service lifetime should be Scoped as well. Btw, you can tell BuildServiceProvider() to validate scope registrations:
builder.Services.BuildServiceProvider(validateScopes: true);
Since DbContext is designed to have a Scoped service lifetime, and since your IRepository and Controller services are Scoped as well, every request gets brand new:
Those services are used for the request and then Diposed. This is how ASP.NET is intended to work.
Apparently at some point, DbContext pooling has been introduced to improve performance. In this case, EF Core manages a pool of context instances for you and resets them after each request. This can improve performance, although in some situations, the benefit might be small. See MSDN documentation for more details.
I think for use with ASP.NET controllers (i.e. the code you posted above) all you need to do to take advantage of EF Core context pooling is call AddDbContextPool():
builder.Services.AddDbContextPool<ApplicationDbContext>(/* ... */);
However, if you needed to use DbContext in services registered with Singleton lifetime, then the pattern above would not work well. Because when a Scoped service gets used in a Singleton service, the Scoped service is essentially a Singleton. Each request would not get a new DbContext, nor a reset one from the pool. (See QUESTION below.)
In that case, you might want to use the DbContext factory pattern instead:
builder.Services.AddDbContextFactory<ApplicationDbContext>(/* ... */);
Or, if you want to use context pooling with a factory pattern:
builder.Services.AddPooledDbContextFactory<ApplicationDbContext>(/* ... */);
The DbContextFactory can then be used in other services through constructor injection. For example:
private readonly IDbContextFactory<ApplicationDbContext> _contextFactory;
public MyController(IDbContextFactory<ApplicationDbContext> contextFactory)
_contextFactory = contextFactory;
The injected factory can then be used to construct DbContext instances in the controller code. For example:
public void DoSomething()
using (var context = _contextFactory.CreateDbContext())
// ...
Keep in mind that when you call CreateDbContext(), context instances are not managed by the service provider and therefore must be disposed by the application. Hence you need to Dispose of them yourself, such as in the example above which does so with the using statement.
I am doing my best to understand this stuff and explain it, but I might be wrong, so please call out an inaccuracies in my post.
When using AddDbContextPool(), does the DbContext get registered as a Singleton or Scoped?
I found in MSDN documentation that it's effectively registered as a Singleton:
Context pooling works by reusing the same context instance across requests; this means that it's effectively registered as a Singleton, and the same instance is reused across multiple requests (or DI scopes). This means that special care must be taken when the context involves any state that may change between requests.
However, I have found that if AddDbContextPool() is used along with true for validatedScopes:
builder.Services.BuildServiceProvider(validateScopes: true)
When DbContext is consumed from another service which is registered as a Singleton, the following exception is thrown:
System.InvalidOperationException: 'Cannot consume scoped service 'ApplicationDbContext' from singleton 'IRepository'.'
Hence why I stated above that DbContext still gets Scoped service lifetime.

How dependency injection is instantiated using Unit of Work?

I was looking to implement the Repository pattern with unit of work in my core 2.0 app. There are not many examples of doing this using the dependency injection (DI) principle being used in .net core. I tried to rewrite this example found in the docs. I also tried to add async operations where I could.
Now the idea is that the unit of work passes it's own dbcontext to the GenericRepository for each of the entities that is in use. This then makes sure that you ony use one dbcontext even if you work on two entities.
In my controller I fetch some data like this:
var model = new IndexViewModel
Companies = await _unitOfWork.CompanyRepository.GetAsync()
In my unit of work the dbcontext is being created using DI. Then it creates new instances of the GenericRepository for each entity while it passes it's dbcontext to the genericrepository's contructor:
private ApplicationDbContext _context;
private GenericRepository<Company> companyRepository;
private GenericRepository<Person> personRepository;
public UnitOfWork(ApplicationDbContext context)
_context = context;
public GenericRepository<Company> CompanyRepository
if (this.companyRepository == null)
this.companyRepository = new GenericRepository<Company>(_context);
return companyRepository;
//repeat for Person
But I fear the dependency injection will automatically create a new dbcontext for each time I use the GenericRepository.
public class GenericRepository<TEntity> where TEntity : class
internal ApplicationDbContext _context;
internal DbSet<TEntity> dbSet;
public GenericRepository(ApplicationDbContext context)
_context = context;
dbSet = context.Set<TEntity>();
//...other methods
I fear this will actually create two contexts. one for each(if two requests are made)? So in reality the dbcontext would be instantiated three times, one in unitofwork then one for each repository? Here is a link to the app on github. It is working, but I want to understand how this works. Thanks for any answers!
It all depends on how you register your DbContext and which lifetime you use.
The default overload of .AddDbContext will always register the DbContext with scoped lifetime. That means it will create one instance per request.
If you make it transient, it will create one instance per resolve and singleton one instance per application lifetime.
That should be true for most cases.
However, if you have a service which has a higher lifetime than its dependencies (i.e. a singleton and inject a scoped service), then the above is not true and you have to be careful when you design and do your registration and take this into consideration.

Teardown of injected types using Unity MVC bootstrapper

I am using ASP.NET MVC WebApi 2 and injecting concrete types into controllers using Unity 3 and this Unity MVC bootstrapper.
The issue here is that one the registered types initialises an Entity Framework 6 DbContext for every resolve:
public sealed class EntityFrameworkUnitOfWork : IUnitOfWork
internal DbContext Context { get; private set; }
public EntityFrameworkUnitOfWork()
Context = new SomeContext();
public void Commit()
public void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
if (Context != null)
Context = null;
public void Dispose()
For example, the EntityFrameworkUnitOfWork would be constructor injected into a controller like this:
public class UserController : ApiController
public UsersController(IUserRepository userRepository, IUnitOfWork unitOfWork)
// unitOfWork is a EntityFrameworkUnitOfWork
// ...
When the relevant MVC controller disposes, I need the Dispose() method to be called on the above EntityFrameworkUnitOfWork type, which in turn will dispose of the underlying DbContext.
Registering this type with Unity:
Container.RegisterType<IUnitOfWork, EntityFrameworkUnitOfWork>(
new DisposingTransientLifetimeManager()
I am using the DisposingTransientLifetimeManager lifetime manager, as suggested in this article, thinking that it would automatically dispose of my IDisposable types. It seems that I still need to call on Container.Teardown(someInstance). This is not possible for me to do as the MVC Bootstrapper is handling all DI resolving.
Where and how can I perform the teardown of these initialised types?
It would be ideal to perform this teardown when the relevant MVC controller destructs, but perhaps this can also occur at the end of the HTTP request?
The IDisposables that are injected aren't necessarily accessible from the controller. For example, I could also inject a IUserService into a controller which itself (the IUserService class) is injected with an IUserRepository and an IUnitOfWork. I could chain Dispose methods from the IUserService to dispose of them, but this would requires changes to hundreds of controllers and services. Ideally I should be able to call container.Dispose() somewhere to have Unity dispose all injected disposables.
RaraituL brought something else to mind. IUnitOfwork does not implement IDisposable, only EntityFrameworkUnitOfWork does. This essentially means that the an MVC controller wouldn't be able to call on a dispose method as it only knows of IUnitOfWork. This is another reason why Unity should do this - it created the IDisposables so it should dispose of them too.
Sounds like you want a PerRequestTransientLifetimeManager. That will be something you will have to build. It's not hard and since you are using Unity 3 most of the work is already done for you.
public class PerRequestTransientLifetimeManager : ILifetimePolicy
public object GetValue()
// will always create a new object (Transient)
return null;
public void SetValue(object newValue)
// No point in saving to http context if not disposable
if (newValue is IDisposable)
var perRequestLifetimeManager = new PerRequestLifetimeManager();
public void RemoveValue()
// can't remove since transient didn't keep a reference
You'll need Unity.Mvc nuget package if the PerRequestLifetimeManager class is missing. You'll also need to register the UnityPerRequestHttpModule using Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure.DynamicModuleHelper.DynamicModuleUtility.RegisterModule
I should point out from MS site
Although the PerRequestLifetimeManager lifetime manager works
correctly and can help in working with stateful or thread-unsafe
dependencies within the scope of an HTTP request, it is generally not
a good idea to use it when it can be avoided, as it can often lead to
bad practices or hard to find bugs in the end-user's application code
when used incorrectly. It is recommended that the dependencies you
register are stateless and if there is a need to share common state
between several objects during the lifetime of an HTTP request, then
you can have a stateless service that explicitly stores and retrieves
this state using the Items collection of the Current object.
You could use the UnityHierarchicalDependencyResolver in the same NuGet package you already reference (Unity.AspNet.WebApi). Then register your services you want disposed with the HierarchicalLifetimeManager. This dependency resolver creates and disposes a new child container on every Web Api request. When a Unity container is disposed, all built up objects in that container are also disposed.
IUnityContainer rootContainer = new UnityContainer();
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver =
new UnityHierarchicalDependencyResolver(rootContainer);
rootContainer.RegisterType<IUnitOfWork, EntityFrameworkUnitOfWork>
(new HierarchicalLifetimeManager());

Simple Injector: Inject same UnitOfWork instance across services of the same graph

I have multiple services, each of which have a UnitOfWork injected into the constructor using the Simple Injector IoC container.
Currently I can see each UnitOfWork instance is a separate object, this is bad as i am using Entity Framework and require the same context reference across all units of work.
How can I ensure the same UnitOfWork instance is injected into all services per each resolve request? My UnitOfWor will be saved by an external command handler decorator after the command completes.
Please note, this is a common library and will be used for both MVC and Windows Forms, it would be nice to have a generic solution for both platforms if possible.
Code is below:
// snippet of code that registers types
void RegisterTypes()
// register general unit of work class for use by majority of service layers
container.Register<IUnitOfWork, UnitOfWork>();
// provide a factory for singleton classes to create their own units of work
// at will
container.RegisterSingle<IUnitOfWorkFactory, UnitOfWorkFactory>();
// register logger
container.RegisterSingle<ILogger, NLogForUnitOfWork>();
// register all generic command handlers
// register services that will be used by command handlers
container.Register<ISynchronisationService, SynchronisationService>();
container.Register<IPluginManagerService, PluginManagerService>();
The desired outcome of the below line is to create a object which has a shared UnitOfWork instance throughout the constructed object graph:
var handler = Resolve<ICommandHandler<SyncExternalDataCommand>>();
Here are my services:
public class PluginManagerService : IPluginSettingsService
public PluginManagerService(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork)
this.unitOfWork = unitOfWork;
private readonly unitOfWork;
void IPluginSettingsService.RegisterPlugins()
// manipulate the unit of work
public class SynchronisationService : ISynchronisationService
public PluginManagerService(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork)
this.unitOfWork = unitOfWork;
private readonly unitOfWork;
void ISynchronisationService.SyncData()
// manipulate the unit of work
public class SyncExternalDataCommandHandler
: ICommandHandler<SyncExternalDataCommand>
ILogger logger;
ISynchronisationService synchronisationService;
IPluginManagerService pluginManagerService;
public SyncExternalDataCommandHandler(
ISynchronisationService synchronisationService,
IPluginManagerService pluginManagerService,
ILogger logger)
this.synchronisationService = synchronisationService;
this.pluginManagerService = pluginManagerService;
this.logger = logger;
public void Handle(SyncExternalDataCommand command)
// here i will call both services functions, however as of now each
// has a different UnitOfWork reference internally, we need them to
// be common.
Which registration you need depends on the type of application. Since you are talking about two different frameworks (MVC and WinForms), both will have a different registration.
For an MVC application (or web applications in general), the most common thing to do is to register the unit of work on a per web request basis. For instance, the following registration will cache the unit of work during a single web request:
container.Register<IUnitOfWork>(() =>
var items = HttpContext.Current.Items;
var uow = (IUnitOfWork)items["UnitOfWork"];
if (uow == null)
items["UnitOfWork"] = uow = container.GetInstance<UnitOfWork>();
return uow;
The downside of this registration is that the unit of work is not disposed (if needed). There is an extension package for the Simple Injector that adds RegisterPerWebRequest extension methods to the container, which will automatically ensure that the instance is disposed at the end of the web request. Using this package, you will be able to do the following registration:
container.RegisterPerWebRequest<IUnitOfWork, UnitOfWork>();
Which is a shortcut to:
container.Register<IUnitOfWork, UnitOfWork>(new WebRequestLifestyle());
A Windows Forms application on the other hand, is typically single threaded (a single user will be using that application). I believe it is not unusual to have a single unit of work per form, which is disposed the form closes, but with the use of the command/handler pattern, I think it is better to take a more service oriented approach. What I mean by this is that it would be good to design it in such way that you can move the business layer to a WCF service, without the need to make changes to the presentation layer. You can achieve this by letting your commands only contain primitives and (other) DTOs. So don't store Entity Framework entities into your commands, because this will make serializing the command much harder, and it will lead to surprises later on.
When you do this, it would be convenient to create a new unit of work before the command handler starts executing, reuse that same unit of work during the execution of that handler, and commit it when the handler completed successfully (and always dispose it). This is a typical scenario for the Per Lifetime Scope lifestyle. There is an extension package that adds RegisterLifetimeScope extension methods to the container. Using this package, you will be able to do the following registration:
container.RegisterLifetimeScope<IUnitOfWork, UnitOfWork>();
Which is a shortcut to:
container.Register<IUnitOfWork, UnitOfWork>(new LifetimeScopeLifestyle());
The registration however, is just half of the story. The second part is to decide when to save the changes of the unit of work, and in the case of the use of the Lifetime Scope lifestyle, where to start and end such a scope. Since you should explicitly start a lifetime scope before the command executes, and end it when the command finished executing, the best way to do this, is by using a command handler decorator, that can wrap your command handlers. Therefore, for the Forms Application, you would typically register an extra command handler decorator that manages the lifetime scope. This approach does not work in this case. Take a look at the following decorator, but please note that it is incorrect:
private class LifetimeScopeCommandHandlerDecorator<T>
: ICommandHandler<T>
private readonly Container container;
private readonly ICommandHandler<T> decoratedHandler;
public LifetimeScopeCommandHandlerDecorator(...) { ... }
public void Handle(T command)
using (this.container.BeginLifetimeScope())
// WRONG!!!
This approach does not work, because the decorated command handler is created before the lifetime scope is started.
We might be tempted into trying to solve this problem as follows, but that isn't correct either:
using (this.container.BeginLifetimeScope())
var handler = this.container.GetInstance<ICommandHandler<T>>();
Although requesting an ICommandHandler<T> inside the context of a lifetime scope, does indeed inject an IUnitOfWork for that scope, the container will return a handler that is (again) decorated with a LifetimeScopeCommandHandlerDecorator<T>. Calling handler.Handle(command) will therefore result in a recursive call and we'll end up with a stack overflow exception.
The problem is that the dependency graph is already built before we can start the lifetime scope. We therefore have to break the dependency graph by deferring building the rest of the graph. The best way to do this that allows you to keep your application design clean] is by changing the decorator into a proxy and injecting a factory into it that will create the type that it was supposed to wrap. Such LifetimeScopeCommandHandlerProxy<T> will look like this:
// This class will be part of the Composition Root of
// the Windows Forms application
private class LifetimeScopeCommandHandlerProxy<T> : ICommandHandler<T>
// Since this type is part of the composition root,
// we are allowed to inject the container into it.
private Container container;
private Func<ICommandHandler<T>> factory;
public LifetimeScopeCommandHandlerProxy(Container container,
Func<ICommandHandler<T>> factory)
this.factory = factory;
this.container = container;
public void Handle(T command)
using (this.container.BeginLifetimeScope())
var handler = this.factory();
By injecting a delegate, we can delay the time the instance is created and by doing this we delay the construction of (the rest of) the dependency graph. The trick now is to register this proxy class in such way that it will inject the wrapped instances, instead of (of course) injecting itself again. Simple Injector supports injecting Func<T> factories into decorators, so you can simply use the RegisterDecorator and in this case even the RegisterSingleDecorator extension method.
Note that the order in which decorators (and this proxy) are registered (obviously) matters. Since this proxy starts a new lifetime scope, it should wrap the decorator that commits the unit of work. In other words, a more complete registration would look like this:
container.RegisterLifetimeScope<IUnitOfWork, UnitOfWork>();
// Register a decorator that handles saving the unit of
// work after a handler has executed successfully.
// This decorator will wrap all command handlers.
// Register the proxy that starts a lifetime scope.
// This proxy will wrap the transaction decorators.
Registering the proxy and decorator the other way around would mean that the TransactionCommandHandlerDecorator<T> would depend on a different IUnitOfWork than the rest of the dependency graph does, which would mean that all changes made to the unit of work in that graph will not get committed. In other words, your application will stop working. So always review this registration carefully.
Good luck.

Sharing data thru several controllers. ASP.NET MVC

If I have two controllers:
public class PrimaryController : Controller
private IRepository<Primaries> repository;
public PrimaryController(IRepository<Primaries> repository)
this.repository = repository;
// CRUD operations
public class AuxiliaryController : Controller
private IRepository<Primaries> repository;
public AuxiliaryController(IRepository<Primaries> repository)
this.repository = repository;
// CRUD operations
public ActionResult CreateSomethingAuxiliary(Guid id, AuxiliaryThing auxiliary)
var a = repository.Get(id);
return RedirectToAction("Details", "Primary", new { id = id });
and DI is implemented like (code is from a Ninject module)
.ToMethod(c => new Configuration().Configure().BuildSessionFactory())
.ToMethod(ctx => ctx.Kernel.TryGet<ISessionFactory>().OpenSession())
will this work properly? I mean will controllers use the same repository instance?
Simple answer - yes! Code will use same implementation for all controllers unless you explicitly configure otherwise, using When... methods.
If you want to reuse not implementation, but same instance of object, you could configure that using methods like InScope, InRequestScope, InSingletonScope as you already do for ISession and ISessionFactory.
From documentation:
// Summary:
// Indicates that instances activated via the binding should be re-used within
// the same HTTP request.
IBindingNamedWithOrOnSyntax<T> InRequestScope();
// Summary:
// Indicates that only a single instance of the binding should be created, and
// then should be re-used for all subsequent requests.
IBindingNamedWithOrOnSyntax<T> InSingletonScope();
Using Repository in singleton is not a good Idea. I use InRequestScope to make one instance serve just one request. If using entity framework, you could check out this answer for details
It depends on how the default scope in ninject works (I'm not a ninject user).
It will however work if you specify InRequestScope on the repository mapping.
Singleton scope will work as long as the connection to the database is not closed. Your application will stop work when it does since all requests would still try to use the same repository object.
That's why Request scope is better. If the repos fail, it will only fail for one request (unless it's a problem with the db).
I've written a set of best practices:
