I have ChangePassword method where I have User.Identity.GetUserId() to find UserId.
Problem: It always return null. Don't understand why.
I read in another post that the GetUserById use below line of code to find Id. I am not sure how do I mock ClaimsTypes.NameIdentifier.
return ci.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier);
ChangePassword method (method to be unit testes)
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> ChangePassword(string NewPassword, string OldPassword)
_tstService = new TestService();
IdentityResult result = await _tstService.ChangePassword(User.Identity.GetUserId(), OldPassword, NewPassword);
if (!result.Succeeded)
return GetErrorResult(result);
return Ok();
Unit Test
var mock = new Mock<MyController>();
mock.CallBase = true;
var obj = mock.Object;
obj.ControllerContext = new HttpControllerContext { Request = new HttpRequestMessage() };
IPrincipal user = GetPrincipal();
obj.ControllerContext.RequestContext.Principal = user;
var result = await obj.ChangePassword(dto);
public static IPrincipal GetPrincipal()
var user = new Mock<IPrincipal>();
var identity = new Mock<IIdentity>();
identity.Setup(x => x.Name).Returns("User1#Test.com");
identity.Setup(p => p.IsAuthenticated).Returns(true);
user.Setup(x => x.Identity).Returns(identity.Object);
Thread.CurrentPrincipal = user.Object;
return user.Object;
IOwinContext mocking code
public static IOwinContext mockOwinContext()
var owinMock = new Mock<IOwinContext>();
owinMock.Setup(o => o.Authentication.User).Returns(new ClaimsPrincipal());
owinMock.Setup(o => o.Request).Returns(new Mock<OwinRequest>().Object);
owinMock.Setup(o => o.Response).Returns(new Mock<OwinResponse>().Object);
owinMock.Setup(o => o.Environment).Returns(new Dictionary<string, object> { { "key1", 123 } });
var traceMock = new Mock<TextWriter>();
owinMock.Setup(o => o.TraceOutput).Returns(traceMock.Object);
var userStoreMock = new Mock<IUserStore<IfsUser>>();
userStoreMock.Setup(s => s.FindByIdAsync("User1#ifstoolsuite.com")).ReturnsAsync(new IfsUser
Id = "User1#test.com",
FirstName = "Test",
LastName = "User1",
Email = "User1#test.com",
UserName = "User1#test.com",
var applicationUserManager = new IfsUserManager(userStoreMock.Object);
owinMock.Setup(o => o.Get<IfsUserManager>(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns(applicationUserManager);
return owinMock.Object;
Your GetPrincipal can be updated to use claims.
public static IPrincipal GetPrincipal() {
//use an actual identity fake
var username = "User1#Test.com";
var identity = new GenericIdentity(username, "");
//create claim and add it to indentity
var nameIdentifierClaim = new Claim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, username);
var user = new Mock<IPrincipal>();
user.Setup(x => x.Identity).Returns(identity);
Thread.CurrentPrincipal = user.Object;
return user.Object;
Here is an example that shows how the above approach works.
public partial class MiscUnitTests {
public class IdentityTests : MiscUnitTests {
Mock<IPrincipal> mockPrincipal;
string username = "test#test.com";
public override void Init() {
var identity = new GenericIdentity(username, "");
var nameIdentifierClaim = new Claim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, username);
mockPrincipal = new Mock<IPrincipal>();
mockPrincipal.Setup(x => x.Identity).Returns(identity);
mockPrincipal.Setup(x => x.IsInRole(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns(true);
public void Should_GetUserId_From_Identity() {
var principal = mockPrincipal.Object;
var result = principal.Identity.GetUserId();
Assert.AreEqual(username, result);
public void Identity_Should_Be_Authenticated() {
var principal = mockPrincipal.Object;
You have some design issues. Creating a concrete TestService will cause problems if it as connecting to an actual implementation. That becomes an integration test. Abstract that dependency as well.
public interface ITestService {
Task<IdentityResult> ChangePassword(string userId, string oldPassword, string newPassword);
public abstract class MyController : ApiController {
private ITestService service;
protected MyController(ITestService service) {
this.service = service;
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> ChangePassword(string NewPassword, string OldPassword) {
IdentityResult result = await service.ChangePassword(User.Identity.GetUserId(), OldPassword, NewPassword);
if (!result.Succeeded) {
return GetErrorResult(result);
return Ok();
Also you should not mock the System under test. You should mock the dependencies of the SUT. Based on your method to be tested and what you indicated in the comments that MyController is an abstract class, the following test should apply
public class MyControllerTests {
public class FakeController : MyController {
public FakeController(ITestService service) : base(service) { }
public void TestMyController() {
var mockService = new Mock<ITestService>();
.Setup(m => m.ChangePassword(....))
var controller = new FakeController(mockService.Object);
//Set a fake request. If your controller creates responses you will need this
controller.Request = new HttpRequestMessage {
RequestUri = new Uri("http://localhost/api/my")
controller.Configuration = new HttpConfiguration();
controller.User = GetPrincipal();
var result = await controller.ChangePassword("NewPassword", "OldPassword");
I have this method:
[ApiConventionMethod(typeof(AttemptApiConventions), nameof(AttemptApiConventions.AttemptPut))]
public override async Task<ActionResult<Field>> UpdateAsync(Field model)
var getAttempt = await Mediator.Send(new GenericGet<Field>(model.Id));
if (getAttempt.Failure) return Ok(getAttempt);
var field = getAttempt.Result;
if (!field.IsSpecification && !User.IsInRole("Administrator"))
return Ok(new ForbiddenError(string.Format(Resources.PermissionError, "this field")).ToAttempt<Field>());
if (!field.IsSpecification && model.Name != field.Name)
return Ok(new ValidationError(string.Format(Resources.CannotBeChanged, nameof(Field.Name))).ToAttempt<Field>());
return await base.UpdateAsync(model);
As you can see, I check if the User.IsInRole to display a different error message when they are trying to change a field.
The problem is, I have this unit test:
public async Task ReturnBadRequestIfSpecificationFieldNameChanges()
// Assemble
var model = new Field {Id = 1, IsSpecification = false, Name = "Test"};
var services = FieldsControllerContext.GivenServices();
var controller = services.WhenCreateController("Administrator");
.Returns(new Field {Id = 1, IsSpecification = false, Name = "Old"});
// Act
var actionResult = await controller.UpdateAsync(model);
// Assert
actionResult.ShouldBeBadRequest(string.Format(Sxp.Web.Properties.Resources.CannotBeChanged, nameof(Field.Name)));
Take a look at the line services.WhenCreateController("Administrator");. It is passing the role I want the mocked user to be a member of. This is set like this:
public static class ControllerExtensions
public static T WithUser<T>(this T controller, string roles = null) where T: ControllerBase
var id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
var claims = new List<Claim>
new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, "example name"),
new Claim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, id),
new Claim(JwtClaimTypes.Subject, id),
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(roles))
var r = roles.Split(",");
claims.AddRange(r.Select(role => new Claim(JwtClaimTypes.Role, role)));
var user = new ClaimsPrincipal(new ClaimsIdentity(claims, "mock"));
controller.ControllerContext = new ControllerContext
HttpContext = new DefaultHttpContext
User = user
return controller;
When I debug my test, I can see this:
Can anyone tell me why?
I found the answer. This line was to blame:
claims.AddRange(r.Select(role => new Claim(JwtClaimTypes.Role, role)));
It isn't JwtClaimTypes that it checks, it actually checks for:
I am writing unit tests and this mapper is causing me grief again. I understood from a previous post that I cannot Mock the mapper, i have to use it straight away. So I have created maps but it says missing type map configuration.
public RoleDto GetSingle([FromRoute] string id)
var r = roleManagerWrapper.GetSingleRole(id);
return mapper.Map<RoleDto>(r);
It breaks when it tries to map the object. Is there any special mapping for Task <IdentityRole> that needs to be implemented?
public async Task<IdentityRole> GetSingleRole(string roleId)
var role = await this.roleManager.Roles.SingleOrDefaultAsync(r => r.Id == roleId);
return role;
Here is my test that only counts the number of roles that are created.
public async Task Get_Single()
var roleManagerWrapperMock = new Mock<IRoleManagerWrapper>();
var adminRole = new IdentityRole()
Name = "Admin",
Id = "4a8de423-5663-4831-ac07-7ce92465b008"
var managerRole = new IdentityRole()
Name = "Manager",
Id = "40f74162-3359-4253-9b5a-ad795b328267"
var sut = new RolesController(roleManagerWrapperMock.Object, ApplicationDbContext, Mapper);
var result = sut.GetSingle("4a8de423-5663-4831-ac07-7ce92465b008");
Assert.AreEqual(result.UserCount, 1);
protected void TestSetup(string databaseName = null)
if (databaseName == null)
databaseName = GetTestName();
ServiceProvider = new ServiceCollection()
dbContextOptions = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<ApplicationDbContext>()
ApplicationDbContext = new ApplicationDbContext(dbContextOptions);
var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>
cfg.CreateMap<RoleDto, IdentityRole>();
cfg.CreateMap<IdentityRole, RoleDto>();
cfg.CreateMap<CreateRoleDto, IdentityRole>().ReverseMap();
cfg.CreateMap<UpdateRoleDto, IdentityRole>().ReverseMap();
Mapper = config.CreateMapper();
The action needs to be refactored to use proper asyn syntax since GetSingleRole returns Task<IdentityRole>
public Task<RoleDto> GetSingle([FromRoute] string id) {
IdentityRole r = await roleManagerWrapper.GetSingleRole(id);
return mapper.Map<RoleDto>(r);
And the test updated accordingly
public async Task Get_Single() {
var roleManagerWrapperMock = new Mock<IRoleManagerWrapper>();
//...omitted for brevity
var sut = new RolesController(roleManagerWrapperMock.Object, ApplicationDbContext, Mapper);
RoleDto result = await sut.GetSingle("4a8de423-5663-4831-ac07-7ce92465b008");
Assert.AreEqual(result.UserCount, 1);
I am working in a .Net Core API. I wish to unit test the GetArtists method on the ArtistsController.
Here is my controller code:
public class ArtistsController : Controller
private readonly IPermissionsService _permissionsService;
private readonly IArtistsService _artistsService;
private readonly ILogger<ArtistsController> _logger;
public ArtistsController(IPermissionsService permissionsService, IArtistsService artistsService, ILogger<ArtistsController> logger)
_permissionsService = permissionsService ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(permissionsService));
_artistsService = artistsService ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(artistsService));
_logger = logger ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(logger));
public async Task<IActionResult> GetArtists()
var permissions = await _permissionsService.GetPermissionsAsync(HttpContext);
var artists = _artistsService.GetAllArtists(permissions.UserId, permissions.IsAdministrator);
return Ok( new { artists });
And here is the test method I am writing:
public class ArtistsControllerTests
private readonly Mock<IPermissionsService> _mockPermissionsService = new Mock<IPermissionsService>();
private readonly Mock<IArtistsService> _mockArtistsService = new Mock<IArtistsService>();
private readonly Mock<ILogger<ArtistsController>> _mockLogger = new Mock<ILogger<ArtistsController>>();
public void Setup()
.Setup(service => service.GetPermissionsAsync(It.IsAny<HttpContext>()))
.Returns(Task.FromResult(new Permissions { UserId = "112233", IsAdministrator = false }));
_mockArtistsService.Setup(service => service.GetAllArtists(It.IsAny<string>(), false)).Returns(new ArtistCardDtoCollection());
public async Task GetArtists_ReturnsOKStatusCode()
// arrange
var artistsController = new ArtistsController(_mockPermissionsService.Object, _mockArtistsService.Object, _mockLogger.Object);
// act
var getArtistsResult = await artistsController.GetArtists();
var okResult = getArtistsResult as OkObjectResult;
// assert
Assert.IsInstanceOfType(okResult, typeof(OkObjectResult));
Here is the IPermissionsService and the Permissions class.
public interface IPermissionsService
Task<Permissions> GetPermissionsAsync(HttpContext httpContext);
public class Permissions
public string UserId { get; set; }
public bool IsAdministrator { get; set; }
When I run that, I get the following error:
Project.ArtistsControllerTests.GetArtists_ReturnsOKStatusCode threw exception:
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
When debugging, I found out that var permissions = await _permissionsService.GetPermissionsAsync(HttpContext); returns null.
I must have an issue with the way I am mocking that:
.Setup(service => service.GetPermissionsAsync(It.IsAny<HttpContext>()))
Why wouldn't the above work?
ArtistsControllerTests.Setup() is not being invoked so the mocks are not being setup before the test is exercised.
Therefore when the test is exercised they will return null.
Your setup code is correct, it just is not getting called.
either change that Setup method to a constructor
public ArtistsControllerTests() {
.Setup(service => service.GetPermissionsAsync(It.IsAny<HttpContext>()))
.Returns(Task.FromResult(new Permissions { UserId = "112233", IsAdministrator = false }));
_mockArtistsService.Setup(service => service.GetAllArtists(It.IsAny<string>(), false)).Returns(new ArtistCardDtoCollection());
or adorn the method with [TestInitilize] attribute
public void Setup() {
.Setup(service => service.GetPermissionsAsync(It.IsAny<HttpContext>()))
.Returns(Task.FromResult(new Permissions { UserId = "112233", IsAdministrator = false }));
_mockArtistsService.Setup(service => service.GetAllArtists(It.IsAny<string>(), false)).Returns(new ArtistCardDtoCollection());
or just move the arrange into the test itself
public async Task GetArtists_ReturnsOKStatusCode() {
// arrange
.Setup(service => service.GetPermissionsAsync(It.IsAny<HttpContext>()))
.Returns(Task.FromResult(new Permissions { UserId = "112233", IsAdministrator = false }));
_mockArtistsService.Setup(service => service.GetAllArtists(It.IsAny<string>(), false)).Returns(new ArtistCardDtoCollection());
var artistsController = new ArtistsController(_mockPermissionsService.Object, _mockArtistsService.Object, _mockLogger.Object);
// act
var getArtistsResult = await artistsController.GetArtists();
var okResult = getArtistsResult as OkObjectResult;
// assert
Assert.IsInstanceOfType(okResult, typeof(OkObjectResult));
I'm trying to figure out a way to create a MockRepository that implements a repository interface. Currently, this is what I have:
public class MockUserRepository
private readonly IList<User> _users;
public MockUserRepository()
_users = new List<User>()
new User()
UserId = new Guid("E480E40F-6802-4296-B2A8-E0D5E018CD41"),
Username = "admin",
Password = "5A105E8B9D40E1329780D62EA2265D8A",
CellPhone = "3175172957"
public IUserRepository Create()
var mockUserRepository = new Mock<IUserRepository>();
mockUserRepository.Setup(m => m.Count()).Returns(_users.Count());
mockUserRepository.Setup(m => m.Get()).Returns(_users);
mockUserRepository.Setup(m => m.Get(It.IsAny<Guid>())).Returns((Guid id) => _users.First(x => x.UserId == id));
mockUserRepository.Setup(m => m.Save(It.IsAny<User>())).Returns(
(User user) =>
var now = DateTime.Now;
user.ModifiedOn = now;
user.CreatedOn = now;
var original = _users.First(x => x.UserId == user.UserId);
if (original == null)
return false;
original = user;
return true;
mockUserRepository.Setup(m => m.Find(It.IsAny<IList<object[]>>())).Returns(
(IList<object[]> criteria) =>
IList<User> uList = _users.ToList();
foreach (object[] criteriaItem in criteria)
var name = (string)criteriaItem[0];
var value = (string)criteriaItem[1];
IList<User> tempList = uList.ToList();
IList<User> addList = tempList.Where(user => (string) user.GetType().GetProperty(name).GetValue(user, null) == value).ToList();
uList = addList;
return uList;
return mockUserRepository.Object;
I would like to have something like this:
public class MockUserRepository : IUserRepository
Then, just have all of my mocked methods actually implemented. I want to do this to enforce my developers to fully mock out a repository based on the interface.
From the test side, this Mocked Repository is used like this:
public void Setup()
MockUserRepository = new MockUserRepository().Create();
MockRoleRepository = new MockRoleRepository().Create();
MockQuestionRepository = new MockQuestionRepository().Create();
AuthenticationService = new AuthenticationService(MockUserRepository, MockRoleRepository, MockQuestionRepository);
All of this works just fine, but I'm really stuck on enforcing my MockRepository to implement all of its interface's methods.
this is over-complicating the use of mocks. simply Mock the IUserRepository interface in the test and then mock the methods you need based on the tests.
reposistory = new Mock<IUserRepository>();
var id = 1;
var user = new User();
repository.Setup(x=> x.Get(id)).Returns(user);
var sut = new Service(repository.Object);
var result = sut.Get(id);
Assert.Equals(user, result);
If you really want a "blank" object just implement a Fake IUserRepository and forgo a mocking framework altogether.
class FakeUserRepository : IUserRepository
public List<User> Users = new List<Users>();
public User Get(long id)
return Users.FristOrDetail(x=>x.Id = id);
var id = 1;
var user = new User();
var repository = new FakeUserRepository();
var sut = new Service(repository);
var result = sut.Get(id);
Assert.Equals(user, result);
In my apicontroller I use base.user to identify the authenticated user to use in a lookup. Now I am writing a unit test for this but I cannot figure out how to mock apicontroller.user. Do I need to create a request and set the user there? Or is there another way to set the controller.user?
Here is my controller; I have already mocked repository and membershipservice.
public class DocumentController : ApiController
DocumentRepository _repository;
IStaticMembershipService _membership;
public IEnumerable<Document> GetDocuments()
MembershipUser userAccount = _membership.GetUser(base.User);
IEnumerable<Document> docs = null;
if (userAccount != null)
docs = _repository.GetDocumentsByUserId(
(Guid) userAccount.ProviderUserKey);
return docs;
Here is my unit test:
public class DocumentControllerWebService
private DocumentsContext _context;
private DocumentRepository _repository;
private DocumentController _controller;
private FakeMembershipService _membership;
private TestContext testContextInstance;
public void MyTestInitialize()
// Create a context with a fake data set provider
_context = new DocumentsContext(new FakeDbSetProvider());
_repository = new DocumentRepository(_context);
_membership = new FakeMembershipService();
_controller = new DocumentController(_repository, _membership);
public void GetDocumentsTest()
string userName = "someUser";
MembershipUser userAccount = _membership.GetUser(userName);
Guid userId = (Guid) userAccount.ProviderUserKey;
Guid anotherUserId = Guid.NewGuid();
// Get some dummy data and insert it into the fake repository
List<Document> forms = DocumentDummyData.GetListOfDummyData(
userId, anotherUserId);
forms.ForEach(f => _repository.InsertDocument(f));
// I would like to do this but User is readonly
_controller.User = userName;
List<Document> docs = _controller.GetDocuments().ToList();
foreach (Document expected in forms.Where(d => d.UserId == userId))
Document actual = docs.Where(
d => d.DocumentID == expected.DocumentID).FirstOrDefault();
Assert.AreEqual(expected.DocumentID, actual.DocumentID);
If you are getting the user from http Request then you'll want to look at a way of mocking that out. Thankfully that has been done many times. A good place to start would be to read this
To summarize what I did which followed this, a hanselman blog and some trial and error:
In your ApiController add this to your constructor
HttpContextWrapper = HttpContextFactory.GetHttpContext();
The factory is this
public static class HttpContextFactory
private static HttpContextBase _mockHttpContext;
public static void SetHttpContext(HttpContextBase httpContextBase)
_mockHttpContext = httpContextBase;
public static HttpContextBase GetHttpContext()
if (_mockHttpContext != null)
return _mockHttpContext;
if (HttpContext.Current != null)
return new HttpContextWrapper(HttpContext.Current);
return null;
Now you have a seam into which you can insert your mock request, response, session, etc.
HttpContextBase httpContext = HttpMocks.HttpContext();
Finally here is a fairly fully mocked context that I use
public class HttpMocks
public static HttpContextBase HttpContext()
var context = MockRepository.GenerateMock<HttpContextBase>();
context.Stub(r => r.Request).Return(HttpRequest());
context.Stub(r => r.Response).Return(HttpResponse());
context.Stub(r => r.Session).Return(HttpSession());
context.Stub(r => r.Server).Return(HttpServer());
return context;
private static HttpServerUtilityBase HttpServer()
var httpServer = MockRepository.GenerateMock<HttpServerUtilityBase>();
httpServer.Stub(r => r.MapPath("")).IgnoreArguments().Return("");
return httpServer;
private static HttpResponseBase HttpResponse()
var httpResponse = MockRepository.GenerateMock<HttpResponseBase>();
var cookies = new HttpCookieCollection {new HttpCookie("UserContext")};
httpResponse.Stub(r => r.Cookies).Return(cookies);
Func<string, string> returnWhatWasPassed = x => x;
httpResponse.Stub(r => r.ApplyAppPathModifier(""))
return httpResponse;
public static HttpRequestBase HttpRequest()
var httpRequest = MockRepository.GenerateMock<HttpRequestBase>();
var cookies = new HttpCookieCollection
new HttpCookie("UserContext")
httpRequest.Stub(r => r.Cookies).Return(cookies);
var parameters = new NameValueCollection
{ "id", "277" },
{ "binderId", "277" }
httpRequest.Stub(r => r.Params).Return(parameters);
httpRequest.Stub(r => r.ApplicationPath).Return("/");
httpRequest.Stub(r => r.AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath)
httpRequest.Stub(r => r.PathInfo).Return("");
var serverVariables = new NameValueCollection();
httpRequest.Stub(r => r.ServerVariables).Return(serverVariables);
return httpRequest;
public static HttpSessionStateBase HttpSession()
var s = new FakeSessionState();
s["mocking"] = "true";
return s;
this makes for a rather long answer but let us know if you need more detail on anything, you can probably ignore fake session for now.