Hey guys I'm trying to write an AXL-client (SOAP) for the Cisco Unified Communications Manager. For that purpose I need to establish an ssl-connection to the AXL-service. Unfortunatly I dont know much about all that ssl-stuff.
However I was able to find a working Java-example, that does, what I want. The problem is, i need that in C#.NET. So I'm hoping, that someone could "translate" the following Java-code in a C#-version. But it has to do exactly the same, espacially the authentication and certificate-stuff.
Here is the code:
String sAXLSOAPRequest = "...";
byte[] bArray = null; // buffer for reading response from
Socket socket = null; // socket to AXL server
OutputStream out = null; // output stream to server
InputStream in = null; // input stream from server
X509TrustManager xtm = new MyTrustManager();
TrustManager[] mytm = { xtm };
SSLContext ctx = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL");
ctx.init(null, mytm, null);
SSLSocketFactory sslFact = (SSLSocketFactory) ctx.getSocketFactory();
socket = (SSLSocket) sslFact.createSocket("", Integer.parseInt("8443"));
in = socket.getInputStream();
// send the request to the server
// read the response from the server
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(2048);
bArray = new byte[2048];
int ch = 0;
int sum = 0;
out = socket.getOutputStream();
while ((ch = in.read(bArray)) != -1) {
sum += ch;
sb.append(new String(bArray, 0, ch));
// output the response to the standard output
and this is the MyTrustManager-Class:
public class MyTrustManager implements X509TrustManager {
MyTrustManager() {
// create/load keystore
public void checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate chain[], String authType)
throws CertificateException {
public void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate chain[], String authType)
throws CertificateException {
public X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers() {
return null;
Any help would be appreciated.
edit: sorry i should have mentioned: youre right i can generate a proxy-class, but sadly its not working properly. cisco did a really bad job with that (not to mention the really bad documentation). the proxy class throws some xml-errors when parsing some responses. so i have to do it manually for that cases...
i'll worry about the certificate security later
Have you tried consuming the web service the "proper" way? Add a SOAP web service reference to your C# project in Visual Studio, gets the stubs etc? That's the easiest way of doing it from C#. You can just specify a https protocol in the URL when you add the reference.
New Info:
I thought I would paste this in full as I can not seem to find any samples on the web of a c# solution for StarLink so hopefully anyone else looking for something may find this helpful and may contribute.
My New Proto File - (partial) - I took the advise of Yuri below. Thanks for the direction here. I was able to I have been using this tool and it has brought a lot of insight but I am still stuck on the c# side of the solution. I am an old VB.Net developer though I have done a bunch in c# I am by no means savvy in it and am probably missing something so simple. Again, any insight would be awesome. I can not post the full proto here as stack has char limit on posts. this is the first bit with messages etc. I can post more if it helps but trying to keep it to the important part.
syntax = "proto3";
option csharp_namespace = "SpaceX.API.Device";
package SpaceX.API.Device;
service Device {
//rpc Handle (.SpaceX.API.Device.Request) returns (.SpaceX.API.Device.Response) {}
//rpc Stream (stream .SpaceX.API.Device.ToDevice) returns (stream .SpaceX.API.Device.FromDevice) {}
rpc Handle (Request) returns (Response);
rpc Stream (Request) returns (Response);
message ToDevice {
string message = 1;
message Request {
uint64 id = 1;
string target_id = 13;
uint64 epoch_id = 14;
oneof request {
SignedData signed_request = 15;
RebootRequest reboot = 1001;
SpeedTestRequest speed_test = 1003;
GetStatusRequest get_status = 1004;
AuthenticateRequest authenticate = 1005;
GetNextIdRequest get_next_id = 1006;
GetHistoryRequest get_history = 1007;
GetDeviceInfoRequest get_device_info = 1008;
GetPingRequest get_ping = 1009;
SetTrustedKeysRequest set_trusted_keys = 1010;
FactoryResetRequest factory_reset = 1011;
GetLogRequest get_log = 1012;
SetSkuRequest set_sku = 1013;
UpdateRequest update = 1014;
GetNetworkInterfacesRequest get_network_interfaces = 1015;
PingHostRequest ping_host = 1016;
GetLocationRequest get_location = 1017;
EnableFlowRequest enable_flow = 1018;
GetHeapDumpRequest get_heap_dump = 1019;
RestartControlRequest restart_control = 1020;
FuseRequest fuse = 1021;
GetPersistentStatsRequest get_persistent_stats = 1022;
GetConnectionsRequest get_connections = 1023;
FlushTelemRequest flush_telem = 1026;
StartSpeedtestRequest start_speedtest = 1027;
GetSpeedtestStatusRequest get_speedtest_status = 1028;
ReportClientSpeedtestRequest report_client_speedtest = 1029;
InitiateRemoteSshRequest initiate_remote_ssh = 1030;
SelfTestRequest self_test = 1031;
SetTestModeRequest set_test_mode = 1032;
DishStowRequest dish_stow = 2002;
DishGetContextRequest dish_get_context = 2003;
DishSetEmcRequest dish_set_emc = 2007;
DishGetObstructionMapRequest dish_get_obstruction_map = 2008;
DishGetEmcRequest dish_get_emc = 2009;
DishSetConfigRequest dish_set_config = 2010;
DishGetConfigRequest dish_get_config = 2011;
StartDishSelfTestRequest start_dish_self_test = 2012;
WifiSetConfigRequest wifi_set_config = 3001;
WifiGetClientsRequest wifi_get_clients = 3002;
WifiSetupRequest wifi_setup = 3003;
WifiGetPingMetricsRequest wifi_get_ping_metrics = 3007;
WifiGetDiagnosticsRequest wifi_get_diagnostics = 3008;
WifiGetConfigRequest wifi_get_config = 3009;
WifiSetMeshDeviceTrustRequest wifi_set_mesh_device_trust = 3012;
WifiSetMeshConfigRequest wifi_set_mesh_config = 3013;
WifiGetClientHistoryRequest wifi_get_client_history = 3015;
TransceiverIFLoopbackTestRequest transceiver_if_loopback_test = 4001;
TransceiverGetStatusRequest transceiver_get_status = 4003;
TransceiverGetTelemetryRequest transceiver_get_telemetry = 4004;
reserved 1025, 3011, 3014;
message SignedData {
bytes data = 1;
bytes signature = 2;
My New .cs
I have tried many things from Microsoft's examples to thing I can gather from other samples. I simply can not get it to work and am lost. Again, any insight would be amazing and hopefully helpful to others looking for a solution in c#. You will see my commented code of this I have been playing with. Basically I am attempting to achieve three things and have made some movement in one of them.
1 - Use Server Reflection to discover services.
I think I got this one resolved with dot-net grpc.
2 - Simply want to check available methods under a service and potentially either check or generate a new .proto file in case things change. StaLink does not publish its proto schema so I assume it could change anytime without warning.
3 - Just run any one of the available methods. I have tried the GetDeviceInfoRequest but can not seem to construct the request message properly. I have not been able to get this accomplishe in the gRPCurl tool either. I can do it on the basic service shown by Microsoft of course but these methods seem to be more complex and I simply get all kinds of errors.
Again, any insight or assistance would be amazing. Thanks to any and all in advance.
New .cs File
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Grpc.Core;
using Grpc.Net.Client;
using Grpc.Reflection.V1Alpha;
using ServerReflectionClient = Grpc.Reflection.V1Alpha.ServerReflection.ServerReflectionClient;
using SpaceX.API.Device;
public class Program
static async Task Main(string[] args)
using var channel = GrpcChannel.ForAddress("");
var client = new ServerReflectionClient(channel);
var StarLinkClient = new Device.DeviceClient(channel);
//using var call = StarLinkClient.StreamAsync(new ToDevice { Request = GetDeviceInfoRequest });
//await foreach (var response in call.ResponseStream.ReadAllAsync())
//var request = Device.GetDeviceInfoRequest;
//var reply = await StarLinkClient.HandleAsync(
// new Request {'"getDeviceInfo" : {} '});
//=============================================SERVER REFLECTION=============================================================
Console.WriteLine("Calling reflection service:");
var response = await SingleRequestAsync(client, new ServerReflectionRequest
ListServices = "" // Get all services
foreach (var item in response.ListServicesResponse.Service)
Console.WriteLine("- " + item.Name);
var StarLink = item.Name;
//=============================================SERVER REFLECTION=============================================================
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit...");
void setupchannel()
private static Task SingleRequestAsync(ServerReflectionClient client, Metadata metadata)
throw new NotImplementedException();
private static async Task<ServerReflectionResponse> SingleRequestAsync(ServerReflectionClient client, ServerReflectionRequest request)
using var call = client.ServerReflectionInfo();
await call.RequestStream.WriteAsync(request);
Debug.Assert(await call.ResponseStream.MoveNext());
var response = call.ResponseStream.Current;
await call.RequestStream.CompleteAsync();
return response;
Again, thanks in advance to anyone willing to assist here. Hopefully this helps others as well.
I am trying to get the full contents of my modules From Zoho to our local Server. The deluge code does work as it returns to me the data which is being sent via the API. However, once it reaches the API, it is null. Any idea?
Below is the deluge code:
// Create a map that holds the values of the new contact that needs to be created
evaluation_info = Map();
data = Map();
response = invokeurl
url :"https://zohoapi.xxxxx.com/publisher/publish"
type :POST
info data; (data returns all the data from publishers)
Here is my ASP.NET core restful API. It does ping it and create the file but the content of the file is null.
public class PublisherController : ControllerBase
[HttpGet("[action]"), HttpPost("[action]")]
public void Publish(string data)
(it's already null when it comes here. why?)
string JSONresult = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data);
string path = #"C:\storage\journalytics_evaluationsv2.json";
using (var file = new StreamWriter(path, true))
What am I missing? Thank you
After contacting Zoho support, the solution he offered was to loop through the data in order to get all the contents from a module (if they are more than 200 records. With the solution provided, one doesn't really need the deluge code anymore as long as you have the ZOHO api set to your account in code. This was my final solution. This solution is not scalable at all. It's best to work with the BULK CSV.
// Our own ZohoAPI which lets us connect and authenticate etc. Yours may look slightly different
ZohoApi zohoApi = new ZohoApi();
ZCRMRestClient restClient = ZCRMRestClient.GetInstance();
var allMedicalJournals = new List<ZCRMRecord>();
for (int i = 1; i <= 30; i++)
List<ZCRMRecord> accountAccessRecords2 =
restClient.GetModuleInstance("Journals").SearchByCriteria("Tag:equals:MedicalSet", i, 200).BulkData.ToList();
foreach (var newData in accountAccessRecords2)
Due to the lack of examples in C#, I can't get reflection in gRPC\Protobuf working. One application would be supplying a version of all interfaces and messages.
syntax = "proto3";
import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";
option csharp_namespace = "Addressbook.Services";
extend google.protobuf.FileOptions {
string version = 50000;
option (version) = "";
service AddressBookService {
Is it possible that a client parses the connected server with reflection? Is the version supplied to all interfaces and messages? How to I do that in C#?
Thanks for any help...
If I understand the question correctly, you want to see if client and server are in sync with all .proto files.
Here's a solution that will have to be tweaked but otherwise will work.
This only works if server has reflection enabled - maybe not an option everywhere.
In ServiceName.Descriptor.File ServiceName refers to class generated by protoc.
using var channel = _channelFactory.GetChannel();
var client = new ServerReflection.ServerReflectionClient(channel);
using var call = client.ServerReflectionInfo();
// To get all service names on the server, you can use this:
// await call.RequestStream.WriteAsync(new ServerReflectionRequest{ ListServices = ""});
// await call.ResponseStream.MoveNext(CancellationToken.None);
// foreach (var serviceResponse in call.ResponseStream.Current.ListServicesResponse.Service)
// {
// _logger.LogInformation("Service name on server: {ServiceName}", serviceResponse.Name);
// }
await call.RequestStream.WriteAsync(new ServerReflectionRequest{FileContainingSymbol = "name.space.service_name"});
await call.ResponseStream.MoveNext(CancellationToken.None);
var descriptorResponse = call.ResponseStream.Current;
// This list has to be reversed. Check `.BuildFromByteStrings` docstring for more info.
var fileDescriptors = FileDescriptor.BuildFromByteStrings(descriptorResponse.FileDescriptorResponse.FileDescriptorProto.Reverse());
var localDescriptor = ServiceName.Descriptor.File;
var relevantFileDescriptor = fileDescriptors.Single(descriptor => descriptor.Name == localDescriptor.Name);
if (relevantFileDescriptor.SerializedData != localDescriptor.SerializedData)
_logger.LogWarning("Remote .proto differs from local copy. Please update.");
_logger.LogInformation(".proto definition matches between client and server.");
await call.RequestStream.CompleteAsync();
I'm trying to hit the Coinspot REST API, but I'm getting an error returned. I'm having no trouble talking to Bittrex and Independent Reserve, but Coinspot is a bit different. This is my code:
protected override RESTClient RESTClient { get; } = new RESTClient(new NewtonsoftSerializationAdapter(), new Uri("https://www.coinspot.com.au/api"));
public class postdata
public string nonce { get; set; }
public string CalculateMD5Hash(string input)
//step 1, calculate MD5 hash from input
MD5 md5 = MD5.Create();
var inputBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(input);
var hash = md5.ComputeHash(inputBytes);
// step 2, convert byte array to hex string
var sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < hash.Length; i++)
return sb.ToString();
/// <summary>
/// Private IR Call: GetAccounts
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private async Task<List<AccountHolding>> Balances()
//var nonce = new Date().getTime();
//var postdata = postdata || { };
//postdata.nonce = nonce;
//var stringmessage = JSON.stringify(postdata);
//var signedMessage = new hmac("sha512", self.secret);
// 'sign': sign,
//'key': self.key
var nonce = APIHelpers.GetNonce();
var postdata = new postdata { nonce = nonce };
var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(postdata);
var sign = APIHelpers.GetHMACSHAHash(ApiSecret, json, APIHelpers.HMACSHAType.NineBit);
//Do we do this?
//The JavaScript samples seem to hash with MD5 afterwards for double encryption?
sign = CalculateMD5Hash(sign);
RESTClient.Headers.Add("sign", sign);
RESTClient.Headers.Add("key", ApiKey);
var retVal = await RESTClient.PostAsync<string, postdata>(postdata, "/my/balances");
catch (Exception ex)
throw new NotImplementedException();
The doco is very scant! I'm stuck.
I don't have the error handy right now, but it was a completely non-descript error with information about what went wrong. It was something like "invalid call". But, I know that it is accepted my posted data to some extent, because if I change the name of the property "nonce" to "noncey", I get a meaningful error back that says "no nonce".
Did you ever manage to get this API working. CoinSpot are not very supportive of this. I can only get 3 of the coins API working which isn't much help
I managed to get it working recently and put together a simple SDK in .NET
tl:dr It's undocumented but you need to use port 443, I found it by digging through their node SDK.
I was having the same issue, getting the very non-descriptive {status: invalid} response, in my case using Elixir not C#. I got it to work by peeking into their node SDK - my details worked using their SDK so I knew it had to be something I wasn't doing properly (although their documentation is pretty shocking). They use port 443 and as soon as I set that it worked.
I tried 2 things, I'm 90% sure it was the port number but half way through my getting it to work I printed the sha512 sign created by their node sdk and compared it to the one I generating using Cryptex I saw that they were generating the same sha512 signature, but my one was in capital letters while the node one was in lowercase - this may or may not end up mattering but I did use String.downcase() on mine in the end.
I am using the sample code to dynamically invoke a web service from this site:
The issue that I am facing is when I use the Class to call a web service from a web application I get the following error: "The remote host cannot be found" and the error happens at the following line of code:
if (!ServiceDescription.CanRead(xmlreader))
But if I use the same code from a windows application to connect to the web service:
it works fine. I am not sure how to resolve this issue. Has anyone else faced the same issue and was able to resolve it then would appreciate some pointers in the right direction.
The code above needs a little more:
ServiceDescription serviceDescription;
using (WebClient client = new WebClient {Proxy = new WebProxy(host, port)})
using (Stream stream = client.OpenRead(webserviceUri))
using (XmlReader xmlreader = XmlReader.Create(stream))
serviceDescription = ServiceDescription.Read(xmlreader);
WebClient, Stream, and XmlReader all implement IDisposable, so should be created in a using block when their usage is only locally scoped. Also, new XmlTextReader() has been deprecated since .NET 2.0, and should be replaced with XmlReader.Create.
(answer made CW because it's really just a formatted comment)
The issue for me was the Proxy to be used to connect to the internet. The code needs to change at the following two places for the successful operation:
1] The method BuildServiceDescriptionImporter(XmlTextReader xmlreader) was changed to
private ServiceDescriptionImporter BuildServiceDescriptionImporter( string webserviceUri )
ServiceDescriptionImporter descriptionImporter = null;
**WebClient client = new WebClient { Proxy = new WebProxy( string host, int port ) };**
Stream stream = client.OpenRead( webserviceUri );
XmlTextReader xmlreader = new XmlTextReader( stream );
// parse wsdl
ServiceDescription serviceDescription = ServiceDescription.Read( xmlreader );
// build an importer, that assumes the SOAP protocol, client binding, and generates properties
descriptionImporter = new ServiceDescriptionImporter();
descriptionImporter.ProtocolName = "Soap12";
descriptionImporter.AddServiceDescription( serviceDescription, null, null );
descriptionImporter.Style = ServiceDescriptionImportStyle.Client;
descriptionImporter.CodeGenerationOptions = CodeGenerationOptions.GenerateProperties;
return descriptionImporter;
2] The second piece of code that was to be changed was within the public T InvokeMethod<T>( string serviceName, string methodName, params object[] args ) method
add the following code snippet before Invoking the method:
PropertyInfo Proxy = type.GetProperty( "Proxy" );
WebProxy webProxy = new WebProxy( string host, int port);
Proxy.SetValue( serviceInstance, webProxy, null );
After doing those changes I was able to use the code to connect to a remote web service dynamically.
Hope this helps others facing the same issue as I did.