In my apicontroller I use base.user to identify the authenticated user to use in a lookup. Now I am writing a unit test for this but I cannot figure out how to mock apicontroller.user. Do I need to create a request and set the user there? Or is there another way to set the controller.user?
Here is my controller; I have already mocked repository and membershipservice.
public class DocumentController : ApiController
DocumentRepository _repository;
IStaticMembershipService _membership;
public IEnumerable<Document> GetDocuments()
MembershipUser userAccount = _membership.GetUser(base.User);
IEnumerable<Document> docs = null;
if (userAccount != null)
docs = _repository.GetDocumentsByUserId(
(Guid) userAccount.ProviderUserKey);
return docs;
Here is my unit test:
public class DocumentControllerWebService
private DocumentsContext _context;
private DocumentRepository _repository;
private DocumentController _controller;
private FakeMembershipService _membership;
private TestContext testContextInstance;
public void MyTestInitialize()
// Create a context with a fake data set provider
_context = new DocumentsContext(new FakeDbSetProvider());
_repository = new DocumentRepository(_context);
_membership = new FakeMembershipService();
_controller = new DocumentController(_repository, _membership);
public void GetDocumentsTest()
string userName = "someUser";
MembershipUser userAccount = _membership.GetUser(userName);
Guid userId = (Guid) userAccount.ProviderUserKey;
Guid anotherUserId = Guid.NewGuid();
// Get some dummy data and insert it into the fake repository
List<Document> forms = DocumentDummyData.GetListOfDummyData(
userId, anotherUserId);
forms.ForEach(f => _repository.InsertDocument(f));
// I would like to do this but User is readonly
_controller.User = userName;
List<Document> docs = _controller.GetDocuments().ToList();
foreach (Document expected in forms.Where(d => d.UserId == userId))
Document actual = docs.Where(
d => d.DocumentID == expected.DocumentID).FirstOrDefault();
Assert.AreEqual(expected.DocumentID, actual.DocumentID);
If you are getting the user from http Request then you'll want to look at a way of mocking that out. Thankfully that has been done many times. A good place to start would be to read this
To summarize what I did which followed this, a hanselman blog and some trial and error:
In your ApiController add this to your constructor
HttpContextWrapper = HttpContextFactory.GetHttpContext();
The factory is this
public static class HttpContextFactory
private static HttpContextBase _mockHttpContext;
public static void SetHttpContext(HttpContextBase httpContextBase)
_mockHttpContext = httpContextBase;
public static HttpContextBase GetHttpContext()
if (_mockHttpContext != null)
return _mockHttpContext;
if (HttpContext.Current != null)
return new HttpContextWrapper(HttpContext.Current);
return null;
Now you have a seam into which you can insert your mock request, response, session, etc.
HttpContextBase httpContext = HttpMocks.HttpContext();
Finally here is a fairly fully mocked context that I use
public class HttpMocks
public static HttpContextBase HttpContext()
var context = MockRepository.GenerateMock<HttpContextBase>();
context.Stub(r => r.Request).Return(HttpRequest());
context.Stub(r => r.Response).Return(HttpResponse());
context.Stub(r => r.Session).Return(HttpSession());
context.Stub(r => r.Server).Return(HttpServer());
return context;
private static HttpServerUtilityBase HttpServer()
var httpServer = MockRepository.GenerateMock<HttpServerUtilityBase>();
httpServer.Stub(r => r.MapPath("")).IgnoreArguments().Return("");
return httpServer;
private static HttpResponseBase HttpResponse()
var httpResponse = MockRepository.GenerateMock<HttpResponseBase>();
var cookies = new HttpCookieCollection {new HttpCookie("UserContext")};
httpResponse.Stub(r => r.Cookies).Return(cookies);
Func<string, string> returnWhatWasPassed = x => x;
httpResponse.Stub(r => r.ApplyAppPathModifier(""))
return httpResponse;
public static HttpRequestBase HttpRequest()
var httpRequest = MockRepository.GenerateMock<HttpRequestBase>();
var cookies = new HttpCookieCollection
new HttpCookie("UserContext")
httpRequest.Stub(r => r.Cookies).Return(cookies);
var parameters = new NameValueCollection
{ "id", "277" },
{ "binderId", "277" }
httpRequest.Stub(r => r.Params).Return(parameters);
httpRequest.Stub(r => r.ApplicationPath).Return("/");
httpRequest.Stub(r => r.AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath)
httpRequest.Stub(r => r.PathInfo).Return("");
var serverVariables = new NameValueCollection();
httpRequest.Stub(r => r.ServerVariables).Return(serverVariables);
return httpRequest;
public static HttpSessionStateBase HttpSession()
var s = new FakeSessionState();
s["mocking"] = "true";
return s;
this makes for a rather long answer but let us know if you need more detail on anything, you can probably ignore fake session for now.
I have an ASP.NET WEB API project that using the repository and unit of work patterns along with UnityContainer. I registered all my repositories and unit of work classes with PerRequestLifeTimeManager and everything is working great. Every client request to server work in a single transaction separated from other client requests. After the request is returned to the client, the DbContext is disposed.
My problem begins when I need to to perform heavy actions after I return a response to the client. The DbContext is disposed and I can't request the Unity Container for a new instance (Since no HttpContext exist ).
I read this post PerRequestLifetimeManager can only be used in the context of an HTTP request
And tried to implement 2 different UnityContainer
WebContainer - Register all classes using PerRequestLifeTimeManager
CorContainer - Register all classes using PerResolveLifetimeManager
I thought I solved the problem but I noticed that each repository I request from the CoreContainer using a different DbContext. Also the UnitOfWork has a different DbContext. This off course causing many error in my code.
This is the code I'm using to register my entities in UnityContainer. I have 2 Databases so some of the repository using the DbContext of the first database, and the other using the second DbContext. My UnitOfWork using both DbContexts
public static class UnityConfig
#region Unity Container
private static Lazy<IUnityContainer> perRequestContainer =
new Lazy<IUnityContainer>(() =>
var container = new UnityContainer();
return container;
private static Lazy<IUnityContainer> perResolveContainer =
new Lazy<IUnityContainer>(() =>
var container = new UnityContainer();
//CNSDeployerService can
container.RegisterType<ICNSDeployerService, CNSDeployerService>(new PerResolveLifetimeManager());
return container;
public static IUnityContainer WebContainer => perRequestContainer.Value;
public static IUnityContainer CoreContainer => perResolveContainer.Value;
/// <summary>
/// Please notice this configuration exist only inside the scope of a single request
/// See UnityWebApiActivator
/// </summary>
/// <param name="container"></param>
public static void RegisterCommonTypes<T>(IUnityContainer container) where T: LifetimeManager
container.RegisterType<ApplicationDbContext, ApplicationDbContext>(Activator.CreateInstance<T>());
container.RegisterType<DbContext, ApplicationDbContext>(Activator.CreateInstance<T>());
container.RegisterType<capNsubContext, capNsubContext>(Activator.CreateInstance<T>());
container.RegisterType<IDataContextAsync, capNsubContext>("capNsubContext", Activator.CreateInstance<T>());
container.RegisterType<IDataContextAsync, LinetServerContext>("linnetDataContext", Activator.CreateInstance<T>());
container.RegisterType<IRepository<Entity>, Repository<Entity>>(Activator.CreateInstance<T>());
container.RegisterType<IRepositoryAsync<VideoTargetLanguage>, Repository<VideoTargetLanguage>>(Activator.CreateInstance<T>());
//Unity understand array by defaults so we just need to map it to IEnumerable
container.RegisterType<IEnumerable<IDataContextAsync>, IDataContextAsync[]>();
container.RegisterType<IUnitOfWorkAsync, UnitOfWork>(Activator.CreateInstance<T>());
container.RegisterType<IUserStore<ApplicationUser>, UserStore<ApplicationUser>>(Activator.CreateInstance<T>());
container.RegisterType<IOrderService, OrderService>(Activator.CreateInstance<T>());
container.RegisterType<IFFMpegService, FFMpegService>(Activator.CreateInstance<T>());
container.RegisterType<IVideoService, VideoService>(Activator.CreateInstance<T>());
container.RegisterType<IOrderItemService, OrderItemService>(Activator.CreateInstance<T>());
container.RegisterType<ILanguageService, LanguageService>(Activator.CreateInstance<T>());
container.RegisterType<IUserService, UserService>(Activator.CreateInstance<T>());
container.RegisterType<ICNSCaptionsService, CNSCaptionsService>(Activator.CreateInstance<T>());
container.RegisterType<ICNSTranslationsService, CNSTranslationsService>(Activator.CreateInstance<T>());
container.RegisterType<ICNSCapMoviesService, CNSMovieService>(Activator.CreateInstance<T>());
container.RegisterType<HttpClient, HttpClient>(Activator.CreateInstance<T>());
container.RegisterType<SimpleRefreshTokenProvider, SimpleRefreshTokenProvider>(Activator.CreateInstance<T>());
var capNsubEntityTypes = GetEntityFrameworkEntityTypesByContext<capNsubContext>();
var linnetEntityTypes = GetEntityFrameworkEntityTypesByContext<LinetServerContext>();
RegisterEntitiesRepostiories<T>(container, capNsubEntityTypes, "capNsubContext");
RegisterEntitiesRepostiories<T>(container, linnetEntityTypes, "linnetDataContext");
private static void RegisterEntitiesRepostiories<T>(IUnityContainer container, IEnumerable<Type> entities, string contextName)
where T:LifetimeManager
var iGenericRepositoryTypes = new[] { typeof(IRepositoryAsync<>), typeof(IRepository<>) };
foreach (var iGenericRepositoryType in iGenericRepositoryTypes)
foreach (var entityType in entities)
var iSpecificRepositoryType = iGenericRepositoryType.MakeGenericType(entityType);
var genericRepositoryType = typeof(Repository<>);
var specificRepositoryType = genericRepositoryType.MakeGenericType(entityType);
container.RegisterType(iSpecificRepositoryType, Activator.CreateInstance<T>(), new InjectionFactory(c =>
return Activator.CreateInstance(specificRepositoryType, c.Resolve<IDataContextAsync>(contextName), c.Resolve<IUnitOfWorkAsync>());
private static IEnumerable<Type> GetEntityFrameworkEntityTypesByContext<T>() where T : DataContext
var capNsubContextType = typeof(T);
var capNsubDataAssembly = Assembly.GetAssembly(capNsubContextType);
var ef6EntityType = typeof(Repository.Pattern.Ef6.Entity);
return capNsubDataAssembly.GetTypes()
.Where(t => String.Equals(t.Namespace, capNsubContextType.Namespace, StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
[System.Web.Http.Authorize(Roles = "admin")]
public class JobController : BaseApiController {
[System.Web.Http.Route("Create", Name = "Create")]
public IHttpActionResult Create(JobBindingModel createJobModal)
//We have to use the CoreContainer since cnsDeployer scope runs outside of the request
var cnsDeployer = UnityConfig.CoreContainer.Resolve<ICNSDeployerService>();
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return BadRequest();
//This runs in the backround after we return the response to client
return Ok();
catch(Exception err)
return InternalServerError(err);
public class CNSDeployerService : ICNSDeployerService
private readonly IOrderItemService orderItemService;
private readonly ICNSCapMoviesService cnsMoviesService;
private readonly ICNSTranslationsService cnsTranslationsService;
private readonly IFFMpegService ffMpegService;
private readonly IUnitOfWorkAsync unitOfWorkAsync;
private readonly IVideoService videoService;
public CNSDeployerService(IOrderItemService orderItemService,
ICNSCapMoviesService cnsCapMoviesService,
ICNSTranslationsService cnsTranslationsService,
IFFMpegService ffMpegService,
IUnitOfWorkAsync unitOfWorkAsync,
IVideoService videoService)
this.orderItemService = orderItemService;
this.cnsMoviesService = cnsCapMoviesService;
this.cnsTranslationsService = cnsTranslationsService;
this.ffMpegService = ffMpegService;
this.unitOfWorkAsync = unitOfWorkAsync;
this.videoService = videoService;
public void Deploy(IEnumerable<Guid> orderItemIds)
private void InnerDeploy(IEnumerable<Guid> orderItemIds)
var orderItems = orderItemService.Queryable()
.Where(orderItem => orderItemIds.Any(itemId => orderItem.Id == itemId)
&& orderItem.IsInProcessQueue == false
&& !orderItem.TranslationId.HasValue)
if (orderItems.Count == 0)
throw new ArgumentNullException("No valid orders was provided");
foreach ( var orderItem in orderItems)
orderItem.IsInProcessQueue = true;
var translationId = Guid.NewGuid();
var movieId = Guid.NewGuid();
var connectedMoviePath = cnsMoviesService.GetMoviePath(movieId);
var videosUrlList = orderItems
.Select(orderItem => orderItem.VideosTable.VideoUrl)
//Don't await on this task since we want concat to continue after request is returned
Task.Run(async () =>
await ffMpegService.ConcatVideos(videosUrlList, connectedMoviePath);
var videosTotalDuration = videoService.GetVideosTotalDuration(orderItemIds);
var durationInSeconds = Convert.ToInt32((int)(videosTotalDuration / 1000));
await cnsMoviesService.CreateMovieRecordAsync(movieId, durationInSeconds);
await cnsTranslationsService.CreateTranslationRecordAsync(movieId, translationId, language: 1);
var index = 0;
foreach (var orderItem in orderItems)
orderItem.TranslationId = translationId;
orderItem.TranslationIndex = index++;
orderItem.IsInProcessQueue = false;
await unitOfWorkAsync.SaveChangesAsync();
catch (Exception err)
//TODO: Handle error
//Dispose db context
I am working in a .Net Core API. I wish to unit test the GetArtists method on the ArtistsController.
Here is my controller code:
public class ArtistsController : Controller
private readonly IPermissionsService _permissionsService;
private readonly IArtistsService _artistsService;
private readonly ILogger<ArtistsController> _logger;
public ArtistsController(IPermissionsService permissionsService, IArtistsService artistsService, ILogger<ArtistsController> logger)
_permissionsService = permissionsService ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(permissionsService));
_artistsService = artistsService ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(artistsService));
_logger = logger ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(logger));
public async Task<IActionResult> GetArtists()
var permissions = await _permissionsService.GetPermissionsAsync(HttpContext);
var artists = _artistsService.GetAllArtists(permissions.UserId, permissions.IsAdministrator);
return Ok( new { artists });
And here is the test method I am writing:
public class ArtistsControllerTests
private readonly Mock<IPermissionsService> _mockPermissionsService = new Mock<IPermissionsService>();
private readonly Mock<IArtistsService> _mockArtistsService = new Mock<IArtistsService>();
private readonly Mock<ILogger<ArtistsController>> _mockLogger = new Mock<ILogger<ArtistsController>>();
public void Setup()
.Setup(service => service.GetPermissionsAsync(It.IsAny<HttpContext>()))
.Returns(Task.FromResult(new Permissions { UserId = "112233", IsAdministrator = false }));
_mockArtistsService.Setup(service => service.GetAllArtists(It.IsAny<string>(), false)).Returns(new ArtistCardDtoCollection());
public async Task GetArtists_ReturnsOKStatusCode()
// arrange
var artistsController = new ArtistsController(_mockPermissionsService.Object, _mockArtistsService.Object, _mockLogger.Object);
// act
var getArtistsResult = await artistsController.GetArtists();
var okResult = getArtistsResult as OkObjectResult;
// assert
Assert.IsInstanceOfType(okResult, typeof(OkObjectResult));
Here is the IPermissionsService and the Permissions class.
public interface IPermissionsService
Task<Permissions> GetPermissionsAsync(HttpContext httpContext);
public class Permissions
public string UserId { get; set; }
public bool IsAdministrator { get; set; }
When I run that, I get the following error:
Project.ArtistsControllerTests.GetArtists_ReturnsOKStatusCode threw exception:
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
When debugging, I found out that var permissions = await _permissionsService.GetPermissionsAsync(HttpContext); returns null.
I must have an issue with the way I am mocking that:
.Setup(service => service.GetPermissionsAsync(It.IsAny<HttpContext>()))
Why wouldn't the above work?
ArtistsControllerTests.Setup() is not being invoked so the mocks are not being setup before the test is exercised.
Therefore when the test is exercised they will return null.
Your setup code is correct, it just is not getting called.
either change that Setup method to a constructor
public ArtistsControllerTests() {
.Setup(service => service.GetPermissionsAsync(It.IsAny<HttpContext>()))
.Returns(Task.FromResult(new Permissions { UserId = "112233", IsAdministrator = false }));
_mockArtistsService.Setup(service => service.GetAllArtists(It.IsAny<string>(), false)).Returns(new ArtistCardDtoCollection());
or adorn the method with [TestInitilize] attribute
public void Setup() {
.Setup(service => service.GetPermissionsAsync(It.IsAny<HttpContext>()))
.Returns(Task.FromResult(new Permissions { UserId = "112233", IsAdministrator = false }));
_mockArtistsService.Setup(service => service.GetAllArtists(It.IsAny<string>(), false)).Returns(new ArtistCardDtoCollection());
or just move the arrange into the test itself
public async Task GetArtists_ReturnsOKStatusCode() {
// arrange
.Setup(service => service.GetPermissionsAsync(It.IsAny<HttpContext>()))
.Returns(Task.FromResult(new Permissions { UserId = "112233", IsAdministrator = false }));
_mockArtistsService.Setup(service => service.GetAllArtists(It.IsAny<string>(), false)).Returns(new ArtistCardDtoCollection());
var artistsController = new ArtistsController(_mockPermissionsService.Object, _mockArtistsService.Object, _mockLogger.Object);
// act
var getArtistsResult = await artistsController.GetArtists();
var okResult = getArtistsResult as OkObjectResult;
// assert
Assert.IsInstanceOfType(okResult, typeof(OkObjectResult));
I have ChangePassword method where I have User.Identity.GetUserId() to find UserId.
Problem: It always return null. Don't understand why.
I read in another post that the GetUserById use below line of code to find Id. I am not sure how do I mock ClaimsTypes.NameIdentifier.
return ci.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier);
ChangePassword method (method to be unit testes)
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> ChangePassword(string NewPassword, string OldPassword)
_tstService = new TestService();
IdentityResult result = await _tstService.ChangePassword(User.Identity.GetUserId(), OldPassword, NewPassword);
if (!result.Succeeded)
return GetErrorResult(result);
return Ok();
Unit Test
var mock = new Mock<MyController>();
mock.CallBase = true;
var obj = mock.Object;
obj.ControllerContext = new HttpControllerContext { Request = new HttpRequestMessage() };
IPrincipal user = GetPrincipal();
obj.ControllerContext.RequestContext.Principal = user;
var result = await obj.ChangePassword(dto);
public static IPrincipal GetPrincipal()
var user = new Mock<IPrincipal>();
var identity = new Mock<IIdentity>();
identity.Setup(x => x.Name).Returns("");
identity.Setup(p => p.IsAuthenticated).Returns(true);
user.Setup(x => x.Identity).Returns(identity.Object);
Thread.CurrentPrincipal = user.Object;
return user.Object;
IOwinContext mocking code
public static IOwinContext mockOwinContext()
var owinMock = new Mock<IOwinContext>();
owinMock.Setup(o => o.Authentication.User).Returns(new ClaimsPrincipal());
owinMock.Setup(o => o.Request).Returns(new Mock<OwinRequest>().Object);
owinMock.Setup(o => o.Response).Returns(new Mock<OwinResponse>().Object);
owinMock.Setup(o => o.Environment).Returns(new Dictionary<string, object> { { "key1", 123 } });
var traceMock = new Mock<TextWriter>();
owinMock.Setup(o => o.TraceOutput).Returns(traceMock.Object);
var userStoreMock = new Mock<IUserStore<IfsUser>>();
userStoreMock.Setup(s => s.FindByIdAsync("")).ReturnsAsync(new IfsUser
Id = "",
FirstName = "Test",
LastName = "User1",
Email = "",
UserName = "",
var applicationUserManager = new IfsUserManager(userStoreMock.Object);
owinMock.Setup(o => o.Get<IfsUserManager>(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns(applicationUserManager);
return owinMock.Object;
Your GetPrincipal can be updated to use claims.
public static IPrincipal GetPrincipal() {
//use an actual identity fake
var username = "";
var identity = new GenericIdentity(username, "");
//create claim and add it to indentity
var nameIdentifierClaim = new Claim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, username);
var user = new Mock<IPrincipal>();
user.Setup(x => x.Identity).Returns(identity);
Thread.CurrentPrincipal = user.Object;
return user.Object;
Here is an example that shows how the above approach works.
public partial class MiscUnitTests {
public class IdentityTests : MiscUnitTests {
Mock<IPrincipal> mockPrincipal;
string username = "";
public override void Init() {
var identity = new GenericIdentity(username, "");
var nameIdentifierClaim = new Claim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, username);
mockPrincipal = new Mock<IPrincipal>();
mockPrincipal.Setup(x => x.Identity).Returns(identity);
mockPrincipal.Setup(x => x.IsInRole(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns(true);
public void Should_GetUserId_From_Identity() {
var principal = mockPrincipal.Object;
var result = principal.Identity.GetUserId();
Assert.AreEqual(username, result);
public void Identity_Should_Be_Authenticated() {
var principal = mockPrincipal.Object;
You have some design issues. Creating a concrete TestService will cause problems if it as connecting to an actual implementation. That becomes an integration test. Abstract that dependency as well.
public interface ITestService {
Task<IdentityResult> ChangePassword(string userId, string oldPassword, string newPassword);
public abstract class MyController : ApiController {
private ITestService service;
protected MyController(ITestService service) {
this.service = service;
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> ChangePassword(string NewPassword, string OldPassword) {
IdentityResult result = await service.ChangePassword(User.Identity.GetUserId(), OldPassword, NewPassword);
if (!result.Succeeded) {
return GetErrorResult(result);
return Ok();
Also you should not mock the System under test. You should mock the dependencies of the SUT. Based on your method to be tested and what you indicated in the comments that MyController is an abstract class, the following test should apply
public class MyControllerTests {
public class FakeController : MyController {
public FakeController(ITestService service) : base(service) { }
public void TestMyController() {
var mockService = new Mock<ITestService>();
.Setup(m => m.ChangePassword(....))
var controller = new FakeController(mockService.Object);
//Set a fake request. If your controller creates responses you will need this
controller.Request = new HttpRequestMessage {
RequestUri = new Uri("http://localhost/api/my")
controller.Configuration = new HttpConfiguration();
controller.User = GetPrincipal();
var result = await controller.ChangePassword("NewPassword", "OldPassword");
I’m using Swashbuckle (5.3.2) and it generates a nice API documentation.
To clarify my problem, I set up a small example project with no real meaning.
The API can only be used with a valid API key.
For that I introduced an ApiKeyFilter which validates the api_key and read out corresponding roles.
public class ApiKeyFilter : IAuthenticationFilter
private static Dictionary<string, String[]> allowedApps = new Dictionary<string, String[]>();
private readonly string authenticationScheme = "Bearer";
private readonly string queryStringApiKey = "api_key";
public bool AllowMultiple
get { return false; }
public ApiKeyFilter()
if (allowedApps.Count == 0)
allowedApps.Add("PetLover_api_key", new []{"PetLover"});
allowedApps.Add("CarOwner_api_key", new []{"CarOwner"});
allowedApps.Add("Admin_api_key", new []{"PetLover","CarOwner"});
public Task AuthenticateAsync(HttpAuthenticationContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var req = context.Request;
Dictionary<string, string> queryStrings = req.GetQueryNameValuePairs().ToDictionary(x => x.Key.ToLower(), x => x.Value);
string rawAuthzHeader = null;
if (queryStrings.ContainsKey(queryStringApiKey))
rawAuthzHeader = queryStrings[queryStringApiKey];
else if (req.Headers.Authorization != null && authenticationScheme.Equals(req.Headers.Authorization.Scheme, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
rawAuthzHeader = req.Headers.Authorization.Parameter;
if (rawAuthzHeader != null && allowedApps.ContainsKey(rawAuthzHeader))
var currentPrincipal = new GenericPrincipal(new GenericIdentity(rawAuthzHeader), allowedApps[rawAuthzHeader]);
context.Principal = currentPrincipal;
context.ErrorResult = new UnauthorizedResult(new AuthenticationHeaderValue[0], context.Request);
return Task.FromResult(0);
public Task ChallengeAsync(HttpAuthenticationChallengeContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
context.Result = new ResultWithChallenge(context.Result);
return Task.FromResult(0);
public class ResultWithChallenge : IHttpActionResult
private readonly string authenticationScheme = "amx";
private readonly IHttpActionResult next;
public ResultWithChallenge(IHttpActionResult next)
{ = next;
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var response = await next.ExecuteAsync(cancellationToken);
if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)
response.Headers.WwwAuthenticate.Add(new AuthenticationHeaderValue(authenticationScheme));
return response;
The controller/resources can only be accessed if the requester has the corresponding role.
[Authorize(Roles = "PetLover")]
public class PetController : ApiController
// GET api/pet
public IEnumerable<string> Get()
return new string[] { "value1", "value2" };
// GET api/pet/5
public string Get(int id)
return "value";
// POST api/pet
public void Post([FromBody]string value)
// PUT api/pet/5
public void Put(int id, [FromBody]string value)
// DELETE api/pet/5
public void Delete(int id)
public class CarController : ApiController
// GET api/car
public IEnumerable<string> Get()
return new string[] { "value1", "value2" };
// GET api/car/5
[Authorize(Roles = "CarOwner")]
public string Get(int id)
return "value";
// POST api/car
[Authorize(Roles = "CarOwner")]
public void Post([FromBody]string value)
public static class WebApiConfig
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
config.Filters.Add(new ApiKeyFilter());
//config.MessageHandlers.Add(new CustomAuthenticationMessageHandler());
So far so good. No problem here.
Now I want that the ‘User’ roles are taken into account during the API generation. I only want to display the resources and actions in the documentation which the user can consume with this api_key.
The output should somehow look like (/swagger/ui/index?api_key=XXX):
get /api/cars
post /api/cars
get /api/cars/{id}
get /api/pets
post /api/pets
get /api/pets/{id}
get /api/cars
post /api/cars
get /api/cars/{id}
get /api/cars
get /api/pets
post /api/pets
get /api/pets/{id}
Nothing to display
I don’t have access to the HttpRequest during the API specification generation to read out any query string or any header information.
I already had a look into a DelegatingHandler but I have trouble to read out the Principal in any Swashbuckle filter (OperationFilter, DocumentFilter) and I’m also not able to read out the Principal in a CustomProvider.
public class CustomAuthenticationMessageHandler : DelegatingHandler
private static Dictionary<string, String[]> allowedApps = new Dictionary<string, String[]>();
private readonly string authenticationScheme = "Bearer";
private readonly string queryStringApiKey = "api_key";
public bool AllowMultiple
get { return false; }
public CustomAuthenticationMessageHandler()
if (allowedApps.Count == 0)
allowedApps.Add("PetLover_api_key", new[] {"PetLover"});
allowedApps.Add("CarOwner_api_key", new[] {"CarOwner"});
allowedApps.Add("Admin_api_key", new[] {"PetLover", "CarOwner"});
protected override async Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var req = request;
Dictionary<string, string> queryStrings = req.GetQueryNameValuePairs().ToDictionary(x => x.Key.ToLower(), x => x.Value);
string rawAuthzHeader = null;
if (queryStrings.ContainsKey(queryStringApiKey))
rawAuthzHeader = queryStrings[queryStringApiKey];
else if (req.Headers.Authorization != null && authenticationScheme.Equals(req.Headers.Authorization.Scheme, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
rawAuthzHeader = req.Headers.Authorization.Parameter;
if (rawAuthzHeader != null && allowedApps.ContainsKey(rawAuthzHeader))
var currentPrincipal = new GenericPrincipal(new GenericIdentity(rawAuthzHeader), allowedApps[rawAuthzHeader]);
request.GetRequestContext().Principal = currentPrincipal;
return await base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken);
I found some similar question/issues but no real answer.
Web API Documentation using swagger
Restrict access to certain API controllers in Swagger using Swashbuckle and ASP.NET Identity
I now found a solution which works for me.
I used the CustomAuthenticationMessageHandler (same as in my question) to put the rules into the HttpContext.
public class CustomAuthenticationMessageHandler : DelegatingHandler
private static Dictionary<string, String[]> allowedApps = new Dictionary<string, String[]>();
private readonly string authenticationScheme = "Bearer";
private readonly string queryStringApiKey = "api_key";
public bool AllowMultiple
get { return false; }
public CustomAuthenticationMessageHandler()
if (allowedApps.Count == 0)
allowedApps.Add("PetLover_api_key", new[] {"PetLover"});
allowedApps.Add("CarOwner_api_key", new[] {"CarOwner"});
allowedApps.Add("Admin_api_key", new[] {"PetLover", "CarOwner"});
protected override async Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var req = request;
Dictionary<string, string> queryStrings = req.GetQueryNameValuePairs().ToDictionary(x => x.Key.ToLower(), x => x.Value);
string rawAuthzHeader = null;
if (queryStrings.ContainsKey(queryStringApiKey))
rawAuthzHeader = queryStrings[queryStringApiKey];
else if (req.Headers.Authorization != null && authenticationScheme.Equals(req.Headers.Authorization.Scheme, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
rawAuthzHeader = req.Headers.Authorization.Parameter;
if (rawAuthzHeader != null && allowedApps.ContainsKey(rawAuthzHeader))
var currentPrincipal = new GenericPrincipal(new GenericIdentity(rawAuthzHeader), allowedApps[rawAuthzHeader]);
request.GetRequestContext().Principal = currentPrincipal;
return await base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken);
I introduced an custom Swashbuckle IDocumentFilter which reads out the rules from the HttpContext and remove the actions and resources from the SwaggerDocument which are not allowed for this rules (based on api_key).
public class AuthorizeRoleFilter : IDocumentFilter
public void Apply(SwaggerDocument swaggerDoc, SchemaRegistry schemaRegistry, IApiExplorer apiExplorer)
IPrincipal user = HttpContext.Current.User;
foreach (ApiDescription apiDescription in apiExplorer.ApiDescriptions)
var authorizeAttributes = apiDescription
if (!authorizeAttributes.Any())
var roles =
.SelectMany(attr => attr.Roles.Split(','))
if (!user.Identity.IsAuthenticated || !roles.Any(role => user.IsInRole(role) || role == ""))
string key = "/" + apiDescription.RelativePath;
PathItem pathItem = swaggerDoc.paths[key];
switch (apiDescription.HttpMethod.Method.ToLower())
case "get":
pathItem.get = null;
case "put":
pathItem.put = null;
case "post": = null;
case "delete":
pathItem.delete = null;
case "options":
pathItem.options = null;
case "head":
pathItem.head = null;
case "patch":
pathItem.patch = null;
if (pathItem.get == null &&
pathItem.put == null && == null &&
pathItem.delete == null &&
pathItem.options == null &&
pathItem.head == null &&
pathItem.patch == null)
swaggerDoc.paths = swaggerDoc.paths.Count == 0 ? null : swaggerDoc.paths;
swaggerDoc.definitions = swaggerDoc.paths == null ? null : swaggerDoc.definitions;
My WebApiConfig now looks like this. I removed my ApiKeyFilter because it is not needed anymore.
public static class WebApiConfig
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
// Web API configuration and services
// Web API routes
//config.Filters.Add(new ApiKeyFilter());
config.MessageHandlers.Add(new CustomAuthenticationMessageHandler());
public class SwaggerConfig
public static void Register()
.EnableSwagger(c =>
c.SingleApiVersion("v1", "SwashbuckleExample");
.EnableSwaggerUi(c => { });
In my project I used a CustomProvider which cache the SwaggerDocument per api_key.
public class CachingSwaggerProvider : ISwaggerProvider
private static ConcurrentDictionary<string, SwaggerDocument> _cache =
new ConcurrentDictionary<string, SwaggerDocument>();
private readonly ISwaggerProvider _swaggerProvider;
public CachingSwaggerProvider(ISwaggerProvider swaggerProvider)
_swaggerProvider = swaggerProvider;
public SwaggerDocument GetSwagger(string rootUrl, string apiVersion)
HttpContext httpContext = HttpContext.Current;
string name = httpContext.User.Identity.Name;
var cacheKey = string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}", rootUrl, apiVersion, name);
return _cache.GetOrAdd(cacheKey, (key) => _swaggerProvider.GetSwagger(rootUrl, apiVersion));
I'm trying to Setup a Mock call to a the IModelFactory interface that I have.
here is the IModelFactory interface
public interface IModelFactory
MaterialAcceptedModel Create(MaterialAccepted model);
MaterialAccepted Parse(MaterialAcceptedModel model);
This is the ModelFactory class which implements the IModelFactor interface (I've only add here the method I'm trying to test, no need to add the implementation of the Create Method)
public class ModelFactory : IModelFactory
private UrlHelper _urlHelper;
private IRTWRepository _repo;
//private IKeysGeneratorService _keysGen;
private IGeocodeService _geocoder;
public ModelFactory(HttpRequestMessage request, IRTWRepository repo,IGeocodeService geocoder)
_urlHelper = new UrlHelper(request);
_repo = repo;
_geocoder = geocoder;
#region Parses
public MaterialAccepted Parse(MaterialAcceptedModel model)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.category))
var category = _repo.CategoryRepository.Get(model.category);
if (category == null) return null;
var entry = new MaterialAccepted()
business =,
businessService = model.businessService,
residential = model.residential,
residentialService = model.residentialService,
note = model.note,
Category = category
return entry;
return null;
return null;
I'm using a BaseAPiController that contains the repo and configuration Interfaces
public class BaseApiController : ApiController
IRTWRepository _repository;
IModelFactory _modelFactory;
IConfiguration _configuration;
IGeocodeService _geocoder;
public BaseApiController(IRTWRepository repository,IConfiguration configuration)
_repository = repository;
_configuration = configuration;
protected IRTWRepository TheRepository
return _repository;
protected IConfiguration TheConfiguration
return _configuration;
protected IModelFactory TheModelFactory
_geocoder = new GeocodeService(_configuration.GetValue("geocodeGoogleApiKey"));
if (_modelFactory == null)
_modelFactory = new ModelFactory(this.Request, _repository,_geocoder);
return _modelFactory;
Here is the action method in the controller I'm trying to test
public IHttpActionResult Post(int rcid, [FromBody]MaterialAcceptedModel model)
if (model != null)
var recycleCenter = TheRepository.RecycleCenterRepository.Get(rcid);
if (recycleCenter == null)
return NotFound();
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return BadRequest(ModelState);
var entity = TheModelFactory.Parse(model);
if (entity == null) return BadRequest("Could not read material accepted in body");
if (TheRepository.MaterialAcceptedRepository.Get(recycleCenter.RecycleCenterId, != null)
return Conflict();
if (TheRepository.SaveAll())
string locationHeader = Url.Link("Materials", new { rcid = rcid, name = model.category.ToLower() });
return Created<MaterialAcceptedModel>(locationHeader, TheModelFactory.Create(entity));
return BadRequest("Could not save to the database");
return BadRequest();
catch (Exception ex)
return BadRequest(ex.Message);
This is the line that returns null even though I mocked it up on my test method
var entity = TheModelFactory.Parse(model);
and this one is my TestClass
namespace API.Tests.Web
public class MaterialsControllerTest
private Mock<IRTWRepository> repository;
private Mock<IModelFactory> factory;
private Mock<IConfiguration> configuration;
private Mock<IRTWAPIIdentityService> identityService;
private MaterialsController controller;
RecycleCenter recycleCenter;
private MaterialAccepted CreateMaterial()
return new MaterialAccepted()
business = true,
businessService = EnumRecycleCenterService.Dropoff,
residential = false,
residentialService = EnumRecycleCenterService.Pickup,
note = "this a note",
Category = new Category()
name = "Books"
public void Initialize()
repository = new Mock<IRTWRepository>();
factory = new Mock<IModelFactory>();
configuration = new Mock<IConfiguration>();
identityService = new Mock<IRTWAPIIdentityService>();
controller = new MaterialsController(repository.Object,configuration.Object);
controller.Request = new HttpRequestMessage();
recycleCenter = new RecycleCenter(){RecycleCenterId = 1};
public void Post_ShouldReturnConflictIfTheRecycleCenterAlreadyTakesMaterial()
repository.Setup(r => r.RecycleCenterRepository.Get(It.IsAny<int>())).Returns(() => recycleCenter);
factory.Setup(f => f.Parse(new MaterialAcceptedModel())).Returns(() => new MaterialAccepted());
configuration.Setup(c => c.GetValue(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns(() => "APIKEY");
repository.Setup(r => r.MaterialAcceptedRepository.Get(It.IsAny<int>(), It.IsAny<string>())).Returns(() => null);
var actionResult = controller.Post(It.IsAny<int>(),new MaterialAcceptedModel());
Assert.IsInstanceOfType(actionResult, typeof(ConflictResult));
This is the line that's not working because it always return null instead of a new instance of MaterialAccepted
factory.Setup(f => f.Parse(new MaterialAcceptedModel())).Returns(() => new MaterialAccepted());
I tried f.Parse(It.IsAny()) but still doesn't work.
To clarify
the above line of code is returning null because is not mocking the f.Parse() call, instead is executing it and returning null because the if condition I have on that method
Anyone could explain why the Setup is not working?
Setting up your Mock using It.IsAny will work:
factory.Setup(f => f.Parse(It.IsAny<MaterialAcceptedModel>()))
.Returns(() => new MaterialAccepted());
However, as has been said by #Macilquham, I can't see where your are passing the Mock to your controller in the supplied code so that it is used by the production code.
If you don't call the method on your Mock object, which you don't, you're currently calling the method on the instance of the real object created by your base class, then it doesn't matter how you set up your mock it's not going to work. If you are able to change your base class, then doing something like this would allow you to work around your problem:
// Add defaulted parameter to base class to allow modelFactory creation
// to be overridden/injected (this will prevent the current default behaviour
// when fetching the factory, if a non-null is passed in)
public BaseApiController(IRTWRepository repository,IConfiguration configuration,
IModelFactory modelFactory = null)
_modelFactory = modelFactory;
Modify your sut constructor to allow you to supply a modelFactory (again, default it to null), then amend your test as appropriate:
controller = new MaterialsController(repository.Object,configuration.Object,
You don't seem to be injecting in the IModelFactory into the controller. You need to make sure that your production code is using the Mock you are setting up in the test.
Mock cannot return null directly.
The trick is just to create a null object.
Assuming the object returned is of type class Material:
Material nullMaterial = null;
repository.Setup(r => r.MaterialAcceptedRepository
.Get(It.IsAny<int>(), It.IsAny<string>()))
This should solve your problem