Lets say I have one namespace named first_namespace in which I have a class named first_class in that class I have a function named first_function. I have one more second_namespace in which I have a class second_class in the main method of second_class I have created an object
second_class sc = new second_class();
//now I wont be able to call firt_function by using the object sc
but if I create object of first class that is in first namespace like this:
first_class fc = new first_class();
fc.first_function();//it works
so my question is: can we call it inheritance ? if not then what I call it ?
yes you can inheritance and namespaces are completely separate concepts.
Inheritance lets you derive a child class from any none sealed object.
A namespace is simply a conceptual container for logically locating and grouping code.
Hope this helps
Any method in C# belongs to a class (or struct). You can only call the method on an object of the correct class type (also called an instance of the type).
This is not inheritance. It is one part of object-oriented programming that a method belongs to objects of a particular type (and so do not exist on objects of other types).
I need to clarify a thing that how an object type variables accept class type instance an given in the below code snippet,
class MyClass
static void Main()
object obj = new MyClass();
Since the MyClass is not a type of object but still the instance of MyClass is accepted in the obj(object) variable.
Actually, your class is an object.
In C# all classes derives from object.
Referring to a class as it's base type is one way of Polymorphism.
It might be better understood using an analogy:
Your class is an object, like a Dog is an animal.
Also, If you try the following:
object obj = new MyClass();
bool isMyType = obj == typeof(MyClass); //<--this will be true.
Take a look at this SO thread for more information how Polymorphism can be useful.
The concept that you do not understand is polymorphism which basically say that you can define an is relation between your classes. For a simple logic every dog is an animal so you can have class Dog that inherits from Animal. This implies that you can assign to variable of type Animal an instance of a Dog but not the other way around - not every animal is a dog. Another thing is that every thing derives form object this is language concept that you simply can take for granted.
Evrything in c# is derived from Object...
even your class.
.Net follows OOPs (Object Oriented Programming Language) and here every class can act as a object. Every class inherits Object class and hence every class can act as an object. In your example, .Net creates a default constructor to create instance of the class. You can definitely write your own constructor there.
Hope it helps.
Everything in C# is derived from Object.
Even Value Types like struct(int,float,..) are all derived from Object type.
When you define your own class,it implicitly derives from the Object type.
It is mentioned in the docs
All classes, structures, enumerations, and delegates inherit from
Object class
Supports all classes in the .NET Framework class hierarchy and provides low-level
services to derived classes. This is the ultimate base class of all classes
in the .NET Framework; it is the root of the type hierarchy.
Inheritance Hierarchy:
All classes, structures, enumerations, and delegates.
This means when you use int.Parse() to cast some value to int, there is a class behind int type which makes it able to have methods and do such stuffs. Object has been rooted pretty much everywhere in .Net.
I have a three classes A, B, and C shown below
public class A
public void add(int i, int k)
public class B:A
public void AddInt()
add(1, 2);
public class C
public void AddInt()
A objA = new A();
objA.add(1, 2);
We want access the "A" class method Add, there are two ways
1) Initiate the "A" class, then access the Add method
2) Inherit the "A" class, then access the Add method
If both those ways provide the same functionality, then why does C# provide two ways to achieve the same functionality.
What is the difference between initiating a class and inheriting a class?
First off, the word you're looking for is instantiate, not initiate.
What is the difference between instantiating a class and inheriting a class?
Inheritance expresses the "is a kind of" relationship between two classes:
The New York Times is a kind of newspaper.
A giraffe is a kind of animal.
An apple is a kind of fruit.
In each of these cases the first kind of thing is the "more derived" type -- it is more specific -- and the second thing is the "less derived" type, or "base" type. It is more general. More things are fruits than are apples.
In C# when you establish an inheritance relationship between two classes, you get two things:
Assignment compatibility: you can use an expression of the more derived type where an expression of the base type is needed.
Member inheritance: all methods, events, indexers, operators, fields, properties and nested types of the base class are automatically members of the derived class. (Constructors and destructors are not inheritable).
Instantiation is the process of making a new instance of a type.
Here, let me give you a copy of today's New York Times.
Here, let me give you a giraffe.
Here, let me give you an apple.
So in C#:
class Fruit {}
class Apple : Fruit { } // Apple inherits from Fruit
class Program {
static void Main() {
Apple apple = new Apple(); // Instantiating a new Apple
Make sense?
It's not about C# at all, it's about basic OOP concepts, that C#, in this case, simply manifests, being object oriented and strong typed language.
"Initialization" is a creation of an instance of a given type: A in your case.
Second example is a Polymorphism , where you derive from a given type A, and creating derived type B, is able to access public/protected members of the A class.
The access behaviour is the same in this case, but origin of that is completely different.
you are comparing Humans with food ... right no comparison
Initiating cost you some RAM of your system.
Inheriting lets you enable reuseability of common code
These two ways are available because your add method is public in class A. Change it to protected if you want to use it only in inherited classes. Simply saying inheritance makes all properties and methods except of private ones available in inherited classes. In your case class B is inherited from class A and instance of class B itself would be your instance to call method add on. In class C you simply created an instance of class A and called method add on it. All of this concepts would be much cleaner to you if you'll read about Access Modifiers and Inheritance.
Think of a class as a template, or plan, for how to build something. When you then use the template or plan to build one (think of architect plans for a house, and one of the many houses built from those plans), the words we use to describe this process are "Instantiation" and "Initialization".
You instantiate an instance of the object (build the house) using the class template (architects plan), and then initialize it (paint and decorate the house).
Inheritance, on the other hand, refers to something completely unrelated, in how classes are defined, using another existing class as a foundation or *base*line from which to start the definition of a new class that will extend the foundation or base class. When one class inherits from another, it means that "instances" of the derived class automatically get all the stuff that was defined in the parent base class without having to redefine it in the child.
A class is a type and acts as a template that allows you to create objects of this type. The creation of such objects is also called instantiation. This instantiation process involves allocating memory for this object (allocation) and then initializing this object, i.e. give its fields initial values. The latter is called initialization.
Inheritance is something completely different. Inheritance is about creating a new class (template) by inheriting existing code from a base class (also called superclass, or parent class).
This new derived class (also called subclass or child class) serves as template for the creation of a new type of objects.
The derived class can modify the behavior inherited from its base class and extend its possibilities. Inheritance creates a relation between the classes. Subclasses are assignment compatible with the superclasses above them in the inheritance hierarchy.
As stated above, is it redundant to inherit from Object in c#?
Do both sets of code below result in equivalent objects being defined?
class TestClassUno : Object
// Stuff
class TestClassDos
// Stuff
I snooped around on MSDN but wasn't able to find anything perfectly conclusive.
If left unspecified every class definition will implicitly inherit from System.Object hence the two definitions are equivalent.
The only time these two would be different is if someone actually defined another Object type in the same namespace. In this case the local definition of Object would take precedence and change the inheritance object
namespace Example {
class Object { }
class C : Object { }
Very much a corner case but wouldn't point it out if I hadn't seen it before
Note that the same is not true if you used object instead of Object. The C# keyword object is a type alias for System.Object and hence it wouldn't match Example.Object.
namespace Example2 {
class Object { }
class C : Object { } // Uses Example.Object
class D : object { } // Uses System.Object
Of course if you have a truly evil developer you could still cause confusion with object
namespace System {
class Object {
private Object() { }
namespace Example3 {
// This will properly fail to compile since it can't bind to the private
// Object constructor. This demonstrates that we are using our definition
// of Object instead of mscorlib's
class C : object { } // Uses our System.Object
Yes, everything ultimately inherits from an object if defined as class. Leave the explicit inheritance out of your code.
Yes it is redundant to inherit from object in class
MSDN : Object class : Supports all classes in the .NET Framework class hierarchy and provides low-level services to derived classes. This is the ultimate base class of all classes in the .NET Framework; it is the root of the type hierarchy.
Check this research : inherits from object? An investigation into how.
Object is the mother of all classes in .Net. There is nothing above it.
All classes inherit from it. So this code
class TestClassDos
// Stuff
automatically means it is inheriting from object.
Proof: You can typecast any entity to object which is possible if it is inheriting from it.
Summary of Object class says
// Supports all classes in the .NET Framework class hierarchy and provides low-level
// services to derived classes. This is the ultimate base class of all classes
// in the .NET Framework; it is the root of the type hierarchy.
Yes, they are both the same thing, I don't think I saw anyone mention structs, but all objects (that is regardless if you declare a class or a struct) they all ultimately inherit from Object, see this Object MSDN article and this other article on Structs
There is a time when inheriting from object makes sense — when you have a partial class definition, and you want to lock down inheritance and prevent other partial declarations from extending a different class. Attempting to inherit from another type in the partial class will then give you the CS0263 Compiler Error.
This only makes sense in the event that your partial class is not already inheriting from another type.
The partial keyword is not in your code example, but I thought it might be worth mentioning as I found my way here from Google after seeing a similar setup in an API. Aside from inheriting from objects that don't point to the official System.Object as others pointed out, there is no benefit in doing so as all classes inherit from object implicitly.
This question already has answers here:
Why/when should you use nested classes in .net? Or shouldn't you?
(14 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
Would like to know when it is right to uses a nested classes in C#?
Do we have incidents in which the use of it is unjustified and therefore not correct?
If you can give examples for both situations
I find it's convenient to use a nested class when you need to encapsulate a format of data that is primarily going to be used within the parent class. This is usually because the purpose or format of the data is so bespoke to the parent class that it's not really suitable for wider use within your solution.
Here's a simple basic introduction to nested classes.
C# doesn't have a way to write a using directive to target a class, so that the static members of the class can be accessed without writing the class name as a qualifier (compare with Java's import static, which does allow that).
So for users of your classes, it is a little more convenient if you make any public classes as direct members of a namespace, not nested within other public classes. That way they can pull them into the global namespace with a using directive.
For private classes, go nuts, preferably put them close to where they are used to enhance the readability of your code.
I am not sure if there is room in my world for nested classes. It simply blurs the design for me. If you need to hide the information inside a class, why not just store it in member variables?
Besides, testing becomes more cumbersome without the ability to inject a stub in the place of the class.
User of Nested class is depending upon the scenario like below.
1) Organizing code into real world situations where there is a special relationship between two objects.
2) Hiding a class within another class so that you do not want the inner class to be used from outside of the class it is created within.
Suppose you have 2 classes called A and B and class B is depending upon class A without class A you cannot use class B # that scenario you can use nested classes
As per my knowledge
DataRow class is nested class for DataTable
i.e you cannot create a DataRow Class untill u declare a object of DataTable class
I find two main resons:
Personalize a class' name without ruining it.
Example: Vercas.ExplorerView, where I personalize the name of my class without ruining the meaning.
Private classes.
Example: Vercas.ExplorerView.Item is used only inside Vercas.ExplorerView.
This is more of a documentation than a real question. This does not seem to have been addressed on SO yet (unless I missed it), so here goes:
Imagine a generic class that contains a static member:
class Foo<T> {
public static int member;
Is there a new instance of the member for each specific class, or is there only a single instance for all Foo-type classes?
It can easily be verified by code like this:
Foo<int>.member = 1;
Foo<string>.member = 2;
Console.WriteLine (Foo<int>.member);
What is the result, and where is this behavior documented?
A static field is shared across all instances of the same type. Foo<int> and Foo<string> are two different types. This can be proven by the following line of code:
// this prints "False"
Console.WriteLine(typeof(Foo<int>) == typeof(Foo<string>));
As for where this is documented, the following is found in section 1.6.5 Fields of the C# Language Specification (for C# 3):
A static field identifies exactly one
storage location. No matter how many
instances of a class are created,
there is only ever one copy of a
static field.
As stated before; Foo<int> and Foo<string> are not the same class; they are two different classes constructed from the same generic class. How this happens is outlined in section 4.4 of the above mentioned document:
A generic type declaration, by itself,
denotes an unbound generic type that
is used as a “blueprint” to form many
different types, by way of applying
type arguments.
The problem here is actually the fact that "generic classes" are not classes at all.
Generic class definitions are just templates for classes, and until their type parameters are specified, they are just a piece of text (or a handful of bytes).
At runtime, one can specify a type parameter for the template, thus bringing it to life, and creating a class of the, now, fully specified type. That's why static properties are not template-wide, and that's why you cannot cast between List<string> and List<int>.
That relationship kinda mirrors the class-object relationship. Just like classes do not exist* until you instantiate an object from them, generic classes do not exist, until you make a class based on the template.
P.S. It's quite possible to declare
class Foo<T> {
public static T Member;
From this is kinda obvious that the static members cannot be shared, as T is different for different specializations.
They are not shared. Not sure where it's documented but analysis warning CA1000 (Do not declare static members on generic types) warns against just this due to the risk of making the code more complicated.
C# implementation of generics is more closer to C++. In both of these languages MyClass<Foo> and MyClass<Bar> don't share static members but in Java they do. In C# and C++ MyClass<Foo> internally creates entirely new type at compile time as if generics are kind of macros. You can usually see their generated names in stack trace, like MyClass'1 and MyClass'2. This is why they don't share static variables. In Java, generics are implemented by more simpler method of compiler generating code using non-generic types and adding type casts all over. So MyClass<Foo> and MyClass<Bar> don't generate two entirely new class in Java, instead they both are same class MyClass underneath and that's why they share static variables.
They are not really shared.
Because the member doesn't belong to the instance at all.
A static class member belongs to the class itself.
So, if you have MyClass.Number it is the same for all MyClass.Number objects because it not even depends on the object.
You can even call or modify MyClass.Number without any object.
But since Foo< int > is not the same class as Foo< string > these two numbers are not shared.
An example to show this:
TestClass<string>.Number = 5;
TestClass<int>.Number = 3;
Console.WriteLine(TestClass<string>.Number); //prints 5
Console.WriteLine(TestClass<int>.Number); //prints 3
IMO, you need to test it, but I think that
Foo<int>.member = 1;
Foo<string>.member = 2;
Console.WriteLine (Foo<int>.member);
will output 1 because I think that, during compilation, the compilator create 1 class for every generic class you use (in you example : Foo<int> and Foo<string>).
But I'm not 100% sure =).
Remark : I think it's not a good design nor a good practice to use such kind of static attributes.